Leopard - habitats, life cycle, rutting season and lifespan + 118 photos

The leopard is the most graceful and colorful member of the cat family. This extremely fast and dangerous predator belongs to the cat family and the panther genus. Leopards are notable for their spotted color, which allows them to camouflage well in their habitat. At the moment, most subspecies of leopards are listed in the Red Book as endangered species in need of protection.

Leopard subspecies

In total there are about 8 subspecies of leopards. Let's look at each of them in more detail:

Indochinese leopard

This representative is distinguished by its black color. The species numbers only 2,500 representatives. They live in southeast Asia. Until 2016, they inhabited Singapore, Cambodia and southern China. Due to widespread deforestation, poaching and trade, fur has become extremely rare.

Ceylon leopard

A fairly large subspecies of leopard with a body length of 142 centimeters and a weight of up to 77 kilograms. It lives on the island of Ceylon, which is commonly known as Sri Lanka. There are only 950 individuals in total.

North China leopard

It has a body length of up to 136 centimeters and a weight of about 75 kilograms. Inhabited the mountains and forests of the central and northeastern region of China. A very small species with populations of no more than 348 individuals.

Javan leopard

An endangered subspecies found in Indonesia on the island of Java. Mostly black in color, but sometimes spotted species are also found. The total population of this species is 525 representatives. Extinction occurs due to the reduction of their habitat.

South Arabian leopard

A small representative with a body length of up to 140 centimeters and a weight of 30 kilograms. Notable for its both pale and bright yellow body color. The rosettes on the fur have a patterned structure. For some time, the number of South Arabian leopards was widespread, but since 2008 there are no more than 200 species in the Arabian Peninsula.

Far Eastern leopard

It has several other names: Amur, Korean, Manchurian and East Siberian. The body size is 136 centimeters in length with a weight of no more than 75 kilograms. It differs from other representatives in its long and soft fur texture. During the cold season, the color changes to lighter than in the summer. The area of ​​the lower torso and limbs are painted white. Distributed throughout China, North Korea and the Russian Federation. Literally a hundred years ago it inhabited the entire Korean Peninsula. In 2014 alone, there were 50 representatives of the species. Active measures are being taken to preserve and increase the size of the remaining population.

Persian leopard

This is a fairly large representative of the species with a body length of about 183 centimeters and a weight of up to 60 kilograms. It is distinguished by its dull grayish-orange fur color. The surface of the body is covered with sparse brown spots. Persian leopards have spread throughout Iran, Pakistan, Iran, Turkmenistan and Turkey. In total there are only 1290 representatives of the species. Previously, individuals spread throughout the North Caucasus, but completely disappeared in the mid-20th century.

African leopard

This is the most numerous subspecies. Its body size is about 180 centimeters in length with a weight of up to 90 kilograms. Populated, as the name suggests, the territory of Africa. It chooses various mountains, semi-deserts and tropics as its habitat.

Black and white leopards

Sometimes there are black leopards, which are also called black panthers. Although their fur color is completely black, they also have spots that are lighter shades of black.

In addition to melanistic leopards, there are also representatives with incomplete melanism or abundism. The spots of this representative are very wide and can merge into one whole. Thus, the black color appears only in certain areas of the animal's fur.

In nature, there are also completely white leopards, which are also called albinos. They are endowed with blue eyes and white coat color, on which spots distinguishable by shade are slightly visible. They are found in southern China or India. Only a few such representatives have appeared in nature reserves around the world.

Animal print in outerwear

A leather raincoat in python, a faux leopard fur coat, laconic coats and elongated jackets with leopard print - this is what you need to pay attention to when choosing outerwear with a trendy predatory print.

Fashionable looks for 2022-2023 with leopard and other animal prints in outerwear are best combined with a neutral set. Black, brown, gray, beige clothing combinations are perfect.

Brave and creative individuals can try to combine animalistic and no less trendy neon colors in one image. For example, a lime suit and a light leopard fur coat with faux fur would be a very effective and appropriate tandem.

general description

Leopards are also called large cats. They are endowed with a very long and strong body, which is slightly narrowed at the sides. The head is small with a characteristic round shape. The ears are small and rounded. The average body size of leopards ranges from 90 to 190 centimeters in length with a tail ranging from 60 to 110 centimeters. The body weight of males ranges from 60 to 75 kilograms. The average weight of a female is almost two times less than the weight of a male.

The animals are remarkable for their characteristic color. Most subspecies do not change coat color depending on the time of year.

The main colors of leopards are yellow and red-yellow with small black spots.

External data of the cat

  • The Ocicat is a wild, interesting looking cat. The characteristic muzzle, muscular body, angle of the eyes - all this gives the animal a “predatory look”.
  • The Ocicat's body has well-developed muscles, knitted, dense, but not heavy. The sides are flat with rounded ribs. The pelvis and chest are well developed. The neck is flexible, tapering towards the head. An adult cat has a decorative fold of skin on the neck - a dewlap. The back is straight, the pelvis is slightly raised in a straight stance.
  • The paws are strong and of medium length. The pads are neat, oval, compactly assembled, the claws are medium. The standards regulate 5 toes on the front paws and 4 on the hind paws. Polyfingeredness is considered a defect and is disqualified.
  • The head is triangular in shape, blunted towards the bottom, with a smooth transition from the forehead to the nose. Adult males are characterized by slight sagging cheeks. The muzzle is wide, the lower jaw is strong, strong-willed, with the correct bite. The pods are convex, rounded.
  • The ears are large or medium, set moderately high. A slight slope is visible in profile. An additional bonus is the presence of tassels on the ears, which makes them look like a lynx.
  • The eyes are almond-shaped, set slightly at an angle. It seems that they are slightly extended towards the ear.

Different pigmentation of the iris is allowed, with the exception of blue - a sign of the recessive gene of Siamese cats.

  • The tail is usually long and thin, mobile, with a dark spot at the tip. Any knots or thickening of its shape will lead to disqualification.

Color and fur of the animal

  1. The wool is thin, smooth, and very soft to the touch. Any manifestation of long hair excludes the breed.
  2. Agouti's body pattern type is spotted tabby. Also characteristic of the breed is the presence of a pattern in the form of the letter “M” on the forehead, stripes around the paws, on the cheeks, tail and a “necklace” around the neck. On the eyelids, “eyeliner” is noticeable in 2 layers - the inner one is dark and the outer one is light. Also, the chin and upper part of the neck are allowed in a lighter tone.
  3. The muzzle, back and paws may be slightly darker than the body. The spots on the body should have a clear shape and be visible in different positions.
  4. The Ocicat boasts an abundance of colors. To avoid confusion, the tone of the animal's coat is determined by the dark tip of the tail.

The standards allow the following colors of spots and the main tone of the animal:

  • the spots are black or brown, the main tone is red or copper;
  • chocolate, ivory – tone;
  • cinnamon – spots, ivory – main color;
  • beige-brown spots, pale ivory - base;
  • rich blues; light blue or yellow-blue base tone;
  • purple spots, light yellow or ivory;
  • black, silver or light silver - the base;
  • chocolate stains, tone – silver;
  • brown, silver;
  • blue, silver;
  • lilac, silver;
  • beige, silver.

The only taboo is the color white. Its presence is possible only when lining the eyes or nose, slightly on the lower jaw or under it.

Distribution area

The habitat of leopards is very wide. However, their numbers in many regions are extremely small. A wide population is distributed throughout Africa, as well as in Asia and some regions of the Arabian Peninsula. Black representatives can be found on the island of Java and Malacca.

Animals prefer vast forest spaces as a habitat. Tropical and deciduous forests, river thickets and mountain slopes are widely inhabited. Some subspecies are found in savannas, steppes and deserts. It is important for them to have some kind of shelter in which there is a sufficient amount of food and the absence of threats from people.


Leopards are absolutely predatory animals. They feed on a variety of roe deer, antelope and deer. Hunting for their prey is organized near bodies of water. In addition to artiodactyls, leopards can feed on the carcasses of hares, birds and some monkeys. During periods of lack of food, they do not hesitate to eat carrion.

Leopards tend to steal food from each other, since it can stay in the territory of another predator for a long time. As a rule, their shelters are located in root hollows of trees, on scattered stones and in rock overhangs.

Who does the leopard hunt?

Being a typical predator, in most cases the leopard preys on ungulates, but during periods of low food supply, cats can eat birds and reptiles. It is also capable of attacking livestock.

It can also eat carrion and steal prey from other predators, including relatives. Attacks on a person without reason are extremely rare, mostly when they are wounded or cornered. The consequences of such attacks can be very tragic for a person.

The leopard is able to attack wolves and foxes, as well as carry off domestic dogs. They prefer to hunt alone, attacking prey from ambush or sneaking up on it.

Lifestyle and behavior

Big cats are characterized by a solitary lifestyle. They are active at night and spend the day on trees. These predators are also notable for their ability to jump onto rocks and trees up to 5 meters in height. Thanks to their acute vision and hearing, they are excellent at navigating in the dark. And due to their color, they are well camouflaged in their habitat. The only thing that gives them away is their very long tail, which they do not know how to tuck under themselves. Females spend most of their lives with their offspring, while males are solitary throughout their lives.

Leopards are characterized by territorial behavior. The size of the territory of one female can range from 10 to 290 square kilometers, and the territory of a male can reach 1140 square kilometers. They mark their territory with urine and excrement. They also tend to peel off tree bark and make scrapings in the ground.

During the calm period, animals move at a light pace, but are capable of breaking loose, reaching speeds of 60 kilometers per hour. The predators' jumps are 3 meters high and 7 meters long. Leopards are also distinguished by their ability to swim quickly and overcome long distances in water.

Fashionable skirts and trousers with predatory prints in looks

Completely forget about leopard leggings, now the trend is animal print trousers 2022-2023 straight cut with a high waist. Shortened length and flared trousers are in trend. Leather trousers with a predatory color can only be models with a snake print.

There were more options in skirt styles. Even short denim models with leopard print will be fashionable. Stylish looks with a pencil skirt with animal print look luxurious, and be sure to choose a solid color for the top.

There are only a few maxi skirts with a predatory print; the most popular length is still midi. Flared and fitted models without unnecessary decoration in any combination will look impressive and mega-stylish.

Breeding period

It is common for southern representatives to reproduce throughout the year. The inhabitants of the Far East organize the mating season from late autumn to early winter. The mating season is characterized by long fights, which are accompanied by loud roars. The rest of the time the animals are very quiet and calm.

The incubation period lasts for 3 months. Childbirth occurs within 6 hours. From 1 to 3 cubs are born with a body weight of up to 700 grams and a length of up to 15 centimeters. Leopards are born completely blind and covered with thick, long, dark brown fur with spots. Babies develop hearing and vision at the age of one and a half weeks. If the mother senses a potential threat, she quickly hides her cubs away from danger. Already at the age of 6 weeks, leopards begin to leave the den.

Leopard cubs

At first, the mother feeds the offspring with semi-digested meat, and then begins to bring small birds and small mammals. The female cares for the offspring in a specially equipped den, which is located in caves, crevices or blind holes. It is noteworthy that small leopards meow like domestic cats.

The offspring spend time with their mother throughout the year. During this time, she teaches them hunting and survival skills in the wild. After leaving their mother, young leopards stay together for some time.

Animals become sexually mature at the age of two and a half years.

Difference between leopard and jaguar

Leopard and jaguar can be confused. However, they have a number of characteristic differences by which one or another animal can be easily identified. The body of a jaguar is larger and stockier than the build of a leopard. Jaguars also have a much shorter tail, reaching a maximum of 91 centimeters in length, while in leopards it can reach up to 110 centimeters. Another difference is the structure of the head: in jaguars it is larger and more massive, and in the mouth there are large and wide jaws. You can quickly distinguish animals by color. The spots on a jaguar's body are much larger than those of a leopard. In addition, jaguars are distinguished by more saturated and brightly colored fur.

Photo of a jaguar

What the two species have in common is the prevalence of melanism. Leopard and jaguar can be completely black. The name "black panther" can refer equally to both the jaguar and the leopard.

Trendy total look combinations with animal print

As you know, monochrome looks are trending right now, but when it comes to printed total looks, putting together the perfect look becomes much more difficult.

In such looks, the pattern and shades of the print should match as much as possible, so it is better to choose ready-made suits. Oddly enough, the most trendy suits in animal print will be predominantly trouser duets with a top or jacket, which will sooner have to be diluted with plain clothes.

For example, a fashionable look with trousers and a jacket in a predatory print should be complemented with a plain top or turtleneck, and for a set of top and trousers you should choose outerwear, preferably also plain.

The only way to completely wrap yourself up in animal colors from head to toe is in fashionable overalls, among which there are current styles both in winter and summer.

How to wear trendy animal print in the 2022-2023 season? The most fashionable women's looks with leopard print, stylish photo ideas for outfits with snake print in clothes

Interesting Facts

  • Leopards are considered iconic animals that received special fame among ancient peoples. In Asia, sanctuaries and shrines were built in their honor. Many African tribes considered leopards to be a sacred totem.
  • Among leopards there are cannibals. As a rule, they are old and sick animals that are not able to hunt. In the 20s, a case called the “Rudaprayag cannibal” was recorded. In India, a leopard entered a village where it killed 125 people.
  • The appearance of the leopard is similar to the Bengal cat. This type of cat is distinguished by its well-developed hunting instinct and formidable character.

Leopards are extremely interesting and mysterious representatives of the fauna, which have some interesting features in their history and way of life.

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