When does a cat start begging for the first time, how many days does it last and how often does it happen?

Alternative ways to resolve the heat issue

Modern pharmacology can offer pet owners to discourage their animals from any desire to flirt with the opposite sex, preserving their reproductive function. In this case, it is proposed to use two types of drops:

  • Sedatives (in addition to ready-made pharmacy options, you can use folk methods in the form of chamomile or thyme decoctions);
  • Hormonal (they will calm a walking animal by adjusting the animal’s hormonal levels).

If the animal is not valuable as a breeder, it is better not to torture it and castrate the cat. Unlike people, animals do not grieve over the loss of the opportunity to bear offspring, so the pet will not receive any mental trauma, but only peace for itself and its owners.

Cute kittens evoke affection among their owners. You want to admire them; it’s nice to play with the fluffy balls. However, babies grow quickly and become adults. The most striking stage in kittens growing up is puberty. Their behavior changes dramatically under the influence of sex hormones.

At what age do cats start walking? How can you tell if a female is in heat? How many days does a cat ask for a cat? How to calm your pet and reduce the duration of estrus? At what months can cats give birth?

At what age does puberty occur?

People who have kept pets for a long time can accurately determine when a cat begins to walk. The age of onset of puberty is individual for each animal. It depends on the following factors:

  • breed affiliation;
  • heredity;
  • health conditions;
  • feed quality;
  • conditions of detention.

On average, this period is 7-10 months. At what age do Scottish cats start walking?

Scots, Burmese, Sphynxes and some other breeds mature very early. Therefore, they may begin to show interest in the opposite sex as early as 4-5 months.

Estrus as a physiological process

Estrus is the state of an animal in the ovulation stage. At a certain age, follicles mature in the animal’s ovaries. The maturation process is controlled by the hormone estrogen.

During this period, there is an active rush of blood to the genitals. Clear or whitish discharge appears from the vagina. When a cat begins to walk for the first time, all physiological processes occur in a pronounced form. With age they become less noticeable.

Stages of Puberty

Knowledge of how many months a cat begins to walk for the first time is not enough. After all, at this age the animal is not yet ready to perform the reproductive function. Therefore, the pet must be protected from the encroachments of males.

There are two stages of sexual maturity:

  • physiological, when the pet shows the first signs of heat;
  • actual, when a representative of the cat family is ready to bear and give birth to offspring.

Mating cannot be done until the cat is 1.5 years old. Until this age, animals can rarely bear full-fledged offspring. And during the birth process, problems often arise.

Signs of heat

Knowing at what age cats begin to walk, it will not be difficult to recognize signs of sexual maturity.

Complete or partial loss of appetite. Loss of appetite is caused by dulling of basic reflexes. The animal often refuses to eat. This behavior is considered normal if other signs of estrus are present. If they are not there, your pet should be shown to a doctor, since loss of appetite may indicate the presence of various health problems.

The pet makes sounds that are unusual for it. When cats start walking, they meow loudly and unpleasantly, calling for representatives of the opposite sex. Females also make similar sounds, which greatly attracts males.

Leaving marks. Among representatives of the cat family, marking is common not only to males, but also to females. Some experts argue that in this way animals attract members of the opposite sex. Others are sure that, having marked the territory, the cat, on the contrary, seeks to protect it from the encroachments of other animals.

Behavior change. Being aggressive, the cat suddenly becomes affectionate and calm. And this is not a change in character for the better, but a temporary clouding of consciousness caused by physiological processes in the body. During this period, the cat carefully licks the genitals, preparing them for mating.

Increased urination. Knowing at what months cats begin to walk, you can notice that the animal sits on the tray more often. And not only on the tray. The pet can urinate in another place. This phenomenon is also temporary.

Adopting a characteristic pose. The animal begins to roll on the floor, then presses its upper body to the floor, raising its pelvis and moving its tail to the side.

Features of mating

It is equally important to know at what age cats begin to walk. Males mature a little later. They develop interest in the opposite sex by the age of one year. But they are ready to mate all year round.

The full cycle of puberty in females is completed by 1.5 years. At this age, their pelvic bones finish forming, and the animal is completely ready for mating. Now the owner is faced with the task of finding a suitable candidate.

Initially, animals are checked for infectious diseases and dewormed. The most favorable time for mating is 3-5 days after the start of estrus.

What to do if the birth of kittens is not part of the breeder’s plans

When taking a kitten into the home, a caring owner should know at what age cats begin to walk. They are distinguished by early puberty. Therefore, you need to think in advance about how to wait for the onset of physiological maturity with minimal suffering.

For these purposes, various drugs are used in the form of drops, tablets and injections. They reduce the degree of arousal, prevent fertilization and regulate behavior. The most effective hormonal agents are:

  • Contra-Sex;
  • Sex Barrier;
  • Cowinan;
  • Top-Intimate;
  • The ex.

A radical solution to the hunting problem

Knowing at what age cats begin to walk, it is necessary to decide whether offspring are needed from them. If the breeder does not plan to breed and sell kittens, the hunting problem can be solved by sterilizing the animal.

This method is the safest and will prevent the need to use hormonal drugs.

Using alternative means

Having determined what time cats start walking, you should think about how to delay the period of sexual heat. An alternative to hormonal drugs will be homeopathic remedies that have a calming effect.

These include:

  • Bromine;
  • Palladium;
  • Ignacy;
  • Fitex.

Expert advice

Without harm to health, a cat can give birth no more than 3 times every 2 years. During a planned mating, the cat does not always allow her partner to approach her. You can speed up the addiction process in the following ways:

  • spreading mint leaves around the room, or pouring mint infusion into a bowl;
  • You can accustom an animal to a partner by leaving it for a couple of days in a cage installed in the “groom’s” room;
  • selecting animals with similar personalities.

Knowing what time cats start walking, you need to remember that males are in hunting all year round. Therefore, they need to mate at least 9 times a year. Frequent mating will prevent the development of hormonal imbalances.

When does he start walking for the first time?

A cat begins to ask for a cat when its body is fully formed and its hormonal levels have normalized. It is impossible to say exactly at what point the female will complete puberty. The process is individual and depends on external and internal factors. In most cases, the first heat begins at the age of 6-8 months. In some breeds, a period of 1 year is normal. You need to know about such features in advance, since in other cases such a delay is a pathology and requires examination by a specialist and examination.

Factors influencing the onset of estrus:

  • he is hormonal;
  • nutrition;
  • Lifestyle;
  • the presence of a cat nearby;
  • breed;
  • coat color;
  • season;
  • conditions of detention;
  • general health.

Sometimes the first estrus passes without any noticeable manifestations, so the owner simply does not notice it. In this case, they talk about erased estrus, which is typical for weakened, sick, hormonally disturbed animals. And also with a sedentary lifestyle and low temperament.

To speed up the process, it is recommended to do the following:

  • Add a cat. From the smell of a male, sex hormones begin to be rapidly produced in the female’s body, and estrus occurs.
  • Place another cat who is in estrus. Very often, animals that are in the same room leak at the same time. Again, the pheromones that float in the air are to blame, forcing the body to work in the right direction.
  • Strengthen the body with vitamins and homeopathic remedies. The drugs are sold in veterinary pharmacies; the course is started after consultation with a specialist.

If owners are interested in getting healthy offspring, it is recommended to observe how estrus occurs, how long it lasts, and how the cat behaves. In the future, these observations will be useful for effective mating.

What measures should be taken if the cat is walking?

To make this process as calm and painless as possible for your pet, experienced breeders recommend:

  1. To prevent the cat from asking for a walk and quickly calm down its sexual fervor, find a suitable pair for mating. A cat of a similar breed is a worthy candidate for fertilization to produce purebred offspring. The animal will satisfy its sexual interest and stop bothering household members with its restless meowing and other unfavorable changes characteristic of this period.
  2. If the owner does not want to breed a cat and deal with its offspring, sterilization is recommended. This procedure will resolve the issue of estrus once and for all. It must be carried out in the sterile conditions of a veterinary clinic. Before carrying out the intervention, the specialist examines the animal and determines whether the procedure can be carried out safely. In the period after sterilization, the cat is given the recommended care. She quickly recovers and becomes exclusively domestic, not requiring walking.
  3. If the owner of a purebred cat plans to breed an animal with a worthy representative in the future, but for now wants to postpone this process, you can purchase special drugs or injections for festivities that regulate sexual desire. Medicines are given to animals strictly as prescribed by a competent veterinarian! You cannot self-medicate and give your cat folk remedies based on grandmothers’ recipes!

During heat, treat your pet with understanding and care. Do not show aggression or offend a cat that has gone on a spree, even if it is already seriously fed up with its meowing and restless desire to escape outside. Do everything possible to make this process easier, because your pet really needs your care!

First walk in winter

So, when should you start walking with your newborn in winter and how to dress him for a walk? If your baby was born in such a cold time, then you should not go outside for at least ten days from the moment he was born. And the day of the first walk will entirely depend on the weather. If the temperature outside is not lower than 10 degrees below zero, you can take the baby out for 10-15 minutes. In this case, you can not even use the stroller, but walk with the baby in your arms or in a special sling.

It should be noted that the time when to start walking with a newborn is set by his parents, and this largely depends on weather conditions, the condition of the baby and the busyness of the mother. Sometimes you can get by leaving the baby on the balcony or closed terrace, because if the frost drops to -10 degrees or even lower, or during heavy snow or rain, it is better to postpone the walk and limit yourself to thoroughly ventilating the room where the baby is. The time spent outside should be increased gradually, bringing the daily amount of time spent in the fresh air to 1-1.5 hours twice a day.

How many times does heat occur?

The duration of the sexual cycle is individual for each animal, so it is impossible to say unambiguously and definitely how many times a year a cat will not be itself. The frequency of estrus is influenced by many factors: physiological characteristics; genetic predispositions, inheritance; breed characteristics; length of daylight hours; feeding frequency, diet composition; conditions of detention. Animals sharing a territory with a male will walk more often and for longer periods than females living alone.

On average, estrus occurs two to four times a year. If an animal does not have this phase of the sexual cycle for more than six months, and there is also bloody discharge from the vagina, you should immediately consult a veterinarian.

How long does sexual heat last and how often does it happen?

The cat's characteristic behavior lasts up to 10 days. The period when a cat is in sexual heat and allows a cat to approach her is called estrus. At this time, the ovarian follicles produce the maximum amount of estrogens and sex hormones.

In the very first days of estrus (1-4 days), the cat demonstrates sexual arousal, but does not allow mating. This time is called proestrus, “forerunner”.

If sexual intercourse does not occur during estrus, then ovulation does not occur. In this case, sexual heat returns every 10-14 days. The period between estrus is called interestrus, this is a time of rest for the uterus and ovaries. In some cats, the concentration of estrogen in the blood does not decrease, and the animal walks constantly. Prolonged heat is a sign of follicular ovarian cysts, which must be removed surgically.

Complete rest of the ovaries, which means the absence of the reproductive instinct, is called anestrus, the absence of estrus. In stray cats, this period occurs in late autumn or winter due to short daylight hours and the action of the hormone melatonin. Anestrus does not occur in domestic cats due to constant light and nutritious food.

How long and often do cats walk?

Many owners are concerned about how much the cat walks and how often. It is difficult to give specific answers to these questions. Each representative of the cat family will have its own indicators. In addition, several factors influence the duration and frequency of estrus.

How many days a cat's heat lasts depends on:

  • environmental conditions, season;
  • conditions of detention;
  • feeding characteristics;
  • animal breeds;
  • age of the cat;
  • presence of contacts with cats;
  • physiological characteristics of the pet’s body;
  • health status.

True, there are averages. From 5 to 10 days - this is how long the estrus lasts for a cat living at home. But everything is individual. In rare cases, estrus can last up to 20 days. The first heat is most often short-lived and becomes longer over time. So, the number of days a cat walks for the first time does not mean that her estrus will continue to be of the same duration. The hormonal background has not yet fully formed.

It is recommended to observe how many days the cat is in heat, because sometimes it can be too long. And prolonged estrus is a pathology. Similar situations can occur with an ovarian tumor or cystic process. It is highly undesirable to start such diseases. Therefore, it is important to know how long a cat’s heat is normally. And in case of deviations, contact a veterinary clinic in a timely manner. The doctor will perform an ultrasound, take blood samples and, if necessary, prescribe a treatment regimen.

Sometimes it happens that the cat does not leak at all. This may be the cause of the development of some disease. Therefore, a visit to the veterinarian cannot be avoided. If the cat does not start walking, experienced breeders advise taking the following measures:

  1. If there is another cat who is currently in heat, she should be placed with a pet who is not starting to walk. Often cats leak at the same time. And the second one may also leak.
  2. If you have a cat, it is advisable to place it with a cat. The smell of a cat can cause hormonal changes in the pet's body, and the pet will begin to walk.
  3. You can give your pet vitamins and homeopathic remedies. Naturally, on the recommendation of a veterinarian. This method is only suitable for healthy cats.

The question of how long a cat’s first heat lasts is clear. But how often does the animal walk? As for frequency, if the cat has already given birth, then, as a rule, estrus occurs once every few months. Sometimes the interval can reach a year. But if your pet has not given birth before, estrus may bother you more often. For example, monthly or even every 2 weeks. As for stray animals, as well as older individuals, their estrus usually occurs in the fall or spring.

The question of why a cat often walks is understandable. But what to do in this situation? The best option is to give the animal the opportunity to reproduce regularly. Thus, it is possible to achieve that the heat will occur once every six months. But it is worth noting that a cat’s first heat after giving birth may appear after just 1-1.5 months. If the owner does not plan to breed cats at all, it is worth contacting a veterinarian. The animal can be sterilized. Or the doctor can choose hormonal drugs.

Duration and frequency of sexual heat

The length of the period during which cats ask for a cat differs from individual to individual. On average, estrus lasts 7-10 days.

The period of sexual hunting can be divided into several stages. Each of them has certain characteristics:

  1. Proestrus. The cat begins to ask for a cat, but at the same time she is not yet ready for effective mating. Her estrogen levels increase. Sexual heat begins - the external genitalia increase slightly in size, and transparent discharge appears from the vulva. Behavior changes - the cat rubs against objects for a long time, requires more attention and affection. Appetite decreases. The duration of proestrus is 2-3 days.
  2. Estrus. The cat is already ready for mating. If she has a date with a cat during this period, she is more likely to get pregnant. The pet feels increasing excitement, this is eloquently evidenced by her behavior - loud inviting cries, adoption of a characteristic pose for mating. The duration of estrus is 3-4 days, in some individuals it lasts longer.
  3. Metestrus. The level of estrogen in the cat’s body decreases, and along with it, interest in representatives of the opposite sex disappears. Some females even feel irritated at the sight of a male. The cat no longer asks the cat, does not allow him to approach, drives him away with hiss.
  4. Anestrus. At this stage, the hormonal levels stabilize and the cat calms down.

The frequency of the onset of estrus differs between domestic and wild animals. This process is influenced by the length of daylight hours, quality of nutrition, breed and other factors.

On average, cats ask for a male cat every 3-4 weeks, provided that mating has not occurred.

What to do during sexual heat

The symptoms that accompany estrus are unpleasant not only for the owners, but also for the animal itself. Measures should be taken to alleviate the pet's suffering. It is better to sterilize an animal not intended for breeding at an early age. For a breeding cat, early estrus is an unlucky sign and is also considered an indication for castration. If the ability to reproduce must be preserved for subsequent breeding of the breed, the breeder can normalize the hormonal levels of the young pussy using moderate means.


The need to use sedatives is associated with hormonal imbalances in the animal’s body. To alleviate your pet’s condition, veterinarians recommend the following list of remedies:

  • suprastin - daily for 3 days, one quarter of a tablet for every 5 kg of body weight;
  • motherwort – 4-5 drops twice a day;
  • ovariovit – used to regulate the frequency of sexual heat, can be used for young and elderly individuals;
  • “Stopstress” drops – one drop per kilogram of body weight twice a day (no more than two weeks);
  • “Cat Bayun” - two milliliters 3-4 times a day, half an hour before or 1 hour after meals.

We should not forget that valerian drops, which are soothing for humans, have the opposite effect on cats. Medicines in solid form must first be crushed and the powder diluted in water; liquid medicines should be dropped from a pipette or added to food.

You should not get carried away with hormonal drugs, since the use of such drugs increases the risk of cancer. These medications have a short-term positive effect, and then accumulate in the animal’s body and only cause harm.

There is a way to regulate hormonal levels through a course of injections. Such treatment should be carried out strictly as prescribed by the doctor and during the pause between heats.

Alternative ways to calm your cat

To calm down and distract attention, you can:

  • Play with your pet. Running and jumping will release pent-up energy.
  • Get a massage. To do this, you need to lay the cat on the floor and press down on its back with your palm. At the same time, the other hand squeezes the base of the tail. Meowing and growling is a signal that the massage is being carried out correctly. When the pet begins to struggle, the massage can be completed. Subsequently, the pussy may ask the owner to repeat the procedure.
  • Talk and pet. The sounds of calm speech, alternating with stroking, will bring the animal into a state of relaxation.
  • Perform water procedures. Bathing will distract the cat's attention.
  • Don't let your pet get a good night's sleep before the night concert. Tired in the middle of the day, the animal will sleep at night

To achieve a reliable effect, it is better to combine physical activities with taking medications.

Surgical intervention

In order to solve the problem once and for all, it is recommended to carry out a castration procedure by removing the female’s ovaries. If you limit yourself to sterilization (tubal ligation), the cat will not become pregnant, but periods of sexual heat will continue.

What to do if your pet goes on a spree?

Firstly, be mentally prepared for the need to feed kittens on your own. Practice, unfortunately, proves that such cats almost always lose milk. This is due to a sharp change in hormonal levels. The released compounds block the synthesis of prolactin, that is, the hormone responsible for milk production. Accordingly, the kittens are left without their natural food.

Let us immediately warn you that you should never use cow or goat milk to feed babies, since their characteristics are very different from cat milk and often cause severe digestive disorders. And for small kittens the latter are deadly.

Secondly, under no circumstances use hormonal medications to stop estrus. The body of an animal that has gone into heat immediately after birth is already experiencing powerful overloads. There is no need to aggravate the matter with an influx of “third-party” hormones of synthetic origin. In such cases, the matter may end in oncology.

Consult your veterinarian and choose more gentle sedative drugs on a natural basis. They will allow you and your cat to safely survive the hunting period.

What to do

For the owner, there are the following ways to solve the problem of estrus in a pet:

  • Sterilize to protect against pregnancy forever. In this case, there is a risk of hormonal imbalance and suppuration of the sutures.
  • Use contraceptives. They will dull arousal, but there is a danger of harm to health from taking hormonal drugs.
  • Connect with a male. After the birth of kittens, the cat will become calmer and will walk less.
  • Distract from sensations during heat. Buy new toys, pay more attention.

If the owner is in doubt about what to do with the pet, it is worth contacting a veterinarian for advice. This will help avoid new health problems.

Behavior of a cat during estrus

You can determine the period of puberty in a pet by its behavior. The following changes will indicate that the cat has gone on a spree:

  • habitual behavior changes sharply, she may become overly loving or, conversely, show atypical aggression;
  • during estrus, she exhibits a natural sexual attraction, she urgently needs a cat, so she can meow loudly under the door for days, expressing a request to be let out into the street to find a groom for mating;
  • due to physiological changes in the body, frequent urination is observed;
  • during the period of estrus, discharge occurs from the animal’s genitals, so the cat quite often licks its intimate area;
  • during the period of estrus, appetite decreases, the cat may completely refuse to eat;
  • some representatives of the feline family, on the contrary, absorb food in large quantities, showing an insatiable appetite;
  • the pet begins to actively mark the territory, which is very unpleasant for the owner;
  • You can understand the onset of estrus by characteristic changes in gait: you can see the bend of the body on the front legs and the elevation of the back with the tail raised high;
  • During estrus, the genitals of cats swell slightly, but it is not always possible to independently determine these changes; only an experienced veterinarian will be able to make the correct conclusion.

If, upon reaching this age, the pet has not undergone the natural process of puberty, there may be serious deviations in her female sphere. In such cases, the pet must be shown to a competent veterinarian.

The first time estrus does not last long, which is due to the animal’s incompletely formed hormonal background. Each time, the duration of the cycle will increase until the changes occurring in the body stabilize.

If a cat is in heat for a long period, adequate measures must be taken. Such a sign may indicate a pathology often associated with diseases of the female genital organs. In case of any deviations, the animal must be shown to a specialist. To determine existing disorders, tests and ultrasound examinations are performed in a veterinary clinic.

Regardless of the duration of estrus in cats, pregnancy can only occur at a certain phase. There are four stages of the cycle:

  1. “Proestrus” is the most restless period of estrus. The cat's behavior changes dramatically, it becomes capricious and disobedient, often meows and tries to find a way out. At this time, she is actually ready for sexual intercourse, but does not yet allow the gentleman to approach her. Sexual intercourse does not occur at this stage.
  2. Estrus is the ideal period for mating. The cat is fully prepared for sexual intercourse and has every chance of fertilization. The duration of estrus is not defined in strict parameters. In terms of time, this stage can last from several days to 2-3 weeks.
  3. “Metestrus” is a time period lasting from two to 10 days. The cat can already do without the cat, the sexual instinct subsides, the animal becomes calmer and undemanding. If sexual intercourse occurs during estrus, the likelihood of fertilization is high. If the owner has taken all measures to exclude the possibility of mating with the cat, literally in a few days the stages of sexual desire will begin again, starting with proestrus.
  4. The final period of estrus is “anestrus”. The hormonal levels stabilize, the cat returns to its normal life, until the next cycle.

To prevent the cat from going on a spree without permission and bringing mixed offspring, find a suitable candidate for mating in advance. There are special groups and forums for pet lovers on the Internet, where owners of purebred cats communicate and offer elite cats for mating.

If the cat has gone on a spree and is expecting offspring, provide her with comfort and proper nutrition so that future kittens are born healthy and beautiful.

We help you get through this important period

Estrus is a difficult period both for the tailed pet and for its owners, who are tormented by the question “what to do if the cat asks for a cat?” Some of them, exhausted by exhausting “songs,” begin to rein in the animal in every possible way, scolding it, spanking it, splashing it with water, or even dipping it into an ice bath. And here is the time to remember that we are responsible for those we have tamed. The tamed murka is no exception. It is in such a difficult time, when a cat wants a cat, that she needs attention, affection and patience.

How to manifest them in practice? What to do at home for your pet? Let's give some simple but effective tips:

  • talk to your pet in a calm and gentle voice;
  • stroke her head, scratch her tummy (but without touching her rump and tail!);

  • play with it from time to time to release energy;
  • feed small portions and give drinks, especially in hot weather;
  • load her with “work” - letting her run after the toy, lick her “fur coat” once again (to do this, you can bathe her in warm water once a day in a room without drafts - also warm!).

But that is not all! Many cat owners confirm the effectiveness of special plant-based calming preparations that do not cause harm, regardless of how often the cats walk. These are the stress-relieving "Cat Bayun", bags or sprays with catnip (spray or sprinkle in the pet's habitat), "Fitex" - a similar effect, calming "Stop-stress" and others.

Why does a neutered cat ask for a cat?

Some owners are faced with an unpleasant surprise - a neutered cat continues to call the cat and mark the territory, what is the reason?

To save yourself from problems with marks and your pet from stress, you need to castrate him before entering the active phase of sexual estrus. The optimal age for castration varies from 7 to 9 months.

Note! The larger the cat, the sooner he will be neutered. Castration before the cat begins to mark gives a greater chance of eliminating problems in the future.

Urine marking is instinctive, but quickly becomes a habit. There are cases where neutered cats did not mark territory, but imitated this process

Castration before the cat begins to mark gives a greater chance of eliminating problems in the future. Urine marking is instinctive, but quickly becomes a habit. There are cases when castrated cats did not mark their territory, but imitated this process.

After castration, it takes from 3 to 12 months to balance the hormonal levels. The sooner a cat is neutered, the sooner its hormonal levels will become “even.” Depending on heredity, after the initial balancing of hormonal levels, the cat will experience:

  • Equal levels of estrogen and testosterone.
  • Predominance of testosterone.
  • Predominance of estrogen.

If a cat has a predominance of testosterone, he continues to behave in a very masculine manner: fight, mark, call the cat, etc. If estrogen outweighs, the cat becomes more affectionate, playful and flexible.

Normally, 6–12 months after castration, hormone levels will become equal, which will be expressed by the following signs:

  • The urine will lose its bright odor.
  • The cat will stop marking its territory with urine and feces.
  • The cat will more fiercely control and protect the territory from strangers.
  • For other cats, your pet will become uninteresting as a sexual object - there will be no fights with males, no screams to attract cats, etc.
  • The pet will become more playful, since energy is not spent searching for a sexual partner.
  • A cat can gain weight if its diet is not balanced.

Are there cats that do not mark even if they are not neutered? Oddly enough, yes. Some breeds of cats that have been professionally bred for decades inherit a special gene that deprives the male of the desire to mark territory with urine.

It is important to understand that genetic inheritance in this case is passed on from father to son. However, even if your cat’s father and grandfather did not mark the territory, this does not give you (as a potential kitten owner) any guarantees

The cat is walking: what to do if you do not want to sterilize your pet. Which means should I choose?

Many nursery owners, breeders and cat owners trust the drug “Gestrenol” to solve the problem of regulating sexual heat. They choose this particular product due to the following advantages of the drug:

Especially for cats. The choice of means for regulating sexual heat in each animal should be approached individually. "Gestrenol" is designed specifically for cats, which ensures its high efficiency and safety of use.

Comfortable. The drug "Gestrenol" is available in the form of drops - this is the most convenient form for use in cats. "Gestrenol" contains catnip, which has an additional phytohormonal effect and also attracts cats with its smell and taste. This makes it easier to use the drug.

High quality guarantee. The bottle of Gestrenol drops is packaged in a special blister, which provides reliable protection of the contents from environmental influences. In addition, blister packaging is a guarantee of purchasing the original drug.

How to understand that a cat has started walking

Outdoor cats may come into heat in the spring and fall. But domestic cats are not tied to the seasons. Since the animals are provided with warmth and food, they are ready to breed in any season. On average, a cat's heat lasts 7-10 days. If she does not become pregnant, then a new estrus occurs within 2-3 weeks.

If a cat is walking, it will keep its owners awake all night with its screams.

The behavior of a pet during this period is very characteristic; it cannot be confused with anything. But if your cat is living with you for the first time, here are the distinctive signs of behavior during estrus:

  • the cat meows loudly;
  • she assumes a mating position. In this position, she bends her front legs and moves her tail to the side;
  • goes to the toilet past the tray;
  • becomes very affectionate, constantly rubbing against her legs.

During heat, even the most timid and domestic cat tends to jump outside the apartment, as her instincts call her there. During this period, you need to monitor her very carefully.

What is estrus

Estrus in a cat (estrus, estrous cycle, heat) is part of the sexual cycle, informing that the animal is ready to have offspring and is looking for a mate.

Changes occur in the body under the influence of hormones that put the cat into a state of “sexual heat.” The animal is looking for a male, while demonstrating characteristic behavior - meowing, rubbing against walls, crawling on the floor. In everyday life they say “the cat has gone on a spree.”

The sexual activity of females is seasonal and depends on the length of daylight hours. During the dark season (late autumn – winter), the cat’s body intensively produces the hormone melatonin. It suppresses the “power” of estrogen, the hormone that is responsible for sexual behavior. In the middle zone, daylight hours increase in March. Therefore, from the beginning of spring, less melatonin is synthesized in the cat’s body, and cats begin to have regular estrus.

How many days does a cat walk and why the pet’s sexual heat is a headache for the owner

Estrus in cats kept in different conditions can last for different times, on average it lasts 5-7 days. If pregnancy does not occur, the next heat comes in two weeks. These periods are individual, so you can only find out how long your cat’s estrus will last by carefully observing your pet.

During a cat's heat, owners, as a rule, face serious discomfort: calling calls day and night, odorous marks in the most inappropriate places in the apartment, constant attempts by the pet to jump out the door, aggressive behavior or, on the contrary, lethargy of the animal.

This is exactly how a cat that has gone on a spree behaves. You will not confuse these signs of estrus with anything. This behavior is impossible to tolerate, it is annoying, does not allow you to rest peacefully and forces cat owners to look for a reliable way to cope with the restless behavior of their pet when the cat is walking. We'll talk about how to calm the animal further.

What period of time is it?

The estrus cycle consists of four stages:

  • proestrus. Lasts 1-2 days, the cat shows anxiety, but does not allow the cat to come near it;
  • estrus – estrus itself, expressed by frequent urination and loss of appetite, lasts 5-7 days;
  • metestrus, extinction of the reproductive instinct, lasts up to 8 days;
  • anestrus - a period of rest that occurs if mating does not occur, lasts until the beginning of the next cycle

Thus, the average duration of estrus reaches two weeks. At the same time, the “hunting” time increases with age.

One way to solve the problem of a restless cat who wants to procreate is to mate with a male cat. Despite its apparent simplicity, this process requires serious preparation.

The first mating can be carried out no earlier than the cat reaches the age of one and a half years, when the body is fully formed and the animal has received all the necessary vaccinations. Early pregnancy in cats often ends in failure, creating a risk to the health of the animal.

Mating a cat and a cat requires a thorough approach from the owners

The cat meets its partner on the 3rd-5th day of estrus, although in some breeds favorable days begin only in the second week. An animal that finds itself in a foreign territory for mating must be provided with comfortable living conditions; you can take with you a sleeping place, a tray, a bowl, or a favorite toy. This will ensure a reduction in stress levels.

The cat's readiness can be guessed by its characteristic flirting with the cat. Mating does not always occur on the first try; in case the animal becomes agitated, the owner needs to be nearby in order to be able to calm it down.

Unfortunately, mating is not always successful; the reason may be both psychological and physical incompatibility of partners. In this case, you can contact a specialist breeder or find another partner for the cat.

The practice of mating is also known not for the purpose of giving birth to kittens, but to satisfy the cat’s sexual instinct. In this case, a castrated cat is used, fertilization cannot occur, and the cat may not experience sexual desire for up to two months.

There are pills that can calm a cat that is calling.

When the cat begins to walk, use the drug "Gestrenol" correctly

An important role in the effective solution of all problems associated with sexual heat in cats with the help of the drug "Gestrenol" is played by its correct use.

It is contraindicated to use the drug when the cat is walking for the first time. The reason for this is that during the first heat it is difficult to determine when the cat went on a spree. In subsequent heats, Gestrenol is used according to the following scheme:

Interruption of heatUp to 5 kg4 drops3-5 daysAt the first sign of estrus
6-10 kg5-8 drops
Delay estrus, maintain calming effectRegardless of the animal's body weight4 drops1 time per weekDuring the period of sexual rest between estrus
Regardless of the animal's body weightRegardless of the animal's body weight8 dropsTwice with an interval of 24 hoursNo later than 24 hours after accidental mating

2-3 months after discontinuation of the drug, the reproductive function of the body was completely restored.

What can I do to stop my cat from wandering?

Some owners do not plan to breed their pet and, so that it does not disturb the calm atmosphere in the house, use special preparations. Today, there are various pills for cats against walking that regulate the processes of sexual arousal, prevent unwanted pregnancy, calm the animal and make behavior normal.

But opinions differ regarding the safety of using such drugs. Some people believe that it is necessary to use anti-festival pills if mating is not planned. Others are confident that hormonal pills or drops for cats during estrus are harmful to the health of the pet. If, nevertheless, the owner is going to give drugs for estrus, only an experienced veterinarian should prescribe the drug.

Properly selected, suitable drops or tablets will gently normalize hormonal levels and will not harm the animal.

Manufacturers offer many drugs to solve problems with increased sexual activity in cats. For example, Gestrenol tablets are quite effective and gentle on the body. The product contains analogues of natural hormones. In addition, with o, the reproductive function is restored after a couple of months.

Among the effective contraceptives one can also name “Anti-sex”, “Contra-sex” and “Sex barrier”. But these drugs are hormonal. To quickly calm a cat, Covinan injections are used. The reasonable price of Covinan for cats makes this drug quite popular among owners of representatives of the cat family. But it is worth remembering that this drug, like any other hormonal drug, has contraindications. For example, it is not recommended for young individuals and those over 5 years of age to use Covinan injections.

The mating process and possible problems

In order to correctly cross animals of this breed, you need to know how the mating process is carried out. When meeting, the cat is placed close to the cat - approximately at a distance of 1 m. Periodically, he makes attempts to get closer. However, he receives a growl and hiss in response. At the same time, the male pretends that he is not interested in the guest.

The cat, in turn, begins to meow invitingly and also rolls on the floor. But if the cat tries to get closer, the female shows aggression. This continues several times until the cat stops hissing. Then the male, approaching the female, grabs her by the withers with his teeth and climbs on top. If the cat agrees, it raises its butt and moves its tail to the side. If the guest changes her mind, she lowers her tail.

Sexual intercourse in cats lasts about 5–10 seconds and ends with ejaculation. At the same time, the cat may squeal. The male jumps away from her and begins to lick her. The female falls on her back and rolls around.

Mating occurs until one animal gets tired of this action. This usually happens within 2–3 days. Sometimes, in order for a cat to become pregnant, mating is carried out several times.

During mating, the following problems may arise:

  • the guest simply does not let the cat near. Additional stroking of the abdomen, back and areas near the external genitalia can help. Rarely, a probe is inserted into the vagina;
  • the cat shows no interest in the guest. In this case, another partner is selected;
  • throwing a cat on its side during mating. The solution to the problem is to hold the animal during mating;
  • prolonged cat aggression. In this case, the female needs to be given more time to get to know her partner.

How to make your cat go into heat easier?

How to help a cat during heat?
The best cure for obvious signs of estrus is mating the animal. After sexual intercourse, the cat stops freaking out and comes to its senses. However, cat owners' plans do not always include breeding kittens. What to do in this case?

In order to make it at least a little easier for a cat to go through such a difficult period in her life , it is necessary to surround her with as much care and affection as possible. It is advisable to stroke her more often and talk to her in a gentle voice. Under no circumstances should you lock your cat in a closed, dark space (closet).

To avoid midnight chants, owners should try not to let their pet sleep during the day - it is better to play with her at this time. This way, the pussy will be exhausted and will rest at night.

Also, the best option would be to feed her a hearty dinner in the evening before bed.

Veterinary pharmacies sell a large number of drugs that help to subside estrus.

These medications must be taken with a prescription and under the strict supervision of a veterinarian. This is especially true for hormonal drugs. While herbal remedies are less harmful, those that contain hormones can cause a severe blow to the cat’s genitourinary system and overall health.

If the owners do not intend to breed kittens, then it is better for them to simply sterilize the cat. This will ease the suffering of their pet and themselves.


To get rid of your pet’s meticulous screams forever, it is recommended to carry out a sterilization procedure. This method is suitable only for those who do not want to breed cats.

Veterinarians now recommend neutering rather than a simple tubal ligation. This is an abdominal operation to remove the uterus and ovaries. It is done under general anesthesia.

The appropriate age for surgery is when cats start begging for the first time. That is, approximately 6-7 months. It is advisable to have the operation done before the first heat.

Pros and cons of castration:

The lifespan of a cat increases by 1.5-2 yearsSince the operation is performed under general anesthesia, there is a possibility of complications.
The cat does not yell, behaves calmly, does not cause inconvenience to the owner
There is no need to look for partners for mating and think about where to put the kittens
The pet's risk of developing mammary gland cancer, ovarian and uterine pathologies is reduced

The case for castration also holds true for males. In addition to the fact that cats start screaming when they ask for a cat, they leave marks in the apartment with a pungent musky odor. Rather than endure this, it is better to have surgery and forget about sleepless nights. Today this is the most effective way to solve the problem.

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When to breed?

When cats start asking for a cat for the first time, everything is clear. But when are they ready for pregnancy? Physiologically, the pet will be ready to bear, give birth and feed offspring only by 16-20 months. This is explained by the fact that puberty is completed at approximately 1-1.5 years. It is important that the cat gets stronger and the pelvic bones are formed. Otherwise, there is a high probability of miscarriage or the birth of ugly and undeveloped kittens. The load on a fragile spine can lead to disability for the pet itself. But it’s also not a good idea to have a cat-to-cat accident too late. After all, late pregnancy can be harmful to health.

Let's look at when cats start wanting a cat for the first time. Their sexual maturity is complete at about 10 months. But, of course, everything is individual: in some individuals it may be earlier, at 6 months. The following signs indicate that the pet has started asking for a cat: enlarged genitals, frequent urination, the presence of colorless discharge.

The age at which a cat can impregnate a cat directly depends on his puberty. It is advisable to adopt a cat after he is one year old. A cat must mate at least 9 times a year. Otherwise, the hormonal system will malfunction and the animal will begin to mark its territory. Unlike cats, male cats are ready to mate all year round.


You can understand that a cat is asking for a cat by the following signs:

  • the pet begins to pay more attention to men, caressing them;
  • she is unusually affectionate, rubs against objects nearby, and actively exposes her tummy;
  • her genitals swell;
  • some females may show unusual aggression;
  • the cat carefully licks its genitals;
  • the pet has a loss of appetite, it is worth noting that this sign should be taken into account only in combination with others, since refusal to eat is a symptom of the animal’s illness;
  • the cat makes loud and unpleasant noises;
  • she begins to mark her territory;
  • she has frequent urination, the animal often walks past the tray;
  • she often takes a specific position: the pet raises the back of its body and moves its tail to the side, thereby demonstrating its readiness to mate.

The duration of the first celebration is a very important indicator. On average it reaches 10 days. In the period from February to April, the peak of the animal’s sexual activity is reached, and in the period from October to November, its decline is observed.

Signs of heat

Readiness for mating manifests itself not only by a change in the pet’s behavior. When determining the cycle, the owner should also pay attention to physiological symptoms.

The first period of maturation in a young female occurs at the age of six months to a year. Early or late onset of puberty is considered a defect and a reason for withdrawal from breeding.

Physiological signs

Signs of the female’s readiness for reproduction make themselves felt already in the first two days:

Discharge. The pet spends more time than usual on the toilet of the genitals. The discharge has no color or strong odor. There are owners who prefer to put special panties on their pussy. This is an unnecessary precaution - the cat is able to keep itself clean without outside help;

Frequent urge to urinate. The pet goes to the toilet more often than usual, sometimes choosing unusual places. This symptom usually manifests itself when there is a male nearby;

Decreased appetite. Pussy does not show the usual interest in food.

The listed signs do not necessarily indicate readiness for mating. If such symptoms appear that are not related to the breeding season, the animal needs to consult a doctor.

Behavioral signs

The behavior of a female in estrus is imprinted by individual character traits and can change depending on her mood.

Sound signals. The female calls her partner, showing ingenuity, alternating loud heart-rending screams with purring or long tirades with changing tonality. Most of the “concerts” take place (last) in the dark.

Tenderness and sociability. Even a timid creature that hides at the slightest sign of danger becomes a sweet and affectionate animal during the heat period. The cat needs tactile contact, rubs against various objects or rolls on the floor.

Pose with raised tail. The pussy presses its belly to the floor and raises its tail.

The desire for freedom. The female forgets caution and looks for opportunities to go free in search of a cat. You need to vigilantly monitor the cat and block the pet’s escape routes.

Owners must understand that their pet’s behavior is regulated by instincts. It is useless to punish an animal for displaying biological nature; it is better to try to help the pussy get out of an unpleasant state.

Photo - Cat in heat

When does a cat want a cat for the first time?

In pets, puberty usually occurs between 6 and 10 months. Upon completion, the cat goes into heat for the first time. The animal demonstrates its readiness to mate in various pronounced ways:

  • loud, inviting meow - the cat communicates its attempts to attract a potential partner by screaming and howling (how many days a cat screams when asking for a cat for the first time will depend on its individual characteristics);
  • marks left on the floor of the apartment with a smell attractive to the cat (zoologists disagree about the secretions: some believe that the animal leaves them involuntarily, others deliberately so that the partner will find it along the “trail”);
  • towards the owner, the cat usually begins to behave extremely affectionately - purrs and rubs against his legs, but sometimes, on the contrary, aggressively - hisses and attacks on the sly;
  • Wanting to mate, the cat rolls on the floor and during periods of increased desire takes a special position: bends forward, lifts the back of the body, while pointing its tail to the side.

In addition, during this difficult period for her, the pet becomes indifferent to food - she eats rarely and little by little, or stops eating altogether. Also, observant owners may notice her frequent visits to the litter tray.

Sterilization during heat

Veterinarians believe that the best time for sterilization is before the first heat. But it happens that estrus comes as a surprise to the owner, or he did not dare to undergo surgery for a long time. The pet's behavior prompts the owner to castrate the animal when it is in heat. However, veterinarians are against it, as the risks of internal bleeding are high. Sterilization during heat is generally carried out only for medical reasons.

The best time is 2 weeks before or 2 weeks after estrus. Only in the case of incessant heat syndrome is sterilization carried out during estrus.

Cat behavior after mating

Already at 6-9 months, some pets begin to ask for a cat, because at this age most cats begin puberty and their first heat. The cat begins to constantly scream, show excessive affection towards the male owner, refuses to eat, rolls on the floor and behaves differently than usual. But you should still wait until the first mating. A good age for the first mating is 1.5-2 years. It is at this age that the animal becomes physically formed and ready to bear offspring.

If a cat hisses at a cat during mating, it is important to understand the reasons for this behavior. This is usually how females behave during their first mating.

The animal needs to be calmed and placed towards the gentleman. This is the responsibility of the cat owner. Otherwise, the planned result may not occur. After successful mating with a cat, the cat becomes pregnant. During pregnancy, the estrus ends, the animal no longer asks for a cat and behaves as usual as before the estrus. During this period, it is important for the owner to monitor the condition of the pet in order to recognize signs of pregnancy in time. When the 2nd week passes after mating, the animal can be taken to the veterinary clinic for an ultrasound and make sure that conception has occurred.

Why does the cat keep asking for the cat?

Until the pet’s hormonal levels calm down, for another couple of days she can behave as if mating never happened. Some owners note that their cat continues to ask for a male after mating. However, such behavior is not considered a deviation. The fact is that for several days after conception, hormones in the blood continue to be at a high level. The animal’s body has not yet understood what happened, so the hunt is still ongoing. The cat still eats poorly, screams, crawls on the floor. But within 3-4 days, signs of sexual activity fade away.

If an ultrasound has confirmed that the cat is pregnant, under no circumstances should she be allowed to go on a spree again, otherwise 2 batches of fetuses will develop in the uterus, differing in age. The consequences of this situation could be:

  • Timely births occur for the first batch, while underdeveloped fetuses die.
  • First, the animal gives birth to the first litter, and after some time the second.

If the male does not like the bride, then he may show aggression towards her. If a cat screams after mating, limps and refuses to sit on its butt, the owner needs to examine it for injuries and bites. Gentlemen, especially inexperienced ones, in a passionate outburst can accidentally injure the bride. If a cat hisses at a cat during mating, avoids her and does not let her near him, perhaps he did not like the female. Then you shouldn’t force animals to mate; it’s better to have a cat with a more experienced and flexible partner in a month.

Sterilization: pros and cons

Owners have different opinions on the issue of sterilization. Some consider this operation to be the only right step towards the pet’s health; for others, it does not seem humane to deprive a cat of the opportunity to give birth to offspring.

It is worth noting that timely sterilization greatly reduces the risk of cancer.

The best time to perform the operation is considered to be the period before the onset of the first estrus or immediately after its end. Also, the possibility of developing breast cancer is reduced to almost zero. It is possible to sterilize at an older age, but then you need to consult a doctor to see if the animal will tolerate anesthesia.

As for deprivation of the right to give birth, such doubts are inherent only to humans. Animals live by instinct and do not dream of a large cat family since childhood.

The veterinary community has come to the conclusion that sterilization is absolutely safe for cats; the only contraindication can be the patient’s advanced age. But the operation once and for all relieves the cat from suffering, minimizes the risk of disease, and also guarantees peace of mind for the owner.

The disadvantages of sterilization include the recovery period. Since the operation is performed under full anesthesia, she needs careful care and attention over the next few days. In addition, changing dressings requires courage from the owner, although it is not difficult.

Kitty in a post-operative bandage

Also, sterilization requires financial investment, and for some owners it seems more convenient to buy medications that stop or reduce the cat’s sexual desire. But you need to understand that often this kind of drug intervention puts the pet’s health at risk.

It is also worth noting that there are often cases when, due to hormonal changes after sterilization, a cat may become less physically active, thus increasing the likelihood of gaining excess weight. But in this case, it is possible to take control of nutrition and independently provoke physical exercise in the cat, which at the same time will add joyful emotions to the animal and its owner.

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