Why cats love shoes, socks, chlorine, valerian and catnip

The language of love is the most understandable!

1. Stacks on your clothes

This means your pets like your scent. Do not think that Murzik is mocking you. Especially when there is a lot of free space on the sofa, and it is located on your sweater or jacket. And it will leave wool on things, and more of it. Cats and dogs, resting on their owner's clothes, feel calmer. After all, they are safe next to you.


By licking their face, hands or other parts of the body, cats and dogs say that you belong. This is instinctive behavior inherent in nature. The kittens and cubs were licked by their mother. And now they have grown up and in this way show care for their loved ones - about you.

While cuddling up to you, the cat leaves its scent on its loved one. So to speak, he's aiming. So that others know: you are busy, you shouldn’t meddle in someone else’s territory.

4. Allows himself to be squeezed

Cats don't particularly like to be picked up. If they caress too much or they don’t like something, they hiss and release their claws. If you see that Murzik does not experience much joy and pleasure from hugging you, but allows himself to be touched without showing aggression, he definitely wants to please you. In human understanding, this is undoubtedly love.


5. Hair pulling

You lay down to rest, and someone is already grabbing your hair with a soft paw? The pet shows that it wants to play and tries to attract attention. And also shows his affection. Kittens lovingly pester their mother and brothers, and they instinctively show the same behavior towards you.

6. Trampling on the chest

Some cats like to stomp on their owner's chest in the morning, sometimes even releasing their claws. Such habits indicate that they feel good and comfortable with you. This is a sign of trust. This is how kittens behave with their mothers, crawling along their stomachs in search of food. By the way, small lap dogs also love to sleep on their owners’ chests. Here they feel safe.

7. Brings toys and loot

Did kitty bring you a bird or a mouse? Don't scream in horror, be proud: she decided to share the spoils. Shows that it’s not for nothing that you love her so much. When a dog brings a toy, we usually think that he wants to play. And that too. But your pet also shows you his affection: he shares his favorite things.


Small dogs love to sit in the arms of their owners, large breeds can come up and bury their nose in you or put their muzzle on your lap. They also like to lie at your feet or lean against you while sitting on the sofa or bed. All this speaks of a desire for affection and to be closer to the beloved owner.

Does the cat jump on its knees, trample on them with its paws, releasing its claws, as if giving a massage? She is in bliss and enjoys being around you. And if she also purrs, it means she’s talking, she likes everything. But in other situations, purring does not always mean that the pet is comfortable. Cats purr even when they are in pain.

10. Comes running after eating

Having had a good meal, I want to go to sleep. Barbos, having devoured his portion, runs up to you. Are you thinking about more? But no, this is a visit of politeness and gratitude. Pet him and praise him. You can give me something tasty.


11. Looks you in the eyes

Your pet can’t hug you, but it’s easy to tell you about its feelings with its eyes. This is how both cats and dogs confess their love to us.

12. Carrying your things

Dogs are guilty of this habit. But not out of malice. The pet didn’t even think of offending you by stealing a sock, tights or slippers. These things smell like the owner, and the dog likes to smell them, play and sleep with them. It makes it easier for our younger brothers to endure separation when you leave home. When animals smell you, they believe you are nearby.

13. Whining under the door

Pets feel protected next to their owner, so they love to sleep with us. If you don’t let your dog on the bed or leave it outside the door, and he whines at night, this does not mean that the dog is bored and is deliberately bothering you. This is how the pet shows that he wants to be close.

14. Shows belly

If the dog lies on its back and waits for you to scratch it, this is a sign of maximum trust. This position is unusual for dogs; they feel unprotected in it and will never accept it with strangers.

But if a cat lies in this position, it means that she is ready to play or... attack. This is a convenient position for self-defense: you can grab the enemy with all four paws, and then bite, ruffle and scratch him - playing or seriously.

15. It also interferes with working at the computer!

Cats have a habit of climbing on the table and walking in front of the screen when you are at the computer. If your cat does this, she loves you and wants attention. Lounging on the keyboard, Murka tries to attract attention. You drive it away, it comes back - this is repeated several times. The cat thinks that you are playing with her.

Place a box or tray with a pillow next to your computer desk - maybe it will lie there while you are busy with your business.

It does not interfere, but helps to work at the computer.

Many cats sleep in shoes. It is possible that they are attracted to the smell of their owner.

Another possible reason for complicated love may be that cats re-mark their territory every time a person returns home.

Cats have scent glands on their forehead and cheeks. When an animal rubs its snout on objects, it leaves its scent on them.

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Some cats find the smell of human sweat calming, although this may seem strange.

Perhaps the animal feels especially comfortable in the owner's sneakers or slippers.

This can be the epitome of a quiet, peaceful place where sleep will not be disturbed by anyone.

Cats react to human pheromones the same way they react to valerian or other things that attract them.

If you see your pet resting in shoes, you should not disturb him. If the cat likes it and doesn’t bother anyone, let it sleep in any convenient place.

In an attempt to understand why cats sleep at their owner's feet, people have turned not only to science, but also to mysticism. This has led to several theories explaining feline behavior in terms of behavior, physiology, bioenergetics, and even the supernatural.

Is it possible to say with certainty why cats lie on their feet?

There are still no 100% confirmed conclusions from felinologists on this topic. All explanations are based only on guesswork and currently known facts.

Scientists have found that the habit of sleeping in the legs appears only with age. Kittens usually huddle on their chests. They are attracted to the heart rhythm, reminiscent of the mother and the pleasant feeling of security inside her womb. But over time, they understand that sleeping in this place is more expensive for themselves.

A sleeping person constantly tosses and turns, every now and then risking running over the unfortunate pet. Because of this, they have to move to the very bottom or to the head. It is much more difficult to get accidentally injured here, so this decision is directly related to the instinct of self-preservation.

What to do if your pet is electrocuted

It is not easy to stop a cat from chewing wires, especially if the animal has this bad habit in old age. It happens that if the owner is at home, the cat restrains himself, but still continues to play around when left alone (alone at home or alone in the room).

What to do if a cat has all the signs of an electric shock (pallor or even cyanosis of the mucous membranes, arrhythmia and slow pulse, convulsions, weakness, breathing problems, minor lesions on the skin, loss of consciousness)? If the owner is lucky and notices an electrical injury in his purr in time, he needs to act like this:

  1. Stop panicking. You cannot immediately scream or grab the cat without rubber gloves (this can lead to an electric shock);

If possible, you need to pull out the faulty wire from the socket using something non-metallic (a wooden mop, a broom, you can pull it out with your hand, but with a rubber glove). If you cannot pull out the wire, you must at least throw it off the animal;

Then the cat needs to be raised in the pelvic area so that the lower legs are higher than the level of the head. Another option is to lift the cat by its hind legs and twist it a little. This must be done to provoke blood flow to the brain;

If about 15 seconds have passed and the animal has not regained consciousness, you will have to perform artificial respiration, exhaling air from the pet’s mouth into the nose 12-15 times per minute (each exhalation is about 5 seconds). The pet should be laid on a flat surface on its right side

It is important to ensure that your pet exhales air. Simultaneously with artificial respiration, it is advisable to massage the heart by pressing on the chest, as if lifting the ribs to the neck

You need to do about 100 pressures per minute. If there is a family member at home, you need to ask him to urgently call a veterinarian at home. A specialist will be able to resuscitate the animal better and faster;

What reasons are usually given?

Possible causes are divided into 4 large groups. Some of them have a fairly logical explanation, so it’s hard to disagree with them. Others make atheists and skeptics smile. Despite this, each of them has the right to exist.


Behavioral reasons include the emotions displayed by our pets. The appearance of a cat in your bed may mean:

Love, affection, gratitude, trust and any other positive feelings. If your pet purrs peacefully, moves its paws or lets you scratch its tummy, you can be proud of yourself. Being with you, he feels safe, so he easily falls into a deep sleep, snoring funny.

Jealousy and possessiveness. Actively rubbing against the owner and his personal belongings, the cat leaves its invisible marks, frightening potential rivals.

Boredom. Cats haven't walked on their own for a long time. Some of them become much more attached to people than dogs. When left alone, they feel very sad, and immediately after the person returns they try to curl up in a ball next to him.

Subordination. Most often, mustachioed pets choose only one bipedal favorite. By going to bed with him, they recognize him as a leader and accept their secondary role.

These explanations are based on the owners' guesses, so you can easily choose your own version. More interesting versions include physiological ones, but their inherent reasoning is no longer so romantic.


If a cat sleeps at their feet, then most likely this is due to the peculiarities of their behavior. The mustachioed pets love secluded boxes, warm radiators, the smell of milk and delicious food. It sounds strange, but all this can be found next to the owner:

Safety. In addition to the least threat from an accidental coup, the cat is attracted to the feeling of security created by a fence of legs.

Warm. A special love for sleeping together manifests itself in winter. Additional heating is provided by a blanket or blanket.

Smell. Animals often climb into a baby's crib, attracted by the sweetish smell of the baby. Adult owners smell differently. Their pet associates them more with maternal warmth and safety.

Practicality. Being in the feet, the cat will very easily feel the awakening of their owner. Thanks to this, the mustachioed scoundrels easily adapt to your regime, trying to beg for something tasty in the morning.

The next theory is based on the mystical ability to sense illness. But there is a logical explanation for it too - love for warmth.

Theory about foot diseases

Inflammatory processes are accompanied by an increase in local temperature in the affected areas. If the mustache is increasingly attached to your knees, check with a doctor for arthrosis, myositis and other joint pathologies.

From the realm of the supernatural

Trying to understand why a cat sleeps at a person’s feet, esotericists came to the theory of energy fields. According to it, in the lower part of the body there are chakras with negative energy, and in the upper part - with positive energy. Our pets sense this difference and remove negativity, sucking out bad energy, like energy vampires.

For a long time, most folk superstitions have reduced sleeping together with a mustachioed pet to imminent misfortune. But such considerations have long been left aside, since over the years love and affection for pets has only increased.

What to do?

Trying to get your cat to leave her shoes alone can be an uphill battle. Restricting access to your shoes will be a good option to eliminate the problem. Storing your shoes in a closet or covered plastic bin is an easy solution. Remember that cats are very good climbers, so storing shoes on a high shelf is not an option.

If it is not possible to block your cat's access to the shoes, then you can try redirecting your cat to another item that still smells like you but you no longer use (an old T-shirt or socks).

If you catch your cat trying to steal your shoes, try not to scare her by shouting or doing things that might seem aggressive to her. These actions will only scare the cat. Even if your cat drops a shoe in alarm, she may not fully understand why you are so upset.

Although shoes are not the most comfortable place to rest, cats think otherwise because they remind them of the people they love. The next time you see your cat napping on your sneakers, take a photo and enjoy the fact that your cat just told you she loves you.

Article author: Liz Wainick, veterinarian with 10 years of experience

Is it beneficial for an owner to sleep with his pet?

The main advantage of sleeping with a cat lies in its purring. Pleasant vibrations have a beneficial effect on the central nervous system, helping to relieve fatigue and tension.

Despite the obvious advantages, not all people are recommended to sleep in the same bed with cats. The main contraindications include the following conditions:

pregnancy and lactation, which worsen the mother’s body’s defenses;

age less than 3 years, characterized by a weak immune system;

allergy to animal fur or saliva;

somnambulism or too restless sleep, increasing the likelihood of injury to the animal;

presence of diseases in the cat.

To avoid infection with infections and parasites, it is necessary to regularly vaccinate and treat your pet with antiparasitic drugs. It is better to avoid unauthorized walks on the street to reduce the likelihood of infection from other animals.

Drinks tap water

Water flowing from a tap attracts cats with its sight and sound. Also, we should remember that our pets are much smarter than we think, and as soon as a cat is not satisfied with the quality of the water in its drinking bowl, it looks for a source with fresh water. Therefore, make sure your pet always has fresh water.

The quality of the water is also affected by the material from which the bowl is made. Even if outwardly the liquid looks clean and transparent, you can argue about freshness, since bacteria multiply very actively in water, especially for ceramic and plastic containers.

For water, it is best to use stainless steel bowls. The container needs to be washed every day, as well as replacing the water. Water loses oxygen very quickly, and cats know this. Therefore, they can only drink water flowing from the tap.

Does it make sense to interfere with an animal's habit?

If necessary, you can easily change your pet's established habit. To correct behavior, it is necessary to reconsider the existing sleeping place and daily routine.

Weaning off co-sleeping

If falling asleep together is marred by waking up too early, periodic biting of heels, or constant stress due to the fear of harming the animal by accidentally turning around, give it up in favor of your health.

Instead of your own bed, offer an equally tempting place, based on the cat’s basic needs:

Warm. Place the bed on the radiator or next to the heater. For added comfort, place a soft blanket inside.

Security. Most mustachioed pets prefer closed houses or ordinary cardboard boxes.

Purity. Regularly remove accumulated hair and dust from the sleeping area.

Calm. Make sure your pet is not disturbed by bright lights or extraneous sounds. Also be sure to place a favorite toy or your T-shirt next to him. Familiar smells will help you relax and get used to an unfamiliar environment much faster.

The desire to control the situation. The chosen place should be on a hill so that the cat can always monitor ongoing events from a safe hiding spot.

Getting used to a new place can take a lot of time, so be patient. Do not scold the animal or kick it out of your room. Instead, try to give him more attention by involving him in joint games.

After a hearty dinner, carefully move the cat to the bed and stay next to him until he falls asleep. Repeat this procedure every evening and be sure to praise your pet if he takes the initiative and lies down on his own.

How to stop a cat from peeing on the sofa?

If you don’t like cleaning the sofa after cat marks or don’t have time to clean the sofa at home, then the cat needs to be weaned from peeing on the furniture.

Expert opinion

Sofia Kovalevskaya

Experienced housewife.

Ask me a question

Under no circumstances should you use physical methods on your pet!

There is no need to intimidate the animal, chase it with a slipper, broom or other object; most often, it will also shit on the furniture, but this will be done in a more sophisticated way so that the owner does not notice the puddle for as long as possible. This state of affairs complicates cleaning the sofa, since urine has time to be absorbed into the upholstery material and crystallize.


Create conditions for your cat to play, this will prevent the desire to chew household items. Sometimes owners report that having a second cat in the house helps their pets not get bored while no one is home.

Regular visits to the veterinarian can prevent the development of dental and digestive problems. Protecting the area from parasites - fleas, ticks - will help to avoid infecting your cat with them. Accordingly, she will not bite herself, damaging the skin.

Cats that are overly skittish and that lick themselves until their skin becomes sore may need sedative medication. They are prescribed by a veterinarian after medical reasons have been ruled out.

The kitten squeaks. Why is the little kitten screaming?

Your kitten is nursing, but squeaks loudly very often. There are several reasons why a small kitten screams.

— If a small kitten squeaks, then first you need to check the baby’s palate. Gently pick up the kitten in your hands and hold it firmly but gently. Insert the tip of your finger into his mouth (preferably from the side) and look inside to see if there is a cleft? If not, great. But if you notice a cleft palate in your baby, take him to the veterinary clinic; an experienced veterinarian will immediately tell you whether the kitten’s cleft palate is compatible with life. Unfortunately, most often these babies are euthanized.

— A newborn kitten needs to be weighed constantly. Immediately after birth and every day until 2 weeks of age. Then you can do it less often.

After checking the palate, cock the kitten and check if it is gaining weight (at least 7 grams per day). It's good if everything is fine with your weight. But if the baby is not gaining weight, the cat may have little or no milk and the kitten is hungry. Start feeding your baby. This should be done after he has sucked the cat's breast. And control your weight.

You can watch the process of feeding a newborn Maine Coon kitten in this video.

— A kitten can scream if it’s cold. Place him on a heating pad while the cat is not around. Due to a decrease in body temperature, the kitten's sucking reflex may disappear and a hungry kitten will squeak.

— The kitten squeaks if the cat doesn’t lick him (doesn’t “pee, poop”). This happens if the cat is not experienced (firstborn) or something is bothering her (mastitis, endometritis, retained placenta). If the cat is inexperienced, you will have to care for the newborn yourself and at the same time try to teach the cat how to properly care for the baby. Using cotton wool and warm water, gently stroke the kitten to stimulate defecation and urination every 3 hours (before feeding). Some people find it helpful to spread sour cream or butter on the kittens' butts, then the cat begins to lick them with pleasure.

But if something is bothering the cat and she gets sick, then you will have to simultaneously care for the kittens and treat the mother. After recovery, the cat will take care of her kittens herself.

As you can see, there are many reasons why a kitten squeaks. A small kitten screams from hunger, from hypothermia, and from a bloated tummy, and sometimes you come across just very talkative babies who gain weight well, but love to scream.

In most cases, you can easily help the kitten, but sometimes the help of a qualified specialist is required.

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Milena Rozhdestvenska 04/20/2015 19:37 Indeed, everyone remembers how little kittens squeak. No one wonders why they squeak.


Update list of comments

Why do dogs tilt their heads to the side when they listen to you?

In fact, this touching movement is the canine equivalent of the human “What-what?” This is how dogs try to better hear our tone and sound in order to understand what is said.

Some scientists argue that the middle ear muscles in dogs are controlled by the same part of the brain that controls facial expressions and head movements. That is, if the dog tilts its head, it is listening to you attentively.

There is an opinion that dogs tilt their heads in order to see a person’s face from a different angle and read his facial expressions.

Pet Rescue

If something irreparable has happened—the kitten has suffered an electrical injury—you need to know how to save it before the doctor arrives.

Therefore, it is necessary to immediately stop the current supply - pull the wire out of the socket using special dielectric gloves or a stick, a cardboard tube, or a plastic tube from a vacuum cleaner. You cannot grab a damaged wire or animal with your bare hands - there is a risk of suffering from an electric discharge yourself.

Algorithm of actions. After the current supply is stopped and the cat is freed from the wires, you can immediately begin providing first aid:

  1. To ensure blood flow to the brain - turn the animal upside down with its hind legs and spin with it around its axis, as in a children's game.
  2. Provide air access - inspect the oral cavity, pull out the tongue, move it to an open window or door.
  3. Check whether the animal is breathing; if not, then you need to perform mouth-to-nose artificial respiration. Each “breath” should last at least 5 seconds. Excess air will escape from the open mouth.
  4. Check your pulse. It is easiest to feel on the inner thigh. If the pulse cannot be felt, you need to give the cat an indirect heart massage - clasp the chest with your hand, placing the thumb in the heart area, and place the rest under the animal’s back below the shoulder blade. Press rhythmically with your thumb on the heart area at a rate of 100 times per minute.
  5. Give your pet warm water or tea from a pipette or syringe with the needle removed when he regains consciousness.
  6. Call a veterinarian at home or take your pet to the nearest veterinary clinic.

Cat instincts, character and habits

However, there are often incomprehensible moments in the behavior of furry friends that cause bewilderment. For example, why does a cat bite and scratch when you pet him? After all, he purrs and rubs against his hands, and, therefore, it is pleasant for him, but the claws and teeth that painfully dig into the skin indicate the opposite. Some owners even move around their apartment with caution, expecting every moment an insidious attack from their domestic “tyrant.” Again the question: why does the cat rush to his feet and bite? Is this his game or is he realizing his hunting instincts?

We suggest you familiarize yourself with: Nicknames for ginger cats and cats

In fact, there are many situations where cat “domestic violence” occurs, and in each case such behavior has its own reasons and explanations.

Why do dogs get to know each other by sniffing each other's tails?

Just imagine, a dog’s sense of smell is 10 thousand times stronger than a human’s! Having smelled any smell, our four-legged friends are able to glean a lot of information about its bearer. The stronger the smell, the more information. That’s why dogs prefer to get to know each other in this specific way, because this area smells the strongest. Having sniffed a new acquaintance, the dog recognizes not only his gender, but also his diet, and even the mood in which his relative is currently in.

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