Siamese cat: breed history, characteristics, care and breeding

Description of the Siamese cat breed

Popularity 15th place among 86 cat breeds


12-20 years


23-25 ​​cm

Country of origin:


Average price:

20-30 thousand rubles


4-8 kg
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Key facts

The description of the Siamese cat breed also suggests an abbreviated name - Siamese or Siamese, depending on the gender. Previously, this was the name given to the inhabitants of the ancient state of Siam - modern Thailand, recognized as the country of origin of animals.

Males and females differ little from each other. Given their size, they weigh from 3 to 5 kg. The largest individuals can weigh up to 8 kg. The height at the withers is 23-25 ​​cm, and the length of the body reaches 60 cm.

For a long time, Siamese cats were confused with Thai cats. Both species have a characteristic color-point color and blue eyes, which confuse ordinary people. The key characteristic of the Siamese cat is their thin and graceful proportions, giving the breed a slightly alien appearance.

The talkativeness of Siamese cats is perceived in two ways. Some owners are delighted by this habit, while others are annoyed.

For a long time, these animals were available only to high-ranking persons. According to legends, cats protected the jewelry of Thai princesses and looked after the property of temples. It is believed that due to the constant wearing of tail rings and close surveillance of valuable vases, the animals developed creases and squints. Modern breeders are trying to eliminate these features.

The lifespan of a Siamese cat can reach a record 20 years, of course, with proper care.

Advantages and disadvantages of the breed

The positive characteristics of Siamese cats include:

  • Magnificent mind.
  • Excellent trainability.
  • Loyal to their master.
  • They have an attractive appearance. This can be seen by looking at a photo of a Siamese cat.
  • They get along well with the smallest members of the family.
  • Practically not subject to shedding.
  • Playful and cheerful.

Pets also have disadvantages:

  • Siamese are very touchy and can remember bad things for a long time.
  • They are independent and have willful characteristics.
  • Demanding about cleanliness.
  • They do not tolerate cold well.
  • They have a fairly loud voice.
  • They are jealous and cannot tolerate cohabitation with other animals.

History of the origin of the Siamese cat

The exact date of appearance of the breed is impossible to track. Ancient writings were transferred to materials obtained from nature: papyrus, tree bark, palm leaves. Due to their fragility, only a few have survived. For example, the famous “Treatise on Cats” (Tamra Maew) was protected only thanks to copies on more “tenacious” materials. The time when the treatise was written is unknown. Scientists are inclined to the period of existence of the Thai state of Ayutthaya, that is, to 1351-1767.

There are 23 cats illustrated in the pages of Tamra Maew. Six of them bring misfortune to people, and 17 attract good luck. Among the breeds responsible for the happiness and well-being of their owners is the Wichienmaat. This cat has graceful proportions, white fur, a dark mask on the face, black ears, paws and tail - the main differences of the modern Siamese cat.

The country of origin of the breed is Thailand, which was called Siam until 1939. Graceful cats that brought good luck were inaccessible to ordinary citizens. These beauties were kept only by royalty and monks. The export of Siamese cats was strictly prohibited, so they only got outside the country towards the end of the 19th century.

The first breeder of the Asian breed was the Englishwoman Dorothy Neville. She demonstrated her pet in 1872 in London. The reaction was twofold. One part of the jury was hostile to the tailed contestant, while the other insisted on further breeding.

Active work with the breed began in 1884, when the British Ambassador Owen Gold captured a pair of aboriginal cats from Thailand. The Siamese cat was named Fo, and the female cat was named Mia. A year later, their kittens won an international exhibition. In 1892, the first standard was established.

What does a Siamese cat look like?

During breeding work in different countries, deviations in standards appeared. The pointed proportions gave way to more rounded ones. Some organizations maintain a strict distinction between the Siamese and the Thai breed, while others accept them as one type of Siamese cat.

If we adhere to the original standard that determines what a Siamese cat looks like, then purebred representatives must correspond to the oriental type. This means the absence of smooth lines and roundness in favor of a predominance of elongated lines and a slender but muscular body.


The breed description includes a wedge-shaped head, tapering from the ears to the nose. The triangular shape is characteristic not only of the head, but also of the ears, which are pointed at the tips. For slanted, almond-shaped eyes, only blue is acceptable.

In the photo of a Siamese cat, the structural features of the skull are clearly visible, preventing it from being confused with the Thai breed.

Body type

The head is located on a long and graceful neck. The flexible and muscular body resembles a pipe. The hind and forelimbs are thin and long. Small paws are oval shaped. The length of the hind limbs is greater than that of the forelimbs. The tail is as long and thin as the rest of the body, tapering at the tip.

Coat and color

Siamese are smooth-haired cats. They have no undercoat, so the entire body is covered with fine guard hair. The main color of the breed is color point. The dotted appearance of dark marks on an almost white coat is caused by acromelanism. This type of pigmentation is temperature dependent. The lower it is, the darker the developed pigment. Acromelanism is a form of albinism, which is why all Siamese kittens are born completely white. The dark pigment appears only at 6-10 months.

According to the CFA standard, four colors of the Siamese cat are allowed:

  1. Chocolate point

    . Most of the body is painted ivory, and the points are milk chocolate. The paw pads and nose should be brownish-pink in color.

  2. Lilac point

    . There are pink-brown spots on the white body. The color of the paw pads and nose is lavender pink.

  3. Seal Point

    . Points, paw pads and nose are colored brown. The color of most of the body varies from cream to pale yellow.

  4. Blue Point

    . Gray-blue spots are located on a bluish-white body. The nose and paw pads are slate gray.

Other colors are considered unacceptable by the standards.


A cat's color is determined by a set of eight different genes. It is they who dictate to a black cat to be black, and to a red cat to be red. There are modifier genes, they are responsible for the color pattern on the coat - stripes, spots, etc. And Siamese and related breeds have a special modifier gene called the “Siamese allele”. It suppresses pigment - in other words, it causes albinism. But it begins to “work” only when it receives a signal from the wool about an increase in temperature above a certain level.

Personality of the Siamese cat

Siamese are capricious and demanding. Many reviews have been written about the vindictive nature of Siamese cats, but not all breeders agree with them. A properly raised animal will never show aggression, but it will easily show offense. Siamese cats have a good memory. They easily pick up human emotions, so they distinguish between joy and anger. If you snap at your pet without a proper reason, he will definitely remember it. Revenge will not be accomplished immediately, but after some time, when the owner forgets about his mistake. Despite this feature, you should not be afraid of these animals.

Domestic Siamese quickly become attached to their owners. If you are willing to devote time to raising your pet and don’t mind daily conversations, then the advantages of the breed will outweigh the possible disadvantages. Siamese cats have intonations for all occasions in their arsenal. If you are patient, you will soon learn to understand them and recognize your pet’s desires. These cats do not tolerate loneliness, so privacy will not be possible. They love to be held, so be prepared to watch movies and work on the computer together.

Despite their friendliness and sociability, Siamese do not get along well with children. If a baby appears in the house, the cat will be jealous of him and may injure the child with its claws. Overly curious preschool children will also experience the wrath of a cat. Siamese hate rough treatment and instantly punish the offender. If you are sure that the child understands how to communicate with pets, then there will be no problems. If handled carefully, cats will happily support children's games.

If you got a Siamese and are worried that she doesn't have enough companionship, get another one. Making friends with representatives of the same breed is easier than establishing relationships with other animals. Peace between a Siamese cat and a dog is possible, but as an exception to the rule. This usually happens if the animals grew up together or the cat ended up in the house after the dog.

Despite their intolerant attitude towards loneliness, Siamese cats calmly tolerate the absence of their owner who has gone to work. The main thing is that there is a pattern in this, and after returning, games and conversations follow.

Siamese cats are wary of strangers. If you are going on vacation, leave your pet with someone you know. It is better to leave the cat at home while you are leaving, as changing the usual place will hit the psyche even more.


If you decide to start breeding a Siamese cat, the first step is to find a healthy male. Of course, the best way to do this is to contact the owner of a nursery near where you live. A Siamese cat owner with a good pedigree will be happy to help you in this matter, as he knows how important it is to keep the blood lines pure and reduce the risk of any hereditary problems.

When choosing a breeding cat for your Siamese breed, consider the following factors:

  • Is this the first time your female will be mating? If the answer to this question is yes, then you should think about having an experienced male.
  • Have you had all the necessary tests? Before you take your cat for mating, you should arrange a visit to the veterinarian to confirm the absence of hereditary and viral diseases.
  • What are you going to do with the kittens? When choosing a breeding cat, you need to make sure that you can sell the kittens in the future.

Pregnancy in Siamese cats is slightly shorter than other breeds - 58-65 days. On average, a Siamese cat gives birth to 4 to 6 kittens. The colors of kittens can be predicted in advance by knowing the recessive and dominant genes for coat colors in both partners.

Siamese catteries in Russia

The Siamese breed is one of the most numerous, so finding a nursery is not difficult at all:

  1. "Orientville" - Moscow.
  2. "Siaorimania" - Moscow.
  3. "Jubatus" - Novocheboksarsk.
  4. "JUNGLE" - Moscow.
  5. "Eastward" - Moscow region.
  6. "EkstaSia" - Yekaterinburg.

Raising a Siamese cat

A kitten must be raised from the first days of its appearance in the house. If you don’t want to rack your brains over how to stop him from scratching or relieving himself in the wrong place, then immediately stop all prohibited actions. Use standard prohibition commands: “fu” and “no”. The first is used for a permanent ban, the second for a temporary one. For example, “fu” can be used to discourage walking on the dinner table, and “no” can be used to prohibit scratching after sterilization.

Education should be based on affection and respect. Vengeful and aggressive animals are the result of abuse. The main tool of influence is intonation. It is well captured not only by adult animals, but also by kittens.

Siamese are clean, so they are easy to toilet train. Be persistent during training. Do not give up ahead of time, otherwise the pet will understand this and will create the appearance of misunderstanding with your commands.

Looking for a Siamese cat? Find your pet from 1 offer Buy

Communication as a way of individual nutrition

Siamese cats and kittens need the most tangible manifestations of love and personal attention. Charming blue-eyed dogs will not miss the opportunity to jump onto the laps of their beloved owners and receive a proper portion of affection. They are, of course, capable of remaining alone, but not for too long. They need at least half an hour of daily personal communication - and better, of course, more often, more... Even more!

Therefore, cats of this breed are not suitable for those who are rarely at home. Alternatively, you can get a Siamese company of two or more masked jumpers, so that the mustachioed tailed ones entertain each other

At the same time, they must get used to living together from an early age, learning to share their master’s affection and attention without conflicts.

If you add an additional pet of the same breed to an adult Siamese cat, he will experience the most burning, clawed and biting jealousy in his own skin.

The same fate will befall other domestic animals and, in general, any unknown person who dares to encroach on the attention of their owners. Therefore, as a rule, Siamese cats greet guests with obvious distrust

A well-modulated, low, slightly hoarse, but loud voice is an additional tool for communication between these cats and people. Siamese enchantresses really love to be talked to - and respond with heartfelt roulades.

A sonorous voice is also an effective way to achieve what you want: food, drink, entertainment! And cats of this breed declare their needs loudly, right up to neighboring apartments, especially in the seasonal “March”.

Most of the typical cat qualities are expressed in the sensitive, observant, emotional Siamese cats with an added strength. For example, they have an exceptionally subtle ability to find a sore spot in people and lay on top of it. However, one should not attribute special mercy and compassion to miraculous creatures - these cats are devoid of undercoat, often freeze and, having discovered a source of inflammation with an elevated temperature, sit on it like on a heating pad.

Contact with children is a difficult area for the willful and proud breed. Definitely, Siamese cats are absolutely unsuitable company for babies, especially crawling babies. Only from the age of six, when a child can well control touching the fur and clearly distinguish unceremonious squeezing from stroking that is pleasant to every cat’s soul, can one firmly count on the loyalty of this pet.

Health of the Siamese cat

The breed is long-lived. The maximum lifespan of these animals is 20 years. However, the Siamese cat's health can be precarious if its diet is not monitored.

For your pet’s health, do not forget about parasite treatment and vaccinations. Deworming is carried out quarterly, and vaccination is carried out annually. There is a separate vaccination schedule for kittens. From 2-3 months to 1 year, vaccinations are given gradually with mandatory revaccination. After 1 year, animals are administered only polyvalent vaccines containing several viruses simultaneously. They provide immunity against the most common viral diseases.

Possible diseases

It is impossible to protect your pet from all diseases, so do not forget about preventive examinations with a veterinarian. The following diseases are common among representatives of the Siamese breed:

  1. Bronchial asthma

    . If your cat is bothered by frequent and prolonged coughing attacks, get examined. Asthma is often caused by allergens: tobacco, household chemicals, house dust. If the situation is left to chance, the cough can develop into suffocation or respiratory failure. The pet may die. Determining the exact cause of asthma is almost impossible. If there are no pathological changes on the x-ray, the doctor prescribes antihistamine tablets. If the symptoms disappear, the diagnosis is confirmed. For frequent attacks, veterinarians recommend purchasing a cat inhaler.

  2. Amyloidosis

    . When protein metabolism is disrupted, excessive amounts of abnormal proteins accumulate in the liver, kidneys or pancreas. They trigger an autoimmune process - the rejection of their own cells with subsequent destruction of the affected organs. There is no cure for the disease, but it can be slowed down with early diagnosis.

  3. Pathologies of the cardiovascular system

    . This group includes aortic stenosis, accompanied by a decrease in blood supply to the heart. Animals with this disease are culled from breeding. Treatment depends on the severity of the pathology. If the quality of life is not threatened, then it is enough to protect the pet from intense physical activity.

Obesity and joint diseases often avoid Siamese, but this does not mean that the cat can be overfed.

Reproductive health

The first heat in Siamese occurs at 5-9 months, but mating is allowed no earlier than the third heat. With earlier fertilization, the cat is not able to bear healthy kittens. Pregnancy lasts from 55 to 65 days. Vitamins prescribed by a veterinarian must be added to the diet of a pregnant pet. They contribute to the proper formation of embryos and strengthen the mother’s immune system.

Siamese cats give birth to from 4 to 8 kittens, and some record holders give birth to offspring numbering 13 babies. Primiparous females often suffer from a lack of milk. The problem can be solved by injections of medications, but they can only be done after examination by a veterinarian. Dosages calculated independently can harm the animal.

If you are not ready to give birth, sterilize your animals. Spaying and neutering are recommended for all cats not involved in breeding. The optimal age for surgery is 6-8 months. Younger age is fraught with obesity and pathologies of the genitourinary system. Older pets are more difficult to tolerate anesthesia, so surgery is performed only as a last resort.

Owner reviews

Breeders speak mostly positively about the breed.

Igor, 28 years old, Moscow:

“Martin is my Siamese cat and is the sweetest creature. Children coming to visit can easily drag the cat by the tail, and they will not face any consequences for this. The pet does not show vindictiveness or malice at all. It’s very attractive that Martin understands everything perfectly, even the intonation of his voice. Sometimes it seems that the cat can even talk. I highly recommend this breed as a pet to any family.”

Oksana, 19 years old, Samara:

“The Siamese cat has been in our family for a long time. I would like to note the intelligence of our creature, which lends itself to ordinary dog ​​training. A Siamese will behave correctly if you treat it like a small child. You can’t yell at a cat, much less hit it. With the right approach to education, there will definitely be no problems with maintenance. This is an affectionate and sweet friend who takes part in household chores and understands the owner’s every mood.”

Characteristic assessments of any breed representatives are relative. What is a good quality for one person is a negative behavior for another. For example, not everyone likes the temperament of Siamese cats. Siamese often have mood swings. The cutest animal literally in a second turns into an indignant creature, and, it would seem, without a visible sign.

Note! The voice of purebred representatives seems creaky and shrill to many, but some people really like this talkativeness.

Those wishing to have a representative of the Siamese-Oriental group should take into account the curiosity of these animals. The pet will definitely not ignore any event in the house. It is also worth understanding that Siamese cats will never get along with other animals. Jealousy will manifest itself in literally everything. For example, the dissatisfaction of Siamese cats will look like:

    damage to furniture upholstery; throwing things around; peeling wallpaper.

If you don’t have time to raise a Siamese, it’s better not to have breed representatives at all. Despite the fact that the problem of entertainment for a cat can be solved by purchasing cat games and puzzles, this will not replace the attention of the owner. Therefore, before buying a kitten, you should weigh everything 300 times.

*Prices are as of October 2022.

Features of feeding and diet

Veterinarians recommend including dry food in the diet of Siamese cats. Unlike natural food, granules help eliminate plaque and prevent the development of tartar. The breed often suffers from gingivitis and periodontal disease, so additional care for the oral cavity will not be superfluous.

Among industrial foods there are lines designed specifically for Siamese. On the package you can find a table with guidelines for feeding a kitten or adult animal. All norms are calculated based on the weight and age of the cat. Additionally, a feeding cheat sheet is indicated, where dry food is combined with wet food (canned food or pouches).

Dry food is divided by age and breed. Medicinal feeds are produced separately and are recommended as dietary food for sick animals. When choosing food, check its class. Economy class products are made from low-quality raw materials. It is filled with “empty” calories and is fraught with health problems. Good food starts from premium.

When purchasing, people are often put off by the price tag and mistakenly believe that the best food is holistic. It is attractive due to its high protein content, but its excess is fraught with complications. If a cat has problems with the urinary system, then it needs a low-protein diet. Check with your veterinarian to see if holistic food can be given to your pet.

If you have enough free time to cook, you can try natural feeding. It includes:

  • lean meat (turkey, rabbit, beef);
  • offal (liver, tripe, heart);
  • low-fat fermented milk products (cottage cheese, yogurt);
  • a small amount of vegetables (carrots, cucumbers) and sprouted greens;
  • cereals (rice, egg).

Meat and offal should make up 2/3 of the total diet. Twice a week they can be replaced with sea fish, but only after the approval of a veterinarian.

It's easiest with newborn kittens. The mother feeds them with breast milk for up to 2 months. As animals age, they develop lactose intolerance, so milk is removed from the diet. If there is a shortage of mother's milk or a large number of newborn kittens, they are transferred to artificial formula. Up to 1 month, babies are fed every 2 hours.

From 2-3 months, kittens are given their first complementary foods. It can include minced boiled beef and homemade cottage cheese, which is necessary for bone development. At this age, little Siamese are fed 6 times a day. From 4 months, the number of feedings is reduced to 4-5, and from 6 months – to 3. Until 1 year, meals are reduced to 2 times a day, and portion sizes are increased.

Purchasing a kitten and price

If you want to be sure of the purebred nature of your future pet, then purchase it from a nursery where there are documents for each animal. Currently, the breed is very popular in Russia, so finding the nearest nursery will not be difficult. Remember that you cannot purchase a kitten before it is three months old. He is not ready to leave his mother yet; she teaches him many things. If you adopt a younger kitten, problems with toileting, scratching and socialization may arise. A truly purebred Siamese kitten with documents costs around ten thousand rubles.

The Siamese cat has a number of advantages that appeal to a large number of people (how else can one explain its wide popularity). Unusual appearance, ease of care, and unique character make the Siamese a member of many families.

Care and maintenance

The cost of caring for and maintaining a Siamese cat is lower than that of long-haired breeds. The breed is characterized by scanty shedding, so 1-2 brushings per week are sufficient throughout the year. Dead hairs can be removed with a special wool cleaning mitt. Frequent washing breaks the fat barrier and provokes the development of dermatological diseases. The pet can be washed only after dusty repairs or a walk in rainy weather.

Due to the lack of undercoat, it is not recommended to walk the animal in cold weather. If your cat asks to go outside, try to distract it with toys. To keep her comfortably, she will need a multi-level scratching post house. A large number of obstacles keeps the animal active and distracts from loneliness during hours of absence of the owners. Thanks to their developed intelligence, Siamese cats love interactive toys. You can buy them in a store or make them yourself.

In addition to the coat, do not forget to monitor the condition of the ears, eyes and teeth. Discharge from the eyes should be cleaned daily, earwax should be cleaned weekly, and for oral care it is enough to use toothpaste once a month. If you notice sticky eyelids, dark spots inside the ear, plaque or an unpleasant odor from the mouth, contact your veterinarian.

Resentment, depression and aggression: from causes to effects

Sensitive, intelligent, self-loving Siamese cats can be greatly hurt by undeserved insults. They must, of course, learn the limits of what is permitted, but they will remember unreasonable punishments for a long time and, when the opportunity arises, they will return to the offender what, in their feline opinion, is due to him.

Insufficient attention from the owners leads the Siamese cat into a state of deep emotional decline. A depressed animal turns on all available defense mechanisms and, in vain attempts to finally attract the desired attention to itself, can become a real beast.

A negative home environment, quarrels and screaming are another source of stress for Siamese cats. In an atmosphere of frequent scandals, they even turn gray, losing their color. Seeing, and most importantly, feeling the conflicts around them, animals are going to sell their lives dearly and become increasingly aggressive.

An ancient, capacious and accurate definition of the “Siamese” character: a cat with the habits of a monkey and the heart of a lion. This combination is unlikely to suit lovers of quiet, inconspicuous and docile creatures.

Siamese cats and cats are good for those who are able to:

Use the expressed cat intelligence: teach, train, play. Provide the animal with sufficient personal attention and even personal communication. Maintain a harmonious environment without acute conflicts and undeserved punishments.

As a result, we can not only better understand the abilities and needs of our smaller brothers, but also significantly improve the home environment.

For men who have difficulty understanding the emotional and beautiful half of humanity, the successful experience of keeping a Siamese cat is the best training. No wonder they say that a man who loves cats cannot be a bad husband.

All that remains is to move on from a theoretical study of the character of the Siamese cat to exciting practical exercises.

Authors of the articles: Belanta Clinic team

Tips for choosing a kitten

If you are looking for a future pet on the Internet, then pay attention to the photo. Newborn color-point kittens are a reason to think. Either the author is a master of Photoshop and wants to show the future color in the pictures, or he is trying to pass off a mestizo as a purebred kitten. The fur of Siamese cats begins to darken no earlier than 2 weeks after birth. The final color appears by six months.

The safest option is large nurseries. Their activities are licensed, so when selling they are required to provide all the necessary documents. The price in such institutions is higher than that of private sellers, but the likelihood of fraud is minimal. Before meeting Siamese kittens, evaluate the cleanliness of the room and the condition of the mother.

When choosing a kitten, consider its behavior. He must be active and curious. If the animal is given into your arms and looks completely healthy, then feel free to draw up a contract.

How to choose a pet

Having an animal in the house is a big responsibility. Therefore, do not act rashly, but carefully weigh the pros and cons:

  • can you provide the animal with normal living conditions, because active Siamese require more free space for movement;
  • will you have enough time to communicate with the animal, because if you don’t pay attention to the Siamese, the animal will grow up withdrawn and possibly unfriendly;
  • does any family member have allergies;
  • If there is a small child in the family, then buying a Siamese kitten is not recommended, as it can only harm both kids, because the kitten can get scared and scratch the child.

Before getting a Siamese kitten, think carefully about whether you have enough patience and time to make friends with the owner of a difficult character. After all, kittens are just charming, but an adult cat is a completely different matter. This is an individuality to be reckoned with. But if your heart is captured by this breed, then before choosing a baby you need to decide on the following questions.

Siamese kittens are very active and require a lot of attention.

For business or for the soul

If you want to engage in breeding, be sure to inquire about the kitten’s pedigree and do not purchase an animal with obvious defects. But if you are purchasing for the soul, then be guided by the appearance of the parents and the feelings that arise at the sight of the baby.

Cat or kitty

This fact is important, because cats and female cats have different temperaments and exteriors. Cats are more independent and freedom-loving; they are real bullies, often using their claws. They consider those around them to be service personnel, they like to poke their noses everywhere and do not tolerate prohibitions. If a cat is bought for the hobby, many cat owners advise castrating it. This will soften bullying and relieve other behavioral problems. Moreover, the procedure is less traumatic for the male than for the female. In addition, many believe that seals are more beautiful than cats and have more impressive sizes.

Kitties are calmer and more affectionate. They become very attached to their owner and show their feelings towards him in every possible way, trying to win his favor. They are also very clean. But problems arise during puberty. The instincts for procreation are so strong that it is impossible to suppress them through psychological influence. Therefore, either you will have to look for a groom, or sterilize the animal.

The Siamese cat will claim leadership in the family


You need to buy kittens, of course, in nurseries or at exhibitions. When buying a baby, you don’t have to worry about his health or pedigree. But just in case, examine the kitten and make sure there are no traces of dandruff in the fur or wounds on the skin. Activity is another indicator of health. In addition, you can get to know his parents better, which is a useful experience, since their genetic characteristics will certainly be passed on to their offspring.

Siamese have good health, so they are long-lived. The average age of the breed is from 15 to 20 years. But there are often cats whose age has exceeded this threshold.


Many people prefer kittens 2-4 months old, because they are easier to train. But in this case, you should remember the main thing - inquisitive tomboys need to devote a lot of time and there will be a lot of trouble with them at first. The baby will require a particularly sensitive and attentive attitude in the first days. But on the other hand, you will raise an animal that will get used to your rhythm of life and understanding of order.

Siamese kitten - video

There are fewer problems with older cats, but it is more difficult for them to adapt to new conditions. And the Siamese’s character has already been formed. Therefore, there are often cases when the animal and the new owner have not found a common language. And this is very sad.

Before making a choice, carefully watch your baby. He should be playful and curious. Excessive aggression towards brothers and sisters can reveal a nature that in the future will strive for leadership in the family. Raising such an animal will be extremely difficult. A weak and indecisive baby is also not the best choice. Congenital isolation can result in a non-contact nature. Having decided on the baby, take him in your arms, and if he behaves calmly and friendly, your choice is correct!

When choosing a kitten, evaluate not only the appearance, but also the habits

Buy kittens on the eve of the weekend so that you can give your baby enough time for normal adaptation.

How much does a Siamese cat cost?

The final price of a Siamese cat includes the prestige of the pedigree, the availability of vaccinations, the fame of the nursery and the class awarded to the kitten. The average cost of pet-class animals is 20 thousand rubles, breed class - 30 thousand rubles, and show class - 50 thousand rubles.

If you don’t have that amount of money, but really want a Siamese cat, then try contacting a shelter. In addition to yard animals, there are also “lost animals” and purebred pets with disabilities. They can be purchased completely free of charge. Despite their difficult fate, they quickly become attached to a person and become full members of the family.

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There are actually two types of temperature-dependent gene alleles that affect color suppression. The Siamese allele is more effective, and its carriers - Siamese, Himalayan and partly Tonkinese cats - have the contrasting coat with distinct colored spots associated with these breeds. Burmese cats also have a modifier gene, but it is weaker, and is called, accordingly, the Burmese allele. The Burmese coat has less contrast and can “cool down” to darker shades:

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