Food "Grandorf" for cats - healthy and tasty

How Grandorf cat food came to be

The company's management tasked a group of employees to analyze cat lovers' forums with stories about ready-made food for animals and write down advice and complaints. To the surprise of the professionals, it turned out that not only veterinarians and breeders of purebred “fluffies” are well versed in the quality of feed. Ordinary owners also notice the effect of processed food on the condition of their pets, tracking changes in appearance and health.

Based on the collected data, under the guidance of animal nutritionists, the Belgian company Grandorf has developed cat food containing the components necessary for their full development. The composition was put together as holistic, and the production of products was based on the philosophy under the auspices of “the key to the health and appearance of a pet is the correct diet.”

Feed overview

Grandorf is a holistic food produced according to European standards.

This means that the product includes only high-quality natural ingredients and has a balanced composition with a large amount of meat.

Country of origin is Belgium

It has received good reviews from veterinarians and buyers.

The product is hypoallergenic, so it is also suitable for feeding “problem” pets.

The manufacturer offers only a line of dry food.

What is holistic?

Holistic is not just a new fashionable term, it is a carefully balanced premium food, the main part of which is meat, and the rest is supplemented with vitamins and minerals necessary for life. Every cat is a small predator; scientists believe that its diet should contain at least 60% meat products, and if the owner feeds the pet natural food, then only 40% vegetables or porridge are allowed for 60% meat.

However, the same zoologists have proven that food from the human table does a lot of harm, since thrifty owners rarely maintain this balance. In addition, not the entire list of human food can be given to a cat, even if he begs for it very nicely. This is how specialized food was invented. After some time, the owners began to complain that not all pets could tolerate them, and deviations were observed. It turned out that even animals are prone to allergies and have individual characteristics in the digestive process. After some modifications, holistics appeared. The leading position among them is occupied by Grandorf dry cat food; reviews from veterinarians have confirmed that the formula is suitable for any breed.


For cats prone to allergic reactions, the Grandorf Sensitive brand is produced. The food contains an optimal combination of fatty acids, zinc, potassium and phosphorus, as well as a complete absence of grain crops. According to reviews from veterinarians, this product based on sea fish fillet is perfect for animals with a sensitive digestive system and is completely hypoallergenic.

For sterilized pets

Grandorf Sterilized food is suitable for sterilized cats. After this medical procedure, pets tend to gain excess weight. The food contains a large amount of protein and reduced fat content, which helps maintain the required body weight. These Grandorf products are also suitable for older cats, since, due to their low activity, they need food that will provide them with the necessary energy and will not cause weight gain.

Composition of Grandorf cat food

The composition was selected based on improving the health of four-legged animals, and therefore is varied and minimizes the content of grain ingredients.

According to their content, it is divided into three groups:

  1. Low grain - contains fat and dehydrated lamb or turkey meat, krill from Antarctic waters, dried vegetables - carrots, sweet potatoes, as well as flax seeds, chicory, white whole rice and cranberries.
  2. Low grain with probiotics - contains fat and dehydrated meat of rabbit, lamb, duck, or turkey, salmon oil, brown rice, krill, dried apples and cranberries, chicory, sweet potato.
  3. Grain-free is dehydrated cod meat with herring, turkey fat and meat, krill, dried carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach, apples, chicory and cranberries.

From the names of the components and their proper combination it is clear that rice and sweet potatoes are the source of the right carbohydrates; unlike regular ones, they are not so difficult for digestion. Rice also provides cats with fiber, and spinach and apples stimulate proper intestinal function. Flax seed and omega acids of krill and salmon oil are responsible for the condition of the claws and fur; cranberries enrich it with vitamins.

There is a common saying that chicken is not meat, but in the case of Grandorf food, this is true. The company's management took into account the research of zoologists and the preferences of small predators. Currently, Grandorf cat food does not contain chicken because wild cats do not naturally eat it. Beef is also excluded, as it provokes allergies, and pork is not on the menu due to the abundance of fat and heaviness for the stomach.

The meat part contains rabbit, turkey, duck or lamb; they are the easiest to digest and do not cause harm.

How to choose?

The most important selection criterion is the composition of the feed.

A high-quality product must first of all contain meat, and at least 35–50% of the composition. A higher content is possible - up to 70–80%; as a rule, this is holistic food. An important point - sometimes the manufacturer talks about 100% meat content in the feed. However, this is just a marketing ploy; such a product would simply be impossible to store.

After making sure that the meat is contained in the required quantities, it is important to understand what kind of meat it is. Required - type of meat (chicken, beef, rabbit)

If the package simply says the word “meat”, most likely, skin, bones, beaks, and tendons are hidden under it. They do not have high nutritional value for the animal.

The most valuable, in terms of amino acid content, are chicken and turkey, followed by fish in second place, and beef and lamb in third place. However, the same chicken can cause allergies.

Of the by-products, preference should be given to kidneys, hearts, lungs, and stomachs. The presence of tripe and chicken heads is acceptable in small quantities. Typically, these by-products are found only in super-premium foods.

The word “offal” should not scare away the buyer. However, their content is no more than 10–15% of the composition, ideally there should also be a decoding - liver, kidneys, heart.

Plant fiber is another essential ingredient. The acceptable rate is 20–25%. If these indicators are higher, the feed should be discarded. Preference should be given to rice and barley.

Fats are an essential component. For an adult cat, food should contain at least 10–15% fat, for kittens - at least 20%. The fact is that fats are involved in the production of substances responsible for strong immunity. A cat needs a higher fat content during pregnancy and lactation.

However, excessive amounts of fat in the feed can cause stool disorders and liver disease. A lack of fat is usually found in economy-class feeds and some premium types.

Super-premium food and holistic foods must contain vitamin and mineral supplements. Among those vital for fluffies are B vitamins, vitamin E, ascorbic acid, H, B15, K. Minerals include cobalt, calcium, iron, copper.

In addition to the composition, it is important to pay attention to such criteria when choosing food

Manufacturer country

A widely advertised food is not always the best option for your pet. Those products that often appear in television advertising, unfortunately, mostly belong to the economy class. The leading positions are occupied by products from the UK, Canada, Germany, Denmark, and the USA.

It is always better to purchase food directly from the manufacturer or official representative.

Feed consistency

It can be wet or dry, and the wet consistency has several varieties - from puree to pates and jellies (small pieces drenched in a thick broth).

Wet food is primarily intended for kittens, but as the animal grows, it is necessary to “guide” it to dry food. Solid food helps develop jaws, clean teeth, and is also necessary for proper bowel function.

Kittens should choose solid food with small granules. Smaller pieces are also necessary for some cat breeds, for example, British and Persians. This is due to the structural features of their jaw apparatus.

You can pamper an adult pet with pate and jelly, but you shouldn’t switch it exclusively to wet food.

We have already written about the importance of more solid food for cats.

Availability of information on feed dosages on the packaging

Preference should be given to those products that require less quantity. Simply put, the lower the required daily dosage of food, the more balanced and healthy it is. Economy class food does not give your pet a long-term feeling of fullness.

You can find out more about how to choose food for your cat below.

Types of feed by age

In addition to the low grain content, the company took care of the health of cats by dividing the food into several groups, depending on their age and some other characteristics.

For kittens from three weeks of life

Grandorf Kitten - contains 70% meat, since small kittens have a sensitive stomach, a mixture of two types of the most dietary meat was produced for them - turkey and lamb. The remaining 30% includes rice and a complex of vitamins and minerals, to which a small dose of chicory is added. It contains the polysaccharide inulin, which is vital for ensuring a healthy and balanced intestinal microflora. It can also be taken by pregnant cats.

For adult cats from one to six years old

This is one of the above low-grain or grain-free foods; some new products additionally contain brewer's yeast. They will make the fur of your four-legged friends shiny and silky, like we see on cats in commercials.

For cats with sterilization

Neutered cats tend to be overweight; this can be corrected with proper nutrition, which cannot be provided with food from the human table. For this purpose, two types of food have been developed - Grandorf Sterilized and Grandorf 4 Sterilized. These include turkey and rabbit meat, vegetables, rice, brewer's yeast and chicory, which provide more protein than fat. This makes the cat feel good, he does not feel like he is on a diet.

Food for cats with allergies

Grandorf Sensitive - for pets with an extremely sensitive stomach and intestines that react with deviations for any reason. All grains and products containing allergens are completely excluded from it. Herring, krill, cod, turkey fat, flax seed, fruit and sweet potatoes dominate here, as well as the right fatty acids and microelements, including vital zinc, phosphorus and potassium.

Description of the line

Wet food

Chicken breast in its own juices

Natural hypoallergenic food containing chicken fillet. Does not contain flavorings, dyes and other food additives, as well as grains. A cat is allowed 1 can per day for every 4 kg of animal weight. Sold in 70 gram cans. The average price of a can is 85 rubles.

Chicken breast with sea bass in its own juice

This food consists of a mixture of chicken breast and sea bass fillet. Thanks to the delicate cooking method, it retains all the beneficial substances. The daily norm is one can per 4 kilograms of cat weight. Available in 70 gram cans. The manufacturer's recommended price is 85 rubles.

Chicken breast with duck fillet in its own juice

The food consists of fifty percent chicken meat, twenty-five percent duck meat, and the rest is tasty. Free from hormones and grains. Every day the cat is supposed to be given one can for every 4 kilograms of weight. Packaged in seventy gram jars. Cost – 85 rubles.

Chicken breast with salmon in its own juice

Diet chicken and salmon slices give this food a unique aroma that will quickly attract your cat's attention. Thanks to minimal heat treatment, this wet food retains the entire necessary set of proteins and microelements. A cat should not consume more than 1 can per 4 kilograms of body weight per day. On the shelves you can find cans of 70 grams costing 85 rubles.

Chicken breast with crab meat in its own juice

This food contains a mixture of chicken and crab meat. Does not contain cereals, GMOs or preservatives. Every day a cat can be given 70 grams of food per 4 kilograms of weight. The price of a package of six 70-gram cans is 510 rubles.

Tuna fillet in its own juice for cats

This food consists of three-quarters delicious tuna meat. There are no grains in the composition, and the high quality of preparation makes it safe even for people. The daily norm is 1 can per 4 kilograms of animal weight, the price per can is 85 rubles.

Tuna fillet with mussels in own juice

60 percent of this food type is tuna, and 15 percent is mussels. Preservatives, GMOs and antibiotics were not used in production. A cat is supposed to eat 1 can per day for every 4 kilograms of body weight. The manufacturer's recommended price for six 70-gram cans is 510 rubles.

Tuna fillet with shrimps in own juice

45% tuna and 30% shrimp make this food unique even for the most picky cat. The amount of additive to the main ingredient has been increased. The price of one can is about 85 rubles, per day the animal should consume 1 can per 4 kilograms of weight.

Tuna fillet with crab meat in its own juice

The tuna fillet in this food makes up half the weight of the product, and the crab meat makes up a quarter. During production, only sirloin parts were used to avoid bones getting into the product. The daily norm for an animal weighing 4 kilograms is 1 can costing 85 rubles.

Tuna fillet with salmon in own juice

This food does not contain cereals, antibiotics, dyes or preservatives; theoretically, even the cat’s owner can try it. Every day an animal can eat up to 1 can per 4 kilograms of weight. The average market price of a can is 85 rubles.

Tuna fillet with chicken breast in its own juice for cats

This type of food uses a mixture of two main components: tuna fillet and chicken breast, cooked in its own juice. Do not contain GMOs, flavors or other food additives. An animal is entitled to no more than one can per day, costing 85 rubles, per 4 kilograms of the animal’s weight.

Dry food with live probiotics


The peculiarity of this food is that all beneficial bacteria are not killed during the preparation of the food, but are placed in special microcapsules that dissolve in the animal’s intestines. The main task of these feeds is to normalize metabolic processes. Does not contain wheat, corn, eggs, fat or food additives that may adversely affect the animal's body. For cats weighing 1.5 to 3 kilograms, it is recommended to give 20 to 45 grams of food. For animals weighing 4-5 kilograms, the norm increases to 55-65 grams. Accordingly, with a weight of 6-8 kilograms, the recommended daily intake is 75-95 grams of feed. It is packaged in bags weighing 400 grams costing 400 rubles and 2 kilograms costing 1450 rubles.


This food is suitable for neutered, overweight and aging cats. Thanks to the reduced fat content and increased protein content, the food maintains normal weight and muscle mass of the animal. The bacteria included in the feed are responsible for the normal functioning of the intestinal flora. These feeds are produced at temperatures no higher than 80 degrees, which ensures complete preservation of all useful microelements. The food contains rabbit, lamb, and turkey fillet. Feeding is based on the following ratio: a cat weighing 1.5-3 kg should be given 20-45 grams of food, a cat weighing 4-5 kilograms should be given 55-65 grams of food, and a cat weighing 6-8 kilograms should be given 75-95 grams of food.

Dry low grain cat food

Lamb with rice KITTEN

The food is suitable for kittens over 3 weeks of age. Does not contain substances that could harm the baby’s delicate digestive system and does not cause allergic reactions. Turkey, lamb, white rice and taurine included in the composition are necessary for the normal development of the kitten. The granules have a diameter of 5 mm. A kitten up to 3 months old can be given 20–35 grams of food, from 4 to 5 months – 40–50 grams, from 6 to 8 months no more than 70 grams and from 10 months to a year – no more than 80 grams. Packaged in packages of 400 grams costing 360 rubles and 2 kilograms - 1350 rubles.

Lamb with rice INDOOR

Food mainly intended for the prevention of urolithiasis. Suitable for cats from one year of age with normal activity. The advantages of the feed include a relatively low feeding rate and high digestibility. It is recommended to give the animal 14 grams of feed per kilogram of body weight. Available in bags weighing 400 grams and 2 kilograms, costing 360 rubles and 1350 rubles, respectively.

Rabbit with rice STERILISED

This type of food is ideal for sterilized, overweight and older cats. Does not contain wheat, corn, beets, eggs, salt. The daily norm for feeding a cat is 20-45 grams per 1.5-3 kilograms of body weight, 55-65 per 4-5 kilograms of body, 75-95 grams for a weight of 6-8 kilograms.

Dry grain-free food White fish with sweet potato SENSITIVE

An ideal solution for cats prone to allergies or with hair problems. The main mass consists of herring and cod meat. All other components are selected in such a way as to minimize a possible allergic reaction in the animal. The food is also an excellent preventive measure for diseases of the cardiovascular system and urolithiasis. Produced in packs of 400 grams and 2 kilograms. The price for 400 grams is 360 rubles, for 2 kilograms – 1350 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • the most complete quantity of the necessary components of the holistic class;
  • 70% of the feed is meat, with no unidentified meat components;
  • grain-free food included;
  • no soy;
  • completely hypoallergenic components;
  • harmful gluten is not used;
  • no dyes, preservatives, or flavors are used;
  • high satiety - provides many healthy calories needed for an active lifestyle;
  • a balanced amount of minerals, vitamins and even natural antioxidants to prolong the youth of animals.


  • The only downside is the price, but it is not that great. If you recalculate your budget, it turns out that to properly feed a cat you will need a lot of meat, and it costs several times more than purchasing Grandorf cat food for a month.

We read the list - is everything fair?

The common name “white fish” was a little alarming at first, because we tend to trust only clearly known components. When we looked at the composition of this product, it became clear that the manufacturer is not hiding anything from customers. The assessment of the first two ingredients of Grandorf Cat White Fish food, frankly speaking, is very good. This dehydrated cod meat and dehydrated herring meat are valuable dietary sources of animal protein.

However, there are not only fish components here - for example, dehydrated turkey meat takes place number 4 in the composition. The fat included in this product and located in fifth place in the list of ingredients is also obtained from turkey.

On the front side of the packaging, the manufacturer declares that the food contains “70% High Quality Meat (Cod, Herring and Turkey)” - 70% high quality meat from cod, herring and turkey. Unfortunately, we were not able to find confirmation of this, since the list of ingredients of the Grandorf food does not indicate the percentage dosage of the components (we do not count mineral and vitamin supplements, this is the technological norm of the industry).

Prices for cat food Grandorf

The price range is varied, the total amount depends on the total weight and type of feed; it is available in two variations - 0.4 or 2 kg.

You can now view the current price of food and buy it right here:

Price table

Reviews of Grandorf cat food contain positive statements overall. If controversial issues were noticed, it turns out that the owners tried to combine it with food from the regular table, and this is wrong.

Reviews from veterinarians about Grandorf cat food

Alexander, veterinarian, 10 years of experience

I have been working with problems of domestic animals for a long time; often cats are brought in with urolithiasis from cheap, low-quality food. As a result, it turns out that they tried to switch them back to natural food, which only worsened the situation. Usually, after such an action, cats die, there is only one way out - for the animal to survive, it must be switched to dry, but high-quality food, and from now on it must eat only this. From the series of normal foods, I liked Grandorf because it normalizes the genitourinary system. With his help, I saved many four-legged animals who suffered from improper care.

Irina, veterinarian, 15 years of experience

Most often people come to me for sterilization, or with the consequences of it. To save animals from additional problems after surgery, I recommend switching to Grandorf food for sterilized cats. It contains specially selected components that reduce the suffering of cats, and supplies the necessary complex of vitamins and minerals for quick rehabilitation.

The main advantage of dry food is balance

The desire to diversify the diet of a pet on dry food is often associated with a misunderstanding of the very concept of products in this category. They were specially created in such a way as to satisfy all the needs of the cat or dog’s body. Proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients are perfectly balanced taking into account the type and age of the animal.

By adding wet food from another manufacturer to dry food, you risk upsetting this balance, especially if the second product is not complete or of lower quality. Canned food for animals often contains large quantities of cheap “fillers”, which help the manufacturer save on raw materials, but are not at all necessary for dogs and cats. By using such canned food together with high-quality dry food, you will certainly deplete your pet’s diet, rather than improve it.

If you combine dry and wet food from different manufacturers, then follow certain rules:

  • choose only products with the indication “complete”, complete feed or a similar inscription;
  • purchase food of equal quality and do not change it frequently unless absolutely necessary.
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