Oriental cat (oriental): photo and description of the breed

Country of originThailand, UK
Dimensions and weight4-6.5 kg, length - 60 cm
Woolshort, there is a semi-long variety
Lifespan13-16 years old

Graceful, slender, sophisticated, incredibly flexible - that's all she is - an oriental cat. But the apparent fragility of these animals is combined with excellently developed muscles and a love of movement. Orientals belong to the Siamese-Oriental group of cats. Therefore, representatives of the breed are often called “Asians”, “Orientals”, “Oriental”, “Orik”, “Ori”. There are other names, some of them are already outdated: cat greyhound, shorthaired pointer, oriental shorthair.

History of the breed

The Oriental Shorthair is a cousin of the Siamese cat. More precisely, it is one breed, but with different colors and eye colors. Siamese have a light body, blue eyes, Orientals have a fully colored body and green eyes. There are no more differences, not even in character.

In ancient Thailand, the Oriental cat was one of the varieties of Royal Siamese cats, which were revered in the imperial palace and temples.

Part I

The ancestors of the Siamese and Orientals were brought from Thailand to England at the same time (late 19th century). There is information that at an exhibition in London in 1896, an oriental cat of a solid blue color was presented. But she was disqualified because there was no Siamese color. The popularity of the Siamese with its point coat and blue eyes has eclipsed the Orientals. And in 1923, the British Siamese Cat Club finally excluded solid green-eyed cats from the Siamese class. All activities related to breeding the breed were stopped.

Part II

After World War II, as the Siamese population declined, some breeders returned to breeding colored cats. First, work began on breeding chocolate-colored oriental cats, which were given the name Havana. A number of historians claim that the shade of the wool is comparable to the rich color of a Havana cigar, hence the name. Then they started breeding lilac orientals, with different colors and patterns.

Part III

An equally interesting story began in America. In 1956, the chocolate cat ended up in California (USA), where they almost immediately began to recognize it as a new breed. In 1964, the CFA approved the independent Havana Brown breed, giving it champion status. Therefore, in Europe, Havana Brown is a chestnut color, and in America it is a separate breed. The same story happened with white Asians, who in 1974 received breed status under the name “Foreign White”.

To obtain new colors, breeders infused Asian cats with the blood of American Shorthair, Abyssinians, Burmese, and Russian Blues.

After this, a campaign began to recognize solid Siamese cats as a separate breed. Already in 1977 the standard was approved. This year and the next, the Oriental breed was at the peak of its fame, entering the top ten most popular. The only exception was for cats with bicolor colors. But in 1995, justice triumphed - the color was recognized.

A wide variety of colors and shades

The colors of Oriental cats are very multifaceted. The breed is very diverse and felinologists accept all types of oriental colors. By the way, this is one of those breeds for which no special requirements apply in terms of color.

And yet, the colors are systematized. The main and most popular ones are:

  • Red.
  • Lavender.
  • Blue.
  • Brown.
  • White.
  • Black.
  • Beige.
  • Cream.

A combination of white and red or cream with stripes and spots is not prohibited. Plain orientals look very beautiful. Like panthers, black and brown tones, with and without spots.

Oriental semi-longhair cats

In the 80s In the 20th century, oriental cats with long hair, called British Angora, were registered in England. The breed was recognized by the largest felinological system - GCCF. In 2003, the name was changed - the British Angora became the Oriental Longhair.

In America, a cat with silky long hair, a feathered tail and a small beard was the result of crossing a shorthaired Oriental and a Balinese. The kittens received a Balinese build and semi-long hair, but the color remained oriental. In 1997, Oriental Longhair was recognized in the USA.

The Oriental Longhair breed has other names - Oriental Longhair, Mandarin.

Description of the breed

The appearance of the oriental cat provided another interesting name - “greyhound of the cat world.” A beautiful, graceful body, long legs, a whipping tail, an elongated muzzle with expressive eyes and large ears make the image of the Oriental recognizable.

The standard is very similar to the Siamese breed standard. Only in the description of the head and body the word “medium” was replaced with “long”. And also, unlike the Siamese and Thai cats, the fur of Orientals does not change tone due to climatic conditions and hormonal changes.

The Oriental breed is a medium-sized cat. As with other breeds, males are much larger than females. So, the average weight of a male is 4.5-6 kg, a female weighs 3-3.7 kg. Body length without tail is on average 60 cm, height – up to 35 cm.

The standards of the leading felinological systems differ little from each other when assessing the Oriental breed.

Breed standard:

HeadThe skull is a well-defined wedge. The nose is straight and long. There is no transition from nose to forehead. The chin is strong, strong, but not massive. The neck is long and slender.
EarsWide at the base, tapering towards the tip. Set low and wide. The size is very large. The tips of the ears should not droop.
EyesThey are shaped like almonds. The color is rich green without inclusions. An exception is for white orientals, in which blue or different colors are acceptable.
BodyElongated, toned, with well-developed muscles. Shoulders are no wider than hips.
LegsSlender, long, with developed muscles. The hind legs are longer than the front ones. Thanks to this, Orientals are distinguished by their jumping ability. Small, oval paws.
TailThin, sharp at the tip, without creases or knots. The length is in harmony with the body, reaching the shoulder blades or a little further.
WoolVery short, silky (with a satin effect), close to the body. There is no undercoat. The Oriental Longhair cat has flowing, fine fur. Because the hairs fit tightly to the body, the fur appears shorter than it actually is.

Rainbow colors

Representatives of the Oriental breed have more than 300 color varieties. For such abundance, the Oriental Shorthair received the nickname “rainbow cat.”

With all the variety of colors, patterns and types, the color of the eyes is exclusively green.

Solid colors

  • Ebony (ebony). One of the most beautiful, making the cat look like a black panther. The fur is completely jet black from tip to root, without a hint of rusty hairs. The same black paw pads and tip of the nose.
  • Chestnut (chocolate, Havana). Uniform, warm chestnut brown color. An animal with a Havana coloration looks very exotic.
  • Lavender (lilac). The fur is pink-gray, as if covered with frost. But the color should not be too blue or fawn. The nose and paw pads are pinkish-lilac.
  • Blue. The coat is uniformly blue, without a hint of silver or rust. The paw pads and nose are the same.
  • Red. Monochromatic, no patterns or shades.
  • Cream. Pure color preferably light tones.
  • Tortoiseshell. There are spots scattered all over the cat's body. This happens if the main coat color is diluted by a red or cream color.
  • Faun. Light beige color, which is called the “color of a young fawn.”
  • Cinnamon (cinnamon color). All chocolate brown tones: brown, sandy brown (not red) with copper or bronze undertones. Markings may be visible on light coats - this is acceptable, but preference is given to a richer, purer color.
  • Smoky. A variation when, with the main or tortoiseshell color, the lower part of the hairs remains white due to the lack of pigment.
  • White. Pure white color without a hint of yellowness. The eyes of such cats can be blue, green, or one blue, the other green.

Tabby colors

Patterned colors such as brindle, harlequin, ticked, and spotted are common. All varieties are characterized by the letter M on the forehead, lines from the outer corners of the eyes to the back of the head, several necklaces on the neck, 2 rows of dots running along the chest and stomach. Rings cover the legs and tail.

Varieties of patterned colors:

  • Brindle. A narrow continuous line runs from the back of the head to the tail. The entire body is covered with stripes running from the spine to the lower abdomen.
  • Spotted. It is similar to a brindle, but the longitudinal and transverse stripes are divided into spots of different shapes - round, oval.
  • Marble. Lines run from the head to the shoulders, forming a butterfly-shaped pattern. Three parallel lines can be traced along the back from the “butterfly” to the base of the tail. On each side there are spots symmetrically located, surrounded by one or more rings.
  • Ticked. There is no pattern on the body, but each hair consists of alternating areas of dark and light color.

Diseases and their prevention

From relatives - Siamese cats - the Oriental received a bouquet of hereditary diseases:

  1. Hepatic amyloidosis, which, if not treated in a timely manner, causes organ failure.
  2. Dilated cardiomyopathy.
  3. Progressive retinal atrophy.
  4. Flattened chest syndrome. A terrible disease that leads to the death of a newborn kitten. Due to the deformation of the chest, the lungs cannot function normally, and the animal suffocates.

The Oriental is well fed and protected from drafts, since due to the lack of undercoat it is prone to colds.

Important! To prevent cardiomyopathy, the animal undergoes an ultrasound every six months.

The Oriental is regularly taken to the veterinarian for routine checkups. Vaccinations are carried out annually against rhinotracheitis, panleukopenia, rabies, calcivirosis, and if the animal is involved in breeding, then against chlamydia. A week before vaccination, the cat is given an anthelmintic drug.

Character of an oriental cat

All oriental cats have a unique character. Orientals are no exception. Developed intelligence, intelligence, quick wit, affection for the owner, playfulness, talkativeness and eternal busyness - these are the main characteristics of the breed. And the behavior is called nothing less than “dog-like.”

Orientals are one of the most talkative cats. These are very emotional animals. They are not shy about purring, purring loudly just to express their feelings. But not idle. If a cat purrs, it means he needs to speak out: perhaps something hurts, or he is scared or, conversely, happy. Any action does not take place silently, but is accompanied by “conversation.” He will not shake the air while no one is home. He needs a person to communicate.

It is not known what Orientals love more - chatting or being close to the owner. Ori are loving, and become so attached to their owner that they can become depressed if he is absent for a long time. This breed is recommended for people who spend most of their time at home. Either take 2 cats into the house at once or get some other pet. Orientals are friends with everyone. They get along well with children and enjoy playing with them. Get along well with other animals. The adjustment period takes very little time. They find a common language quite quickly even with a dog. Only first they will try to take the position of leader. If the dog does not agree, conflict cannot be avoided. Here the owner’s task is to help make friends between the cat and the dog.


An eared cat with a Georgian nose will happily run after a ball, bring toys to its owner like a dog, and simply play with a new thing. She is active and mobile, loves to explore everything, and there is not a place in the house where she will not climb, informing the owner about it. Sometimes she can purposefully hide and watch as people are looking for her, and then suddenly jump out, inviting her to play. It will be useful for the future owner of an ori to purchase a gaming complex for the pet in order to engage the pet in an activity without your participation.

Care and maintenance

Oriental cats do not require any special care. However, it is up to the owner to ensure that the pet lives longer, is healthy and happy.

The Oriental needs daily exercise and play that stimulates its natural instincts to hunt and explore. Therefore, it is better to keep your cat's body and mind active, otherwise behavior problems may develop.

In addition, due to their activity, Orientals are the cats that fall out of windows more often than others. Therefore, when keeping an apartment above the 2nd floor, nets on the windows and a glazed balcony are required.


The lack of undercoat and short hairs do not cause trouble to the owner. Of course, Orientals also shed. But it is enough to comb them periodically with a rubber brush or a special glove. There is practically no wool on clothes or furniture. Mostly it accumulates in the resting place.

Tangerines have a small undercoat, which gives them more wool. Brush the animal 1-2 times a week, every day during shedding.

Water treatments

Orientals are bathed only when they are heavily soiled, for example, by accident, or before an exhibition. Most cats do not like to bathe, and the Oriental is no exception. It is important after washing to prevent the animal from getting into a draft.

Nail care

Claw trimming is carried out every 2 weeks. But these terms are arbitrary; some pets will need to do this every 10 days, others – once a month. The procedure is carried out with a special tool (nail clipper) so as not to damage the claws.

Care for ears, eyes, teeth

An obligatory part of care is cleaning the ears, eyes and teeth. They are accustomed to the procedure from infancy, otherwise the cat will resist.

Wipe the ears and eyes with a cotton pad soaked in warm boiled water or a special lotion.

Cats don't take very good care of their teeth. Without additional help from the owner, there is a risk of dental disease. Typically, it all starts with plaque, which should be combated by regular brushing.


Prevention of worms is a mandatory procedure. It is carried out 10 days before vaccinations and preferably every six months. There are a lot of deworming drugs. The dosage of almost all is selected by weight. Veterinarians recommend choosing complex medications that act on different types of worms.

Toilet issue

All kittens in the nursery are already litter box trained. And at first it is better to use the same type of tray that the breeder had. This way the kitten will adapt faster and learn to go to the right place.

Orientals love to dig. Therefore, it is better to choose a tray with high sides or a toilet-house. Any filler your pet likes.

How long do oriental cats live?

Oriental cats have a fairly typical lifespan for felines - an average of 5 years, but there are also centenarians. With proper care, nutrition, and the absence of genetic diseases, the Oriental, without losing its playfulness, can live up to 20 years.

Is the Oriental cat hypoallergenic?

The Oriental Shorthair has short hair, so it does not shed as much as other breeds. Researchers also believe that Orientals produce less protein, which is the main allergen. These 2 facts became the basis for including the Oriental cat in the list of hypoallergenic breeds. However, no breed is 100% allergen-free.

Training and education

Walking an oriental cat on a leash

Orientals inherited from their Thai ancestors a lively, sharp mind and excellent learning abilities. In particular, it is easy to “train” a cat to fetch objects, as well as to carry out simple commands. As for the basics of etiquette, their pet will have to be instilled, because, despite the fairly high level of intelligence, oriental cats are capable of minor dirty tricks. For example, little eared cats love to swing on curtains and dig into flower pots. They do this not out of harm, but out of thoughtlessness, so it is very important to immediately point out to the kitten that such behavior is unacceptable.

Punishing, let alone beating, an animal is the last thing. An Oriental cat can easily guess about its own mistakes, relying only on the intonation of your voice, so use this quality to its full potential. Sternly shout at the mustachioed lawless man walking around the table and hiss expressively at the kitten climbing the curtains. You can be sure that the pet will intuitively understand what they want from him.

A common mistake that can negate the results of all your efforts is periodic exceptions to the established rules. As an example: today a serious reprimand has been given to the kitten jumping on the table, and tomorrow you are filming a video for YouTube where the tiny Cheburashka is briskly climbing the tablecloth to your encouraging comments.


Orientals value a fit and muscular body, so they should not be overfed. But representatives of the breed are big food lovers. They will constantly demand food. If the owner refuses for some reason, then theft has not yet been abolished. They will find it, steal it, eat it. Therefore, you cannot follow the lead. One or two “begged” treats and the oriental will already “twist the ropes” out of the owner, and begging for a tidbit will become a habit. However, excess weight in cats not only spoils their appearance, but also causes health problems.

Natural nutrition

Orientals are not picky when it comes to food, but the diet must be balanced. This is not easy to achieve with natural feeding. However, if the owner is a supporter of natural nutrition for his pet, then when preparing and calculating the dosage, the following must be taken into account:

  • A cat consumes 5 to 10% of its own weight per day in food. Kittens and young pets eat more, but with age the appetite becomes moderate. Of course, everything is individual, the main thing is that the cat gets enough to eat.
  • As a percentage, daily feeding is 3https://68koshek.ru/soderzhanie/pitanie/perevesti-koshku-na-drugoj-korm0% meat (chicken, veal, chicken stomachs, hearts, necks), 25% vegetables (zucchini, pumpkin, carrots), 20% porridge (rice, buckwheat), 25% fermented milk products (cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, yogurt).
  • All new products are introduced into the diet carefully to avoid problems with the gastrointestinal tract and the development of food allergies.

How to cope with loneliness

Orientals become strongly attached to their owner, and therefore his absence becomes very stressful. Long-term solitude or frequent absence of the owner due to work and other reasons can be a serious test for the pet. As a result, such a “Georgian cat” may not only end up in a state of severe stress, but also begin to get sick as a result of nervous exhaustion.


Shorthaired Orientals and Mandarins have excellent health and strong immunity. But there is still a predisposition to certain diseases:

  • Gingivitis is an inflammation of the gums that, without timely treatment, develops into periodontal disease.
  • Cardiomyopathy is a heart disease in which the walls of the ventricle harden. The volume of the heart chambers decreases, which leads to the development of heart failure.
  • Retinal atrophy is a hereditary defect in which the visual cells of the retina are destroyed, which leads to partial or complete blindness. The disease occurs both at a young age (3-4 months) and at a later age (after 4-5 years).
  • Flat chest syndrome is a hereditary pathology. The chest becomes flat or funnel-shaped. The problem is identified immediately after the kitten is born.

Pros and cons of the breed

According to reviews from owners, the Oriental breed has many advantages, but there are also disadvantages, if you can call them that.

Good companion

Gets along well with children and other animals

Loving, affectionate, gentle

Easy to learn and trainable

Very talkative, she will definitely insert her meow on every occasion

Can be annoying, as it follows the owner's heels

Unable to remain alone for long periods of time

How to choose a kitten

When choosing and purchasing a purebred Oriental kitten, it is important to know:

  • The breeder will not give away the kitten until it is 3 months old. If they sell smaller kittens, this is a reason to think about it.
  • Each purebred kitten must have a birth certificate (birth certificate) or pedigree if it is a show kitten. A pet without documents is not a real Oriental.

If you have doubts whether the litter has been registered, you can always check with the club in which the nursery is listed.

At the age of 2 months, the litter is assessed (actuation). Kittens are divided into 2 categories: those who participate in further breeding and those who do not. The cost of the kitten depends on this. On average, it starts from 20 thousand rubles.

There are too many factors that influence the price. The main one is the type of kitten. The extreme type is valued higher - eared, with a long muzzle, thin bones, and very short hair. All breeders strive to get just such kittens. The price for them starts from 40 thousand rubles. Of course, the cost is determined by color, quality (the presence of defects reduces the cost), and the purpose of purchase (for breeding or castration). Therefore, the price for a kitten as a pet can be 100 thousand rubles, and with the right of breeding 120 thousand and more.

How much does an Oriental breed kitten cost?

The cost of a kitten depends on many factors, including deviations from the breed standard and competition from breeders. Usually, nurseries set the cost individually, but the average price of a kitten ranges from 5,000 rubles.

Choosing and caring for kittens

Oriental kittens should be playful and active. It is necessary that his reaction to a person does not bear signs of aggression. Sudden changes in mood are not welcome.

An Oriental kitten should have a healthy appearance and shiny coat and no symptoms of parasite infestation. In order to understand the character, you need to play with the baby, put him on his back, stroke him.

When a kitten has already been purchased, it is better to come up with a nickname right away so that he gets used to it. They respond well to training, which is why names for them are chosen early. It is best if they have a hissing or growling sound. Suitable nicknames for a boy's kitten are Felix, Jones, Murzik, Mars. For girls - Iris, Snowball, Daisy.

Oriental kittens grow quickly, and at the age of 9 months they begin puberty. Up to a year, you need to feed the kitten 3-4 times a day, paying attention to vitamins and fats.

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