Why does a cat walk past the litter box: the main reasons and what to do

Tamed representatives of the cat family are distinguished by cleanliness. Therefore, those who acquire tailed, mustachioed pets sometimes believe that the knowledge of mastering the use of a special toilet is in their blood, and are sincerely surprised when the newly acquired kitten makes a puddle in the wrong place. Every person who has acquired such a pet will have to be puzzled by the problem of how to train a cat to use a litter box. In such a delicate matter, it is necessary to avoid mistakes and be thoroughly patient, since in a number of situations the training is delayed for more than one week.

Peeing in the tray and pooping next to it - what is the reason?

Tailed fluffies know how to surprise with their ingenuity and skills, but sometimes their owners receive truly unpleasant surprises from them. Although cats are considered one of the cleanest animals, they also have strange embarrassments - the pet relieves itself in the tray, but prefers to poop by.

Why does this happen, is it worth punishing this cat, or should we first figure out what motivates her to commit such an atypical act? The main reasons for this behavior in cats:

  • various diseases;
  • prolonged constipation;
  • instincts;
  • preference for certain toilet fillers;
  • psychological problems;
  • cleanliness issues.

No matter how paradoxical it may sound, the reason that a cat pees in the litter box and poops past it is the absolute cleanliness of the animal. Some cats are so protective of their cleanliness that they will not go into a litter box that is not regularly treated with antiseptic agents.

If a cat pees in the litter box and poops past it, the first thing the owner is recommended to do is to carefully ensure that the toilet is always clean and does not contain foreign, unpleasant odors. To do this, just treat the tray with vinegar.

Specific events

How to stop a cat from shitting when it happens in certain places on a regular basis? Several such characteristic places can be identified. Nature directs the animal to pots with home flowers, where it is attracted by the soft soil, and even with the smell of fertilizer. Of course, the easiest way is to put the flowers out of reach of the cat. In cases where this is undesirable, the following methods of influence can be recommended: placing a garlic clove or lemon peels on the soil surface; covering the surface (usually a window sill) on which the pots stand with foil or taping the area near the pot; placement of twigs around the perimeter of the pot, creating an interfering fence (toothpicks can be used). Such inconveniences will wean the animal from unscheduled toileting, and after a while all elements can be removed.

Vinegar will help stop your pet from pooping in the litter box.

On a note! If a cat gets into the habit of shitting on the bed, then measures must be taken as quickly as possible so that such comfortable conditions do not become a habit.

First of all, resolutely block the way to the bedroom by closing the door. Using lavender when rinsing bedding is considered a fairly effective method. You can simply apply a few drops of lavender oil to the top of your bed, especially at the head of your bed. Cats cannot stand the smell of lavender and will give up their intentions.

An animal can shit on the floor in different places in the apartment or run out into the entrance and defecate there. A vinegar solution can be considered an effective remedy. If you treat the floor with it, the cat will not make a toilet there. A positive result is achieved by using ready-made products intended for these purposes and sold in a pet store: Nature's Miracle, Odor-Secret, Nok-Out, Urine-Off. Sometimes the animal takes a liking to a certain corner in the apartment and does “its business” there. In this case, it is best to install a tray in this corner.

Nature's Miracle gives positive results

Finally, there is also a known radical way to stop a cat from crapping. The animal is locked in a small room (for example, a bathroom), where a tray is installed and a bowl of water is placed at a distance. To feed, the cat is taken to a bowl of food 2-3 times a day. The rest of the time she remains locked up and is forced to use the litter box. The cessation of isolation should be carried out gradually, as the animal gets used to the tray.

The question of how to wean a cat from shitting in the wrong place at home should be decided taking into account the reasons leading to this behavior of the animal. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate these causes and ensure maximum peace of mind for the cat. In the presence of diseases, the intervention of a veterinarian is necessary, but in other cases, a kind attitude towards your pet and patience will help.

How to stop a kitten from shitting in the wrong place

  1. 1) Why is it important to immediately teach the kitten to behave correctly?
  2. 2) Why does the kitten relieve itself anywhere?
  3. 3) Training a kitten to use a tray
  4. 4) How to stop a kitten from shitting in the wrong place

Why is it important to immediately teach a kitten to behave correctly
? A small kitten is a great happiness in the life of any person. A furry family member who fills the owners’ lives with fun, tenderness and affection. At first, the little pranks of the kitten amuse people. But as he gets older, bad behavior becomes a problem.

That is why it is so important, from childhood, to accustom a kitten to a scratching post, a tray and other things necessary for its normal coexistence with people. If bad behavior is ignored, then sooner or later the owners will be faced with the fact that the kitten shits in the wrong place.

The Murkosha shelter often receives cats from the street who are used to relieving themselves anywhere. Our volunteers use all possible methods to wean animals from this bad habit. Therefore, if you decide to adopt a kitten at our shelter, you can be sure that an obedient, clean kitten will come to your home, who knows all the rules and does not create problems for its owners.

Well, our volunteers are in a hurry to share useful information with those who are already owners of kittens.

Why does a kitten relieve itself anywhere?

Before you start weaning your kitten from shitting, you need to understand the reasons for this behavior.

1) The baby goes to relieve himself in the owner’s bed

Often, owners are faced with the fact that their pet shits in their bed. It is a mistake to believe that this comes from harm. In fact, the kitten goes to relieve itself on the bed because of the smell of its owner. And where the owner smells, the baby feels completely protected. The smell of a kitten mixes with the smell of the most important protector in his life and evokes a feeling of calm and self-confidence.

2) Health problems

The kitten is not able to tell its owner that it hurts. Therefore, he tries to attract attention to himself by any means. The kitten meows still quietly and uncertainly, but the owner should definitely pay attention to the damaged carpet or bed. Thus, if the kitten knows the location of the litter box, but stubbornly ignores it, then you should show it to the veterinarian.

In any case, kittens could benefit from additional preventive examination. And if he is still sick or has some pathologies, then detecting them early will help doctors easily cope with all the problems.

Read more about the signs of an unhealthy cat: https://murkosha.ru/nashi-stati/lechenie-i-profilaktika/priznaki-nezdorovogo-kota

3) Stress

Usually, kittens are very worried when there is shouting and swearing in the house, new animals appear, strangers come, they swear at the pet and use physical force, furniture is rearranged or a move occurs. Of course, you cannot completely protect your baby from stress, but you can surround him with love. The owner's care gives the pet self-confidence and helps to calm down.

4) Inappropriate tray or poor location

Cats are very finicky animals that will not relieve themselves where they are uncomfortable. If the owner sees that it is difficult for the kitten to jump into and out of the litter tray, or that the pet can barely fit there, then they should look for another toilet. Most likely, the cat was simply tired of enduring the inconvenience and because of this he began to walk anywhere.

The location of the tray is also very important. If you decide to place it in the bathroom, then the door there should be constantly open. If the kitten sees a closed door in front of him, he will decide that he cannot go there and will simply get confused.

5) Unsuitable filler

Many kittens stubbornly refuse to go into the litter box because they don't like the litter. It may have an unpleasant odor or texture for your pet. It is difficult to understand what exactly the cat is not happy with. But if he constantly gets out of the tray and shows with all his appearance that he is uncomfortable, then it is better to replace the filler. You'll have to experiment before you find the right one.

Read more about the different types of litter: What types of cat litter are there?

But if you recently switched to a different type of litter (for example, from wood to silica gel) and after that the kitten stopped going to the litter box, then we recommend returning to the previous option.

6) Dirty tray

Cats are incredibly clean, so refusing a dirty litter box is completely normal for them. So train yourself to clean up after your kitten every day and change the litter regularly.

Litter training a kitten

Another reason that a pet relieves itself anywhere may be simple ignorance. The kitten may simply not understand what they want from him. Especially if he used to live on the street. The staff of the Murkosha shelter train little kittens to use the litter box every day and know all the tricks in this matter.

  1. The kitten does not yet understand where exactly to go to the toilet. He should be carried into the tray in his arms every time he wants to relieve himself. This is very easy to understand: the baby begins to fuss, tear the carpet with his claws and sit down. After the kitten has finished all its business, it should be praised and treated with a treat.

This is how a reflex is formed: if he relieves himself in the tray, he will be praised and given something tasty.

  1. In order not to follow the kitten around the house and not wait until he wants to go to the toilet, you can immediately after eating put him in the tray and gently massage his tummy. Gentle strokes imitate the licking of a mother cat and stimulate bowel function. Therefore, the cat immediately relieves itself in the tray, getting used to the fact that it needs to be done here.

How to stop a kitten from shitting in the wrong place

The most important rule that all cat owners need to understand is that pets cannot be punished, beaten or offended for misconduct. When settling in a new home, kittens are already experiencing a lot of stress, so anger and resentment will only aggravate their emotional stress.

Read more about why cats should not be punished: https://murkosha.ru/nashi-stati/povedenie-koshek/pochemu-nelzya-nakazyvat-koshek

The Murkosh team has compiled a list of tips that will help you stop your kitten from shitting all over your apartment:

— Instead of being rude and punishing, you need to spend more time with your pet, give him treats for good deeds and protect him from stress. Quarrels, the appearance of new family members, the appearance of new animals, moving, rearranging furniture, etc. can greatly frighten the baby. It is better to avoid quarrels altogether. We also do not recommend getting a kitten if you already have or are soon expecting a small child - a kitten will require no less effort and attention than a child, and you may not have enough time for two babies at once. In this case, it is better to take an already adult cat. We also do not recommend making drastic changes to the house in the first weeks of a kitten’s life there.

Read more: Adopting an adult cat is not a problem!

If the animal feels safe and makes sure that its owners will not offend it, it will stop being afraid and it will be easier to adapt to your rules.

— If the kitten is mischievous and walks past the litter box, then use special sprays and products that emit a pungent odor. Cats have a very strong sense of smell, so they cannot tolerate such drugs. Spray them in the place where the kitten relieves itself (meaning, of course, the wrong place). Citrus scents are great, including a simple lemon air freshener.

— The space where the kitten is used to shitting can be covered with foil. Then he will not be able to sit comfortably there, he will slip and lose his balance. In addition, cats are very confused by the sound of foil. After 2-3 unsuccessful attempts, pets usually learn their lesson.

— Kittens relieve themselves only where they smell their urine. Therefore, if a pet shits somewhere, the owner will need to immediately treat this place with special products that neutralize odors and cause disgust in cats (ordinary detergents will do).

We sincerely hope that our advice will help you train your kitten to use the litter box and raise it to be a clean, neat and obedient cat. Well, if you are just thinking about getting a kitten, then we invite you to the “Murkosha” shelter, where small, obedient kittens, litter trained and thirsty for love and family, are already waiting for you.

We exclude medicine

If the tray is always clean and smells quite pleasant, then why does the animal still not change its habit of ignoring it, defecating past it, as if out of spite? In this case, it is worth observing the animal, perhaps the development of various diseases is to blame.

The most common cause of strange cat behavior is the presence of frequent constipation in the pet. The cat begins to associate his toilet with unpleasant, uncomfortable sensations, which is why he prefers not to go to it.

Another reason for this behavior is related to the age of the cat - quite often older cats develop a disease such as arthritis. Due to joint pain and stiffness, they are simply unable to perch on a tray with high sides.

In addition, there are also psychological factors, for example, when the owner uses a closed house as a cat litter box. Of course, it looks interesting and aesthetically pleasing, it traps odors, but in most cases cats feel uncomfortable and uncomfortable in such houses, so they prefer to ignore it.

Dirty tray

Cats take special care of their litter boxes. The litter box may simply be too dirty for her. Or it may be perfectly clean, but inconvenient to use.

For example, the box may be too small for the cat to use comfortably. Or it could be a place your cat doesn't like.

If the litter box is closed, it may bother your cat. Perhaps the litter has a strong odor or feels irritating to the paws. Too few trays can also be a problem.

Lesions of the central nervous system

Unclean behavior can be a symptom of cognitive disorders - hydrocephalus in kittens, brain tumors and senile dementia (in older animals) or other damage to the cerebral cortex (cyst, ischemic encephalopathy).

In diseases of the central nervous system, there may be convulsions accompanied by involuntary urination. If, after your absence, you can detect urine, saliva and other unknown traces in the cat's resting areas, this may be a sign of seizure activity.

Cat owners may confuse urinary incontinence with unclean behavior (often people do not see, but simply feel that the bed linen smells unpleasant).

Neurological deficits can lead to loss of conscious urinary control (continuous leakage of urine throughout the day or leakage due to an overfilled bladder that the animal cannot empty on its own).

Such diseases begin to be diagnosed only when there are additional symptoms indicating damage to the central nervous system, or when all other possible causes have already been excluded.

Manifestation of cat instincts

Some pets' natural instincts are so pronounced that they cannot relieve themselves of small and large needs in one place.

This is explained by the fact that cats associate the process of urination with the process of marking their territory, which is why they begin to walk past the litter box when defecating.

How to get out of this situation? It is recommended to place two litter boxes for your pet, but not next to each other (this arrangement of toilets will not solve the problem), but at some distance - these can be different corners of the same room, and sometimes even different rooms. Only trial and error will help you achieve the ideal placement of two toilets.

Territory marking

Can't understand why a cat shits everywhere? Look out the window. It is likely that March has come and the cat has simply gone on a spree. Despite the fact that man domesticated the cat a long time ago, it still remains a wild creature. Therefore, they continue to communicate with the opposite sex like animals, through smells.

During heat, a cat may begin to shit in corners, unconsciously trying to attract cats with her scent. Male individuals also mark territory, thereby showing the boundaries of their possessions.

There are several ways to solve the problem:

  1. Give the animal what it wants - find a mating partner.
  2. Use hormonal drugs to reduce libido. They should be selected by a specialist.
  3. Once and for all, resolve the issue by castrating (sterilizing) the animal. This does not guarantee that the cat will stop shitting in the corners, but he will not mark his territory.

Reason: the cat is marking his territory

The cat recently started peeing in the wrong places, but mostly goes to the litter box? Perhaps he is marking his territory. Here you will need either castration or constant mating with females so that the rut after sexual intercourse becomes dull and the need for marks disappears. Although the second option may not work, because... There are very sexy cats and those who doubt that the territory of the apartment belongs only to them, which means they continue to mark.

The problem of marks can also occur in cats, especially if there are several of them in the house. And in general, if there is more than one cat in a family, this is a provoking factor for marks. In this case, you need to try to normalize the relationship between the pets. And they need not one toilet for two, but... three. There should be one more tray than there are cats. The trays should be placed in different places: in those places where you most often find “gifts”.

Wrong filler

Cats are self-sufficient and fastidious animals. Often the reason that a pet categorically refuses to go to the litter tray is that the owner does not like the litter chosen by the owner. At the same time, even in the filler he doesn’t like, he will still write.

This is explained by the fact that the animal spends much less time on the process of urination than on defecation. Therefore, if the cat is uncomfortable with its paws immersed in the litter for some time, it will walk past the tray. It is easy to solve this problem - just change the type of cat litter.

Associated symptoms

Constipation does not necessarily mean a complete absence of bowel movements. Some cats have regular bowel movements, but very little feces come out. For this reason, the animal owner may not even be aware of the problem. It is important to find out in time that the cat has stool retention, before his condition worsens.

To understand that your pet needs help, you need to study the symptoms of constipation in a cat:

  • the cat does not walk much for 48 hours;
  • on palpation, the abdomen is enlarged and painful;
  • the cat becomes restless and loses its appetite;
  • the pet spends a lot of time in the tray, unsuccessfully trying to poop;
  • the cat strains and meows pitifully;
  • if the pet still manages to pass a large stool, then very little feces are excreted, it is dry and covered with cracks;
  • there is blood in the cat's feces;
  • the anus is hyperemic.

Attention! If a cat doesn't poop for more than 4-5 days, it's very bad. With prolonged constipation, signs of intoxication appear - lethargy, vomiting, and sometimes the temperature rises.

How to understand why a cat shits everywhere?

Before you begin to study ways to overcome a nasty habit, it is necessary to analyze the reasons for inappropriate behavior. Without a clear understanding of your motives, you will not be able to achieve a positive result. All the efforts of the owners will be in vain, and relationships in the house will go wrong.

There is a fairly impressive list of reasons why a cat began to shit anywhere. Each animal is different, so owners may have to work hard to solve the problem.

So, you noticed that the cat began to shit everywhere. What to do in this case? Let's figure it out.


When a cat relieves itself, at this moment it is as unprotected as possible, therefore, if it is uncomfortable on the tray, there is no feeling of security, it will prefer to ignore trips to its toilet. To save space, owners often place cat litter boxes in too secluded, dark places, such as niches. Or the tray is squeezed into the tight space between the bathroom washing machine and the wall.

If your pet feels uncomfortable on the tray, don’t be surprised that he will simply start to ignore it.

The cat litter box should be located so that the cat has several approaches to it, and from different sides. In addition, there should be enough space around it.

Reason: not happy with the place

Any living creature feels vulnerable during urination or defecation. But if you understand that there is no threat in the apartment, then the cat does not understand. He is driven by the ancient instinct of self-preservation. Some cats can do their business in front of everyone right in the middle of the room, moreover, at this moment they need company. Others are so anxious that they only want to go to the toilet in a secluded place. If your cat is like this, try to place the litter box away from walk-through areas and buy a house tray.

Tray training a kitten

You need to start raising a pet from a young age .
He will need a special tray that needs to be kept clean. The filler should be selected taking into account the age of the animal, as well as the length of its fur. When the baby appears in the house, it is worth keeping track of where he goes to the toilet for the first time. You can’t scold him for such an act , you just need to wash the floor thoroughly and remove any manifestations of a specific smell.

A tray is installed in this place, into which the kitten can climb without problems. The next time the animal looks for a secluded place, worry, you need to carefully move it to the tray .

It is important to talk to him gently, calm him down, and sit him on the filler. Special sprays can help with such training . If you find time and patience, you won’t need to stop your kitten from crapping in your living room or on your bed.

ATTENTION! During the first days of training, you will need to endure an unpleasant odor from the tray; it is not recommended to wash it during this period. The kitten will find its toilet faster by smell.

What to do?

There seems to be nothing to scold or punish the animal for - it does everything in the right place. In addition, if you make a cat nervous when visiting the toilet, it may well begin to look for a calmer and quieter place for its needs. Read more about this in the article 'How to train a kitten to use a litter box'

In the end I tried this method. At the construction market I bought a plastic trough for mixing plaster. The dimensions of the trough are approximately 50 by 80 cm, the height of the sides is 30 cm. I removed all the old cat litter boxes and installed a new acquisition in their place, pouring a thick layer of filler.

The first pancake came out lumpy. Our 10-year-old cat categorically refused to jump into some strange box. Although the 6-month-old kitten liked the trough. After thinking a little, I took a saw and cut out the front wall, leaving a 10-centimeter side. It turned out that the most convenient way to cut this cutout was with a vibrating saw - Renovator.

Fight for territory and attention of owners

If a new animal suddenly appears in the apartment, this will be real stress for the cat. It should not be surprising that the cat shits anywhere. What to do? Try to make friends with them, but you need to do this wisely. You should never scream or hit a cat if it perceives an “alien” aggressively. The animal defends its rights, its territory. It is best to separate your pets into different rooms and gradually accustom them to communication.

Stroke the cat more often and talk to it. Show that you don't love her any less. Get your new family member his own bowl, tray and bed. Don't let him take up the places where the "old" cat liked to lie. Gradually, the animals will get used to each other, and it will be possible to remove the established barriers.

The birth of a baby into the family is often a huge shock for a cat. This “alien” destroys everything the cat is used to and loves. The owners change their daily routine and spend less time with the animal. New, previously unfamiliar smells appear, and restrictions on freedom of movement are often introduced.

In order to defend its rights and regain lost attention, the cat, which previously regularly went to the litter box, begins to shit in the slippers or on the owners’ favorite carpet. What to do in this case? You need to gradually accustom your pet to children. You can invite friends with kids to visit. It is better to distribute the attention paid to the pet among all household members. The cat should not “obsess” exclusively with the expectant mother.

With the birth of the baby, the cat needs to be given the opportunity to get to know him. Let the animal sniff the child's things, do not scold for violating new boundaries. If the pussy climbs into the baby's crib, arrange a bed for it next to it. She will be happy to watch such an unusual “kitten”, and often protect him.


Your cat may be trying to tell you that she is stressed at home. The pet may be unhappy with another animal in the house and will mark its territory to send a message to the other animal.

Or the cat may think that going to the litter box is dangerous if another animal is nearby. She can also do this if there is a new person in the house.

Cats are sensitive to the slightest changes in their environment. No matter what the source of stress is, make sure your cat has a quiet place to retreat to. No new animal or person should have access to this shelter.

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