Why does a cat lick concrete ⋆ Online magazine for women



On veterinary forums, cat owners are interested in questions: “Why did the cat start licking the walls and floor?”, “What to do if the kitten licks surfaces and eats inedible objects?” Indeed, it is almost impossible not to notice that a cat is licking the floor, concrete walls, wallpaper, sofa or gnawing on stones. Incorrect behavior of a pet is accompanied by anxiety, nervousness, or vice versa, the cat becomes very affectionate. Let's try to figure out what causes this condition of the furry pet.

Why does a cat lick the floor and walls?

If a cat licks walls, concrete surfaces, wallpaper, or eats chalk with pleasure, the reason should be sought in functional system failures in the body, which are provoked by the deterioration of the furry pet’s health. As a rule, this behavior of cats is provoked by a deficiency of macro-microelements in the animal’s body. If a cat begins to lick the floor, the wall is littered with marks from the cat’s teeth; one of the possible reasons is hypocalcemia. Characterized by a violation of phosphorus-calcium metabolism. The disease develops due to a deficiency of calcium and vitamin D3.

When a cat wants to lick walls, some of the reasons for this condition include:

  1. hypovitaminosis;
  2. endocrine pathologies;
  3. metabolic disorder;
  4. gastrointestinal diseases;
  5. helminthic infestations;
  6. unbalanced diet;
  7. liver problems.

If a cat licks the floor, concrete, walls, tiles, another common cause is anemia, which develops in animals against the background of iron deficiency. In this condition, the mucous membranes turn pale, the cat looks depressed, lethargic, and the digestive processes in the body are disrupted.

Note that anemia can be a symptom of viral and bacterial infections and diseases of various etiologies. Therefore, if you notice uncharacteristic behavior of your cat or symptoms indicating deterioration in health, take your pet to the veterinary clinic for an examination.

Other reasons

If a cat begins to lick the floor, peels off wallpaper, but the pet is active and feels normal, perhaps the animal is doing this out of boredom, attracting the owner’s attention. In some cases, an affectionate cat becomes aggressive towards members of its family or, on the contrary, caresses, constantly licks the hands and face of the owner.

If the cat eats inedible objects, behaves inappropriately, attacks of aggression are replaced by a depressed state, we recommend checking the cat for rabies. This behavior is observed in pseudorabies (Aujeszky's disease), a nervous form of plague.

The risk of contracting dangerous infections increases in unvaccinated cats that walk outside and may come into contact with stray animals.

Stress, nervous shock, anxiety are common causes of compulsive-obsessive behavior in animals..

Treatment components

Treatment is prescribed by a veterinarian after examining the pet. Show the doctor the drug you treated him with. You also need to tell about your animal’s concomitant diseases, whether he is allergic to medications or food components.

After examining the pet, the doctor will begin providing first aid. It may consist of:

  • intravenous or intramuscular administration of steroids. The most commonly used drug is dexamethasone . This drug quickly eliminates allergic manifestations and improves the pet’s condition;
  • droppers with solutions to reduce intoxication and accelerate the removal of toxins from the body through the kidneys;
  • administration of antihistamines (antiallergic) drugs, this can be diphenhydramine, suprastin, loratadine.

After providing first aid, the doctor will prescribe a course of treatment. You can give some medications to your animal yourself. For injections and IVs, you will need to bring your animal to the veterinary clinic.

Why does a cat lick obsessively?

Cats who obsessively lick may be suffering from either boredom or a compulsive disorder. Often, compulsive licking of cats is a sign of persistent mental imbalance. Cats may also suffer from anxiety or other mental health problems.

If your cat seems to be a compulsive licker, spend time trying to redirect her attention away from licking herself and toward other playful activities.

Compulsive licking is more common in cats that live primarily indoors, as their surroundings are often less stimulating than cats that have free rein to explore their environment.

Another incident that can cause your cat to start licking is a big change in your home environment. If you recently brought home a new baby or a new pet, this may cause your cat to have a compulsive fit.

Symptoms of poisoning in cats

If a person himself can, in most cases, determine his poisoning by two or three symptoms, then as for a cat, not everything is so simple. Much depends on what poisoned the animal. If these are spoiled products, the symptoms will be the same, but if they are rat poison or household chemicals, then there is a completely different clinical picture.

Symptoms of poisoning in cats and cats are:

  • diarrhea and vomiting, often with mucus and blood
  • state of apathy or tremor, trembling
  • increased breathing, convulsions
  • increased excitability and inappropriate behavior of the animal

Each of these signs can become a symptom of poisoning

Of these symptoms, the safest for a cat are one-time vomiting and intestinal upset, with a stable condition and the absence of other signs.

In all other cases - repeated vomiting and other symptoms - contact the clinic immediately!

To maintain cleanliness

Self-licking is a natural and very common mechanism for caring for one's own body in the animal kingdom.

Cat licking rituals like these are a demonstration of love for cleanliness:

  1. The cleanest. Sometimes it seems that keeping oneself clean is the main task of a feline brother. Taking the most graceful poses, Murka licks herself for hours, touchingly washes her face with her paws and rubs her ears. She does this many times a day: after sleeping, feeding, taking care of her natural needs, and even stroking her. A cat's tongue, covered with miniature hooks and therefore rough to the touch, combs and arranges hairs like a brush, removing dirt and foreign odors. During this massage, blood flow is stimulated and the skin glands intensify the production of an oily secretion, which lubricates the hair and protects it from moisture.
  2. “No” to foreign odors. The desire to lick a person may be motivated by the desire to destroy unusual scent marks. According to the cat's understanding, all perfumes, including perfumes, soaps, shampoos and creams, have unnatural and even unpleasant odors, which must be urgently gotten rid of. This is why the cat spends so much time and carefully licking its own area of ​​the body with medicinal ointment applied to it.
  3. Tempting aromas. Some cosmetics, on the contrary, can be very attractive to mustachios. Such, for example, is a hand and nail cream with an extract of medicinal valerian, which has a magical effect on cats and activates the owner’s obsessive licking. Some cats love the smell of peony tincture and therefore tend to lick the hands or lips of a person who has taken this sedative. Cats are also attracted to human sweat, which contains odorous substances similar to animal pheromones. So the owner, returning from a morning jog or after a hard work shift, smells very attractive to the murka.

Simple: Taste

I hope you agree with me when I say that the idea of ​​licking the floor doesn't make me tingle.

However, your cat's tastes are very different from your own. And their finely tuned noses also allow them to pick up things you don't even notice.

Many of our floors are made from composite materials. Just like plastic bags, they may contain compounds that your cat simply cannot resist.

Likewise, concrete floors may taste like minerals, salts, and moss, which your cat may find interesting.

Can cats have vitamin D?

The National Research Council (NRC) 2006 recommends calciferol levels of a minimum of 224 IU/kg dry matter and a maximum of 30,000 IU/kg dry matter for post-weaned kittens. Vitamin D levels

should be between the minimum and upper safe levels established by Sih et al.

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The kitten is licking the wall. Why?

Nothing is as powerful as kindness. Nothing can be as soft and kind as real strength.

_________________ Peace to the home where dogs and horses are loved

Nothing is as powerful as kindness. Nothing can be as soft and kind as real strength.

Concrete does contain calcium. The kitten needs vitamin supplements. Review your diet or introduce vitamins.

Concrete consists of cement, water, sand and crushed stone. And cement is a binder that hardens in water and in air, obtained by jointly finely grinding clinker and the required amount of gypsum and additives. The clinker itself is based on limestone and clay. Limestone is a sedimentary rock a rock of organic, less often chemogenic origin, consisting mainly of CaCO3 (calcium carbonate) in the form of calcite crystals of various sizes.

Last edited by Harlequin on Nov 09, 2013 at 11:56 am, edited 1 time in total.

_________________Human doctor-neurologist, I can’t operate, but I can knock with a hammer! I love dogs, but I’m just “sick” of shepherd dogs! They killed you, Yusenka, Sonyushka! Run, gentle children. Forgive me, I couldn’t. Quem multa timore, ipse multis ad timor.

Everything I owe is written in the Constitution. Everything that is prohibited is in the Criminal Code. The rest is ridiculous speculation.

_________________Grace itself, perfection itself, Living bliss purrs nearby, purrs and caresses, looks out the window A riddle, a mystery, a sacrament - a cat! Forgotten by people, keep cats, Bastet and Sekhmet, I ask you, listen! (With)

Calcium from tulle curtains? I don't think so.

Oh oh oh. Here's how. She also began to love raw potatoes. As soon as I get some potatoes to cook, she runs and asks. The potato pieces then come out whole because they are not digested. I know that raw potato juice is used to treat high acidity. Maybe she intuitively treats herself this way?

Nothing is as powerful as kindness. Nothing can be as soft and kind as real strength.

I’m afraid they don’t do this for people here either; our hospital is almost gone. In general, it is a big problem for us to do tests on animals, and often the test results raise strong doubts. So this kitten had her feces tested in the summer, during a period of terrible diarrhea. No abnormalities were detected at all, there were not even worms or protozoa

Colitis was diagnosed by ultrasound and treatment was prescribed. I bought a mineral supplement, we’ll see how it goes. Many thanks to everyone for the recommendations. Despite the many dozens of cats in my care, this is the first time I’ve encountered such a case.

Nothing is as powerful as kindness. Nothing can be as soft and kind as real strength.

Types of discharge in cats

How can a cat be poisoned? - plants indoors and outdoors

- medications (eg, acetaminophen, NSAIDs, antidepressants, methylphenidate). Eat both your tablets, left in an accessible place, and if you yourself give the animal any drugs prohibited for animals or an overdose/incorrect application, for example, when treating with parasite drops. Many people use drugs for dogs/people for cats, causing them to become poisoned. Remember, the medications you use should only be for cats or those prescribed by your veterinarian. And do not forget about dosages, strictly according to the weight of the animal or according to the doctor’s prescription.

— food poisoning (unsuitable food for cats, poor quality or spoiled). Strictly contraindicated - chocolate, caffeine, onions, garlic, fatty meats, purchased minced meat, citrus fruits, grapes/raisins, apricots, all types of mushrooms, persimmons, nuts, all products with spices, sausages, smoked meats, sweets, canned food for people and much more other. The diet must be balanced especially carefully if your cat is on a natural diet, because poisoning may not be acute, one-time, but will manifest itself over time as chronic pathologies. Try not to buy food in bulk; it can often be spoiled; manufacturers recommend keeping the packaging sealed.

- chemicals, disinfectants in the house, poorly washed floors or other parts of furniture with leftover products can also cause cat poisoning. In case of poisoning with detergents, there may be: Vomiting, diarrhea with blood, difficulty breathing in the animal, convulsions. It is necessary to immediately give a large amount of water and take the cat to the clinic.

- Lead contained in paint, linoleum and batteries - a cat can be poisoned if it eats it.

— Apartment renovation is not only a big stress for many cats, but also a cause of poisoning in animals, for example, when you glue wallpaper, paint and other substances may attract your cat to taste

What plants can poison a cat? Considering our case with fake grass Plants that are poisonous to cats, this is a whole epic. It is very important to limit the contact of cats' faces with some of the plants that owners love so much and unknowingly bring home

Lilies are very poisonous to cats, causing acute kidney failure, vomiting, and lethargy. Cycad palms - cause vomiting, constipation/diarrhea, mainly affecting the liver.

Azalea, laurel, and aloe can cause diarrhea. Begonia - burns mucous membranes.

Asparagus and geranium (the whole plant is poisonous to cats, but especially the leaves) – stomach upset

Other toxic plants - yew, autumn crocus, foxglove, lily of the valley, ivy, boxwood, cyclamen, cyperus, iris, narcissus, snowdrop, calla lilies, hyacinth, tulip, chrysanthemum, belladonna, adonis, aconite, acacia, henbane, geranium, wisteria, St. John's wort, jasmine, honeysuckle, tansy, hellebore, celandine, onion, tomato, elderberry, dandelion, physalis, ficus, rhubarb and violet.

Remember that cats do not always choose only what is beneficial for themselves and not all grass and plants that they can eat are harmless to them. It is important to grow flowers at home that are not dangerous to cats; gift bouquets should also be inaccessible to them.

What are the types of poisoning in cats in the summer, during the summer season? For example, if in the summer a cat is walking on its own in the countryside, when going outside, animals, including cats, are at risk of being poisoned by substances that can poison them - rats, cockroaches, chemicals that are sprinkled on roads.

Poisoning with rat poison can lead to various bleeding (a characteristic sign) and shortness of breath. The antidote, vitamin K1 konakion, is quite difficult to find in our pharmacies, and doctors in clinics may begin to use other hemostatic agents and then search for konakion.

Fertilizers on plots are also dangerous during the summer season. Lawn and garden products can be toxic to animals who ingest them when they wash themselves after walking or lying in a recently treated area.

Poisoning in cats living in an apartment - what must be hidden from the animal? It is important to keep all medications and chemicals out of the reach of animals. When they are poisoned, there can be either mild poisoning - vomiting, diarrhea, or fatal poisoning, due, for example, to acute renal failure.

The most common reason for visiting clinics is food poisoning, when they are fed either spoiled ready-made food or natural food unsuitable for animals.

Compared to poisoning with strong poisons, ingestion of inappropriate food is less likely to lead to acute life-threatening conditions, but causes chronic diseases. What does the liver, pancreas, and stomach most often react to? For any unfavorable signs, even mild ones, it is important to show your animal to a doctor and undergo the necessary tests, even if symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea could be prevented on your own. A course of additional medications may be required.

Drug poisoning: what medications must be hidden from your cat? Paracetamol is contraindicated in cats; it can cause swelling of the face, cyanosis of the mucous membranes (cyanosis), shortness of breath, renal failure, gastritis/stomach ulcers. In dogs it can cause nausea, vomiting, lethargy, and pale mucous membranes, but may be asymptomatic.

Animals are also contraindicated in such painkillers - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen and indomethacin - they are very toxic and can also cause poisoning aspirin, piroxicam, caroprofen, naproxen, phenylbutazone.

Their use with glucocorticoids is especially contraindicated. They can cause stomach ulcerations, stool and vomiting of blood (“coffee grounds”), abdominal pain, and acute renal failure. In case of poisoning with these drugs, it is necessary to induce vomiting, and in case of aspirin poisoning, the stomach can and should be washed out, even if 3 hours have already passed after poisoning, since aspirin can form conglomerates.

October 16, 2020

  • Dogs and cats 0 Products in this article:
    Dog owners are more likely to encounter the problem of perverted appetite in animals. However, cats sometimes exhibit similar behavior. Why does a cat eat inedible objects? How can this affect the health of the animal? And most importantly, how to prevent and prevent perverted appetite in cats?

The cat eats sand

Silica gel litter for toilet

Silica gel litter for cats can also be called gel. Despite the fact that the ability to absorb moisture of silica gel litter for cats is at the highest level, not all cats like this litter. Some pets make it clear that they will not go there by demonstratively doing “things” on the floor next to the tray. Silica gel is not harmful to cats. Silica gel cat litter is made from synthetic transparent crystals. They have sharp edges and rustle loudly. Maybe that's why some cats don't like him.

Silica gel litter is absolutely not suitable for kittens, because they will taste it “to the teeth”, and this can be very dangerous.

As for the owners, silica gel cat litter is perhaps the most economical of the entire range of types. Although the cost of a package of such filler is high, there is one caveat: the thicker the layer, the less often you have to change the filler. You can try, for example, “Fresh Step” silica gel litter for cats. Fresh Step cat litter is called so because, thanks to its patented highly absorbent formula, it does not allow odor to spread. Every time the pet goes to a “fresh” toilet.

Japanese fillers

The Japanese produce good fillers for good money. Thanks to their developments and the use of environmentally friendly raw materials, the Japanese are finding their niche in the toilet fillers market.

The product line includes the following types of toilets:

  • clumping litter made from crushed cypress wood and corn starch;
  • clumping carbon filler made from Japanese cellulose with the addition of charcoal;
  • clumping filler made of paper and starch with a color indicator;
  • filling made from compressed soy fibers, the so-called “tofu”.

Mental disorder

In human psychiatry there is such a thing as pica - the desire to eat inedible things. The pathology is referred to as an eating disorder due to a psychological state. The condition is considered serious, similar in severity to anorexia nervosa, bulimia and other eating disorders, which can lead to death.

Unfortunately, very little research on psychiatry is conducted in the veterinary field. Animals cannot speak and this is the main difficulty. However, even primitive observations helped establish that pets are prone to depression, phobias and other somatic disorders. Globally, pica is divided into general disorder and coprophagia. In the first case, the animal eats stones, earth, paper, any waste and inedible materials, in the second - feces. Cats are prone to both forms of pica.

Even the most experienced veterinarian is unlikely to be able to name the exact causes of a mental disorder. Most often, the cause is formed against the background of several factors that took place in the life of the animal. The owner may not have any idea about the experiences of the ward, which greatly complicates the diagnosis. Based on experience, doctors can only speculate about the reasons.

Hunger - when a domestic cat finds itself outside, it hides and the only thing that can drive it out of its hiding place is the desire to eat. Unfortunately, the psyche of many animals cannot tolerate such severe stress and the animal is literally exhausted from hunger, but does not come out of its shelter. If the owners discover their loss and manage to save it, the consequences are unpredictable.

Reasons – physiological, psychological and behavioral

Correct behavior and etiquette are instilled in the kitten at a very early age, up to 3 months. Usually, the breeder or the cat mother directly raises the baby. If you decide to rescue a kitten from a shelter or from the street, the manners of your newly adopted ward may not please you. The positive thing is that you can stop a cat from scratching furniture, wallpaper or damaging other things at any age. Naturally, the older the cat, the stronger its habits and the more time it will take.

Many inexperienced owners prefer to punish their pet or even beat it, hoping to develop a conditioned reflex: if you touch the curtains, it will hurt. By acting in this way, the owner does not take into account at least two important factors:

The cat needs to sharpen its claws, and by digging into the sofa, it literally cleans off the dead layer of the nail plate.

All cats are territorial and mark their territory with scent. Between the fingers of the ward there are glands that secrete an odorous secretion. This is where every corner, curtains and door frames come under attack, since they are located along the perimeter of the home or room.

The second most popular reason is stress. If we summarize all the popular factors, we get the following conclusion:

Jealousy - towards other animals, a new tenant or a child. In this case, the cat will scratch the furniture with the smell of a stranger and the walls of “his territory.”

Territoriality – tattered curtains, wallpaper near the front door and windows, indicating the pet’s anxiety. Perhaps your purr sees other people's cats from the window or smells them near the door. Scratching surfaces, the pet leaves marks: “I live here, the territory is occupied!”

Conflict with other pets in the house – This will affect feeding areas, sofas and other shared areas where your pets (usually) have conflict.

Other stresses are a change of owner, moving, death or illness of a family member, long absence of the owner, lack of attention and/or care from the owner, etc.

The third reason, which is entirely dependent on the owner, is poor or untimely upbringing. Let us highlight several sub-points that will significantly affect the education process:

Age of the pet - young cats and kittens may simply not know that furniture and wallpaper should not be damaged.

Age of habit - if the pet has already tasted the delight of peeling off soft, textured, so alluring wallpaper and has done this several times, re-education will take longer.

Boredom is the lack of toys and, as mentioned above, attention from the owner.

By observing your pet, you can easily determine the reasons for incorrect behavior. If the pranks are associated with a lack of upbringing or the pet’s lack of self-confidence, it is necessary to immediately take up re-education. It’s worth starting with providing comfort and conditions for claw care.

What to do if your cat is poisoned by bleach

A pet who has ingested bleach should be given as much fluid as possible (in addition to water, milk can be given). This way you can quickly remove toxins from the body. But you cannot induce vomiting in an animal without the consent of a veterinarian.

You need to open the windows to let fresh air into the room. If your pet's eyes get in contact with chlorine, they should be rinsed with plenty of running water. In addition, it is necessary to wash off the product from the animal’s skin with water, and also rinse the mouth with water. And then it is urgently required to deliver the injured poor fellow to the veterinary clinic. Without timely veterinary care, death cannot be ruled out.

Signs of bleach poisoning in a cat

Of course, no owner will watch his pet eat a substance with chlorine. But a cat can easily taste a poisonous drug on the sly when no one is around. An owner whose cat likes the smell of bleach should know what the symptoms [4] of poisoning with this substance are:

    Vomiting and complete refusal to eat;

Sore throat and spasm of the vocal cords (the cat meows hoarsely and strangled);

There may be bleeding ulcers in the mouth (on the tongue, cheeks, palate and gums) if the cat has ingested bleach;

Increased salivation, the fur on the neck is all wet;

Severe abdominal pain (the cat sits in a hunched position);

White foam from the mouth;

Discoloration of fur if the cat has ingested chlorine bleach;

A cat has a specific smell if its fur has been stained with bleach;

The animal may have difficulty breathing, severe coughing and suffocation if inhaling chlorine fumes;

Tearing, burning and redness of the mucous membranes of the eyes, deterioration of vision up to complete blindness if bleach gets into the cat’s eyes;

Clear nasal discharge;

When poisoned with chlorine, animals behave unusually. Some cats become extremely restless, while others become apathetic;

  • In case of severe poisoning, loss of consciousness is possible.
  • How to break your pet's habit

    When an owner is annoyed by such excessive attention from his cat, there are several ways to try to get rid of this habit:

    A game

    By switching attention to entertainment and giving your pet an outlet for energy, you can relieve her for a while from the desire to lick something or someone. Weasel. If the problem is stress or lack of attention, you need to pet and hug the animal more often, and the problem will disappear soon. Change of interests

    Apply a special solution – catnip – to your pet’s toys. It is sold in pet stores. Its scent will attract the cat's attention. Refusal. If your pet's behavior becomes overly intrusive, every time he tries to lick him, you need to gently but decisively push him away and make it clear that this is not worth doing. After some time, the method will work and the cat will stop trying. Substitution for another item. Buy a fur mitten and put it on your hand every time you try to lick your fingers. After time, attention will switch to the object, and the owner will no longer be needed.

    It is worth remembering that such behavior of a pet can be due to a whole range of different reasons and there is no need to be angry with him or scold him for it.

    After all, with such behavior the cat does not want to cause harm, but is simply trying to attract the owner’s attention to his person or show love

    Some owners adore their cat, show constant care, and in return receive scratches and an angry twitch of the tail, others pay almost no attention to the pet, but it constantly licks the owner’s face and hands.

    But everything is not so simple; the reasons why a cat licks hands are often far from immeasurable love.

    How to wean it off?

    In order for a cat to stop sucking a blanket, the very first thing you need to do is eliminate or reduce the number of objects around that can be used for sucking. No source, no problem. You can repel with a spray bottle of water or aromatic oils with citrus scents. Veterinarians also insist on conducting a full examination and identifying possible causative diseases or complications. If a deficiency of nutrients and vitamins is detected, the cat is prescribed a special diet.

    It is important to distract the student from unwanted games. Especially important are those that will develop trust between the purr and the owner.

    When you see your pet doing an obscene activity, you need to distract him for at least 10-20 minutes so that the cat’s brain has time to switch. At the end of the game, you can pet the animal or offer it a treat. Then he will enjoy the entertainment, and not from sucking on the blanket. It is important to provide the child with toys that will not let him get bored during the day when the owners are at work.

    Taking care of hygiene

    Well, of course, when licking a person, a cat tries to clean his “skin”, just as she is used to caring for her kittens. In the wild, a strong smell can give away an animal and attract an enemy. To destroy it, the cat will carefully lick hands washed with scented soap or neck or hair scented with shampoo.

    You should not show your cat dissatisfaction with such a toilet. If you often drive a cat away, avoiding its rough tongue, the emotional connection and trust in the person may be disrupted. Saving him from danger, endowing him with the aromas of his “group”, the cat expects recognition and affection in return.

    World of cat scents

    By the way, cats also have unloved odors:

    • Cats are not fond of citrus scents. If you put the skins of oranges or lemons in the pot of a flower that your pussy is nibbling on, it will ignore that place.
    • You can spray the area where you don't want a cat's presence with acetic acid. Cats cannot stand this smell. It will seem to a person that it has disappeared within just a few minutes, but your mustachioed friend will feel it for a very long time.
    • Lavender, mint, and rue are suitable as natural “horror stories.” They can be placed in a garden area where there is no place for cats.
    • You can buy cat repellent spray in specialized stores. The method of application is simple: where the cat has adapted to walk “big”, you need to spray the spray. Animals avoid such places; they don’t like them.

    A person in modern society is simply obliged to observe the rules of personal hygiene, smell nice and look neat.
    But what to do if all the rules are followed, but an unpleasant odor still emanates from the body? Every person, under certain conditions, tends to sweat. The smell of sweat is different for everyone, but it happens that the sweat takes on a sour smell, the smell of ammonia, vinegar, or even worse - the sweat smells like cat urine. Human sweat consists of 99% water, and 1% urea, salts, acids and other chemical compounds. If he starts to smell like cat urine, this indicates an increased secretion of urea and uric acid. These substances settle on the hairs in the form of crystals and cause unpleasant odors. Moreover, a similar phenomenon is observed in both women and men. People’s first reaction: what will others think of me, will they judge me, criticize me. But in this situation, you need to think not about the gossip around you, but about your own health, since any unpleasant body odor can be a symptom of very serious diseases of vital organs. In this case, get tested as soon as possible.

    How to wean it off?

    In order for a cat to stop sucking a blanket, the very first thing you need to do is eliminate or reduce the number of objects around that can be used for sucking. No source, no problem. You can repel with a spray bottle of water or aromatic oils with citrus scents. Veterinarians also insist on conducting a full examination and identifying possible causative diseases or complications. If a deficiency of nutrients and vitamins is detected, the cat is prescribed a special diet.

    It is important to distract the student from unwanted games. Especially important are those that will develop trust between the purr and the owner.

    When you see your pet doing an obscene activity, you need to distract him for at least 10-20 minutes so that the cat’s brain has time to switch. At the end of the game, you can pet the animal or offer it a treat. Then he will enjoy the entertainment, and not from sucking on the blanket. It is important to provide the child with toys that will not let him get bored during the day when the owners are at work.

    Breeders remind you that care should be taken to have several scratching posts, high shelves or a whole complex. The tray and feeding area should be kept clean. Then the animal will feel comfortable and safe. You should never punish or beat for bad behavior or strange addictions.

    On the contrary, you need to surround your pet with care, affection and attention, then he will not have the desire to attract attention to himself by sucking on a blanket

    It is important to learn to understand your pets, how they think and why they do things. Many breeders are interested in why a cat sucks a blanket.

    This is one of the strange and bad habits that requires special attention from the owners. If you do not resolve the issue, you will not be able to avoid negative consequences.

    In order for a cat to stop sucking a blanket, the very first thing you need to do is eliminate or reduce the number of objects around that can be used for sucking. No source, no problem. You can repel with a spray bottle of water or aromatic oils with citrus scents. Veterinarians also insist on conducting a full examination and identifying possible causative diseases or complications. If a deficiency of nutrients and vitamins is detected, the cat is prescribed a special diet.

    It is important to distract the student from unwanted games. Especially important are those that will develop trust between the purr and the owner.

    When you see your pet doing an obscene activity, you need to distract him for at least 10-20 minutes so that the cat’s brain has time to switch. At the end of the game, you can pet the animal or offer it a treat. Then he will enjoy the entertainment, and not from sucking on the blanket. It is important to provide the child with toys that will not let him get bored during the day when the owners are at work.

    Breeders remind you that care should be taken to have several scratching posts, high shelves or a whole complex. The tray and feeding area should be kept clean. Then the animal will feel comfortable and safe. You should never punish or beat for bad behavior or strange addictions.

    On the contrary, you need to surround your pet with care, affection and attention, then he will not have the desire to attract attention to himself by sucking on a blanket

    Some cats suck a blanket, for some reason periodically chew their owner's sweater, and are not averse to tearing into pieces and eating a woolen blanket. Geophagy (eating inedible things) begins with sucking.

    The owner explains this behavior by immaturity: sucking the tail, fur or paw - he misses his mother. This is mistake. Let's look at how to wean a kitten from the sucking reflex before the hobby develops into uncontrollable eating or slobbering on interior items.

    Inflammation of the anal glands and postoperative sutures

    On the sides of the anus there are paired formations - paraanal glands, which are necessary for marking territory, attracting partners for mating, and scaring away large predators. In case of digestive disorders, injuries, pregnancy, the excretory ducts become clogged, the secretion remains inside, and paraproctitis develops. The pet smells bad, he licks the sore spot and rubs it on the floor.

    Elderly pets living in high-rise apartments, castrati and obese cats are predisposed. The solution to the problem is cleaning the anal glands, rinsing them or removing them. Prevention consists of feeding with professional nutrition of at least premium class.

    If the course of wound healing is unfavorable after castration, suppuration develops or copious exudate is released. The cat begins to lick the seams, which can provoke an inflammatory process. The optimal solution is to treat the defect with an aerosol antiseptic wound healing agent to create a gauze-free dressing. In some cases, a cervical collar is put on the cat.

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