House for a cat: how and from what it can be made (43 photos)

Types of houses for cats

Having a home for cats is considered an important condition for their comfortable living in an apartment. This is their corner where they can retire, sleep peacefully or play. For this reason, it is worth considering the design in advance and choosing the appropriate dimensions and shape. If you wish, you can even create houses for cats with your own hands.

For mustachioed friends, there are different homes - from beds with sides to large play areas. Their use is also different - for relaxation or for games. Depending on the size of your house or apartment, you can choose any model. For pets, a cardboard or wooden house would be an ideal option: it is considered safe and environmentally friendly and will not have a negative impact on the pet’s health.

Loungers and hammocks

A hammock or bed will become a cat’s favorite corner: the pet can sleep in it with maximum comfort. The design follows the shape of the animal's body - this allows you to sit comfortably on the lounger.

A DIY cat bed can be made from the following materials:

  • felt fabric;
  • Velcro;
  • strong threads;
  • tape that will be used for sheathing.

A small hammock will be fixed on a chair - for this reason, the size of the material should be selected in accordance with the width between the legs of the furniture. It is not recommended to use smooth tapes for production, because they quickly deteriorate.

The process is carried out step by step:

  1. We strengthen the base of the hammock by sewing tape along the edges.
  2. It is possible not to use Velcro to fix the suspended structure: you can use tape and make loops out of it.
  3. At the end, the finished house should be secured on a chair.

To make your homemade bed comfortable and soft, you can fill it with foam rubber. It is worth considering the compatibility of materials: the product must be harmoniously combined with the interior of the room.

Plywood booths

If you want to make a tall house in which your cat will be protected, then you should pay attention to plywood options. They are made simply, and the end result is a spacious and comfortable home for a beloved friend who can relax in it. If necessary, it can be taken outside or installed on a balcony or window sill.

To begin, you should prepare:

  • sheets of plywood material (willow or oak are suitable);
  • profile with an angular shape;
  • screws;
  • carpet

Step-by-step instructions for making a cat cottage:

  1. We fasten the main parts of the cat’s future home using a profile. We drill holes.
  2. We cover all sides of the finished product with carpet on the outside. But for the inside you can use foam rubber.
  3. If the walls are placed in a continuous row, then you need to make a hole for the entrance.

Manufacturing options for various models can be found on the Internet.

Step-by-step algorithm for assembling a plywood house

To make a reliable house for your beloved cat, you must strictly follow the instructions. Any deviations from it can lead to negative consequences. Let's look at the entire process of assembling a cat house step by step. The first thing you need to do is cut out the parts from plywood that will form the basis of the future structure. In general, you will need 6 square parts with dimensions of 40 by 40 cm. Houses with a cubic shape are the most acceptable option.

Next, you will need to make round holes in two plywood squares. This is necessary so that the cat can freely enter the booth. The edges of the holes are processed using sandpaper. At the next stage, the square parts are connected to each other. The work is carried out in such a way that the resulting structure has a base and side walls. Metal angles and screws are used to connect the parts.

The next stage is covering the internal surfaces of the house. To do this, foam rubber is placed at the bottom of the structure, after which the material is fixed using a stapler. Carpet is laid on top of the foam rubber, which is also secured using a stapler. The side walls are sheathed using a similar technology.

Important! All work is carried out according to the drawing. Before starting assembly, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with photographs of finished structures, as well as study a video that describes in detail all the nuances of the work.

The next step involves covering the structure with the top piece. It is also fixed using metal corners and screws. At the very end, the outer cladding of the plywood structure is performed. When organizing it, as a rule, they are guided by the design of the room in which the booth will be located. The most suitable materials for this work are: paint, wallpaper, carpet.

Interesting: Using pallets in the country

Built into furniture

If your cat does not like noise and increased attention, then his house should be protected. A dwelling disguised as an interior will fully meet this goal. It will please both the pet and the owner.

A good option would be to arrange a house in the bottom drawer of a closet or chest of drawers. It is freed up for the pet, bedding and several of the cat's favorite toys are placed in it. A hole is made on the front surface for the door.

If you wish, you can make a cozy corner for the animal in a flower stand, in a coffee table or in an armchair with a drawer for linen. It is important that your pet can get in and out freely. A soft pouf is also perfect for creating a house.

Cardboard house

A DIY cat house made from a cardboard box will be a practical option that is suitable for your pet. This material is easy to work with: it can be cut, glued, and covered. The main thing is to choose a good and spacious box.

The process of making a box home is quite simple:

  1. To begin, take the box and cut out a round hole in one part in the center that will serve as the entrance. A regular plate with a round shape is suitable as a template.
  2. The upper part will serve as a roof. We cut off the cardboard above the entrance and the parallel part to it.
  3. We connect the sides of the box - we get natural ventilation.
  4. Next, we cover the home with fabric and decorate it.

You can place a soft pillow and several pet toys inside.

Game complexes

Keeping cats gives owners a lot of trouble and problems. They play, run, sharpen their claws, thereby causing damage to furniture and interior items. To eliminate these troubles, you can build a large two-story play complex in which your pet can play.

To manufacture the complex you will need:

  • boards and plywood for the frame part. If these materials are not available, then you can use drywall;
  • tubes made of metal or durable plastic;
  • multi-layer upholstery material, foam rubber;
  • cords, ropes, rope;
  • screws;
  • You can use a construction stapler for fastening;
  • liquid Nails.

To make an exclusive gaming complex, it is worth preparing additional materials:

  • wooden houses with an entrance;
  • hanging hammocks with several fastenings;
  • observation decks;
  • play tunnels;
  • stair elements;
  • ottomans;
  • suspended balls;
  • scratching posts;
  • columns that connect the entire structure.

After preparing the materials, you can begin building the main structure. It is performed in stages:

  1. The main structure for the cat is built in the form of platforms and shelves. Using a jigsaw, two sheets are cut out of plywood, which will be the top and bottom. The bottom part should be larger than the top.
  2. Three holes are made in the blanks. The size of their diameters must correspond to the diameter of metal or plastic tubes. They will serve as supports.
  3. A sun lounger can be installed on the top of the structure.
  4. Next, all materials are upholstered with fabric.
  5. Then a post is installed that will serve as a scratching post and a surface for moving the cat around the play complex. To do this, take a tube and cover it with a rope cord. The last edge of the rope can be fixed with liquid nails.

At the end there are additional materials that will be used for the pet's games.

Houses with scratching post

Every cat needs to sharpen its claws. If your pet is indoors and it is not possible for him to go outside regularly, then he will have to do this at home. Without the claw grinding procedure, the owner will have to trim them.

And if there is no scratching post in the house, the pet will begin to sharpen its claws on the furniture.

Therefore, it is better to make a house for a cat with a scratching post, which will fully perform its intended function.

Don't forget about the scratching post


First decide on the construction site. Then you need to measure the allotted “angle” in height and width. Now prepare the materials most convenient for sharpening the animal’s claws. This:

  • carpet;
  • tapestry;
  • jute rope;
  • fur;
  • tree.

A good option with a scratching post

Carpet is a fairly durable and soft material. The cat will sit comfortably on it and also comfortably sharpen its claws on it.

In addition, you will need:

  • plywood sheets;
  • wooden beams;
  • plastic pipes as support pillars;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • corners;
  • screwdriver;
  • jigsaw

Choose a variety not only according to taste, but also according to convenience.

But these tools may not be found in the house. Therefore, it is worth taking care of their availability in advance.

What and where to buy?

To build a hut with a scratching post for an animal, buy a whole sheet of plywood at once - 1.5 by 1.5 cm. Then cut it into pieces: 0.50 by 0.75 cm.

For the support (post), you can use a regular beam, which will need to be divided into several parts. Choose timber up to 2.5 m long.

Sketch first before making

It is advisable to choose plywood sheets with a thickness of at least 10 mm. Since the cat will often jump on them in the future. And this material must be strong.

Advice Do not buy the most expensive carpet. Give preference to the cheap option. You can also ask the seller to sell you scraps of this material.

Jute rope can be found in every hardware store or market. The difficulty is that it is sold in bulk . You'll have to buy a whole skein or look for a store that sells rope by the meter. But the price of a cut product is much higher. Take a rope at least 1 cm thick.

Budget and convenient

Safety fastening elements are purchased for the building: corners and triangles for better fixation of structures.

Manufacturing process

When the design of the hut is completed and all materials are at hand, you can begin to work. The basic frame can be one-, two-, or even three-tiered. The number of platforms also depends on the number of cats in the house. So, if two pets live in an apartment, then each of them should have its own seat.

When a scratching post is replaced by a house

So let's get started:

  • A wooden beam is attached to the plywood base.
  • You can put a plastic pipe of suitable size on it (so that the pipe fits tightly to the walls of the beam and does not twist).
  • If we make several platforms, then at some distance from each other on a single base we fix 1-2 more beams.
  • Each of them has its own platform (at different heights). We fix them on top with self-tapping screws and metal corners on the sides.

Make designs easy to carry

  • The first shelf must be fixed not only to its beam, but also be connected to the second. Therefore, a hole for the second beam is prepared in advance in the plywood. He will have to go on the board. The second shelf is attached to the third in the same way.
  • Now you can begin framing the plywood surfaces with carpet. Here you can use a stapler or use regular nails and a hammer. If you decorate the house with ordinary fabric, then soon the building will need its replacement. Most likely the animal will want to sharpen its claws on the fabric too.
  • Tie all the pillars from beginning to end with rope. Try to keep their rings tightly adjacent to each other.

Now the scratching post structure for your pet is ready! Additionally, you can decorate it with colored felt, threads with buttons, sparkles, and foil.

Cat tent

A tent for a cat or dog made from an ordinary T-shirt looks interesting. This interior version of the home is simple to make; it does not require much effort or large financial investments. You can take it with you to the country or nature.

To make a tent you will need the following materials:

  • medium size T-shirt;
  • a small piece of cardboard 40x40 cm;
  • two wire hangers;
  • scotch;
  • pins;
  • pliers.

The manufacture of a tent is carried out in several stages:

  1. Using pliers, bite off part of the hanger with the hook so that the outline opens.
  2. Two hangers should be bent in the form of semicircles, they should be the same.
  3. The two pieces of cardboard are held together with tape.
  4. A through hole is made in each corner of the cardboard; you can use an awl for this. The holes should be 1.5-2 cm away from the edge.
  5. Semicircles of hangers are crossed, the central part is fastened with tape.
  6. Next, we insert the structure into the holes in the corners of the cardboard, the parts of the hangers coming out of the holes are bent with pliers and rewound with tape.
  7. We pull on the T-shirt, the collar will serve as the entrance.

At the end, all sleeves are folded to the bottom and secured with pins.

Select an option

Building a house for a cat will not be difficult; it is enough to take into account a number of factors that take into account the behavior of the animal. If you approach the problem formally, then you can make a house, but it will simply take up space and gather dust. First of all, you should observe the animal to determine where the cat likes to rest. Most cats prefer to climb to heights, hiding in a secluded place, although there are some that simply rest on the floor. In this case, a lot depends on the breed of the animal.

First you need to decide on the choice of design

Design approaches

Not all cats behave the same way, so the approach can be highly individual. It is typical for cats to have two passages into the house, which is associated with the evacuation of the offspring in case of danger, although many owners castrate or sterilize their animals in a timely manner. To build a house, you can use pipes or other similar structures. However, they do not like wide openings, as this leads to a feeling of danger. In this regard, the entrance to the house should be narrow enough so that the animal can crawl into it freely. Most cats prefer heights, and in houses on the floor they can live with their offspring. If cats do not have offspring, then they will choose a larger house located at some distance from the floor, although, as mentioned above, everything is purely individual.

Cats prefer upper floors

Cats will definitely choose a higher place with a good view, as they love to watch what is happening around them. They prefer to be on platforms and are rarely seen lying in the house. For a cat, it is important that there are many areas, and of such a size that the animal can lie on them at full length. Such areas do not need to be fenced, since cats feel comfortable at heights. If owners make fences, it’s more for their own peace of mind, but cats don’t need them.

Place for a cat

If the cat does not have offspring, then cats, no less than cats, love to be on sites and watch everything that happens from above. At the same time, one should not ignore the desire of a cat, like a male cat, to sometimes retire and relax so that no one disturbs them. At the same time, it should be noted that there are breeds that are not intrusive in their behavior and try to retire. Therefore, both cats and cats need a house.

Adding some elements

The term “cat house” should be understood as a whole complex of elements with platforms and other useful additions. As a rule, animals choose the areas they like, and appear on some of them quite rarely. It is quite difficult to determine in advance which of the areas the animal will like, which is why it is necessary to build a whole complex.

Additional, but very useful elements in the cat complex are scratching posts and climbing frames. Scratching posts are vertical surfaces wrapped in ropes made from natural ingredients, while climbing frames are horizontal and inclined surfaces designed to allow the animal to move between different levels of the complex. By the way, scratching posts are also used by animals to climb onto the upper tiers or platforms.

Hammocks and claw pads

A hammock is another element that will not interfere with a cat’s complex. It is a rectangular piece of fabric that is attached to two crossbars. You can make the frame rigid and hem fabric to it, after which the frame is attached to the base at 4 corners.

As an option, it is permissible to hang toys on strings that animals simply adore and can play with for hours.

Cats simply love pipes that are made of fabric. To make the structure rigid, wire is inserted around the perimeter into the ends of the pipe. One end of the pipe should be raised to a certain height, and the second should be left on the floor. There must be a gap at the end of the pipe, otherwise the cat will ignore such an element. Animals can spend a lot of time in pipes because they feel like hunters in ambush.

Fabric pipes

Few people know that cats really like it if you take clothing brushes and attach them to a vertical surface, somewhere at the level of the animal’s back. Cats simply love to scratch themselves on these surfaces, which are made of medium-hard artificial bristles.

At what altitude

For any cat, the higher the resting place is located, the better, since in such conditions they feel safe. Therefore, in such cases, the cat house can be located even under the ceiling itself. Regardless of how many tiers there are in this complex, the top one will be mostly occupied. If there are several cats, then the leader will be located on the top “floor,” but despite this, this “floor” will remain controversial for the animals and each of the cats will want to be the first to occupy it.

Place right under the ceiling

It is believed that the smallest height of a cat's corner is one meter. A low height appears to be safe even for small kittens, but as they age, they will still move to higher tiers when they feel that they are capable of it.

Options for walls

The best option is to place a seating area on the wall, since it can take up about 1 square meter on the floor. Considering our apartments, where every square meter counts, a place for a cat on the floor is quite problematic, but placing it on the wall is not a problem at all, just secure it properly. Several platforms can be secured and connected by transitions from boards, placing them at different angles. As an option, you can use rope ladders, which the animals will certainly enjoy. In other words, there is a huge field for imagination, but at the same time you also need to have desire.

Wall options

Such elements are also called shelves for cats, since they are quite similar to shelves for books, since their fastening is identical. Cats and cats happily exploit such feline complexes.

Original furniture for cats

In order for the cat to fully develop, play and relax in the house, it is worth thinking through everything down to the smallest detail. There is a variety of furniture and accessories for animals that can not only diversify the leisure time of mustachioed animals, but also fit into the overall interior in an original way.

Let's look at a few unusual options:

  • bookshelves. These products will perfectly complement a library or children's room;
  • table with grass. In this design, there is a glass container with soil at the bottom. You can put the seeds of your cat's favorite grass in it;
  • functional rocking chair for you and your pet. It will allow you to combine relaxation with your mustachioed friend.

You can also make a sofa with a cat tunnel. This unusual designer piece of furniture can fit perfectly into any interior style.

How to make a cat house from scrap materials

Houses for cats can be different; it is not necessary to use wood, plywood or cardboard to make them. A cat house can be made from the following means and materials:

  • made of fabric, thick felt. You should first create patterns, and in order for the product to hold, it can be strengthened;
  • housing for the animal can be organized in an old suitcase, which is lined with fabric on top;
  • If you have unnecessary plastic containers or basins at home, you can put them to use. If properly designed, they can become a wonderful home for a member of the cat family;
  • an old basket can become a cozy nest for a pet. The main thing is to properly design and arrange it.

If you wish, you can build a wonderful home from foam plastic. It can be covered with fabric or painted with acrylic paint, and a soft mattress or foam rubber can be placed inside.

Justification for the choice of materials for the house

The product can be made from any hardwood. The most suitable for these purposes are deciduous trees such as birch, aspen, and linden[6].

Aspen is a silver-colored, soft wood. It is well processed, but compared to linden, it is more fragile.

Birch is a medium hard wood. It polishes well, you can make small patterns, but it is much more difficult to cut than aspen or linden.

Linden has soft, fairly viscous white wood with a uniform structure. It is equally easy to cut along and across the fibers[1].

Material selection criteria

Plywood is a layered wood material obtained by gluing 3 or more sheets of rotary-cut veneer, with cross-oriented fibers in adjacent layers. The outer layer of plywood is called the jacket. The jacket is made from higher quality wood than the inner layers.

The outer layers always have the same grain direction to prevent warping of the plywood. The inner layers have parallel fiber direction. Plywood is made from pine, poplar, spruce, alder, birch in the form of leaves with a thickness of 1.5 to 18 mm, a width of 600 to 1830 mm, and a length of 850 to 2440 mm.

Sheets with a thickness of more than 18 mm are called plywood boards[7]. For manufacturing, it is necessary to select healthy and high-quality plywood: clean and uniform in color, without knots, cracks or chips, well dried and undamaged; free from areas affected by rot or fungus.

Birch plywood. A novice sawing enthusiast uses birch plywood. Birch plywood is easy to process. The material is most suitable for cutting with a jigsaw. Sheet thickness from 4 to 10 mm. Available materials that can be purchased in our store are linden and birch plywood. Thus, I chose birch plywood as my choice of material for the house. it is easy to process [4].

Choosing house upholstery. The upholstery of the house will allow it to fit into the interior of the apartment. Galina Vladimirovna's apartment is in light colors, so I chose white faux fur.

Faux fur is anti-allergenic and will not cause allergic reactions or irritation in the cat.

Developing a concept for making a house for a cat

When choosing, I took into account:

  1. My skill level.
  2. This product is a necessity for me.
  3. Costs of purchasing materials and tools for work.
  4. The amount of time required to complete a product.

House for a cat from a pipe

For a cat, cat or kitten, a home made from an ordinary pipe will be comfortable. To make it, cut off the middle piece of plastic pipe (70-80 cm will be enough). Additionally, at the bottom, so that the dwelling can stand, we attach a base - it can be made from a longitudinal cut of material.

We paint the surface with acrylic paint. Inside we place a soft cloth, carpet or a piece of foam rubber on which the pet can sleep peacefully. Additionally, you can put a small pillow inside.

Hanging cat house and shelves

Suspended housing is an original solution. The pet will feel comfortable in it, and the unusual product will fit perfectly into the overall design of the room.

Manufacturing Features:

  1. To create the structure, it is worth preparing a cubic plywood base. We make an opening and a small window in it.
  2. Next we build a bridge. For these purposes, you will need a cable, which is supplemented with cut strips of birch plywood and gaskets.

Finally, we lay rugs on the surface of the house and shelves. They are attached with glue. Below in the photo you can see a version of the finished solution.

How to make a scratching post?

In some cases, home craftsmen want to add additional elements to a simple design. Most often, a small play area is set up, containing a scratching post and hanging toys. Let's look at how to make a scratching post with a platform for a plywood house for your cat.

First you will need to prepare a tube that will serve as the barrel of the scratching post. Not only wooden products are suitable for these purposes, but also parts made of plastic. Next, the outer surface of the tube is coated with an adhesive composition. Then the part is tied with rope.

Important! The observation deck is made of plywood. It should have small dimensions (approximately 30 by 30 cm). The part is fixed to the trunk using metal corners and self-tapping screws, after which it is covered with foam rubber and carpet.

At the end, you will need to fix the scratching post with the platform on the booth. Metal corners and screws are also used for this. You can hang a toy on a rope on the lower part of the platform.

Tent for a cat

Many cats love boxes that they constantly climb into. You can build a comfortable tent from them. The principle of making a tent is the same as that of a tent.

For production you will need:

  • cardboard box;
  • wire hangers;
  • t-shirt.

A large box can be trimmed slightly in height.

Old clothes come in handy too

If you have a couple of unnecessary T-shirts lying around in your wardrobe, make a house out of them for your cat. For work you will also need: a sheet of cardboard or plywood, thick wire (you can take two wire hangers), two T-shirts, tape.

Making such a house is very simple! Bend two arcs from the wire and fasten them with tape crosswise at the top point. Cover the edges of a square of cardboard with tape, cover it with a T-shirt and make holes in the corners. Screw the edges of the arcs to the cardboard base. The frame is ready.

Take a second T-shirt and place it over the structure, but make sure the fabric fits snugly. The sleeves can be tucked under the bottom, pinned or sewn on, and the neckline will act as the entrance to the house. To make the cat feel softer, you can put a small pillow on the bottom.

Photo: Photo: Photo:

How long do cats live and how can you extend their life?

Bed made from an old sweater

If you have an old knitted or knitted sweater or jacket lying around that you haven’t worn for a long time, you can adapt it for cat housing. Additionally, it is worth preparing the filler, threads, needles, pillow, pins and scissors.

The process of creating a home is as follows:

  1. You should start with the neck: it needs to be sewn. Then we sew a transverse line between the sleeves.
  2. The back and sides are filled with polyester.
  3. We sew the cuffs.
  4. We place a pillow inside.
  5. Sew up the bottom hole and attach the sleeves to the base with pins.
  6. Sew and remove the pins.

The product is ready! You can decorate it according to your own taste.

Basket and house made of newspaper tubes

A home made from newspaper tubes will look unusual and beautiful. It is made easily and from scrap materials that everyone has at home. Prepare the following:

  • old newspapers and magazines;
  • ruler;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • long knitting needle or hook;
  • paper glue;
  • PVA glue.

First we make newspaper tubes:

  1. It is recommended to cut a newspaper sheet into strips of 8-10 cm. A knitting needle is placed on the edge of the newspaper strip at an angle of 45-60 degrees.
  2. The strip is tightly wound on a knitting needle, and its edge is fixed with glue. Then carefully remove the knitting needle. The thickness may differ from different sides, but this is necessary so that the tubes can be inserted into each other.

Next, let's start making the home:

  1. We cut out the bottom of the future structure from thick cardboard; it needs to be created in two copies.
  2. We glue a wicker circle of tubes to the inside of one part of the bottom; they should radiate in different directions.

At the end, we glue the second bottom piece on top - it will cover the ends of the tubes.

General requirements for a house for cats

Materials for making a cat house should be safe, but not necessarily expensive. The most affordable things that can be used for a frame are thick cardboard, chipboard, plasterboard, plywood, wooden boards and bars. To fasten parts, it is better to use furniture fittings, nails, screws, ropes, threads. Glue, if necessary, is best used for the construction of external structures such as beds and scratching posts.

When assembling the body of the house, it is better not to use adhesives, since not only the strong smell, but also the toxicity of some types of adhesives can harm the health of the cat.

For upholstery, you need to take old things: sweaters, T-shirts, trousers, after washing them. If this is a scratching post, then it could be carpet, an old carpet, or a thick rope.

The main thing is not to rush when building a cat house: avoid crooked joints, make sure that nails and screws do not stick out, carefully handle the edges of the boards, and remember the required strength.

Having a reliable rear in the form of its own territory, where an uninvited guest will not penetrate, the cat will always be confident in its safety, which means it will be able to devote more love to its owner.

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