Can a cat return home if it runs away?

The loss of a beloved pet is a real tragedy, so apartment residents try to place an “anti-cat” on the windows and carefully monitor the door to the landing. Security in country houses is much more complicated. Their owners often wonder why their cats leave home for days or even weeks at a time.

Some people try to explain why the cat suddenly left using signs - and even recommend conspiracies if the animal does not appear on the doorstep for a long time. You should not follow such advice, because their main task is to escape reality.

If this method is not for you, then you can find out the real reasons for periodic binge drinking and effective recommendations for finding your missing pet below.

When do cats start walking?

It would seem that only recently the fluffy little ball was playing with a ball of thread, but after 6 - 8 months of life, the cat has entered puberty and is ready to become a mother.
Around this time, the owners are faced with the animal's first heat. It is difficult to notice an estrus, the symptoms lie solely in behavior - excessive affection, persistent cries, the cat fawns, takes a characteristic position for mating (falls on its front paws). Owners must be attentive, especially if the animal does not leave the apartment. Not finding a male, the pet will try to leave the apartment by any means. Experienced breeders know that to give birth to healthy kittens, the cat must be at least 16 - 20 months old. It is difficult to answer the question of how long cats walk, especially for the first time, with specific numbers. Each animal will have its own characteristics. Which can only be calculated by observing the sexual cycle of your pet. In addition, one cannot ignore environmental conditions, namely the nature of nutrition and maintenance, and the breed of the cat. One way or another, all these components determine the duration of estrus. But there are still averages, namely 5 - 7 days, this is the duration of estrus in the feline family.

How many times do cats go for walks? In animals that live outside or older pets, the onset of estrus is associated with the seasons, usually spring and autumn. For cats that constantly live in an apartment and do not leave its confines, or take short walks in the country, more frequent estrus is typical, which can be explained by comfortable living conditions. The average interval between estrus in a healthy animal is 15 - 25 days, but there are exceptions and features.

When cats can't get home

Although it is common knowledge that cats are excellent navigators, this is not true for every individual cat. Some cats have trouble simply finding their way around the house, let alone navigating the outside world. This is especially true for domestic cats. An indoor cat that gets lost will not know in advance how to return to its territory, or how to avoid the dangers that await it on its way home.

Outdoor cats tend to be much better at finding their way home due to experience. A cat that is let out for a walk is an expert in how to get home. Wildcats in particular tend to have exceptional homing skills when needed. They are truly experts at crossing their territories to find food and shelter, and any cat that cannot do this will not live long enough to continue its breed. Thus, breeding in the wild occurs between the most experienced feline trackers, who then pass on their talents and knowledge to the next generation.

Why don’t cats live in the house for a long time, what does this mean?

Some homes do not accommodate cats. Superstitious people believe that pets are driven away by brownies or the spirits of once dead animals. Naturally, this opinion has no scientific confirmation. The only reasonable explanation for why cats often run away from home is that they are mistreated. Felines subtly sense the coldness of their owners.

It is unlikely that any animal will stay in a family for a long time when the lack of warm feelings is accompanied by constant screaming and humiliation. An unhealthy psychological situation in the house will also force the pet to leave it at the first opportunity, even if it is generally treated well.

Folk signs

There is a belief about a cat that senses the possible death of one of the family members. The animal leaves the house so as not to encounter trouble. Most likely, this is not entirely true. There are many cases when furry creatures literally nursed seriously ill owners, snuggled and caressed with their whole bodies - “sucked out the disease”, took the disease upon themselves. And then they left, taking away the grief.

Eastern people believe that a cat lies on the chest of a sick person in order to snatch the last breath from the suffering person, and with it, his soul. They say: “Drinks the breath” in order to then transport the soul to another world, from where it can be reborn in the body of a newly born person. Cats are a conductor between the worlds of the living and the dead.

Signs about possible reasons why cats leave home and do not return:

  1. Cat running away is an omen of approaching trouble. The pet leaves to escape.
  2. The reason for the cat's escape is that the animal protects its owners from misfortune. The cat does not prophesy death, but takes it with her. The furry animal does everything possible to protect the house.
  3. The cat ran away - making room for a new tenant. Expect additions to your family, not losses. Perhaps one of your close relatives is expecting a child.

There is an English proverb: “The child was born - the cat must go!” - “A baby is born - the cat needs to go!” This sign also exists among us. True, the proverb uses metaphors: “cat” – doubts and indecision, “scratching” the soul. And “child” is a made decision.

Most people are sure that if a cat leaves a house in which there is a seriously ill person, then this person will soon die. But this is not true! There is another, more accurate sign. A sick person should take a cat into his bed and watch her. If the animal remains nearby, the patient will soon recover.

Real reasons why a kitten or cat left:

  • An old sick cat went to die away from its habitable place (this is the animal instinct of all representatives of the cat family). But it is a bad omen for people to let a cat die in the house.
  • The cat left to lamb. She may soon return with offspring.
  • The kitten fell out of the window and got lost.

There are factors on which the influence of the animal on the fate of the residents of the house depends:

  1. Redhead - attracts love;
  2. Black – protects from evil spirits;
  3. White is a healer, makes the family environment more harmonious;
  4. Gray – cares about well-being;
  5. Tricolor - guarantees a storm of good changes.

But this does not mean that if a ginger cat leaves home, you will not have a romantic relationship, and the disappearance of a white cat does not portend illness. If an animal goes missing, its color and gender do not matter.

Sometimes you hear complaints: no matter how many cats you get, they don’t take root! There must be something wrong with the place, sheer mysticism or the tricks of a brownie...

What to do to prevent the cat from leaving the house?

  • No matter how tame and domestic your pet may seem, two main instincts can still take their toll - procreation and hunting. In the heat of love or in pursuit of a bird, your cat may fall out of a window or slip through an open door and get lost. And if your apartment is located high, then he may be injured or even die. To prevent this from happening, you need to follow certain rules.
  • When you decide to get a kitten, you should not only take care of its health and proper feeding, but also think about its safety in your apartment. In plastic double-glazed windows, the presence of mosquito nets can protect the cat from falling out of the window. If the apartment still has old-style windows, they should be surrounded with bars.
  • It is also worth thinking about sterilizing the animal. If the operation is performed in adolescence, the animal will not go on long sprees with the risk of getting lost somewhere. In addition, there is another huge plus in favor of castration or sterilization: cats that have undergone such an operation live much longer than their non-operated counterparts.
  • If your cat is a representative of an elite breed and he walks on the street unattended, then he may be stolen . Owners of such cats should have microchipped - in this case, he can be quickly found.
  • If the owners are planning to change their place of residence and are happy about it, then the cat may not like such a move. And if he doesn’t like it in the new house, he may well return to the old home, and hundreds of kilometers will not be a hindrance for the cat. In order for your pet to quickly adapt to a new place, the owners need to pay more attention to it.
  • A herbal sedative can also help reduce nervousness in a cat . If you really value your pet, put a collar , on which you write your address and telephone number - these measures can help return your restless tailed pet home.

The cat also needs care so that it does not leave.
Interesting information at the end: according to signs, cats of different colors have their own special abilities. For example, a black cat’s purpose is to protect the home from evil spirits , a red cat’s love with it , and a gray cat’s purpose is to strengthen well-being and prosperity. The white cat is designed to heal and harmonize family harmony, and the tricolor one good changes into the lives of the people who shelter it

However, you should not believe that the red cat’s departure will deprive you of a romantic relationship, and with the departure of the black one, some evil spirits will settle in your house. In this situation, neither the color nor the gender of the animal matters.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with other signs:

  • How to properly throw away your old wallet
  • Why you can't re-gift gifts
  • What can and cannot be given as a housewarming gift?
  • Why you shouldn't kill spiders at home
  • Why can't you knock on the table?

Why do young cats leave home?

If a young male or female cat has left the house, the following may be added to the usual reasons for such departure:

Young cats don't have enough experience

A cat can easily run out of an open door or jump out of a window, rushing after an insect or a bird, or finally a cat. Such cases are not rare. Having run out of the house, he cannot find his way back or gets injured. If there is a road next to the house, then such a runaway young kitten may become a victim of a passing car. Lack of experience can also entail the danger of being attacked by a pack of dogs.

There was an unfriendly atmosphere at home.

When the atmosphere at home becomes tense, frequent quarrels or even fights occur, cats may also leave. It also happens that a cat feels dislike from someone in the family, and this may also be the reason that the cat wants to run away from home.

Why did the kitten run away and disappear, what should I do?

Most often, kittens leave home. A small pet can disappear from both a private home and an apartment. Cats are very curious animals. Adults are kept from rash actions by caution, while young ones, due to inexperience, are able to follow their own curiosity without thinking about the consequences.

Something interesting is happening outside the open window, a bird has flown past, a sunbeam is teasing, a breeze is blowing a piece of paper along the ground - all this is unlikely to leave the baby indifferent, and he can, without hesitation, follow an object that arouses his interest, falling out of the window or into time for a walk, running away from home. If the window from which the baby fell is not high, it is unlikely to break, and if the territory of the house is surrounded by a fence, the tailed unfortunate will probably not escape beyond its boundaries.

If he is not found during the time until he gets used to the unfamiliar environment, he will come out of hiding and begin to explore the world around him. The craving for new knowledge can take him too far from home, especially if he is lost in the city.

Due to their inexperience, young cats have little chance of finding their way back on their own. To prevent your little pet from wandering too far, from falling under the wheels of a car, or from becoming a victim of stray dogs, you must begin searching for it immediately after discovering that it is missing. You need to look for it in secluded corners: near the entrance, under the porch of a private house, on the nearest tree. Hearing the owner's voice, the baby will most likely begin to meow pitifully.

When independent searches are unsuccessful, it is recommended to post missing persons notices in nearby yards. They should describe in detail the characteristics of the animal. If there is a photograph of a cat, you can ask local children if they have seen the kitten depicted in it. The sooner you start searching for your pet, the greater the chances of finding it safe and sound.

Magnetic attraction

The Earth is covered in magnetic fields, invisible forces that repel and attract each other depending on whether they are positively or negatively charged. Magnetic fields originate deep in the planet's core and radiate out to the surface, where they are influenced by tides and other magnetic forces from space. Every place on the planet has its own unique magnetic signature, based on the strength of the field at a given moment in time and space. We humans may need a special tool to detect this, but many animals can find magnetic north using just their mind and body. Among these animals are cats.

Many scientists believe that magnetic compounds are connected to the cat's central nervous system, which uses them to create a sixth sense: magnetoreception. Magnetic connections point toward magnetic north, but they can also detect field strength information in any direction. Magnetoception is not just a compass, it is a full-fledged GPS system. It's not known for sure whether cats can sense magnetic fields, but if they can, it might help explain why they are such skilled navigators.

How to prevent a cat from running away from home

To prevent your pet from being lost to you, take measures to prevent this in advance. For example, it is worth sterilizing a cat, respectively, neutering a cat, unless of course you intend to breed animals. Instead of sterilization, of course, you can use medications, but as practice shows, they are not as harmless as they say on their packaging.

If your cat or cat is of breed class, then such cats are mated twice a year. You shouldn’t let your cat out on its own; if you really want to walk your cat, walk it on a leash; cats get used to the harness quite quickly. Install screens on your windows to prevent your cat from falling out of the window. Treat your cat kindly and feed it on time. Also, do not forget about the front door; it must close tightly to prevent your cat from escaping.

Why is it dangerous for an animal to stay outdoors for a long time?

If a cat leaves home, it may die from hunger, thirst, cold, or poisoning from rat bait. You should also be wary of getting hit by vehicles, attacks by stray animals and human cruelty.

All of the above can be avoided by following preventive recommendations. They are aimed at ensuring security, minimizing the likelihood of escapes and facilitating the search for “lost items”.

how many days can a cat not come home in March

The cat hasn't come home for a week. Is there any hope that he will return?

I have two cats, they are 8 years old. I love them very much, I'm used to them. We live in a private house, now it’s spring for the cats, it’s impossible to keep them in the house, we let them out into the street. Sometimes they disappear at night and only come in the morning. But they always come, all 8 years! And a week ago one of the cats didn’t come. At first they thought he was just having a spree and would come in a day or two, but he still wasn’t there. And the hope is fading that he will return. Where can you live like this for a week, what to eat, etc.? Your imagination paints terrible pictures. Is it possible for a cat to return home after a week or more?

I’ve been walking for 3 weeks, I thought I’d already lost my cat, it was spring, a skinny skinny guy came and left lived in trust, that’s what sex can lead to

as I understand you. my cat is 17 years old, he keeps going for walks, the last time he was gone for 5 days. he was just sick. We treated him with antibiotics. I thought I was going to die, I was crying. no, he came. It starts like this every year, closer to spring. and walks at night. I worry every time, he’s already old after all. hope is the author. and I was walking for 2 weeks, so wait.

The author is very likely to return. My aunt’s cat in the village was very sick. Suddenly he is nowhere to be found. A few months later (. ) there was such a loud and demanding meow outside the door)))) The handsome man was sitting alive and well and also with a rat as a gift))) It was such happiness) They thought that he was probably cured with herbs in the forest, nature helped. there seem to be no more options. So be sure to wait

And pay attention, there may be places where you could fall/fall/climb, etc.

and can’t get out. Cats are curious.

My cat ran away like this 3 years ago in the spring. I was just gone for 3 weeks, then I came running myself. I was sitting on the window. and after some time it became clear that she was deeply pregnant)) Author, der


Reasons for missing cats and actions of owners in such a situation

Cats are big fans of walking “by themselves”, hunting for mice and birds, this is inherent in their very nature. All owners have often seen a cat sitting on the windowsill watching the birds fluttering from branch to branch near the window. At the sight of such a picture, the poor fellow’s whole body trembles and his tail twitches, and he himself makes hunting sounds, looks at you pitifully and asks for freedom.

Watching birds from the window can encourage a cat to go in search of adventure.

Even a neutered cat suffers from lack of communication with its “brothers”. And by depriving him of the opportunity to defend his territory, you do not allow him to assert himself, and this is necessary due to the cat’s instinct.

Therefore, truly loving owners, especially owners of private houses, allow cats to walk on their own. Unfortunately, sometimes cats do not return after such walks. But even in high-rise buildings, cats can jump out of a window, run out a slightly open door, or run away from their owner in an unfamiliar place. There are many reasons for the loss: animals were scared by someone or something, they went hunting, love appeared, they were stolen, they were caught in a trap, they were hit by a car, etc. Sad statistics show that almost half of missing cats do not return home .

How do folk signs suggest returning something lost?

Sometimes cats just get lost

We will not talk about practical ways to return a missing animal now. A lot has been written about this on the Internet. But when all real methods have been tried and all you can do is wait, you really want to resort to the help of higher powers! Why not try it?

  • Place your missing pet's favorite treat in his bowl, light a white candle and place it on the floor next to the bowl. And then mentally ask the bright forces of the Universe to save the animal and return it to you safe and sound. Let the candle burn out completely.
  • Pour water into a glass and place it at the front door, saying: “To my house, to my threshold.” At this time, try to imagine in detail how the missing animal enters your apartment.
  • Tie a rope around the perimeter of all four legs of the table at which you are dining. And wait for good news.
  • Standing with a burning candle near the open window, say loudly: “Smoke up the mountain, (name) to the house!”
  • If you are a believer, it is better not to resort to rituals, even the most innocent ones - you will only bring confusion into your soul. Go to church, light a candle and ask your pet to come home. In your own words, but with all your heart.

While there is a chance to return the escaped cat home, do not give up. It happened that the animal found its owner a month, or two, or a year later! But if days go by and your furry pet doesn't return, try to mentally let him go. Either a tragic accident happened to the animal, or it actually protected you from something worse. Enjoy the good moments you have experienced together and look to the future. In any case, it is better than useless experiences.

Can a cat come home after a while?

Lost pets often return home on their own after a few days, and there are cases when cats come back after six months or more. Is it possible?

My mother-in-law, who lived in a small village, had a cat, Marquis, a beautiful black cat with a white apron. One day he disappeared for three days and returned with a severed front paw, which took a long time to heal. After some time, the angry neighbor announced that he would not stop and would kill the cat if he hunted their chickens. A week later the cat disappeared. The heartbroken grandmother mentally reproached her neighbors for what she had done. One day, a neighbor calmed her down, saying that the cat was not killed, but taken away from the house. The son, who was visiting his parents for the weekend, put the poor fellow in the trunk and released him in a suburban forest, 70 km from the village. Since then, the woman prayed to God that the cat would survive and that someone would shelter him.

Six months have passed. One frosty snowy day, a woman heard a plaintive meow under her window. Opening the door, she saw an exhausted, emaciated Marquis on the threshold, standing on three legs and looking at the hostess with frightened and betrayed eyes.

Even a snowy road is not an obstacle for a cat on the way home

Cats returning home after a long time is a very real phenomenon! There is still no explanation for this unique phenomenon. Scientists can only guess that cats (especially street cats), due to their ultrasensitivity, are able to perceive even small deviations in the electromagnetic field. Knowing the features of their territory, they find the right direction to their native threshold using their “inner compass.”

In France, a cat set a record for orienteering, returning home after 7 months and covering a distance of 700 km.


But what to do if your cat is lost and never leaves the house? As a rule, such pets are not adapted to the street. They are too trusting, do not see danger, and are not aware of the intentions of dogs and other cats. A pet can get hit by a car after dozing off on the edge of the road

Since you need to find a lost cat as quickly as possible, you should not postpone your search until tomorrow in the hope that it will return on its own.

It is important to know how to find a cat on the street. And for this you need to remember everything about the behavior of these animals

Firstly, cats are loners, so the domestic cat will seek solitude. Secondly, they are extremely attached to the territory, so the pet will not go far of its own free will. And thirdly, a cat that is scared prefers to hide rather than fight potential enemies. So, what to do if your cat is lost:

Since it is easier to find a cat on the street if the owner has help, you should immediately inform friends and relatives about the problem. You need to look for a fugitive by breaking into pairs and dividing the territory between groups. If it was not possible to find your pet during the day, the “search operation” is scheduled for late evening or early morning of the next day - a calm, quiet time when the cat is less frightened and more willing to respond to the call.

It's time to connect word of mouth. Distribute high-quality photographs of your pet to your helpers. Pictures should be shown to children, pensioners and teenagers (people who spend a lot of time outdoors and almost certainly have free time). Explain to them how to find a lost cat (ask them to look around the yard, bushes, trees, look under cars, etc.). The most important thing is to promise a reward and don’t forget to leave a piece of paper with contact information. Explain that the cat is lost and is not adapted to the street, and that it must be returned home before it gets into trouble. Typically, older people and children show sincere sympathy and really help in the search.

The next step is to notify the local population. Again, monetary rewards should definitely be mentioned. Advertisements should be posted along the search path (in an expanding spiral) and posted on the Internet. In the ad: a photograph (an ad without a photo does not work, it has been verified many times by hundreds of owners), special features, gender, contact information and a mention that the cat is domestic. It would be a good idea to look at advertisements about found cats printed in local newspapers. Messages about foundlings can be seen on the doors of pet stores and near veterinary clinics (you will still have to go there to hang up your missing notices).

If the cat is purebred, talk to doctors at local clinics, leaving them with contact information and a photo of the cat. On the back of the photo write gender, age, special features. People who find a purebred pet do not always voluntarily return the assigned cats and dogs, but at some point they will have to visit a veterinarian who can recognize the missing cat and report the find to the real owners.

A healthy adult cat has passed away - what should I do?

If an unneutered pet left home, it is possible that he began to estrus and went in search of a partner for mating. Pregnant pets often leave to give birth to offspring in a calm environment. A pet can also leave home due to poor treatment or the addition of another animal to the family. What to do when a healthy adult pet runs away? How can I get it back?

Will the animal find its way home?

Cats are territorial animals. They always strive to return to their habitat. Lost pets usually find their way home on their own. They are helped in this by vision, smell, hearing and memory. With the help of a keen sense of smell, they are able to detect the smallest concentrations of odorous substances and determine the location of the source of the smell. The hearing aid in cats is designed in such a way that they perfectly remember not just a “video sequence,” but a full-fledged “video clip” with a sound track. Thanks to this ability, they can reproduce it in memory, finding their way home.

The easiest way for a free-range pet to return to its native land is because, unlike a pet, it is familiar with the area. There are many stories about cats returning to their owners, traveling hundreds or even thousands of kilometers. There are even cases where pets returned to their owners 5 years after they went missing. Scientists have not yet been able to figure out how they do this. Presumably, cats use an electromagnetic field to orient themselves in space. How exactly they capture radiation is unknown.

How long can you wait?

If a cat is lost and has never been outside the home, the search should begin immediately after the loss is discovered. An animal not accustomed to the street may run away out of fear in an unknown direction and get into trouble. The more time passes from the moment your four-legged pet left home, the less chance you have of finding it.

Don’t panic and search the entire yard if your pet, which is free to go outside, went for a walk a few minutes ago. You should start searching if the animal has not returned by the end of the day. It is advisable to begin the search operation before dusk, so that the cat does not have to spend the night in the open air, and its owners do not have to worry all night.

Where to look for a pet first?

To return a pet, sometimes it is enough to search the home. Perhaps the cat did not go somewhere beyond its boundaries, but simply hid, for example, under a sofa, closet, bathroom, behind a curtain, in a box, on a sideboard or in a pantry. Some tailed pranksters like to hide in the washing machine. If the animal was not found in the house, you need to look for it:

The cat is walking: solving the problem

There are 3 solutions to the problem: let the cat satisfy its maternal instincts. The 2nd option is to use drugs to regulate sexual desire, and the 3rd, definitive option is surgical intervention (sterilization).

The main disadvantage of sterilization is that it is an irreversible process. In addition, there are other complications. The operation is carried out under general anesthesia; there is always a chance that the animal will not wake up. Postoperative consequences include a difficult recovery period, suppuration of the sutures, changes in hormonal levels, which can cause the animal to develop obesity, deteriorate character, etc.

Still, it is more effective and safe to use drugs to regulate sexual heat. Veterinary pharmacies offer a wide range of products. The main selection criteria are the cat’s age and breed. The most popular is the “Sex Barrier”.

Why does a cat walk after sterilization? The answer to the question is quite simple, the most important thing is to understand the terminology and understand the reasons for the occurrence of “desire in cats.”

Sterilization refers to the removal of reproductive organs - the uterus and ovaries; a cat cannot become pregnant because the necessary organs are missing. The whole difficulty lies in when sterilization occurred and how well.

If you sterilize an adult cat that has had repeated heats, then after the operation “hunting for a male” will also be present, but the animal will not be able to bear offspring. It’s another matter when a young cat, who has not yet had any desire, is properly sterilized. In this case, the likelihood of “begging behavior” is reduced to nothing.

It is worth remembering that the instinct to reproduce is basic, it is inherent in nature. And the main task of the owners is to help their pet during this difficult period, especially if it is not possible to fully realize it. The choice of method falls entirely on the shoulders of the breeders, and responsibility for the consequences, accordingly, too.

People often get cats, but not everyone can imagine what problems they will have to face. And teaching them to go to the litter box is not the most important task for the owner. Even a cat at a very young age can cause a lot of problems when she begins puberty.

At what age do cats start walking? Every owner should know the answer to this question. And you must be prepared for this period in order to know how to proceed. After all, the task of every owner is to make the life of their pet happy and comfortable. He must do everything to ensure that the pet grows up healthy.

Why cats leave home and never return: 5 reasons

If dogs are attached to the pack and the leader, then cats have a passion for the territory they inhabit and mark. This is the tradition of wild ancestors, fixed by evolution in the instincts of domesticated animals. Despite the fact that the cat is fed in the owner's house, sometimes it leaves and disappears for a while or forever.

Most often this happens for the following reasons:

  1. Instinct of procreation. The cat is in heat and disappears in search of a mate. The same thing happens with cats. Smelling a leaking cat, the pet disappears. He has to withstand competition. This is not always possible. In some cases, you have to hide and lick your wounds.
  2. The need to lamb in a safe place. Some cat owners don't like it when an animal gives birth at home, especially somewhere in a closet or on a bed, and soils bedding or clothes. The female finds a secluded place, preferably a closet with mice, and raises kittens. When the babies are able to walk, the cat brings the litter home, in the hope that the owner will take care of the kittens. If a temporary shelter is located nearby, the mother drags two or three-day-old cubs into the home one at a time.
  3. The hunting instinct overcomes young cats and females. Animals can leave in the evening, be absent all night and return in the morning. But sometimes cats get caught in a trap. The owner or neighbor closes the barn door, not suspecting that a hunter is sitting there. If there are enough mice, the captive may be able to feed for a long time.
  4. Competition: When a new pet comes into the house, a struggle for primacy develops between individuals of the same sex. When the weak does not obey the strong, he leaves.
  5. The cat is sick. This most often happens to older animals before death.

Be sure to read: How to scare cats away so they don’t shit, mark or damage furniture, what smell they can’t stand
Sometimes pets fall out of the window, and the way home is blocked by unforeseen obstacles. Young, inexperienced animals are curious and can go quite far in search of adventure. They are ok with orientation, but on the way back they may encounter dogs or fellow hooligans. To escape, the cat climbs onto a tree or roof, but is afraid to get back down. Finally, if an animal falls from a height, it can be injured.

Popular superstitions attribute fantastic reasons to the disappearance and return of cats, but real facts, not speculation, are of practical importance.

Cats in heat

If you are eager to have a cat, not a cat, then from the very first days you need to prepare for the so-called “time X”. After all, as soon as the animal reaches a certain age, the owners will have to face this problem, because it is simply impossible not to notice the estrus in cats. Of course, this is a natural phenomenon in the pet’s body, but, nevertheless, it is advisable to prepare for its onset prematurely, because the cat owner must not only have knowledge of what a cat looks like during heat, but also be constantly ready to help the furry pet prepare for "adult" sexually mature life. The main thing is not to assume that caring for an animal during the period when it is in heat will be simpler and easier than caring for a male cat at a similar time in its life!

How often does estrus occur?

The classic option for a cat that has already bred at least once is a constant estrus once every 3 months. However, if the cat has not yet walked, then your pet may be bothered by frequent estrus: monthly or even once every 2 weeks. Well, if you are absolutely not going to breed cats, then you can always sterilize the cat. If the animal receives a regular opportunity to reproduce, the frequency of estrus will be extended: once every 5-6 months, although it is worth noting that the first estrus after birth may bother the cat after a month or a month and a half.

How long does heat last?

How many days and how often this period will last for your pet will be known only after it begins, because the duration of estrus is strictly individual for each cat, but usually the special process lasts 5-6 days. The breaks between estrus (the so-called “interestrus”) in cats can be of different durations - one cat goes into estrus once a month, while another may only have one or two times a year. Everyone depends


Reasons for escape: what is the provocateur?


Many people believe that cats are human protectors. If a cat comes to your doorstep, you cannot shoo it away. This has long been considered a blessing from above. A fluffy ball entering your home is a good sign. There are certain signs why cats leave and do not return, some of them:

  • Impending trouble. If the cat has escaped, it may have sensed them and wants to avoid them. And, conversely, animals attract negative energy, so cats leave home to take it with them, away from their owner.
  • Death. When there is a very sick person in the house, pets run away to take death with them. It is believed that this means the imminent death of the person who has fallen ill.
  • Negative energy in the home. If the cat ran away from the house, it means that there is a lot of magical energy in the house or it is cursed.

The cat ran away to die

These are amazing animals that sense death. When old age sets in or a cat is sick, the owners know that she will soon go to another world, and they want to spend her last minutes next to her. Cats run away a few days before they die. They want to find solitude, they die away from prying eyes, so it’s easier for them to come to terms with the inevitable. Another, opposite opinion: cats do not want to bring death to the house and owner, they try not to upset their loved one.

Owner's behavior towards the pet

Frequent quarrels and scandals in the family are prerequisites for the pet to leave such housing. Cats are wonderful psychologists. The domestic cat senses people well. If one of the owners does not love him, then he goes far from home, for a long time or forever. If there are constantly scandals between family members, the pet simply cannot withstand such a flow of aggression. If an offended cat left home and did not return, this means that he was shouted at or even beaten. It happens that animals simply do not take root in a new home.

Zealous feelings

If a person gets other pets or a small child appears in the family, the cat may feel that a replacement has been found and kicked out. Feelings of loneliness and jealousy take over, and such cats do not stay at home for long

However, it also happens that the cat does not leave its beloved owner, cuddles, trying to draw all attention only to itself

Other reasons to be absent

  • Prenatal condition and pregnancy. Before the kitten arrives, the mother cat goes looking for a place to give birth and runs away from the house. Some females go to abandoned dachas and will sit there for a certain time. When the kittens begin to walk on their own, the cats come back with the babies.
  • Mating season. In the spring, perhaps the cat ran out of the apartment to go for a walk. Cats also walk. When the mating season has passed, they will return to their previous home, and the females will most likely return already pregnant.
  • Longing for the former owner. The animal is also very upset when the person to whom he was most attached dies.

Long pet walks

If your pet systematically disappears for a couple of days or even weeks, but always returns, then he either: satisfies his hunting instinct, lives in 2 houses, or simply explores the world. Actions to prevent new departures depend on the situation:

  1. Hunting for birds and rodents

    . Innate instincts cannot be eliminated, so emphasis should be placed on preventing escapes. It is also recommended to diversify your pet’s leisure time with various toys: wind-up mice, balls, play complexes, interactive toys and even special robots.

  2. Double life

    . There are not many known cases, but this option should not be ruled out. If after a walk the cat comes home well-fed and not particularly thirsty for affection, put a collar on it and attach a note with a message to it. If you receive a response from another family, you will be convinced that the life of the mustachioed cunning one is safe.

  3. Exploring the area

    . Typical for kittens, as well as pets with a developed territorial instinct. Here, as with hunting, it is better to resort to prevention.

If, after the usual time, the “lost one” has not returned home, start searching. Detailed return instructions will be provided below.

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