(+117 photos) House for a cat: how to place it in the interior and make it yourself

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Alexander Korovaev 03/17/2020

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A cat is a rather capricious animal, and it is not so easy to please it. She hates drafts, cannot stand sharp extraneous sounds, smells, and is wary of any changes in the house. Therefore, if you decide to make a house for a cat with your own hands, be sure to take into account all its whims. Otherwise, she will simply ignore the new home.

Houses for cats that surprise

Felt houses

The most popular is a simple felted mink. But if you want, the craftsmen will make you any fantasy option - be it a flying saucer or a hobbit house. It's better to put it in the bedroom. The good thing is that it can be washed.

Wicker cat houses

They will fit into almost any interior, becoming its cozy detail. There are rattan, willow twigs and so on, as well as plastic with imitation weaving.

Houses-bedside tables and houses-tables

When choosing a house for the living room, do not forget that representatives of the cat family like to be in the know. Therefore, do not expect them to sit in a designated corner, waiting for your attention.

To free up your knees and always have the opportunity to pet your beloved cat, we recommend purchasing him a bedside table or table. Both a piece of furniture and a cozy bed for purring!

And a cat pouf!

This is an option with bottom heating for the owner’s reclining legs.

Plywood structures

There are options that resemble a wooden puzzle. They are closed enough to make the cat feel cozy and isolated, and so airy that she can see everything that happens outside her personal space.

Something cosmic

Cat houses of non-trivial designs, but with a laconic design, are easy to care for. If you spend a lot of time in the kitchen or dining area, this is the one you should put there.

Wipe it with a damp cloth and it’s perfect again.

For owners who are crazy about space and the mysteries of the Universe, there are no less interesting options. For example, like this:

Cat house under the ceiling

For steeplejack cats and owners of small apartments, there is a good idea: set up a house for the cat... under the ceiling! It looks very unusual and saves space.

For the fish

Some people prefer fish to furry pets. Nothing is more relaxing and calming than contemplating fish, snails and turtles that are unlike us. An aquarium can also be very interesting and stylishly fit into the interior.

The aquarium increases air humidity: excellent prevention of respiratory diseases.

Bar counter with seabed: looks very original.

Did you know that fish can relieve stress in their owners?

What kind of houses do your animals have? Share photos!

Types of houses for cats

The range of pet houses in stores is amazing in the variety of models. Their number is determined not only by the needs of the animal, but also by the appearance of the structure, which should become part of the interior.

And although not all products can be made with your own hands, it is necessary to have an idea of ​​the types when choosing miniature housing.

Loungers and hammocks

  1. The first is a kind of bed for cats, which is often presented in the form of baskets or boxes covered with a mattress. It will be comfortable for them to sleep in such a place, but the option is not suitable for other types of pastime.
  2. The hammock looks unusual, it has much in common with a human-sized hammock, but in a miniature size it looks incredibly cute. In addition, the canvas can be placed anywhere, secured on four sides.

For example, a hanging bed under a chair will allow you to keep an eye on your pet while resting.

Booth houses

This is a closed-type housing and a full-fledged home for your pet, in which he can have a good rest and privacy. The structure has a roof that performs its main function or serves as a sleeping place for a cat.

Booths come in different sizes and configurations. Some even accommodate a scratching post, either inside or outside. This will protect the furniture in the room from sharp cat claws.

Another advantage of such a cat house is its aesthetic appearance. It can be decorated with a variety of paraphernalia, but it must be safe for your pet.

Built into furniture

Multifunctional items that, in addition to their main task, also play the role of a house for a cat.

  • This could be a bedside table with two compartments, one of which is filled with your things, and the other is a resting place for your pet.
  • Or bookshelves that accommodate a furry friend and provide easy access to a safe haven.

You should focus on the character of the animal, because if it is too active and curious, it will ruin things in the cabinet or throw off books. In addition, sometimes it is not easy to accustom a cat to such housing. It is important to separate in his mind the things that he can use from those that are part of the interior.

These models are rarely found in stores, but skillful owners can remake existing furniture to suit the needs of their pet. What kind of sacrifices would you make for your furry friend?

Miniature furniture

Owners who love to photograph their animals will appreciate this cute item.

Small beds or sofas are used as a sleeping place, which cats do not need to get used to: these creatures love to walk willfully on the owner’s pillow in the morning, persistently demanding attention and food.

The decor is bedspreads, small pillows with patterns, but the most interesting thing is if the appearance of the bed matches yours. Miniature furniture is, first of all, a joy for the owner.

Cardboard house

The main advantage of such a cat house is the variety of design solutions. A cardboard shelter is made in the form of a wigwam, birdhouse, hut, cave...

And the options don't end there!

You can easily build it yourself - all you need to do is print out the layout and assemble it; fortunately, there are many original ideas on the Internet.

Just keep in mind that a cardboard cat house will not last you a long time. Due to the fragility of the material, you risk losing the result of your efforts after just a few days. Playful, active cats will easily destroy the original structure. But creating something new won’t be difficult.

Game complexes

So that cats with character can enjoy plenty of physical activity in their own private corner, it is better for the owners to look for a suitable play complex. These structures are created in order to ensure a full life for the animal and may include the following elements: scratching posts, a house, a hammock, toys, stairs, tunnels, etc.

We do not recommend creating complex complexes on your own, since they must take into account physiological aspects that are difficult to calculate without certain knowledge. To make the structure ideal for your pet, you can make it to order.

Multi-story plywood structure

If you can keep your pet occupied by arranging for him a play complex with ladder shelves, labyrinths, several hanging toys and a scratching post, perhaps he will leave your things alone and will not take them to the corners even in your absence.

To make it, in addition to plywood, you will need furniture corners, sandpaper for cleaning cut areas, glue, screws and furniture corners. It is better to first upholster the house with foam rubber, and then with a dense, not too easily soiled fabric.

A piece of carpet will also come in handy - this material is quite durable and will last longer.

Dimensions, shape of the home

Seals can be very different in height and weight, so the size of the building depends primarily on this. The availability of free space for installing the structure is also important - in a cramped apartment they put the simplest house, in a more spacious, separate room - a whole play complex with ladders, hanging toys, scratching posts, tunnels. The last option is necessary if there are two or more furry pets living in the house. The configuration of the building, with the modern variety of finishing materials, can be easily matched to any of the existing interior styles. The most popular products are in the form of a hut, a cube, a ball, a mouse, a fish, and a hut.

Production of a gaming complex in stages

A durable house will be made from plywood, fiberboard, chipboard. You can donate several boards for it - the structure will only benefit from this.

So, step-by-step instructions for making it:

To begin, draw a detailed diagram indicating the size of each part. Even if it is quite simple, you should not ignore this stage. It will be a shame if, when joining individual parts, they do not fit in size.

Plywood, if desired, can be bent and products of complex shapes can be made from it.

To do this, frequent blind cuts are made in it. A similar method is used when bending chipboard and MDF. In the future, to strengthen the structure, the resulting grooves can be filled with glue. Curvilinear parts from this material are cut out with a jigsaw.

You can replace wooden blocks with PVC water pipes.

To connect them, fittings are used (corners, tees, etc.), which are attached with glue. The pipes must first be degreased with solvent or alcohol, joined to the fittings and marked with a pencil where the glue will be applied. Fixing the elements motionless is required for 5-6 minutes.

To “build” a plywood house with 4 walls, a floor and a roof in which a cat will rest, you will need 6 square or rectangular parts. Such a dwelling is located at the very top of the structure so that the cat can have a greater viewing angle. And the temperature closer to the ceiling is always higher, and there are much fewer drafts.

Cats do not really like closed boxes, so provide not one, but a couple of openings in the house. Be sure to sand the cut areas so that the animal does not get hurt.

The remaining details of the gaming complex are selected at your discretion, depending on the inclinations of the animal. To fasten pipes or bars in rectangular or round wooden pieces, you will need to drill holes of a suitable diameter.

Cover not only the sides of the structure with carpet or foam rubber, but also the inside surface of the house so that the animal feels comfortable in it.

To make the structure durable, use metal corners to connect the parts.

Apply a layer of glue to wooden blocks or PVC pipes and wrap them tightly with hemp or jute twine, tapping it well against the surface of the block with a hammer. It will be more convenient for the cat to climb them to any floor.

You can attach a miniature springboard to the house, along which the cat will climb up. Don’t forget to build an observation deck - animals love to climb up to be able to have a good view of the room.

Make sure the house is securely attached to the wall or floor. If it collapses one day, the animal will be wary of it and is unlikely to agree to live in it.

The smell of freshly cut boards or glue-soaked plywood can repel a cat. They must be well aired before assembly.

Veterinarian advice on choosing a home

When choosing a suitable home, you should take into account the psychology of cats - each individual pet. It is important to evaluate the character, age, weight of the animal, and its habits. If a cat likes to sleep in a closet, between sofa cushions, a soft, maximally enclosed house with a roof will suit him. For cats who sleep on a radiator, a laptop keyboard, or other “warm” household equipment, a chimney house suspended in the coziest place, a bed upholstered in woolen fabric, is suitable. When an animal prefers to sleep on the owner’s sofa, bed, or chair, a small bed on a hill or a cat mini-sofa will suit it.

Those who like to climb to the very top are offered a series of hanging shelves and a booth with a high upper platform. Neutered, simply clumsy, overweight pets will never climb into a shaky, unstable home, so for them the option is chosen that is firmly fixed in the corner, with a strong, wide ladder.

When choosing manufacturing materials and finishing, preference is given to natural ones that are not harmful to health, even if small particles get inside - cats love to taste everything, scratch surfaces with their claws, and then wash their paws with their tongue. A foam mattress may have a removable cover, which is periodically machine washed. The main thing is that the home should not have any foreign odor; this indicates the presence of harmful dyes in the composition that can cause allergies.

The size of the bed is also important: it should not be too spacious for an adult pet - most cats prefer a “bed” that is slightly larger than themselves. The house is made a little more spacious - its height should allow the animal to calmly stand on four legs, move, and turn. If there are several cats, they like to sleep nearby, making the home even more spacious for the mother and kittens. For sick, very old, injured pets, a spacious bed or house with a removable top is required. If necessary, a heating pad should be placed here, and it should be possible to eat food right on the spot. A mattress for non-walking cats is covered with disposable diapers or placed under regular flannel oilcloth. In case of skin or infectious diseases, the house must be disinfected, all textiles must be washed at maximum temperature. Animals that are visually impaired or have one blind eye are often afraid of closed houses, preferring open beds on the windowsill, where there is enough light.

Attaching a tree to the house

The cat really likes to climb tree branches. Do not deny her this pleasure; build a device for her from any available means - PVC pipes or wooden blocks covered with jute rope or covered with carpet.

You can even bring part of a real tree with large knots from the forest.

  • To prevent the animal from dragging the bark all over the house, it must first be cleaned.
  • Carefully sand each of the branches so that the animal cannot get hurt.
  • To make climbing easier, attach several viewing platforms to large branches where your cat can comfortably lie down and watch those around him. They can be attached using bolts.
  • You can hang a hammock on one of the branches. Stretch its ends well so that the animal can climb into it comfortably.
  • You should not use leather or leatherette for upholstering a lounger - cats do not like slippery surfaces that absorb heat.

Loungers and hammocks

A hammock or bed will become a cat’s favorite corner: the pet can sleep in it with maximum comfort. The design follows the shape of the animal's body - this allows you to sit comfortably on the lounger.

A DIY cat bed can be made from the following materials:

  • felt fabric;
  • Velcro;
  • strong threads;
  • tape that will be used for sheathing.

A small hammock will be fixed on a chair - for this reason, the size of the material should be selected in accordance with the width between the legs of the furniture. It is not recommended to use smooth tapes for production, because they quickly deteriorate.

The process is carried out step by step:

  1. We strengthen the base of the hammock by sewing tape along the edges.
  2. It is possible not to use Velcro to fix the suspended structure: you can use tape and make loops out of it.
  3. At the end, the finished house should be secured on a chair.

To make your homemade bed comfortable and soft, you can fill it with foam rubber. It is worth considering the compatibility of materials: the product must be harmoniously combined with the interior of the room.

Making a scratching post

Scolding a cat for sharpening its claws is pointless. Indeed, in the wild, when animals climb rocks and trees, they wear off automatically. In an apartment they don’t have this opportunity, and their overgrown claws get in the way.

You can protect furniture and door frames from damage by attaching a wall-mounted, floor-mounted or hanging scratching post to your house.

Let's describe how to make a house with a scratching post:

  • The most convenient design is a column or rectangle with a height of 9-10 cm. Its width should also be sufficient - from 8-10 cm. At the top of such a structure you can arrange a comfortable lounger.
  • The scratching post is attached using furniture corners to a cross-shaped, rectangular stand, which, in turn, is screwed to the floor.
  • To cover it, you can take thick jute twine 0.5-1 cm thick, carpet or thick burlap. Synthetic rope should not be used - if an animal gets caught on its fibers, it can damage its claw. The twine is tightly glued to the surface, while being tapped with a hammer.
  • As a scratching post, you can use a rug attached to the wall, a carefully sanded log, or even a piece of wood brought from the forest. Before installation, all small knots must be removed and sanded well.

Hang a couple of your favorite toys next to it - they will help attract the animal's attention.

For dogs

Of course, you can't ignore dogs. Even though they are not fans of jumping on vertical surfaces, and they usually relieve themselves outside, they are unlikely to refuse a stylish and comfortable lounger instead of an old blanket.

Choose dog houses made of steel or durable wood.

Sleeping bed and kitchen: original and practical.

Or you can equip a whole room with a double bed, a wardrobe and a chest of drawers with toys.

Sometimes the upholstery of furniture can match the clothes of your beloved dog.

The solution to one of the biggest problems when you have a dog in your apartment is a convenient and functional feeder.

Buy a stand with at least two containers.

And this is straight out the Pedigree dog pantry.

I wonder what's in the other boxes?

For those who have the opportunity to keep a dog in the yard, these elegant houses are suitable. It’s not a shame to invite friends (and pet’s friends!) to such apartments, let them envy you.

The area of ​​the enclosure for dogs taller than 65 cm at the withers must be at least 10 sq.m. From 50 to 65 cm - 8 sq.m. Less than 50 cm - from 6 sq.m.

Is this house from the land of Lilliputians?

And this looks like a copy of the city hall.

An entire dog family can live in such an enclosure.

How to make one-story cat houses from boxes

What do you need

  • 2 identical large boxes;
  • adhesive tape;
  • scissors;
  • stationery knife;
  • marker, pencil or pen;
  • brush or roller;
  • White paint;
  • yellow paint;
  • pink paper;
  • glue gun;
  • paper with drawings and patterns;
  • twine;
  • 2 colored straws for drinks;
  • litter

How to do

1. Take the first box and tape the seam at the bottom with duct tape on the inside and outside.

2. On the reverse side, cut off the two side flaps.

3. Adjust the other two sashes with scissors to form triangles.

4. In front, under one triangle, draw the outline of the door - a large vertical rectangle, divided in half lengthwise. Cut the cardboard along the marked lines and along the base of the box. Open the resulting door.

5. On the side of the box, draw a window with a frame and cut along the contour.

6. On the triangle above the door, draw and cut out a small round window with a frame.

7. Take the second box and separate the two side walls from it. Glue them together.

8. Place the structure on the house and attach it to the back and front to the triangles.

9. Paint the walls of the house white. Paint the doors outside and inside with yellow paint.

10. From pink paper, cut out “tiles” - many not too large rectangles with rounded edges. Using hot glue on the straight side of the pieces, attach them in rows to the roof.

11. Cut out several triangular flags from patterned paper and glue them to the twine. Attach it with glue above the door. Make handles on the doors from tubes. Place warm bedding inside the house.

Basket house made from newspaper tubes

Any craftswoman will be interested in such a project, because it is made using the now fashionable technique of weaving from newspaper tubes, treated with adhesive and painted in the desired color.

The female author not only introduces viewers to her adorable kitten and tells in detail how she weaved a comfortable basket for him, but also shares her previous failures so that you can avoid them.

How to make two-story cat houses from boxes

What do you need

  • Several cardboard boxes;
  • scissors;
  • stationery pin;
  • pencil;
  • ruler;
  • stationery knife;
  • glue gun;
  • thin plastic;
  • a pillow or basket with something soft.

How to do

1. Cut a narrow strip of cardboard and pierce it on the side with a pin. Insert a pencil there, place it on the cardboard and, holding the part at one end, scroll it in a circle.

2. Draw a long straight line under the circle to the right. Draw another horizontal line from the middle of the circle in the same direction. Connect them with one vertical one.

Cut out the shape with a utility knife. Prepare another figure in the same way.

3. Cut out several rectangular windows in a large piece of cardboard. Using a glue gun, attach this part to one circle.

4. Cut a piece of cardboard: the height should match the height of the structure made, and the width should match the length of the rectangular piece in the front of the base. Cut out a door and a window with a frame in a piece. Attach the element to the front of the house.

5. Cover the back wall with a solid piece of cardboard, and cover the narrow side wall with cardboard with a window cut out in it.

6. Cut the circle from the other piece from step two. Glue it horizontally into the round piece, just below the top edge. Attach the other cut part above the walls with the door and windows.

7. Cut out several of the shapes shown in the photo. Glue them together to make the parts thicker.

8. Glue the small pieces vertically to the hole plate. Attach the second piece on the other side. This will be a staircase.

9. Make sideboards on the second floor, as shown in the photo.

10. Glue the cardboard on top in the middle so that a tunnel is formed.

11. Glue the ladder to the side, above the window. Use thin strips of cardboard to cover the seams on the railing.

Attach the visor to the seam above the door at an angle. Glue thin plastic into the round part from the inside, “glazing” the windows. Place a pillow or basket with something soft on the top circle.

12. If desired, decorate the house, add soft fabric inside and hang a bell above the door.

Tent for a cat

Many cats love boxes that they constantly climb into. You can build a comfortable tent from them. The principle of making a tent is the same as that of a tent.

For production you will need:

  • cardboard box;
  • wire hangers;
  • t-shirt.

A large box can be trimmed slightly in height.

How to make a cat house from a box and a T-shirt

What do you need

  • Big box;
  • scissors;
  • large T-shirt;
  • a few pins.

How to do

1. Cut off the lid of the box. The author of the master class cut the box and turned it inside out so that the design on the cardboard would not show through the T-shirt. But this is optional.

2. Take the T-shirt and stretch it onto the cardboard so that the neck is in the middle of the hole on the box.

3. Straighten the fabric. The sleeves of your T-shirt will hang on the sides. Tuck each one inside. The detailed process is in the video.

4. Gently fold the bottom of the T-shirt and fold the edges towards the middle. Secure the fabric with pins.

5. Place the house so that the hole is located in front. You can put soft bedding inside.

Cardboard house

A DIY cat house made from a cardboard box will be a practical option that is suitable for your pet. This material is easy to work with: it can be cut, glued, and covered. The main thing is to choose a good and spacious box.

The process of making a box home is quite simple:

  1. To begin, take the box and cut out a round hole in one part in the center that will serve as the entrance. A regular plate with a round shape is suitable as a template.
  2. The upper part will serve as a roof. We cut off the cardboard above the entrance and the parallel part to it.
  3. We connect the sides of the box - we get natural ventilation.
  4. Next, we cover the home with fabric and decorate it.

You can place a soft pillow and several pet toys inside.

How to make a cat house from cardboard, T-shirts and hangers

What do you need

  • Pliers;
  • 2 thin wire hangers;
  • cardboard from the box;
  • adhesive tape;
  • large T-shirt;
  • a few pins.

How to do

1. Using pliers, cut off the tops of the hangers, slightly away from the base of the hooks.

2. Using the tip of a hanger, make a hole in the corners of a square piece of cardboard. Bend the wire into arcs. Pass it through one hole and use pliers to bend the tip.

3. Secure it with adhesive tape.

4. Insert the remaining ends of the wire crosswise so that you get a structure like the one in the picture.

5. For reliability, secure the intersection of the wires with adhesive tape.

6. Place the T-shirt on the frame so that the neck is in the front.

7. Place the house on its side, smooth out the bottom of the fabric and secure it with pins.

8. Fold the sleeves to the bottom of the structure and also secure them with pins. Place the house on the base and, if you want, lay something warm inside.

Bed made from an old sweater

If you have an old knitted or knitted sweater or jacket lying around that you haven’t worn for a long time, you can adapt it for cat housing. Additionally, it is worth preparing the filler, threads, needles, pillow, pins and scissors.

The process of creating a home is as follows:

  1. You should start with the neck: it needs to be sewn. Then we sew a transverse line between the sleeves.
  2. The back and sides are filled with polyester.
  3. We sew the cuffs.
  4. We place a pillow inside.
  5. Sew up the bottom hole and attach the sleeves to the base with pins.
  6. Sew and remove the pins.

The product is ready! You can decorate it according to your own taste.

How to make cat huts from slats and fabric

What do you need

  • 5 round wooden slats;
  • rope;
  • square piece of fabric;
  • scissors;
  • 1 pin;
  • litter

How to do

1. Place two slats together. Add another one on top in a criss-cross pattern. Thread a rope underneath them.

2. Place the right end of the rope over the intersection of the sticks. Then pass it under the two slats folded together.

3. Pull the same end of the rope under the resulting loop.

4. Place the rope under the two slats folded together and pull it under the same loop again.

5. Tie both ends of the rope with a strong knot.

6. Place the structure on its legs.

7. Place another one between the two slats, wrap the intersection with a rope and tie it tightly. Tie the last stick in the same way.

8. Trim one corner of the fabric in a semicircle. Wrap the material around the sticks and secure at the top front with a pin.

9. Open the fabric in front so that you can enter the hut. Place bedding inside.

How to determine the size of a bed

A cat bed should be a comfortable size for the animal itself. To determine the size that will be individually suitable for your cat, you need to measure the length of his body (from the top of the head to the base of the tail) and add 5 centimeters to this figure.

Cats do not like huge beds; they are much more comfortable fitting into small spaces.

It’s not difficult to make a cat bed with your own hands. And most importantly, you can independently choose the color and design to fit this item into the interior of your home. In addition, giving such a gift to your beloved pet is a special pleasure for a caring owner.

Photo with dimensions

No matter how much we talk about the design of a cat house, the best way to understand the dimensions is by drawings with dimensions. If you look at them carefully, you will notice a solid run-up. This is understandable - there are large and small cats, and accordingly the size of the cat's house will be larger/smaller.

You can adjust them yourself depending on the size of your pets or the available space.

The height of the presented structures is quite large - 180 cm and above, but you can reduce it by removing floors that you think are unnecessary. All these dimensions can be taken as a basis to develop your own layout and put down approximate dimensions.

Having the drawing in hand, you can begin purchasing materials and manufacturing.

With a toy and a scratching post

This game complex combines four items necessary for a comfortable life for an animal.

First of all, it is worth noting the house, decorated with plush outside and inside. In it, the cat will be able to retire and gain strength. You can also relax on a lounger installed on the floor above. It is covered with soft, fluffy material and is suitable for pets who prefer to observe the situation from above. The complex allows you to do other important things: play and sharpen your claws. For these purposes, a ball on a rope and a post trimmed with sisal are provided.

Price: from 3,080 rubles.


Photo ideas: house for cats in the interior

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