Can a cat mate with a female cat if she is not in heat?



Mating is an important and responsible stage that occurs in the life of purebred cats and male cats. The owner needs to know how to match a cat with a cat for the first time in order to successfully match them. The owners of the female and male must be prepared for the occurrence of unusual situations and their solutions. The main condition for starting mating in order to bring animals together is the achievement of puberty, when the animal becomes completely ready for pregnancy and the birth of offspring.

The cat is in heat

Author: Elena(admin) September 9, 2013

In this case, if you suspect that your cat is in her first heat, but the situation is not entirely clear, try scratching the cat with your hand in the place where the back meets the tail. If she takes a position characteristic of mating, then all doubts will disappear.

If your cat is in heat, it is best to keep her indoors. If the cat is kept indoors, be careful to keep all windows and doors closed as the cat will be interested in getting to the cat. Many domestic cats run away from home during heat and get lost, or jump out of a window and get hurt by falling from a height.

How long does heat last?

The full cycle, including estrus, pregnancy, birth of kittens, lactation (milk production) and the onset of a new estrus, covers approximately 20 weeks. Estrus in cats usually lasts from 7 to 10 days. If the cat does not become pregnant, the estrus will repeat every 14-21 days until fertilization occurs. There are three possible outcomes:

  • The cat mates with the cat and becomes pregnant.
  • The cat mates with the male cat, does not become pregnant, but shows signs of a so-called “false pregnancy”, and after about 30 days, she goes into heat again.
  • The cat does not mate with the male cat, and estrus repeats after 14-21 days.

How to prevent your cat from going into heat

The only guaranteed way to prevent a cat from going into heat is to castrate (sterilize) it. This measure will not only save the owner from all the troubles associated with estrus and unwanted kittens, but will also save the cat from health problems. Unsterilized cats are at risk of developing cancer of the uterus, ovaries and mammary glands, pyometra, and hormonal disorders.

What to do if your cat is in heat

First of all, you should not let your cat go outside.

Veterinarians avoid spaying cats during estrus because during this period the cat's blood levels of sex hormones increase, which impairs blood clotting. Some veterinarians may remove a cat's ovaries during the early stages of pregnancy, but not longer than 2 weeks.

An alternative to spay removal may be hormonal birth control pills. They are given in different ways: either half a 5 mg tablet daily for 2 months during the mating season, or the same dose once a week throughout the year. Birth control pills are contraindicated for cats suffering from diabetes and certain other diseases.

In each specific case, it is best to consult a veterinarian. It should be remembered that tablets are not at all healthy, and their constant use can cause hormonal imbalances in a cat.

If a cat accidentally mates with an unknown male, she will need to be tested for FIV (immunodeficiency virus) and FeLV (feline leukemia virus).

Is it necessary to breed a cat if she is in heat?

If you are not a registered breeder and this is not a planned mating, then no, you should not allow the mating.

There is a huge problem with cat overpopulation and it should not be made worse. For every kitten you place with your friends and neighbors, there will be a shelter kitten they could adopt.

Additionally, if your cat mates with unknown barn cats, she is at risk of contracting viruses that are fatal in cats, such as FIV (immunodeficiency virus) and FeLV (feline leukemia virus).


Sometimes male cats do not want to mate with a female cat during her heat period. This can be explained by several reasons:

Mating problems in cats.

  • The cat does not feel very good in an unusual environment. Some cats readily mate in any environment, while others take time. Mating must take place in the cat's territory. Otherwise, there is a real threat of provoking a non-marking cat to mark a new territory for the purpose of self-affirmation. It is unlikely that this problem will be eliminated in the future.
  • The cat can jump on the cat and make characteristic movements, but is not able to complete the penetration. This can be explained by the cat’s “immaturity” and lack of experience.
  • It is possible that a ring of hair has formed around the head of the penis (a collection of hairs due to epithelial papillae that are covered with deposits) and this makes penetration difficult. Sometimes the cat copes with this problem himself, in other cases the fur from the penis must be removed by a veterinarian or the owner.
  • Under certain conditions, abnormally low testosterone levels can cause failure. The fact is that only an extremely low level of hormones can lead to loss of sexual desire, since cats do not lose the ability to copulate even when this level is reduced by half.
  • The time of year and its effect on the animal may also be one of the reasons for the unexplained decrease in the sex drive of a stud cat.
  • Complications caused by the color of the partners are also possible. For example, if a young, inexperienced cat was once scratched by a black cat, then subsequently this cat may refuse to mate with another, even a very kind and sexy cat of the same color. At the same time, he perfectly knits cats of other colors.
  • The cat doesn't like the cat. Often, a cat brought ahead of time for mating with its aggressive behavior by the time it is ready to mate causes a feeling of disgust in the cat. He doesn't want to knit her. Similar problems, although having a different psychological motivation, are possible in the relationship of a cat to a cat living with him in the same house (cat dominance).
  • For inexperienced cats, it is often possible to crossbreed with cats that are ready to mate.
  • The cat is left with the cat for quite a long time, periodically separating the “married couple” into different rooms (the motivation is to create a stir).

Mating problems in cats.

  • In most cases, the reason for a cat’s refusal to mate is an incorrectly chosen coverage period.
  • In addition, the reason for her refusal may be the stress experienced by the cat during her transportation to the cat, as well as a change in home (estrus will most likely recover within a few days).
  • Negative experience of previous mating (angry cat, cat rape).
  • It happens that cats or a cat remain faithful to one partner all their lives, even if he was subsequently castrated or died. In this case, the animal can try to find a pair of the same color as its former chosen one. True, this does not always lead to a positive effect.
  • Estrus can be mild and pass without ovulation (hormonal imbalance, poor health, etc.).
  • The cat was given drugs to prevent the onset of estrus.
  • The cat is in heat for the first time this year: most of the first heats of the season occur without ovulation, and despite the fact that mating is successful, the cat does not become pregnant.
  • The cat may not like the house to which it was brought, the cat, etc.

In all these cases, mating should be postponed until the desired indicators are restored; a cat that has “overstayed” due to stress should be left alone and the cat should not be allowed near her until estrus resumes. You can try to resolve the cat’s aggressive behavior and its rejection of an unfamiliar cat by “getting used to it” using a cage or carrier from where the cat can watch the cat. Perhaps this will help her “remember” why she came here. Never, under any circumstances, should a cat be forcibly mated.

When cats are ready to breed

It is a mistake to believe that with the onset of the first heat, cats are ready to mate. It is also incorrect to say that a cat is ready for mating at the onset of puberty.

Mating of cats and cats is carried out only when the animal reaches physiological maturity. What does it mean? The animal must reach puberty, become stronger physically and develop psychologically.

This happens in different breeds in different ways, on average – in 1-1.5 years.

Early mating of cats can lead to decreased reproductive abilities. Veterinarians recommend not allowing a cat to mate during its first two heats. The third estrous cycle is the optimal time for the first mating. Mating too early can lead to the death of offspring, complications during childbirth, and infertility.

It is also undesirable to delay this process too much - this has a negative impact on the cat’s mental state, the cat may become aggressive and refuse to mate with the cat.

Question answer

I use pills to interrupt my heat. The cat calms down after taking 3 tablets. Is it possible to be calm about pregnancy until the next heat? Usually she walks with me. but a cat often comes to our door, and I’m afraid that I won’t keep track and it will end up with kittens. Or give tablets, as written in the instructions for them, 1 weekly, to discourage the desire?

A cat can become pregnant after mating with a male, even if she has not been in heat. If you give her special tablets, then use them strictly according to the instructions. But such tablets are very harmful to the cat’s health; it is much safer and more effective to sterilize it, especially since it will be cheaper than buying tablets for many years.


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The egg in cats appears only after contact with the cat, and not just during estrus. Therefore, she can become pregnant at any time. The pills help reduce desire in cats, but not in cats. But they must be given strictly according to the instructions, otherwise you will greatly harm the cat and it may develop cancer. It is better to sterilize the animal, it is safe and gives a complete guarantee against kittens.

Actually, no. Mating is carried out on the 2nd - 3rd day of estrus. It is advisable to bring the cat to the cat and not vice versa, otherwise the cat may not succeed. There is an opinion that when a cat is not in heat, but she still allows the cat to come near her, and mating occurs, then somehow the scales located on the cat’s penis can cause irritation of the cat’s mucous membranes. Then the egg can be released and fertilization can occur. But this has not been verified.


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Well, in general, tablets do not give a 100% guarantee, so still keep an eye on your cat. As they say, only sterilization will give you a complete guarantee. If you really don’t want to sterilize and don’t want kittens, it’s better not to let the cat out and not let the cat get close to her. Although if you have kittens, you can give them away; many compassionate grannies take them for themselves.

There is no way a cat can become pregnant when she is at rest and not in heat. This is due to the fact that the egg matures and is released only during estrus. During estrus, a cat behaves violently, constantly meows and by its appearance shows that it is in the process of estrus. Perhaps your cat was in silent heat and you just didn’t notice when it happened.

Normally, after mating, a cat should become pregnant, carry it to term safely, and give birth to healthy offspring. But things don't always go according to plan. There are cases when owners are faced with rather unusual and sometimes frightening phenomena, some of which are the norm, while others are a sign of serious pathology. We will discuss frequently asked questions in more detail in the FAQ form.


The success of mating a cat and a cat depends on the correct execution of the process by the animals. The cat owner is responsible for mating. It is he who is responsible for both animals.

Due to the cat's aggressiveness, she is brought into the male's territory. Animals are placed in a clean room and left there alone. The presence of strangers is undesirable, as they can frighten off the partners.

First, the pets must get to know each other. At first, the female usually hisses at the male, but over time she lets him in. The sexual contact itself does not last long - less than a minute. Often, conception requires the cat to cover the cat several times. Therefore, partners should stay in the same room for 2–3 days.

If the female does not let the cat near for a long time, she needs to be calmed down (for example, stroked). In a situation where the male does not pay attention to the cat, he must be replaced, since mating most likely will not occur.

By following the above recommendations, you can significantly increase the effectiveness of mating and get healthy offspring.

Why does a cat still “flow” after mating?

In fact, everything is natural and natural. Usually, for several hours and even days after coitus, the female will behave restlessly, still purring, rolling on the floor and lifting her tail when any touch to the rump.

The phenomenon is explained simply: during estrus, a huge amount of sex hormones are released into the blood, and it takes some time for the body to adjust to its normal mode. Ovulation occurs somewhere 24-36 hours after intercourse, it is quite logical that the animal will still be in heat for at least a day and then it will take another 2-3 days for all the accompanying symptoms to subside.

In such cases, they focus on the cat’s behavior. If he has lost all interest in the imported bride, then ovulation has occurred and the expectant mother can safely be taken home.

Sometimes, even after successful fertilization, the female experiences repeated estrus (superfetation) and again asks for a cat. The phenomenon is associated with decreased progesterone levels during the current pregnancy. Under no circumstances should repeated mating be allowed, especially if 2 months (65-70 days) have not yet passed since the previous one, otherwise there will be two batches of embryos of different ages in the uterus at once. There are two possible developments:

  • timely birth, while the younger litter dies;
  • the cat first gives birth to the first litter, and a few weeks later the second.

After mating, the cat vomits, diarrhea, does she have a fever?

Such symptoms, although quite rare, do occur. Why is this happening?

  • Consequences of stress: change of environment, rampant hormones, etc.
  • Stomach upset as a result of a sudden change in food, if the owners of the female for some reason forgot to transfer the usual food to the temporary place of residence.
  • Food poisoning, poisoning, which are in no way related to cages, but are a coincidence of two phenomena in time.

Very rarely, if cat owners are negligent about vaccination, a cat can pick up a pathogenic virus in someone else’s home. There have been cases when, after mating, a female became infected with calcivirosis, rhinotracheitis, panleukopenia, rhintotracheitis, etc.

That is why it is so important to check the breeder’s veterinary passport before mating and inquire about the vaccinations given. Even a healthy-looking cat, which is full of strength and energy, can turn out to be an “incubator” (a carrier of the virus) and transmit a terrible and dangerous disease to its lover. By the way, cat owners should also not forget about preventive vaccination.

False pregnancy after mating

Unlike dogs, false pregnancies do not occur as often in cats. Its occurrence is preceded by sterile sexual intercourse, that is, when the reproducer has some problems with the seminal fluid, for example:

  • low sperm motility;
  • complete absence of “little creatures” due to frequent use or inflammation;
  • pathological forms of male cells or their non-viability.

Like a normal pregnancy, a false pregnancy is accompanied by:

  • cautious behavior;
  • nipple enlargement;
  • swelling of milk cartons;
  • rounded belly;
  • After the due date, the cat “gives birth” and produces milk.

It is clear that imaginary tightness is very harmful for the female: the psyche and general condition of the body suffer, and hormone levels are disrupted.

How to avoid? Before uniting loving hearts, it is necessary to be interested in the male health of the inseminator, the fate of his former partners (in terms of whether they became pregnant or not), and the presence of offspring from other females.

Should there be discharge after mating?

This is where it’s worth going into more detail. The fact is that discharge from the genitals after mating in cats is normal in some cases, but in others it is a very serious signal that there is a pathology in the body.

Usually, another 2-3 days after the cage, you can observe transparent, watery mucus - this is the norm and the result of a still ongoing estrus. This phenomenon should not bother owners.

But the appearance of dirty, brown, viscous discharge mixed with blood and an unpleasant odor is a very bad and unfavorable symptom. What it could mean:

  • abortion;
  • sexual infection;
  • inflammatory processes in the reproductive organs (gynecological diseases).

Abortion can occur at longer periods or just a few days after mating. He can wear:

  • infectious etiology, the same sexually transmitted infections (brucellosis, chlamydia, toxoplasmosis, plague);
  • and non-contagious, when there are abnormalities of intrauterine development, endocrine disorders (reduced secretion of progesterone), intoxication, the use of drugs that affect the functioning of smooth muscles, various injuries or hypothermia.

With different types of abortion there will be different signs. You can indirectly judge an impending miscarriage by the appearance of dark green discharge mixed with blood. In any case, consultation with a specialist and pelvic ultrasound are necessary to make a diagnosis.

Gynecological diseases arise as a result of the influence of various factors, in particular secondary microflora. Opportunistic microorganisms present both on the male penis and in the female vagina are the cause of opportunistic infections that lead to inflammatory processes in the reproductive organs.

For a healthy animal, the presence of these microbes does not pose any danger. If a cat has microtraumas on the reproductive organs, immunity is reduced, then the natural defense weakens, “foreign” bacteria transmitted by the cat during sexual intercourse begin to multiply rapidly, leading to diseases such as vaginitis, metritis, pyometra, endometritis, oophoritis and etc.

In most cases, gynecological diseases are accompanied by discharge and subsequent pregnancy failure, if it occurs at all. Therefore, it is so important to carry out periodic examinations before mating, to treat the animal in a timely manner for any inflammation, in order to be confident in the health of the pet and her ability to bear healthy offspring.

Preparation and selection of a partner

The success of mating depends both on the correct time and age, and on the health of the animals. The health of pets is assessed during the preparatory period. Only those animals that show no signs of even the slightest malaise or exhaustion are suitable for mating. Excess weight can also cause a failed pregnancy.

In preparation for mating, both the cat and the female cat must receive adequate nutrition. At this time, it is not recommended to experiment with food, as changing the diet can negatively affect their well-being. It is imperative to add mineral and vitamin supplements to food, as well as increase the percentage of dairy components (cottage cheese, sour cream, etc.). Dairy products contain a lot of calcium, which is necessary for the proper formation of the offspring's skeleton.

14 days before the mating date, both animals are given anthelmintic drugs. The presence of parasites can negatively affect the effectiveness of mating. Before mating, the cat must not be given any hormonal drugs that can stop or slow down estrus.

Before mating, it is imperative to show the animals to a veterinarian. The specialist will not only assess the health of the cat, but also give recommendations regarding their nutrition, and also advise the optimal time for mating.

During the preparatory period, animals should be protected from stressful situations, hypothermia and drafts. To prevent each other from injuring each other, the cat's claws are trimmed.

It is forbidden to bathe pets before mating. Water treatments and the use of hygiene products can reduce or even eliminate the natural smell of animals, which should awaken the instinct to reproduce in the partner.

Something else interesting: About caesarean section in a cat

It is important to choose the right partner. The cat and cat must meet the following requirements:

  • pedigree. It is important for breeders to obtain healthy offspring with all the characteristics of the breed standard. Any deviation from the standard is considered a defect. Such kittens cost much less;
  • health and availability of all necessary vaccinations (vaccinations against lichen and chlamydia are required), as well as a veterinarian’s report on the condition of the animals.

People who are interested in breeding animals are looking for partners among professional breeders.

Experts note that an older and more experienced partner should be selected for mating. In this case, a positive result (pregnancy) is achieved much faster and easier. It is allowed to breed a virgin cat with an experienced cat. You cannot mate two virgin animals.

How should a cat behave after mating?

There is no clear answer to this question. Each animal is an individual with its own quirks, temperament, and physical development.

Some cats can hide in a corner and lie there for several days with an indifferent look or just sleep. Perhaps it is stress from experienced emotions or simple fatigue. Screams for many days, endless intercourse make themselves felt, and the body requires rest. If the cat is sad, but otherwise everything is fine: she eats, drinks water, goes to the toilet and does not have a temperature, then there is no reason to worry.

Other ladies have an increased appetite, which in principle is also natural. The answer is still the same: the body restores energy lost during sexual games and accumulates new energy for bearing offspring.

The cat is limping, crying in pain, won’t sit on its butt – what is this?

First of all, it is necessary to examine the female for bites and deep scratches. Cats, in the heat of passion, grab the bride by the back of her head, neck, and scruff with their teeth, scratching her in order to hold her in place during coitus. This is why all breeders recommend trimming their pets’ nails before breeding in order to somehow minimize injuries.

In the article about mating it was already written that you should not organize a meeting between two virgins, otherwise injuries cannot be avoided. Inexperienced animals can adapt to each other for a long time, the cat does not succeed, but at the same time he is not able to lose his long-awaited sexual partner and holds her by all possible means (teeth and claws).

It is quite possible that the couple was disturbed during boarding, they jerked in surprise, fell off somewhere and the cat could have damaged something.

The problems described above are the most common. If you have any additions or questions, write them in the comments, and your opinion will not go unnoticed.

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Estrus in a cat: physiology of the process

Estrus is a natural process that does not require human control. All that is required of the owner is to monitor the condition of the cat so as not to miss possible deviations from the norm. The attention and care of a loved one is the best thing an owner can do for his pet during this difficult period for her.

What changes happen to a cat during heat?

Estrus or estrus includes three periods. An inexperienced owner is unlikely to be able to determine what stage of estrus the pet is going through. However, a number of certain signs make it possible to fairly accurately calculate the start date of estrus and days favorable for mating.

Proestrus is a preparatory stage that lasts about two days. At this time, the pituitary gland secretes a hormone that stimulates the follicles. Estrogens produced in the follicles prepare the cat's body for mating and fertilization. Signs: clear discharge, loss of appetite, slight swelling of the mucous membranes of the genital organs, excitability. The pet demands attention, caresses its owner, and meows often. Some especially active pets leave marks and scratch walls and furniture. The cat is not yet ready to mate, and therefore vehemently rejects all the cat’s attempts to mate.

The discharge of a healthy cat is transparent, without inclusions, and has a uniform consistency. If the smearing mucus smells unpleasant or is colored red, yellowish, pinkish, grayish or greenish, you should immediately consult a veterinarian.

Estrus is a period favorable for mating. When estrus begins, and the level of hormones reaches a certain concentration, females begin to actively invite males. The cat no longer purrs, but screams heart-rendingly, shakes its tail, rolls on the floor, and wriggles. If you stroke a cat on the back, it falls to the floor and raises its belt


Question answer

I use pills to interrupt my heat. The cat calms down after taking 3 tablets. Is it possible to be calm about pregnancy until the next heat? Usually she walks with me. but a cat often comes to our door, and I’m afraid that I won’t keep track and it will end up with kittens. Or give tablets, as written in the instructions for them, 1 weekly, to discourage the desire?

A cat can become pregnant after mating with a male, even if she has not been in heat. If you give her special tablets, then use them strictly according to the instructions. But such tablets are very harmful to the cat’s health; it is much safer and more effective to sterilize it, especially since it will be cheaper than buying tablets for many years.

The egg in cats appears only after contact with the cat, and not just during estrus. Therefore, she can become pregnant at any time. The pills help reduce desire in cats, but not in cats. But they must be given strictly according to the instructions, otherwise you will greatly harm the cat and it may develop cancer. It is better to sterilize the animal, it is safe and gives a complete guarantee against kittens.

Actually, no. Mating is carried out on the 2nd - 3rd day of estrus. It is advisable to bring the cat to the cat and not vice versa, otherwise the cat may not succeed. There is an opinion that when a cat is not in heat, but she still lets the cat near her, and mating occurs, then somehow the scales located on the cat’s penis can cause irritation of the cat’s mucous membranes. Then the egg can be released and fertilization can occur. But this has not been verified.

There is no way a cat can become pregnant when she is at rest and not in heat. This is due to the fact that the egg matures and is released only during estrus. During estrus, a cat behaves violently, constantly meows and by its appearance shows that it is in the process of estrus. Perhaps your cat was in silent heat and you just didn’t notice when it happened.


Knitting process

Before you take your cat to the cat, wait until she is in estrus for 3-4 days. On the first day of being in a new home, the cat explores the groom's territory to make sure it is safe. Full acquaintance with the cat occurs on the second day and takes a few seconds. But it is always preceded by a courtship ritual. Usually the cat sniffs the “bride” and purrs loudly. She may hiss and try to drive him away, but this is part of the ritual. When the cat moves away from the cat a little, she begins to purr invitingly and flirts with him: she lifts her tail, raises her body, and falls on her front paws. When the cat approaches, she runs away and the ritual begins again. A few hours later, the male grabs the female by the scruff of the neck and begins to trample on her in order to provoke her counter desire. So he can approach the cat several times. If she doesn't mind, she removes her tail and presses herself to the floor. The entire mating process takes place very quickly - from a few seconds to 4 minutes. The cat ejaculates and begins to purr contentedly.

Can a cat become pregnant without being in heat: periods of rest

Many cat owners are concerned about this issue. After all, heat comes ahead of time, when veterinarians recommend sterilizing the cat. And if there are cats in the house, what can happen?

Pregnancy without estrus. Is it possible?

Cats are such mysterious creatures that they present surprises under the most incredible circumstances. According to logic and all the premises, this is impossible, but every rule has exceptions.

The cat does not allow the cat to come near her during periods of rest. In turn, this rule does not apply to cats. Cats experience a phenomenon called triggered ovulation .

If the cat managed to mate with a “non-estrus” cat, then it is possible to stimulate the release of an “unplanned” egg, which can be fertilized. So we draw a conclusion. A cat is required for fertilization; you can do without estrus.

What is estrus?

Estrus is the reproductive estrous cycle - a special state of the animal that marks the beginning of sexual heat, followed by mating, fertilization and pregnancy.

1-5 days . Proestrus. The cat gradually enters this period, its behavior changes dramatically: it is restless, screams, can bite, scratch, but will not let the cat in yet. It takes time.

Diestrus . Next phase. The cat is gradually coming to her senses, abruptly changing her behavior, no longer allowing cats near her, and is aggressive towards them.

Short-haired and long-haired ordinary domestic cats enter puberty earlier than purebred, homeless cats - they are ahead of domestic cats in this regard.

The duration of estrus (estrus) is individual for each animal. On average it lasts a week, sometimes it lasts up to three. If the cat does not mate during this period, then estrus may begin again, with a break of 2 days.


Can a nursing cat get pregnant?

A nursing cat can become pregnant within a week after giving birth

And don't doubt it, it can. Estrus resumes a month or two after birth. During this period, pregnancy is possible. There are cases when estrus occurs a week after the birth of kittens with known results and consequences.

Is it possible to sterilize an animal while feeding?

Undoubtedly . It will not affect lactation, milk will not be lost. Some veterinarians recommend delaying sterilization, since a developed mammary gland provokes difficulties during surgery. Moreover, during feeding, the cat can already become pregnant again.

On what day of heat can a cat become pregnant?

Cat pregnancy

Cat pregnancy is a condition in a cat's body in which a developing fetus (embryo) is located in its reproductive organs.

A cat becomes pregnant as a result of mating with a male cat. During mating, the cat undergoes stimulation of ovulation (the release of an egg from the ovaries) and fertilization. Ovulation and fertilization are possible only during the cat's estrus period.

As a rule, conception occurs 24-50 hours after mating. Days 3-5 of estrus are considered the most favorable for conception, but it is also possible on other days.

A cat can become pregnant as soon as it reaches puberty. Depending on the breed, this occurs at 6-18 months. However, early pregnancies (up to 1 year) can be extremely dangerous for the health of the cat and its offspring, so professional breeders do not breed cats until they are 12-14 months old.

The sexual activity of cats decreases after 6 years, however, more “adult” (in some cases up to 10-15 years) cats can become pregnant and give birth, but such births and pregnancies are fraught with serious complications both for the cat itself and for its offspring. Typically, cats continue to mate with males after 6 years of age, but pregnancy after late matings rarely occurs or does not occur at all.

A normal cat pregnancy lasts just over 9 weeks (65 days). The duration of a cat's pregnancy can vary from 60 to 70 days.

Kittens born before day 60 are considered premature and usually die quickly. Extended pregnancy (more than 70 days) is a sign of fetal pathology or illness of the cat itself; this is an obvious reason to consult a veterinarian.

A cat can be mated with a cat only when the cat reaches sexual maturity and can become pregnant and give birth to kittens without risk to its health. Better


Estrus in cats is a very sensitive process that causes a lot of trouble, both for the cats themselves and for their owners, so estrus in cats requires special attention.

A cat's estrus or, scientifically, the reproductive estrous cycle is a special physical and emotional state that occurs in cats during sexual heat, i.e. sexual arousal. During estrus, the cat's body prepares for mating (mating), fertilization and pregnancy.

During this period of estrus, the cat shows anxiety, her behavior changes, she begins to scream - this is how she attracts a sexual partner. At this stage, the cat is already interesting to cats, but does not yet allow them to approach her. If a cat appears in a cat's life during proestus, then this period quickly ends.

Estrus itself, during this period mating (mating) occurs. The cat actively communicates with cats and does not drive them away. A cat in estrus does not look like itself, its behavior can be completely inappropriate. Again, this period passes in a short time if the cat is introduced to the cat.

The cat's sexual arousal subsides, and she begins to treat cats aggressively. If ovulation and fertilization have occurred, then the cat becomes pregnant during this period. If ovulation occurs but fertilization does not occur, the cat may experience a false pregnancy. In other cases, after some time, estrus resumes, starting with proestrus.

On average, a cat goes through puberty between the ages of 6 months and 1.5 years. Cats with light bones (Cornish Rex, Siamese, Orientals, etc.) mature earlier - at 4-8 months, cats with medium bones (British, Scots, Kuril Bobtails, etc.) mature at 8-12 months, cats with heavy bones (Siberians, Maine Coons) - at 10-18 months.

Firstly , you need to

It is best to spay a cat after the onset of puberty, but before her first heat. Knit co


Typically, a cat's gestation period lasts about 9 weeks, with changes in the animal's physical condition and behavior appearing soon after pregnancy begins.

. If you know how to spot these changes, you can tell if your cat is pregnant. However, the best and surest way, without a doubt, is to visit a veterinarian. It is advisable to sterilize your cat, unless you breed cats professionally, since due to the large number of stray animals, many of them are euthanized.

Determine if your cat is fertile.

If the cat is sexually mature and has recently been in heat, she could very well become pregnant.

As a rule, the sexual activity of domestic cats increases with increasing daylight hours and warming temperatures, that is, in spring and summer.

Periods of estrus (readiness for fertilization) can begin in a cat when her weight reaches about 80% of her adult weight, and usually begins as the weather warms up. This means that in some fairly rare cases, a cat may go into heat as early as four months of age.

Watch for signs of mating desire.

When a cat goes into heat, her behavior changes noticeably - she strives to attract a male; Typically, the estrus period lasts from four to six days

Before the onset of heat, the cat begins to show signs of anxiety, becomes more affectionate, she makes low sounds and shows an increased appetite

With the onset of estrus, the cat begins to “howl,” that is, to purr and meow frequently and persistently; at the same time, the animal often loses its appetite.

During the period of heat, the cat becomes much more affectionate towards people; she rolls on the floor and also lifts her butt up, while trampling with her hind legs and hanging her tail to the side

Keep in mind that an animal may go into heat after


First mating - features and rules

To breed a cat for the first time, you need to properly prepare the animal for a meeting with a cat.:

  • Anthelmintic measures must be carried out 14 days before the expected date.
  • In pedigree breeding, the search for a partner occurs among professional breeders interested in preserving the breed and the quality of future offspring.
  • The use of any hormonal drugs that inhibit or stop estrus is prohibited.
  • Animals must have all necessary vaccinations. Vaccinations against chlamydia and lichen are considered desirable for implementation, but are not included in the list of mandatory ones.
  • To prevent animals from injuring each other during the mating process, their claws are cut.
  • Before mating a female with a male, it is not recommended to bathe them, since hygiene products can eliminate or significantly reduce the natural odor of animals, which helps awaken instincts.
  • A virgin cat can be mated with a cat who already has experience in insemination.

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Note to breeders! Animals planned for mating must be healthy, well-fed and well-groomed.

The mating process is controlled by the owner of the male; he takes responsibility for both animals, their health, physical condition and life.

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