The cat does not eat or drink for a long time: the main reasons for refusing water and food

What will you learn from the article?
  1. How long can a cat go without eating? What are the dangers of starvation?
  2. The main reasons why a cat refuses to eat is Stress
  3. Changing your diet
  4. Thermoregulation
  5. Sexual instinct
  6. Pregnancy
  7. Parasites
  8. Oral diseases
  9. Poisoning
  10. Foreign body or fur in the stomach and intestines
  11. Viral infection
  12. Liver, kidney and urolithiasis
  13. Consequences of anesthesia
  14. Postpartum period
  • What to do if the cat doesn't eat
  • A good appetite is always considered an indicator of health, so many owners begin to sound the alarm when their beloved pet eats poorly or refuses to eat at all. But refusal to eat is not always a sign of illness or behavioral disorders; sometimes it is a normal condition. You need to learn to understand why the cat does not eat in order to provide the correct help to the cat in time if necessary.

    The cat refuses to eat, drink or play due to an infectious or parasitic disease

    A domestic cat may not eat well if it has dental problems.
    This cause of loss of appetite is very common. A clear sign of pathology: the animal may drink a lot of liquid, choke on food, burp after eating solid food, etc. Loss of appetite occurs due to a lack of teeth in a row, which provokes the development of certain diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The source of such problems can also be dental caries, gum disease, tartar accumulation and other dental ailments typical of humans. To prevent such conditions and not to risk the health of a purebred cat, carry out hygienic care of its oral cavity in a timely manner. If you detect obvious signs of an inflammatory process, consult a doctor.

    If dental disease has already caused loss of appetite in your beloved cat, try to choose the optimal set of foods for feeding. Eliminate solid foods, grind all food served, and be sure to consult your veterinarian. Your friend may need medication help.

    If the cat is lethargic and apathetic, sleeps a lot, eats and drinks little, he may be sick. Similar symptoms appear with the following infectious diseases:

    • Calcivirosis. A widespread disease that affects the respiratory tract.
    • Feline leukemia. A dangerous pathology leading to the formation of tumors and inhibition of hematopoietic function.
    • Herpes viral rhinotracheitis. A disease with an acute or chronic course, it primarily affects the respiratory organs and eyes.
    • Leptospirosis. A bacterial disease that is dangerous to humans. Affects almost all body systems.
    • Feline distemper (panleukopenia). A deadly infection accompanied by intoxication, fever, damage to the heart, respiratory and digestive organs.
    • Immunodeficiency virus. This dangerous disease affects the nervous and immune systems.

    The cause of a lethargic cat may be a parasitic disease. When an animal is sick with a helminthic infestation, it hardly eats and vomits. The pet often visits the toilet due to diarrhea or constipation, his stomach growls, irritation and itching are observed in the anus, and the temperature often rises. Eggs and fragments of worms may be present in the stool and vomit. The animal loses weight, but the volume of the abdomen increases.

    Tartar in cats Oral disease is often caused by tartar. It causes inflammatory processes, leads to damage to teeth and surrounding tissues - the development of caries, gingivitis, periodontitis, and periodontitis. Regardless of the cause, these diseases are accompanied by pain, the pet feels unwell, refuses food and water, and becomes weaker. Inflammation and pain can occur due to burns (thermal, chemical or electrical) and neoplasms.

    We suggest you read Why cats eat grass and why they need it

    Oral diseases are indicated by:

    • poor appetite;
    • unkempt fur;
    • salivation;
    • unpleasant odor;
    • difficulty swallowing;
    • swelling and redness of the gums;
    • change in tooth color.

    The cat may shake its head and rub its face with its paws. When trying to examine the mouth, the animal shows aggression and tries to escape.

    How does the condition manifest?

    In cats, periods of increased activity are usually followed by apathy and drowsiness. It is difficult for owners to understand why and at what exact moments this happens. Therefore, a situation where a cat is lethargic, hardly eats and sleeps a lot, is alarming.

    The owner should clearly know that poor appetite and less active behavior do not always indicate an animal illness. And the veterinarian is sometimes unable to understand why the cat is lethargic. The observations of an attentive and loving owner are extremely important here.

    The main signs of cat health, in addition to good appetite and good spirits, are:

    • shiny and smooth coat;
    • pink and slightly moistened mucous membranes;
    • cold and slightly damp nose (normally, during sleep it can become warm and dry);
    • pulse, respiratory rate and temperature are within normal limits;
    • absence of excessive discharge from the eyes, ears and nose, plaque in the mouth, salivation and unpleasant odor from the mouth and ears.

    It is important! The normal duration of rest for a cat per day is 12-14 hours or more.

    Consequences of not eating

    Even if the cat refused to eat because of a serious illness, this situation can have unpleasant consequences for his health:

    • Exacerbation of chronic diseases. If your pet is diagnosed with pathology of the kidneys, liver, or intestines, then refusing food even for a day can provoke an attack.
    • Weight loss, which is very dangerous for cats.
    • Lack of vitamins, which will lead to a deterioration in the general condition of the animal.

    If the cat refuses food and water, you cannot hesitate. Urgently show your pet to a specialist so as not to lose him. It is especially necessary to carefully monitor the nutrition of a kitten up to six months. If an adult animal can go without food for two days or more, then the baby will probably die within a day of fasting. If the kitten refuses food without obvious signs of illness, the owner should feed it milk from a pipette.

    • Age. Old cats have a slower metabolism and their body does not need a lot of food. If an old animal does not eat for a long time, but only drinks water, becomes lethargic, lies motionless for a long time, and does not respond to the owner’s voice, these are signs of the animal’s imminent death.
    • Prenatal period. On the eve of giving birth, the cat completely refuses food, she restlessly rushes around the house, looking for a convenient place to give birth to kittens. This behavior should not alarm the owner. To make your pet less worried, prepare a secluded corner for her in advance where she will feel protected.
    • Postpartum period. Giving birth is extremely stressful for a cat, so there is no need to worry if she refuses food for a while. However, if she refuses water and practically does not pay attention to the babies, a consultation with a veterinarian is necessary. Often, this condition indicates serious problems with the reproductive system, for example, afterbirth remaining in the uterus.
    • A nursing cat may not feel hungry for several days. This condition is explained by her fatigue after childbirth. Don't worry if your pet doesn't refuse water and behaves normally - her appetite will soon return.
    • Heat. Don't be surprised: people aren't the only ones who don't tolerate heat waves well. In such a situation, the animal refuses food, but drinks a lot of water. The problem can be solved simply - place the animal in a cool room where the air conditioner or fan is running.

    What is this phenomenon?

    If a cat constantly asks for food, then this change in eating behavior is called polyphagia. This is a pathological condition caused by:

    • gluttony and stretching of the stomach walls;
    • lack of nutrients during the active growth of a young animal;
    • the body's reaction to medications;
    • stress or prolonged feeling of discomfort;
    • cold season;
    • decreased metabolism in old age.

    - I want to eat.

    Polyphagia can develop at any age. If your cat has been eating a lot lately, although this was unusual for him before, the reason should be identified as soon as possible.

    Attention! Stressful situations and prolonged lack of appetite subsequently provoke polyphagia in cats. After a hunger strike, they try to make up for the lack of nutrients without feeling full.

    How to feed an adult cat

    Force feeding of an adult cat is carried out only as prescribed by a veterinarian. Quite often, in order not to overload the animal’s intestines, the doctor prescribes subcutaneous and intravenous infusions of nutrient solutions.

    When it comes to the fact that the cat can, but does not want to eat, you need to try to provoke hunger. The main tools are:

    Smell - there is a saying: “appetite comes with eating,” but in fact, the desire or reluctance to eat something depends on the attractiveness of the smell. As a stimulant, you can use gravy from industrial feed.

    My own example - eat in front of the cat and place a bowl with treats for the cat nearby. Food should be soft. Proceed as follows: take a sandwich (or other food) in your hand, slowly bite off a piece and begin to chew slowly. Put the sandwich aside and use the same hand to scoop some cat treats onto your finger and let your pet sniff. Watch the reaction; if the cat licks its lips, you are acting correctly. If the cat begins to quickly swallow saliva, this is a sign of nausea and force feeding is inappropriate. If your cat has nausea, you can try other, neutral products or you need to switch your pet to nutrient solutions.

    Any liquid, homogeneous food can be given to the cat through a syringe or piston dispenser (for children). To avoid vomiting, give food little by little, 5-7 ml at a time. Repeat feeding every 1–1.5 hours and monitor your pet’s condition. In case of vomiting or indigestion, replace food with rice water and ground, boiled rice porridge.

    How to make a cat drink

    To restore your cat's interest in water, first change the bowl . Animals usually prefer a bucket, pan, or vase. You can place different containers of water in different places.

    You can add a little milk or broth to clean water. But such a drink should be changed often, as it quickly deteriorates, especially in a hot room.

    You can offer your cat to drink water from the tap or install a special drinking fountain.

    If the recommendations listed do not help, the cat must be force-fed using a syringe. This method is also often used for stress or toothache.

    Non-dangerous causes of loss of appetite

    There are many reasons that can cause a cat to eat poorly. Some of them are completely harmless, while others are quite worrying. They range from just a pet’s bad mood to serious health problems.

    Why does a cat eat poorly and what affects this:

    • suffered stress;
    • weather change;
    • change of environment or food;
    • exacerbation of the instinct to procreate.

    These reasons are not serious and are quite easy to overcome. There are other factors as well, but they are not as common. To understand how to restore your pet’s appetite, you need to consider each point in more detail.

    Past stress

    The mood of cats can be very changeable, and anything can affect it. If the animal has gone through a move, a bath or, for example, a haircut, it is not surprising that stress has fallen on it. In such a situation, the furry friend sleeps a lot and refuses to eat. Don't worry too much about this. After some time, the pet will return to its normal rhythm of life, but if the owner wants to speed up this process, it is better for him to pay more attention to the cat. Any creature feels better from affection, so it is recommended to surround your pet with warmth, play with it or treat it with an unusual delicacy.

    Change of weather

    As surprising as it may sound, cats are very sensitive to weather changes. As soon as a cloud covers the sun, the animal immediately stops having fun, becomes lethargic and eats poorly. Changes in weather due to season also affect a cat's appetite.

    For example, in cold times, in autumn and more often in winter, cats constantly sit near something warm. Fat reserves also help them keep warm, so pets eat every now and then. In the summer, when it gets hot, cats begin to eat much less. This is due to the fact that a large amount of food is digested and gives energy, and in order to spend it, you need to move. The animal is hot from the weather, and unnecessary movements will bring even more discomfort. Therefore, you should not be surprised that your pet eats little and drinks much more in the summer, because he is simply trying to regulate his body temperature.

    Change of environment or food

    As mentioned above, any changes in a cat’s life can be stressful for him. This also includes a change of environment. It's not just about moving. Even the slightest rearrangement of things or furniture becomes something new and unknown for the animal, which you have to get used to again.

    Also, the appearance of a stranger at home can be a reason for a sharp change in the mood of a mustachioed friend. This could be a new person or a pet. If it seems to the cat that the stranger is dangerous, vying for food or affection, then the animal may temporarily close itself off from everyone and refuse to eat until it gets used to the newcomer.

    What can we say about drastic changes, if even a new bowl can cause a furry friend to eat poorly. What's in her bowl has a particularly strong influence on a cat's appetite. Often, food becomes the main factor influencing the animal’s appetite. If the food is not to his taste or is of poor quality, the pet may try to express this by refusing.

    If the owner is forced to change food for any reason, it is better to do it gradually. You can mix the new food with the old one, so the cat will not notice the catch, and in the end it will completely switch to the new food. It is better to make any changes gradually so as not to shock your pet.

    Increased procreation instinct

    There come periods when cats put on whole shows. Then they not only eat poorly, but also have strange habits. You don’t need to think long to guess that your pet’s sexual instinct has activated. During estrus, cats almost completely lose their appetite. Hunger strikes can last up to a week, and the animal can lose a lot of weight. However, there is no reason to worry, because when the natural instinct weakens, the pet will have an appetite again.

    Features of syringe feeding

    Before starting feeding, you should consult your doctor about the size of the syringe. You can ask him to give the desired option so as not to make a mistake. Most often its size is 2 ml.

    You need to cut off the tip of the syringe, pull the plunger out of it, and fill it with food. After this, you need to bring the tool to the cat’s nose so that the pet can smell the food. When the pet opens its mouth, lightly press the plunger, squeezing a small amount of food onto the tongue. If the animal does not open its mouth, then you need to do it yourself, since you need to force the cat to eat.

    How to feed a sick cat with a syringe

    Causes and diagnosis

    Having noticed that the cat has no appetite, every animal owner thinks about the question of what to do? It is important to understand that poor appetite does not mean its complete loss, which often indicates the presence of pathological processes in the animal’s body. Partial refusal of food can be caused by the following reasons:

    1. New and unusual food for an animal can cause it to be reluctant to eat. Cats, just like people, are distinguished by their specific taste preferences, which they cannot change too sharply. Introducing a new food too quickly, even if it is of high quality, can cause your pet to completely refuse to eat. This is most often observed when switching a cat from ready-made dry food to natural food and vice versa.
    2. Climatic conditions. Representatives of the cat family, like people, react to temperature changes. Often, a cat’s refusal to eat occurs at high temperatures, especially when the thermometer exceeds 30 degrees. You shouldn’t worry about this, much less try to force feed the animal. The owner’s main task during this period is to provide him with constant free access to clean water.
    3. Stress. Cats, like all mammals, are susceptible to stressful situations, which are accompanied by fears, worries, sadness and, as a result, refusal to eat. The main task of the owner in such a situation is to try to find out the reason for the pet’s apathetic state; perhaps it is associated with the loss of someone very dear, with the arrival of a new family member, or with a move. In advanced situations, you cannot do without consulting a veterinarian and taking sedatives.
    4. Surges at the hormonal level. Food refusal in females is often observed during estrus and pregnancy. Poor appetite can also occur during puberty. During the “cat wedding” period, the animal may not touch food for about a week. There is no need to worry about this, since your appetite will return immediately after this period ends.
    5. Dirty dishes. Representatives of the cat family are distinguished by their cleanliness. They may ignore food if their owner offers it in dirty bowls.

    Cat with a kitten These causes of partial or complete loss of appetite in a cat are not dangerous, provided that the animal feels normal, does not look sick and is in a good mood.
    If a kitten has no appetite, the first thing the pet owner should do is contact a veterinarian. A possible reason for this could be infectious diseases that quickly affect a young, fragile body, which can be dangerous for the baby’s life.


    To prevent your pet from refusing to eat, the following simple measures should be followed:

    • normalize diet;
    • do not allow the cat to be outside uncontrolled;
    • diversify your diet;
    • feed the animal only premium and super-premium mixtures;
    • exclude food from the human table;
    • choose food in accordance with the cat’s taste preferences;
    • avoid stressing the animal;
    • sterilize your pet in time or provide him with a full sex life;
    • carefully transfer to a new diet, especially kittens;
    • prevent the animal from overheating in the hot season;
    • vaccinate annually;
    • regularly deworm and treat for external parasites;
    • Long-haired breeds should be combed out and given pastes to prevent the formation of hairballs;
    • Bring your pet to the veterinarian regularly for checkups.


    Main factors for food refusal

    As we have already said, refusing food is not always a reason to immediately raise the alarm. So, if she refuses to eat, this does not mean that she is terminally ill. It is quite possible that the animal simply does not want to eat. The fact is that older animals have a very slow metabolism.

    (i.e. metabolism), as a result of which the need for nutrients is also low.

    You need to be wary only if the fast lasts for a very long time, and the cat, in addition to food, also refuses water

    All of these could indicate serious problems with and(). This is often indicated by a change in the color of the skin (more precisely, its yellowing), signs (foaming at the mouth), etc. The latter is typical, among other things, for uremia. If you observe any of this in your pet, take him to the vet immediately. Alas, in many cases, an old cat’s refusal to feed indicates that the animal senses the approaching disease
    . You can't argue with age...

    Also, the physiological reason for refusing to feed is.

    When a pregnant cat refuses to eat, she is clearly preparing to become a mother. This is also indicated by her restless behavior, meowing and constant rushing around the house. The animal is looking for the most suitable for the birth of kittens. There's simply no time for food here.

    Postoperative period

    – a very difficult and responsible time. If, for example, after a cat, this is not surprising. It’s just that the pet’s body has not yet recovered from the effects of general anesthesia, the animal is still too weak to absorb food. But it is normal to refuse food only for a couple of days, and the pet should drink normally during this time.

    When is there nothing to worry about?

    All of the listed symptoms of cat gluttony are removable and should not cause concern to owners unless severe exhaustion/obesity, vomiting after eating, or deterioration in the condition of the coat and teeth are observed. Polyphagia can be overcome by properly organizing the feeding of the purring cat.

    During the period of active growth and development, which lasts about 2 years, kittens have a great need for nutritious, balanced food. They spend a lot of energy and try to replenish it by eating more than normal. If the kitten eats a lot, grows quickly and remains energetic and playful, then there is nothing to worry about.

    Babies need a lot of energy

    Peculiarities of eating behavior also depend on the breed, so owners should be aware of their cat’s daily calorie requirement, as well as how this parameter changes depending on the pet’s age.

    Female felines may experience an increased appetite after the end of estrus, when they try hard to make up for the lack of calories by eating. During heat, a cat completely loses its appetite due to nervousness, but subsequently they simply eat up, absorbing food in unlimited quantities.

    Attention! Older cats show more interest in food than young cats. An active, non-obese pet with a slightly increased appetite should not cause concern.

    Unfamiliar food or dirty bowl

    The beloved fold-eared pet with a good-natured face and a trusting look suddenly began to refuse his favorite treats. Atypical behavior for pets makes the owner nervous. Naturally, every caring owner tries to find out why a domestic kitten is not eating.

    The worst thoughts immediately come to mind, and we intuitively run to specialists for help. However, there is no need to rush; it is necessary to exclude all possible reasons that could cause a change in the appetite of a furry family member.

    Pets develop taste preferences over time. They quickly get used to their daily diet and do not always give in to experiments involving a sudden change in diet. If you have recently changed your pet’s usual food to a new composition, your cat may refuse to eat on principle, showing his dissatisfaction. Loss of appetite can also occur due to the introduction of new foods into the diet.

    So, unfamiliar food is one of the reasons why a furry family member may go hungry for several days. If the food remains the same, look into your pet's bowl to see if there are leftovers from the previous meal or poorly washed edges.

    A clean animal may refuse food after smelling the unpleasant smell of rotting remains. Take care of the hygiene of dishes for your pet. A dirty bowl can not only affect his appetite, but also provoke the development of certain diseases.

    How to make food more attractive

    If the cat is picky, then you need to make its food more attractive to the animal. It is worth paying attention to the bowl from which your pet eats. Perhaps it retains an unpleasant aroma that is not washed off with ordinary water. It is not recommended to use regular detergent for cleaning. It is better to wash with dry mustard, which will disinfect, will not leave an unpleasant odor behind, and will also thoroughly wash away the remnants of old food.

    A cat pays more attention to smells than to taste. It is worth giving preference to higher quality food, even if people don’t like its smell. Selection is carried out through trial and error.

    Oral diseases in cats

    A domestic cat may not eat well if it has dental problems. This cause of loss of appetite is very common. A clear sign of pathology: the animal may drink a lot of liquid, choke on food, burp after eating solid food, etc. Loss of appetite occurs due to a lack of teeth in a row, which provokes the development of certain diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

    The source of such problems can also be dental caries, gum disease, tartar accumulation and other dental ailments typical of humans. To prevent such conditions and not to risk the health of a purebred cat, carry out hygienic care of its oral cavity in a timely manner. If you detect obvious signs of an inflammatory process, consult a doctor.

    If dental disease has already caused loss of appetite in your beloved cat, try to choose the optimal set of foods for feeding. Eliminate solid foods, grind all food served, and be sure to consult your veterinarian. Your friend may need medication help.

    Force feeding rules

    A cat has a belly button: do cats have it, why not?

    The owner of a sick animal is faced with an impossible task - how to feed the cat if it does not eat anything. The only way out of the situation is force feeding. How to do it correctly:

    • You should take a small piece of food and place it at the base of the animal’s tongue. After this, close the cat’s mouth and gently stroke the cat’s throat with careful movements. This will help make swallowing easier;
    • What to feed a cat if he doesn’t eat anything is liquid food. It is sent into the mouth using a syringe. However, this method can cause stress in the animal, and therefore subsequently it will not be handled at all. Feeding will then have to be done through a tube that delivers food directly into the stomach.

    Important! It is recommended that you consult your veterinarian about which method is best to choose.

    Artificial feeding of a cat through a tube

    What does it mean for a pet to refuse food and drink?

    There are situations when a cat does not eat or drink for several days, but only sleeps for no reason. If a cat does not eat and therefore loses its appetite, this can be called anorexia. However, an animal's appetite is determined by psychological factors, unlike hunger, which is a physiological phenomenon.

    There can be many reasons why a cat does not eat for several days and only sleeps. Often, a kitten does not eat because some harmful processes have begun in its body, that is, a disease is emerging. As a rule, if a cat is lethargic, does not even drink water for a long time and lies in one place for most of the day, then this indicates diseases of the stomach or other main organs. After all, when experiencing severe pain, the animal will not have time to eat.

    Note that if the pet is very lethargic during the day and does not even drink water, this may indicate the first heat. Owners think their pet is sick, but this is not the case. In this case, the animal begins to get acquainted with new natural urges, and this can lead it to confusion. This behavior and refusal of water and food may subside within a few days and then return to normal.

    If the kitten does not eat anything for a long time and does not even drink water during the day, he is lethargic and does not want to do anything, then your pet is probably sick. Often infectious diseases such as worms are the cause of lack of appetite. To prevent your pet from losing weight and becoming lethargic, it is necessary to give him preventive medications against parasites from time to time.

    Below is a list of common diseases among indoor cats. If the cat does not eat anything for a day or several days, is very lethargic and only lies in one place, plus he has also lost weight, then the pet is sick. But what infection is causing this? Let's try to figure it out.

    1. If your cat has lost weight, it is likely that she has gastrointestinal diseases. The usual illness is accompanied by diarrhea and other unusual discharge. Only a veterinarian can make a more thorough diagnosis.
    2. This may also indicate liver disease. If the cat is sick, then you need to go to the doctor, and for the future - create a diet that would cleanse this organ.
    3. Pancreatic diseases. Sometimes a cat does not eat precisely because of this disease.
    4. Diseases of the reproductive system.
    5. Blood diseases.
    6. In addition, this can be caused by various diseases of the mucous system, that is, the throat, nose, mouth, and so on.

    But if a cat doesn't eat, it doesn't mean it has one of these diseases. If your pet has lost weight, this may well be due to the fact that he:

    • I don’t like the new food (the diet needs to be changed);
    • a new place of residence (over time, the cat will adapt, you can help him with this: veterinary stores often sell appropriate medications that help animals when moving);
    • other causes of stress (it is necessary to identify specific causes of stress).

    If your cat doesn't eat during the day, it's not a big deal. But if this trend continues for a long time, then the pet must be taken to the doctor. It is necessary to take into account some nuances. If you are worried about your pet’s health and don’t know how long it can go without food, consider the following:

    1. A young and healthy cat can go without food for at least five days, and this will not harm him in any way. After this period, the body will be replenished with the necessary vitamins and carbohydrates and the cat will feel normal again.
    2. If the cat is already at an advanced age and has stopped eating, then it can go without food for about three days without harm to its health. As in the previous case, after this his body will be filled with vitamins. If the reason for such a diet is not a disease.
    3. If the kitten is small and has not eaten all day, then it may die of hunger. A small and fragile organism can survive without food for about a day, in rare cases - a little more. Therefore, kitten owners need to immediately sound the alarm if their pet does not eat for at least half a day.
    4. If you know that the cat suffers from chronic diseases, then you should not let her starve for a long time. Regardless of the stage of manifestation and degree of the disease, a sick pet should not fast for more than two days.

    Why doesn't my cat eat or drink for several days?

    A pet may refuse food and water for a number of reasons. The most common reason is poor health. This is possible under stress, which is associated with a sudden change in environment, renovations, noisy parties, etc. Cats are very sensitive to any changes, so the body can react in a similar way.

    In some cases, the problem is caused by unpalatable food. If there is a sudden change in diet, the pet may not react to this in the best way. Especially if the food is cheap and of poor quality. In this case, the problem can be solved very simply - you need to return to your usual diet.

    A stressed cat may not eat or drink for several days.

    Kittens may refuse food and water due to gastrointestinal disorders. The fact is that a small pet has a weak immune system, and any error in the diet can provoke digestive disorders, which are accompanied by poor appetite and loose stools. Additional factors: subcutaneous ticks, fleas and other parasitic infections.

    Attention! If the pet does not want to eat or drink, then first of all you need to look at the fur and skin, which should be normally clean. Then you need to pay attention to the cat's nose. If it is wet, then the temperature is within normal limits.

    A sick animal may refuse food and water during the period of exacerbation of the inflammatory process, as the body fights the pathology. Such abstinence from food often does not exceed several days. Additionally, your pet's body temperature may increase. After the fever disappears, appetite is quickly restored. In this case, it is important to clarify what disease caused the symptoms.

    A sick cat is often lethargic and refuses water and food.

    An old cat may lose its appetite due to inflammatory diseases of the urinary system. Gradually, the animal accumulates salt crystals in its urine (this is associated with an abundance of sodium in dry food), which provokes the formation of stones that can clog the urinary ducts. An additional reason is inflammation of the gums, since the teeth of an old pet often crumble and fall out, which contributes to the occurrence of periodontitis, gingivitis and other similar pathologies.

    Old cats are often susceptible to inflammatory gum disease

    One of the common reasons for loss of appetite and refusal to drink water is poisoning. This can happen at any age. A cat can be poisoned by some kind of chemical by licking it from the floor, as well as by poisonous plants, stale food, and insects. Intoxication is often accompanied by refusal of food, water, fever, loose stools and vomiting.

    Another reason why your pet suddenly began to refrain from eating could be a foreign body stuck in the throat. At the same time, the animal behaves strangely, hides, vomits, and the cat may also wheeze while trying to push the object out.

    Natural causes

    Why does a cat eat its kittens: natural and pathological reasons

    Sometimes refusal to eat is due to changes in the cat's body. In this case, there is nothing to worry about, and the problem will solve itself. For example, on a hot day, all pets eat little, but drink a lot of clean water.


    In summer there is often high air temperature. At such times, even people prefer to eat less. Kittens and older cats have a particularly hard time withstanding the heat. Therefore, you should not insist on eating.

    The animal should always have access to clean water

    Once the air temperature drops, the cat will begin to eat again. Sometimes a pet prefers to wait for the coolness of the night and only then start dinner.

    Hormonal changes

    If your cat is not eating well but is active and active, this may be a sign of puberty. An animal that is one year old may become a little aggressive and agitated. He begins to play games of a sexual nature, cats begin to mark their territory, and cats begin to meow in their guts.

    In pets during this period, the reproductive instincts occupy a dominant place. Therefore, food ceases to interest them due to loss of appetite.

    Important! In rare cases, the male may completely refuse food, try to escape, and he begins to go crazy. In this condition, the intervention of a veterinarian is necessary, who will prescribe sedatives.


    Britons, Persians, Siberians and other breeds with thick coats can get a small side effect from licking - hairballs accumulate in the stomach.

    In severe cases, this leads to complete intestinal obstruction and the need for urgent surgery. Therefore, if a cat has lost weight, lost its appetite and becomes lethargic, then the animal should be urgently shown to a doctor.


    Cats are very sensitive to environmental changes. Therefore, they too may be prone to anxiety and restlessness. The reason may be a move, the appearance of a new animal or child, quarrels, or punishment.

    Important! When stressed, a cat tries to hide in an inaccessible place. In severe cases, it is recommended to give your pet a sedative.

    The medicine will help reduce anxiety levels

    In severe cases, it is recommended to sedate your pet. The medicine will help reduce anxiety levels.

    Power change

    In the modern world, you can find different cat food. Different brands have their own lines, which differ in composition. Sometimes a pet has to be switched to medicated dry food, which may have a specific taste.

    Any new products should be introduced gradually. For example, if you plan to transfer an animal to another food, then first they are mixed with each other.

    When using wet food, you need to pay attention to storage conditions. Place bags and jars in the refrigerator, otherwise they will quickly spoil

    Therefore, if the cat eats little, then it is worth checking the quality of the food.


    Older animals are more prone to developing chronic problems. Therefore, at this age it is recommended to give special food that is designed for old animals.

    An older pet may have problems with teeth and gums

    The owner does not always understand why the cat does not eat well. When visually examining the mouth, you can see redness and swelling of the gums - this is a sign of gingivitis. It is enough to remove tartar and use special ointments to relieve inflammation.

    Important! It is better to give soft food to older animals, as it is easier to eat.

    Foreign body

    If the pet is active and asks for food, but ultimately does not touch it, then it is worth examining its oral cavity. A bone or hard piece may become stuck in the gum. Painful sensations will prevent the animal from eating.

    Sometimes a fish bone gets stuck in the throat. In this case, the owner will not be able to get it out on his own and needs to contact a veterinarian. Therefore, if a cat wants to eat, but refuses to take pieces, you should carefully examine its mouth.

    What to do?

    If the cat asks to eat more than the norm, then you can:

    • change the food to a more expensive and nutritious one. Cheap economy class mixtures do not contain the vitamins, minerals, and biologically active substances necessary for normal growth and development of the animal. Their deficiency in the cat’s body provokes overeating;
    • do not feed in excess of the norm, focusing on the instructions for consuming food, the age and physiological characteristics of the cat;
    • organize fractional feeding at the same time - 2-3 times a day;
    • eliminate unscheduled snacks that are skillfully begged for by cunning manipulative cats.

    A pregnant cat must be fed with specially formulated food that contains the full range of essential nutritional components or the diet must be further enriched with vitamins and minerals. As a preventive measure and to get rid of parasites, regularly administer anthelmintic drugs.

    Diabetes mellitus and intestinal diseases require diagnosis and drug treatment. You should also contact a veterinarian if, despite all efforts, the cat constantly asks for food, and its appearance leaves much to be desired.

    How and how to help an animal

    If a cat refuses food and water, then the first thing to do is take your pet to a veterinarian. It is not possible to make a diagnosis on your own at home, so you need to call a doctor at home or take your pet to the clinic.

    If it is impossible to get to the veterinarian in the next 24 hours, then you need to provide the cat with rest. To do this, you should prepare a clean litter; it should not be too soft or too hard. If an animal is hiding, you should not force it out of its hiding place. You can only place a bowl of food and fresh water nearby.

    Bowls of water and food should always be available to the animal.

    If the doctor has determined the cause, then you should follow the specialist’s recommendations and give medications according to instructions in the required dosages. This must be done calmly; you must not cause pain to the animal. Before giving medication, the cat needs to be stroked, and the tone of voice should be calm. This way, the pet will tolerate the treatment better, will not resist too much and will recover faster.

    Additional recommendations:

    1. If the cause is stress, then the cat should be left alone for a while. It is advisable to call her to eat in a gentle tone. A calm and quiet environment, the absence of extraneous noise and periodic stroking will help you recover from stress.
    2. If your pet doesn't like the food, you need to replace it as soon as possible. It is recommended to give preference to balanced foods rather than cheap options containing a lot of harmful additives.
    3. In case of gastrointestinal upset and poisoning, you can give the animal activated charcoal (500 mg per 1 kg of weight). In this case, the tablet must be crushed and dissolved in 1 tsp. water. It is most convenient to give medicine using a syringe without a needle. It is enough to do this procedure once before seeing a doctor.
    4. Ticks and fleas are eliminated using special antiparasitic medications. You should not use them on your own; you should first consult your doctor. However, if this is not possible in the near future, and the animal has fleas or a tick is found, you can purchase Bars or Celandine shampoo.
    5. If the cause is helminthic infestations, then treatment is carried out with the help of anthelmintic drugs. The medication should be given only according to the regimen recommended by the doctor. Otherwise, larvae may remain, which will provoke a relapse.
    6. To alleviate the condition of an animal with gum inflammation, you can use a solution of Miramistin or potassium permanganate. It is necessary to treat the gums using a cotton pad and the selected product. This needs to be done 2 times a day. Do not press on problem areas.

    A weak solution of potassium permanganate can be used to treat inflamed gums

    What to do if your pet doesn’t eat, doesn’t drink and constantly sleeps

    If an animal does not eat or drink, and also sleeps constantly, then this is an alarming signal of serious health problems. However, in extremely rare cases this is associated with stress. In this case, the pet should be left alone and allowed to rest. There is no danger in inactivity after stress. If the animal is lethargic, does not eat or drink for another reason, then postponing a visit to the doctor is dangerous, since with a serious pathology the cat may die.

    Some recommendations that will help you hold out until the doctor arrives:

    1. It is necessary to ensure that fresh air enters the room.
    2. Do not disturb the pet. If there are other animals in the house, then for safety reasons it is better to isolate them from contact with the sick cat.
    3. Make sure the water in the bowl is always clean.
    4. If there is a special medicinal herb for cats in the house, which breeders often grow in pots, then you can pick a little and put it next to your pet. If desired, the animal can be treated with such a safe remedy.

    What to feed

    Nowadays there is a large amount of animal food on the market, but even with this, owners are faced with the question of how and what to feed a cat if it does not eat anything. It is recommended to give preference to ready-made foods that are specifically designed for use in the treatment of a specific disease.

    How to find a cat if it has run away or is lost on the street

    Most often, this is liquid food that can be fed to the animal from a syringe, or the cat itself can lap it up like water. This food is tastier than usual to attract the sick. In this case, the cat is more likely to prefer something liquid than solid food. In addition, this food is high in calories, so as not to force your pet to eat more often than necessary.

    Note! Such food should not be considered a panacea and should not be grabbed from the shelves if the animal refuses food. You need to consult a veterinarian who can tell you what to feed your cat if he doesn’t eat anything.

    Force feeding a newborn kitten

    Kittens are fed with syringes. But you should choose a size larger than 10 ml. The needle needs to be removed. Even a small kitten will try to escape, so before feeding you need to carefully wrap it in a towel so that the pet cannot move. In this case, you should not press down the paws too much or squeeze the body, as this will negatively affect the internal organs.

    Note! The kitten will show the desire to eat only after it tastes the food. The owner's only task is to force the pet to take the first sip.

    When feeding kittens, do not squeeze them too hard by the body.

    Almost every owner of a four-legged creature will sooner or later have to learn how and what to feed a cat if it doesn’t eat anything. This is required not only in case of illness, but also due to any other reasons due to which the pet refuses to consume food.

    What to do if the animal gets worse?

    If such a symptom is combined with an externally unhealthy appearance of the animal, then consultation with a veterinarian is necessary.
    If your four-legged friend hasn’t eaten or drunk all day, but he goes to the toilet normally, is cheerful, and plays, most likely nothing bad has happened. You need to constantly monitor your pet, and if he licks his lips, offer him food and water. But when the cat’s condition is severely disturbed, she has suddenly lost weight and it is clear that she is feeling unwell, it is necessary to urgently take the pet to the hospital. At the initial appointment, the veterinarian will examine the animal, ask the owner about disturbing symptoms, and collect other important information. To understand what to do next, you need to find out the cause of this condition. For this, additional diagnostic methods are prescribed:

    • blood and urine tests;
    • coprogram;
    • biochemistry;
    • Ultrasound of internal organs;
    • radiography.
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