Why does my cat have black plaque in his ears?

Ear discharge is a symptom characterized by the appearance of fluid or a similar substance from the external auditory canal. What does brown discharge from the ear indicate?


  • Sadykhov Rahim Agalarovich

    ENT pathology expert

3.67 (Votes: 6)

  • Diagnostics
  • Treatment
  • Treatment of ear diseases at the Ear, Nose and Throat Clinic
  • Ear discharge is a symptom characterized by the appearance of fluid or a similar substance from the external auditory canal. This may be a physiological (natural) process, but in most cases this situation indicates the development of diseases of the auditory system. Any discharge from the ears requires contacting an otolaryngologist to determine the main pathogenetic factor that caused the problem and prescribe adequate therapy.

    Discharge from the external auditory canal comes in different colors. In this article we will look at what brown discharge from the ear may indicate.

    Natural causes

    Brownish discharge is practically the only type of ear discharge that can appear for physiological reasons. This phenomenon is due to increased activity of the sulfur glands: during the hot season, with a sharp change in climatic conditions or with serious physical activity. As a result, body temperature and sweating increase, the cerumen glands begin to produce excess secretion (wax), and a brown substance appears, which is earwax with a softened consistency. This is a normal physiological process that gives no cause for alarm.

    Headband with veil

    Such decoration will add mystery to the image, sexuality and romance, and is very easy to do. So, how to make a headband with cat ears and a veil:

    • prepare a familiar decoration as a base;
    • black lace;
    • threads with a needle;
    • wire;
    • mesh for veil.

    If the base is black and looks good, then you don’t need to wrap it with a satin ribbon; if you want the product to look finished, then wrap it for beauty.

    Now twist two cat ears from wire and cut them out of lace according to their size.

    They will need to be sewn to the wire, and very carefully so that the accessory does not have a wrong side.

    After you have finished with the stage of attaching the “locators” to the rim, you can proceed to the final stage - attaching the veil. Simply cut a rectangle of the required size and stitch it to the base. You will get this beauty:

    Oh, how fashion models and stars love such accessories. And it really looks very interesting!

    We invite you to watch another master class - a headband with ears to consolidate the result:

    Pathological causes

    Pathological brown discharge from the ear can be a consequence of:

    • Head or ear injuries. Reddish-brown fluid indicates possible local bleeding.
    • Bullous otitis. It is characterized by the appearance of bloody blisters that burst and turn the sulfur brown.
    • Cholesteatomas. This is a benign neoplasm that affects the middle ear. Damaged vessels in it begin to produce a reddish-brownish liquid.

    How to understand that brown discharge from the ear is caused by pathological reasons?

    Pathology always has accompanying symptoms that help the doctor clarify the cause of the disease. This:

    • pain, itching in the ear;
    • extraneous noise;
    • hearing loss;
    • temperature increase;
    • edema;
    • dizziness;
    • redness of the auricle and external auditory canal;
    • enlarged cervical lymph nodes.

    If these symptoms appear, you should immediately consult an ENT doctor.

    Why does a cat scratch his ears and shake his head?

    Cats take care of their own hygiene. However, four-legged pets are not able to take care of the cleanliness of their ears.

    If you occasionally notice that your pet is scratching its ears, then you should not panic. In this way, the pet tries to get rid of the accumulated wax in the ears. However, if your cat scratches its ears and shakes its head more intensely than usual, or becomes irritable and nervous, you should be wary. Most likely, there is a problem with the pet's hearing organs.

    The main reasons why a cat scratches its ears:

    • Getting water or a foreign object into the ear;
    • Bruise and hematoma of the auricle;
    • Absence or improper ear hygiene;
    • Anatomical features of the auricle;
    • External parasites (fleas, ticks);
    • Skin diseases;
    • Ear infection.

    In this article, we will help you figure out why your cat is scratching his ears and what to do in such a situation.


    To establish an accurate diagnosis and choose treatment tactics, the otolaryngologist conducts a comprehensive examination of the patient. When evaluating the allocated secret, the following characteristics are taken into account:

    • color;
    • smell;
    • volume;
    • presence of additional symptoms.

    Instrumental methods for examining pathologies:

    • CT scan. It is carried out to exclude injuries to the skull bones.
    • Otoscopy. With its help, you can see the development of the inflammatory process.
    • Microscopy. Needed for a more detailed inspection of damaged areas.

    Number of allocations

    Some cat breeds have large ears, for example, Maine Coon, Abyssinian, Oriental, Somali. The ears of these breeds collect more dust and dirt, which settles on the inner surface of the ear, which stimulates additional wax production to protect the inner ear from infections.

    This is a normal defense mechanism established by nature itself.

    However, some types of cats have dirty ears all the time because they produce more wax than other breeds. We are talking, for example, about the sphinxes. Hairless cats do not have ear hairs that could prevent dust, dirt and infections from entering the ear.

    These cats can have their ears cleaned more often than others. Some owners do this every day. However, in fact, cleaning the ears of a Sphynx cat is really necessary only before the exhibition, and on weekdays the question of how often to clean the animal’s ears is decided depending on the situation.


    Treatment of ear diseases accompanied by brown discharge from the ear may include medications, physiotherapy, and sometimes surgical methods. It all depends on the root cause that caused the painful symptoms.

    Drug treatment includes:

    • Antibacterial agents. Prescribed for purulent types of otitis.
    • Vasoconstrictor drops. Reduce swelling.
    • Antimycotic agents. Effective against fungal infections.
    • Antihistamines. Prescribed if there is swelling and itching of an allergic nature.
    • Painkillers.

    The following physiotherapeutic procedures help in the treatment of diseases:

    • dry heat;
    • electrophoresis;
    • inhalation.

    How to treat?

    Veterinarians recommend cleaning your pet’s ears no more than 1-2 times a week, since daily hygiene procedures reduce the natural balance of beneficial microflora and make the cat vulnerable to pathogens.

    If your cat’s ears have brown plaque and spots due to dirt, you should clean the outer part of the hearing organ with special hygiene products:

    The hygiene of the external part of the pet's hearing organs can be maintained with the help of Otifri.

    • "Leopard";
    • "Otifri";
    • "SkinMed Otik";
    • "Tropiclean Dual";
    • "Sani Pet";
    • "Beafar Air Cleaner";
    • "Trixie."

    If your ears itch and hurt due to mites, you should treat them with anti-mite medications. The dosage for an adult cat and kitten is determined by a veterinarian; self-medication is prohibited. Both hearing organs should be instilled, even if infection occurs in only one. The procedure should be done with drugs such as “Bars”, “Otoferonol Gold”, “Amitrazine Plus”, “Surolan”. During the treatment period, all animals living in the premises, their sleeping places and accessories should be disinfected.

    What you need to clean your ears

    To carry out hygiene procedures you need:

    • Cotton swabs, disks, clean napkins (not wet)
    • Special lotions and gels that can be purchased at a pet store. Remember that there are preventative ear cleaning products, as well as medications that are prescribed only by doctors.
    • Hygienic powder for cats, which can be used for heavy discharge, as well as for ear disease of the pet. There is no need to use powder for preventive measures.

    Stages of the procedure

    1. Before use, the lotion must be warmed in your hand so that cold drops do not cause discomfort to the animal.
    2. Then the bottle must be shaken vigorously for several seconds.
    3. Open the cap and place 2-5 drops of the product on the inside of the ear.
    1. Massage the base of the ear in a circular motion to better distribute the liquid.
    2. Using a cotton pad soaked in lotion, wipe the ear from the inside to the edges, paying attention to each fold.

    The process is presented more clearly in our video.

    After cleaning, treat your pet to his favorite treat. The cat should associate the process with pleasant moments so that it is easy to carry out in the future.

    Proper ear cleaning technique

    If your cat categorically does not want to undergo the ear cleaning procedure, and tries in every possible way to escape from your hands, then it is better to secure the animal with a towel in advance.

    Next you need to slightly turn the ear out. Moisten a cotton pad with a special cleanser, then wipe the inner part of the ear that is accessible to visual inspection with the cotton pad. Then, using a clean cotton pad or napkin, you need to remove any remaining wax and cleanser residue from the surface of the ear. In this case, all movements should be directed outward, but not inward, since there is a risk of damaging the deeper parts of the ear and causing infection there. Remains of lotion or gel can be removed from deep sections using hygienic cotton swabs.

    What not to do when cleaning cats' ears?

    The fundamental point during the entire procedure is that only the visible part of the auricle can be cleaned. Attempting to penetrate deeper will only harm the animal.

    It is undesirable to use various folk remedies or self-made solutions. Their use will harm the cat: it is possible to dry out the epidermis of the inner surface of the ear and develop allergic reactions.

    Do not clean your pet’s ears at home, on your own, if upon examination you find purulent discharge, crusts, bumps, or dark spots. In this case, you need to contact a specialist, because most likely the cat has a specific ear disease. In this case, professional help from a veterinarian is required.

    Some owners, when carrying out a hygienic procedure, strive to achieve absolute, impeccable cleanliness of their ears. But this is also not entirely correct. Earwax, as mentioned above, has protective properties; a moderate amount of it is simply necessary.

    You should not use self-made products instead of hygienic cotton swabs. This is dangerous, because their use can lead to traumatic damage to the ear and infection.

    If you regularly carry out preventive ear cleanings for your pet, but this does not lead to the desired result, wax and dirt constantly accumulate, or suddenly you find purulent discharge on a napkin or cotton pad, you need to urgently contact a specialist.

    So, the procedure for cleaning cats’ ears, it turns out, is not as simple a manipulation as it might seem at first glance. You still need to be aware of certain features and rules. But now, after reading this article, you know the general rules and subtleties of caring for cats’ ears. By following these simple instructions, you can properly care for your pet's ears.

    Classification of ear diseases

    Many diseases, including ear diseases, are usually classified, which is not only an effective method of organizing knowledge, but also facilitates the diagnostic process. The distribution of diseases is often based on characteristics such as the causes of the problem and the degree of its danger to others.

    Ear diseases fall into one of three groups:

    1. Infectious. The main source of diseases of this kind is pathogenic microorganisms such as fungi and bacteria. They are predominantly contagious and are transmitted from sick cats to other animals respiratoryly or contagiously. People are also at risk, especially if they allow their pets to sleep on the same pillow as them.
    2. Invasive or parasitic. Such diseases are caused by life forms that use the organisms of other creatures as habitat. Known parasites include helminths, fleas, ticks and other insects.
    3. Non-contagious. Based on the name, they are not transmitted to humans or other animals. They can be caused by external and internal factors that are not infectious or invasive in nature.

    How to properly clean a cat's ear

    It is necessary to accustom pets to hygiene procedures from childhood. After 2 months, babies are ready to undergo their first cleaning. Lack of skills or fear of accidental damage prevents some owners from properly cleaning their animals' ears. In this case, you can contact a veterinary clinic.

    Positive association

    Removing dirt from a kitten's ears is an unpleasant procedure. Cats have associative thinking, so any negative moments should be diluted with good memories. Before cleansing, you need to play with the baby, and after it is completed, treat him with a special treat.

    Cleaning kit

    Before cleaning your kitten's dirty ears, you need to make sure you have all the items necessary for the procedure. The search for a separate item can result in battle wounds received from a pet who does not want to wait long.

    The basic cleaning kit includes:

    • a set of cotton swabs. Homemade inventions in the form of cotton wool wound around a match can damage the delicate organs of hearing. To completely clean them, you will need up to 4 pieces; for preventive procedures, 2 are enough;
    • ear gel. A special drug helps facilitate the process; the product does not cause allergic reactions. It is prohibited to use solutions that are alcohol-based or have a drying effect. They can cause minor injuries in the inner ear, leading to ulcerations and suppurations;
    • blanket or large towel. Acts as a straitjacket, not allowing the cat to defend itself with its claws.

    Important! If an animal has an infectious process, then any drugs are used only as prescribed by a veterinarian. Most human medications are not suitable for him and can cause hearing loss

    Pet immobilization

    Using a towel, swaddle the pet tightly, leaving only the head free

    Particular care is needed when fixing the paws: the cat should feel comfort, not pain. If immobilization is carried out incorrectly, he will break free, expressing his disapproval in every possible way.

    Before cleaning the cat, you need to wrap it in a towel so that it does not skin

    Visual inspection

    The ears gently bend in the opposite direction. This position of the ears does not cause discomfort and allows you to examine the inside. If there are no diseases, then its surface will be clean. Black spots, scratches, bumps and massive accumulation of dirt indicate a possible infection.

    Ear cleaning

    Cleaning procedures are carried out in the following algorithm:

    1. A cotton swab is placed in the ear at a distance not exceeding 1 cm. By rotating clockwise and moving outward, accumulated wax is removed from the passage. If the condition is not met and the procedure is carried out in the opposite direction, then the sulfur secretions will be pushed into the depths, and the veterinarian will have to remove them.
    2. It is better to carry out all manipulations with an assistant. One will hold the pet, the second will completely focus on cleaning.
    3. Fear of accidental eardrum injury is most often unfounded. It is localized deep inside and can only be damaged intentionally.
    4. When cleansing, you need to be careful, as sudden movements cause discomfort and pain.

    Important! For British or Scottish cats, ordinary mongrel cats, one or two procedures per month are sufficient. Pets with large ears or hairless breeds require more frequent grooming as the passages become dirty.

    How to clean ears

    Use in the diet of pets

    In veterinary medicine, a feed sulfur additive is widely used, which is not applicable for cats and dogs. This sulfur is mainly used to feed cattle. For pets, medical or purified sulfur is produced in powder form, packaged in bags weighing 20, 50, and 100 g. Instructions for using the food additive “Sulfur for Animals” familiarize the cat owner with how and in what doses to add the substance to food for the cat. In addition, the owner should pay attention to the terms and rules for storing the product, which are indicated on the package. Mainly storage duration is 2 years. The powder must be kept in a hermetically sealed container or vacuum packaging. The place should be cool and protected from light. Should be kept away from children. Before adding this substance to your cat's diet, you should consult your veterinarian.

    The easiest way to give your pet this remedy is by adding it to a portion of food.

    Any cat will perceive sulfur as a treat. According to the instructions, complementary foods are administered as a food additive daily, 1 time per day, 0.05 g per 1 kg of pet. The daily dose should not exceed 1 g. If the drug is used in combination with medications for scabies, the dose is reduced to 0.04 g per kilogram of the cat’s body weight. Sulfur powder is added to dry food or cooked food. It should be noted that the product does not dissolve well in liquid, however, this does not prevent the cat from consuming it with pleasure. The course of treatment with this substance should not exceed 1 month.

    In addition, sulfur-based ointments are widely used to treat skin diseases in cats. They promote rapid healing of wounds and the speedy restoration of healthy skin.

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