Red cat breeds: genetics and specifics of fiery color

The ginger fluffy cat is a classic representative of the cat family. In the natural environment, its pure (without impurities) color behaves capriciously. Red shades of fur appear in offspring only if a number of hereditary conditions are met, but even felinologists do not undertake to predict its appearance in advance.

This color is unusual for the British, but among the Persians, on the contrary, it is not considered a rarity. However, all cat breeds have one thing in common - almost every litter produces babies with a luxurious red coat.

Are there ginger cats that are girls?

Boy and girl cats have different sets of chromosomes:

  • the cat has a double X chromosome (XX);
  • The chromosome set of a cat is XY.

As for the O gene, it is attached only to the X chromosome, and has two “coloring” alleles: O (red) and o (black). In practice this is expressed like this:

  • OO with two XX in girls gives a red color;
  • the same chromosomes with the oo alleles create a black tint;
  • With a set of Oo, two-colored (tortoiseshell) kittens are born.

Male cats have fewer options because they have only one X chromosome, which can be accompanied by a single allele expression: O (red) or O (black). But nature did not program cats with two-color red and black colors.

In practice, this complex genetic kaleidoscope is expressed in the fact that in a litter there are fewer red cats than males.

Important! Under natural conditions, ginger cats are born approximately 3-4 times more often than female cats. This even causes the unfair judgment that only boys wear bright sunny coats.

Character and behavioral characteristics

If you ask the owner of a ginger cat to describe the character of the pet, he is unlikely to limit himself to a few words.

This sunny rock has both a gentle blow of a warm breeze and scorching gusts of a fiery tornado.

Bold, independent, cunning, affectionate, flexible, cheerful and unusually smart, they are so diverse in their behavior that even after living with them for more than one year, you will not stop discovering new qualities in them.

What cannot be taken away from them is their tolerant attitude towards small family members.

Such pets love children and forgive them a lot, and children are drawn to them, feeling in these solar creatures a universal reserve of positiveness and goodness.

You can find out about the kindest cat breeds here:

Redheads love children and forgive them a lot, and children are drawn to them, feeling in these solar creatures a universal reserve of positiveness and goodness

And let's go back to the signs again. They say that ginger cats are attached to the house and painfully endure moving.

The ancients explained this behavior by the fact that brownies live in red cats.

If they leave their owners, they take away all their secrets, and when they accidentally end up in a new home, they fill it with comfort and joy.

Ginger cats do not forgive a cool attitude towards themselves, and even more so, do not accept rude treatment.

Do not push your pet away if he wants to rub against your legs.

Thus, he “marks” you, giving you a piece of his astral world.

Push him away, and next time the pet will not want to share his magical power with you.

It is difficult to understand why a red cat dreams.

The animal itself that appears in your dream personifies your subconscious, and what to expect from it depends on both the color of the cat and its behavior in the dream.

Light red fur signals an upcoming choice between moral principles and a career, and dark red color promises a successful resolution of problems.

Red-haired onlooker

Color options

Since a cat has more color options, it means that she also passes them on by inheritance:

  • Only the red allele O is passed from mother to male cat;
  • Characteristics of two parents are passed on to female kittens (genes O and O).

Other colors and color spots that were present in the animal’s relatives play a role in the formation of coat shades.

  1. White-red cat. The white gene (W) is dominant over all others, the spotting (S), partial spotting (Sp) allele and the white recessive ww allele also work. The tendency to white spotting is always dominant in relation to solid colors.
  2. Red tabby cat. The fiery color is never continuous. It definitely shows patterns in the form of stripes or marble spots. In genetics, this effect is called “tabby” and it is responsible for the characteristic pattern on the coat.
  3. Red marbled cat. We are talking about shading the tabby pattern. In ginger cats it is necessarily present, but in varying degrees of contrast. A heavily shaded tabby looks like a pure color, a slight blurriness leads to a distinct pattern, a moderate shade is associated with marble stains.
  4. Cat in light red tones. The D gene comes into play. It is responsible for color saturation and colors the hairs a deep and uniform red. But in the dd modification, lightening occurs, then the pigmentation granules in the hair structure are sparse.
  5. Cat in black, white and red tricolor. The combination occurs only in girls. Cats are deprived of this color due to a single X chromosome, to which only one allele responsible for pigmentation can be attached. The exception is male individuals carrying the chromosomal formula XXY. But they are, as a rule, sterile and do not take part in reproduction. Therefore, the white-red and black color is the privilege of cats.
  6. Black cat with red spots. A kitten gets tortoiseshell coloring from two parents who carry the genes for black and red hair pigmentation. Most often, girls become carriers of this combination.

Important! A total of nine colors form the main color palette of cats. An ordinary ginger cat must receive the red pigmentation gene from two parents. Otherwise, he will not have a sunny coat color.

How to name a ginger kitten in an original way

Foreign nicknames

For boys

  • Ginger (ginger - red, English);
  • Orange (orange - orange, English);
  • Foxel (foxes - fox, English);
  • Zazvor (zázvor – red, Czech);
  • Rosso (rossol – red, Italian);
  • Orange (apelsin – orange, Swedish);
  • Chon (orange, Chinese);
  • Akiko (autumn child, Japanese);
  • Kin (gold, Japanese);
  • Sisi (lion, Japanese).

For girls

  • Akira (bright, Japanese);
  • Kin (golden, Japanese);
  • Orange (orange – orange, English);
  • Haru (spring, Japanese);
  • Nana (apple, Japanese);
  • Higashi (east, Japanese);
  • Rossa (rossol – red, Italian);
  • Fire (fire - fire, English);
  • Flame (flame - flame, English);
  • Shine (shine – light, English).

Popular heroes, animals, characters

For boys

  • Cher (bumblebee, “Luntik”);
  • Dale (chipmunk, “Chip and Dale to the Rescue”);
  • Diego (tiger, “Ice Age”);
  • Don Carnage (“Miracles on Bends”);
  • Mushu (little dragon, “Mulan”);
  • Uncle Fyodor (“Prostokvashino”);
  • Kazbek (“Star Dogs”);
  • Carlson (“Kid and Carlson”);
  • Leopold (“The Adventures of Leopold the Cat”);
  • Vuk (little fox, “Vuk”).

For girls

  • Jenna (“Balto”);
  • Ginger (“As Ginger Says”);
  • Zhikharka (“Zhikharka”);
  • Alice (fox, “The Adventures of Pinocchio”);
  • Lyubava (“Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin the Serpent”);
  • Pippi (“Pippi Longstocking”);
  • Maya (“Maya the Bee”);
  • Rapunzel;
  • Scratty (“Ice Age 3”);
  • Flora (fairy of flowers, “Winx”).


For boys

  • Pokemon;
  • Pikachu;
  • Little Fox;
  • Ryzhik;
  • Ogonyok;
  • Miracle;
  • Honey cake;
  • Yarki;
  • Goldie;
  • Apricot.

For girls

  • Bestia;
  • Rogue
  • Witch;
  • Redhead;
  • Liska;
  • Curry;
  • Ocher;
  • Courage;
  • Aprica;
  • Fanta.

Breeds of red cats

A cat with a red color can be found among both purebred and mongrel pets. "Ryzhik" can also be fluffy or short-haired.

British cat

A short-haired cat with a strong, muscular body and thick, silky fur. The most popular color is smoky blue, solid or tabby. Red shorthair cats of the British breed are rare and there are much fewer girls among them than boys.

In detail - about red British cats.

But among the British, sometimes there are long-haired cats; they look especially interesting in their white and red color. Breeders sought to obtain new shades, and as a result of crossing a British cat with Somali and Persian breeds, luxurious, lush fur was fixed in the genotype.

Siberian cat

Representatives of this breed have long, lush hair (with hypoallergenic properties) and a double undercoat. Siberian fluffy ginger cats with eyes of a rich orange-amber hue are a rarity; many catteries are separately engaged only in their selection.

Even more unique are Siberian ginger cats with a tabby striped pattern and white accents on the shirtfront and paws. There are no such animals in the group of smooth-haired pets.

Maine Coon (Manx coon cat)

A very large cat, its height is 1 meter in length and its weight exceeds 8 kg. Unlike other breeds, which reach their maximum size by the age of 2, Maine Coons grow until they are 3-5 years old.

Breeds with a “sunny” color

Red fatties can be representatives of many cat breeds. True, this color is not defining for any of them and is considered a rarity. Most of these cats are among ordinary outbred animals.

The most common breeds of red cats are the varieties of pets known to everyone from childhood.

These include breeds:

  • British;
  • Scottish;
  • Siberian;
  • Persian;
  • Maine Coon.

British and Scottish kittens of this color are rare, but not out of the ordinary. British redheads have a Red color, which implies a rich, uniform shade without the addition of white hair. There can be a tortoiseshell color, as well as tabby (striped), which is a combination of different shades of color.

Signs associated with ginger cats

Red cats, just like black ones, are haunted by all sorts of legends.

  1. It is believed that red pets are always obstinate and overly independent. In fact, there is often a very strong emotional bond between an animal and its owner.
  2. Picking up a ginger kitten on the street and bringing it into the house means attracting prosperity and good luck. Since the fiery color is no more common among street vagabonds than among their purebred relatives, not everyone will experience such happiness.
  3. Some people believe that a sunny-colored cat absorbs negative energy and protects a person from negative influences.

They also say that they purr louder than others, cure alcoholism, and predict illness and death. The only true observation is expressed in the popular saying “a cat in the house means happiness in it.”

Myth and reality

Is it worth believing in a sign, and where is it, the truth? It is obvious that initially, their color worked in favor of the magical abilities of red cats.

Bright, sunny, fiery, it personified warmth and joy, which is why the golden-haired cat became a symbol of happiness.

Faith, born from visual associations, was confirmed in life situations.

Owners of red fluffies have noticed that in their presence, sadness recedes, melancholy goes away, and their souls become light and calm.

A little home sun disperses the clouds and fills the house with natural harmony.

Observations of the behavior of saffron milk caps also revealed another aspect that is useful for humans: the ability to heal.

If a saffron milk cap takes care of a sick person, then this is a clear sign that he will soon get better.

You can read about other interesting facts about cats in the article

There is also a sign that the red or golden color of a cat contributes to well-being in the house

The same color, but elevated to the rank of golden radiance, made it possible to consider ginger cats as symbols of wealth.

Whether they bring financial well-being to the home is a moot point.

But it is a fact that a person who receives a lot of positive emotions from his pet is charged with energy and successfully resolves his career issues.

Hence the money for the house and prosperity.

Bold, independent, cunning, affectionate, flexible, cheerful and unusually smart, red cats are so diverse in their behavior that even after living with them for more than one year, you will not stop discovering new qualities in them

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