When should you induce vomiting in a cat and how to do it at home?

A purulent formation on the gum is popularly called gumboil. Very often it is not taken seriously, but it is not just a small swelling that will go away on its own. Flux is an ontogenic periostitis, a complex infectious disease that affects the periosteum and jaw bone. Periostitis occurs quite often, but without adequate treatment it is fraught with serious complications, including blood poisoning.

It is almost impossible to cure gumboil without the help of a dentist. The treatment program includes therapeutic, physiotherapeutic, and surgical methods.

Have you noticed purulent formations on your gums and swelling of your cheeks? Do you have acute pain in your tooth or gum? Come for a consultation with a dentist at our clinic. Timely treatment of flux allows you to get rid of the problem within about 7 days.

Why does flux form?

Dental diseases are always the precursor to gumboil. Most often lead to suppuration:

  • Untreated caries. If caries is not treated, the inflammatory process begins to spread to other tissues. Pulpitis and periodontitis gradually develop.
  • Mechanical injury. Injury can lead to more than just crown destruction. Very often, an inflammatory process develops in injured tooth or gum tissues. Without treatment, purulent processes develop and gumboil forms.
  • Periodontitis. In more than half of the cases, gumboil develops precisely against the background of periodontitis, as its complication. This is due to the fact that purulent processes from periodontal pockets can spread to the neck of the tooth.
  • Poorly sealed canals. Before filling, the canals must be completely cleaned and the filling material must completely fill the cavity. If at least one of the conditions is violated, the infection from the canal spreads to other tissues.

How to make a cat vomit at home

According to statistics, poisoning in pets is the most common cause of death in cats and dogs. And this is not surprising, because our pets often do not think about the fact that some substances in the house can be dangerous. They easily try unattended medications, cockroach poison, and detergents. And then, to save the cat, you need to act instantly. To flush out the remaining toxin from the animal's stomach, it is necessary to rinse and induce vomiting.

When do you need dental help?

Flux has pronounced symptoms. The main one is the appearance of an abscess on the gum next to the diseased tooth. The abscess develops gradually. At first, the gums swell a little and a small red or whitish bump is noticeable on it. After some time, a noticeable fistulous tract forms on the lump, from which pus flows. The development of periostitis is accompanied by other symptoms:

  • Swelling and swelling of the gums, lips, cheeks. Sometimes they can be so large that facial features are distorted.
  • Severe cutting pain in the tooth area. Innervates the temporal region, orbits.
  • The diseased tooth begins to become very loose, even if there was no mobility before or it was insignificant.

Since flux is caused by infection, it is characterized by symptoms that appear during any infectious process. The patient feels unwell, his temperature rises, his head hurts, and weakness appears. Lymph nodes on the head and neck become enlarged.

Any of these symptoms is a reason to consult a doctor. The more advanced the case, the higher the risk of complications. This disease is often accompanied by other pathological processes. For example, a cyst may form in tissues affected by infection.

Causes of vomiting

The causes of gagging without vomiting in a cat can be divided into 2 groups. The first includes factors affecting the vomiting center of the brain, and the second - irritating receptors of the mucous membrane of the digestive organs.

Also, the urge to vomit can be provoked by transporting the animal (in such cases, the functioning of the inner ear apparatus, which is responsible for balance, occurs).

Power supply errors

The most common cause of nausea, gagging and vomiting in cats is poor quality or too much food. Feeding fatty, salty and fried foods leads to inflammatory and degenerative processes in the liver and pancreas.

Important! Canned fish and meat, which are intended for people, are poisonous for cats, as they contain large amounts of salt, fats and synthetic additives in the form of preservatives, dyes and flavor enhancers.

Despite the pickiness in nutrition, low-quality food can enter the cat’s body in the form of expired food. In dry industrial feeds, when there is excess moisture, pathogenic microscopic fungi quickly begin to multiply. They can cause severe poisoning and the development of gastrointestinal pathologies, which are manifested by a gag reflex without vomiting in cats.

Owners often make a serious mistake by overfeeding their pets. It is especially dangerous when excessive feeding alternates with periods of fasting. This happens if the cat is fed once a day or if a large amount of food is placed in the bowl and the remains are not removed immediately after feeding.

It is especially dangerous if a large amount of granulated ready-made food gets into the stomach, which swells and increases significantly in size. While in adult cats this can cause vomiting or diarrhea, in a kitten this leads to severe bloating and impaired intestinal motility, when the baby does not vomit, even when gagging.

A vomiting reaction without vomiting can occur if a pet chokes on small bones of fish or poultry.

Important! Feeding cats raw river fish more than 2 times a week leads to urolithiasis, one of the symptoms of which is vomiting.


A gagging reaction, when the cat gags as if about to vomit, may indicate the presence of cat helminths.

A cat can become infected with intestinal parasites:

  • through raw meat or fish;
  • if he accidentally ingests fleas and lice;
  • through microscopic helminth eggs that are found on the excrement of infected animals, human shoes and clothing, plants and other environmental objects;
  • in utero.

The toxins that helminths secrete during their life activities affect the vomiting center in the brain and cause vomiting. It may also be a consequence of the penetration of parasite larvae into the lungs during their migration during the development cycle in the cat’s body.

By irritating the receptors of the alveoli, they cause a cough, which is often accompanied by vomiting.


During shedding, cats lick themselves and the hairs remain on their rough tongue. Animals spit out some of them, but some enter the stomach and form trichobezoars, which are solid, insoluble oval or spherical seals.

Important! Of particular concern are trichobezoars, which form in the small intestine of cats. They cause complete blockage and can be fatal without surgical intervention.

To get rid of hair in their stomach, cats eat grass with hairs wrapped around it and then regurgitate it. Also, with the help of vomiting, pets get rid of small hairballs. However, if your cat appears to be gagging but does not vomit, this may indicate the presence of large trichobezoars, which require medical intervention to remove.

Foreign body

They usually get rid of small foreign bodies that cats accidentally swallow by vomiting. Danger comes from plastic bags, ropes or threads, artificial casings of sausages, and sharp objects.

They can cause intestinal blockage, disrupt the integrity of the walls of the digestive organs, and cause suffocation if they get stuck in the esophagus.

If the owner sees that the cat has a vomiting reaction, but at the same time it seems to be choking and suffocating, you should immediately contact a veterinarian. The same should be done if the urge to vomit is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • loud screams or plaintive meows;
  • unnatural posture;
  • aggression to touch.

Expert opinion

Chepa Natalya Semenovna


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One of the most dangerous for cats is a linear foreign body. These can be threads (sometimes with a needle), ropes, stockings, laces, New Year's rain, etc. In some cases, these objects can curl around the tongue and be quite difficult to detect. A linear foreign body gets stuck in the digestive tract, while the intestines, due to peristalsis, try to move the thread or lace further. This is a very painful and dangerous condition and it is necessary to take your pet to the clinic as quickly as possible. You should not give a laxative yourself, because... it can increase intestinal motility and cause even greater discomfort, but not remove the foreign body from the gastrointestinal tract. You should not add petroleum jelly either, because... this may make visual diagnosis difficult when a foreign body is suspected.


A vomiting reaction, as if the cat is choking, often indicates poisoning. It can be triggered by the following factors:

  • household chemicals;
  • medicines;
  • rat poison, fertilizers, solvents and other toxic drugs;
  • some plants.

Important! Poisoning can result from chewing AA batteries and building materials. Nausea and vomiting in cats are also caused by the odors of paints, varnishes, primers and other products that are used during repairs.

It is forbidden to induce vomiting on your own without knowing the cause of the poisoning. Before the doctor arrives, it is necessary to provide the cat with rest and monitor the appearance of the following accompanying symptoms:

  • pallor or cyanosis of mucous membranes;
  • a sharp decrease or increase in temperature;
  • diarrhea;
  • convulsions;
  • tremor;
  • the appearance of blood in urine, feces or vomit;
  • change in the odor of exhaled air.

Vomiting as a cat's reaction to stress

Sometimes vomiting appears as a reaction to stress, which can be triggered by the following factors:

  • moving;
  • visiting public events and veterinary clinics;
  • the appearance of another pet or strangers in the house;
  • loud noise;
  • flash of bright light;
  • a sudden change in diet or living conditions.

Important! Cats react very hard to family quarrels. They may experience vomiting, diarrhea, anorexia, and apathy. It is especially difficult for pets to experience the long absence or death of their owner.

Vomiting in cats with toxicosis

Don't worry if your cat sometimes vomits in the morning during pregnancy. This is explained by the pressure of growing fruits on the diaphragm and digestive organs. Toxicosis can also cause vomiting.

Periodic vomiting in early pregnancy is considered normal. But if toxicosis occurs a few days before birth, then this indicates a serious disruption of the kidneys, liver and placental system.

The female may also experience convulsions, difficulty urinating, and a sharp decrease in temperature. If late toxicosis occurs, the cat must be immediately taken to the clinic for a cesarean section.

Flux treatment methods

Treatment should be started as early as possible. If an abscess on the gum opens spontaneously, there is a risk of infection entering the bloodstream. With such an infection, blood poisoning develops, and such a complication can lead to serious consequences, including the death of the patient.

Flux treatment is always complex. The treatment program depends on the degree of tooth decay and the spread of infection.

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In what form should the tablet be given?

In their “love” for this method of treatment, the little brothers are very similar to small children. It is impossible to explain to them that a tasteless capsule is good for health. But, unfortunately, even simple prevention against worms will not do without them.

Before giving your furry pet anything from the pharmacy, you should understand how the drug works.

Read the instructions for use carefully, pay attention to the dosage, how many times a day you need to take it, and also at what time (before or after meals). If after reading you still have questions, you need to ask your veterinarian, or at least find answers on the Internet

There are medicines coated with a special coating. Their goal is to act only some time after entering the body. Such preparations should never be crushed, crushed or separated, otherwise they will lose their properties. Also, if you don't feel confident enough, call someone to help you, and bring a couple of towels just in case.

Often, owners are afraid that the process of taking medications will turn into a complete nightmare. Therefore, professional veterinarians often recommend one of four simple methods.

Trick #1

Ask your doctor if you can mix the medications he or she prescribes with food. There are a number of drugs that lose all or part of their properties if mixed with anything. But if your medicine is not on this list, take a small piece of raw minced meat, meat or any other food that your cat likes. Grind the pill into powder and add to food. This method is very simple. The pet will receive both treatment and a favorite treat as a reward

The only thing worth paying attention to is the serving size of the food. The piece should be of such a size that the cat does not notice the unpleasant taste, but can eat it all in one go.

Trick #2

There is another simple way to give the tablet to a kitten or adult animal. Grind it and then mix with a drop of sour cream. Apply this mixture to your baby's nose. He will feel the sour cream on his nose and lick it off along with the drug. You can use any creamy treat, and if the powder is bitter, then it is acceptable to use something sweet: yogurt or buttercream. Remember that the sweet option is not suitable if you are treating a cat

Trick #3

If you cannot mix medications with food, and the animal refuses to swallow the capsules whole, there is another simple solution. First you need to crush the tablet, then mix it with a small amount of water. Now draw in the resulting liquid using a syringe. The main thing is not to use too much water so that your pet does not choke.

2-3 ml is enough for the powder to completely dissolve in it. Now you need to pour this mixture into the animal. Take your pet on your lap and open its mouth slightly with your thumb and index finger. With your right hand, take the syringe and gradually inject its contents into your open mouth.

Do not pour it all out at once, otherwise the liquid will simply leak out. Once the syringe is empty, allow the cat to close his mouth and lift his head slightly so that he swallows the liquid. Do not use this method if you are not sure that the drug can be mixed with water.

Trick #4

There are cases when it is strictly forbidden to mix the product with water or food. Or, for example, the doctor prescribed not pills, but capsules that cannot be opened. Then another time-tested method comes to the rescue.

Place the cat on a high place: this could be a table, sofa or other furniture. Then secure the animal with your left hand so that it does not run away, and use the fingers of the same hand to open its mouth. If possible, quickly place the drug on the root of the tongue as deeply as possible and allow the animal to close its mouth.

Now lift your chin slightly and massage your throat from top to bottom to provoke the swallowing reflex. Ready! Watch the patient a little: some particularly resourceful ones may spit the pill back out, and then you will have to repeat the procedure.

These methods are quite effective. Of course, there is an option to purchase a special device at a veterinary pharmacy - an introducer, or a tablet dispenser in the Russian style. But most tablets can be given using the first three methods, causing little or no discomfort to the cat.

Opening an abscess on the gum

The abscess is always opened. This reduces the risk of spontaneous opening, which can cause complications. The flux is opened under local anesthesia. If the patient has panic or other indications, the doctor may choose a different method of anesthesia.

A small incision is made on the anesthetized gum in the area of ​​the gumboil, no more than 2 cm in length. After the dissection, the doctor completely cleans and sterilizes the purulent cavity and treats it with antiseptics. A crust should not be allowed to form in the area of ​​the incision, as it will interfere with the outflow of ichor and purulent contents. To do this, a drainage is inserted into the incision. After the cavity is cleared of pus, you can begin general treatment, the purpose of which is to eliminate the causes that caused periostitis.

Is it possible to add veterinary drugs to food?

Often, owners whose pets have been prescribed medication in tablet form resort to a simple trick - mixing the medication with food. Should this be done and is it possible to give the tablets to cats along with their food?

It must be remembered that not all drugs are recommended to be crushed before use. Often the capsule must be swallowed whole; it must be absorbed in the animal’s stomach. To avoid making a mistake that could result in a lack of results, it is better to first consult a veterinarian and carefully study the instructions for the medicine.

If there are no prohibitions and it is allowed to pre-grind the drug, there will be no difficulties with taking the medicine. It is enough to put the cat food in a bowl, sprinkle with the powder prepared from the tablet and mix the mixture evenly. With the permission of the veterinarian, you can dissolve the medicine in liquid - water, kefir, sour cream. It is not recommended to use milk - in combination with the drug, it can cause diarrhea in a pet.

An excellent way to treat a cat is to spread a product diluted in sour cream or meat sauce on the nose. Armed with a small spoon, apply a small amount of treat to the very tip of the nose - the animal will certainly lick it off with its tongue. Continue the procedure until your pet eats all the treats. This method has only one drawback - the pet does not always take all the medicine, so a portion of the medicine that is less than the recommended dosage will be ingested.

General treatment

Methods depend on the reasons that caused the flux. The only exception is periostitis, which develops against the background of periodontitis. In this case, immediately after opening the abscess, the doctor begins periodontal treatment. No medical manipulations with the tooth are required. In other cases of dental disease you need to treat:

  • Pulpitis. First, the dentist drills out carious cavities and performs pulp removal. After this, endodontic canal treatment is performed.
  • Periodontitis. Treatment depends on whether depulpation and canal filling have been previously performed. If periodontitis has developed for the first time, the doctor will remove the pulp, clean and fill the canals. If filling of the canals has already been performed previously, they need to be unfilled and treated again. Since it is very important that the pus comes out of the flux completely, when treating complicated pulpitis and periodontitis, a temporary filling is not placed.
  • Tooth after restoration. At the first stage, the doctor is faced with the task of completely removing inflammation. After this, the damaged tissue of the root apex is removed. If the condition of the root allows, the tooth is restored again using a core tab or pin and an artificial crown. When the damage is very severe, it is more advisable to remove the tooth.

What to do after vomiting

Artificially induced gastric emptying is the first aid for your pet, which means further treatment will be required. It is necessary to call the veterinary clinic and find out which adsorbent agent to give to the animal. Then bring it to a specialist.

Vomiting is not only an indicator of poisoning. It is often caused by a number of serious pathologies, including infectious ones.

To provide assistance, the veterinarian will need accurate information about what substances the cat or kitten was poisoned with, and the owner will also need to describe in detail the symptoms and condition of the pet.

For complete recovery, it is important to complete the treatment, following all the doctor’s recommendations. In the future, you should protect your cat from such troubles by limiting access to toxic substances.


Physiotherapeutic methods are used as additional ones. They allow you to quickly cope with the infection and stop the inflammatory process. The following methods can achieve good results:

  • Fluctuarization. The inflamed tissues are exposed to low voltage current.
  • Electrophoresis with lidase. Electrical current is applied to the tissue, allowing the drug to be effectively distributed.
  • Ultrahigh frequency therapy. The method is based on the influence of an electromagnetic field.
  • Ultrasound therapy. The effect of ultrasound on infected tissues accelerates their regeneration.
  • Laser therapy. Damaged tooth tissue is treated with a laser beam.


They are used as an additional treatment in order to completely remove pus and ichor from an opened abscess and prevent the infection from spreading to healthy areas. Soda-salt baths and rinsing with antiseptic solutions help make treatment more effective and speed up gum healing. When rinsing, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • During the day, do 4-5 gentle rinses or baths. To do this, just take the solution into your mouth and hold it for about 30 seconds.
  • During the day, do 4-5 gentle rinses or baths. To do this, just take the solution into your mouth and hold it for about 30 seconds.

When trying to make a cat vomit is pointless or prohibited

There is no need to induce vomiting if:

  • there is already vomiting (it can get worse and there is a risk of inhaling drugs);
  • Substances containing acidic bases or alkalis got inside - bleaches, any household cleaning chemicals, liquids for clearing blockages, petroleum distillate. All of the above products cause burns to the mucous membranes. When vomiting, the cat will receive additional chemical trauma to the mucous membranes;
  • the animal is in convulsions/convulsions;
  • foreign objects with sharp, piercing edges (needles, small splintered bones, paper clips, glass) have entered the esophagus or stomach cavity - there is a risk of additional injury to the insides when attempting to evacuate them naturally;
  • contact or inhalation poisoning - if the cat has inhaled toxic fumes or by absorbing toxic substances through the skin, or by licking their remains from the skin. There is no point in vomiting;
  • The cat is pregnant - no attempts at self-help, only to the veterinary clinic!
  • there are no signs of consciousness, breathing is depressed, swallowing movements are difficult;
  • if more than 1-2 hours have passed since the poisoning, the bulk of the poison has already been absorbed into the blood, vomiting is pointless.
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