Is it possible to stop a cat from scratching walls? Advice from experienced cat lovers

Rules of education and training

To prevent your cat from tearing up the furniture and scoffing at the wallpaper, you will have to accustom it to a scratching post from childhood.
From the first days of a kitten’s stay in the house, it is necessary to establish certain rules of behavior. For example, an animal should have its own things, its own tray, scratching post, dishes and bed. If the pet sleeps in the owner’s bed, it is useless to demand that he follow any rules. You can minimize the risk of damage to furniture and wallpaper by purchasing not one, but two scratching posts. If you have free time, you can make them yourself, and then place them in places where the baby is eyeing. In the early stages of parenting, this can work.

Someone shows the cat how the device works by scratching the scratching post with their nails. Some owners move a toy over it so that the cat, whether he wants it or not, scratches the surface

Still others prefer to attract the pet’s attention with special alluring sprays that cats like. Others take the kitten’s paw and scratch the scratching post directly with it.

To eliminate the problem, if it has already appeared, you need to monitor the pet’s behavior. At the stage of raising a baby, you can temporarily adjust, for example, by securing the walls with wall coverings that the cat does not like. The corners of the walls can be covered with plastic panels.

The choice of scratching post is important: its length should correspond to the height of the animal standing on its hind legs. You can purchase not only a vertical scratching post, but also a horizontal one, and its texture should be similar to tree bark. If your pet likes to tear up wallpaper, he needs a vertical scratching post, but if he often tears up horizontal surfaces (for example, the seat of a sofa or chair), you should buy a horizontal one. When an animal digs into an object with its teeth in addition to its claws, you should think about buying a scratching post along with a bed.

There are times when a pet is completely uninterested in a scratching post. Then you need to try to change its position and place. If he sharpens his claws on a post even once, you need to praise him and encourage him. It’s worth considering: cats are trainable and quickly understand what is required of them.

A gentle voice and a reward will encourage your pet to pay attention to the scratching post again and again.

It is often not possible to achieve the desired result. Therefore, to wean a pet from damaging objects, the owner often has to combine different methods. But if the pet spends a lot of time on the same furniture, it will consider that this is its place, which means it can do whatever it wants with it.

Correcting behavior

Show patience and understanding of behavior

If an animal feels your love, then it will try to reciprocate your feelings and please you. The main thing in this situation is to regularly praise your pet and support it. Over time, this will solve the problem of furniture damage and redirect the animal to other objects on which to sharpen its claws.

We purchase at least one scratching post

When choosing it, you need to consider the following:

  • It should be no less in length than the height of the animal standing on its hind legs. It should not be very heavy or high, which could lead to it falling on the animal.
  • If your pet likes to sharpen its claws on the carpet on the floor, then it is worth purchasing a recumbent version of the scratching post (made of cardboard, hemp, carpet).
  • It is not recommended to buy soft options, as it should resemble tree bark. Scratching posts in the form of a column are the most preferred by cats.
  • The more time she spends near the scratching post, the less often she will be near the furniture.

Scratching posts are sold in different shapes and sizes. Some of them need to be placed on the floor, some should be installed vertically, there are also play complexes with a house.

If a cat tries to scratch on the carpet, then you should buy a floor-mounted scratching post (average cost - 400 rubles) or, better yet, a scratching post-bed

If your attempts are always aimed at something vertical, then you should choose a hanging nail scratcher or in the form of a column (average price - 700 rubles).

A scratching post in the form of a column can be a good exercise machine for your pet, as it helps warm up and strengthen the muscles of the back and shoulders.

The ideal option would be to accustom your cat to a scratching post in the form of a house or play space. In this way, they will not only solve the main turning problem, but also occupy their free time or sleep.

This will be extremely convenient, since cats most often tend to sharpen their claws after sleep. The only drawback of such nail scrapers is their high cost (from 2000 rubles and above).

We place scratching posts in the right places

It is recommended to install the structure next to furniture that the cat has already damaged or where you think the animal might want to do it. The more such places, the more scratching posts you should have in your home.

So that she begins to associate the scratching post with you, put your things on it for a while.

It is also recommended to place the structures near the animal’s bed. After sleep, your pet always exercises.

Getting your pet used to the scratching post

It is necessary to ensure that an adult cat or kitten sharpens its claws only on the scratching post. Push your pet towards her so that he reacts to her. For greater effect, it is recommended to rub it or spray it with mint.

Using valerian will most likely not lead to the desired result, since she will forget about the intended purpose of the scratching post, will rub against it, meow, but will not sharpen her claws.

When the pet sharpens its claws on the structure, it is necessary to praise and give a treat, forming a conditioned reflex.

You can place your cat's paws on the structure and make a few scratching movements. But be prepared for the fact that not every dog ​​likes being forced to do something. She may get angry and run away.

Change the position of the scratching post if necessary

If the above does not work, then it is worth changing the location of the structure. The main principle is to make it attractive to the pet.

It is advisable to choose the covering that will be more suitable for the restless person. But this can only be determined if you purchase all possible options. But it will be worth it if your pet stops touching your furniture and gets carried away with his own.

If your pet is nervous around the scratching post, then most likely it seems big and intimidating to him. Try laying it on the floor or tilting it on its side.

Effective ways

It is not easy to stop a cat from tearing furniture and wallpaper if it has already become a habit. Some owners prefer to change the type of wall and floor coverings. For example, cats are indifferent to plastic panels, ceramic and PVC tiles, high-class laminate, artificial stone and decorative plaster. Some people prefer to cover upholstered furniture with thick fabric upholstery.

However, we must understand that even replacing the coating or an alternative to it will not be able to permanently wean the cat from scratching its claws and gnawing objects. This process is natural and vital.

Therefore, you will have to not only wean yourself off, but also think about how to switch your attention to other subjects. Let's consider the most effective methods of protection

Repellent odors

You can try to wean your pet from a bad habit by treating his favorite scratching areas with a product with an unpleasant aroma. It is known that cats do not like the citrus smell, so this is worth taking advantage of. This can be orange, lemon peel or essential oil. However, oil is inconvenient because it leaves unsightly greasy stains on the surface. An alternative to citrus, ether or spray can be some spices (for example, coriander or chili), which can be used to treat some surfaces (not suitable for furniture on which a person sits).

Protective coatings

You can save the upholstery of a sofa and armchairs by using covers made of special fabric or so-called anti-vandal Euro covers. In specialized stores you can choose options with a coating that is too tough for cats and not for their claws.

Trimming and nail trims

You can stop your cat from scratching the upholstery and damaging the surface of the wallpaper in a more effective way by cutting the claws or gluing special plastic covers on them. To trim claws, purchase a special device - a nail clipper, literally cutting off 1-1.5 mm of the regrown length. The device is quite convenient and allows you not to stretch out the procedure, and therefore the cat does not have time to get nervous.

The pads are put directly on the claws, having previously lubricated them inside with special glue. Don't worry too much about it being harmful. As practice shows, the glue is not so strong, but for some time the cat will not be able to damage the furniture upholstery and wallpaper.

Pulverizers and sprays

To prevent your cat from sharpening its claws and teeth on furniture, wallpaper and curtains, you can try using a spray bottle. Scaring can have an effect on individual individuals if it is done at the moment when the animal is tearing upholstery fabric or wallpaper. You can also spray your favorite items with a special spray to repel your pet. Citrus-scented sprays are repulsive to some cats.

Available means

You can protect furniture and wallpaper using another method. For example, favorite places can be covered with sticky, sliding or rustling material on top. For example, stick double-sided tape or foil to the torn area of ​​the wall.

scratching post

A special device for sharpening claws is an excellent and effective way to save both furniture and wall cladding. It can be either an individual item or part of a play complex for a cat. Its shape can be very diverse, as well as its material. Cats like large play complexes, because this is their territory where they can spend a lot of time. And this allows you to save the owners’ upholstered furniture.

What not to do

To wean a cat from gnawing and scratching the owner’s property, you cannot:

  1. Be inconsistent in your actions. Every attempt by a cat to tear up wallpaper and furniture should be punished. If you scold your pet once for tearing the upholstery of the sofa, but not the second time, then attempts to wean him from sabotage will be ineffective.
  2. Hit the animal and shout at it. Trying to stop a cat from tearing wallpaper and furniture using physical force will not bring results. They will only anger your pet or cause him stress.
  3. Lock the animal in a room and deprive it of food and water. This method of weaning a cat from tearing wallpaper and furniture will be perceived as cruel treatment and can lead to health problems.
  4. Perform “soft paws” surgery. This brutal procedure involves complete removal of the claws along with the pads of the fingers. It deprives the animal of the ability to defend itself from enemies and leads to impaired coordination and the development of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

The need to sharpen their claws is inherent in cats by nature. To wean pets from scratching wallpaper and furniture, you need to redirect their energy in another direction, giving them the opportunity to scratch the scratching post.

Tips for owners

Experienced breeders advise owners who are faced with the fact that their pet is damaging furniture and wallpaper in the house:

Do not lose your presence of mind in any situation and keep yourself in control. Yelling and physical punishment will have no effect. Tattered wallpaper will no longer become new, and your relationship with your pet can be ruined forever. If a cat fears or hates its owner, it will never be possible to reach mutual understanding with him. Only endurance and patience can help in raising an animal. There is no need to rush and throw away your pet’s old, favorite scratching post, literally saturated with familiar odors. It's better to put a new one next to it. Gradually the animal will get used to it, and then you can get rid of the old one. Sometimes a water spray or loud noises are used as a deterrent. But some animals become very frightened and irritated and perceive these methods as punishment.

They must be used with caution. To train a dog to use a scratching post, you can use the Kuklachev method. A board on which the cat’s “favorite” wallpaper is glued is installed where he is accustomed to mischief.

Gradually it is moved to the place that is suitable for the scratching post.

Is there wallpaper that cannot be removed?

Before purchasing a kitten, are you thinking about the need to put up special wallpaper in your house that will not be scratched by cats? You will be disappointed when you find out that there are no such finishing materials that completely eliminate damage.

Experienced cat lovers are not only experts in the field of felinology, but can also tell you which wallpaper cats hardly scratch or their efforts are not particularly noticeable:

  • Vinyl is the most affordable wallpaper. The stores have the largest assortment of them; you can easily select rolls to suit your taste and interior. The advantage is that they can be washed with detergents.
  • For painting - you can repeatedly repaint either the entire surface or individual fragments that have been damaged.
  • Liquid - a smooth surface without a pronounced pattern does not allow claws to catch on the surface.
  • Fiberglass ones not only look impressive, but are also the most durable and fairly easy to clean.

The walls in residential premises are in most cases decorated with wallpaper, but maybe you are interested in decorative panels made of plastic, chipboard, MDF, granite or artificial stone? This type of finish is particularly durable and easy to maintain; if necessary, some panels can be easily replaced by others.


Special sprays sold in pet stores can help stop a cat from sharpening its claws on the sofa. They have a pungent odor that cats cannot stand. At least that’s what the manufacturers say, but in practice, this doesn’t stop some individuals at all.

Resourceful pet owners use an analogue of such sprays. To do this, add a few drops of orange oil to a spray bottle with water and spray the resulting mixture onto the furniture. Cats can't stand the strong smell of citrus fruits, so this should help protect your couch. Under no circumstances should you splash such water on your cat; it can get into its eyes and cause serious damage to its health. You can treat the sofa with undiluted oil, in inconspicuous places. This will scare away even the most annoying pets.

Cats don't like strong scents - we use this against them

If spraying with cold water does not bring results, you need to look for a new effective method that will help bring some sense to the animal. Many breeders use scents in this matter, for example, a bright citrus aroma.

In some cases, it is enough to put a slice of lemon next to your favorite place for manicure and the cat will not repeat his old mistakes for a long time, leaving his favorite carpet alone. You can use citrus essential oils, but under no circumstances apply them to the damaged area, so that you don’t have to figure out how to remove the resulting stains. Specialized veterinary stores have special repellent sprays and fumigators:


  • efficiency 99.9%.


  • aroma traps will have to be constantly updated, since natural odors quickly disappear.


If for some reason there is no opportunity to purchase and place a gaming complex or scratching post, you can turn to anti-scratch products. Anti-scratch guards are silicone attachments for pets’ claws, made from special materials that, if they get into the pet’s stomach, do not harm it. The glue used for them is non-toxic and does not cause irritation if overcooked.

A large selection of all kinds of attachments will allow the owner to easily find the right option

Their low price (around 300-400 rubles per set) and ease of handling may appeal to many cat owners who practice grinding their claws on interior items. However, it is worth keeping in mind that different pets react differently to rubber attachments on their fingers. Some individuals quickly get used to the anti-scratches, some strive to tear them off with their teeth and eat them.

Read more about anti-scratch for cats and how to choose the right size on our portal.

Onychectomy: pros and cons

Simply put, this is the complete removal of cat claws. Some people don’t even think about how to stop a cat from scratching furniture, and to save their property, they take their pet to a veterinary clinic. It seems like a simple operation, but why doesn’t any good vet recommend it? Here's the thing:

  1. During the operation, not only the animal’s claws are removed, but also some of its fingers so that there are no more problems!
  2. Cats tolerate anesthesia very poorly.
  3. A cat without claws is disabled! The animal loses coordination of movements and cannot move as gracefully. If the cat wants to jump higher, he will simply fall down, because he has been deprived of clues.
  4. Due to the discomfort experienced, posture may deteriorate, and in the future the animal will suffer from back pain.
  5. The life of an animal after such an operation will turn into an endless stretch of stress!

How to stop a cat from scratching furniture? Definitely not through declawing surgery. Without them, a cat ceases to be a cat. Let's look at other ways to protect the interior.

If you don’t find any other way, then just try trimming your pet’s nails. This will not harm his health, the furniture will remain safe and sound.

Common Mistakes

No matter how much it may seem to the breeder that he is right, there are nuances that not only do not help, but also create certain obstacles in weaning the cat from stripping furniture upholstery and wallpaper.

Physical punishment and screaming

Cats have excellent memory. No matter how much they are shouted at, they understand the intonation. Considering that they cannot do without scratching and sharpening their claws, pets will continue to solve their problems there, but at the moment when the owner turns away. Other representatives of the cat family will do this on purpose.

Throwing objects

You should not throw objects at your pet. This will not help the matter, and in addition, it may harm the animal. For example, an object thrown at it may someday hit the target and injure the cat. The point here is not so much in education, but in its absence.

Use of aggressive chemistry

Not all products from specialized stores designed to repel cats work properly. Other drugs are so dangerous that they provoke allergic reactions in animals and even humans. For example, some products are so dangerous that after use they can cause suffocation in household members. Others have a toxic effect on the cat and family members.

Why are they so harmful?

Be honest: you love cats, cats and kittens not only for the way they purr comfortably or play funny with balls, but also for their independent character? Alas, domesticated felines often demonstrate their bestial nature on the walls, floors, curtains and furniture, and it’s unlikely that you like living among destruction and striped wallpaper.

If your cat helps you peel off old wallpaper during renovations, that’s great!

You can look for ways to solve the problem as much as you like, but you won’t be able to get rid of it completely until you find out why cats scratch the wallpaper in general and understand what the reason is for your four-legged friend.

Actually, the problem lies in the cat's sharp claws, but some animals almost never show them, and some are constantly on alert.

Most often, a cat tears up wallpaper for the following reasons:

  • Animal instinct - the domestic cat is no different from its wild relatives and it’s simply in his blood to climb trees. But where can I get them in my apartment? That’s why the animal tries to find a replacement in the form of wallpaper, furniture, curtains and other interior elements of the owners’ house.
  • Spoiled and bad manners - even if all cats walk on their own, the owners still have to show their pets that they are doing wrong. It may not be possible to train an animal, but believe me, the cat will certainly know that what it is doing is wrong.
  • Living conditions greatly affect the cat's psyche, and certain points may cause concern. If you suddenly change something in the room or if there are other animals in the next room, this will almost always affect its emotional component.
  • Hygiene - cats need to grind down the dead surface of their claws to make them strong and resistant to external influences, and wallpaper, in their opinion, is very suitable for such procedures.
  • The need to mark territory with the help of glands that are located under the pads.

A cat pulls wallpaper much more often if its claws are long enough and it catches on everything. A similar situation occurs among those owners who do not consider it necessary to trim their pets’ claws, but rely on the fact that they themselves grind off the excess length on the scratching posts.

How to trim a cat's claws correctly

Why is this done and what should owners do?

Literally every forum dedicated to the topic of pets is replete with messages about problems associated with torn furniture. Moreover, users offer a variety of solutions, ranging from ignoring and allowing further damage to the furniture, to removing the claws.

If you love your animal, then there is one thing you should know. Cats do this for a reason because of desire or pampering, the desire to harm you. This is their natural need.

By sharpening their claws on various objects, they thereby give themselves a manicure. Scales accumulate on the claws and need to be removed. Since few owners will clean the animal's claws, they prefer to take everything into their own paws.

I say this to mean that you cannot take drastic measures, remove claws, scold the cat, hit it or throw slippers. Imagine if you were cutting your nails and someone beat you for it. Strange, don't you agree?!


There are several options for how to wean a cat from damaging upholstered furniture, wallpaper and other interior items.

Here it is important not only to wean him off one, but also to accustom him to the scratching post. A little later I will tell you how you can make such a device yourself.

To stop damaging furniture and force the cat to pay attention to the manicure machine specially prepared for him, you can use several methods

  • Replaceable covers. They are simply put on the furniture, and when the cat tears them to shreds, they are removed and new ones are installed. Not the most practical option, since it will continue to tear up the sofa, and you will have to constantly spend money on covers;
  • A product with a repellent effect. These are the sprays that are sold in pet supply stores. If you want to wean him off the sofa and attract him to the scratching post, it’s worth a try;
  • Sticky tapes. Cats really don’t like it when something sticky and unpleasant clings to their paws. Therefore, his favorite areas on the sofa can be covered with tape. After a while he will no longer want to go there;
  • Claw attachments. An interesting and quite original solution. Silicone attachments are glued on and changed once every 3-4 weeks. It is expensive and requires a lot of time and patience. The gluing service in the salon is even more expensive;
  • Declaw removal. I really don't recommend it. This is cruel to an animal, no matter how domestic it may be.

When weaning your cat off furniture, it is important to offer him an alternative. And a DIY claw clipper is perfect here.

Yes, you can go to the online store and figure out which one to buy for your cat. Corrugated cardboard products are now popular, although they are not suitable for everyone. But usually they are expensive, but homemade products are several times cheaper. Plus, you yourself will be pleased to give a useful thing to your pet.

If a cat destroys the owner's furniture out of spite

This happens very often! The pet will look you in the eye, knowing that you shouldn’t scratch the sofa, but will continue, because he’s doing this out of spite! Why is this happening? Find the cause of dissatisfaction and eliminate it. For example, the animal did not like the food, its tray was not washed, it was not given a treat, it was scolded. Or maybe the cat simply cannot stand the smell of detergent or the owner’s perfume? How to stop a cat from scratching furniture in this case? Monitor your pet's behavior: how he behaves before and after washing the floors, how he reacts to new smells and other people. As soon as the cat starts tearing the furniture, remember what preceded it. You will find the reason quickly, because the animal will show its dissatisfaction as soon as something is not the way it wants!

Stopping unwanted behavior

Scare away with loud sounds

This remedy can be effective on cats that are very timid by nature. At the moment when the pet approaches the crime scene, you can loudly and sharply shout “No!”, “You can’t!”, “Scram!”, make a sharp noise with something (a container with coins or stones), and clap your hands. A timid furry friend will jump to the side. It is advisable to then take the pet in your arms, relieving slight fear, and sit it next to the scratching post.

Inflated balloons attached nearby will perfectly scare a cat away from the furniture, which it will definitely touch during sharpening. The animal will experience unpleasant sensations from a bursting balloon. This will scare the pet away and make you think next time whether it’s worth approaching.

Repelling with liquids

Everyone knows that cats for the most part are not fans of water and everything connected with it. Find or purchase a spray bottle, fill it with water and place it near the place where the furniture was damaged. Every time your pet walks past furniture or gets ready to sharpen its claws, spray it with water. It is advisable to spray before the start of the procedure so that she develops unpleasant sensations associated with this place and the planned actions. If you spray her after the deed, she will most likely not understand the reasons for attacking her. This product is harmless to cats.

You can add tangerine, orange or lemon oil to the spray bottle. Their smell is the most unloved for furry friends. Spray the furniture with it and use it every time your pet tries to tear up the furniture. The advantage of this product will be not only the animal being scared away from the furniture, but also the apartment being filled with a fragrant smell.

At a pet store you can purchase a device with a motion sensor with a built-in gas cartridge. It should be installed near the place of regular damage, pointing directly at it. As soon as the animal approaches it, the device will work and spray with a repellent. An ideal remedy for teaching a cat not to tear up furniture in the absence of its owners. The downside is that it’s not a cheap pleasure.

You can also separately purchase a product in pet stores in the form of a spray that helps prevent your cat from tearing up furniture. True, many owners note that they are ineffective.


Often it is enough to simply distract the animal’s attention from its favorite furniture. You can throw a toy, give a treat, pet

Pets usually like all this, so they can easily distract attention.

You can also distract attention with a board that will imitate your favorite walls, if you stick the same wallpaper on it and put it in the same place, covering the real one. There is a high probability that the animal will sharpen its claws on it

After some time, you can gradually begin to move this board to a place where it will not be an eyesore. The animal will move with it. The main thing is not to rush in this matter.

How to stop a cat from scratching furniture using improvised means?

Fill the spray bottle with water. And as soon as your pet starts tearing up the sofa or other unauthorized place, sprinkle water on it! There will be no harm to either the cat or the furniture, but the pet will begin to associate its favorite activity with unpleasant phlegm!

If you are thinking about how to stop a kitten from scratching the sofa, then this method is unlikely to work. Usually, kids accidentally damage furniture while playing. They begin to climb the curtains, try to conquer the sofa, the carpet hanging on the wall - this is normal behavior. If you pour water on your kitten every time he plays, you will simply grow a nervous creature, apathetic to everything. The same applies to scaring sounds.

How to teach a kitten to sharpen its claws

The younger the kitten, the easier it is to train him. Kids quickly grasp everything and develop habits.

To ensure your kitten understands what you want from him, be consistent in your actions and be patient. Next, we will tell you step by step how to accustom a kitten to a scratching machine.

Step 1 Choose a scratching post

One important rule applies here - you choose not for yourself, but for your pet. There is no need to select this item to match the interior design of the apartment, choose models that visually appeal to you

If the kitten doesn't like the scratcher, the owners are doomed to failure.

  • Give preference to tall models. The cat should be able to stretch and scratch as high as possible.
  • If you bought a wall-mounted model of a scratcher, hang it so that while standing on its hind legs, the cat can fully extend its front legs over its head.
  • Buy sustainable models. If the kitten feels that the scratching post is wobbly or shifting, he may become afraid and refuse to use it.
  • Choose a texture that your pet will like. If the kitten likes to scratch the carpet, carpet options are suitable. If you're not sure what's right, try scratching posts with natural rope wrapped around a pole or corrugated cardboard models.
  • Avoid models made of synthetic fibers and ropes, they create static electricity, which repels cats.
  • Give your pet the opportunity to choose, purchase several accessories with different textures.

Step 2 Restrict access

Limit the animal's access to the areas it chooses to sharpen its claws.

  • Cover upholstered furniture (sofas and armchairs) with covers, a heavy blanket or plastic wrap.
  • Remove carpets or treat them with a citrus-scented spray; cats don’t like it.
  • Wrap the scratched area with food foil or double-sided tape. Animals find it unpleasant to touch foil and sticky surfaces.
  • Before leaving home, close rooms with upholstered furniture that the pet has chosen for sharpening its claws.
  • Place the claw clipper directly in front of the object that the kitten likes to scratch.

Step 3 Choose a location

Choosing the location of the nail clipper is an important step in the training process. Scratching posts should be placed in areas suitable for cats. There is no need to put them in a corner or hide them in hard-to-reach places. This is convenient for owners, but cats will not like it. Place it where it is convenient for your cat to use it as a “territory marker.”

  • Place it at the front door, under the window and in the place where the pet has chosen the place for sharpening its claws.
  • If your cat likes to stretch and sharpen its claws after waking up, place a horizontal nail polisher where the cat likes to sleep.
  • Watch the animal. If it sharpens its claws on vertical surfaces, place the nail clipper vertically. If your pet likes to sharpen its claws on carpets, place a horizontal model.

Step 4 Increase Interest

The last step is to increase interest and draw attention to the scratching surface.

To attract your cat to a new object, you can spray the scratching post with special training agents. You can increase the attractiveness of a new item for a cat with the help of valerian. A few drops of the product are enough to smear on the scratching post. Catnip has a similar effect, the smell of which drives kittens and adult cats crazy. Simply sprinkle dried mint on the base and top of your nail clipper. Engage with games and toys. Play with your kitten next to the scratching post. Decorate it with feathers or light balls for your pet to play with. So, during the game, the baby will understand that this object is convenient for sharpening his claws. Try placing the column sharpener on its side. This will make it easier for little kittens to get to know her. When they get used to it, place the post vertically. Praise your cat every time he uses this item for its intended purpose. Offer your pet's favorite treat when he places his paws on the nail sharpening surface. Give a treat every time the kitten sharpens its claws in the right place

Treats will help create a positive mood in the animal and the training process will go faster. You can attract attention by borrowing this cat accessory from your friends. The kitten will smell someone else's smell and will try to interrupt it by scratching the surface that retains the smell of another animal. Gently place your kitten's paws on the scratching surface and make a scratching motion

Be calm at this moment, speak kindly to the kitten.

Limiting your pet's access to things

Hiding damaged areas of furniture

Some elements of an apartment's interior, such as leather furniture, are very attractive to cats, so it is recommended to stick double-sided tape, masking tape with the sticky side up, or special sticky strips on it (sticky surfaces are unpleasant for cats).

Cover furniture with plastic sheeting or rugs. Cats find this texture unpleasant.

You can use protective covers that are easy to wash and clean.

Vandal-proof sofa cover

We close the doors where the pet’s favorite furniture is located.

It's not difficult to keep the door closed and keep pets out of valuable furniture. If a cat sneaks in, make a sharp, loud noise so that it gets scared and runs away.

Scratching post selection and location

To protect wallpaper and furniture from cat claws, purchase a scratching post. It is optimal to install it before the animal arrives in the house, so that the cat immediately knows where manicure procedures can be performed. Pet stores always have a large selection of scratching posts for sale from different companies, from the simplest (a board with upholstery material) to multi-storey complexes with a place to relax and a play area.

Corrugated cardboard

The most budget option is a corrugated cardboard claw. Structurally, it is a plate of laminated corrugated cardboard on which the cat can rest. Its shape can be absolutely varied, starting from the simplest rectangle and ending with various convex structures in the form of animals or fish. As a rule, the pet quickly gets used to the new furniture and stops spoiling the environment.

The disadvantage of corrugated cardboard is the large amount of debris that appears every day from under the claws of the fluffy.

Carpeting (Carpet)

Carpet scratchers are a real work of art. They are made in the form of a multi-tiered structure, including scratching pads, sleeping houses and various beds for the animal. All surfaces of the structure are covered with carpet, any of them is suitable for sharpening claws. Cats love to live in the enclosed space of the house, and from the top lounger it is very convenient to observe the life of the apartment. The disadvantage of the design is the high price.

On a note!

When purchasing a carpet-covered scratching pad, you need to make sure that your cat does not confuse it with the carpet runners laid out on the floor and does not spoil the carpets.


The most common claw clippers are made from rope by manufacturers. For this purpose, sisal, jute, hemp or cotton rope is used. The device consists of a horizontal or vertical base on which a strong rope is wound in turns. The price of such a claw blade depends on the appearance and complexity of the design.


Wood is a good material for manicuring claws. For the manufacture of wooden structures, alder, linden, aspen, pine or spruce are used. Designer claw boards made from solid wood, offered by the trade, decorate the interior of the room; made by yourself, it costs almost nothing.

Design and size

The industry produces horizontal and vertical claw clippers. The specific choice will depend on the pet's preferences. Some cats prefer to do their manicure while stretching out on their hind legs to their full height; for them it is better to purchase vertical posts, wall panels or a carpet complex with many shelves and rollers. Others sharpen their claws with their back bent horizontally. These pets will love corrugated cardboard floor panels or carpeted beds. For those who like to tear up wallpaper on the corners of apartments, corner scratching posts are a good choice. A playful animal will happily claw a fur mouse or a jute carrot hanging on a string. The device you like will be used constantly, the one that doesn’t fit will gather dust, and the furry barbarian will again start tearing up furniture and wallpaper.

The size of the scratching post must correspond to the parameters of the animal. It is ideal when the fluffy can stretch to its full height, stretching and training the muscles of its paws. The weight of the device is very important: during any jumps and attacks, it should not tip over or sway.

Location of the scratching post indoors

To prevent the animal scratching post from becoming a useless piece of furniture, you need to choose a suitable place for installation. As a rule, immediately after waking up, the fluffy begins to actively stretch and flex his muscles. At the same moment he has a desire to manicure his claws. Therefore, it is optimal to install the scratcher next to the cat's bed. If an animal is tearing apart a corner of an apartment or a soft sofa with its claws, it is advisable to place a scratching post next to this place. In a small room, one scratching post is usually enough; in a large apartment, to preserve wallpaper and furniture, it is advisable to install several of them, placing them in each room.

scratching post

You can find this useful item in every pet store. A scratching post can be a post, a plank, or a whole castle with shelves for climbing, a place to sleep and various toys. The scratching post, whatever it is, is covered with durable fabric or rope, which is very convenient for scratching claws. By the way, you can make a scratching post at home at very little cost. You will need a board, twine, glue. Apply glue to the board, then wrap it tightly with rope, dry it and give it to your cat!

But some complain that this thing is useless, and the pet simply ignores it! Do not forget that even a person who sees a new thing will not immediately understand what it is for. The cat needs to be accustomed to the scratching post by distracting it from the furniture. To make the animal comfortable and safe, attach this thing securely (to support the weight of the cat), at a height where the purr can easily reach. If there is no interest in a new item yet, try applying a little valerian to the fabric; it will certainly not leave the animal indifferent!

If the apartment is large and several cats live in it, then one scratching post will not be enough. Cats believe that they are the masters of the house, and therefore will sharpen their claws in any place. To do this, distribute scratching posts throughout the house, in the animals' favorite places.

It’s easier for kids to adapt to such a subject. Buy a scratching post as soon as you get a pet, so you don’t have to wonder how to stop a kitten from scratching furniture and wallpaper. Reviews on this matter say that the thing is really necessary. It is recommended to accustom him to a scratching post in his favorite place to play. One lesson is enough for some, but there are cats who, even in a year, will not understand what a person wants from them! If you have a scratching post, but you still haven’t been able to figure out how to stop your cat from scratching furniture and wallpaper, then choose another method.

Why does a cat tear up furniture?

The habit of sharpening their claws is formed in cats at the level of instincts under the influence of physiological, behavioral and psychological factors:

  • The claws are constantly growing, the cornea is renewed, the old layer is peeled off, and cats clean it off on surrounding objects. This procedure keeps the nails sharp and healthy. Wild and barn cats use tree trunks, domestic animals use furniture, carpets, and walls.
  • Cats use their paws to mark their territory: glands between the toes and on the pads secrete a secret with the individual scent of the animal.
  • Kittens are raised by a cat for the first 3 months; if animals are separated from their mother early, they do not learn the basics of correct behavior, in the future they cannot be trained, and they do not recognize the scratching post.
  • Sharpening claws for cats is a way to relieve psychological stress, throw out emotions, and express dissatisfaction. They use their paws more intensively when the situation changes, there is a lack of attention or a long absence of family members, or when a new animal appears in the house.

The owner will not eradicate the habit of sharpening his claws, but will be able to correct the pet’s behavior if he understands and solves his psychological problems.

Why do cats tear up wallpaper?

First, let's find out why a cat tears wallpaper on the walls, what is the reason for this unpleasant phenomenon? As a rule, scratching of walls and wallpaper is observed in the following cases:

  1. The cat wants to shorten its claws and make them sharper
    , get rid of split nail tips;
  2. A pet leaves on the wallpaper traces of a secretion secreted by the glands found on the fingertips
    . In other words, this is how the cat marks its territory. The smell of such secretions cannot be felt by humans, but other animals that live in the house or theoretically can get into the house will smell it very well;
  3. By scratching the wallpaper, the animal gets rid of excess energy
    , doing a kind of exercise and stretching its muscles;
  4. Surprisingly, sometimes a cat tears up wallpaper to attract the attention of the owner
    if he devotes all his time to children or, for example, to work. The animal knows that the owner will definitely drop everything if he sees damaged wallpaper on the walls;
  5. A cat can peel off wallpaper out of a sense of revengeif
    the owner punished it in some way (shouted loudly, hit, kicked, etc.);
  6. Some cats that were previously perfectly behaved may begin to tear up wallpaper due to stress

What coverings are cats indifferent to?

Cats don't like sticky surfaces. You can protect your furniture by placing double-sided tape or sticky paw tape in the area where your pet prefers to sharpen its claws.

Decorative plaster, ceramic tiles, linoleum or laminate will also not interest the kitten. To prevent damage to the wallpaper, you can use these materials to decorate the walls.

Aluminum foil and other smooth, sliding surfaces will not please your pet.

You can temporarily seal the area where the cat began to leave scratches with bubble wrap. Since the claws get stuck in it, the animal will stop damaging the furniture.

How to stop a kitten from tearing up furniture and wallpaper

Weaning a cat from damaging property involves replacing the favorite scratching object with a similar material. You won't be able to stop scratching forever. This procedure is vital for a cat.

Scratching posts and cat furniture

This method is universal and suitable for animals of any age. A scratching post is an object covered with fabric or sisal. It can be a flat board, cone, wave, column or other shapes. You can find a scratching post at any pet store.

The variety of shapes, materials and colors will help you choose a scratching post for any design and for any picky person with a mustache. There is a more interesting option - a play complex, which consists of houses with scratching posts connected to each other.

When buying a gaming complex for a cat, they provide it with a place to warm up, play, relax and sharpen its claws. Models are also multi-tiered, up to the ceiling. The happy owners of such houses do not worry about the safety of their furniture.

Spray repeller

Cats have a keen sense of smell and cannot tolerate strong odors. If you apply such a scent to a surface chosen by a cat, there is a chance that the cat will lose interest in it. The main thing is that the smell does not irritate a person and does not stain the upholstery.

You can buy the finished spray at a pet store or prepare it yourself. The latter option is made from an infusion of spices, as well as a mixture of water and citrus essential oil.

Another type of spray contains cat enzymes. This composition leaves an odor similar to the smell of secretions secreted by cats. Having felt this smell, the cat decides that it has already marked this place and, perhaps, will refuse to scratch it.

The spray can be purchased at any pet store

Traditional methods

A popular method is to scare the cat away from its favorite place. To do this, use any slippery, rustling and sticky materials. For example, attach foil or double-sided tape to the torn area. For these purposes, a sticky transparent film was invented, which is purchased at a pet store.

Another method is negative consequence. Its essence is to create a frightening noise during the scratching process. When the cat starts scratching, a bunch of keys or a baby rattle falls next to him. The main thing is that the cat does not see how the owner throws the thing.

You can attach clinging material to a torn wall

Another option for negative reinforcement is to spray water from a spray bottle or children's water pistol. Only this punishment must be carried out at the time of the offense, but not later.

The most interesting method

You can buy special claw covers at the pet store. These things are attached to the top of the claw with glue and fall off with it about once a month. False claws are harmless to cats and do not interfere with the ability to retract their claws freely. They usually have bright colors and special glue included.

Claw stickers

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