How to calm a kitten - a list of methods and causes of aggression

Just like people, cats have their own characters and personalities. However, it is one thing to have a strong character, and another to be prone to aggressive behavior. Aggression in cats is truly extreme. In fact, according to research, aggression is the second most common behavioral problem in cats.

The good news is that you can improve or even change your cat's aggression. However, this will require patience and knowledge of how to do it. First, you must learn how to calm an aggressive cat. If you want to know how to deal with cat aggression, you've come to the right place! Here on we will discover how to deal with an aggressive cat . In addition, we note which cat breeds are the most aggressive.

How does aggression manifest itself?

An aggressive pet may behave unpredictably. Sudden jumping, hissing, biting are only a small part of the signs of aggression. If you notice that the cat is aggressive: he sits in dark corners, his fur is like smoke, and his eyes have become crazy, rest assured that something is interfering with the pet’s calm.

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Almost all cats are not naturally aggressive, but their behavior is influenced by various factors. Depending on this, veterinarians distinguish several types of aggression.

Defensive aggression

If the cat is aggressive, then she must be left alone. Any attempts on the part of the owner who wished to calm his pet will be regarded by the cat as an encroachment on its safety. You can recognize a scared cat by the following signs :

  • The animal huddles to the floor.
  • The pupils are dilated.
  • The pet hisses or growls.
  • Ears flattened.
  • An aggressive cat fearfully looks around and tries to find shelter.

In some cases, an aggressive cat may roll over on its back and fold its paws so that its position resembles a submissive pose. It is very important to recognize the animal’s condition so as not to get hurt or make the situation worse.

Don't scold or hit, but be persistent

Cats are sensitive to intonation. Therefore, a metallic voice is enough to say a prohibitory command. This could be, for example, the word “fu” or “impossible.” But keep in mind that if you say a word once, then you should say it once, if you say it twice, then always say it that way. For a cat, one word and two identical words spoken in a row are different.

Until the cat is accustomed to the prohibitive command, you need to add an unpleasant sound to it, for example, a loud clap of your hands. Or stop the action: take the cat from the place where it is mischievous and say “ugh.”

But under no circumstances should you hit or scream! You can't hit, because... the cat will stop trusting you and will not love you. But there is no point in shouting, since predators have sensitive hearing and only sharp intonation is enough for them.

Aggression caused by irritation

Sometimes a cat's aggression is caused by irritation. This happens rarely and appears completely unexpectedly. For example, you are petting a cat, and its calm reaction suddenly gives way to aggression. There are no apparent reasons, but an aggressive cat is preparing to attack anyone who happens to be nearby.

It is noteworthy that aggression resulting from irritation is most often suppressed. That is, the cat is aggressive, but he does not want to harm his owner. It manifests itself like this: an aggressive animal rushes at a person, but its claws are hidden, or an aggressive cat bites its owner, but the bites leave practically no marks on the skin.

The main sign of irritation is tail hitting. If the cat was calmly accepting your affection all the time, and at one point began to beat its tail on the floor, you should know that it is irritated. Sometimes the cat perceives measured strokes on the stomach differently than before and begins to frantically beat the owner with its hind paws. Do not think that your pet is unpleasant to receive affection from you. Just like people, animals have bad moods. Leave your pet for a while and the aggression will disappear.

Breed of aggressive cats

Are you dealing with an aggressive ragdoll cat or an aggressive Bengal cat? It's true that some cat breeds tend to be more aggressive than others. Remember that cats, despite their breed, must be socialized properly, offered a quality diet and adequate play time to prevent aggression in cats. However, here is a list of some cat breeds that are more prone to aggression if not socialized correctly

  • Sphynx cat
  • Siamese
  • Bombay
  • Scottish lop-eared
  • Bengal

Play aggression

Sometimes the reason for a cat’s aggression lies on the surface: cats are playful by nature and aggression in some cases is increased playfulness. The main sign of playful aggression is suddenness.

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If an aggressive kitten is actively playing with a ball or jumping around the corner at one of the household members, be sure that the fluffy one is simply bored and wants to have fun. Sometimes overly playful cats jump on their owners or cling to the top of the curtain. A particularly active and aggressive kitten rushes around the room sideways, arching its back, sharply slowing down my direction. In rare cases, an aggressive cat may try to bite or scratch during play, but in most cases such pranks do not cause any harm.

You should not try to calm the cat down, because it may become offended and its aggression will increase . It is best to take time and play with your pet. Cats love to hunt, so you can play chase or hide and seek.

Cunning inventions

If the animal does not unlearn a bad habit at all, for example, it eats indoor flowers all the time, you can use tricks. Protect the roots of the flowers with tape or stones (read more about protecting flowers here), and place a large bottle of water in the place where the cat pees instead of a litter tray. If your cat likes to spoil shoes and there is no special shoe cabinet in the house, you can simply put all the shoes in a cardboard box.

For cats that like to crawl under bathtubs and behind refrigerators, you can set up a barrier in the form of plastic bottles filled with water.

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Territorial aggression

The aggression associated with the division of territory is very pronounced. Most often, a cat exhibits aggressive behavior towards another cat. If an uncastrated cat, returning from a walk, behaves aggressively towards all members of the household, then perhaps a clash with other cats contributed to this.

If the cat is aggressive, but you don’t know why, then perhaps he doesn’t get enough walks. If your cat is a fighter by nature, then it is likely that he wants to fight again, and his aggression is caused by a lack of communication with his courtyard comrades.

Often an aggressive cat becomes so because a new cat has appeared in his yard. All animals, including cats, share the territory. Constant fights and aggressive behavior in this case are not uncommon.

Another type of territorial aggression is competition within the home. If you decide to get a new cat or dog, then think in advance about how your pet will react to this. It is very rare that a meeting with a new tenant is taken calmly. Typically, an aggressive cat, as the owner, takes a position in the center of the room, hisses and arches its back. In rare cases, acquaintance turns into a direct confrontation.

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"Displaced" aggression

If the cat has become aggressive, then it is possible that there is something or someone influencing his behavior. If the object of the cat’s irritation is out of reach, then the aggressive cat can take out its rage on you and those around you.

If your aggressive cat starts to growl when he looks at the door, then most likely the source of the aggression is one of your friends who often comes to see you. Maybe someone is bothering your pet too much. If an aggressive cat is nervous and hisses while sitting on the windowsill, then it is likely that a neighbor’s cat or dog with whom he has a difficult relationship has come into his field of vision.

It is very important to notice this kind of aggression in time, because anyone who falls under the hot hand of a cat risks being bitten or scratched.

Painful aggression

Aggression is often caused by pain. During illness, an aggressive cat is hostile to any touch. The animal stops reacting adequately and may perceive any action as an attack.

Often capricious and aggressive cats become so because someone offended them . Just like people, cats can be vindictive. That is, if someone hurt a cat, then in return she will also try to hurt her.

Sometimes people can offend a cat and not notice it, but the animal remembers this and another time, seeing an irritated or angry person next to it, it attacks without warning. An aggressive pet is the first to fight so as not to get hurt.

What to do at home

Comprehensive examination

If it is not possible to identify the stress factor that leads to the pet’s nervous behavior, it is necessary to exclude hidden diseases. Aggression or fearfulness may be a response to severe pain and general illness.

  • The veterinarian will rule out dental problems.
  • A blood test and ultrasound can help diagnose kidney or liver failure.
  • X-rays can reveal arthrosis or other diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

A specialist will also help you understand whether your pet’s bad behavior is related to sexual instincts if it has not been sterilized.

Creating optimal conditions

It is very important for cats to be able to hide. Providing a purring shelter is not difficult - it can be an ordinary cardboard box or carrier placed in a quiet place, or a shelf on the top tier where it will not be difficult for the pet to jump

If a cat can run away from a stimulus (another animal, a child), it will not show aggression. The ability to hide will help the cat survive a thunderstorm or neighbors' renovations.

  • The owner must also ensure that no one disturbs the cat during meals and visiting the litter box.
  • Games can be useful - you need to provide your cat with enough toys and scratching posts. If you stimulate “safe” activity, this will direct the aggressor’s energy in the right direction.

Loud sounds are contraindicated - it is better to turn on TV and music at moderate volume.

Medication assistance

If the cat seems unhappy rather than embittered, Feliway will help it come to its senses faster. The diffuser is plugged into an outlet, and it releases a synthetic analogue of cat pheromones. This smell, which a person cannot smell, seems to tell the animal that everything is in order and there is no reason to worry. The drug can be a good alternative to sedatives that are given orally.

Reasons for aggression

There are many reasons for aggression. The most common of them are :

  • Hormonal disbalance . This reason occurs in uncastrated cats. If the animal is not castrated or sterilized before the age of one year, then hormones will be constantly produced, tormenting the pet and its owner. If sterilization is not an option, then you will have to match the fluffy with the opposite sex. Otherwise, an aggressive cat, while in the apartment, will show aggression in every possible way: biting, scratching, meowing loudly, going to the toilet in the wrong place, etc.
  • Competition . Confrontation between two animals is the most common cause of aggressiveness in cats. It doesn’t matter whether another cat or dog appears in the house, the pet will show aggression in any case. Hissing, attacks, jumping, fighting - the outcome of any confrontation. It is necessary to be able to wean your cat from attacks on new residents or guests.
  • Pain . A common cause of aggression is pain. If a cat is in pain, then it will by any means withdraw from communicating with anyone. Any touch will be accompanied by self-defense, namely, aggressive attacks. If an aggressive pet is injured or sick, it is best not to touch it.
  • Poor nutrition . If you feed your cat the wrong and low-quality food, then it is likely that she will resist eating. The same goes for food that is not intended for feeding cats. If you are concerned about your pet's condition, consult a veterinarian who can help you create a balanced diet for him.
  • Fears . If the kitten is not socialized in time, then at a later age it will turn into a shy cat. Any rustles or strangers will frighten him, which will subsequently result in aggressive behavior. It is necessary to constantly walk the cat, introduce it to its relatives and other people. Sometimes an adult cat who is developing socially correctly can become very frightened.
  • Motherhood . It is not recommended to approach a cat that has recently become a mother of furballs. The new mother will try in every possible way to protect her babies from the outside world. It is best to provide the cat with everything it needs and not get too close to it.

Identifying the cause will allow you to quickly cope with aggression and avoid unnecessary consequences.

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What to do when stress is planned and inevitable

Before planned stress (moving, bringing a new pet into your home), you should start giving your pet sedatives prescribed by a veterinarian in advance. The effect of hormonal drugs, for example, is cumulative. It will not be possible to achieve the desired effect in two or three days.

If you have already had a sad experience of traveling with a pet (for example, the animal took a long time to come to its senses after a trip), then you should consult a veterinarian about the use of more potent drugs. You cannot give them to an animal yourself. The veterinarian will ask you what exactly the problem was and, based on this, will select the best option for the remedy.

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