Silica gel filler: why you should choose it

A cat with a well-established habit of going to the toilet only in the litter box is a very good pet whose owner is happy.
But it’s not enough to just train a cat to go to a certain place to relieve itself; it’s also important to be a good owner yourself and choose a litter that will suit the cat, get rid of the smell, and won’t make a huge hole in the budget. Silica gel litter for cats is just such an option. Silica gel cat litter is porous granules of solid sorbent obtained from dried gel and formed into a specific shape.

In terms of its chemical composition, silica gel is sand made from polysilicic acid. The “magic” of the filler is that it absorbs moisture itself and moisture from the nearest air, so the smell is masked more successfully due to the lack of evaporation. Before we talk about which silica gel litter is best for cats, let’s look at the general pros and cons.

What is Silica Gel Filler

This filler is made from quartz using modern technologies, in other words, silica gel - dried polysilicic acid gel. Its chemical composition is similar to sand, but has stronger absorbing properties, which are provided by its porous structure. This material is able to instantly absorb moisture and unpleasant odors.

Silica gel crystals can instantly absorb moisture and unpleasant odors


All fillers are divided into two types:

  • clumping - when moisture gets on the granules, a lump is formed, which can be removed from the tray without replacing the rest of the filler;
  • absorbent - consist of granules that absorb moisture without changing shape; such filler must be replaced completely when most of it is used.

Silica gel is one of the absorbent fillers with a high level of this property. A tray with this type of filler can not be changed for a very long time (depending, of course, on the number of animals that use it).

There are many types of silica gel for cat litter boxes:

  • With antibacterial additives. This filler provides additional hygiene for the tray and is odorless.
  • With scents that mask unpleasant odors or attract pets to relieve their natural needs.
  • With multi-colored granules. They are used to control environmental humidity.

Photo gallery: types of silica gel filler

Scented silica gel fills not only eliminate unpleasant odors, but also exude pleasant odors. Antibacterial silica gel fillers provide additional hygiene for the tray. Silica gel fillers with multi-colored crystals provide additional freshness.

Table: advantages and disadvantages of silica gel filler

Economical consumption. You can change the filler 1-2 times a month. Not suitable for all cats. Some animals are frightened by the specific crackling sound that silica gel makes when liquid gets on it.
Quick absorption of odor and moisture.Not suitable for kittens as they may eat the litter crystals, which is hazardous to their health.
Does not stick to the animal's paws. Even small granules practically do not cling to the cat’s fur and paws. Cannot be disposed of in sewer.

Unfortunately, despite all the undeniable advantages of the silica gel filler, my cat did not accept it at all. Not only did it take her a long time to get used to the tray with a new type of litter, but when she heard a characteristic crack, she flew out of the toilet like a bullet. I had to return the woody one that was familiar to her. I clean more often, but the cat is happy.

Video: why you should choose silica gel filler

Comparison of the best products

I have summarized the main parameters of cat silica gel litters in a table. It’s so convenient to compare different toilets for cats and choose the best option for your pet.

ModelAntibacterialVolume, lWeight, kgPeculiaritiesPrice, rub
Cat StepNo15,27,2Odor-resistant, hypoallergenic1194-1455
N1 CrystalsNo30Odor-resistant, hypoallergenic2417-3018
SnowballYes42,5With odor protection255-1096
Homecat StandardYes30Hypoallergenic2546-3024
Kotyara ExtraNo3Has a granulometric composition with a ball size of no more than 8 mm469-589
MurzikNo4Small granules, fillers made from a mixture of fine-porous and large-porous silica gels299-1204
Homecat LavenderYes12,5Flavored938-1373
CCKatYes3,8With odor protection345-668
Fresh Step CrystalsYes3,62Small granules1469-2112

Let's highlight the favorites of this rating.

How to choose silica gel filler

If you still settle on this type of filler, then you need to learn how to choose it correctly. When purchasing, you should pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • There should be as little silicate dust inside the package as possible. To do this, it is better to take filler with large silica gel crystals.
  • It is recommended to use white silica gel as it is non-toxic. To give color to the filler crystals, the manufacturer may use toxic substances, for example, cobalt chloride.

Top 5 Best Silica Gel Fillers

When you come to the store, you can see many different packages of silica gel cat litter from a variety of companies. But which one to choose? Let's consider the best - according to online shoppers - brands that produce silica gel.

Silica gel filler “Snowball”

Absorbent white silica gel with medium-sized crystals. Antibacterial, does a good job of absorbing unpleasant odors, economical and budget-friendly. Some online shoppers note a high dust content. The approximate price for 1 liter is 48 rubles.

Silica gel litter “Snowball” is the most budget option for cat litter

We change it about once every week and a half, and remove solid waste as it arrives. One 4-liter bag is enough for 2.5 uses. At a fairly low price, this is a fairly economical filler. The smell does not pass through.


The filler is terribly dusty. While the cat is rummaging through it, the dust remains in a column to such an extent that it is difficult to breathe.


Silica gel filler “Our Mark”

Absorbent silica gel filler. Granules are white and blue, medium size. You can also find silica gel with various scents from this company. Buyers note excellent protection against unpleasant odors. The approximate price for 1 liter is 90 rubles.

Silica gel filler “Nasha Marka” provides protection against unpleasant odors

The filler is excellent, comfortable granules do not stick to animal fur. The smell holds excellently, it’s called falling asleep and forgetting. The filler does not generate dust, does not get scattered around the house, does not get wet in the tray, and does not stain paws and animal hair. Absorbs moisture perfectly and very quickly.

Black Cat13

Silica gel filler CatStep

Absorbent silica gel with crystals in two colors - white and blue. The manufacturer guarantees protection from unpleasant odors, absence of dust, rapid absorption and hypoallergenicity. Among the disadvantages, it can be noted that the filler crystals are quite hard and have sharp particles. The approximate price for 1 liter is 63 rubles.

CatStep silica gel filler is economical and practical to use

We've tried other silica gel fillers, but this one is the best. It absorbs better than others, and this makes it more economical to use.


The filler is very hard and has sharp particles. My cats love to squash the litter with their paws. And then I get these particulates all over the house. Once I even cut my leg. Therefore, this litter is not suitable for cats who like to scatter the contents of the tray.


Silica gel filler “Siberian Cat”

Absorbent silica gel filler with green, pink or blue splashes (depending on the color of the package). It is odorless, does not generate dust, does not stick to the paws and hair of the animal, and is hypoallergenic. Despite the small size of the granules, they do not spread throughout the house. The approximate price for 1 liter is 77 rubles.

Silica gel filler does not generate dust and does not stick to the animal’s paws

Hurray, hurray, they finally brought us a normal filler, because from the past we were simply suffocating. This filler is silica gel, ultra-absorbent and odor-absorbing. The granules are transparent, there are blue granules (there are few of them), the size of the granules is quite small, but they do not stick to the paws.

Voodoo Doll

Silica gel filler N1

Absorbent silica gel with fairly large granules. This filler does not stick to paws and fur, does not require frequent cleaning, and perfectly removes unpleasant odors, but some buyers complain about the content of silicate dust in the packaging. It can be easily found at any pet store. The approximate price for 1 liter is 80 rubles.

Silica gel filler does not require frequent cleaning and perfectly removes unpleasant odors

The granules practically do not generate dust, they are quite large, only when you reach the bottom of the bag, a little dust accumulates there, but this is quite natural. The option, of course, is not the most budget-friendly, but in terms of comfort in the house it is much better than the Barsik we had before, it seems, which emitted terrible odors and was extremely difficult to dispose of.


The filler has disadvantages: when poured, it generates dust, this dust cannot be inhaled, it causes an attack of suffocation, in our case a cat who happened to be nearby inhaled and then cleared its throat for a long time. And sometimes crystals of the filler fly out of the tray despite the high sides - but here it’s the cat’s fault, he actively buries it.


Siberian cat

“Siberian cat” is a cat litter produced in Russia. The brand produces various products for animals, including several types of hygiene mixtures (including silica gel).

Silica gel granules have a rounded, fine fraction, transparent or translucent color. They perfectly absorb liquid and vapor. Their surface always remains dry, so the animal does not experience discomfort the next time it steps into the tray.


  • silica gel filler “Elite”;
  • Elite IVF.

Approximate price:

  • 1.8 kg – 500 rubles;
  • 3.7 kg – 800 rubles;
  • 7.3 kg – 1600 rubles.

Rules for using silica gel filler

To properly use this type of filler, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Pour filler into a clean and dry tray. Recommended layer thickness is 3–5 cm.
  2. Remove solid waste regularly and then mix the filler.
  3. It is recommended to remove all litter 1-2 times a month or as soon as an unpleasant odor appears.
  4. After disposing of the contents, the tray should be washed, disinfected and dried.

Which tray is best for silica gel?

The number of trays for cats is amazing in its diversity. Among them you can see open and closed, deep and shallow, with and without bars. And there are also trays created in the form of houses, snail shells, etc.

But in order not to get confused when choosing a tray, it is very important to remember its intended purpose - it must have not only aesthetic properties, but also practical ones. The animal should have free access to the tray, it should feel calm in it

And it is important for the owner that he can easily wash it if necessary and replace the filler.

When choosing the depth of the tray and its shape, it is recommended to focus on the size of the pet and its behavior. So, if the cat likes to rummage through the litter, then it is better to take a tray deeper, with high sides or even a roof, otherwise silica gel crystals will then have to be collected throughout the apartment.

For cats who like to sit on the edge of the tray, a flatter tray is suitable so that it does not tip over under the weight of the animal.

The toilet for a cat is an individual matter, and it is better to choose it so that both the pet and its owner do not experience any feeling of discomfort.

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