Siamese cat: description of the breed, character, maintenance rules, reviews, price

Conditions of detention

If all conditions are provided for a kitten, then it will grow up healthy. From childhood you need to strengthen your immune system and take care of your special ears, then an adult cat will not cause any problems in caring for it.

Initially, kittens are fed hypoallergenic food, and over time they are transferred to regular food.

All medications should be prescribed only by a veterinarian who knows what this species is allergic to and how to treat it correctly.

Like all breeds, these cats require not only a lot of attention, but also proper, timely care.

It is important to monitor the cat’s health; if it worsens, you need to see a doctor, since Siamese cats are prone to cancer, in order to start treating it in time, you need to seek help in a timely manner.

Character and behavior

The character of the Siamese cat is a topic for a separate discussion.

Fragile oriental beauties have a reputation for being evil, vengeful and aggressive pets, but this is far from the case.

Yes , Siamese cats have a stubborn, independent and wayward character and can take revenge on their owner if they are mistreated by breaking his favorite vase or tearing expensive curtains to shreds. But you shouldn’t believe evil tongues that claim that an offended pet will attack the owner from around the corner or sneak into the master’s bedroom under cover of darkness to grab him by the throat.


Loyalty to the owner.

Strong-willed character.

Extreme curiosity.

In fact, Siamese are extremely affectionate and loyal pets and they have a particularly warm and caring relationship with their owner . The Siamese cat always tries to be in the field of view of its beloved owner and uses every opportunity to express its tenderness and love to him. These amazing creatures need care and communication , and if the cat decides that the owner does not devote enough time to him, he will demand attention, following him on his heels and showing his dissatisfaction with annoying meows.

Games (hide valuables)

Blue-eyed creatures are distinguished by their activity and love of outdoor games, and these animals spend all their time rolling a ball on the floor or hunting for a toy mouse.

Siamese breed on the hunt!

By the way, for a Siamese cat, any small object can serve as a toy, so it is advisable to store valuables out of the pet’s reach . Otherwise, the cat will not miss the opportunity to steal a wristwatch or phone charger and will violently fight back when trying to take it away.

Relationship with the owner

Siamese cats are intelligent, observant and curious, so they take a keen interest in the daily affairs of their owner.

The Siamese cat will not tolerate betrayal.

The pet will take an active part in processes such as washing floors or cooking and even tell the owner how to do it correctly. Thanks to his natural intelligence, your pet will quickly understand how to open a cabinet or refrigerator door and, if necessary, be sure to check what is hidden from him there.


When deciding to get a Siamese cat, you should keep in mind that representatives of this breed are very jealous and consider their beloved owner to be their personal property.

The Siamese breed rarely gets along with other animals.

Therefore, it is undesirable to keep them in company with other pets , because then competition for the owner’s attention between pets is unlikely to be avoided. But there is also no question of getting small pets, such as hamsters and parrots, if a representative of the Siamese breed already lives in the house. Siamese have very developed hunting instincts and sooner or later the cat will find a way to open a cage with potential prey and no prohibitions can stop him.


If a Siamese cat wants something, you will hear about it immediately.

Another distinctive feature of Siamese cats is their extraordinary talkativeness.

The pet will express all its emotions, desires and demands using its voice, using different intonations, from gentle trills to loud insistent meows. The cat will greet the owner from work, “telling” how he missed him, sitting on his lap, confessing his love to him with an affectionate purr, and loudly yelling to wake him up early in the morning, demanding to be fed.

Attitude towards children

It is important to remember that Siamese cats do not tolerate disrespectful or cruel treatment, so they are not recommended for families with small children.

After all, the pet will not tolerate being pulled by the tail or squeezed in a tight hug and can scratch the child, trying to protect itself from him.

Description of the Siamese breed

The Siamese breed is very graceful, harmonious and has a unique character.

Breed standards

The animal is medium in size, weighing approximately 4 kg. Males are usually larger than females.

Character of Siamese

Siamese cats are very picky and selfish; they will not allow themselves to show a feeling of love for their owner, but they will happily accept his care and love.

If an animal wants something, it will definitely get it, since the piercing voice will force any owner to obey the will of the pet.

During puberty, especially in the spring, they scream very actively and demand to bring their soulmate. Cats are very playful and touchy; very often they show their resentment with the help of their claws.

The cat will show its gratitude when the owner comes home from work, the animal will immediately greet him, and if someone has offended the owner, the cat will take revenge on the offenders.

Siamese cat


To get a complete picture of the breed, dispel or confirm myths about the character of the Siamese, I propose to consider the reviews of the owners from the Otzovik website.

Affectionate cat

The author of the first review talks about his cat, who is distinguished by rare kindness and affection. The animal shows affection for its owners and loves their attention. Treats very well with a small child (11 months).

Very smart animal

The author of the second review lovingly talks about his pet and does not hide the peculiarities of his character: vindictiveness, touchiness, unexpected emotional reactions. An animal can really surprise and be jealous of its owner. The author concludes: it is easier to learn to live with Siamese and find an approach to each other.

Sly pet

The author of the third review talks about his experience of keeping cats of different breeds and, after making a comparison, believes that Siamese cats are beautiful. He says that pets can be mischievous and cunning (tear wallpaper, damage furniture, chew wires), but at the same time their affection and friendliness compensate for all the inconveniences of keeping them.


  • Elongated body, long legs, oval-shaped paws.
  • The head is oval.
  • The muzzle is thin, the nose and chin are at the same level.
  • The ears are wide downwards.
  • The eyes are almond-shaped, slightly sunken, the color is bright blue, this is a distinctive feature; no other breed has such a beautiful and rich color.
  • The tail is elongated and thin.


The head is wedge-shaped, and the shape of the skull is flat and very easily visible through the skin, the muzzle is thin, the nose is elongated, and only some representatives have cheeks.


Average weight - from 4 to 5 kg, depending on the accessory.


The skeleton looks fragile and small, but this is deceiving, since the pet has well-developed muscles, all the animal’s movements are light, fast and clear.

History of the origin of the breed

Siamese cats are a native breed of Southeast Asia, especially popular in Thailand. Actually, the former name of Thailand was the Kingdom of Siam, from which the name of the breed came.

Today you can also find such a breed as the Thai cat. To avoid confusion, it’s worth explaining right away: modern Thai and Siamese cats have the same roots, but breeders “worked” more thoroughly on the Siamese, and the Thai cat looks about the same as its “wild” ancestors hundreds of years ago.

Photo from Rose Tenent's book “The Book of the Siamese Cat”, first half of the 20th century

In Thailand, Siamese cats were considered sacred animals; they were protected by law and often lived at temples, taking part in various ritual events. Siamese cats were also revered in the monasteries of Tibet, where due to the colder climate they had an almost black color and, according to legend, treasures were guarded.

Siamese first came to Europe at the end of the 19th century, thanks to British colonial policy - English diplomats exported several of these animals, receiving them as a gift from Siamese officials. The Siamese cat came to Russia as a personal gift to Nicholas II from the King of Siam, Chulalongkorn. Then 200 animals of the original phenotype were brought to St. Petersburg, which formed the basis of the Russian population.

On the right is the old-type exterior of a Siamese cat, today called Thai, on the left is the modern exterior of a Siamese cat of Liliak Point color

Breeding of Siamese cats began in Britain. In 1902, the first breed standard was approved. English breeders identified and enhanced such animal features as large ears, a wedge-shaped head, and thin long paws. These traits crystallized already in the USA, where a new breed standard was adopted in the 50s.

Experts today distinguish about 40 varieties of Siamese cats.

BBC program about Siamese cats (video)

Varieties of color

There are several color options for this breed:

  • seal point - the color of the animal is from dark brown to cream;
  • blue point - white color, which has a blue tint on the back;
  • chocolate point - the main color is ivory, and the markings are dark brown;
  • lilac point - the color of a beaten squirrel, pink markings;
  • red point - white with apricot markings;
  • cream point - the main color is white, which gradually becomes cream;
  • Cinnamon Point - Ivory-colored with light brown markings that appear lighter toward the extremities;
  • background point - magnolia color, which becomes dark towards the base;
  • cake point - color in the style of seal and blue, the cat's face with paws should stand out clearly;
  • tabby point - the difference from other colors is that there are additional stripes on the markings; the markings can be seal, blue or chocolate.
  • Torty Tabby Point - has speckled dots on the ears, paws and tail.

Preventing a conspiracy

Everyone can envy the instincts of representatives of this breed. This is confirmed by 30 spy microphones hidden in the wall , which were discovered thanks to the suspicious behavior of two Siamese cats. It all happened in 1960 in the building of the Dutch embassy in Moscow.

The staff found it strange that these animals were scratching the walls and arching their backs for no reason. It later turned out that in this way they demonstrated their excitement by the noise emanating from the spy devices, inaccessible to human hearing.

Health, what can you get sick from?

You should buy an animal from a nursery, since they are raised there according to all standards and they monitor not only timely vaccinations, but also their appearance. One of the main indicators of health is the pet’s activity.

The average lifespan of a pet is 15-20 years, but there have been cases where they lived much longer.

This particular breed is considered hardy, so it rarely gets sick, but if the cat is stressed or not properly cared for, it can get sick.


  1. Baldness.
  2. Respiratory.
  3. Cardiomyopathy.
  4. Diseases of the respiratory system.
  5. Problems with coordination

How to choose a name for a Siamese kitten

What is my name?

These cats have an exotic and extraordinary appearance, so it is advisable to choose a name for your pet that will highlight its characteristic features or temperamental features.

Oriental names are most suitable for blue-eyed creatures.

  • For example, a female kitten is often called Aishe, Mulan, Iris, Rosie or Jinnah.
  • A male kitten can be given the name Siam, Onyx, Solomon, Ayhan or Amir.

Pros and cons of the breed

Siamese cats are different from other breeds, but like all animals, they have pros and cons.


  • beautiful unique eyes;
  • high level of intelligence;
  • sociability;
  • activity.


  • loud voice;
  • constant meowing, as the cat loves to communicate;
  • very vulnerable and vindictive;
  • They love to always be close to their owner; when alone they become depressed.

Siamese kitten

Purchasing a kitten

If your goal is to participate in exhibitions and breed Siamese cats, choose your pet carefully. The future winner must be of high blood, from titled parents and reliable breeders. The owners of a mother cat or cattery are required to issue a certificate indicating the date of birth of the kitten, the names of its and its parents, breed and color. Later this document is exchanged for a pedigree. The price of Siamese kittens, which will become participants in exhibitions and producers, reaches 800 euros and more. The more titles parents have, the more expensive their offspring will be.

The future champion must have high-born ancestors

If you need a cat for the soul and games, the costs will be much more modest and the choice will be easier to make. You can buy a kitten from a breeder or in a nursery, then it will definitely have all the characteristics of the breed. But you have the right not to be given documents if the animal will not be exhibited. The price of a small Siamese in this case will be 10–15 thousand rubles, and sometimes less.

There are nurseries in Russia where they seriously study Siamese and other oriental breeds. A list of some and their coordinates can be found here.

Criterias of choice

The potential winner and prize-winner of cat shows is meticulously chosen

It is important to exclude any grounds for disqualification. Already at a young age it is clear what the baby will become

By this time, dark markings should appear, whether the tail is straight, the number of fingers, what color of the eyes - everything is visible. When choosing a kitten, check the criteria for compliance with breed standards. And, of course, the future pet should evoke sympathy from the owner. It is difficult to raise a champion without mutual love.

When purchasing a kitten, you need to understand what your goals are.

A kitten that is bought for pleasure does not need to be subjected to strict inspection. The main selection criteria will be character and health. Do not choose a pet at the market, only at home. There you will see how a cat is kept, take a good look at the babies and their mother

Pay attention to the condition of the kitten's fur, eyes, and ears. If something worries you, refuse to purchase

The Siamese cat was our first pet. In the apartment of the mother cat's owners, we saw kittens hanging in a bunch right on the wall (thick vinyl wallpaper was in fashion at that time). It seemed funny. But a day later the little Siamese began to hang on our wallpaper. And we had no time for fun. It took a long time to wean her off the bad habit.

Age of kitten for moving to a new family

Experts do not recommend purchasing a kitten younger than 2.5, or preferably 3 months. Kids react painfully to parting with their mother and moving. Usually by 3 months they get used to independence, know how to eat and are toilet trained. Check with the cat's owners what they fed the kittens, and at first stick to the same diet. By this age, little Siamese should already have received mandatory vaccinations and deworming.


The diet should include lean meat and fish. It must be scalded or boiled to prevent pathogenic bacteria from entering the pet’s stomach.

You can add to your diet:

  • cottage cheese;
  • boiled egg, yolk only;
  • boiled milk;
  • fruits vegetables;
  • sour cream;
  • yogurt;
  • oil.

Fresh water and grass (wheat or a special mixture) must be available. It is better to give dry food to your pet no more than once a week.

Cat cleanliness

Pets can take care of themselves; you need to periodically check their condition and, if necessary, help the cat take care of itself.


  • check the cleanliness of the ears; they need to be wiped once every 7 days with a specialized ear cleaner;
  • Teeth should be brushed every month to prevent tartar or other diseases from appearing;
  • You need to remove dried crusts from your eyes with cotton pads.

Cats do not like to bathe; if you need to bathe them, this is done no more than once every 4 months.

During shedding, the animal needs to be combed twice a week, and on normal days it is enough to run a wet palm from the withers to the tail to remove excess hair.

Characteristics of the Siamese

Before becoming the owner of a Siamese, it is recommended to take into account the characteristics of the breed:

  • The animal requires a lot of attention from its owners.
  • Cats usually do not allow children under 5-6 years of age to approach them.
  • Loneliness is a real challenge for the Siamese. To avoid injuring the animal, it is recommended to purchase toys for it.
  • Friendship between a Siamese cat and other pets is possible. But when choosing a companion, you should take into account their compatibility.


Siamese cats spend a lot of time on hygiene, so their fur is always clean. Shedding periods: autumn, spring.

Be sure to read:

What are the different colors of Bengal cats?

Your pet needs to be brushed 2-3 times a day at this time. It is also worth taking care of special food or means for removing hair from the stomach.

Reference! It is recommended to choose a glove or a brush with rubber teeth as a combing tool. Metal or plastic scratchers are not suitable for procedures.


The opinion that short-haired cats are hypoallergenic is erroneous.

Strong offspring come from purebred parents

The fur is not the source of the problem; the pathogen is in the pet's saliva.

What you need to walk your pet

Before releasing an animal outside, it is necessary to take all measures that will help the animal walk safely.

Need to:

  1. get all vaccinations;
  2. withstand quarantine;
  3. accustom the animal to a leash.

You need to keep an eye on your cat while walking, as there may be spoiled food on the floor or stray animals walking nearby that could infect or attack your pet.



To get purebred Siamese kittens, you need to choose a pair; the males should not be much larger than the female, so that the kittens are of medium size and can easily fit through the mother’s narrow pelvis.

This is also important because with a weak spine the mother will find it difficult to bear large kittens.

To ensure that the birth goes smoothly and without complications, it is better to invite a veterinarian or at least have a doctor’s phone number who you can call in an emergency to save the life of the cat or its offspring.

During pregnancy, the cat needs to be well fed, the dose of microelements and vitamins increased, and after giving birth it should also be fed well.

Interesting facts about the breed

There are many legends, beliefs and interesting facts about Siamese cats, as one of the most ancient of which information has reached:

  1. According to one legend, the princess of the Siamese kingdom, when she went for a swim, was accompanied by a Thai or Siamese cat. She strung rings and bracelets onto the animal’s tail, and in order not to lose the jewelry, she tied the end into a knot.
  2. In Thailand, the Siamese's homeland, previously only noble people and members of the royal family could keep them.
  3. The first Siamese cat exhibited at an exhibition in England was not recognized by the public; it was considered ugly and even nightmarish.
  4. The name of the fattest Siamese cat is known, this is Katie, her weight reached 23 kg in 2003.
  5. The largest, record lambing of 19 kittens was recorded in a Siamese cat in England in 1970. Typically, the average Siamese litter is up to 6 kittens.
  6. Queen Elizabeth of England adored her beloved Siamese cat, given to her by the king. Since then, there has been a fashion for Siamese among aristocrats.

Choosing a Siamese kitten

It is better to buy a kitten at two months of age, then it will quickly adapt to the new environment.

Girls are more affectionate and flexible, while boys are independent, jealous, and always try to take the place of the owner.

It is also important to take into account the physical and emotional state, the kitten must be active, physically developed, if it looks sad outwardly, perhaps it has developed apathy since childhood.

How to choose a kitten

What is the price of a Siamese cat?

On average, a pet can be purchased from 10,000 rubles to 50,000.

The price depends on:

  • pedigree;
  • care;
  • nutrition;
  • quality of vaccinations;
  • education.

In the nursery, purebred cats will cost an order of magnitude higher, but when purchasing, the owner can count on the animal’s good health and stable character, since breeders devote a lot of time and effort to raising healthy offspring.

What diseases do Siamese cats most often suffer from?

Characteristic genetic diseases are strabismus and creases in the tail.

Strabismus cannot be unambiguously attributed either to simply inherited qualities or to the result of dysgenesis (incompatibility of parental genomes). The Cs allele is responsible for strabismus, the same as for the characteristic acromelanic coloration of animals, but the main role in the manifestation of this trait is played by some other modifying genes, still unknown to researchers.

Strabismus is a genetic disease characteristic of all representatives of the Siamese-Oriental group

Tail creases are a separate issue for myths about Siamese. So, if you believe the legends, knots on the tails of Siamese cats were tied by Thai aristocrats, who, while bathing, put their precious rings on the animals’ tails. This custom dates back to the time of a certain princess who lost her ring by hanging it on her cat’s tail before bathing.

The presence of creases in the tails has long been considered a feature of the breed, however, as it turned out, this was a consequence of the mating of close relatives. This genetic mutation caused animals a lot of suffering, because the tail is, in fact, an extension of the spine. Animals in pain could behave aggressively, which is where the legends about the evil character of the Siamese cat came from.

Thanks to the efforts of breeders, diseased genes are now extremely rare. In general, Siamese are a breed with fairly good health. Of course, a lot depends on care and nutrition. It is also worth having your animal examined regularly by a veterinarian.

Siamese cats are long-lived. They often live to be 20 years or more, although experts say the average age of this breed is 15–17 years.

Siamese cats feel great both at home and outdoors; they are an excellent breed for living in a private home.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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