Blitz cat food: review, features, types and reviews

Blitz cat food is a premium product from a Russian manufacturer, developed according to a recipe that meets international quality standards with the involvement of professional veterinarians and technologists. The brand's products do not contain soy, wheat or other products that can cause an allergic reaction or negatively affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Russian production and savings on logistics allow us to set affordable prices for feed. The products are manufactured on the equipment line of the American company Wenger, which guarantees multi-stage quality control at each stage of production in compliance with all requirements and standards.


To produce Blitz dry cat food, we use both domestic and imported high-quality raw materials. The ingredients are purchased by the manufacturer from time-tested suppliers. Blitz cat food contains a high percentage of fiber, animal protein and other components necessary to maintain the health of your pet. The line of products presented contains a balanced amount of microelements, vitamins, Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids. Blitz cat foods include:

  1. Squirrels. Their sources are chicken, duck, lamb, turkey, and pork. In addition to it, eggs and hydrolyzed chicken liver are added for a complete diet. Meat for feed production is selected based on its high protein content and rapid digestibility by the body.
  2. Animal fats. They are a natural source of energy and promote the absorption of a number of vitamins necessary to maintain immunity. The feed contains not only chicken, but also fish oil, which is a source of Omega-3 and Omega-6 - polyunsaturated acids.
  3. Cereals. A complete diet for cats should include the main types of grains - corn, rice, barley. Recycled raw materials and wheat, as products that can cause an allergic reaction, are not included in the feed.
  4. Cellulose. Complex carbohydrates, which create and maintain beneficial gastric microflora, are represented by sugar beet pulp. Its formula does not contain simple sugars, which has a beneficial effect on maintaining intestinal motility and proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Minerals and vitamins. Blitz cat food contains mineral and vitamin complexes developed by technologists and veterinarians, taking into account the age, size and activity of pets. The diets presented by the manufacturer take into account the characteristics of specific breeds, the animal’s hormonal levels and other factors that influence the pet’s healthy lifestyle. The feed must include B vitamins, folic acid, betaine, vitamins E, A, D, trace elements - calcium carbonate, iodine, zinc, iron, manganese, potassium, copper, lysine, selenium.

  6. Probiotics. To maintain intestinal microflora and normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, Blitz cat food includes two types of probiotics that are resistant to high temperatures and retain their properties during long-term storage of the product - Bacillus Licheniformis and Bacillus Subtilis. The action of both is aimed at strengthening the immune system, preventing and treating dysbiosis, combating pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms and lung infections.
  7. Phytocomponents. Yucca Schidigera extract added to feed reduces gas formation in the intestines and neutralizes the unpleasant odor of feces. Rosemary not only enhances the taste, but also stabilizes it. Fennel eliminates intestinal disorders.
  8. Seaweed. Fucus vesicularis is a supplement whose action is aimed at removing heavy metals and toxins from the cat’s body. The effectiveness of algae has been confirmed by clinical studies; it contains a large amount of vitamins, mineral salts and iodine-containing amino acids. Regular use of Fucus vesicularis has a positive effect on the structure and condition of the coat, strengthens the claws, improves the mood and condition of the cat, and normalizes heart function.
  9. Yeast. A natural source of mannanoligosaccharides, which improve immunity and the body's resistance to bacteria and infections.


Blitz is a domestic product. The Provimi PetFood Rus company takes into account international experience in the production of extruded food not only for cats, but also for dogs. Specialists - veterinarians and nutritionists - are involved in the development of recipes, imported equipment is used (Wenger and Van Aarsen), and raw materials are of high quality.

All developed recipes undergo mandatory testing, and the wishes of animal owners are taken into account. All stages of production are controlled, from the selection and purchase of raw materials to the transportation of packages of feed to warehouses.


The Blitz line of cat food, developed taking into account the properties of the above ingredients, has the main advantages:

  1. Absence of allergens.
  2. Elimination of iodine deficiency thanks to the seaweed included in the composition.
  3. Protects the liver and gastrointestinal tract, neutralizes the unpleasant odor of feces using yucca extract.
  4. Healthy fiber improves intestinal function.
  5. A balanced complex of vitamins and minerals improves the condition of the cat's coat and claws.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Affordable price. Feed prices are noticeably lower than analogues. For example: the price for a two-kilogram pack is about 800 rubles, the feeding norm for an average-weight cat is 60-70 g per day, we conclude that a pack will last for about a month. Is it possible to use this amount to buy meat, offal, vegetables and other necessary ingredients for a full menu for the same period? Hardly.
  • Long shelf life without changing taste and aroma. Durable packaging with a special internal coating allows the granules to maintain their original appearance without turning into an unappetizing porridge or a caked lump.
  • The composition contains meat, but bone raw materials are not used. At least 26% (lamb, turkey, chicken), and by-products are also added to this.
  • Prebiotics are included (Yucca extract, rosemary, fennel, apples), which are an extremely nutritious environment for the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Antioxidants are exclusively natural (rosemary, vitamin E).
  • There are no flavor enhancers, dyes, GMOs, drugs or their traces.
  • There are no grain-free formulations in the line - this is quite a significant disadvantage. Despite the fact that the question of whether a cat’s body needs grains or not remains open to this day, many veterinarians advise not to give up buckwheat, oatmeal and rice. But corn often causes allergies.
  • The percentage of meat is too low. The recommended percentage is 70%, but in Blitz food there is not even 50.
  • It is problematic to buy food from this line in a regular pet store, and the cat owner will have to place an order via the Internet.
  • There is no food for animals under 4 months old.

Get acquainted with interesting cat breeds with the help of our encyclopedia: Nibelung, Neva Masquerade, Siamese.

Dry food for sterilized cats Blitz Sterilized

A complete and balanced diet for castrated animals. Pets that have undergone sterilization are characterized by a sedentary lifestyle. Reducing the level of high-calorie fat to 12% and increasing the proportion of fiber to 4.5% prevents weight gain. The price of Blitz cat food is 3,422 rubles per 10 kilograms. Which is very acceptable in comparison with foreign products.

Found out the following

  1. I always ate Blitz Holistic food with constant pleasure.
  2. The stool of most animals was regular and well-formed, without the remains of undigested food, with good microflora. None of the cats lost weight or gained weight; activity was at its best.
  3. In some cats, hemoglobin levels significantly improved and cholesterol levels also decreased. For the rest, the indicators remained at the same level (normal).
  4. The internal organs of the animals were in perfect order, as before the start of the study. But what’s interesting is that in two cats that had previously been diagnosed with KSD, no signs of the disease were detected.

Advantages of the manufacturer and brand Blitz

  1. As already mentioned, this is a domestic brand, the quality of its products is in no way inferior to its imported counterparts.
  2. The food of this brand is absolutely complete. That is, they contain absolutely all the beneficial substances a dog’s body needs.
  3. Blitz food is additionally enriched with beneficial bacteria and probiotics (live microbial cultures).
  4. Finished products of the Blitz brand are manufactured on modern equipment using modern, advanced technologies.
  5. Blitz production has a detailed quality control system. As a result, only high quality products are supplied to stores.
  6. Low prices compared to competitors of the same class. This is achieved by a high level of localization of production in Russia.
  7. The Blitz company works seriously with nurseries. There are special, very advantageous offers for them.

Reviews from dog owners

Vasilisa 40 years old (Sochi)

We have hot weather most of the year, so I don’t even offer wet food to my Toy terriers. I have had them on dry food since puppyhood. She never cheapened out and always fed them holistically. I recently tried Blitz for a change. I bought them special food for small dogs. First of all, I was seduced by the good reviews and reasonable price.

Both the girl and the boy accepted the new food normally, ate with appetite, no one refused. Their health and appearance have not changed. I’ll try a couple of other types of Blitz and if everything goes well, I’ll switch to it thoroughly.

Maxim 34 years old (Vologda)

I've been using Blitz for a long time. My mini Husky only eats it on the way. About three years ago he developed an allergy from his usual Chappie and had to change his food. We tried a lot of things, I don’t even remember now. Gray refused some things, ate some things, but the allergies did not stop.

After I poured Blitz into his bowl for the first time, literally within a week all the allergies went away. Then we tried other types of their products and again the result was excellent. Well, we didn’t experiment further, we just switched to it. They do not seek good from good.

Brand product line

Now we will present the Blitz dog food line in more detail. The entire volume of produced feed is divided into two large groups - classic and special.

The main difference between these two product lines is the main ingredient used. In the traditional line it is chicken meat, and in the special line it is lamb meat and, to a lesser extent, lean pork. In addition, there is one type of turkey-based food.

This division is due to the fact that among dogs there is an allergy to chicken. The hypoallergenic special line is designed specifically for them.

Classic line

Ready-made dry food in this group is intended for adult dogs of all breeds and sizes.

With chicken and rice for adults

In the production of this food, chicken meat is used as animal protein. The choice is due to the fact that chicken contains a high percentage of protein and relatively little fat.

Rice is used as a carbohydrate supplier. This grain crop is ideal for chicken meat, as it is hypoallergenic. This is an important point, since wheat, a more accessible cereal ingredient in our country, often causes an allergic reaction in the dog’s body. The food is sufficiently enriched with vitamins, minerals and probiotics.

Available in round granules approximately 15 - 16 mm. Packaging and price:

  • 2 kilogram packages have an average price of 460 rubles;
  • Packages of 10 kilograms retail at a price of 1,800 rubles.
Protein25 %
Fat17 %
Ash6,5 %
Cellulose2,8 %
Vitamin A retinol16800 IU/kg
Vitamin D Cholecalciferol1600 IU/kg
Vitamin E Tocopherol160 mg/kg
Calcium17 mg/kg
Phosphorus10 mg/kg

Calorie content 398 Kcal per 100 grams of finished product.

With chicken and rice for puppies

This food is in many ways similar to the previous one. Much of the same components are used. All differences are due to specialization and are presented in the table.

This complete food comes in smaller, round kibble of approximately 9 - 10 mm, more convenient for puppies and has the same packaging.

You can start feeding your puppy with this food from the age of 3-4 weeks until he reaches the age of 1 year.

  • 2 kilogram packages have an average price of 460 rubles;
  • Packages of 10 kilograms retail at a price of 1,800 rubles.
Protein30 %
Fat16 %
Ash7 %
Cellulose2,5 %
Vitamin A retinol12600 IU/kg
Vitamin D Cholecalciferol1200 IU/kg
Vitamin E Tocopherol120 mg/kg
Calcium15 mg/kg
Phosphorus10 mg/kg

Calorie content 401 Kcal per 100 grams of finished product.

For puppies of small and medium breeds

The qualitative composition differs from the previous food in that, in addition to hypoallergenic rice, corn is used as a carbohydrate filler. Although the manufacturer guarantees the quality of this ingredient, it is still better for dogs with allergies to use food without corn.

It is produced in small, round granules with a diameter of approximately 9 - 10 mm, especially for puppies of small and medium breeds, weighing up to approximately 25 kilograms. You can start feeding puppies from 7 weeks of age to 1 year of age.

  • Packages of 3 kilograms have an average price of 700 rubles.
Protein30 %
Fat16 %
Ash7 %
Cellulose2,5 %
Vitamin A retinol12600 IU/kg
Vitamin D Cholecalciferol1200 IU/kg
Vitamin E Tocopherol120 mg/kg
Calcium15 mg/kg
Phosphorus10 mg/kg

Calorie content 401 Kcal per 100 grams of finished product.

For large and giant breed puppies

Designed for large breed puppies, weighing more than 25 kilograms, aged from 7 weeks to 1.5 years. Being a complete food, they primarily ensure the preservation and development of the dog’s joints. Moreover, they provide high-quality prevention for many joint diseases.

Available in round granules approximately 15 - 16 mm.

And also, the manufacturer points out a special balance in the composition of ingredients that ensure the prevention of obesity, to which many breeds are prone.

  • Packages of 3 kilograms have an average price of 680 rubles;
  • Packages of 10 kilograms retail at a price of 2,000 rubles.
Protein34 %
Fat14 %
Ash7 %
Cellulose2,5 %
Vitamin A retinol12600 IU/kg
Vitamin D Cholecalciferol1200 IU/kg
Vitamin E Tocopherol120 mg/kg
Calcium15 mg/kg
Phosphorus10 mg/kg

Calorie content 390 Kcal per 100 grams of finished product.

For adult dogs of small and miniature breeds

Not only is this food perfectly balanced with all the necessary ingredients, it is additionally enriched with a complete vitamin and mineral complex and probiotics.

Available in small, round granules approximately 9 - 10 mm, convenient for small dogs weighing up to about 10 kilograms.

Available in three types of packaging:

  • Packages of 0.5 kilograms have an average price of 120 rubles;
  • Packages of 2 kilograms have an average price of 430 rubles;
  • Packages of 7 kilograms retail at a price of 1,450 rubles.

There is no particular difference with the previous foods in terms of the composition of ingredients, so we will immediately present the table.

Protein27 %
Fat15 %
Ash6,5 %
Cellulose2,5 %
Vitamin A retinol8400 IU/kg
Vitamin D Cholecalciferol800 IU/kg
Vitamin E Tocopherol80 mg/kg
Calcium13 mg/kg
Phosphorus9 mg/kg

The calorie content of the feed is 410 Kcal per 100 grams of finished product.

For adult dogs of large and giant breeds

The same complete dry dog ​​food, made from dehydrated chicken meat and a carbohydrate filler from a mixture of rice and corn. Of course, it is also enriched with a special vitamin and mineral complex and live bacterial cultures - probiotics.

They have a round granule shape with a diameter of approximately 15 - 16 mm and are available in two types of packaging:

  • Packages of 3 kilograms have an average price of 700 rubles;
  • Packages of 15 kilograms retail at a price of 3,300 rubles.
Protein26 %
Fat14 %
Ash7 %
Cellulose3 %
Vitamin A retinol16800 IU/kg
Vitamin D Cholecalciferol1600 IU/kg
Vitamin E Tocopherol160 mg/kg
Calcium18 mg/kg
Phosphorus10 mg/kg

The calorie content of the feed is 385 Kcal per 100 grams of the finished product.

For active breeds and working dogs

We are talking primarily about guard dogs that serve on the street all year round and hunting breeds of dogs. They are the ones who have to do work that requires a lot of energy. This food, having a no less balanced composition of ingredients, is designed primarily to compensate for such increased loads.

In addition, this food can be recommended for pregnant and lactating bitches, since the optimally selected composition of ingredients is also close to this specialized group.

They have a round granule shape with a diameter of approximately 15 - 16 mm and are available in two types of packaging:

  • Packages of 2 kilograms have an average price of 540 rubles;
  • Packages of 15 kilograms retail at a price of 3,650 rubles.
Protein32 %
Fat17 %
Ash7,5 %
Cellulose2,0 %
Vitamin A retinol12600 IU/kg
Vitamin D Cholecalciferol1200 IU/kg
Vitamin E Tocopherol 120 mg/kg
Calcium15 mg/kg
Phosphorus10 mg/kg

The calorie content of the feed is 436 Kcal per 100 grams of the finished product.

Special line

As already mentioned, the main difference between these products and the traditional line is the use of the main ingredient, the supplier of the protein component. Dehydrated lamb is used instead of chicken. However, this is not all the difference. The qualitative and percentage composition of the ingredients in the recipe also differs.

Of course, the entire special line of products includes a proprietary set of vitamin and mineral supplements and probiotics.

With lamb and rice for adult small breed dogs

Yes, it is small breeds of dogs that often suffer from various digestive disorders. It is for them that hypoallergenic food made from lamb and rice has been developed. At the same time, 35% of the meat component contains pork. However, the manufacturer assures that only muscle tissue is used and the level of fat content does not differ from chicken, so switching your pet to such food is possible even if there is a serious allergenic background.

They have a round granule shape with a diameter of approximately 9 - 10 mm and are available in two types of packaging:

  • Packages of 2 kilograms have an average price of 580 rubles;
  • Packages of 7 kilograms retail at a price of 1,900 rubles.
Protein24 %
Fat17 %
Ash8 %
Cellulose4 %
Vitamin A retinol16800 IU/kg
Vitamin D Cholecalciferol1600 IU/kg
Vitamin E Tocopherol 160 mg/kg
Calcium17 mg/kg
Phosphorus11 mg/kg

The calorie content of the feed is 398 Kcal per 100 grams of the finished product.

For puppies of all breeds with lamb and rice

It differs very little from the previous food in terms of quality composition, but has a big difference in the balance of ingredients. It is also complete and hypoallergenic.

Due to the excellent balance of ingredients, this food can be recommended for complementary feeding of pregnant bitches and those who have already given birth during lactation.

They have a round granule shape with a diameter of approximately 9 - 10 mm and are available in two types of packaging:

  • Packages of 3 kilograms have an average price of 850 rubles;
  • Packages of 15 kilograms retail at a price of 4,000 rubles.
Protein30 %
Fat16 %
Ash9 %
Cellulose3,3 %
Vitamin A retinol14500 IU/kg
Vitamin D Cholecalciferol1400 IU/kg
Vitamin E Tocopherol 250 mg/kg
Calcium15 mg/kg
Phosphorus11 mg/kg

The calorie content of the feed is 389 Kcal per 100 grams of finished product.

For all breeds with lamb and rice

Designed primarily for medium and large dog breeds. In terms of quality and percentage composition, it is completely similar to food for small breeds of dogs. It differs only in the size of the granules and packaging.

They have a round granule shape with a diameter of approximately 15 - 16 mm and are available in two types of packaging:

  • Packages of 3 kilograms have an average price of 800 rubles;
  • Packages of 15 kilograms retail at a price of 4,000 rubles.
Protein24 %
Fat17 %
Ash8 %
Cellulose4 %
Vitamin A retinol16800 IU/kg
Vitamin D Cholecalciferol1600 IU/kg
Vitamin E Tocopherol 160 mg/kg
Calcium17 mg/kg
Phosphorus11 mg/kg

The calorie content of the feed is 398 Kcal per 100 grams of the finished product.

For all breeds with turkey and barley

Designed for dogs of all breeds, and therefore sizes and weights. The source of the protein component is turkey and pork, which contains no more than 30%.

It should be noted that, in addition to barley, corn and rice, which are familiar to the Blitz company, are still used as a source of carbohydrates. At the same time, they are contained in significantly smaller quantities and this food can be used to provide a variety of taste when feeding dogs with gastrointestinal disorders.

Due to its high calorie content, it can be recommended for feeding hunting and service dogs.

Round granules with a diameter of approximately 15 - 16 mm are produced and are available in two types of packaging:

  • Packages of 2 kilograms have an average price of 530 rubles;
  • Packages of 15 kilograms retail at a price of 3,600 rubles.
Protein24 %
Fat17 %
Ash7 %
Cellulose4 %
Vitamin A retinol16800 IU/kg
Vitamin D Cholecalciferol1600 IU/kg
Vitamin E Tocopherol 160 mg/kg
Calcium16 mg/kg
Phosphorus11 mg/kg

The calorie content of the feed is 401 Kcal per 100 grams of the finished product.

Reviews from veterinarians

We asked several practicing veterinarians to speak on the topic of Blitz food. No moderation, we just shortened the text a little.

Sofia 26 years old (Kharkov)

We got Blitz food relatively recently and so far I don’t have absolutely objective information about the pros and cons of this dry food. I can only say that some dog breeders I know have replaced some of their usual brands of food with Blitz. I did not notice any complications or diseases caused by these foods either during routine examinations of dogs or during telephone consultations.


  1. The main disadvantage is the thin packaging. Many buyers note the insufficient quality of the product purchased at the end of the expiration date and, apparently, the packaging is to blame for this. This fact also indirectly confirms that dogs eat food better from small packages than from large packages, that is, less food left open.
  2. Despite the minimum use of allergenic cereals declared by the manufacturer, there is still a sufficient content of corn in the ingredients.
( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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