The conspiracy for a missing animal is the most powerful (text)

If a pet goes missing, it causes anxiety, pity, and concern. Children and elderly people are especially affected if a cat or dog goes missing. You can place advertisements, ask neighbors and people on the street in the exact place where it disappeared. But often this does not give the desired result.


It is known that our ancestors knew many conspiracies on how to find a missing animal. You can believe it or not, but you can try. After all, this will not make anyone worse, and if you manage to find pets, then everyone in the family will be only happy about it.

For the cat to come home

If you lost your beloved cat, which never came home, and the search did not yield results, then you can try this conspiracy. It is better to read it where the animal disappeared.

A cat that walks by itself

This plot must be read on the waxing moon, every morning, as soon as dawn breaks:

“Oh, mother of a damp earth, there is a path following you, along that path there are a thousand ants, everyone goes to their holes, they don’t go astray, they meet in an anthill. So the cat doesn’t get lost, but goes to its yard, to my good. You're a cat, come. Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

You can also use this method to return a lost pet. When the full moon comes, if all measures have been taken so far, but the cat or dog has not come home, then you need to take the bedding of your favorite cat or dog, light it in the yard of the house and read these words three times:

“As this place burns, so let the thief’s bone, brain, blood burn, let fear and forty diseases attack him, pinch him and break him, gnaw him and throw him, shake him and crush him, tie his veins into knots. As this fire goes out, the thief will feel bad. Amen".

There is also a ritual to find your cat. To carry it out you will need:

  • cat bowl;
  • white candle;
  • animal's favorite food.

How to return a pet?

You need to put some food in a bowl, light a candle and place it not far from the animal’s bowl and say clearly and in a full voice:

“I ask the powers of the universe to protect my animal and help me bring him home today!”

Do not extinguish the candle, but leave it to burn out.

Prayer to Elder Nektarios

You can still turn to this saint when you need to find missing animals or heal the sick. Cats are allowed to enter Orthodox churches; they are a clean animal. Believers can tell a couple of parables related to a cat, they can pray to Elder Nektarios for the sick cat to recover, and non-believers will just laugh.

They said that one day a cat ran into the cell of the Optina elder Nektary and began to catch mice, clearing his space. Then he thought about saving Noah's ark. It was no different that the cat saved him when she caught a mouse trying to dig through the bottom of the building. By this act, the cats deserved eternal paradise after death.

If the animal runs away

This plot is read twice daily for a week. It must be read at the place where the animal disappeared or where you last saw it. This spell is suitable for all pets:

“Get ready, my dear animal (name, color of the animal’s fur, breed, cat, dog, other type of animal), to your home every night, just as the Orthodox world gathers for the ringing of bells and church singing. How Ant's children serve and obey their ant king, and how honey bees flock to their nests and do not forget their children and do not leave them. And just as fast rivers, small and large, flow into the glorious ocean-sea, so would you, my animal (name, color of the animal’s fur, breed, name a cat, dog, other type of animal), flow to my voice from all sides: from behind the lakes, from the shifting mosses, from the black swamps, from behind the rivers, from behind the streams, from behind the forests, the night flowed into my house to spend the night, forever. Amen".

If you read the plot for a week, and the animal never came home, then you need to take a break for a week and read it again.

Conspiracy to return an animal

Why are cats supposed to leave home?

According to esotericists, cats cannot tolerate negative energy in the house. If the pet suddenly left the home, perhaps constant quarrels and conflicts between family members are to blame. However, the sign also has positive interpretations.

Positive consequences

It’s sad when furry pets disappear without a trace and don’t return, but cats are smart animals, they leave for a reason. Cats will never harm those who love and care for them. Perhaps the furry pet left its home for good reasons:

  • By leaving its home, the animal makes room for a new family member. Often before leaving, the cat says goodbye to the owner of the home, does not leave him for a long time and tries to attract attention to himself.
  • Perhaps the disappearance of a cat from the house is associated with a negative influence on family members from the outside. Selflessly protecting people, the pet took with it misfortunes, illnesses and even death. The loss of a cat will upset the owners, but at the cost of its own life, the brave animal averts trouble from them.
  • In eastern countries there is a sign regarding the departed purrs. According to it, the furry animal plays the role of a guide of souls. If the cat left home after one of the family members died, the living have nothing to worry about about the relative. With such a guide, the soul of the deceased will freely enter a better world.
  • The cat leaves his home because his mission is completed. An animal appeared in a family for a specific purpose - to protect people from harm, make people kinder, get rid of illness, attract good luck or find love. When the owner's dreams and desires come true, the presence of a cat in the house becomes optional.

Negative interpretations

Cats are extremely sensitive to changes in the energy background in the house. They notice every little thing and give preference to places with the least concentration of negative energy. If the cat left home, signs indicate the following:

  • If a seriously ill person lives in an apartment , the disappearance of a pet cat predicts the imminent death of the patient.
  • The surrounding space in the home is saturated with black magic. Due to the effects of damage or a curse, everyone within the walls of this house suffers. If a cat cannot cope with the task entrusted to it to protect the home and its inhabitants, then it leaves it.
  • For a long time, the Slavs have had a sign that explains why cats disappear. If the kittens do not stay in the house for a long time, mysteriously disappear, get lost or die, it means that the brownie did not accept the animal . This is a bad sign, because at the energy level the home remains unprotected, and its inhabitants may be exposed to damage or a curse.

When the cow goes missing

If your cow disappeared, did not return home with the herd, and the search did not produce results, then you can do the following. Early in the morning they light the stove, and as soon as the first smoke comes out of the chimney, they immediately call their little cow, clearly stating her name, then you need to read the spell and spit over your left shoulder three times. The words of the conspiracy are as follows:

How to return a brown cow?

“Forest Tsar-Father, Bring and hide my little cow.”

How to call a cat or dog home?

There is also an old conspiracy to call pets home if they get lost. To perform this ritual you need to have a candle. You need to stand in front of the open window by the window, you can even open the window itself. You should light a candle, looking closely and very carefully into the flame and mentally imagining your pet, and say out loud:

“Smoke uphill (pet’s name) to the house. The power of fire. Aoum!

The last word is pronounced drawlingly for as long as possible. In the East, this is a very powerful mantra that brings the lost home. Here you are addressing the fire element directly, and therefore you do not need to blow out the candle flame with your breath, but you can put the candle and wait until it goes out on its own or extinguish it with your fingers.

You can repeat this plot for several days in a row. The animal may not come right away, you need to be patient and wait...

The finitude of existence

Like all living things, pets have a limited lifespan. The time will come - your furry little ball will grow old, and the hour of parting with him will approach. Typically, owners of older animals become increasingly concerned about the health of their pets. And often in a conversation with a veterinarian the question comes up about why cats leave home, because there is an opinion that as death approaches, animals tend to find a secluded place where it will be easier for them to accept the inevitable. At the same time, most owners want to spend the last minutes next to their pet. That's why today we decided to talk about why cats leave home.

Ritual for the return of missing animals

You can tie the legs of the table where your family members dine with a rope. Every day you need to mentally turn to your dog or cat and call him home. Some also “appease” the brownie, who loves cats and dogs. To do this, prepare him a treat, which is placed in a clean bowl.

You can treat the brownie to porridge, pour him milk, give him sweets. But all this needs to be put in a secluded place so that this treat is not in front of everyone. Ask your Brownie Master to return your pet to you. And don’t forget to change his treats.


Ritual for a village pet

The way to find a cat or dog in the countryside is different from the city. You need to tie twine around all the legs of the dining table.

Then, silently, they constantly begin to call out to their animal, calling its exact name.

It is also worth offering a bowl of milk and pies to the Brownie, who makes sure that happiness does not leave the home.

He usually favors cats and dogs as guardians of the hearth. They put the bowl away from prying eyes and try to look into a secluded place less often.

If the owner discovers that the offering has not been accepted, then it is necessary to freely ask the Brownie for help in finding the pet. It is also necessary to make the treat for him more tasty and plentiful.

The ritual is carried out for seven days, then an interval is made and the result is awaited. If it is not there, then after an equal amount of time the ritual is resumed.

Almost a fairy tale way

If some livestock has disappeared, a goat or cow has not returned home from pasture, and the shepherds cannot explain this in any way. Then you can try the old method, which is very similar to a fairy tale. We need to write a letter to the King of the Forest, or as the old people say, contact the devil. After all, all forest possessions are subject to him and he is the owner there.

It was previously believed that only he would help return lost pets. The main thing is that an important condition must be met: no more than three days should pass from the day the cattle went missing. It's better to do it right away. Using a pen with red ink or paste, write the following on a blank piece of paper:

“King of the forest, I turn to you with a bow, I ask with a bow: if you walk through your domain, look after the forest animals, if you accidentally stumble upon (name and name of the animal), then return to me the dear cattle, fed by me, cared for by me, return the nurse mine. And I will thank you."

The text could be like this:

Remuneration to the owner of the forest

“I am writing to the king of the forest and the queen of the forest, the king of the water and the queen of the water, I am a man ... (further indicate your name). I notify you that I have lost an animal (indicate the name of the animal, type, color). If you have it, then send it to me without delaying an hour, a minute, or a second. And if you don’t do it my way, I will complain about you to the Holy Great Martyr Yegor and Queen Alexandra.”

The letter must be taken to the forest, read out loud, left on a tree (hanged on a branch) or placed on a stump. You should put a “reward” next to it for the owner of the forest. This could be a crust of bread sprinkled with salt and a small mug of milk. Sometimes they leave a glass of beer or wine.

If the goblin doesn’t return the cattle, it will definitely let you know in some way where your lost animal is. This is exactly what our ancestors did before, and you can try it now. Ask the saints to return the animals

Return the animal using a spell prayer

Some grandmothers recommend that in order to return a pet, contact Nicholas the Ugodnik, St. George the Victorious, who fulfill requests for missing animals. Go to church, light a candle and ask the Saints to return your furry pet home to you. Just ask sincerely and in faith. And then the Higher Powers will help you or let you know about your pet in some way.

Listen and be attentive to all the signs that the Universe may send after you turn to it for help. This could be an overheard conversation on the street, a television program about missing animals, about kennels for the homeless, an advertisement in the newspaper about found dogs or cats. You never know.

And there is also such a prayer-conspiracy about animals. It is not only for bringing the animal home, but for animals in general, so that they always feel good. Here are the words of this prayer:

“Hear our humble prayer, Lord! We pray for all our animal friends, Especially for those who are suffering, For all those who are hunted, who are lost, Who are abandoned, who are afraid or hungry; For everyone who needs to be put to sleep. Have pity on them, be merciful! And to those who should take care of them, Grant hearts full of compassion, Give them kind hands, suggest kind words. May we be true friends for animals! May we share your mercy and grace with them! Amen!".

It can also be read if your pets are lost and do not return home for a long time.

The dog got lost

What do psychics say about life after death?

Many people talk about the afterlife and the journey of the soul after the death of the physical body. These are ordinary people, scientists and, of course, famous clairvoyants. Each person has his own idea about whether there is life after death or not.

In most cases, such a view is influenced by a person’s religious worldview. However, different religions give very different answers from each other. Therefore, it is difficult to believe in such information.

So what do mediums say about life after death? Today, the clairvoyants from the show “Battle of Psychics” are very popular and well-known. Season after season, viewers learn about new, strong and talented mediums, tarot readers, clairvoyants who are trying to give answers to exciting questions. Including shedding light on the secrets concerning the world of the dead.

For example, Fatima Khadueva adheres to the theory that there is a subtle world - the astral plane. If there are physical bodies in our world, then souls move to the astral world after the death of a person. Almost any soul that lives in this astral world can be contacted. However, this requires certain abilities.

Khayal Alekperov did not reveal the secrets of the other world, but said that souls from the other world can really make contact

For this, it is very important to use images of deceased people. When working with photographs, you can really get in touch with souls that are already in the other world

However, there are so many people, so many opinions. Describing the other world in which they were, some psychics say that its inhabitants are not at all like people, but like some kind of substance. But, despite this, other clairvoyants claim that the souls of the dead retain their human appearance.

In fact, it is very difficult to say what happens to a person after death. Most people believe that the human soul goes to another world or experiences reincarnation. However, psychics are inclined to believe that human souls are capable of moving after the death of the body to another world, the astral, which really exists.

How else can we explain the fact that various mediums regularly use the services of souls and turn to them to receive the necessary information. Unfortunately, it is not yet possible to verify the authenticity of similar stories, because not every person can enter the astral plane and see everything with their own eyes.

Despite the fact that all psychics see the afterlife in their own way, they agree that human death is not the end point. This is just another stage in a person's life. The human soul actually exists and it continues its journey. Some are sure that she ends up in the astral plane, others - that she is reborn, others - that she goes to Heaven or Hell.

However, today we are still not able to say with exact certainty which of these theories is the only correct one and reflects real events. Perhaps some of the psychics are right, and perhaps some of the skeptics are right, and in fact, this whole afterlife that clairvoyants draw for us is nothing more than a human fantasy.

Japanese writer Haruki Murakami correctly speaks about people’s attempts to understand what will happen beyond death:

How to pronounce a spell?

It is better to pronounce the plot that you read for the return of the animal so that other family members or neighbors do not hear you. If the words of the conspiracy are pronounced on the street, then you need to wait so that no one bothers you.

Still, conspiracies and various rituals are magical actions that should not be carried out in public. They must be done alone with oneself, in nature, in the forest, as in the case of a letter to the King of the Forest.

This is a sacrament that is aimed at appealing to the Higher Forces of Nature, to the Cosmos, as they say now. But any such action does not tolerate noise, fuss, or a large number of people. And then other people who do not believe in such actions can simply laugh and “dispel”, “negate” all the work that will be done by you.

As with any conspiracy or uttering a whisper-quick conspiracy, you must believe in what you are doing.
Only in this case will the Higher Powers be able to come to your aid. Share:

Great alternative

Using this method, our ancestors looked for their domestic animals. It’s easier now, because there is a large amount of technology. Previously, only written methods or methods related to magical rituals were used.

You, of course, may be a skeptic and not believe in the possibilities of magical rituals. But, you must agree that if things have taken a turn for the worse, then you should turn to any possibilities. The main thing is to find your beloved friend.

It has become common for us to lose vital items. We can easily lose office supplies, small equipment or a piece of clothing. Losing a wallet has become a regular occurrence for some people. But when it comes to the loss of a pet, then everything is much more complicated.

If we can buy material objects in the future, then nothing can replace our most devoted friend. The easiest animals to lose are cats, dogs, lizards, hamsters, turtles and other small animals. In rural areas, people are losing poultry and cattle. Conspiracies for the loss of an animal can be divided into several types.

  1. A conspiracy that applies to pets.
  2. Universal spells with which you can even find cattle.
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