If a cat climbs the curtains, you should not punish it. The expert told how to wean an animal from this habit

Cats are designed to climb trees . Sharp claws help cling to branches, the tail helps balance, and the hind legs are strong enough to overcome the force of gravity. But why did nature reward them with such an ability? The fact is that cats can inspect the territory from above and at the same time be safe, because not every larger predator can climb so high.

Alas, at home, cats do not always have the opportunity to give free rein to their instinct and then they choose curtains as wood. It is worth weaning your cat off this habit as soon as possible , because if it takes hold in childhood, it will be more difficult to deal with an adult kitty. How to stop a cat from climbing curtains? Here are some tips to take note.

We use curtain ties

The surest way to save curtains is to hide them away from the cat's paws. Curtain ties will serve for these purposes. Magnetic, clips, hairpins - there are many options. There are simpler models, but there are others that will help add an interesting accent to the interior. The price of the issue is small: a pair of grabs will cost 500-600 rubles.


How to wean a kitten from this habit

Both doctors are adamant that from the cat's point of view she is doing nothing wrong and should not be punished. Kittens will climb on curtains and screens out of boredom, Collins notes, so giving them places to climb can keep your curtains intact.

Kittens, like children, learn by exploring, experimenting and playing, and climbing is an important part of this process. Instead of scolding or hitting your four-legged friends, simply provide them with an alternative and reward their good behavior with treats. Any unjustified punishment, experts say, can cause aggression in a growing cat.

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The best approach is to provide your kitty with suitable climbing options. For example, this could be a frame or a climbing ladder, at different levels of which there are your pet’s favorite treats, toys with feathers, and catnip.

Buying a tree for the cat

Tree? To the apartment? Yes. But we are not talking about a full-fledged tree, but a special home tree for cats . These are sold in pet stores and online. As a rule, they are a structure made from parts of a trunk and artificial wood, sometimes supplemented with a scratching post. There are options that imitate wood. They are equipped with artificial or natural trunks wrapped in rope. Climbing on these is a pleasure.

A home tree will be an excellent alternative to curtains. And if you put it by the window , the choice for the kitty will be obvious. By climbing a tree, she will be able to satisfy her curiosity by observing what is happening on the street. And your curtains will be safe!

An elevated cat house is also a good alternative to a cat tree. It can also be placed next to a window.


Why cats love to climb curtains

The appearance of a kitten in the house is not only a joyful event, but also a great responsibility. The owner must not only create optimal living conditions, but also pay great attention to raising the pet. The cat must know what is allowed and what is not.

At the same time, you need to understand that, unlike humans, our smaller brothers practically cannot resist their natural instincts. For example, cats are inquisitive, active, and cannot live without heights, being in a confined space where there are no trees or other various elevations. Therefore, kittens happily climb onto vertical surfaces, furniture, and other heights, from where they have an overview of the territory and, of course, cannot ignore curtains, curtains and tulle.

As a rule, cats use curtains in the following cases:

  • for games;
  • as a safe place when the pet is frightened by something;
  • to attract attention or simply out of boredom;
  • to wrap yourself in them.

Little kittens jump on curtains not only because of hyperactivity, stupidity or stubbornness, but also because of curiosity or bad manners.

Adult cats are less likely to show interest in curtains, but it is possible that if the cat is scared and experiences severe stress, he will climb the curtains and curtain rods at every opportunity.

We are engaged in education

How to stop a cat from climbing curtains? The most reliable way is to engage in education. There are three main methods of action here:

  • Positive reinforcement. If the cat walked past the curtains and climbed a tree or house, praise him or give him a treat.
  • Negative reinforcement. If a kitty climbs onto the curtains, shout loudly, clap your hands and scold him. Cats sense intonation and will understand that you are angry. You can also use a special air spray or simply blow into the stubborn cat’s face.
  • Behavior correction. If your pet decides to practice climbing on curtains, immediately move him to a place where this is not prohibited. For example, on a house or cat tree.


Additional tips for weaning

Let's analyze the following recommendations on how to wean your pet from jumping on curtains:

  1. Offer your pet toys, make your own pole covered with rope. Then he will change his priorities, since he can further sharpen his claws on the post.
  2. Attach scratching posts throughout the house. Preferably tall, with a complex design. However, they must be strengthened away from windows.
  3. To make the scratching post a priority for the kitten over curtains, spray it or rub it with mint.
  4. If a kitten is bored alone, it will look for entertainment and play with the curtains. In this case, close the doors to rooms with curtains.
  5. Trim your pet's nails as they grow. This must be done once every three months.
  6. Do not leave your pet alone in a room with long curtains. The temptation will be too great and the likelihood of damage to the curtains will increase.
  7. Place citrus fruit peels next to the curtains. The kitten cannot tolerate such smells and will not swing on the curtains.
  8. When the owners are away, provide the kitten with toys. Buy multi-level complexes at pet stores.
  9. Take double-sided adhesive tape and use it to “smooth” the curtains. The kitten will not like this surface texture; it will be uncomfortable for him to cling with his claws. Test the tape on a small, inconspicuous area first to make sure it won't damage the fabric.
  10. Set a trap. In the place from which the kitten jumps, pile up a light structure that quickly falls apart. As soon as he touches it, the pile will fall apart with a roar and scare him.
  11. Remove plants that are close to the curtains. All this attracts the kitten, as a result of which the curtains and its health will be at risk. Find out if houseplants are poisonous and hide them.
  12. Hide food near the curtains. Close candy bowls and put away snacks. Find out what your kitten might like – every animal reacts differently to different types of “people” food.
  13. If the desire to sharpen its claws pushes the kitten to grab the curtains, do not remove its claws surgically. The “soft paws” procedure is unpleasant: the doctor amputates the front phalanges of the kitten’s toes, which is painful for the animal even after a long time after the operation.

Physical violence against an animal is impossible under any circumstances. You should not hit your pet; this will make him angry and complicate his relationship with his owners. By acting with persuasion and affection, you will achieve results. To stop a kitten from climbing curtains, it is recommended to use the humane methods described above.

Top Reasons for Cat Climbing

There are several reasons for this action:

  1. Stress, anxiety and malaise. In this case, the search for a high “perch” is justified by the need to hide.
  2. Availability of other cats. Then searches are made for places at different altitude levels to sit quietly away from other relatives.
  3. Metabolic disorders and medications. They can make you want to climb somewhere.

Why does the cat jump on the table?

Cats are very curious animals; In addition, your pet may naturally associate the dining table with food. Do not leave food or any objects attractive to the animal on the table, for example, caramels in rustling wrappers. Cats love to sit at heights because it gives them the opportunity to see all of their possessions at once. If you buy your cat special cat furniture - for example, a scratching post with a platform on top - she will probably lose interest in jumping on tables.

Often spoiled by attention and affection, domestic cats do not accept the prohibitions of their owners and happily travel around tables and kitchen cabinets. Therefore, the question of how to wean a kitten from climbing on a table develops into a real problem.

It is better to start raising furry pets from a very young age. Mischievous and curious kittens try to explore every square centimeter in the apartment, while getting into all free containers, open bags and boxes. As they grow up, they strive to expand their understanding of the place where they are, which is why they rush upward. They are especially attracted


  • backs of sofas and armchairs;
  • open shelves of cabinets and sideboards;
  • window sills;
  • kitchen and desk tables, chests of drawers.

Open balconies and unglazed loggias that are not protected by a special mesh represent a risk zone for cats; cats like to climb higher. But the other “peaks” in the house are less dangerous for them. However, the sudden discovery of a pet on the dinner table, calmly gnawing on a chicken wing taken from the owner’s plate, will not please everyone. The consequences for a cat can be very different - it depends on the emotionality of the person and the degree of his aggressiveness. But in any case, dissatisfaction with this situation will be clearly demonstrated.

Satisfy your cat's needs

If curtains are just a path to a certain secluded place to sleep. Decide for yourself: in principle, are you satisfied if the cat sleeps there? If so, then you can simply hang a rope or ladder for the cat to the “shelf” where he lies down. If not, you can simply set up a trap in this area using plastic cups or unstable boxes to discourage the cat from making a den there. Instead, offer him a cozy, protected place, a new house or just a box where he will be comfortable.

Offer your cat options for “climbing”: various ready-made or homemade structures. Or pull out some unnecessary fabric for the cat that you don’t mind tearing with your claws.

All members of the cat family need to sharpen their claws. For this reason, be sure to monitor the condition of your pet’s claws. Also, in time, buy a scratching post that your cat will like, and trim the claws that are too long. Then the pet will not think of tearing off the beautiful curtain with its claws.

Be responsible owners if you decide to get a pet. Remember that you need to play a lot with cats, and especially kittens, so that the animals do not jump on the walls and curtains.

Don't tempt your pet

Don't tempt your beloved pet. If you hang bird feeders on windows where there are curtains, the cat will naturally climb on them to watch the birds. This is the hunting instinct speaking in him.

The pet can also reach indoor plants along the curtains. After all, he is interested in chewing them or digging in the ground. Therefore, remove pots from windows. Sometimes there are other things interesting to him on the windowsill that he tries to get.

Perhaps the cat feels discomfort in winter or in a cold room. And if heat emanates from the radiators, and curtains are the most convenient way to them, the cat will never understand your indignation. You may need to offer your cat an alternative.

The curtains in the kitchen make it convenient to climb onto the table where delicacies and rustling candies are left. And the animal may be attracted not by the curtain, but by the table itself with treats.

Cat jumping on the curtains

Cats are naturally curious creatures. If the owner does not provide the cat with adequate physical and mental stimulation, the cat will quickly get bored and begin to look for work on its own. The cat's brain needs to understand the world around it. That's why cats, especially kittens, love to play and explore their surroundings, hang and jump on curtains. They are like children! Play is a very important part of your purr's daily life, and discovering new places is a great way to pass the time. Everything should be carefully examined by an inquisitive cat.

The tendency to climb is a sign of curiosity

Dr Siracusa says: “If your cat was often outdoors, she would have access to and climb on a lot of high places. You've probably noticed more than once that cats climb trees. They do this to find safe places, study the environment, catch prey, and for fun.”

Polyester curtains

To remove puffs from durable polyester fabric, you must follow these steps:

  • Place the product on a flat surface and smooth it with your hand.
  • Pinch the fabric with your fingers on both sides opposite each other.
  • Gently but confidently pull the canvas in different directions.
  • Bring the thread to the wrong side (if it does not disappear on its own).
  • Smooth out the curtains.

How to fix tulle

Restoring tulle fabric will be somewhat more difficult than polyester curtains. To do this you should:

  1. Prepare assistant accessories: a needle, a glass jar, a magnifying glass, an eraser, a table lamp.
  2. Pull the fabric tightly over the neck of the jar.
  3. Secure the area with an elastic band.
  4. Adjust the table lamp so that the light shines directly on the damage.
  5. Looking through a magnifying glass, push the thread with the blunt end of the needle in the opposite direction.

Continuing the movements to the beginning of the tightening, it is easy to restore the original pattern. But this work is very painstaking and cannot be rushed.

The cat is scouring the curtains - how to deal with it

Among all the methods of struggle, there are 3 most effective ones. But no one can give a confident guarantee in their method. The only positive thing is that by carrying out such tests, you will not lose anything. Of course, most reviews confirm that the efforts will not be in vain. So:

  1. Castration . It will only help if it is carried out efficiently and even before puberty, then the desired effect will be very difficult to achieve.
  2. Special means . As in the case of climbing curtains, they can be used if the cat marks them. The specific smell of such sprays will scare away the animal; the cat simply will not approach the curtains.
  3. Demonstrating your leadership . Often a cat pisses the curtains to show its superiority and declare its leadership in a given territory. You have the opportunity to fix this using the following method:
  • Take the pet by the scruff of the neck and hold it in this position during any attempts to escape from your hands.
  • Looking the animal in the face, hiss angrily, as cats usually do before a fight. You can practice pronouncing such a sound before this, because if you don’t succeed the first time, then there will be no point.
  • The cat must also feel your emotions, so remember the curtains that the cat marked or boots, bag and hiss at him with all your anger.
  • In between hisses, hit the cat's nose with the edges of your fingers.
  • When the cat starts squeaking or dodging, release him.

With the “baggage” of techniques you have read, you will be able to significantly make your life easier and forget about the bad habits of your furry pet. Things will remain in their original condition, and friendship and understanding will reign between you.

Scare away with smell

Cats do not like citrus fruit aromas and sweet floral scents. Place orange or tangerine peels on the windowsill or place sprigs of lavender there.

An alternative solution to the problem is to use an air freshener with a citrus or lavender scent. Spray it regularly on the curtains, then the strong smell, unpleasant for cats, will wean your pet for a long time from jumping and climbing on them.

Special aerosol cat repellents, which can be purchased at a pet store, can leave stains on fabric, so they are not always suitable for spraying curtains.

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Let's analyze why this happens

To begin with, it is important to understand your pet's behavior. Or rather, answer the question: why does the cat behave this way? And believe me, most often the cat does this not at all in order to anger his owner. Sometimes a kitten, for example, does not have enough toys. Or the shiny and rustling curtains look more attractive than what he has in stock for the game. If the house is full of cat toys, and the cat still ruins the curtains, start training.

Wise decisions

The described methods for saving curtains are not the best, although effective. It’s better to simply choose vertical blinds to match your interior instead of curtains. With them, it will be very difficult (almost impossible) for the cat to climb onto the window. And if they are moved to the edges, the cat’s object of interest will also be eliminated. You can also hang roller blinds or install pleated curtains on plastic windows. By the way, a cat is a cunning animal. And if he behaves decently in front of you, then in your absence he may have some fun on the curtains. So think about replacing fabric curtains with roller curtains.

The selection of a method for saving curtains from a cat is individual. Try it, look for something of your own. Good luck!

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