What causes red spots in my cat's ears?

Ear discharge is a symptom characterized by the appearance of fluid or a similar substance from the external auditory canal. What does brown discharge from the ear indicate?


  • Sadykhov Rahim Agalarovich

    ENT pathology expert

3.67 (Votes: 6)

  • Diagnostics
  • Treatment
  • Treatment of ear diseases at the Ear, Nose and Throat Clinic
  • Ear discharge is a symptom characterized by the appearance of fluid or a similar substance from the external auditory canal. This may be a physiological (natural) process, but in most cases this situation indicates the development of diseases of the auditory system. Any discharge from the ears requires contacting an otolaryngologist to determine the main pathogenetic factor that caused the problem and prescribe adequate therapy.

    Discharge from the external auditory canal comes in different colors. In this article we will look at what brown discharge from the ear may indicate.

    How do ear diseases manifest?

    It is not difficult to determine that a cat is experiencing discomfort - the owner just needs to take a closer look at the pet. If a cat constantly and restlessly shakes its head and tries to get rid of unpleasant sensations with its paws, this may indicate the development of a dangerous disease in its ears. In this case, as a result of a visual examination, you will reveal not only hyperemia (redness), but also an accumulation of wax, crusts and fluid in the ears.

    Note! Normally, the color of your pet's inner ear should be soft pink. The surface is usually a little shiny and glossy, but does not release moisture. Minor accumulations of sulfur are acceptable. Moreover, their color can vary from light to dark brown. However, the main indicator is the smell. It shouldn't be harsh or unpleasant.


    The cat's ears on the head turn red as a result of simple dermatitis, which occurs when the mechanical ones are damaged. When any scratches, burns, etc. appear. In this case, red spots are also noticed near the ears.

    In fact, this is an elementary inflammation that is treated with the most common anti-dermatosis drugs. As you can see, a cat’s ears turn red for various reasons, but treatment is always necessary, since otherwise the disease will be neglected and lead to dire consequences.

    Ear mite

    Otodectic mange (or ear mite, ear scabies) is a disease most often caused by superficial sarcoptic mites of the genus Otodectes cynotis. These small skin beetles parasitize the upper layers of the epidermis. Scabies mites are found in 85% of pets whose ears and ear canals are irritated.

    Symptoms of otodectosis include:

    • Severe itching, provoked by damage to surface tissue structures by waste products secreted by parasites;
    • Swelling of tissues and their redness due to thinning of blood vessels and their overflow with blood;
    • The appearance of discharge (exudate);
    • The appearance of black plaque in both ears;
    • Formation of dark brown scabs;
    • A blockage occurs in the ear canal after too many scabs have accumulated. As a result, the pet begins to lose hearing;
    • Putrid odor;

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    If you find not only red spots in the cat’s ear, but also all or some of the above manifestations, your ward should be immediately shown to a specialist. The fact is that an advanced case of otodectosis can lead to labyrinthitis (inflammation of the inner ear), and that, in turn, to pathological disorders in brain function, sepsis and death.

    Infection of a healthy cat most often occurs after contact with a tick carrier. This may not necessarily be a direct impact - you can also acquire parasites through carriers, combs, slicker brushes and other items. Often people themselves bring ticks into the house. An uninvited “guest” can cling to clothes, hands and shoes, especially in the warm season, when the temperature is favorable for the life expectancy of the parasite. It is worth noting that young individuals under the age of 1 year are most susceptible to otodectosis.


    This disease is already dangerous for humans, so if spots with round rings around them appear on the ears, and then they spread to other parts of the animal’s body, cutting off large areas of fur, there can be no doubt – this is ringworm. A rather unpleasant skin disease of fungal origin is transmitted to humans, so the following precautions must be observed :

    • carry out a thorough cleaning of the apartment using disinfectants;
    • disinfection is carried out only with rubber gloves;
    • the cat should be isolated during the illness.

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    The veterinarian prescribes special medications that have an antifungal effect, their use leads to the fact that the disease disappears, and the danger for cats of becoming bald is completely eliminated. It is also important that a person is safe when treating lichen, since it can also appear in people.


    In eczema, red spots on a cat's ear are caused by water, a chemical, or a foreign object getting into the ear. Provocateurs are also:

    • External irritants (chafing collar, contact with rough fabric, etc.);
    • Allergic reactions of the immune system to individually intolerable components (for example, food);
    • Fungi, bacteria, as well as fleas and other parasites;
    • Irritating substances (shampoos, dyes, household chemicals, etc.);
    • Seborrhea (dandruff);
    • Chronic stress;
    • Diseases of internal systems and organs (gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, etc.);
    • Hormonal disorders;

    Eczema can be dry or weepy.

    The first form is characterized by the absence of infection in the affected areas. The surface epithelium undergoes keratinization and becomes covered with dry scales and tubercles.

    The second type is caused by fungi, viruses and bacteria of a pyogenic nature entering the body. With weeping eczema, the blistering rashes open on their own, and the tissues adjacent to the affected areas soften and constantly secrete exudate. Eczema becomes chronic 3-6 weeks after the onset of its development. It is characterized by absolute dryness of the skin and atrophy of the hair follicles.

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    A fungal disease (microsporia) that develops due to improper keeping of the pet, skin injuries and weakened immunity. The fungus is everywhere, danger lies in wait for a cat walking on the street, when interacting with stray pets, and you can also catch microsporia from rats and mice. Cats that live in the house can also become infected if the owner brings in street dirt on their shoes. An animal that has become infected with microsporia develops round-shaped, hairless spots. Depending on the duration of the disease, the skin may be affected in several areas, most often in the head, ears, paws and tail. Pustules and peeling of the skin may form there. Ringworm in cats is a rather complex disease that will take a long time to treat; it is selected by a doctor according to a certain scheme. A good solution would be to vaccinate your pet and not worry about possible infection.

    Red spots in a cat's ear photo

    Diagnostic methods

    Ear examination by a veterinarian

    Diagnosis is most often carried out by examining the animal's ears using a special otoscope instrument. Sometimes animals do not like this procedure, then the veterinarian uses a cotton swab to carefully collect samples of discharge from the ears and conduct a microscopic examination.

    You can try to determine the presence of ticks at home. To do this, you need to carefully remove the discharge from the ear and shake it onto a sheet of black paper. If you notice tiny white dots moving around, then your furry friend has mites.

    Sometimes the parasites are deep in the ear canal, where you cannot see them. If you suspect your cat has mites, gently massage the back of the ear at the base with your thumb and forefinger. A cat without ticks will usually enjoy it or, in the worst case, fuss and try to escape. An animal that has parasites will usually begin to scratch and itch vigorously.


    One form of blood blister may occur in your cat's ear. It appears between the layers of the ear when the animal begins to scratch the ear. Blood from damaged vessels forms clots, which are usually removed either through surgery or through gentle treatment with special ointments. The course of their application to the affected area is several weeks.

    Often a hematoma is formed due to mechanical damage. If you practice free-range with your pet, you should always be on guard. An animal can seriously damage not only the ear, but also other organs, for example, in a fight with relatives or dogs, when falling from a great height, or after being hit by a vehicle.

    However, sometimes a hematoma is formed due to a pre-existing disease, such as otitis media, fungal infection of the ear, the already mentioned otodectosis and others. Infectious and parasitic diseases cause cats to scratch non-stop, resulting in self-injury.


    Treatment of ear diseases accompanied by brown discharge from the ear may include medications, physiotherapy, and sometimes surgical methods. It all depends on the root cause that caused the painful symptoms.

    Drug treatment includes:

    • Antibacterial agents. Prescribed for purulent types of otitis.
    • Vasoconstrictor drops. Reduce swelling.
    • Antimycotic agents. Effective against fungal infections.
    • Antihistamines. Prescribed if there is swelling and itching of an allergic nature.
    • Painkillers.

    The following physiotherapeutic procedures help in the treatment of diseases:

    • dry heat;
    • electrophoresis;
    • inhalation.

    Treatment options

    Ear Instillations
    There are different ways to treat ear mites, and your veterinarian should choose a regimen that is appropriate for your pet. Medicines you can buy yourself may not be as effective or take longer to cure than medications prescribed by your veterinarian. Some modern drugs require one-time use and are effective.

    Before carrying out treatment, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the ears of discharge, this reduces irritation and helps get rid of some mites.

    To successfully treat ear mites, it is important to strictly adhere to your veterinarian's recommended dosage regimen (usually twice daily for a week or more). Your doctor may also prescribe medications to reduce inflammation and treat secondary bacterial or yeast infections.

    All pets should be treated at the same time, even if they are asymptomatic.

    Use of drugs

    Preparations for the treatment of ticks

    Sprays, ointments or drops are used for treatment. The choice of remedy depends on the degree of damage, the presence of infections, and the age of the pet. Therefore, it is important to consult a veterinarian to select a drug. Most often, Acaromectin spray, Surolan, Oricin, Bars, Otoferonol Gold, and aversctin ointment are used for treatment. Vprey is very easy to use. As a rule, the animal's ears are treated twice, 8-10 days should pass between applications. Aversktin ointment is also applied twice with an interval of 5-7 days. The scheme for using drops depends on the active substance. The veterinarian selects the most appropriate treatment regimen in each specific case, based on the condition of the animal.

    Traditional methods

    Home remedies can only be used if the infection is minor and the animal has a strong immune system.

    Treating ear mites in a cat is a three-step process. The first step is to get as many parasites out of your ear canal as possible by cleaning your ear. You can use an ear cleaning solution (available at pet stores) or try almond or olive oil, but it's best to check with your veterinarian the first time. Place a few drops of the solution or oil into the ear canal and massage gently. Massaging will help draw dirt out to the outside of the ear, where it can be wiped away with a cotton swab or cloth. Do not use cotton swabs because they may slip off and puncture your eardrum. Repeat the cleaning procedure until your ear is clean.

    Sulfur ointment is used to relieve itching and heal wounds. Using boric acid, the pet's ear canals are cleaned of dirt and inflammatory products. Camphor oil helps soften and remove crusts and scabs. Since sulfur ointment dries out the skin greatly, it is necessary to periodically moisten the treated areas with antiseptic solutions. After you have treated the auricle with boric acid, you can use antiparasitic drugs. To make the animal more comfortable during the procedures. It is recommended to heat these products to 35-37 C.

    Home remedies are usually effective in the initial stages of infection, but there is always a chance that none of them will give the desired result. In this case, the kitten should be taken to the veterinarian immediately.

    Sores on the ears and head of a cat

    All owners of cats and dogs know that if the animal does not have any diseases, then the coat will be shiny, the eyes will not water, and pus will not be found in the ears. Any changes in the body associated with some disease are instantly reflected in the pet’s appearance.

    Sometimes owners may encounter sores on the ears and head, which usually indicate a lack of vitamins and minerals in the pet’s diet, while the body is no longer able to fully protect itself. Several other causes of such sores can be parasites or infection, but only a veterinarian can accurately determine the source. You should not hesitate when trying to cure your cat yourself, as infectious diseases can develop very quickly and cause serious complications. In this article you will learn why sores on the head and ears may appear, how diagnosis and treatment are carried out.

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    The ears of both domestic and street cats are a kind of indicator of the state of the animal’s body. If a cat becomes allergic to any product or household chemical, the ears immediately signal this to the owner. Sores on the ears and head of a cat can appear for the following reasons:

    • fungi of various types;
    • the presence of parasites in the body;
    • viral infections;
    • problems with the endocrine system;
    • problems with the immune system;
    • the presence of wounds and various injuries.

    Any disease associated with a cat's ears has certain symptoms. This is characterized by the formation of plaque in the ear, as well as an unpleasant odor from the auricle. If the infectious disease develops over a long period of time, the infection spreads even to the face and tips of the ears.

    The animal's lethargy, loss of appetite, and specific crusts on the face indicate dysfunction of the immune system. In this case, the cat tries to sleep as much as possible, since the body has significantly reduced its protective properties, and the skin is affected. Slight dandruff may appear on the skin, and baldness may be observed in some places on the coat. The most common causes of skin diseases can be medications and household chemicals. Even a sudden change in climate or changes in diet can undermine the health of cats, especially small and elderly ones.

    Another reason for the appearance of wounds on the ears of animals and hair loss can be solar eczema. An animal can suffer greatly from pain and itching if there are ticks. When subcutaneous mites appear in cats, they are able to multiply and “gnaw” passages in the upper layers of the epidermis. In addition, a large amount of a toxic substance enters the animal’s body, which the ticks release during their life activity. So, the cat begins to scratch the bite sites, after which bacteria get there, which leads to the formation of wounds and crusts.

    Quite often, veterinarians are faced with fungal problems in animals. The peculiarity of this disease is that it is very difficult to diagnose, and a fungal infection is difficult to treat. If the treatment is incorrectly selected and the doctor is poorly qualified, there is a possibility that the disease will simply be treated, but not completely cured.

    Some fungi are opportunistic and are constantly present on the cat’s body, however, when immunity decreases, they become much more numerous and provoke inflammatory processes. Fungal infections can occur in cats due to the following reasons:

    • violation of diet;
    • hypothermia;
    • improper care of the animal;
    • decreased immunity;
    • diseases of internal organs.

    It is not difficult to understand that your pet has a fungal infection. During this period, the cat may be very lethargic and refuse to eat, and a very unpleasant odor will be heard from the ear.

    Of course, if an animal gets sick, it must be treated. However, no treatment can be prescribed at random, and diagnosis should be made before prescribing. If the owner begins to self-medicate without first establishing an accurate diagnosis, such actions can lead to complications and worsening of the pet’s condition.

    Very often, specialists are faced with the fact that cats develop suppuration in the area of ​​the face and ears. A similar situation occurs due to improper treatment or untimely provision of professional medical care. If you notice that your pet has crusts on its face or ears, you should immediately contact a veterinary clinic, where a specialist will conduct an examination and prescribe the necessary tests. Such analyzes include:

    • general clinical blood test;
    • blood biochemistry;
    • scraping from the area of ​​skin where suppuration has formed;
    • special tests that will help identify the presence of allergies.

    Treatment without scraping may be ineffective, since the veterinarian will not be able to identify the pathogen, which means the antibiotic may be prescribed incorrectly. If the case is too advanced, an x-ray of the ear may be required.

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    Treatment of such sores is comprehensive, depending on the results of the study. For each pet, the veterinarian develops an individual treatment regimen, in which it is important to take into account not only the degree of development of the disease, but also the individual characteristics of the cat.

    If the crusts are formed due to an allergic reaction, the provoking factor is eliminated. For example, when a cat’s allergy is caused by a certain food, the veterinarian carries out a replacement diet, selecting another food and observing the body’s reaction.

    When household chemicals become the cause of ulcers, then you should simply remove this allergen from use and the body’s condition will soon return to normal. If a bacteria attaches, therapy with an antibiotic is necessary, which must also be prescribed exclusively by a doctor. When treatment occurs after a tick bite, the therapy includes not only specific drugs, but immunomodulators and a vitamin complex that helps the body recover as quickly as possible.

    Treating ulcers on a cat’s ears and face is quite difficult, since animals are often prescribed ointments, which they immediately lick from the wounds. To prevent this from happening, and to ensure that the treatment proceeds as quickly and effectively as possible, the cat can be put on a special collar that will prevent the ointment from being licked off. With such a collar, the animal may refuse to eat due to inconvenience, so during this period it can be removed for a short time.

    You can try to prevent any disease if you know what can cause it. In the case of sores on the ears and face of a cat, the owner must adhere to some rules:

    1. The diet must be complete and balanced so that the animal receives all the necessary vitamins and microelements.
    2. The animal must be cared for promptly and properly. This type of care includes cleaning the ear, as well as bathing with specialized shampoos for animals. Remember that using your own shampoos to wash your pets is strictly prohibited.
    3. The cat must be treated promptly for parasites - fleas and ticks.
    4. Do not neglect vaccination, otherwise it can have a very bad effect on the cat’s health. Get the necessary vaccinations in a timely manner, information about which you will receive in full at the veterinary clinic.

    Remember that only you are responsible for how your pet feels. If you neglect basic rules of care, as well as ignore the first signs of illness, the health of your four-legged friend can be very deteriorating. All you need to do is not to feed the animal with cheap food to save money, regularly monitor the cleanliness of the body and ears, and also periodically visit the veterinary clinic, where preventive examinations and treatment will be carried out if necessary.

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