Thai cat: blue-eyed miracle from the palaces of Siam

Description and appearance

Veterinarians note that the Himalayan color and mixed breed are not acceptable in a natural pet of this breed.

The Altai blue-eye has an average body size, weighing 4-6 kilograms. There is a specific breed standard, presented in table form:

Body partsPeculiarities
TorsoStrong and muscular
Rectangular in shape and naturally flexible
LimbsRounded paws of medium length
Strong cheekbones protrude forward
NoseNeat, small
The line to the forehead is concave
EarsSmall, rounded at the ends
Located widely on the head
EyesSlanted, almond shaped
According to the standard, they should be blue, but heterochromia occasionally occurs, when one eye is different in color and ranges from copper to green.
TailLong with pointed tip
The size corresponds to the body
WoolThick dense undercoat
It can be long-haired or short-haired, but the coat is always silky and soft to the touch.
With a slight shine
ColoringOptions for ticking and solid tones with the presence of a snow-white shade are allowed

Main characteristics of Thai breed cats

The Thai cat lives on average 14-15 years, but often lives up to 20. It is no coincidence that he is a long-livers. Animals weigh on average 4-8 kilograms and reach a height of 30 cm.

While the breed is considered open, that is, the standards are being revised. So a cat similar to a Thai cat may well be classified as a breed and allowed for breeding if there are documents signed by two experts.

The head of the Thai cat is rounded, with a well-defined muzzle, on which rounded cheeks are visible.

The eyes are sky-colored, slightly slanted. The richer the color, the higher the value of the animal.

The ears are slightly rounded, located at a large distance from each other.

The body is dense and muscular, the neck is short.

The tail is not too long, slightly pointed.

Since the cat was brought from warm regions, its coat is not short, thin and smooth without undercoat.

Usually the animal is white in color, and the muzzle of the paw and tail are dark. Dark spots on other areas may disqualify the animal. The main colors are seal point, blue point, chocolate point, red point, tortie point, tabby point, lilac point, cream point.

Thais are very smart and at the same time friendly animals. One of their advantages and at the same time disadvantages is curiosity. Sometimes it can end tragically, as animals, exploring the world, can climb onto a hot stove or jump out of a window.

Cats communicate very well with people and are ready to take part in all their affairs. If changes occur in the house, the cat immediately reacts to them and rushes to inform the owner.

Representatives of the Thai breed love to talk. In addition to purring and meowing, you can hear many different sounds from them. They quickly find a “common language” with adults and children. For kids, pets are even ready to act as nannies.

Character traits

The pet always gets along very well with the owner and takes into account his mood.
The Altai cat will immediately become a friend to the owners who accepted it into the family. She will not bother you over trifles, but she will definitely come to play with pleasure if she feels favored by the owners. This breed of cat loves small children, plays with them, and can lie down to rest next to a sleeping baby. These pets happily participate in outdoor games with kids. Blue-eyed cats are considered lovers of sleep. It is imperative to pay attention to how conversations are conducted with the animal, since they are very touchy by nature. This breed of cat needs personal space. They are uncomfortable, scared and uncomfortable on the street. The most suitable place to keep blue-eyes is an apartment. Animals are inquisitive, so they will always notice any changes in the decor of the house and will study new items for a long time. This also applies to new people in the room, guests, neighbors. A cat loves to be admired, talked to, and shown tenderness and care towards her.

Where did the Thai cat come from?

Thais are the distant ancestors of modern Siamese cats. There is no doubt that the breed is ancient. Depictions of Thai cats date back to the fourteenth century.

Manuscripts with pictures depicting cats very similar to Thai ones are kept in the National Library in Bangkok. It was believed that they protected people from evil spirits.

Thai cats could also protect people from rats and snakes. Thanks to the peculiarities of the skin of the Thais, they were not afraid of the bites of these animals. Therefore, Vichien Mae (as the locals called the animals) were highly valued in Siam and it was strictly forbidden to export them outside the country.

And yet, at the end of the nineteenth century, Thais appeared in Europe. For the first time, two amazing cats were presented to English diplomats by the King of Siam. High-ranking people really liked the cats.

Then the king of Siam presented the British with several dozen more amazing animals.

Later, breeders became interested in the Thais and bred the Siamese cat, but the Thai cat was practically forgotten. But there were lovers who renewed the breed. For the first time, the breed of Thai cats (they are also called Old Siamese) was described and registered by the World Cat Federation in the 90s of the last century.

Maintenance and care

It is easy to care for the coat of such animals; it is enough to thoroughly comb it weekly with a special brush. It is not recommended to bathe the blue-eye often - 1-2 times a month will be enough. Bathing is carried out using cat shampoo and conditioner, and then wipe the pet dry with a warm terry towel and do not let it out into drafts. Eyes and ears should be washed as they become dirty with cotton pads soaked in warm water, or the ears should be treated with a soft cloth. The use of cotton swabs to clean ears is strictly prohibited, so as not to harm the animal.

Pay special attention to the animal’s mood, as it is characterized by a touchy character. Because of this feature, a cat may fall into a prolonged depression and refuse to walk, eat or drink. The right way to get rid of an animal’s depressed state is to give it maximum attention, provide it with care, affection and love. In your free time, you should try to keep your cat busy with active games as much as possible.

How to choose a kitten

A baby without a passport can be purchased for 1,000 rubles. He will be a loyal and loyal friend, but is not suitable for exhibition or breeding. A real Thai cat costs from 15,000 rubles and above, depending on gender, pedigree, coat color, and cattery.

It is better to take kittens from a nursery with a good reputation. They must have the following advantages:

  • playfulness;
  • curiosity;
  • lack of fearfulness.

Signs of the breed are clean eyes and ears, as well as a tail without kinks. White spots should be excluded on points (muzzle, ears, paws, tail).

It is recommended to pick up the baby no earlier than he is three months old. By this time he should have all the necessary vaccinations. Pay attention to the kitten's behavior. If he gladly makes contact with them and strives to climb onto your lap, this is your pet.

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  • Homeland of cats and 4-letter twins: SIAM
  • 3 letter fate: ROCK
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How to stay healthy

Pets of the Thai breed have good immunity, but this does not mean that they should refuse vaccinations. The health of these pets needs to be monitored like the health of any cat.

Cats may be susceptible to diseases of the liver, kidneys, and gastrointestinal tract. Although their genetics are good, there are a number of diseases that they are prone to. These are hydrocephalus, diabetes mellitus, heart disease, and breast tumors.

Cats are also susceptible to dental disease. For prevention, it is recommended to regularly brush your teeth. With proper care of your pet, the risk of disease is reduced.


One shoe for all the shoes

Snow-white slipper, bred as a result of mating a Siamese cat and an American Shorthair. A distinctive feature of the snowshu is an inverted “tick” on its face, “slippers” on its front legs and huge blue eyes.

Representatives of the breed have a very specific disposition. Most cats are affectionate and sociable, but there are “alternatively gifted” individuals. Woe to anyone who owns such a cat. These individuals are aggressive, have a loud voice, and scream with or without reason. For the most part, snowshoes are silent people, attached to people. Some of our “alternatively gifted” brothers, on the contrary, love solitude and prefer to solve problems with a loud cry coupled with hitting the irritant with a clawed paw.

Turkish Angora

Gorgeous appearance

National treasure of Turkey. No, this is not a joke. The breed was recognized as such in 1930. Despite its unusual appearance, being the pride of the country, the Turkish Angora has long been considered an aboriginal cat; the WCF did not recognize the breed. Only in the 70s of the last century was justice achieved and the Turkish Angora was finally recognized. Today, the breed is recognized by all felinological organizations.

In the 20th century, only white cats were officially recognized. Nowadays, other colors are also acceptable. Moreover, completely white, blue-eyed cats have not been exported from Turkey for a long time, but animals with a different color are welcome, as many as you like.

Despite their luxurious appearance, Angoras are characteristic companions. Representatives of the breed are famous for their willfulness and independence. Communication with the owner is necessary, but is not the meaning of life for this breed. And the lack of the ability to climb and jump to heights leads to the fact that the cat begins to waste away. Angoras are very active animals; they love to jump, run and sit at heights. The best entertainment is hunting for a toy mouse. By the way, representatives of the breed will not refuse a live mouse.

Oriental cat

They look like aliens

Improved breed from Siam (Thailand). Magnificent cats, for a long time, were “closed” from the world, living in the temples of Thailand. Only in the 19th century did the world learn about the “overseas” beauty.

Today, the Oriental cat is one of the most popular in the world. The unusual color and blue eyes give the animal a special cuteness. There is an opinion among people that “Orientals” are evil and aggressive monsters. This is complete absurdity, because representatives of this breed are distinguished by extraordinary devotion to their owner, do not tolerate loneliness well and are easy to train.

As for the supposedly viciousness of the breed, any cat is capable of fighting back for itself if it is pissed off. Orientals don’t like familiarity, that’s all.

Mekong Bobtail

A very interesting breed

Beauty comes from Asia. Initially, Mekong Bobtails were considered “rejected” Siamese cats. This is due to the unusual, short tail of Asian cats.

Despite its enormous popularity in its homeland, the breed was recognized by the WCF only in 1994. Russian breeders played a huge role in the recognition of Mekong Bobtails. They managed to prove that these cats are distinguished from Siamese not only by their short tail. Animals have completely different body types.

Representatives of the breed, for the most part, have rich blue eyes, a mischievous character and affection for the owner.

Blue eyed cat

Piercing gaze

This is how the name of the breed is translated from Spanish. Most “cat lovers” know this cat under the name “Ojos Azules”. The breed was bred in America in the 80s of the last century. Widespread in its homeland, practically nothing is known about Ojos Azules outside its borders.

Representatives of the breed are small (from 2.5 to 5 kg), very calm, with an unusual color and eye color. American breeders claim that the temperament of blue-eyed cats is so calm that the animals can be kept even in the smallest apartments. Ojos Azules are considered one of the most gentle breeds in the world; there is an opinion that these cats will never respond to aggression with aggression, preferring to hide somewhere rather than use their claws and teeth.

Advantages and disadvantages

All representatives of the cat world have advantages and disadvantages. The Thai cat is no exception.

Positive features:

  • affectionate, sociable;
  • smart;
  • do not require special care;
  • strong immunity;
  • live long.

Negative points (based on reviews):

  • do not tolerate loneliness well;
  • for some owners - talkativeness, especially during estrus;
  • complex nature;
  • can be vindictive and harmful.
( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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