How to stop a cat from running at night: advice from experienced owners

When you bring a kitten to a new home, it is easy to encounter the problem that he will confuse day with night. The owners are sleeping, the new resident is trying to play or is worried out of habit. A kitten keeps you from sleeping at night: what can you do about it?

Young, playful cats up to a year old tend to be playful at night. During the day, the owners are at work, the children are at school, and the cats are sleeping. A cat’s “day” begins in the evening. Often kittens, having slept, tend to play. Manifestations are individual: they pester their owners in bed, bite, throw things on the floor, or meow loudly under the door.

You're probably being watched the same way :)

Reasons why a cat is awake at night

The pet's activity manifests itself closer to night because it is a predator, albeit a domestic one. His wild ancestors hunted at night. He continued this habit.

Other explanations for nocturnal activity include:

  1. Demand for food because the owner did not feed the ward enough in the evening. He meows from hunger, trying to get him to give him food.
  2. Need for communication. He was alone in the house or apartment all day while people were working, and hopes to get attention from them, at least at night.
  3. Health problems that bother your pet, forcing you to meow.
  4. The ward slept during the day when no one disturbed him.

How to make a cat sleep

It's likely that your cat will still wake up during the night; felines have shorter sleep cycles. It is important to let your cat know that your sleep should be respected and not disturb your owner's sleep.

Don’t reinforce bad habits in your cat: if you want to eat at night, don’t give your cat anything. The pet will guess and wake you up to beg for a night snack.

You should not feed your cat first thing in the morning - this also reinforces the cat’s desire to wake you up for food. Make it clear that the owner wakes up whenever he wants.

If you can't get your pet to sleep, contact your veterinarian.
The doctor will tell you how to adjust your cat’s daily routine and prescribe medications if necessary. Did you like the article? Share with your friends!

Remove sources of temptation

Cats like to climb to heights. When the owner is sleeping, the animal can jump from a high place directly onto a sleeping person. To avoid such a situation, eliminate all dangerous places where your pet lives: shelves, cabinets that you can climb on and then jump down. Move dangerous furniture away from your sleeping area. You can put things on top of them that are difficult to jump on and drop.

The measures taken will help wean the cat from performing acrobatic tricks at inopportune times.

Reasons why a cat yells at night

To solve this problem, you need to understand why the cat yells at night.

Boredom and lack of attention

Usually cats react to the appearance of their owner with a short greeting “Meow”. If he has been absent for a long time, the meowing is longer and repeated, this is a demonstration of joy and excitement about the meeting. The meowing of cats left for a long time in an empty apartment is long, drawn-out, similar to a howl, this is a complaint about loneliness.

Cat parents often conduct a dialogue with their pupils, responding to each “Meow” with their own remarks. Cats that talk to for a long time are more likely to meow for no reason, as if inviting the person to communicate, attracting them to dialogue. Some breeds are especially vocal - Siamese, Oriental.

By meowing, a cat can demand that you pay attention to it - play, caress, or pick it up. It is better to communicate with the cat in communication, without waiting until she begins to insistently demand this, meowing piercingly.

You cannot punish a cat for loud, persistent meowing; spanking, splashing water, blowing in the face; cats are vindictive and vindictive. It’s better to behave like you would with a child throwing a tantrum: try to explain that you will grant the request when you are free and the pet has calmed down.

Felines are nocturnal, so a situation often arises when a cat sleeps during the day, but at night, despite the dissatisfaction of its owners, it becomes active, wanders around the apartment, jumps, rustles something, plays, meows, and attacks imaginary enemies. To avoid this, play with your cat in the evening and talk to her.

To prevent your cat from screaming at night, talk to her in the evening

Hormonal changes and diseases

One of the main reasons that makes a cat behave quite aggressively is hormonal changes in the body. Unneutered cats scream about their desire to meet cats that are in territorial proximity. The instinct of procreation in animals is developed at a high level, but cats do not feel pleasure. Cats experience physical and psychological suffering during hormonal surges. Animals cannot overcome their instincts, so there are two ways to solve the problem - find a mate for the groom or take him to an appointment with a veterinarian and have him castrated.

  • If a cat is in pain, it will announce this with a loud, high-pitched meow, but may also purr, although this is usually a sign of pleasure. Anxious meowing is accompanied by anxiety or lethargy, digestive disorders and other symptoms:
  • Meowing in combination with vomiting or diarrhea, trembling, attempts to rub the anus on furniture or carpet indicate infection with helminths;
  • If meowing begins before going to the toilet, it is likely that bowel movements are painful due to constipation or diarrhea;
  • Mite infestation leads to severe anxiety, screaming, and the cat may scratch itself until it bleeds.
  • with a viral disease, the animal is usually passive, refuses to eat and screams hoarsely;
  • aged animals sometimes meow loudly and pitifully for no reason, stand in one place for a long time, lose orientation, look into space with an empty gaze, this is a sign of degenerative changes (Alzheimer's disease).

The cat demands something

A prolonged meow is a call for help, a demand. You can understand its meaning by observing where the animal is. Cats ask to be let in, let them out, or just open the door, because they don’t like it when they are closed. An animal may need help getting up or down somewhere; kittens and large overweight animals often ask for help. Neat cats require changing the litter in the tray.

The meow of a cat begging for food is similar to a child's cry, and it is difficult to resist it. Sometimes the animal can remind the owner that feeding time is approaching. If your cat stands at the filled bowl and meows demandingly, but does not eat, the food may not be suitable for her. Or the bowl is the wrong size, unclean, with a foreign smell of washing up liquid.

Old age

As a cat ages, it becomes more vulnerable and becomes a harmful and capricious creature. By the time they reach 10 years of age, about 30% of cats are affected by incurable Alzheimer's disease. By the age of 15, 50% of animals get sick; there is no need to punish an aging pet for little pranks. It is necessary to protect him from stress and pay more attention.

Give your cat plenty of exercise

To keep your pet awake during the day, you need to play with him and take him for walks. You can use toys that imitate the movement of living insects or birds, balls, light bunnies, and pendulum objects.

You need to play with the cat longer until he gets tired. You can “walk” the cat outside before going to bed. Domestic cats rarely run far from home; it is unlikely that they will be lost if their owners are attentive.

The cat doesn't let you sleep at night: what to do?

How to accustom a cat to a house and sleep in it

It's natural for a cat to be active at night. But it often interferes with sleep and is annoying. The owners want to know why the kitten does not let them sleep at night and what to do in such a situation. There are many options on how to deceive the cat's nature.

Barsik sleeps sweetly, but this doesn’t always happen at night

Therefore, below are several simple options for what you need to do to help your cat sleep at night.

  • If an animal does not have enough attention, you can talk to it, stroke it, caress it, then the animal will calm down, feel cared for and will not be worried due to lack of attention.
  • You need to help your cat reset the energy accumulated during the day. You can buy toys: mazes, houses, claw sharpeners, a ball, so that when the owner is not at home, she can have fun herself. It is better to choose interactive toys: squeakers, dialers, buzzers, so the cat will not be so lonely. If there is an opportunity to have another pet, that's good. During the day they will have much more fun, and there will be no problems with excess energy.
  • Also, before going to bed, the owner can teach the cat to scout out the situation in the area. After he is convinced that everything is fine and there is no sign of danger, he will calmly go to bed.
  • If possible, you can mount shelves on which your pet could climb.
  • You can hide his toys around the house in the morning, thereby provoking the animal to search throughout the day.
  • The animal should be left with food at night. If the pet gets hungry, it will not bother you by meowing, but will go to the bowl, satisfy its hunger and go on to sleep.
  • You can arrange a place for your cat by the window so that instead of sleeping during the day, she can watch what is happening on the street.
  • In the evening, you can show your cat special videos on your smartphone or TV. The net is full of them, usually there is a mouse running around, a fly flying or fish swimming. The cat will immediately become involved in the process and will want to catch the animals herself. Such an active activity before bedtime will warm up your pet a little, after which he will sleep soundly. Instead of a video, you can tie a ribbon to a stick and tease; cats love to run after something or catch something.
  • Most of the food should be left for the evening. Once you are full closer to night, the likelihood of activity will be much lower.
  • You cannot lock an animal in the bathroom or kitchen. At night it will try to get out, and there will be even more noise.
  • The cat loves to get his way, so you should not give in to provocations. If the owner is sure that the pet is feigning and specifically demanding attention, then it is better to remain steadfast. Manipulations at night should be strictly ignored. But during the day it’s a different matter. You should actively communicate and play with the animal.
  • You can also resort to retraining the cat. You should try to slightly shock the cat when he starts rustling: throw a plastic bottle or any other object with a ringing sound. Under no circumstances should you throw an object at him.

There is no need to worry unnecessarily that the animal sleeps a lot or vice versa. Everything is very individual, and if the cat has adapted to such a life, then it is better not to violate his personal boundaries and not disrupt the harmony.

The main thing that the owner must do is to contact the pet, arrange a secluded corner for it and try to tame it so that it at least sometimes obeys.

Sound cat sleep

The reasons why a cat stays awake at night are different: from a simple lack of attention to serious mental or health problems. If the lack of attention can still be corrected, for example, by playing more with the cat or communicating, then it will not be possible to cure the disease on your own. Even the same stress that causes laughter in some pet owners can provoke serious disorders. Fear or fear of something can seriously damage the nervous system. If, after trying all the options to ensure your cat sleeps soundly at night, nothing has changed, you should consult a veterinarian.

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Determine the cat's territory

Set up your cat's sleeping place. You can organize a secluded corner for him in a box, or better yet, build several places where he can retire.

Do not train your animal to sleep with you. Feline individuals must know the boundaries of their territory. It is better to close the door to your own bedroom at night. If the cat is immediately accustomed to this order, he will not ask to sleep with the owner or mistress, meowing at the door.

The reasons for the restless meowing of cats at night can be found here:

Why does a cat interfere with sleep?

Felines are nocturnal animals, because at night it is easier to catch prey. However, people are used to living differently and usually work during the day.

Accustoming a cat to a human daily routine is possible, and furry cats often get used to it on their own. If the fluffy doesn’t want to put up with your lifestyle, something has gone wrong.

Most often, cats do not want to sleep at night due to insufficient activity during the day. Some pets do not see their owner for days, and want to socialize when the owner comes home to sleep. The opposite situation is also possible: the cat does not like the noise of children during the day, so it is more comfortable for her to walk around the house at night.

A pet may interfere with sleep due to the restriction of its territory at night. For example, during the day a cat can walk throughout the apartment, and at night the toilet is closed. This situation causes anxiety for the fluffy.

A cat can interfere with sleep intentionally - for example, if it is offended. In this case, you will have to figure out what upset the pet.

How to stop a cat from waking up its owner

If the problem is related to the health of your furry pet, then a veterinarian will help solve it. In other cases, the owner will have to act independently and retrain the pet - gradually, patiently, resorting to some tricks, for example:

  1. First of all, you should develop a plan that all family members will adhere to. But it’s best to think through an action plan during the day, since after a sudden awakening at night, it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to solve anything.
  2. It is recommended to help the animal rebuild its “internal clock”. To do this, 1-2 hours before bedtime, it is advisable to play with him and offer him a light meal. The latter will eliminate nighttime food requirements.
  3. If the cat does disturb the owner’s peace, the most correct human behavior is to ignore the impudent pet. After making several attempts, he will understand that there will be no attention and communication and may give up such attempts.
  4. A restless cat is not the best company for a night's rest, so you shouldn't leave it in your bed. It is advisable not to let her into the bedroom at night and always keep the door closed.
  5. When organizing your pet's sleeping place, you can select a cozy place in the warmth, away from drafts. A living room, bathroom or even a storage room is suitable for this. And to interest the cat, you can grind a small amount of catnip on the litter.
  6. If the main reason for the “night fun” is the pet’s loneliness, and the owner is unable to pay enough attention, then you should think about purchasing a second pet. Two cats will have a lot of common interests, they will play during the day and sleep at night.
  7. "No!" early breakfasts - cats are excellent manipulators and use all their skills to achieve what they want. But you shouldn’t follow the lead of a capricious pet. After all, having woken up the owner of the watch at 7 am with a demand for breakfast and received it, the cat will not calm down. And the next “reveille” can be expected even earlier. The owner should refuse the pet by covering his head with a blanket. It is important to follow the established feeding schedule, and gradually the cat will get used to the regimen that the person has set.

Basic Rules.

Felines like established rules and do not respond particularly well to change. Changes can throw off their schedule and the whole family will suffer.

You should set aside a certain time for eating, playing, socializing, physical activity, hygiene procedures, and other things.

After a busy day, the cat will feel good, moderately tired and ready for sleep.

Also watch the video on what to do if your cat doesn’t let you sleep at night:

Rule out a medical problem first

If your cat's behavior suddenly changes, ask your veterinarian for an examination before attempting to address the morning noise problem. A cat that chews all day but loses weight may have hyperthyroidism. Other medical problems are more difficult to detect. Look for a physical cause first, not a behavioral one.

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How to wean a kitten from sleeping alone?

Place the kitten's sleeping place next to the bed and fall asleep, gently stroking it and calming it down. Gradually move the bed closer to the door and take it outside the bedroom. Wait until your pet gets used to the new place to sleep, and strictly do not let him on the bed.

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Ignore the cat

Once you've completed the previous tips, it's time for the most painful part, which is ignoring your cat. When she wakes you up too early, the cat knows that the screaming and yelling will cause you to give in and provide the food. You have to have amazing restraint not to get up and feed your own animal. However, you should not call her name, throw anything heavy, or splash water. You and your partner or other family members should pretend to be asleep until it is time to get up.

This method was used by a specialist who assisted in the re-education of cats. He suggested that his clients call on the twelfth day if the cat was still waking them up in the middle of the night. He says that no one ever called.

However, we must admit that at first it will not be easy. You'll have to be patient and wait until it gets better. It's like jet lag. It's going to be very difficult at first, but a couple of sleepless nights now will end up making your mornings much more enjoyable.

Why does a cat wake up its owner at night?

In nature, wild representatives of the cat family are nocturnal animals. They are used to sleeping during the day and going out to hunt or play at night. As for domestic cats, they are more adapted to the twilight regime than to the night regime. The peak of their greatest activity occurs during the periods of dawn and dusk, which is closer to the human regime.

However, in some cases, the cat’s “internal” clock gets lost, and it becomes like its wild counterparts and begins to wake up its owner at night. This can happen for a number of reasons:

  1. The cat does not receive proper physical activity and does not get tired. Therefore, when the owner begins to fall asleep, the animal has a desire to play and communicate with him.
  2. A cat spends most of its time alone, and when its owner is nearby, it may demand attention regardless of the time of day.
  3. The pet is hungry and wants to eat - in this case, it is recommended to reconsider the daily routine, regime and diet of the pet.
  4. The modes of humans and cats do not completely coincide.
  5. Something happened to the animal's sleeping place, and it cannot or does not want to sleep there.

Lack of sleep as a sign of illness. If an adult pet begins to wake up its owner at night for no apparent reason, it is worth taking a closer look at the pet’s appearance and behavior. Soreness, weight loss, nervousness and other associated symptoms are good reasons to visit a veterinary clinic. Night awakenings may be a sign of an animal’s illness, namely:

  • toothache;
  • arthritis;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • hypertensive attack and other pathologies.

Older pets over 8 years of age require special attention. In this case, the risk of developing diseases is much higher.

Morning activity of cats

Early morning awakenings for your pet can have several causes.

· The animal is bored and asks to be entertained

· The cat is hungry and hurries the owner to give out the morning portion of food

· Excess tenderness. Incredible, but true: it is in the morning that cats especially need affection and attention.

You can control your pet’s morning activity by providing him with independent entertainment. For example, give your cat access to a glassed-in balcony, where your pet can watch passers-by on the street.

Coordinate your pet's feeding times so that your cat doesn't feel too hungry in the morning.

Pet the animal only after you have woken up. Don't react to a cat if he asks to be petted at 5 am. The pet must understand: while the owner is sleeping, he cannot be disturbed.

Recognize the role of biology

Once you're sure everything is going well medically, it's time to address your cat's behavior. Keep in mind that your cat's urge to eat as the sun rises is within normal limits. Cats, by nature, are most awake at dawn and dusk. You are mistaken if you think that they are nocturnal.

Since your cat doesn't have to hunt all day, as she might in the wild, she may spend most of the day on the couch, napping and shedding. When you return from work, cats begin to show interest in what is happening. They know that when you're home, it's time for dinner. If you want them to eat on a schedule that works for you, you'll have to work hard to get them into the habit.

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