The cat is made of fur, of desires and riddles! (14 photos)

Author: Yugansk

18 January 2022 21:48

Tags: animals cats photos  



Cats have conquered the whole world! Why do we love them so much? Maybe because they are always nearby? People invented the cat so that after hard working days they could relax their souls on a soft sofa under the quiet purring of their pet. She will treat you, give you a massage, and tell you how lonely it was without you. Look at the selection of charming cats and once again remember the statements of famous people about our pets. Enjoy watching!


Red cat in the house - signs and superstitions

Fluffy “suns” did not always evoke unconditional affection. Since people believed that fiery hair was an adornment for witches, cats with such a provocative coat color were openly afraid. It’s good that at least they weren’t burned at the stake, this sad fate befell only the “blackies.” Cleansing rituals were performed on the saffron milk caps, and then they were happily taken home.

It would seem, what is so special about them? Our ancestors had several important reasons.

  • The color gold is associated with wealth. A ginger cat in the house is called a financial talisman, which helps attract wealth and strengthen the well-being of the owners.
  • The color of the sun symbolizes protection from dark forces and evil entities. If a ginger cat was the first to come to a new home and showed by its behavior that it was not experiencing discomfort, the inhabitants of the home would not face any magical troubles.
  • The sun is health, strength, energy, which can never be enough. Popular signs and beliefs say that the red cat not only removes the induced negativity from people, but also successfully fights bad habits. Such a pet is an ideal companion for a person prone to alcohol abuse. A daily session of purring therapy will support the owner’s desire to take the path of a healthy life.

There is a special ritual of “sinless love spell”, for which ginger or white-red cats are used. The sign says that the purr should cover the left ear with the palm of your hand, and whisper the name of the beloved three times into the right one. Then you should leave the pet to soak up the sun and imbue it with energy with a magical message.

Why can't you look me in the eye?

Possessing a truly bewitching look, cats frightened people of antiquity, causing fear and prejudice in them. Regardless of whether they were worshiped or driven out of the villages, they tried not to look into their eyes for fear of trouble.

Here are the myths that appeared in ancient times:

  • in Ancient Rus' they believed that if you peer closely into the eyes of a furry pet, you can lose your soul and mind;
  • the inhabitants of Ancient Egypt bowed their heads when a feline passed by, believing that at that moment he could communicate with the souls of the dead;
  • The prejudices of the Middle Ages during the witch hunt also affected these animals, because black cats were accused of magical abilities and were credited with the ability to take life with one glance.

Scientists think differently. They associate an animal’s aggression in response to a gaze with a difference in the structure of the visual apparatus, since, unlike humans, both the main observed object and everything on the periphery are seen clearly. Therefore, the animal has a misunderstanding from the fact that it is being looked at so closely, and this is accompanied by a desire to commit an attack.

Red cat and toy mouse.

I recently bought him a toy mouse in the store and now he is very delighted to play with it whenever he is in the mood. He runs around the apartment and chases her. In a word, he poses as a real hunter, the king of the jungle!

I’m happy to play along with him at this point. This is my little tiger! The best cat in the whole apartment!

He liked the fluffy and small mouse as a toy, but the cat did not like the rubber, squeaking and green mouse. He looked at her warily and with great apprehension. That's right, what kind of strange mouse is this - a mutant! He agrees with me on this issue, it seems. We have no use for mutant mice.

He avoided her so carefully. As if he was afraid that she might bite him. I had to take this strange thing to my relatives to the delight of the local cats. Interesting, but they liked it. Big deal, it's green, but it's still a mouse! Apparently, they decided and began to play hunter and game with her.

I remember when I brought Kuza a toy mouse as a gift for the first time, he was then a red little kitten,

then after half an hour of vigorous play with her, she turned into an insignificant pile.
All that was left of the mouse were horns and legs, as they say. And my red kitten
lay on the carpet proud and smug, as if he had killed a whole doe! It was funny to watch this!

Towards a change in weather

Increased weather sensitivity allows furry pets to be, in addition to healers, also excellent weather forecasters. This quality is based on the special structure of the inner ear, which subtly responds to environmental changes.

Feeling discomfort associated with fluctuations in atmospheric pressure, the cat diligently rubs its head with its paw, trying to remove them, i.e., washes itself.

Changes in humidity are detected by receptors on the animal's skin, so the cat can easily predict rainy weather. How to understand the signs:

  • a cat curled up in a ball or hiding its nose in its tail - a cold snap;
  • cleans the fur coat, tail and washes thoroughly - to precipitation;
  • asks to drink a lot - the weather will get worse;
  • yawning and arching your back - the weather will be good;
  • nervous behavior, shuddering in a dream - foresees bad weather;
  • chews grass - it will rain soon;
  • sneezes - to rain;
  • cleans claws on a wall or floor - to the wind and bad weather;
  • looking for a warm place or asking to be held in order to sleep - to the cold weather;
  • sleeps on his back - summer or warm weather is coming.

Did the animal just recently get adopted?

When you see a meowing miracle near the threshold, trustingly clinging to the leatherette or metal of your door, do not rush to drive it away. A kitten or cat of fiery colors will bring success and happiness into the house, and will also protect it from the evil eye. So, maybe let him live, how much space does a tiny furball need?

Old people say:

  • If a cat, out of many, has chosen your apartment or gate and stubbornly sits near it, rejoice - it means that he has driven away a serious misfortune that has targeted your home.
  • Did he get lost (say, ran away from the dogs and flew into your yard, or hid from the rain in the entrance)? Some grief could have ruined your whole life, but the cat sent it away.
  • If you take your baby into your home, don't skimp. The larger the cat's bowl, the luckier you will become.
  • You didn't plan to buy it, but you couldn't resist and took it from your hands in a passage or on the street? This good deed will result in success in business.
  • If you found a baby literally in the trash, near garbage containers, this is a sure sign of future wealth (and the dirtier and more exhausted the animal was, the more money will end up in the wallet or bank account of the person who took pity on it).

Men call these animals nothing more than “arrogant red face.” But nevertheless, they are passionately loved, forgiving both the sausage stolen from the table and the overturned pot of flowers. If you didn’t know what a protective angel or brownie looks like before, look at the animal purring on your lap. Here it is - a cozy home talisman, and as long as you take care of it, all adversity will bypass the family.

Difficulties at work, the machinations of spiteful critics

Red-haired kittens near their mother in a dream foreshadow complications in the professional field. The sleeper's projects will fail, and this will adversely affect his career growth.

Kittens of this color, together with the cat, promise a lot of minor troubles that you will get tired of correcting.

Were there red cats and cats in the dream? The dream book warns: you may meet a scammer, a deceiver.

A ginger cat and a cat in a dream warn a man about a meeting with a strong personality capable of imposing his will on him. This will lead to constant conflicts and irritability.

Positive values

There are also positive interpretations of a dream about a red cat. For a woman, the plot when she was scratched by this fluffy beauty can portend a long-awaited pregnancy.

Did you dream of a fluffy cat? The dream book tells you: there is a fun feast ahead with your family or a small celebration for your own.

Why do you dream that a fluffy cat of a darker color was fawning on you? There will be an opportunity to improve your health.

Behavior Observation

Folk beliefs about mysterious tailed creatures have different meanings depending on the behavior of the pet. If you want to know the exact interpretation of a sign, you need to take this point into account.

Squints his eyes

Sometimes cat owners often notice that their pets sit motionless and squint their eyes, as if they are evaluating something. It is not surprising that owners have a logical question: is it good or bad when an animal squints? According to signs, this behavior means that the pet was able to make friends with the brownie - the keeper of the hearth, and the residents of the house have nothing to worry about.

Rubs against owner's legs

If a cat actively rubs against a person’s legs and caresses in every possible way, then this indicates that positive energy is emanating from the owner. A perceptive pet senses these light currents and tries to stay close, letting the owner know that only favorable and good events lie ahead.

Scratches furniture

If a cat suddenly starts scratching furniture or walls, then according to signs, this promises worsening weather - heavy rains will soon begin, which will linger for a long time. There is another version that explains the reasons for this behavior: if the pet scratched the furniture, perhaps it is simply sharpening its claws.

Changed the direction of movement

If a cat, going somewhere about its business, suddenly suddenly changes its trajectory when it sees a person, then this bodes bad news.

Why does a cat sneeze?

According to popular wisdom, if a cat sneezed, this means that positive changes are approaching in the lives of family members. They can be different: from receiving a large sum of money to the fulfillment of a cherished desire, but they will certainly bring positive emotions and joy. If the cat sneezed 2-3 times, then the event will happen in the near future, and if the sneezing was long, then a longer period will be required.

Sleeping on the doorstep

Scientists and esotericists claim that cats have not only an extraordinary sense of smell, but also high intelligence. Having noticed that the cat is sleeping or sitting on the threshold, the owner should be on guard - the faithful pet senses negativity and thus protects the home.

Washing his face

If the cat washes itself, then the signs say that the animal is “washing” the guests - you should prepare for the unplanned arrival of old friends. For a more accurate interpretation, you need to take into account the details of washing:

  • The pet cleans itself with its left paw - good friends will come to visit.
  • The cat uses its right paw - signs say that unkind people are approaching the house.
  • It takes a long time to wash your face - you should set the table after 2-3 days.
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