Siamese cat: all about the characteristics of the breed, character, care

One of the reasons why Thai kittens are often adopted is their unpretentiousness in food. In beauty, Thais are not inferior to Siamese cats, but their character is much more docile than that of the latter, although their eyes, sparkling in the dark like rubies, suggest thoughts of malice and vindictiveness. Caring for a Thai cat is not particularly difficult. An important condition for good health and playfulness is a proper diet. In order not to harm the animal, it is necessary to carefully study the list of permitted and harmful products. This will allow you to create an individual menu, taking into account all the needs of your pet.

History of the breed

Representatives of the new breed appeared as a result of breeding work with Siamese cats. Europeans and Americans liked the Thai cat so much that it surpassed its ancestors, the Siamese cats, in popularity.

The first mentions of cats of this breed date back to the 14th century. Bangkok manuscripts contain descriptions of exotic cats. As a result of breeding work, the type of Siamese cats has changed and become more refined. Representatives of the Thai breed first came to England in 1884. In 1920, the first animal came from Europe to the New World.

The breed received official approval in 1990 in Germany. The Thai breed is recognized as a closed breed, and mating of cats with representatives of other varieties is prohibited. Mating with other cats is carried out with the permission of the club in which the animal is registered.

There is a certain procedure for confirming the breed. A cat that has passed the examination of experts is issued a certificate of conformity and only after that can it be called Thai. Pets recognized as a pure breed take part in exhibitions and breeding.

Fans of the old type are engaged in breeding exclusively Siamese cats. These are the so-called apple-headed animals with powerful paws, a strong body, and a flatter chest. Siamese have become a rarer breed and are found much less frequently than their Thai relatives.

A peculiar coat color is incomplete albinism, when the coloring pigment is not completely present.


The following breeds can be classified as old-timers of the Eastern Oriental group.

  1. Siamese cats. In the process of working on the breed, breeders slightly changed its original appearance, giving the head a wedge shape, making the ears large, and the body elongated.
  2. Thai cats. As a result of improving the breed, breeders brought it to the appearance that the first Siamese had: a well-built body with smoother lines.
  3. Oriental cats. They are similar in appearance to Siamese cats, but are not pointing in color.
  4. Mekong Bobtail. Resembles a Thai cat. The only difference is the tail in the form of a short stub.

These breeds are so unusual, as if they stepped out of a book of oriental fairy tales. But for a man who loves experiments, they were not enough, and he began to cross representatives of this group with various breeds.

And this is who appeared in the end.

  1. Himalayan cat. It was the result of the union of a Persian and a Siamese cat.
  2. Burmese cat. Had the same parents. Only the combination of their genes was different.
  3. Neva Masquerade. Russian breeders crossed the Siberian cat and the Siamese, creating another long-haired breed.
  4. Balinese cat. She was rejected from a litter of Siamese cats for her long hair, but aroused the interest of breeders.
  5. Snow shu. Appeared as a result of the “marriage” of the Siamese with the American Shorthair. The name literally translates as “white shoes”. This is due to the fact that the animal seems to be wearing cute and symmetrical white socks.
  6. Peterbald. He is the only representative of hairless cats in this group. The breed arose by crossing an Oriental cat with a Don Sphynx.


Thai cats have the color of the classic Siamese, but the body shape is more refined. The head is wedge-shaped, slightly elongated, the cheeks are plump, the transition from the nose to the forehead is clearly visible. The eyes are blue, slanted, almond shaped. Cross-eyed individuals are often found among cats; the breed allows this.

The ears are high and in some cases may have tufts. The neck is short or medium in size, strong and muscular. She cannot be called elegant and graceful. The limbs are medium-sized, round, strong with powerful pads.

Thai cats live 10–14 years and are a short-haired cat. The coat is without undercoat and lies tightly to the body.


The pigmentation of the coat is the same as that of the original breed - Siamese cats. The body is light, without color, there are dark spots on the paws, the tip of the tail, and the “mask” of the muzzle. This color is called “point” from the English. "point" ̶ "point". Young cats have a white body; the older the animal, the darker the color of the body becomes. In older individuals, the fur takes on a brown tone.

The color of the limbs and tail are various shades of gray-black. In rare cases, animals with tabby color are found. In such cats, the shade is uneven and diverges into stripes of varying brightness. Tabby-colored animals are not pure Thai and appeared before the prohibition of mating cats with other breeds.

Depending on the density of the Point color, they are distinguished:

  • brown;
  • tortoiseshell;
  • cream;
  • red;
  • chocolate;
  • blue (blue);
  • caramel;
  • lilac;
  • cinnamon;
  • faun.

What to feed a Siamese kitten - choosing the type of diet

When choosing what to feed your Siamese kitten, you need to decide between three basic options:

  • Natural feeding.
  • Industrial feeding.
  • Mixed feeding.

By assessing the pros and cons of all types of diet, you can make the best choice for yourself and your pet.

It is important to understand that the needs of the pet should be at the forefront.

Natural diet for Siamese kitten

A natural diet includes:

  • Feeding raw and cooked foods in pure and mixed form.
  • Feeding exclusively raw foods is a raw food diet.
  • Feeding with homemade semi-finished products.

Benefits of a natural diet:

  • The ability to control the composition of food, its quality and freshness.
  • The ability to adjust the diet according to the pet’s needs.
  • Naturalness - the fact that natural food is better than industrial feed is not disputed even by the manufacturers of the latter.

Disadvantages of a natural diet:

  • Time consuming – Kitten food needs to be prepared regularly and reheated before serving.
  • The need for vitamin courses.
  • The need to monitor and adjust the diet depending on the time of year, cat activity and other factors.

Ready-made food for Siamese kitten

Ready-made feeds are divided into types:

  • Dry – granules.
  • Semi-moist - pieces with gravy or jelly.
  • Wet - pate or paste.
  • Treats.

Veterinarians recommend alternating types of food, since the same type of food has a bad effect on the health of teeth and gums. The quality of the feed is the main factor of choice. For the convenience of owners, the quality of feed is graded by classes:

  • Economy
  • Premium
  • Super premium.
  • Holistic.

For healthy cats, premium and higher everyday foods are suitable.

Highly specialized feeds are divided into:

  • Supportive.
  • Preventive.
  • Medicinal.
  • For exhausted kittens and adult animals.
  • Hygienic (usually treats).


  • No need to cook - saves time.
  • When feeding super-premium and holistic products, there is no need to take vitamin courses.
  • The food is easy to store.
  • It is easy to calculate the daily feed intake.


  • Good food is much more expensive than a natural diet.
  • When an allergy occurs, it is almost impossible to identify the root cause.

A Siamese kitten can be fed a commercial cat milk replacer from birth. Kittens are switched to wet food at the age of 1 to 3 months. Dry food is introduced into the diet after teeth change.

Mixed diet for a Siamese kitten

A mixed diet involves the simultaneous inclusion of industrial and natural products in the diet

It is important to understand that a kitten’s gastrointestinal tract is not able to digest food of different textures until 4–5 months of age.

Friendly bacteria die because part of the food (most often dry food) is not digested, but rots in the intestines. Visible symptoms of dysbiosis do not appear immediately. Most often, digestive problems appear at 4–5 years of a pet’s life.

Diseases, breed defects

The main symptoms of pet diseases, which will require immediate response from the owner of a Siamese cat, are presented:

  • coughing and sneezing;
  • diarrhea and vomiting;
  • increased temperature;
  • rapid breathing or tachycardia;
  • presence of blood in excrement;
  • significant loss of body weight;
  • rapid weight gain and obesity;
  • loss of appetite;
  • copious discharge from the ears, eyes and nose;
  • constant strong thirst;
  • incontinence of bowel movements or urine;
  • wheezing in the chest area.

A significant part of serious diseases can be prevented only through competent preventive procedures and systematic vaccination:

  • rhinotracheitis of viral origin, calcivirosis and panleukopenia - at two months, followed by revaccination a month later;
  • chlamydia – at 2.5 months with revaccination a month later;
  • rabies - at three to four months.

Diseases common to Siamese include strabismus, pathologies of the respiratory system, as well as hereditary mental disorders and problems associated with the vestibular system. That is why it is advisable to choose a kitten with the help of a competent specialist.

Among other things, a good breeder will honestly point out all the breed defects of the pet . Defects include white spots and malocclusion, as well as eye colors other than blue or blue. Also considered defects are a kink or hooked tail, emaciated appearance, and significant deviations from established standards.

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The Thai cat has dense and thick hair. Kittens are born with a white color. The white color does not change for 2-3 years. Later, young cats acquire a milky and cream color. Old cats turn beige. A feature of Thai wool is its lack of shine. Even after using shampoos and conditioners designed to add shine, the fur of Thai cats will not shine.

Darkening of the pigment in the fur of Thai cats is caused by age-related changes and other reasons:

  1. The color of the coat depends on the ambient temperature. At high temperatures the color is light. The lower the thermometer scale goes, the darker the coat tone becomes. Owners of Thai cats use this and correct the color before exhibitions.
  2. The color of the coat changes in females during estrus or while feeding kittens. During this period, the mask becomes more clearly defined, the color of the fur on the body darkens.
  3. Darkening of coat pigment is caused by excessive vitamin B content in food. It especially affects cats with blue and cream shades.
  4. Seafood and calcium gluconate also cause darkening of the fur of Thai cats.

The latter circumstance is taken into account when choosing ready-made feeds and natural feeding.

Thais cannot have their fur cut or shaved. In the open area, new hairs of a darker shade will grow.

Review of ready-made feeds

Special premium and super-premium foods have been developed for Thai pets. Holistic food appeared quite recently. The price is quite high, but if we take into account its naturalness, the absence of dyes and artificial flavors, we can conclude that by spending money on good nutrition, you will not have to treat your cat for indigestion or other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. This will save on visits to the veterinarian and medications.

By purchasing dry food in bulk, cat owners run the risk of buying a cheap, low-grade, economy-class fake. Eating this way can cause indigestion. Food filled with flavors and chemicals causes allergies and poor health. Instead of real meat, they include waste from meat processing plants and call this component “offal.”

When choosing ready-made food, pay attention to the following points:

  • date of manufacture and expiration date;
  • manufacturer's brand. The best countries that produce truly healthy pet food are: the USA, Canada, Germany, Denmark and the UK. Their products are increasingly labeled “Holistic”;
  • the age of the pet, features of its condition. Separate foods are intended for babies, pregnant and lactating cats, neutered pets, animals with dental problems, etc.

Popular brands of food suitable for feeding Thai pets:

  • Innova Cat and Kitten;
  • Royal Canin Indoor 27;
  • Chicken Soup for the Soul;
  • Cimiao Delicious.


Thai kittens are born white with pink noses and almost white paws. Points darken with age. It is finally clear what a cat will be like at 1 year old. The tortoiseshell color immediately appears - spots are visible on the nose and pads. After 2 months, points begin to form.

The color of Thai breed kittens depends on the parents. If they have the same tone, the baby will inherit the same. To maintain the purity of the breed, cats with the lightest hair are chosen.

If a kitten comes into the house very young, it will consider the house to be its own. It is easier to teach him simple commands and accustom him to certain skills. Kittens quickly learn where they can go and what is forbidden territory.

Raising a Siamese cat

A kitten must be raised from the first days of its appearance in the house. If you don’t want to rack your brains over how to stop him from scratching or relieving himself in the wrong place, then immediately stop all prohibited actions. Use standard prohibition commands: “fu” and “no”. The first is used for a permanent ban, the second for a temporary one. For example, “fu” can be used to discourage walking on the dinner table, and “no” can be used to prohibit scratching after sterilization.

Education should be based on affection and respect. Vengeful and aggressive animals are the result of abuse. The main tool of influence is intonation. It is well captured not only by adult animals, but also by kittens.

Siamese are clean, so they are easy to toilet train. Be persistent during training. Do not give up ahead of time, otherwise the pet will understand this and will create the appearance of misunderstanding with your commands.

How to properly care for a Thai cat

Any animals that appear in the house are not toys or furnishings at all. These are living beings with their own character, habits and preferences. This statement is especially true for purebred cats. A Thai cat is a faithful friend for life if you raise your baby correctly from the moment he appears in the house.

The animal’s motto can be considered the phrase: “in my house nothing can happen without my participation.” Such a pet will always be close to the owner. Sleeping, eating, water procedures, cleaning and other household chores - Thai cats prefer to do all this together with a person, never leaving him alone for a minute.

The owner of a purebred kitten must realize in advance that the inquisitive baby has taken a strong place in his life, he will sleep and walk with the owner, comment on his every action, expecting affection and conversations in return.

Do not forget that animals of this breed are considered long-lived in the cat family. How long do Thai cats live? With proper care and proper nutrition, an animal can reach the age of 25 years, and this is not the limit; there are cases when a pet’s lifespan was calculated at 27-28 years.


The character of the Thai cat is softer and more flexible than that of its ancestors, the Siamese. The base breed was used in Buddhist temples as guard animals. The cats were trained to protect a certain territory, and they successfully coped with the task.

Thais do not take part in the protection of objects, but they have inherited quick wits and intellect from Siamese cats. Cats learn quickly, are inquisitive, and enjoy exploring new subjects, objects, and territories. They love to travel and quickly take root in a new place. The main thing for a Thai cat is that the owner is nearby.

Personality of the Thai cat

The ancient origin and special history of the relationship between Siamese cats and humans have left their mark on the character of the representatives of this breed.

The Thai cat is a true intellectual of the cat world. And it’s not just about the traditional cleanliness of these animals - many furry pets surprisingly quickly understand the essence of certain plumbing fixtures and begin to use them for their intended purpose, bypassing the traditional tray.

And it’s not even that the Thai cat is an ideal object for training. The ability of an animal to understand people is amazing. Many believe that they received this skill from the monks of Siam. When she gets into your home, she will unmistakably identify the dominant member of the family and, with royal condescension, will count him among her favorites.

Thais love to chat. Moreover, they do this with pleasure, if they just want to maintain a friendly conversation, or out of necessity, if they need to prove and explain something to the owner. The variety of intonations and sounds perfectly characterizes the state of your pet - he will come to thank you for a delicious dinner or express his displeasure with a long absence.

Everyone, without exception, notes the curiosity of pets. Everything in the house will be examined and studied with special care. The statistics of cat injuries are directly related to this character trait. And if you lightly burn your nose with steam from a kettle or singe your mustache in the flame of a burning candle - it’s not so bad, then flying out of the window after a flying bird can end in disaster. Although even bitter life experience will not reduce the animal’s fearlessness.

The Thai cat always chooses a place in the house from which it can constantly control the situation. She loves active games, although she can also fool around with pleasure herself.

Thais are child friendly. You can safely leave your cat alone with even the smallest child. She will never let out her claws and certainly will not bite your baby.

For all their self-sufficiency, Thai cats are very affectionate creatures. She will tolerate a change of situation, and even short-term loneliness, if she is confident in your love.

How much does a Siamese cat cost?

The final price of a Siamese cat includes the prestige of the pedigree, the availability of vaccinations, the fame of the nursery and the class awarded to the kitten. The average cost of pet-class animals is 20 thousand rubles, breed class - 30 thousand rubles, and show class - 50 thousand rubles.

If you don’t have that amount of money, but really want a Siamese cat, then try contacting a shelter. In addition to yard animals, there are also “lost animals” and purebred pets with disabilities. They can be purchased completely free of charge. Despite their difficult fate, they quickly become attached to a person and become full members of the family.


Thai cats get along well with other animals. These are sociable and friendly pets. They find a common language with dogs and cats of other breeds or relatives.

Thai cats and children

The breed can be called active; Thai cats are not averse to playing with children. Pets happily run after the light pointer and play outdoor games. Like all cats, they do not like excessive attention - the Thai will not allow himself to be cuddled and stroked against the grain.

Relationship with the owner

The devotion of Thai cats to their owner is comparable to the devotion of dogs. These are loyal pets that recognize their owner. They are waiting for a person, they miss him.

Thai cats love to be near their owner and try to respond to his remarks. The voice of Thai cats has several timbres and therefore it seems that it is conducting a dialogue with a person.

Thais are touchy and do not tolerate coercion. They react aggressively to anger and are able to stand up for themselves. They remember grievances and after an insult has been caused, it is difficult to restore the previous relationship with them.

Such a pet's commands should be taught patiently and lovingly. The Thai cat loves to be the center of attention, she likes when the owner talks to her, strokes her, and spends time near the pet.

Thai cats love to be held. They happily sleep on their laps. If the owner needs an affectionate and devoted cat, the Thai is an excellent choice.

Intelligence and education

The breed of cats is very smart, easy to train, raise, Thai kittens quickly understand if they have done something wrong. In case of misconduct, never yell at the cat: such a loud sound will become a great stress for it, and this is fraught with loss of trust. Here are a couple of tips:

  • Do not hit your pet when he has done something wrong, because even a light slap with your palm on the back or side is comparable to a strong blow against a wall on a human scale.
  • To indicate that your pet’s actions are unacceptable, move your finger in front of his eyes and lightly click on his forehead. Remember that punishment must occur no later than 1 minute after the crime.

The sociability and playfulness of your pet will be a one hundred percent guarantee that he will never harm the child. You can leave a Thai with small children without fear: the pet is understanding of a person’s small age, reacts in a friendly manner to his pranks, and will not use his claws or fangs. For the same reason, it will not be difficult for a Thai to make friends with other animals: they simply will not react aggressively to sincere friendliness.


The furry pets of this breed learn different commands with amazing ease due to their sociability and curiosity, if the right approach is used. Never punish a kitten for failures: this will only develop insecurity, and the pet may lose all interest in learning. Instead, encourage attempts with treats, petting, and warm words, always spoken with a soft intonation in the voice. This way the cat will understand that it is doing everything right, and for good results it will definitely be rewarded.

Facts about Siamese and more:

  • Representatives of the Siamese breed live on average about 12–15 years.
  • Pregnancy in Siamese cats lasts about 65 days.
  • Cats love to sleep on paper; they consider it the most comfortable place to sleep and relax. And they sleep on average 16-18 hours.
  • Siamese cats do not like confined spaces, so you should not close the doors and it is advisable to ventilate the room more often.
  • By licking, the pet not only takes care of its fur, but also licks from it a substance containing vitamin B, which is necessary for the animal’s mental balance.
  • If the owner has high blood pressure, then simply stroking the cat can calm the nerves and lower the pressure.
  • All cats in general are very fond of people who are in a stationary state.
  • Cats have always been respected by all peoples. Among the Slavic peoples, it is customary for cats to be the first to be let into a new apartment. It is believed that they choose an energetically bad place in which it is undesirable to place a bed.

Before getting this representative of the cat family, it is worth taking a comprehensive approach to the characteristics of the Siamese breed or asking cat breeders about them. For those who have already acquired a Siamese cat, we wish them successful upbringing and a good friend.

Character and temperament

Thai cats are curious and spontaneous animals that remain playful until the end of their lives.
They quickly get used to people and do not like to be left alone. Thais are born actors, capable of constantly surprising and amusing their owners. Restless and funny representatives of the breed love to be the center of attention and enjoy exploring new territories. Although the Thai cat prefers to spend time in the company of people, he gets along without problems with his relatives and good-natured dogs

He does not tolerate jealousy and fighting, which means he will not conflict with other pets, conquer territory or compete for his master’s attention.


Feeding Thai cats is simple and does not require special skills or diets.

Ready-made feed

If, after the appearance of the pet, the owner decides to feed the fluffy with ready-made food, choose the food, taking into account:

  • age;
  • floor;
  • carrying out sterilization/castration;
  • lactation;
  • pregnancy.

If your pet eats ready-made dry food, it should have free access to water. It’s good to alternate canned food, wet food with dry food, and select food with different ingredients. Economy class meals do not contain the elements a cat needs. To produce such food, low-quality raw materials, flavors, and flavoring additives are used. Constant use of cheap food leads to pet diseases.

To avoid problems, owners of Thai cats feed their fluffies elite-class food. In the production of such feeds, natural raw materials are used and do not contain synthetic additives. The components are balanced and selected in the most useful quantities.

Homemade food

Homemade food should be balanced and contain the vitamins, minerals, fiber, protein, and proteins necessary for a Thai kitten or adult animal.

Thai cats' menus carefully include seafood and liver. If you plan to participate in exhibitions or breed breeding, these products are excluded from the cat’s diet. This is due to the fact that this diet causes the Thais' coat to darken. If there are no plans for exhibitions or mating with other animals, the fluffy is given seafood and liver.

A Thai cat should eat boiled lean meat, soups, cereals, and sea fish. Cats eat cottage cheese, sour cream, and sour milk with pleasure. Pets are given natural goat's milk or cow's milk diluted in a ratio of 1:3.

The animal's diet should include vegetables and fruits. They saturate the body with vitamins, microelements, and fiber.

Possible problems and questions

A natural diet for cats is great because... such food brings health. However, many make mistakes that lead to negative consequences. And some cats have mental characteristics and habits that prevent an easy transition to natural cats.

Why doesn't the cat eat meat?

If your cat does not eat meat, then you need to pay attention to the following points.

  1. Has he been eating dry food before? If yes, then the reason is that the cat is not used to meat and needs to be taught to be a predator. In this case, read the article on how to switch a cat to meat.
  2. The cat does not eat meat, but eats other foods: vegetables, cereals, soups without meat, etc.? Does she eat because she wants to, and not because you don’t give anything else? If so, this means she has digestive problems and needs to be taken to the vet immediately. Vegetarian cats do not live long.

What if you are allergic to food?

Cats, like people, have food allergies. Most often for chicken, because... Due to the peculiarities of modern production, this meat is far from environmentally friendly. If a food allergy is suspected, chickens should be excluded from the diet first. However, the problem may be in another product that needs to be calculated.

Do cats eat rotten meat?

Outdoor cats can eat spoiled meat without getting poisoned. Rotten meat can be harmful to domestic cats that are accustomed to fresh food, so it should not be given to them. In addition, pets themselves, as a rule, do not want to eat even more or less fresh meat that has become weathered, not to mention spoiled. And they do it right. Cats are not dogs who love such food and digest it well.

What if the cat doesn't eat enough meat?

Many owners worry that they work during the day and only have the opportunity to feed the animal in the morning and evening. At the same time, they wonder how the cat will eat enough if drying was always available to him, but this is not possible with natural food?

The cat really should have constant access to dry food, because... the food is already half processed and quickly passes through the stomach and the entire gastrointestinal tract. As a result, the cat will feel hungry again pretty soon. A natural diet of raw meat takes a long time to digest; the stomach remains full for a long time. Accordingly, an adult cat will not become physiologically hungry soon, just around the evening (not to be confused with psychological hunger!). Therefore, adult cats are fed natural food only 2 times, maximum 3 times a day.


The Thai breed does not require special care. To keep a pet, it is enough to follow the usual procedures and actions that are necessary for keeping all cats. The house should have a scratching post, a tray, a brush for combing, and dishes for food and water.

The shedding of pets is almost invisible. It is enough to brush a Thai cat once a month. Pets tolerate the procedure calmly, and can even use their back for the brush. Cats do not need frequent bathing. To keep your pet clean, wipe it with a damp glove once every six months.

Feeding with natural products

If you want to feed your Siamese natural products, then you should make sure that they contain the necessary minerals and vitamins. Many people prefer rabbit meat. If the animal is mischievous and refuses such a delicacy, you can try boiling it and offering it chicken or turkey. Few pets will pass by such a tasty treat.

Meat is the basis, but it must be supplemented with cereals and vegetables . The four-legged animals gobble up buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, polenta, and wheat porridge with appetite. And in order for the food to be rich in healthy ingredients, you should add some grated vegetables to it. It could be carrots, zucchini, pumpkin, cauliflower. You should not overdo it with these products, because vegetables greatly clog the smell of porridge and meat, which repels the Siamese.

Important! When preparing food for your cat, you should not add salt or other spices to it. Animals don't need them.

Calculation of daily portions

Some people naively believe that cats will independently determine the portion of food they need. This is wrong. Among animals there are gluttons who are ready to swallow much more than their body requires. Having poured the entire day's portion into such a cat's bowl in the morning, in the evening you can see an empty dish and the sly meowing pitifully.

You can’t rely on your pet’s appetite either. You need to calculate your food needs yourself. This indicator depends on the age and weight of the cat. For example, for pets aged 1.5 to 9 months, the calculation is carried out using the following formula: animal weight (g) x 0.1 = daily serving rate (g).

That is, the required weight of food for babies is 10% of their own weight. If a kitten weighs 1.5 kg, he will need 150 g of natural food per day. In this case, the portion is divided into several feedings. Kittens at 3 months are fed 5-6 times, babies older than 6 months are transferred to 3 feedings a day.

Calculation of portions for an adult animal is carried out using a different formula: animal weight (g) x 0.05 = daily food intake (g). That is, for adult cats, the serving weight is only 5% of body weight. For example, a cat weighing 5 kg needs 250 g of food. This portion is divided into 2 times.

Most of the diet (70-80%) should consist of meat and offal. The rest of the menu is formed from fermented milk products, vegetables, and herbs.

If ready-made feed is used, the required amount is indicated on the package. You should not give more or less than the prescribed portion. Malnutrition, like overeating, has a negative impact on health.


Thai cats are in good health. With appropriate nutrition and maintenance, they rarely get sick. If the animal's diet contains a lot of soft food, dental problems may occur. To naturally clean the surface of the teeth, fluffies are given solid food. It cleans the surface and slightly sharpens the teeth (cats are predators).

The eyes of Thai cats require special attention. A healthy animal copes with hygiene procedures independently. If the eyes are clean and the film on the inner corner does not cover the eyes, there is no cause for concern. If discharge appears, the film covers 1/3 of the eye, show the fluff to the doctor.

The nose is an indicator of a cat's health. If it is cold and wet, your pet is fine. A warm nose occurs in a healthy animal during sleep or immediately after it.

The Thai cat is not a capricious pet that requires constant care. It tolerates cool weather well and is not afraid of drafts (but you should not leave it in the wind!). Warm, dense wool reliably protects the cat from colds.

Problems can arise with the kidneys, but such diseases are typical for all cats.

To prevent diseases from developing and to detect them at an early stage, take your furry dog ​​to the veterinarian twice a year.

Sometimes Thai cats get sick:

  • lung cancer;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • Cats may develop mammary tumors.

Natural diet for a Siamese kitten at home

Depending on the type of feeding, the diet of Siamese kittens can consist of natural or industrial products. Each type of menu has its own pros and cons, and in terms of useful properties, both options are considered to be equivalent.

Preparing natural food at home takes time, and the owner has to independently calculate the size and calorie content of portions. But the advantage of this type of feeding provides absolute control over the quality of the feed and the ability to quickly respond to changes in the animal’s body.

What foods should you give your kitten?

Siamese cats eat almost all foods allowed for representatives of other breeds. Approximately 90-95% of the diet is occupied by the main component of the cat's menu - high-calorie protein food.

  • meat – lean beef, rabbit, chicken, turkey;
  • fish (river or sea).

The average amount of protein is found in cereals and cereals, and the minimum is found in vegetables. But the main supplier of this valuable raw material is still meat (offal) and fish.

  • fermented milk group - kefir, yogurt, yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese;
  • vegetables, fruits, cereals;
  • vitamin and mineral supplements.

Regular dry yeast contains a complex of vitamins that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the coat and skin. They are mixed into the kitten's food or fed separately.

Rules and regulations for preparing natural food for a Siamese kitten at home

In order not to calculate the daily portion and its composition based on the number of individual useful components, you can create an approximate menu for the week.

  1. Meat and fish products occupy 90-95% of the daily diet. Half of them come from meat, a quarter from osteochondral tissue (except fish) and 10-15% remains for offal (liver, heart).
  2. About 1/10 of the weight should be left for vegetables and cereals. In nature, kittens do not eat such foods, but receive them in processed form from the stomachs of small rodents.
  3. Once a week you need to give your pet one chicken or quail egg (the yolk is recommended) raw or boiled.

In addition, you should pay attention to the animal protein content of the feed. Its norm should be at least 25%, fats occupy 5-20%, carbohydrates – up to 10% (although their presence is not considered a prerequisite)

At home, vegetables and cereals are usually mixed with meat ingredients. But if a Siamese kitten eats grated raw carrots, then there is no need to limit him in this.

Contrary to popular belief, milk does not benefit adult cats. Starting from 2-3 months of age, it is replaced with kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt and other fermented milk products. They are given pure or mixed with fruit.

It is preferable to feed Siamese cats raw meat. First, it is placed in the freezer for 3-5 days, then doused with boiling water and finely chopped or grated on a coarse grater. This product retains all useful microelements, but kills pathogenic bacteria and parasites.

Fish is given no more than 2 times a week. River fish must be boiled, but sea fish can be given raw. Bones are removed from any fish to avoid damaging the gastrointestinal tract.

The serving size depends on the weight of the Siamese cat:

  • Products for feeding a Siamese kitten are selected according to the formula: baby weight/10;
  • by 4-5 months, the portion size is gradually reduced and brought to the weight/5 equation;
  • An adult Siamese cat should receive a daily portion of food of 200-250 g.

Subtleties of choice

Thai cats are a closed breed. That's why:

  1. A real Thai kitten cannot be cheap.
  2. The seller must have all the documents for the parents and the baby.
  3. Vaccinations must be up to date.
  4. There should be no stripes, stains, or spots on the kitten’s fur (except for the point location inherent in the breed).
  5. The baby's eyes should be blue. Any other eye shade is a sign of a mixture of several breeds.
  6. Representatives of cats of the Thai breed are allowed to have strabismus. The standards recognize this feature. Animals with such eyes are not considered defective and are allowed for exhibitions and are suitable for breeding.
  7. It is worth purchasing a baby after reaching 3 months. At this age, they are quite strong and can easily cope with moving and adapting to a new place.
  8. Six baby should be white.

Some breeders are scared that the Thai cat is a closed breed. Clubs monitor the cleanliness of the population and guarantee compliance with standards. If the goal is to breed Thai cats, it is necessary to comply with the rules of the club.

If a kitten is purchased for the “soul”, this is a different question. Such animals are spayed/neutered, but they are loved no less than the club members.

Character and behavior

Representatives of Thai cats are incredibly energetic, reminiscent of a perpetual motion machine. With age, their activity practically does not decrease. They love to play and, in the absence of any toys, will happily occupy themselves with the little things around them.

In every corner, under every bed, everywhere a curious pet sees something new and interesting. And he will not retreat until he reveals some secret and comprehends the essence of the discovery. When moving towards solving a mystery, curious Thais know no fear. Therefore, irrepressible animals often get injured. Gradually getting used to the sounds of the vacuum cleaner, they will certainly begin to study the scary machine, sniffing and touching it with their paws. Unraveling the mysteries of the universe, they learn everything on their own. Sometimes they can singe their whiskers when approaching a boiling kettle or a lit candle, and when jumping from a great height to get an object of interest, they can injure their paws and nose. Thai cats are not afraid of heights, but, like representatives of other breeds, they can get hurt if they land poorly.

Satisfy your Thai's inquisitive mind in every possible way by teaching him something new and interesting. This breed is easy to train. Little kittens quickly learn what and where they can do and what is prohibited. These animals are very “sports”, but cats are the most active and quickly learn different skills compared to cats.

The Thai cat is a very talkative creature. Her vocabulary includes several dozen shades of voice and each sound has a specific meaning. Among other things, it has been noticed that Thais have rich facial expressions. The faces they love to make leave few people indifferent. The emotions of the animals are immediately reflected on their blue-eyed faces. If your pet gets sad, gets worried, or suddenly wants to play around, becoming interested in something, everything will become clear to you as soon as you look at him. It is impossible to keep them in one place. Animals want to be aware of everything that is happening in the house and control the actions of the owner. Trying to help a person, a pet can only prevent him from making the bed, sweeping the floor or moving furniture, turning these activities into a fun game.

Sociable and affectionate most of the day, Thai cats still love to “walk by themselves.”

Thais are moderately inquisitive, but have a fairly high intelligence. They obey commands very well and are generally trainable, but they have a hard time coping with overt pressure on their own personality and are able to respond to this with aggression.

Thai, as well as Siamese cats, are surrounded by a myth about their incredible anger and uncontrollable aggression. But in fact, all the bad mood of the Thais is nothing more than whims. And this happens to them no more often than to representatives of other breeds of the cat family.

Independent and fearless - these are the epithets that can characterize the Thai cat breed. It is worth knowing that they have a good memory for insults. Open revenge may not follow, but you definitely won’t have to expect a favorable attitude from the animal in the near future. In addition, these animals monitor the general order in the house and quickly “report” to the owners about its violation. Thanks to them, you can find out about food burning, water leakage and other household troubles.

Preparing to maintain a home

It is necessary to create favorable conditions for the new family member. You need to take the baby away from the mother no earlier than 1 month after birth, but the later the better. Maintain the temperature at home at least 25 degrees, remove drafts, these animals love warmth. You need to buy a place where the kitten will rest. This could be a bed or a house, buy toys, because the Siamese cat is playful. Various shampoos for bathing, scissors for trimming nails, a comb for combing out fur, bowls for food and water, and a tray will come in handy. It is necessary to install at least one scratching post to protect the new wallpaper. You need to decide what to feed the animal. Remove small parts from accessible places and fence off wires.

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