Fluffy question: why did the cat start sleeping between her legs?

Reasons when a cat hides in dark places

A cat may be hiding because, for example, it is tired of its owners’ small child and just wants peace. But it happens that the cat does not come out when called and does not respond to the rustling of food for a long time. The reasons for this behavior need to be understood. Why does a cat hide in dark places?

Cats love the most secluded places


The main reason for hiding in cats is stress. A sudden move, a visit to the veterinarian, guests, fireworks outside the window... The cat hides for any of these reasons and may not come out of hiding for a long time. Each cat is an individual, and animals with a strong psyche may not react in any way to changes in the house. But fearfulness in cats is also normal. This is a natural defense mechanism against danger.


Stress and fear always go hand in hand. A cat hides in dark places if it feels bad, in pain, or is very scared. The desire to hide can be caused by the following situations:

  • New house. It is normal for a kitten to hide, run away, and sit in a secluded place for a long time. This is an adequate reaction to moving; the cat just needs a little time to get used to it. An adult cat can behave exactly the same when changing owners. She needs more time to adapt than a kitten. At night, an animal in a new house can come out, explore the apartment and meow invitingly. Such behavior should be treated with understanding.
  • New animal in the house. Buying, for example, a puppy can cause severe fright in a cat. It is advisable to prevent contact between a cat and a dog at first and gradually accustom them to each other. Adult animals need more time than babies. It may take a month or more for a cat and dog to adapt to each other.
  • Unusual smell. Cats navigate with their nose. And a new smell can greatly frighten your pet. There have been cases where a cat hid in horror when the owners smothered themselves with perfume before going out into the world. The animal simply did not understand what was happening and why it smelled like that.
  • Fireworks. New Year is the most stressful time for cats. The rumbling outside the window causes not only horror and a desire to hide in a far corner, but also an exacerbation of chronic diseases, if any. For example, idiopathic cystitis, which is manifested by the fact that the animal cannot pee for more than 6 hours. At the first symptoms, you should contact a veterinary clinic.
  • Arrival of guests. If a cat is cowardly, then his sudden escapes to secluded places should not be surprising. The main thing is not to drag the animal out by force to show it to guests. This is very stressful for the cat.
  • After the trip. A cat that has been released from its carrier after a trip or visit to the doctor will immediately seek shelter. Or maybe he won’t want to leave his portable bag. In this case, it is better to leave the cat alone.
  • A cat or cat may hide in the corners to mark this place. This problem is solved by sterilization or castration.

Important! After surgery, it is recommended to limit the animal's mobility. It is undesirable for the cat to hide and be out of reach

It is important that the animal is visible.

Pregnancy and childbirth

One of the harbingers of an imminent birth is a cat’s sudden desire to create a “nest” for future offspring. A cat may dig through the bed, throw out things in their closets, and hide on shelves.

Important! This is normal behavior for a woman in labor. It is advisable not to lose sight of the cat, but also not to interfere with its activities.

Better yet, prepare a place for the cat to give birth. This can be a closed box with a cut out exit or a special basket with a blanket or rug

It is advisable not to lose sight of the cat, but also not to interfere with its activities. Better yet, prepare a place for the cat to give birth. This can be a closed box with a cut out exit or a special basket with a blanket or blanket.

It is better to prepare the place for childbirth in advance

In a playful mood, cats may hide from each other only to attack suddenly. This game is not dangerous. There are cats that attack their owners from hiding, considering them to be prey. Usually this is harmless and small predators do not extend their claws in such games.

Viruses and diseases

A cat that isn't feeling well is looking for a dark place to hide. With viral diseases, a high temperature usually rises, and the animal persistently goes to the bathroom, where the floor is cold, or simply looks for a dark, quiet place. Most cats prefer to be sick alone.

Decrepit age

If at an early age a cat runs away to dark places because it is easier to take the owner by surprise, then with older animals the situation is not so clear. A decrepit pet loses its senses, it is no longer attracted to active games and noise, so it is not surprising that it wants to sleep away from all the fuss.

Be respectful of your old pet's needs. He needs more time to recuperate, so try not to make noise in the place where your tailed friend prefers to rest. Veterinarians note that if an elderly animal is not given plenty of rest, it will significantly shorten its life.

Being young and active, the cat hides in dark places because it is possible to suddenly jump out of them and take someone passing by by surprise. And with old animals everything is more clear than with young ones. Having reached old age and become decrepit, the fosterling loses visual acuity, his sense of smell becomes worse, he becomes uninterested in active moving sights and an abundance of sounds. Therefore, one should not be surprised at his desire to hook up in places as far away from the surrounding bustle as possible.

Such needs of elderly pets must be respected. An old cat needs a lot of time to fully restore its strength, therefore, in places chosen by its tailed companion to (avoid rest), it is better to try not to make noise. In addition, veterinary experts are of the opinion that the more Older cats rest, the longer they will live.


In some cases, the desire to find a dark place prompts photophobia

In some cases, the desire to find a dark place triggers photophobia. This phenomenon occurs when daylight makes the cat uncomfortable. The animal spends daylight hours in dark shelters.

Photophobia occurs with the development of eye diseases. In addition to them, discomfort and pain are caused by mechanical damage to the eyes and the entry of foreign objects. Excessive lacrimation, pus and redness of the eyeball indicate that you cannot postpone a visit to the veterinarian.

Wild, untamed cats are prone to fear of light.

This phenomenon is often observed in feral kittens. Such cats feel vulnerable during the daytime and tend to wait in a secluded place until dark.

If an outdoor cat gets into the house, it will hide in a secluded place for most of the day. Such animals experience severe stress and do not even come out for bait. The only way to help a cat is to leave it alone, which is why you need to be attentive to it.

At first, the animal will come out of hiding at night. If the atmosphere at home is calm and friendly, the cat will appear during the day. A gentle, unobtrusive attitude and delicious food will help you win him over.

If a cat likes to hide in a dark place, it is provided with houses - shelters located at a height of 1 meter. They are combined with bridges, shelves and scratching posts.

Why is the cat hiding?

What symptoms should you be wary of?

A sign of some kind of illness in an animal may be dryness and increased temperature of the nose. If a cat hides under the sofa, begins to behave strangely, and meows for no apparent reason, this indicates that the pet is sick. You should immediately take her to a veterinarian if the following signs are observed:

  • The cat doesn't eat and hardly drinks.
  • Frequent vomiting or diarrhea appears.
  • The pet became very thin and lethargic.
  • There is difficulty breathing, the mouth is slightly open.
  • Long-term obsessive states.
  • An increase in temperature, as indicated by a hot, dry nose.
  • Difficulty urinating.
  • Refusal of food, water, play.
  • The cat constantly sits in a dark place and does not come out for more than 1 day.

On the pillow

As a rule, the softest place, on the pad, is chosen by small and very tiny dogs. First of all, this is because it is softest there and the dog, due to its small parameters, fits. Plus, you put your face on the pillow, and the dog in this position is in the closest emotional proximity with you. If your pet chooses this particular place, it means that he loves you endlessly and is attached to you more than anything in the world.

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The cat is hiding | All about cats

Why is the cat hiding?

There are a number of reasons why a cat hides and every owner should be prepared for such behavior from their cat. Some cats are naturally introverted and prefer not to interact with house guests or strangers.

The owner can try some measures to make the cat less fearful and more sociable. But some cats will remain shy; a lot depends on the character and temperament of the cat itself.

Some cats just love to hide and sit in all sorts of corners, boxes and bags. Such cats often climb into the closet and lie there on clothes or bedding. They like it there, it’s like they’re in a little house there.

Signs of illness

Any changes in your cat's behavior should alert you. Including the sudden desire to hide. This may be a sign that something is bothering the cat: stress, fear, pain symptoms. If your cat suddenly starts hiding in corners, this is an indicator of a problem.

Cats, like all animals, can hide signs of illness very well. Even when very sick, they continue to purr and cuddle up to their owner.

Therefore, it is very important for any cat owner to be aware of what is normal behavior for their cat and be alert to any changes in their behavior. If a cat is sick, then in addition to the desire to hide, the following symptoms may appear:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Excessive vocalization (the cat began to meow more)
  • The cat began to sleep more
  • The cat may start pooping past the litter box

In addition, physical symptoms may appear:

  • Lack of appetite (the cat eats very little or not at all)
  • Increased thirst
  • Or vice versa, the cat began to drink less
  • Vomit
  • Diarrhea
  • Greasy fur in clumps
  • Falling into lethargy

If you notice these symptoms, contact your veterinarian immediately.

Stress, fear, anxiety

It is completely normal for a cat who has just moved into a new family to hide in a dark place for the first few days. Moving to a new family can be very stressful for a cat. We need to help the cat survive the stress of the first days. Talk to her more often in a gentle voice, treat her with treats, give her toys. Avoid making noise, talking loudly or shouting in the presence of the cat. For most cats, a few days are enough to adapt.

The same thing can happen when a family moves to a new home. The cat may begin to hide at first. Cats by nature do not like change, and it may take some time before they feel comfortable in a new place.

If you have moved to a new house, do not let your cat outside for the first time. Set up a corner for her with her usual bed, bowl and tray. When you unpack and arrange the furniture, your cat may feel more comfortable among familiar objects and smells.

I recommend reading: Stress in a cat

Pregnancy and childbirth

As the birth approaches, a pregnant cat begins to look for a nest for herself and her future offspring. This is completely normal. In the wild, all animals try to hide their newborn offspring from their enemies, this is instinct. During the period before giving birth, you may find your cat in various dark corners, boxes, and closets. Therefore, it is better to prepare a box or house for the cat in advance and place it in a quiet corner of the apartment.

A game

Almost all cats love to hide in empty boxes, bags and packages. This is part of their regular entertainment program and is observed even in wild cats.

The cat hides in inappropriate places

So, you are aware of your cat's normal behavior and know all her favorite places to hide and rest. If a cat is hiding under the bed, in the closet, under the blanket - this is normal. But if she takes a fancy to the drum of a washing machine or dryer, it could cost her her life. Make sure that the cat does not have access to places that are dangerous for it. Always check your washing machine before turning it on; a cat may slip into the drum unnoticed and hide in the laundry. You may not know this, but a very large number of cats die in the washing machine.

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The desire to help a person

There are many examples of cats crawling into a person’s bed to cure him or improve his well-being.

If an animal behaves too intrusively, crawls under the blanket, trying to wake up a person, then you should pay attention to its behavior. Perhaps the cat is feeling restless or it’s time to go for a walk

Most likely, she wants to warn her beloved owner about something. Owners tell many stories about how cats saved them from accidents, warned them of heart attacks, and even brought medicine in their teeth.

Pets perfectly sense the human condition, have a good sense of smell and hearing, so they can notice what the owner himself is not able to see. Listen to your cat and you will learn many useful things.

Blanket as a maternity hospital and a hospital

It is the place under the blanket that pregnant cats often choose as a “nest”. If the due date is already close, and the cat meows and hides under the blanket, this is a sure sign that the babies will be born in the very near future.

Don't want your pet to lamb right in your bed? Then prepare a cozy place for her in advance: a box, drawer, basket, covered with something soft. It’s good to put something there that retains the owner’s scent - for example, an old T-shirt.

The owner's bed is almost the first place where a cat hides a kitten in case of danger. Why does she feel safer under the covers than anywhere else? The tailed mother trusts her owner with the most precious thing she has, being confident that the person who has always protected her will also protect her offspring, no matter what happens.

Sick cats also seek protection from pain under the blanket. If your pet, who has not previously been noticed to be overly fond of the master bedroom, suddenly starts going there often, take a closer look at your pet, perhaps she needs to be shown to the veterinarian.

If the animal has become aggressive or, on the contrary, lethargic and indifferent, there is discharge from the nose or eyes, vomiting, or stool changes - this means that the pet is sick and is waiting for help from you.

"Nesting" instinct

Often expectant mothers choose a place under the blanket. If a cat meows anxiously and hides in the owner's bed, this is a sure sign that the birth of the babies is very close. In this case, it is necessary to prepare a secluded corner for the purr by arranging a cozy place in a box, basket or drawer, covering the bottom with something soft and pleasant to the touch. And to make the animal feel safe, it is advisable to put something there that has the owner’s scent (for example, an old T-shirt).

Why do cats hide under the blanket?

Admit it, have you ever looked for your cat around the apartment, not paying attention to the inconspicuous lump on the bed? Having climbed all the traditional cat shelters, you begin to believe in the dark affairs of otherworldly forces or the coming of aliens from the planet Melmak, abducting cats.

And then the tubercle comes to life, and a yawning beloved muzzle appears from under the blanket! Why does the cat hide under the blanket? What attracts him so much to this peculiar hole?

Cat-norushka, or in search of comfort

Most often, the desire to hide in a closed and warm space arises in cats for the same reasons as in ourselves, and is associated with the search for peace, warmth and comfort. You've probably noticed that tails choose the warmest places in the house to rest: they like to nap next to the barathea, in the bathroom if there is a heated floor, or at least in a tiny spot of sunlight on the carpet.

The “human heater” also seems very suitable for them - it gives off quite a lot of heat, which the blanket successfully retains. Therefore, a cat often hides under a blanket precisely when the owner is sleeping under it: warming up next to him is the sweetest thing!

You can also often notice that as soon as you get up in bed, the cat immediately dives into a heated place. Even the near prospect of breakfast does not tempt her more than the opportunity to take advantage of the “free” warmth.

The cat hides under the blanket in search of safety

Under a blanket, an animal may seek not so much warmth as cozy solitude. A pet that has been squeezed by children or overly loving guests believes, and not without reason, that a blanket is a great place to hide from troubles and problems and have a good rest.

Remember how children, and many adults, in a stressful life situation, cover their heads with a blanket. At this moment, it seems to them that the whole world has disappeared, and only this warm, cozy darkness remains, in which they can hide from all adversity. It is quite possible that cats experience similar feelings.

This is especially true for animals that do not have their own corner in the house, inaccessible to others - a house, a high shelf where the animal would feel safe.

Safety is another reason why cats hide under the blanket. The smell of the owner who keeps the bed is a guarantee that everything is good and calm in their little world. According to the cat, this is the most reliable place where you can hide from stress and fears.

Blanket as a maternity hospital and a hospital

It is the place under the blanket that pregnant cats often choose as a “nest”. If the due date is already close, and the cat meows and hides under the blanket, this is a sure sign that the babies will be born in the very near future.

Don't want your pet to lamb right in your bed? Then prepare a cozy place for her in advance: a box, drawer, basket, covered with something soft. It’s good to put something there that retains the owner’s scent - for example, an old T-shirt.

The owner's bed is almost the first place where a cat hides a kitten in case of danger. Why does she feel safer under the covers than anywhere else? The tailed mother trusts her owner with the most precious thing she has, being confident that the person who has always protected her will also protect her offspring, no matter what happens.

Sick cats also seek protection from pain under the blanket. If your pet, who has not previously been noticed to be overly fond of the master bedroom, suddenly starts going there often, take a closer look at your pet, perhaps she needs to be shown to the veterinarian.

If the animal has become aggressive or, on the contrary, lethargic and indifferent, there is discharge from the nose or eyes, vomiting, or stool changes - this means that the pet is sick and is waiting for help from you.

It's not the blanket, it's the owner!

However, most often a visit under the blanket is simply the pet’s desire to thank you for your love. When a cat cuddles, purrs, and tramples its owner with its paws, it thus expresses the highest degree of gratitude for the kindness that a person does for it, and a blanket is simply a pleasant decoration for expressing tender feelings.

If you don't want your cat to come into your bed or sleep under your blanket, gently let her know this. Do not scold an animal that is hiding in the warmth.

Take your pet in your arms, take it to another room, caress it and treat it to something tasty. Make another place in the house a permanent spot for spending quality time together. Also, give your cat her own warm blanket that she can hide under if she wants.

Svetlana Mosolova

Health problems

Sometimes cats hide under the covers when they feel unwell. If the purr keeps hiding, has become aggressive or lethargic and indifferent, has discharge from the eyes and nose, has started vomiting or has changed stool, it is necessary to show the animal to the veterinarian as soon as possible.

But more often than not, it happens that when a cat crawls under the blanket, it simply wants to show its owner all its love and fully reward its owner for affection and care.


Difficult to retrain

Pets sooner or later develop habits and sometimes it is very difficult to retrain them. This is especially true for cats; they adapt very poorly to external changes. If you suddenly decide that you no longer want to sleep with your pet, then the animal's behavior is unpredictable. The cat may scratch the furniture and start marking its territory.

Veterinarians advise first to please the cat with something new, to switch its attention. For example, a new toy or a special tree on which the animal can play will do.

When the furry one is busy doing something interesting, he will not want to go to war with you.

How to get your pet to sleep longer with you

Why can a cat sleep on its back, with its hind legs spread out and its belly showing, the cat lies on the floor and meows

If you want your pet to stay in bed with you until the morning:

  1. Buy dark, dense curtains that let little daylight through. The morning sun's rays will not be able to disturb the pet, since thick curtains will create twilight.
  2. Don't give your cat food right after you wake up. She will get used to you feeding her on demand and will not let you sleep if she gets hungry at night.
  3. When your cat tries to wake you up early in the morning, don’t react. Over time, such actions will become a habit for her, and you will have to wake up at a time when she wants it, and not you.
  4. If the cat does not sleep or wakes up at night, do not let him rest during the day. Add activity to his life: play more, walk with your pet. Tired during the day, the animal will sleep soundly all night.

Reasons when a cat hides in dark places

A cat may be hiding because, for example, it is tired of its owners’ small child and just wants peace. But it happens that the cat does not come out when called and does not respond to the rustling of food for a long time. The reasons for this behavior need to be understood. Why does a cat hide in dark places?

Cats love the most secluded places


The main reason for hiding in cats is stress. A sudden move, a visit to the veterinarian, guests, fireworks outside the window... The cat hides for any of these reasons and may not come out of hiding for a long time. Each cat is an individual, and animals with a strong psyche may not react in any way to changes in the house. But fearfulness in cats is also normal. This is a natural defense mechanism against danger.


Stress and fear always go hand in hand. A cat hides in dark places if it feels bad, in pain, or is very scared. The desire to hide can be caused by the following situations:

  • New house. It is normal for a kitten to hide, run away, and sit in a secluded place for a long time. This is an adequate reaction to moving; the cat just needs a little time to get used to it. An adult cat can behave exactly the same when changing owners. She needs more time to adapt than a kitten. At night, an animal in a new house can come out, explore the apartment and meow invitingly. Such behavior should be treated with understanding.
  • New animal in the house. Buying, for example, a puppy can cause severe fright in a cat. It is advisable to prevent contact between a cat and a dog at first and gradually accustom them to each other. Adult animals need more time than babies. It may take a month or more for a cat and dog to adapt to each other.
  • Unusual smell. Cats navigate with their nose. And a new smell can greatly frighten your pet. There have been cases where a cat hid in horror when the owners smothered themselves with perfume before going out into the world. The animal simply did not understand what was happening and why it smelled like that.
  • Fireworks. New Year is the most stressful time for cats. The rumbling outside the window causes not only horror and a desire to hide in a far corner, but also an exacerbation of chronic diseases, if any. For example, idiopathic cystitis, which is manifested by the fact that the animal cannot pee for more than 6 hours. At the first symptoms, you should contact a veterinary clinic.
  • Arrival of guests. If a cat is cowardly, then his sudden escapes to secluded places should not be surprising. The main thing is not to drag the animal out by force to show it to guests. This is very stressful for the cat.
  • After the trip. A cat that has been released from its carrier after a trip or visit to the doctor will immediately seek shelter. Or maybe he won’t want to leave his portable bag. In this case, it is better to leave the cat alone.
  • A cat or cat may hide in the corners to mark this place. This problem is solved by sterilization or castration.

Important! After surgery, it is recommended to limit the animal's mobility. It is undesirable for the cat to hide and be out of reach

It is important that the animal is visible.

Pregnancy and childbirth

One of the harbingers of an imminent birth is a cat’s sudden desire to create a “nest” for future offspring. A cat may dig through the bed, throw out things in their closets, and hide on shelves.

Important! This is normal behavior for a woman in labor. It is advisable not to lose sight of the cat, but also not to interfere with its activities.

Better yet, prepare a place for the cat to give birth. This can be a closed box with a cut out exit or a special basket with a blanket or rug

It is advisable not to lose sight of the cat, but also not to interfere with its activities. Better yet, prepare a place for the cat to give birth. This can be a closed box with a cut out exit or a special basket with a blanket or blanket.

It is better to prepare the place for childbirth in advance

In a playful mood, cats may hide from each other only to attack suddenly. This game is not dangerous. There are cats that attack their owners from hiding, considering them to be prey. Usually this is harmless and small predators do not extend their claws in such games.

Viruses and diseases

A cat that isn't feeling well is looking for a dark place to hide. With viral diseases, a high temperature usually rises, and the animal persistently goes to the bathroom, where the floor is cold, or simply looks for a dark, quiet place. Most cats prefer to be sick alone.

Reasons why a cat hides

Fear and stressful situations

Stress can be temporary or permanent. The cause of temporary fear is renovations in the house, the arrival of guests, the appearance of a newborn baby or another pet, moving to a new place or staying in a pet hotel. Sometimes fear is caused by the bizarre shape of a houseplant or a soft toy. A cat that is accustomed to a measured life or peace tries to hide from the source of fear, not to go where things incomprehensible to it are happening. Often hisses and growls. However, after eliminating the stress, the pet boldly leaves the darkened place and behaves normally.

An animal can behave this way when its owners are constantly quarreling.

If a cat hides in dark places, this indicates a long-term internal conflict due to a stressful situation.

The predisposing factors for such behavior are constant conflicts between family members, aggressive attitude of children towards the animal, and total inattention to the pet. The cat appears calm, but is stressed

This is noticeable if obsessive movements, tics, and constant licking of certain places on the body appear until bald spots form. The animal hides in the closet, under the bed and does not want to come out because it is afraid of its owners.


Even if the owner loves the pet very much, the animal may be shy. Delicate and friendly animals are especially prone to this. They try to hide in the closet if they accidentally do something dirty - turn over a pot with a plant, tear a toy, drop a vase. When a cat hides in a dark place, she feels guilty

Therefore, the owner should pay attention to his pet. A cat may also be shy at first when brought home from a shelter or picked up on the street.

Hide and seek

Often a cat hides under a blanket, in closets, bedside tables during the cold season. When a cat is cold, he prefers a dark place among clothes, in which he burrows, warms himself and sleeps. In addition, cats love small spaces that warm them with body heat. Also, pets cannot tolerate bright light, so in hot weather they go into a darker corner.

An animal can hide in a place from where it is very convenient to keep an eye on its “prey.”

It should be remembered that the domestic cat has inherited the instinct of its wild ancestors, so it often hides in a dark place while hunting. While playing, a kitten and an adult cat hide, considering themselves invisible, carefully watching their movements and attacking their owner. This is exactly how hidden predators behave in nature and track their prey.

Pregnant cat

Before giving birth, the pet herself finds a dark place where she is safe. The owner should not kick the cat out of there if the place does not pose a danger, otherwise the animal may feel uncomfortable and experience additional stress in another place chosen by the person. This is where the cat hides her newborn kittens. If the pet has chosen an inappropriate place, the owner can do something similar and put it in a secluded corner.

Sweet Dreams

Zoologists know that relatives of domestic cats are also prone to hiding, doing this for various reasons:

  1. Rest after the hunt. In nature, cats spend most of the day (from 18 to 20 hours) resting after hunting. During sleep, the animal is especially vulnerable, and therefore beds are arranged in hidden and hard-to-reach places. For cats in their natural environment, this could be a hole, an old hollow, a fork in large branches with dense foliage, or a rock crevice. The animal feels protected when the walls of the shelter touch the body. Most often, cats doze with their eyes closed, without turning off their sensitive “inner guard,” but for health and recuperation, complete relaxation and a deep sleep phase are necessary.
  2. Call of the Ancestors. It is this property that makes a domestic cat settle down to rest in a secluded place, which can be a hole-house, a basket with a woolen blanket or a blanket on the owner’s bed.
  3. Feeling of warmth and safety. The desire to surround themselves with a cozy “cocoon” is characteristic of cats of all ages, but small kittens are especially sensitive to touch, instinctively striving for something warm and soft, reminiscent of their mother’s fluffy side. Warmth, silence and twilight create a feeling of security, allowing the baby to sleep peacefully.


Endorphins, hormones of joy and pleasure, are produced in pets when moving their paws. Thanks to this technique, cats can fight stress, improve their mood, or even cope with pain.


One theory is that the cat uses its stomping to heal its owner. But don’t rush to rejoice if she started doing “massage” on the problem area - it’s not about her sensitivity to your diseases. Of course, cats help relieve tension and spasms. However, they trample not where it hurts, but where it is convenient for them.

Interesting fact

Perhaps you have felt that when your pet gives you a “massage” and accompanies it with a gentle purr, you relax and calm down, and nervous tension gradually fades away. In the UK, they noticed this fact long ago and now provide the opportunity to chat with a furry friend for a fee. This service consists of bringing a kind, loving cat to the client, which does its “job”: tramples its paws, purrs gently, enthusiastically accepts stroking, thereby plunging the person into a state of calm and lifting his spirits. It really helps combat stress in a busy lifestyle.

Helpful advice

Fingering with paws may not always please the owners. This may be due to the fact that some pets trample in the neck and chest area, releasing their claws and sometimes scratching the skin. In this case, you should not scold the cat, because in this way she can show her love for you. It’s better to put her on the sofa or any other place where she can happily continue her trampling and will not cause you any harm. And so that such a “massage” brings pleasure to you, take care to trim your pet’s claws in a timely manner.

Whatever the reason behind the cat “massage”, you should not drive your furry friend away - this can cause you to lose trust. It’s better to respond with tenderness, stroke his back or scratch his chin, and the pet will be grateful to you.

In case of illness

A sick or wounded animal is not able to run away, hunt or offer serious resistance, therefore, in the natural environment, sick animals try to sit out in a shelter until the condition stabilizes.

The sensitive instincts of domestic cats force them to repeat the behavioral stereotype of their wild ancestors and hide away from prying eyes. You can suspect something is wrong if a pet hiding in a dark place:

  • does not respond to calls;
  • refuses not only the usual food, but also treats;
  • becomes apathetic and indifferent to toys and fun;
  • turns out to be unusually hot to the touch;
  • constantly rubs sour eyes and nose with its paws;
  • continuously licks any part of the body;
  • unable to empty the bladder, or the urine has a strong odor and blood;
  • experiences a frequent urge to vomit and/or defecate, and the feces are liquid with an admixture of undigested food residues, mucus and blood.

Cats experience temporary illnesses, but ignoring obvious signs of poor health is unforgivable carelessness. To dispel all doubts and take emergency measures in case of serious trouble, a depressed animal must be shown to a veterinarian without delay.

Anti-stress nook

Why does a cat meow often?
In case of danger, wild cats sit in a secluded place until the threat passes. The Pallas's cat escapes from enemies on high rocky ledges, and the lynx hides from hunting dogs high in the trees. At the same time, obeying a wise protective instinct, the animal tries to merge with the environment, squeeze in and spread out, becoming more invisible.

Domestic cats have their reasons:

  1. An alarmed cat will dive under the blanket, frightened by a sudden loud noise or an unfamiliar object.
  2. The animal will seek salvation in comfortable solitude from the intrusive caresses of guests.
  3. A stressful factor for your pet is a car ride, an exhibition or a visit to the veterinarian, so he will hide under the blanket.
  4. Hiding under a blanket is especially common for animals for which “personal space” is not provided in a noisy and crowded house.

The owner should not disturb the peace of the cat, hidden in the soft folds of the blanket, giving him the opportunity to calm down and restore psychological balance.

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