Cat alone at home - is it possible to leave a pet unattended?

Feline owners have an acute problem when they need to go away for a few days or hours and leave their furry friend alone. Despite the fact that they are able to endure long periods of separation from their owner, they still need communication and entertainment.

It will be great if your friend or neighbor comes to feed and play with your pet. But many owners do not always have the opportunity to entrust their care to one of their loved ones while they are away. Therefore, you have to deal with the problem of leaving a kitten alone at home on your own.

Is it possible to leave a cat in the dark?

Answer: There is no need for this. But keep in mind that although cats can see in the dark, they cannot see in pitch darkness. If you have at least some kind of light source at home - even from the street, then everything is in order. There is no point in leaving the light on on purpose.

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How long can a pet be alone?

So, when deciding how long you can leave your cat alone at home, you need to rely on the time period for which you intend to leave the house. Up to a year old, they easily tolerate loneliness throughout the day. But it happens that the baby needs to be left alone for an indefinite number of days.

The picture below shows a feeder that will allow the kitten not to be hungry for several days. There is the same one for water.

convenient cat feeder

Two days

Considering that cats sleep most of their lives, you can safely leave your baby for 2 days in a room familiar to him. Such a period of time will not be disastrous for him. The main thing is to make sure that the bowls are filled with food for a couple of days, and the sand tray is clean. If you have to periodically leave your kitten alone for short periods of time and you are afraid that this will have a bad effect on the animal, then get a kitten who will become his friend.

Three days

If you leave a cat in an empty room for 3 days, keep in mind that he will certainly start to get bored. This will affect his behavior. Think about his safety and check how safe it will be to be alone. Don't forget to eat and drink enough.

A week

Being left completely alone for a week is a serious challenge. But if you still decide to leave the animal alone for 7 days, make sure that one of your friends or acquaintances visits him. Even one hour a day spent with a person will cheer him up and help him feel cozier and more comfortable.


But one living being cannot survive a month alone. To leave him indoors for a month means dooming him to death. If you have to leave for such a period of time, invite close people to look after your pet, or better yet, give it to temporary foster care. Longing will make the four-legged wild and aloof, take this into account when leaving. There are no guarantees that after a month, he will be as affectionate as before or will recognize you right away.


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Let's remember about scratching posts

Many owners undeservedly forget about scratching posts, but this is a great thing for entertaining a pet. The cat can not only scratch its claws, but also do a little warm-up and even play. Some even manage to hunt scratching posts if it is a small board covered with sisal.

Therefore, there should be several scratching posts in the house at once.
And preferably in three configurations - vertical , horizontal and inclined .

Give me a chance to climb!

If you watch street cats, they often like to climb – on fences, trees, benches and any other high surfaces. This way the cat gets a good overview of the territory and searches for prey. Your pet may not need to jump around in search of dinner, but even domestic neuters have physical activity and a passion for jumping.

So give your fluffy this opportunity. You can buy a ready-made complex, install small but stable shelves and ladders in different parts of the house. Or make a real cat tree with your own hands.

With these cat trees, indoor cats will definitely never get bored!

Kitten for the first time - how to organize your territory?

If you leave your kitten only for the first time, you will also have to think about your well-being:

  • Fill the granule dispenser (see Programmable dispenser in the equipment list below);
  • Leave 2 bowls of fresh water (or a fountain or water dispenser);
  • Make sure his litter box is clean;
  • Set him up with his basket so he can sleep in it during the day too. Choose a quiet and warm place because the kitten sleeps a lot during the day. See How long does a two-month-old kitten sleep?

Choose the right toys

The point is not to buy as many toys as possible and put them in one place in a small basket. It is much more interesting when the animal unexpectedly stumbles upon them in different places. For example, when he jumps onto a climbing frame or window sill, walks from tray to lounger past the sofa, etc.

Just look at your apartment through the eyes of a pet and think about where you can put toys. Tie a ribbon with a mouse on the doorknob, place a few soft balls/mice, etc. next to the scratching post. For entertainment, you can leave other “toys” (small boxes, paper bags without handles, etc.).

Divide the toys into several parts to “give out” them in batches. Remove the rest so you can present them as new.

Make a fun quest with goodies

Remember that the food puzzle is not for feeding your pet. This is a great opportunity for your pet to “hunt” a little, use his sense of smell and intellect, and be rewarded with a tasty treat. Therefore, it is better to divide the usual portion of dry food into several food puzzles, which will be located in different parts of the house. Then the cat will have to look for treats in secret places on its own.

A food puzzle can even be made from a small plastic bottle and a toilet paper roll.

We resolve the issue without consequences

If you are still hesitant to leave your cat alone, then there are several options that will allow him to cope with parting with you comfortably and easily.

  1. Two pets at once . The best solution to this problem would be to purchase two kittens at once. They will keep each other busy, which will relieve them of stress and lack of communication. But if you have secured the idea that you will have only one favorite, then there are alternative methods to get out of this situation.
  2. Hotel for pets . This type of hotel provides pet boarding services. Here, the owners are able to both leave their four-legged animals for the required time and be sure that their furry child is tasty fed and nothing threatens his life. But as you know, the services of such hotels are quite expensive. Therefore, if you are ready to pay for your stay in a separate room, then rest assured that everything will be fine.
  3. Nanny . Special staff for four-legged animals has become especially popular in recent decades. The person you hire will take care of your pet and fulfill all your requirements. This method is suitable for you if you do not want to cause discomfort to your furry friend by changing his place of stay.
  4. The simplest and most affordable way to avoid leaving your cat alone is to ask your friend to look after him and feed him on time. It will be good if the pet is familiar with it, since in this case, it will be less alarmed and inclined towards affection and games.

Male and female: who tolerates loneliness better?

Cats cannot be divided into “good” and “bad”. They have different characters, behavioral characteristics and tastes.

When you decide to leave a cat with a stranger, consider the characteristics that distinguish females from males. So, cats are more peaceful and affectionate. They are playful and will try to make contact with the person they like the first time they meet. Each individual is individual, but in the majority, cats are drawn to outside affection and love to be pampered themselves.

Cats can do this

Cats are more wary of strangers. As the “king” of his home, he will growl when you try to get to know him, be uncommunicative, and even hide. Males are very gentle and loyal, but for this a person must earn their trust.

When leaving your pet, be prepared that cats have a heavier and unpleasant odor. Therefore, stale indoor air is one of the problems of a male staying alone in an apartment. If a cat is left during the mating season, he will most likely mark valuables, furniture and carpets.

Cats and cats, despite the well-known myth of natural aloofness, remain dependent on people. This manifests itself regardless of their gender or breed.

Kittens staying home full time

Kittens and cats have a reputation for being able to spend long hours alone without any problems.
It is true that they can endure long periods of loneliness, but this does not mean that it is easy for them, much less ideal. This is especially true for active and people-oriented cats such as Siamese and Abyssinians. In reality, kittens want and need companionship. Another truth is that you have to work to bring home canned food for them. How can this problem be resolved?

The best solution for anyone interested is to consider adopting or buying two kittens at the same time. They will entertain each other while you are away, thereby making their lives stress-free. If you adopt two kittens from the same litter, this will ensure that they will have an especially easy time communicating with each other.

If you are currently unable to adopt two kittens, don't be disheartened. There is a lot you can do to keep your only four-legged companion happy.

Accustoming a kitten to the company of people

The more different people your kitten sees, the more accustomed he will become to people. Invite people who love cats over and provide them with treats and your kitty's favorite toys. Soon your kitten will be shaking impatiently at the sound of the doorbell and running to the door to see who it is that has come to visit him!

Of course, you should always do this in a way that allows your cat to set the pace, and show the utmost respect for any doubts or fears she may have. Encourage her, seduce her, but never force her, scare her or hurt her!

Kittens who spend many hours alone need regular access to food and water. We recommend leaving dry food for them to snack on throughout the day, or using an automatic feeder that delivers food at regular intervals. This feeder can be purchased at many pet stores.

Everyone can experience boredom, and your cat is no exception. Set up a seat for her near a window that overlooks a busy street. Leave the TV or radio on, tuned to classical music or conversation, and adjust the volume to a low volume. Rotate your kitten's toys so that he gets a different one every few days.

Exercise is one of the best stress relievers known. Kittens that are left alone for the entire workday are usually stressed to some degree. Therefore, make sure that the kitten engages in intense play exercises at least once a day. This will help him relax and cope better with periods of loneliness. The ideal option is two classes a day, ten to fifteen minutes each, one in the morning and the other in the evening. The more aerobic elements these games have, the better. Whether your kitten is chasing a ball, jumping up after a toy, or lunging at a toy you drag across the floor, it's a wonderful game that's almost as fun to watch as it is to play it yourself.

If you have the only kitten, especially if it is still small, then when returning home on weekdays, try not to immediately leave the house again. This is very difficult for an animal that has essentially been waiting for you all day. Without going to extremes when following this rule, try, however, to lead a social life only on weekends or invite friends to your home.

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