Can cats drink kefir: introduction to the diet

About the product kefir

Kefir is a fermented milk product that is obtained from milk after fermentation. To prepare the drink, a special starter is added to the milk, which is a combination of beneficial bacteria and yeast. The starter contains:

  • lactic acid streptococci - a source of active digestive enzymes;
  • acetic acid bacteria - actively develop in milk and are capable of synthesizing vitamin B32;
  • yeast and other living elements that feed on lactose, lactic acid sugar;
  • vitamins A, D, E, K.


There are more B vitamins in kefir than in milk.

Live lactic acid cultures enter the pet’s body when consuming kefir. When moving through the digestive tract, some of them die from the aggressive effects of gastric juice, but the other part penetrates the intestines and has a probiotic effect, promoting the active development of beneficial microflora. In addition, kefir:

  • stimulates appetite well;
  • quenches thirst (but cannot and should not replace fresh water, which should always be in the cat’s bowl);
  • activates intestinal motility;
  • tones the nervous system and blood vessels;
  • has an immunomodulatory effect.

Symptoms and diagnosis

When diagnosing yourself, you need to take into account the maximum number of factors. It is better to write down everything that the cat has eaten over the last 2-3 days and conduct a thorough inspection of the home. Inspecting boxes of thread, counting toys, etc. will help eliminate the risk of swallowing a foreign object

It is important to understand that a foreign object can cause intestinal blockage

Self-medication should not be practiced if diarrhea lasts more than 3 days or recurs within a short time after recovery. When visiting the clinic, you need to tell the doctor as accurately as possible about the development of the disease and your actions. For diagnostic purposes, the doctor will examine the four-legged dog, listen to breathing and heartbeat, measure the temperature, and, if necessary, take blood for analysis.

If equipment is available, the doctor will certainly conduct an ultrasound examination or take an image with a contrast agent. For any problem with the digestive tract, it is advisable to immediately rule out intestinal obstruction. The danger is that if there is an obstruction, the cat must be operated on immediately, and treatment and observation will only worsen the situation.

Features of use

Kefir contains a large number of micro- and macroelements necessary for every living organism, including pets:

  • calcium is a material for the “construction” of the skeleton, ensures the functioning of the nervous system and heart;
  • fluoride – stimulates the functioning of the hematopoietic system;
  • iron is one of the most important elements of blood and other components.

Considering the rich composition of nutrients in the fermented milk drink, we can say with confidence: kefir can be given to cats. And, since it is not whole milk, even with lactase deficiency, cats can drink kefir.


Some cats have an allergic reaction to cow's milk protein. Since the basis of kefir is whole milk, kefir can also have a negative effect on the pet’s body, manifested by skin reactions and itching.

Is it useful?

Kefir is a healthy and nutritious product. It is obtained by fermenting fresh cow's milk using a starter culture of yeast and bacteria.

Most cat owners and veterinarians believe that this product can be consumed not only by people, but also by pets. It contains vitamins A, D, E, K, as well as micro- and macroelements that have a beneficial effect on health.

These include calcium , which is necessary to strengthen the musculoskeletal system and support the normal functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Kefir contains a lot of fluoride, which stimulates the functioning of the hematopoietic organs, and iron, one of the most important components of blood.

Thanks to the bacteria it contains, this product is easily absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract even by those cats that suffer from lactose intolerance (most often these are older cats).

Thanks to the regular consumption of a small amount of kefir, the cat’s teeth and claws become stronger, and the coat becomes smooth and shiny.

Live lactic acid bacteria help improve digestion and eliminate constipation, which often occurs with poor diet.

The product has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Helps strengthen immunity and resistance to viral and bacterial infections.

For constipation and diarrhea

Kefir is often used to normalize the digestion of pets if they experience constipation or diarrhea.

In a situation where a cat has diarrhea (loose stools) that repeats several times a day, it is recommended to feed it kefir produced more than 3 days ago. Lactic acid bacteria will improve the intestinal microflora, and diarrhea will quickly stop. In addition to kefir, your pet needs to be given plenty of water to avoid dehydration.

If the animal has constipation, it is necessary to give it fresh (one-day old) kefir. It has a laxative effect. To enhance the effect, you can add a few drops of any vegetable oil without a strong odor to the bowl and mix well.

In both cases, the serving of fermented milk product should not exceed 30-50 g per serving. If necessary, this feeding can be repeated. But, if the problem cannot be eliminated, you should consult a veterinarian.

For urolithiasis, chronic renal failure and other diseases

Despite the fact that kefir is well absorbed and beneficial for the body, in some cases it is not recommended to use it.

With urolithiasis (urolithiasis), excess calcium and phosphorus, which are rich in fermented milk products, can lead to the formation of sand and stones in the urinary tract. Therefore, if your pet has this disease, he should not drink kefir.

With chronic kidney disease (chronic renal failure), a similar situation may arise. Rapid formation of kidney stones can lead to severe pain. In advanced situations, it can lead to the death of the pet.

Kefir should be given to cats with caution if they have been diagnosed with severe heart disease. Or there are some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, especially in the acute stage.

How to properly include kefir in a cat's menu

Kefir is a food, not a drink. It contains many nutrients, which strengthen the immune system and slow down the aging of the body. Thanks to the calcium contained in the drink, your cat will have beautiful fur, strong teeth and claws. However, you need to give your cat kefir correctly.

When choosing milk products for your cat, you should pay attention to their fat content. Pets should not be given fermented milk products with a fat content of more than 9%: not all animals tolerate them well. In sensitive cats, high-fat kefir and sour cream can cause loose stools. For the same reason, it is not recommended to give cats sour cream, cream and yoghurts with sugar and fruit. The optimal product is kefir with a fat content of 3.5%.

You should not give your pet fresh kefir just brought from the store. It contains ethyl alcohol, which is very harmful to the animal's body. It takes at least 48-72 hours for it to evaporate, so the purchased package must be opened and kept in this form for at least two days.

Kefir contains a lot of carbohydrates (4 g per 100 g of product), so it is not recommended to give it often to animals prone to obesity. This is a complete food, but giving kefir often is also not worth it. 2-3 times a week is enough, and your pet’s body will receive the required amount of beneficial microorganisms and nutrients.

Cats often do not know when to stop when it comes to their favorite treat. But for an adult animal, a serving of 50 g is enough, otherwise intestinal upset is possible. You cannot replace a cat’s complete diet with kefir or other fermented milk products: they should only be useful additions to a balanced diet.


Do not add salt or sugar to kefir. These products are strictly prohibited for cats.

Older animals digest dairy and fermented milk products less well. Consuming kefir can cause diarrhea or flatulence in your cat. In these cases, it is better not to give her fermented milk products.

Harm and contraindications

Most often, periodic consumption of kefir does not harm pets.

However, in some cases, animals that suffer from milk protein intolerance may experience indigestion and itchy skin.

A similar reaction can also occur when the cat is prone to allergic reactions to certain types of food. Along with itching, your pet may experience watery eyes, sneezing, runny nose, and restlessness.

To avoid health problems for your pet, you need to observe it for 30-60 minutes after it first tries kefir. If signs of an allergy appear, the animal should be given water to drink. And in the future, refuse this fermented milk product in the cat’s diet.

You should feed your pet kefir with caution if you are prone to obesity. The product contains a lot of carbohydrates that are quickly absorbed. This can cause the growth of fatty tissue. If a cat has problems with excess weight, a veterinary clinic specialist should select the optimal diet for him.

When deciding whether to include kefir in your pet's menu, you should take into account the age of the animal. The older the cat, the more difficult it is for her to digest milk protein. She may experience bloating and diarrhea. In such a situation, you should avoid eating fermented milk products.

The effect of “young” and “old” kefir

Depending on the age of the fermented milk product, it affects the body in different ways. If no more than three days have passed since production, it is called young and can have a laxative effect on the body and normalize intestinal function. "Old" kefir - more than three days old - has the opposite effect and may be useful for ongoing diarrhea.


Two-day kefir should not be given to a cat with a peptic ulcer during an exacerbation, and three-day kefir should not be given to a cat with increased acidity of gastric juice and chronic kidney disease.


A mild laxative medicine can be made from kefir by adding 1 teaspoon of any odorless vegetable oil to half a glass of the drink.⁠

Another important point is that three-day kefir accumulates a huge number of different microorganisms, some of which will be dangerous for pets. And if the cat has not finished eating it, leaving kefir in the bowl is prohibited - within a few hours pathogenic microflora will actively develop in it. Therefore, you should make it a rule: give it a little at a time, and if the cat has not eaten the kefir, you need to remove it.

Veterinarian recommendations

Kefir is a complex product, but veterinarians agree that a moderate amount of kefir will have a beneficial effect on the cat’s body. Follow these recommendations, and your furry pet will be grateful for your care:

  • kefir is useful in small quantities. Feed your pet no more than 2-3 times in seven days;

Do not leave kefir unattended, otherwise your cat may eat too much.

  • Low fat kefir is best. Otherwise, side effects may occur;
  • do not introduce kefir and other fermented milk drinks into the diet if your cat is fed factory food;
  • kefir is dangerous for animals with peptic ulcers and problem kidneys;
  • kefir does not combine with other sourdough-based products;
  • animals do not digest synthetic additives and sweeteners well;
  • For cats prone to excess weight, kefir can be harmful.

Which fermented milk products are good for cats?

Delicious cheese made from natural products, an ideal treat for cats, especially if (soon) it is feta cheese or Adyghe cheese. This lactic acid product, being a source of proteins and calcium, essential for the cat’s skeletal system, should appear regularly in the pet’s diet.

As for sweet curds or store-bought curds with additives, in which case some cats love them. The delicacy is really (and) still delicious, but it is very harmful, since sugar, artificial additives and fruit fillers damage the animal’s iron. If the owners have decided to introduce fermented milk products into the ration, they cannot do without the following recommendations:

  1. Kefir should not taste sweet, and in turn it should not contain salt, so salty kefir drinks are excluded from heaven and earth.
  2. If possible, you should use kefir with minimal fat content.
  3. For a kitten, the best project is milk purchased from a veterinary clinic, since it has an acceptable fat content and composition.
  4. There should be no need for sweet cheese in a cat’s diet; it is better to deny your beloved cat a treat than to then buy expensive anti-diarrhea medications and watch your pet suffer.
  5. If you can’t buy kefir, starter cultures are also a good option, since they contain lactic acid bacteria that help cleanse the stomach comfortably.
  6. When buying a lactic acid product, do not forget about the expiration dates.

You need to show your devotion to your pet not only by stroking its fur and playing games with it. If the cat is in good enough health, she will always be playful and active, and thus spending time with her will be even more enjoyable

Thanks) (it is important to ensure that only healthy and high-quality products are in your furry pet’s bowl day and night

About the benefits of milk for cats

There is a common but erroneous belief that all cats love milk, and this product is an integral part of their diet. As it turns out, this is just a myth:

  • Milk is given to kittens; their bodies absorb it well. But fermented milk products are more suitable for adult pets.
  • The digestive system of adult animals does not cope well with whole milk, and lactose is practically not absorbed by it.
  • It is generally not recommended to give milk to cats that eat dry diets. In this case, the risk of deposits in organs is high. The food goes well only with plain water.
  • If your pet is a fan of this product, then it is better to treat him with a special instant milk replacer. It can be purchased at a veterinary clinic or pet store. Such mixtures are harmless to the cat's body.

Milk alternative. If you cannot diversify your pet’s menu with regular milk, then you can include other fermented milk products in his diet, in addition to kefir. It is useful for a cat to treat:

  • low-fat cottage cheese;
  • natural yoghurts without additives;
  • fermented baked milk;
  • curdled milk.

Cheeses should also be present on your pet’s menu, especially soft, pickled cheeses – feta cheese, Adyghe cheese. Such food contains a large amount of healthy animal protein, calcium, and other vitamins and microelements. True, we must not forget that everything is good in moderation. This applies to kefir and other products. The cat should be fed correctly, without disturbing the balance of nutrients. In general, when creating a complete diet of natural products, it is recommended to consult a veterinarian.

A balanced diet is the key to health

Every animal, just like a human, needs proper nutrition. Not only the mood, but also the well-being of your pet will depend on this. In any store in the modern world you can find a wide variety of different foods and supplements for cats. In order to make your choice, just seek help from a specialist who can suggest the right diet for your pet.

Every owner tries to pamper their pet, in addition to the main food, with something natural and tasty. But not everyone knows that pouring milk or kefir incorrectly and at the wrong time will benefit the cat. There are some rules to remember to ensure your pet doesn’t get hurt:

  • If you purchased a fresh fermented milk product, including kefir, then let it sit for several days. Kefir usually contains a small percentage of alcohol, only after it has been left open for some time will your pet not suffer from an upset stomach.
  • There is also no need to purchase high-fat fermented milk products; it is enough if they do not exceed 3-4%.
  • Overeating is also not recommended, the consequences may not be too fun.
  • If your pet is just a baby, then you should refrain from feeding it kefir and any other animal products.

Kefir for a kitten: benefit or harm

Scientists and veterinarians have long dispelled the myth about the undeniable benefits of milk and dairy products for cats. Representatives of the cat family are predators. They consume milk only from their mother, then they lose the ability to digest it and switch to a meat diet.

Living a cat next to a person left an imprint on its diet. Today, kittens are given milk, but its daily consumption causes constipation, problems with digestion of food, and pain in the animal. The same can be said for kefir, yogurt and cottage cheese.

The kitten's delicate stomach does not tolerate ethanol from “old” kefir, although it contains a large number of essential amino acids and minerals. Sometimes you can give kefir to a kitten. But this product must be fresh.

Which fermented milk products are good for cats?

Delicious cheese made from natural products, an ideal treat for cats, especially if (soon) it is feta cheese or Adyghe cheese. This lactic acid product, being a source of proteins and calcium, essential for the cat’s skeletal system, should appear regularly in the pet’s diet. It takes more time to digest this product than cottage cheese, but at the same time it gives satiety for a long time. You need to buy low-fat cottage cheese - up to 5% fat, otherwise the kitten's gastrointestinal tract will have difficulty digesting it.

As for sweet curds or store-bought curds with additives, in which case some cats love them. The delicacy is really (and) still delicious, but it is very harmful, since sugar, artificial additives and fruit fillers damage the animal’s iron. If the owners have decided to introduce fermented milk products into the ration, they cannot do without the following recommendations:

  1. Kefir should not taste sweet, and in turn it should not contain salt, so salty kefir drinks are excluded from heaven and earth.
  2. If possible, you should use kefir with minimal fat content.
  3. For a kitten, the best project is milk purchased from a veterinary clinic, since it has an acceptable fat content and composition.
  4. There should be no need for sweet cheese in a cat’s diet; it is better to deny your beloved cat a treat than to then buy expensive anti-diarrhea medications and watch your pet suffer.
  5. If you can’t buy kefir, starter cultures are also a good option, since they contain lactic acid bacteria that help cleanse the stomach comfortably.
  6. When buying a lactic acid product, do not forget about the expiration dates.

You need to show your devotion to your pet not only by stroking its fur and playing games with it. If the cat is in good enough health, she will always be playful and active, and thus spending time with her will be even more enjoyable

Thanks) (it is important to ensure that only healthy and high-quality products are in your furry pet’s bowl day and night

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