How cats die: signs and causes of the inevitable || How does a cat with chronic kidney disease die?

My pet is a real member of the family, and when the cat suddenly died, it became somehow quiet, I wanted to howl in anguish. People threw a kitten covered in blood and for two nights he screamed from pain in his stomach, then he recovered and became the favorite of all household members for many years. Not all cats face death alone. The pet perceives dying as the language of the last farewell and, wanting to pay tribute to the family to which it has been a friend for many years, it dies in the arms of the owner with open eyes.

What can cause a critical condition:

  • acute cardiovascular failure
  • congenital pathologies of the heart, lungs, brain and spinal cord
  • hypertension, stroke
  • thrombus formation
  • poisoning
  • massive bleeding
  • injuries of internal organs with their damage
  • traumatic brain injury
  • extensive burns
  • drowning
  • asphyxia
  • sunstroke
  • prolonged hypothermia
  • electrical injury
  • pain shock
  • psycho-emotional overexcitation
  • sudden death

When is resuscitation required?

If your pet suddenly loses consciousness or his heart stops, the main thing is not to panic, but to try to provide him with first aid.

Remember, in this situation, minutes count and you can’t lose them! The further fate of the animal will depend on how quickly you begin to act.

Clinical death lasts only a couple of minutes and at this time there is still hope to save the four-legged friend, then biological death occurs, brain cells die and it is no longer possible to help.

How to understand the condition of an animal:

  • see if your pet is conscious
  • check pupil reaction to light
  • determine the ability to breathe
  • feel the pulse

If breathing stops, call a veterinarian immediately and begin artificial ventilation.

First aid

In the absence of consciousness in an animal, it is necessary to ensure the supply of oxygen in the blood to the brain. To do this, lift your pet by its hind legs so that its head is down.

If the patient is small, you can try to spin him, this will increase the effect of centrifugal force on blood flow.

Place a large animal head down, raising its hind legs.

The return of consciousness is manifested by the reaction of the pupil to light and its constriction. In more complex cases, it is necessary to carry out manipulations to restore the vital functions of the body.

First you need to determine whether the animal is breathing or not. To feel breathing, bring your cheek to his muzzle, or bring a mirror to his mouth; if it fogs up, then there is breathing.

To increase air flow, open the animal's mouth and stick out its tongue. You can additionally open the windows to provide more fresh air in the room.

Next you should feel the pulse. You can determine the work of the heart by pressing your fingers to the femoral artery in the groin or to the carotid artery in the neck. If the pulse does not disappear, proceed to restore respiratory function using the mouth-to-nose method.

If it is absent, perform a heart massage along with ventilation. This will prevent vital functions from disappearing and will enable the body to continue the fight.

Pay attention

Spend more time with your cat, brushing it, petting it, and playing with it. This will give your pet positive emotions with any changes in the house that she feels. Don't try to get a new pet right away. Although your cat will miss her long-time companion, she is unlikely to welcome a stranger if she is still upset about the loss. At such times, a new cat will only become an additional source of stress. Like many other animals, a cat needs time to sniff the dead body of a comrade. This can be a necessary part of the bereavement experience. So it may be helpful to bring the body of the euthanized cat home rather than having it cremated at the veterinarian's office. Whenever sudden changes in behavior occur, the veterinarian should examine the cat for any underlying physical problem. An animal psychologist can help with unresolved behavioral problems.

How to resuscitate an animal

Rescue actions should begin no later than 2-3 minutes after you discover that your four-legged friend has stopped breathing.

It is best to do mechanical ventilation and cardiac massage at the same time. The shorter the interval between the onset of clinical death and the start of resuscitation measures, the higher the chance of saving your pet!

Artificial respiration "mouth to nose"

Sudden cessation of breathing can be stopped by striking the chest with your palms. Do this until the animal begins to breathe on its own.

If there is no result:

  • Place your pet on a hard, flat surface on its right side
  • check the oral cavity and remove contents (mucus, foreign objects, vomit)
  • if your tongue has fallen into your throat, pull it forward by the tip and close your jaws tightly
  • tightly clasp the animal’s nose with your mouth and begin to inhale air into the nostrils (the correctness of the action will confirm the expansion of the chest)
  • after a deep breath, excess air must be released through the mouth, otherwise the stomach and lungs may overstretch, to do this, take a short pause
  • if the sternum does not rise, exhale more intensely into the animal and lightly hold its lips with your hand so that the air passes deeper
  • it is necessary to exhale once every 4-5 seconds (i.e. up to 15 breaths per minute)

A sign that breathing has been restored will be the return of pink color to the gums and ears.

Heart massage should begin without stopping the restoration of breathing.

  • to resume contractions of the heart muscle, place the fingers of one hand on the sternum in the area of ​​the heart, the fingers of the other on the chest on the opposite side (if the pet is large, then use 2 palms)
  • do sharp chest compressions after inhaling (for 1 mouth-to-nose exhalation - 6 chest compressions)
  • monitor your pet’s condition every 1-2 minutes

If after 30 minutes of intensive manipulation a positive result is not achieved, then it can be stated that biological death has occurred.

Requests for help Write your story I was walking home from work and saw a cat lying down. It seemed to me that he was dead, but I looked closer, his eyes were open, he was breathing quickly, as if he was having convulsions, I realized that the cat’s agony was not reacting to anything. I don’t know how to write, I just thought it was better to stop the cat’s torment and killed him by hitting him on the head. Now I regret it so much, I just hate myself, because I always loved animals, but here I killed a cat with my own hands. I don’t know what to do, it’s just that all the time my hands are shaking before my eyes, I want to drink until I’m blue in the face and die somewhere. People passing by looked at me so much, because there was probably another way to help the cat, it would have been better if I had just passed by. I don’t know how to continue to live, I’m just a flayer, I’ll never forgive myself for this. I just don’t know what to do, I want to turn off my brain and forget myself, I’m a terrible person.

Richat, age: 23 / 07/10/2012


A familiar situation. About 6 years ago, I locked a cat in a barn in winter. I was at my grandmother’s and it was cold outside. Then when I came to get him, it turned out that he was frozen and was crushed by a box, and I was a fool thinking of warming him up. I don’t judge you. Only God has his rights and they should be afraid of him. Take a hungry, unwanted kitten from the street and feed it, bathe it, keep it with you. You will save a life. You can say that you took that one, but you will save this kitten. Maybe it will feel better.

Lisa, age: 15 / 07/10/2012

hello, your situation is not simple, although for many it is obvious, on the contrary, I had a similar situation. you are tormented by remorse, it’s hard, but this is what happens, it means you’re a good person, you shouldn’t condemn yourself, you’ve already done it enough, it’s difficult, but there’s no other way, you’re not a flayer, you just wanted to make it easier to take into account the unfortunate animal, and perhaps if you had not done this, he would have suffered for a long time. it’s difficult, but we make a lot of mistakes in our lives, and I want you to imagine that that cat is grateful to you for what you did, for making his fate easier! Guy, the main thing is not to abuse alcohol and so on. you did it, it means it was necessary, everything will be fine! life teaches! so I wish you to realize this act and let go of this event, and everything will definitely be fine for you! I believe in you!

STAS, age: 22 / 07/10/2012

You did everything right. It is unlikely that there was another way to help him, and if there was, it would be for fabulous money and no one would have done it anyway, and you did not lisp with an unhappy expression on your face, watching him die, but eased his torment, this is compassion and help. You are not a terrible person, quite the opposite. Stop punishing yourself for something you can be proud of.

N., age: 18/10.07.2012

Richat, let go of the situation. You eased his suffering. You did the right thing to some extent. However - yes - a person should not kill, so it torments you. Do this - if you believe in God - ask mentally - from the bottom of your heart - for forgiveness from God - for what you did. If not, then the cat and people. Only sincerely - and this can be done several times until bad thoughts stop tormenting you. Then find an advertisement on the Internet where they are going to kill a cat or a cat - and take it for yourself. I think you're a good guy. Everything will be fine with you. But you don’t need to drink - it’s not worthy of a real man. The right thing to do as a man is to bravely overcome this situation. Conquer yourself.

Sveta, age: 30 / 07/11/2012

I completely agree with the review from N.

Sergey, age: 25 / 07/11/2012

Not many people are naturally capable of feeling this way, I’ll tell you honestly. With the cat, yes, it was awkward... But when assessing a situation, you always need to take into account not only the act itself, but also the intent. And yours is noble. It would be much worse if you passed by. So, as they rightly tell you, take a cat or kitten into your home and take care of it.

From Flame and Light, age: 23 / 07/11/2012

I don’t want to add fuel to the fire and aggravate your already difficult situation, but I’ll still say... forgive me. What moral right did you have to help someone die? At the same time, take sin on your soul and doom yourself to such torment. Everyone dies sooner or later. Animals are no exception. The cat didn’t have much left anyway and he wasn’t in pain - these were death throes (my cat died in my arms, she also had cramps), muscle contractions. In general, what you did was wrong and bad. At least you repent, thank God. Listen, I think you need to atone for your sin. Go help homeless animals - bring them food, feed them, give homeless people a home. I believe that your mental torment alone will not be enough. To kick a defenseless animal in the head... I'm sorry, but how did that come into your head??? After all, it’s clear that you seem to be a smart guy... In general, atone for your sin. I am not God, of course, to say so, but I am always on the side of offended animals.

Zlata, age: 25 / 07/11/2012

User N. wrote: “Stop beating yourself up for something you can be proud of.” I find it creepy and scary that today's youth are encouraged to be proud of killing an animal. What a nightmare... I’m not much older than the user, but in our world it’s common to be proud of the fact that you help animals: you drag street cats to the veterinarian (sometimes to put them to sleep in order to alleviate suffering, rather than kick a star in the head), you feed cats near your home. This is the standard... To be proud of having kicked the cat?...

Zlata, age: twenty-five / 07/11/2012

Sometimes help can be cruel, as in your case. What’s done is done, remember how a person could shoot his own wounded horse so that he would not suffer. Don’t worry, in any case, you didn’t pass by, and showed concern, even if that’s what you saved him from suffering. My advice is to take a kitten in memory of him in a shelter, and raise him, saying sometimes he had such a cat, he suffered, you live with me in memory of him, this is both an excuse and a reminder for you. I have such a cat at home, looking at her I remember that twenty years ago I did not treat a sick cat, my husband simply killed her with my permission, I lived with this for 18 years, but I adopted our BASYU from a shelter and I always remember that , and I allow everything to this. I sometimes call her Christ-happy cat. This is the story, don’t despair, do you really think it would be better to put him in a noose, you saved him from suffering, this is also help.

Olga, age: 51 / 07/11/2012

My God... I don’t even know how to support you. But since the job is done, what now... you won’t kick yourself in the head, you won’t alleviate the suffering. Therefore, ask God for forgiveness and help animals. let this story serve as a lesson to you.

VJ, age: not important / 07/11/2012

Hello! I couldn’t ignore your story... Especially after reading people’s reviews, sometimes overly harsh... It seems to me that you are a good person and love animals. It's hard to watch them suffer. For some reason, people don’t think about the fact that when they euthanize a hopelessly sick and suffering animal, it is essentially the same thing as murder. You are now tormented because you think that the cat could be cured. Of course, it was worth trying to take him to the veterinarian, but with a high degree of probability it would have ended in the same euthanasia. Therefore, most likely you really only saved him from suffering. But it’s very hard for you in your heart, I understand. Try to mentally talk to the deceased cat. Tell him what’s on your mind, why you did what you did and that you wanted to help. If you believe, go to church. Many people advised you to get a kitten - good advice, only if now it will not constantly remind you of what happened. Maybe after some time. I just beg you, live!

Anna, age: 24 / 07/11/2012

The only pleasant thing about this story is that your conscience still torments you. I think this will be a lesson for you for the rest of your life. It's nice that you realized what you did and now regret it. I think from now on you will think 1000000000000 times before doing something. I sincerely wish you good luck! Don’t be offended by me for my harsh words, let them be like a cold shower - remember them for a long time and wake up :)

A.L. , age: 41 / 07/11/2012

Well, first of all, I’m not going to justify this action, but here they wrote that one thing is nice, that your conscience torments you... this is very good, although maybe you won’t understand why now. it shows that you are still a good person. It’s just that unfortunately this is rare now. Of course, I had to find another way.. but I don’t blame you. good luck

Olga, age: 22 / 07/11/2012

Do not pay attention. Residents of megacities have little idea where they get their stuff, so it seems to them that since they haven’t killed anyone with their own hands, they are white and fluffy. Homeless animals appear because “compassionate” people throw them out onto the street instead of putting them to sleep. Christ killed a huge herd of pigs, and it was not a sin (Matthew 8:32, Mark 5:13, Luke 8:33). Judaism and Islam practice ritual killing of animals. And they even insult a person or do other evil to a person, but no one looks at it, and they feel sorry for the cats.

Sergey, age: 25 / 07/11/2012

You stumbled. Now your conscience is tormenting you and people are judging you like this. And you know, everything is right. I, too, would join those who consider your action to be a terrible act disguised as a noble goal. But let's think soberly, comrades. He can’t kill himself after the unfortunate animal he sent to the next world. He needs to continue his life. He is someone’s son, grandson, husband, maybe already a father... I would like this out-of-the-ordinary and ambiguous story to leave a mark on your life, Richat. Indeed, it is very pleasant that your conscience still torments you and you understand that you have made a huge mistake. When years have passed since this day, you will realize that your conscience did not gnaw at you in vain! Good luck to you!

no matter, age: 28 / 07/11/2012

I think you did the right thing! But then a suspicious thought crept into your mind, what if the people who were around and judging me were right? And you began to torment yourself. I myself am the same, I can’t pass by someone else’s grief on the street, and when I do, I’m tormented by my conscience. There was a case when I helped a drunk man, called an ambulance and stood next to him while he writhed in agony and people passed by and looked at me disapprovingly, saying that I was fiddling with this bag of d... ma. So stop being silly - you did a heroic thing!! You are a real man! And don’t listen to the women who unsubscribed here - for them, a blow means a bad one! Excuse me, but like when fishing, when you catch a fish and so that it doesn’t suffer, you hit it on the head and in a second it’s in a better world! And even more so, if the cat had convulsions, then most likely he was already dead and was simply twitching due to muscle contractions! Good luck! Continue in the same spirit, don’t pass by other people’s grief, not paying attention to what others say, and you will be rewarded!

Evgeniy, age: 27 / 07/12/2012

Dear Rishat! Don't worry. What is done is done. This cat was already dying; nothing could be done to help him. In fact, take yourself a little kitty and take care of her. She will trust and love you.

Lida, age: 32 / 07/12/2012

Personally, I agree and disagree with each of those who responded. Everyone expressed their point of view. Don’t be offended by anyone and listen to every response. I don’t have the right to condemn you either. Moreover, you repent. I am not God. But still I am more I support Zlata’s response, sorry. And I completely disagree with Sergei. Now, what, to justify the killing of an animal, even for noble purposes, by the fact that in Islam and Judaism they commit ritual killings of animals? I’m also somehow scared when people do this they reason..But the main thing is that you understood what you had done. Even if our responses were harsh to one degree or another, let them help you start a new life! Forgive yourself for this sin and shelter the kitten. Pray to God. Be closer to God. And also help homeless animals rather than simply tormenting yourself. I don’t guarantee that it will immediately feel better, but over the years you will understand a lot and look at the current situation with different eyes. I remembered one case that was told to me. One man in the dashing 90s raped and killed women. Then he was caught, convicted and released early. Now he serves in the mosque, he has taken the righteous path. Unlike you, Rishat, this man killed consciously, in cold blood, but he repented and now serves the Almighty. Try to take the the path is closer to God. I think that over time you will feel better. And with this you will atone for your guilt before the cat whom you helped die.

Aikosha, age: 35 / 07/13/2012

opinions differ.) in fact, you are really a hero. I was in a similar situation with a pigeon, it was dying in agony, but I didn’t finish it off. probably because they were looking at me. came up with a thousand and one excuses. but he still died, even in my opinion the crows ate him alive. You really are a hero and most likely did the right thing.

Vladimir, age: 27 / 07/14/2012

Sorry, Richat, I didn’t want to offend you with my response. Don’t think that I drew a parallel between you and the person I wrote about in my previous response. I just meant that even if that person started a new life and God Forgave him, then you all the more have the right to a chance to start a new life.

Aikosha, age: 35 / 07/14/2012

Vladimir, are you serious? In your opinion, is this heroism? I don’t think so. But if the author of the story realized what he had done, this can be called an act, heroism, but what he did can hardly be called heroism. Sorry.

Diana, age: 31 / 07/14/2012

You did everything right, others simply watched and did not dare to ease his torment! I had such a situation, but I didn’t have to “finish off” him; he stopped twitching himself, and I was already about to do it!

Vadim, age: 55 / 07/21/2012

Sorry, Richat, I also read the reviews here and they scare me: “You did everything right, well done!” I agree with the review that you, Rishat, had no right to decide whether the cat should live or not. Vadim’s last response unpleasantly struck me. Richat, the very fact that you realized what you did should atone for your guilt. God has forgiven you a long time ago. I don’t condemn you, but I don’t justify you either. Feed the animals, take a kitten and pray to God more often. This is, in my opinion, the only way out of the deadlock situation, which you, unfortunately, found yourself in. And laudatory odes are not appropriate here, don’t be offended. God help you!

Lavrenty, age: 56 / 07/24/2012

I would like your determination! I need to be proud of this. It’s a great thing to alleviate suffering

Dima, age: 44 / 10/23/2012

The situation is certainly not clear-cut. Any of us could find ourselves in a similar position. We will be faced with the question: “What to do? Walk by as if nothing had happened? or Try to help? How can you help if you (as it happens) are not a veterinarian?? Let everyone who reads my statement ask himself the question: “What would I do?” A few years ago, a friend of mine found himself in a similar situation. It was autumn. Evening. He left the entrance of his house, hurrying to work. and in the yard, in a puddle, he saw a dying dog. (presumably she was hit by a car) He didn’t pass by, he picked the dog out of the puddle, loaded it into his car and rushed at full speed to the local veterinarian. And what would you think??…. There were no doctors on duty there. And my friend’s request to leave the wounded animal to specialists was denied. By that time, the unfortunate animal was fighting in terrible agony. And my friend had to make a decision... Not an easy one... He thought it would be the right decision at that time to alleviate the animal’s suffering. As for the discussions here: “Judge not, lest you be judged...”

Anushka, age: 18 / 03.12.2012

My opinion is that you did everything right. On the contrary, you helped the animal. Who knows how long this cat would still lie there and suffer. You simply eased his suffering. So there is no need to blame yourself. You did well and you HELPED him.

Andrey, age: 26 / 12/08/2012

Richat, hello. Sorry that I am writing you my response almost a year later. I hope you read it. Sorry that I once judged you. There is such a thing as euthanasia. Only it is prohibited. You know, it’s better to pick up a kitten and warm it up! And no one has the moral right to condemn what you did, because we are all human, and none of us is sinless. And I also had no right to condemn you, especially since you realized. I ask your forgiveness. And you, too, try to find the strength to forgive yourself. It’s better to go to church or a mosque one more time (if you are a Muslim) than to ruin and torment yourself like this. Feed homeless animals and, if possible, give them a home. God help you!

Aikosha, age: almost 36 / 05/28/2013

Yes, and more. I think if you took the cat to the veterinarian, who knows: maybe what Annushka wrote about her friend would have happened when he took the dog to the veterinarian. So no one has the right to judge you.

Miss Ai, age: 36 / 06/04/2013

Richat, I want to give you advice that I was recently given, but, however, for a different situation: free yourself through forgiveness, forgive yourself, the past no longer exists, as well as the future, because the past has already passed and the future has not yet arrived. If you are following this story, write how you are doing now. I hope you have managed? I am sure you will and everything will be fine in your life.

no matter, age: 36 / 07/16/2013

I’ll try to give you some advice. You know, Richat, we all do something in life that we can’t forgive ourselves for a long time! In any case, many of us are familiar with this feeling.. Try to learn a lesson from this ambiguous situation and draw the right conclusions. You are not a terrible person, you are the same as everyone else. You just committed an act that you could not forgive yourself, you stumbled, as they say. Try to pull yourself together and move on. The past cannot be corrected. What is done is done. Forgive yourself and try to fill your life with something useful: for example, you can help elderly people at church, feed homeless animals on the street, etc. You can consider various options. And you will see for yourself how your life will take on a new meaning in the future. And do not listen to those who condemn you. Only God can judge you, not people. And you have already realized your action, repented and agree to this , not every person is capable. But God, Richat, has already forgiven you a long time ago. A sinner is not the one who sinned, but the one who, having sinned, did not repent. God does not want us all to walk under the yoke of endless guilt and self-flagellation. Fill out your life with a new meaning. And, if you wish, pick up a kitten, such an unfortunate one, you know, love him and see how much love he will give you and make your life much happier! Sorry that I am writing my response so late. God help you, Richat! I hope you read my lines and my response will help you in some way)

site guest, age: 36 / 08/15/2013

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