All about red Maine Coons: genetics, varieties and character of big cats with red color

Maines can be colored very differently, but genetically, like all other cats, the Maine Coon has only two colors: black and red. The remaining colors are variations on the theme of two natural colors, the result of the painstaking work of breeders. That is, if you have a red Maine Coon cat or a black Maine Coon solid cat, it means that you are the happy owner of a cat that carries the genetic code of the distant ancestors of the modern “raccoon” cat from Maine.

Any Maine Coon color is a combination of black and red pigments

However, for many novice Maine owners, the problem is the felinological terminology itself. What to do if you know only two cat colors, tabby and non-tabby, and your attention is offered to a black marbled or cream solid Maine Coon? Let's try to figure it out.

How would this be scientific?

The types of colors of Maine Coon cats in the unified international EMS system are assigned codes consisting of letters and numbers, each of which indicates a particular color characteristic:

  • main color
fblack turtle
gblue cream turtle
ssilver or smoke (manifestation of one gene, but patterned individuals are called silver, and solid ones “smoky”)
wwhite (may be due to the manifestation of different genes)
  • presence and type of white spots
01van (white individual with a small spot, spots of the main color)
02harlequin (two thirds of the individual is white)
03two-color or bicolor
09with white (less than half white)
  • the presence of a pattern on the fur and its appearance
22marbled or classic tabby (“M” on the forehead and beautiful “butterflies” on the sides of the individual)
23brindle tabby or mackerel (“M” on the forehead and stripes all over the body)
24spotted (Maine Coons have torn tiger or merle)
21agouti factor (recorded when it is clear that the animal is a tabby, but it is not clear what kind of pattern it is)
11shaded (tabby on silver with a blurry pattern on the body)
12chinchilla - black series of colors, cameo - red series (very strong silver, in which the animal looks almost white with a slight touch of the main tone, sometimes completely white)
  • eye color (not always indicated)
61blue - blue
62yellow, golden - yellow, orange, golden, etc.
63oddeyed - disagreement
64green - green

In terms of primary color, the following Maine Coon colors are allowed: black, white, red, blue, cream, cream-blue and tortoiseshell. Shades of chocolate and cinnamon are strictly prohibited for Maine Coons.


These animals have two basic colors side by side: red and black. As a result of their alternation or mixing, a tortoiseshell or multi-color type is formed. Primary shades can be saturated or unsaturated. In the latter case, combinations of blue and cream, blue and reddish and various others appear. When tortoiseshell is adjacent to smoky, the animals look especially unusual.

Like cats of other breeds, tortoiseshell fur occurs only in girls; a similar coloring in males is a genetic deviation and very rare.

Tortoiseshell pets have white spots of varying severity, so there is a classification that divides the tortoiseshell type into two groups:

  • calico - cats with markings of a different color on the neck, belly or paws,
  • true tortoiseshells are a combination of red and black or cream and blue coat colors without individual light spots.

"Smoky" beauties

“Smoky” cats look very impressive, especially when their shiny, well-groomed fur sways and shimmers in the light. The smoky color is due to the fact that the root of each cat’s hair is white, and the end is colored, and with different intensities. For example, in a Maine Coon, black smoke has a strong base color.

In international coding, this sign is marked with the Latin letter S, which, depending on the interpretation, can mean smoke (smoke) or silver (silver). According to the degree of hair coloring, smokiness is divided into the following categories:

  • regular smoke - half the hair is dyed;
  • shaded smoke - a quarter of the hair is dyed;
  • chinchilla – one-eighth of the hair is dyed.

color blue smoke color red smoke

color black smoke

Exquisite Silver

The silver coon stands somewhat apart in this gradation. This is such a light coat color that it is very difficult to distinguish it from white, especially in childhood. A silver Maine Coon kitten is usually identified by the color of its iris: a white Maine most likely has blue eyes, and a silver Maine has green eyes. Over time, the silver coat darkens a little, and a pattern called “tabby” (discussed below) becomes more pronounced on it. Cats of this color are generally very attractive and unusual, but the so-called “marble on silver” looks especially elegant, when wide spiral stripes are run along the silvery fur, reminiscent of marble patterns.

color silver tabby

color tortoiseshell silver bicolor

color red silver

Red single color (solid)

In fact, redness implies rich terracotta or cream shades of fur without light tan marks or a smoky effect. Each hair must be completely dyed. In the place where the patterns are located on the fur, the shade is 2-3 times stronger. The coat of this color is always accompanied by a pattern, so Maines do not have uniform redness.

To read: Fluffy lover of cold weather Siberian Forest Cat: description of the breed and reviews of owners

Bicolor or not bicolor?

The main color of the maine can be complemented by clearly defined white spots of different sizes. Some owners call any white-spotted cat “bicolor,” but this is not entirely true. White spots also have their own official names:

  • “buttons” - small spots all over the body;
  • “gloves” - white paw tips;
  • “medallion” - a spot on the chest;
  • “harlequin” - white background with large colored spots;
  • "van" - predominantly white with color only on the head and tail;
  • “tuxedo” (felinology does not formally use this definition, but it is widely used among cat owners) – white legs and chest, contrasting with the main color.

And bicolor is the official name of a color in which white and colored wool are present in a ratio of 50x50.

color black bicolor

color red bicolor

color blue bicolor

Maine Coon care

Typically, such cats are fully formed by the age of 4-5 years. Their mobility allows you to diversify your time with young animals. First of all, you should worry about the comfort of your pet in a confined space.

It is necessary to consider a device for sharpening claws and a rest area.

The red Maine Coon has a soft coat that is very easy to comb. This can be done once a week. Don't forget about the animal's magnificent tail. Hygiene plays a huge role in caring for this cat. Cleaning the ears, taking care of the claws and regular bathing will make your pet's life much more enjoyable and longer.

Painted cats

The coat pattern often found among Maines is called tabby or, if pronounced in English, tabby. Scientists claim that tabby is present in the genotype of all cats without exception - they inherited it from their wild forest ancestors. The pattern is obtained due to the fact that, under the influence of a certain gene, the color of cat hair is zoned. Simply put, this means that the hair is not monochrome, but striped, as can be seen upon closer inspection.

Depending on how the light and dark areas are located on an individual hair, one or another pattern is formed on the wool. Tabby is divided into various "patterns", for example:

  • brindle color is continuous parallel stripes;
  • spotted – intermittent stripes;
  • classic - marble stains.

The latter looks best on a black Maine Coon; the black tabby Maine looks surprisingly noble.

tabby color merle

tabby brindle color

tabby color spotted

Elegant ticking

A type of pattern that is uncharacteristic for Maines is ticked. With this color, the entire mass of the coat consists of striped (ticked) hair in the absence of a pronounced pattern (its residual signs can be on the legs, chest and forehead). Ticking is more common among Abyssinian cats; Maine Coons with this color are very rare. These cats look very elegant, especially the black ticked one.

color silver ticked

color red ticked

color ticked

The charm of diversity

Tortoiseshell color is a good omen - many believe that multi-colored cats bring their owners good luck in all endeavors. This may not be true, but they definitely bring joy and aesthetic pleasure.

The pied Maine Coon, especially with “smoke,” is incredibly picturesque. And in this case, it is not so important whether it is a classic “tortoiseshell” (randomly scattered spots of any color except white), or spotted brown, reminiscent of autumn foliage in color, or creamy blue tortoiseshell, combining delicate pastel shades. Without exception, all the “turtles” are magnificent!

tortoiseshell color

smoky tortoiseshell color

color tortoiseshell bicolor

Character and habits

The Maine Coon is traditionally considered a very affectionate, safe and sociable cat that is devoted to its owner.

At the same time, this breed is constantly found in reviews of the most aggressive cats, although there is no objective information about attacks on owners. Obviously, the giant cats were victims of their terrifying appearance. Their length reaches 120 cm, their weight often approaches 15 kg (especially in sterilized cats), and a predatory, wary look and overgrown ears complete the portrait. It’s not hard to imagine how such a formidable cat sits on a tree and watches its prey.

But Maine Coon owners share their observations about the relationship between character and coat color. They believe that the red Maine Coon cat is distinguished from other animals by its incredible activity and curiosity. Of course, scientists confirm no connection between color and behavior, but practical examples often outstrip scientific conclusions.

This is interesting! If ginger cats live in the same house with kittens, they become caring fathers and devote a lot of time to their offspring, sometimes even more than the mother cat.

Solid color – for respectable cats

Solid colors without patterns (or with weakly expressed “shadow” patterns) are called solids. One of the rarest is the completely red Maine Coon, scientifically speaking - the red solid.

color red solid

color red solid

color red solid

At the same time, shades of red are found very often among coons, and the red Maine Coon kitten is perhaps the most common offer on the “cat” market. The point here is that on red wool the pattern appears brighter than on any other, and in this case it is practically impossible to get rid of the residual tabby.

However, this is not a problem; stripes and spots do not spoil the red maines at all. The red marbled Maine Coon is especially beautiful. This color is characterized by smooth transitions from red to almost brown, creating a unique effect of color play.

color red marble

color red marble

color red marbled with white (bicolor)

Mystical black

Black cats always attract attention. And a Maine Coon with a solid black color is something special. A chic, graceful panther in a black silk fur coat and a “wild” look! However, this luxury requires special care. Black color in the cat world is a complex phenomenon. It’s like a veil thrown over the usual stripes. Therefore, in kittens with this color, up to a certain age, a pattern is visible, the so-called “residual tabby”. Then the skin begins to bloom and the cat appears in all its dark beauty.

But stripes and spots tend to pop out from under the veil if not properly cared for or fed! Black cats participating in exhibitions and preserving the deep black color of their fur are forced to follow a special diet (the food should never contain beets!), and also avoid direct sunlight. From all this, black wool can acquire an uneven brown tint.

color black solid color black solid

color black solid

Blue like the sky

Blue maines deserve special mention, which are not yet very widespread in our country, but in the West they have long won universal love and admiration. In Russia, it is rare to hear even the correct name for the color - usually a blue Maine Coon is simply called gray, although this rich and beautiful color can hardly be called that. There are many variations of blue coloring, and it is difficult to choose - the blue solid Maine Coon is simply delightful, but the blue marble looks, perhaps, even more interesting. However, the greatest delight is caused by the Maine Coon of the “blue smoke” color - when moving, such a cat shimmers with the richest shades, from graphite gray to pearlescent.

color blue solid color blue solid

color blue solid

What is the danger of white people?

Maines in light shades also look luxurious. But caution must be exercised here. White coat color may indicate some genetic abnormalities. In particular, the white coon may be deaf. To be on the safe side, you should probably switch to a cream Maine Coon - cats of this color are no less pleasing to the eye. On the other hand, a cat with any disabilities can become the most beloved!

color white solid

color white solid

color white solid


White color has always been a symbol of purity and innocence, causing special awe, so a white graceful cat cannot leave anyone indifferent. Snow-white blue-eyed Maine Coons are a rare phenomenon in nature. They have their own characteristics of care and maintenance, but in general they are similar to all other representatives of this breed.

The homeland of Maine Coons is distant Northeast America, more precisely, the Isle of Man, with a rather harsh climate. Only hardy and strong animals could survive in unfavorable conditions here, among which were these wonderful cats. Nature has endowed them with everything they need to withstand bad weather.

The animal has strong, long and wide paws, so as not to fall into snowdrifts, and a powerful, elongated body. A luxurious soft and warm undercoat saves them from piercing winds and severe frosts. The cat covers itself with its large fluffy tail like a blanket.

The weight of an adult animal can reach more than 10 kg, and the body length of Maine Coons is simply amazing. The longest cat in the world is a representative of this breed, reaching 132 cm from the tip of its nose to the tailbone. The animal's neck is short and massive, with a fluffy collar. Maine Coon wool is waterproof. Cats are excellent swimmers and are not afraid of water.

Origin story

The northwestern United States is considered the birthplace of this breed. It was there, in Maine, that these incredible creatures first saw the light of day. In confirmation of this origin, the breed even received the name Maine Coon. Despite the logic of this fact, many build their own theories about creating pets.

Some consider the unusual creatures to be a combination of the genes of cats and raccoons. This theory is supported by the Maine Coon's tail color. Others replace raccoon with lynx in this DNA cocktail. The reason for this hypothesis is the tassels on the ears of these cats.

Most experts are still inclined to believe that animals appeared as a result of evolution.

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