What to make a toy for your beloved cat from: 10 cool ideas

Cats have long become full-fledged human companions, along with dogs and other pets. These cute fluffy creatures are able to lift our spirits in moments of sadness, charge us with positivity and even absorb negative energy. Well, we, in turn, buy them the best food, provide them with cozy places to sleep, and play with them. All cats have different personalities, but they all love to play with everything that moves, especially when they are small. To protect furniture and home furnishings, a kitten needs its own toys. There is a very diverse selection of them in stores and markets, but sometimes you have to pay quite a high price for them, and the kitten may end up ignoring the fun altogether or instantly breaking it. In this article we will tell you how to save money and spend time productively by making a toy for your cat with your own hands.

From a toilet paper roll

Glue toilet paper rolls onto a thick piece of cardboard. Fasten them in different ways: vertically and horizontally. Cut them so that they are of different sizes, make holes in them. Place some small objects inside that can attract the cat's attention - for example, paper balls. He will probably try to get them with his paw.

And another option for using the base of a toilet paper roll. Make several holes in the sleeve at different heights. Insert cocktail tubes, bright ribbons, and knotted laces into them. The cat will play with this toy for a long time.

It couldn't be simpler

The easiest option is to make a cat toy out of paper.

To do this, we only need a piece of plain paper and a strong thread. Step one: crumple up the paper, making a small ball out of it. Step two: wrap the paper ball with strong thread, leaving a small tail. Step three: demonstrate the impromptu catch to the cat by shaking the string.

Such a toy, of course, will not last long, but it is an excellent option when you need to quickly keep your kitten busy with something, spending a minimum of money and effort.

You can not only make balls from paper, but also cut out various figures, or simply connect several paper strips of different colors together.

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From a cardboard box

Cats of all ages love boxes. They climb into them and can rustle something for hours, and when they get tired, they fall asleep there. Therefore, take any box, turn it upside down, cut one or more holes in the side and your pet will definitely look inside.

A two-story house will be made from two boxes placed on top of each other. Make them with through doors and fasten them together. If you put items inside that can attract the attention of a curious pet, it will be even more interesting for him.

Treasure Box

This option is also quite simple to make, but most cats really like it. This interactive toy out of the box will give your furry a lot of joy:

In order to make such a game, you need to take a medium-sized box or a lid from it. It is advisable that the depth of the box does not exceed the length of the pet’s paws. The material of the box can be anything - cardboard, wood, plastic, the shape also depends solely on your imagination.

To begin, we turn the box upside down and cut small holes in the upper plane, the same or different in shape - the main thing is that the cat’s paw can easily fit through there. It is better to sand the edges of the holes so that the pet does not get hurt on the uneven surfaces.

Next, we put various interesting toys under the box - balls, mice, rattles. The main condition is that they cannot be pulled out through the holes. We fix the box by gluing it to a stable base.

That's all, rest assured that your furry will spend more than one hour trying to fish out the loot from the “treasure chest”!

Made from PVC pipes

If there are no remnants of PVC pipes on the farm, you can purchase 4 sewer pipe outlets at any hardware store and connect them.

Cut holes in the pipes slightly larger than the cat's paw (don't forget to sand the holes so that their edges are smooth). Place balls or a plastic Kinder Surprise egg inside. The cat will chase them around the entire perimeter of the pipes and try to get them.

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Fishing rod with bait

With such a toy, you practically won’t have to wave your arms, since the “game” on the elastic band will jump back on its own after the kitten catches it.

For production we will need:

  • feathers;
  • a small plastic box for shoe covers (you can use a Kinder Surprise box);
  • thin hat elastic;
  • three sushi chopsticks;
  • twine or thick twine;
  • miniature bell or bell;
  • a little braid;
  • super glue “Moment” or glue gun;
  • golden acrylic outline;
  • drill with 3 and 7 mm drills.

Open the box, drill holes: a little smaller in the lid, a little larger in the bottom.

Then we take small feathers of different sizes and connect them together using strong threads, securing them with several knots. Feathers can be purchased at handicraft stores or asked from friends who raise poultry.

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We insert a bunch of feathers into the hole in the bottom and fill it with glue from the inside, wait for it to dry.

Then we thread one end of a piece of hat elastic into the cap and secure it with a knot. The length of the elastic band should be about 30 centimeters. Next to the lid we string a small bell on an elastic band.

We firmly glue the parts of the box together and let the glue dry completely.

After this, we measure our box and cut out a small rectangle of fur according to size. We wrap the fur around the box, fix it with glue, and make small oblique cuts at the ends so that it is convenient to stick the fur onto the rounded parts.

We cover the bottom of the box with tape. To give the toy a more aesthetic appearance, you can paint the elastic band and the bell, and also decorate the braid with a golden outline.

Place the sushi sticks as shown in the photo and fix the structure with glue:

Next, glue the tip of the twine at the junction of the sticks and glue it on one side of the fishing rod. The other end can be painted with acrylic paints or left as is.

Completion of work - glue the free end of the hat elastic to the fishing rod and wrap the joint with twine, fixing it with glue.

The fun is ready!

How to choose?

When choosing a product, you should focus on the size of your pet and the materials from which it is made.
To choose a maze that your animal will like, you need to take into account the pet’s character and its needs. It is also important to take into account the size of the cat, then he will be as comfortable as possible, he will not have to bend down or get lost in space. Caring owners pay attention to the quality of the product. Paint and artificial materials can be toxic to your cat and cause health problems. The appearance of the labyrinth should not be the main criterion in choosing.

Using physiology

Like any night hunter, the cat uses smell and hearing in addition to sight. It’s the pet’s good hearing that should be used to create toys. For this, rustling objects are suitable: bags, newspapers, wrapping paper, foil. Or hollow objects with small filling: a plastic bottle with coins, a Kinder surprise egg. A little ingenuity and as a result: the whole apartment is a playground for cats with your own hands.

  1. It would seem, what is special about an ordinary crumpled sheet of paper? But most cats actively react to a thrown rustling lump, ignoring expensive mice.
  2. Many have observed cats checking empty bags. A particularly active process is observed if the package smells of something meaty. But this is a one-time fun.
  3. Paper bows on a string are probably the oldest toy for cats. You can tie the bow to a small height or move it, forcing the cat to chase prey.
  4. It is interesting to watch how the cat moves along the spread newspaper: it slides, tries to pick up the edge with its paw, and hides behind the spread.
  5. An empty plastic object will attract your pet's attention just by the sound of movement on the floor. And if you add small items inside, the hunter’s joy knows no bounds. You can fill the Kinder Surprise with small balls or parts of toys. We pour a little change into a plastic bottle and the cat has provided itself with loud pleasure.
  6. If space allows, a DIY cat climbing frame will help protect sofas and armchairs from cat claws. There are many options for climbing frames: a one and a half meter piece of timber 100 by 100 mm, mounted on plywood or chipboard measuring 40 by 40 cm; a piece of rope suspended from the top jamb of a doorway. A little effort and the result was a do-it-yourself toy for the cat.

Dangerous toys for cats

  1. It is strictly not recommended to put chocolate and grapes in toys. Chocolate is harmful to animals; grapes are easy to choke on.
  2. You should not make toys with elements such as buttons, beads and other small parts. A cat may swallow and choke on the fittings.
  3. It is better to use white paper for toys. Newspapers containing ink may be toxic.
  4. Toys on a string can be extremely dangerous for a kitten. If a child becomes entangled in a rope, he or she may suffocate in this structure.
  5. Toys with springs are also unsafe. The pet often tears off the toy, and the exposed spring with its sharp ends seriously injures the animal.
  6. Boxes, beloved by cats, are also fraught with danger. If the hole in the box is small, there is a chance that the pet will get stuck in it.

Before giving a new toy to an animal, you should make sure it is reliable and durable. The best way is to test the product in a co-op game.

My cat is absolutely indifferent to store-bought toys, and she’s not particularly interested in homemade ones. The best toys for her are plastic bottle caps, ear sticks, cocktail straws and other rubbish that the cat constantly fishes out from somewhere. But Tsili's favorites among toys are rubber products. Our miracle dearly loves silicone hair ties, which we hide from her, although with varying degrees of success. Balloons are a taboo in our house, because Tsilya not only punctures them, but also eats them with great appetite. The anti-scratch guards that we used at one time were completely chewed off. They even made Tsilya sick more than once, which is why we refused to use this accessory. The veterinarian told us that sometimes they extract incredible objects from the stomachs of cats, so you need to carefully monitor what your pets play with. We are trying to find toys for Tsile that will interest the animal and certainly will not harm him.

Various fun

And how many fun things you can come up with with a mirror. How to make a toy for a kitten using this household item? Little kittens are very curious. After all, I wonder where the cat goes from the mirror, they love to play with their image. Let's put a mirror in front of the kitten, and he will be busy with an interesting activity. At any age, cats love to chase sunbeams.

On a bright sunny day, playing with a small mirror can bring pleasure not only to your pet, but also to yourself. Instead of a mirror, you can use a laser pointer. We direct the beam to the floor and the laser toy for cats is ready.

Caution should be exercised as a cat's eyes are very sensitive and the laser in the pointer is powerful and can damage the retina.

You can and should use small objects that can roll on the floor: pencils, wine corks, small balls, ping-pong balls. Familiar and everyday objects can greatly interest a cat and give it a lot of pleasure from a quick and successful hunt. True, you need to be prepared to look for all this around the house.

Don’t forget about the “classic of the genre”, the ball of thread. Any cat will quickly roll away the balls of an unwary owner. You can take advantage of this and make a wonderful toy. Wind up the unnecessary threads, fasten the ball, piercing it several times with a needle and thread on each side. Leave 30 centimeters of thread so that you can hang the ball.

Cat and mouse is a favorite game of cats, and sometimes owners play it with pleasure. It’s not difficult to figure out how to make a mouse-shaped toy for a cat. A mouse does not have to be gray, long-eared and with a tail. Take 2 pieces of fabric measuring 10x10 and sew them together, leaving one side unstitched. We turn the stitched workpiece inside out and stuff it with scraps of fabric, yarn, and pieces of foam rubber. You can add dried mint.

Sew up the remaining side, attaching a thread of the required length. Pieces of fur, flannel or drape are suitable for the toy. The thin fabric will quickly tear from the claws of the hunter. A similar toy can be made by wrapping a skein of yarn in foil or wrapping a layer of thread around a small plastic object.

You can temporarily occupy your cat with a working TV or computer. Moving images on the screen, even if not a mouse, are interesting for a cat. The pet reacts to movements on the screen in the same way as in reality; if a mouse runs across the screen, this is prey for cats.

Adults can sometimes be very lazy, and it’s not appropriate to run around rooms with a ball, entertaining a cat. Laziness can push the creative process in the right direction. Let's make a fishing rod. A one and a half meter straight branch or a plastic rod of similar length will do. You can use a knee from an old fishing rod. We attach a mouse, a ball or a bow to the rod with a thread and you can play with the cat without looking up from the TV.

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