Which dog is better to have in an apartment with children and a cat: TOP-12 breeds and useful tips

Things to consider

First of all, you need to decide on your needs and capabilities. Then choose a suitable breed, and only then look for a good breeder.

We wrote about which dog is better to have in an apartment for a child (without a cat) here >>>

What else is important to consider besides the breed and future material costs? Evaluate your own time: you will need it not only for care and walking, but also for training and communicating with your pet. Otherwise, problems will arise with his behavior.

We take into account the age and character of the children, and our lifestyle. This also includes special life situations and family life.

A dog requires more communication time than a cat. But a dog is a more predictable animal, and it’s easier to build relationships with him.


The miniature decorative dog has a playful character. The Papillon feels “universal love” both for people of any age and for pets. Are there other dogs? Shall we play? Cat? Why not a playmate?

Once upon a time, this breed of dog was bred specifically for members of the nobility. She is always happy, easily tolerates changes in surroundings, and sees cats not as enemies, but only as friends.

Small or large

Different dogs are adapted to living in an apartment with children and a cat: small, medium and even large. Their needs for care, companionship, walks, physical and mental exercise depend not only on size, but also on breed.

Sometimes it seems that keeping a small dog is easier. But it is not always the case. Sometimes kids are much louder and more active at home than larger, calm dogs who splash out their energy on the street.

Even small dogs need walking, playing with their relatives, training and communication with their owners. Otherwise, pets develop behavioral problems: aggression, barking, damaging things.

Not all miniature breeds are so suitable for families with small children. So, Chihuahuas, Russian toy terriers, Yorkshire terriers are very capricious dogs and do not always favor children. Plus, a child can easily injure a fragile animal.

Another popular dog, the Jack Russell Terrier, is also not very suitable. A representative of this hunting breed is very active, sometimes shows aggression towards children, chases cats, and therefore requires a firm hand and patience when raising.

Labrador Retriever

The dog is ready to be friends with the whole world! If she opened her own account on social networks, her friends would include not only the owner and all family members, young and old, but also neighbors, the postman who brought the telegram, and even cats and rabbits! Moreover, not only their own, but also neighbors, street dogs, and even those who ended up in the same line with a Labrador at the veterinary clinic.

Labrador will make even the saddest pessimist look at life with a positive outlook. If there is a Labrador Retriever in the house, there are no quarrels. A dog brings an atmosphere of comfort and warmth into the house. And a cat lying in an embrace with a dog is not nonsense, this is sincere friendship between animals.

Suitable Dog Breeds

For a family with children and a cat, a good-natured, sociable, manageable dog with a balanced psyche is suitable. The remaining qualities - activity, level of intelligence, protective qualities, playfulness, noisiness, appearance - lie in the area of ​​​​personal preferences.

Let's briefly look at the TOP 12 breeds that have all the qualities to get along in an apartment with children and a cat. These dogs are also classified as family breeds.

Maltese (Maltese dog)

A charming decorative companion dog that delights owners with its friendliness, sensitivity, playfulness and obedience.

Weight 2.5-4 kg. Height (at the withers) 20–25 cm. Life expectancy 12–14 years.

He has an excellent balanced character. He is friends with adults, children and cats. Great for a city apartment.

Loves to communicate, play, and sometimes bark loudly. Subtly senses the mood of the owners. If everyone is busy, she can occupy herself for a while.

Maltese dogs have virtually no odor, especially girls. Wool is considered low allergenic. But a beautiful fur coat requires care: combing, cutting, washing. But it hardly sheds.

Before bathing, the fur should be wetted and combed so that it does not mat during washing.

The pet needs daily walks. The breed is inquisitive and sociable.

The lapdog should be taught basic commands and not allowed to dominate its owners. If a pet considers itself to be in charge, it will become disobedient. Plus he will worry and whine when everyone leaves the house.

To avoid food allergies, you need to adhere to proper feeding. The diet should not contain sweets, flour, or smoked foods.

Bichon Frize (French lapdog)

A small decorative dog with white fluffy fur. Affectionate, playful, gets along with all family members and even the cat. Doesn't need long walks.

Weight 3-6 kg. Height (height at withers) 25-30 cm. Life expectancy 12-15 years.

Bichons fit perfectly into city apartments. Almost no shedding and no smell.

Dogs are artistic and love attention and affection. In order for the pet’s character to please its owners, it must be educated and taught basic commands. Bichons train well with praise and treats.

Careful skin and coat care is required. Plus the selection of food, as there are food allergies. Its presence is noticeable by its watery eyes. In winter, in cold weather, you need clothing for walking.


A wonderful companion for adults and children living in a city apartment. Pugs are friendly to people, other dogs, and cats. They do not need long walks. Suitable for beginner dog owners.

Weight 6–8 kg. Height (height at withers) 28–32 cm. Life expectancy 13–14 years.

Dogs are not capricious. They are very attached to their owners, so they do not like to be alone for a long time. They get along well with children and cats.

Puppies love to play. Adult dogs are less active and tend to behave calmly. They love leisurely walks and are happy to lie down next to their owners. Pugs rarely bark, and especially in vain.

The pug doesn’t particularly like to learn commands and is sometimes stubborn. However, treats are a magical remedy that will inspire a lazy student to exploits.

Needs daily walking. Walking in good weather is allowed for up to 1.5 hours. Jogging should not exceed 10–15 minutes: the respiratory system of this breed is not designed for heavy loads.

Please note: hypothermia and overheating are very dangerous for a pug. Not only on the street, but also at home.

Grooming includes cleaning wrinkles on the face and combing out the fur during shedding. Also, a pug should not be overfed: the breed is prone to obesity.


A beautiful, smart, artistic, obedient dog. A devoted friend who gets along with adults, children and cats. There are large, small, dwarf and toy poodles.

Weight and height (height at withers): large 20–30 kg and 45–60 cm; small 8–14 kg and 35–45 cm; dwarf 6–8 kg and 28–35 cm; that one is about 2.5 kg and 24–28 cm. Life expectancy is 12–15 years.

The dogs are very sociable. They can easily read the mood of family members. It is important for them to communicate with everyone. Without attention, love and affection, they become depressed.

The poodle varieties are similar in character. Except that toys are less energetic and can be shy. Cowardice is smoothed out by proper education.

Poodles are easy to train and remember commands. They can be taught to put toys away in their box, fetch things, and perform various tricks. The main thing is that training methods rely on praise and treats. You cannot shout or punish them rudely: poodles have a vulnerable psyche.

For all its friendliness, the poodle can try to dominate its owners. This cannot be allowed: calmly but persistently you need to show the dog his lower place in the family hierarchy.

Dog fur is considered low allergenic. Pets hardly shed. But the fur coat requires regular care: combing, removing tangles, cutting. There are many options for model “hairstyles”, so there is plenty to choose from.

An active breed that needs daily walks, ball games, and jogging. But even in front of the TV, the pet will happily keep company with its owners.

Chinese Crested Dog

Decorative indoor dog: affectionate, loyal, friendly and playful. Chinese Cresteds are hairless and downy, and vary in build and color.

Weight 3–5 kg. Height (height at withers) 23–33 cm. Life expectancy 12–14 years.

The dog needs close contact with its owners. She does not like to stay at home alone for a long time: she may begin to feel sad and howl.

Friendly towards children and other animals, including cats. Sometimes the dog itself needs protection from both, which must be provided.

The breed is emotional and can bark. This is partially smoothed out by upbringing, but the pet will not become completely silent.

Pesky will be happy to play and frolic, learn commands and even show numbers. You just can’t shout at him: his psyche is fragile.

Almost no smell. The downy representatives of the breed hardly shed. Hairless and downy varieties require special and careful skin and coat care.

Hairless dogs need to be protected from sunburn in hot weather and from hypothermia in cold weather. Plus, they are not suitable for trips into nature: insects, sun, branches can damage the skin.


English and American Cocker Spaniels and Russian Hunting Spaniels are beautiful, kind, sociable dogs, excellent friends for all family members and cats.

Weight 7–16 kg. Height (height at withers) approx. 40 cm. Life expectancy 12–14 years.

The breeds are similar in appearance, but also have noticeable differences. Above is a picture of an English spaniel, and in the photo below is an American one. The latter has a shorter muzzle and longer, silky fur.

And here is a photo of the handsome Russian. The colors of each of these 3 varieties of spaniel are different.

Dogs are positive, very playful, sometimes until old age. They love to run and play with a ball and a stick. They need sufficient walking, physical activity, and interaction with other dogs.

The breed requires close contact with its owners, communication, and attention. These pets do not like to be left alone for a long time. Despite their hunting instincts, dogs get along peacefully with cats.

Spaniels are well trained, especially Russians. Education is necessary to prevent your pet from sitting on its head. However, obedience must be achieved without harsh methods.

The British and especially the Americans need careful coat care. Plus, all spaniels need to take care of their ears: they need to be cleaned inside.

To prevent the dog's ears from getting dirty when feeding him food, they should be carefully lifted up and gently fixed. Or you should choose tall and stable containers for food and water, where the muzzle can climb, but the ears will not fall.

You should not overfeed your pet, as spaniels are prone to obesity. This is especially true for Russians: do not be fooled by his plaintive views, rely on healthy eating standards.

Welsh Corgi (Pembroke and Cardigan)

Charming herding dogs are great for families with children and a cat. Small shepherd dogs have a peaceful, balanced character. They are very attached to their owners and give them a lot of positive emotions.

Welsh Corgi Pembroke:

Weight 9–13 kg. Height (height at withers) 25–30 cm. Life expectancy 9–12 years.

Dogs of this breed are very patient with the affection of children. But you should explain to children that a dog is not a toy. Moreover, all corgis need to take care of their back: this is the weak point of the breed. A long spine with short legs experiences a lot of stress. Jumping from heights is contraindicated for dogs. But you can have fun running.

Welsh Corgi Cardigan:

Weight 12–17 kg. Height (height at withers) 25–30 cm. Life expectancy 12–15 years.

Welsh Corgis are very smart dogs. At the same time, they should be raised consistently: you need to immediately decide what to allow them and what not.

The care is normal. It is necessary to provide physical activity in the fresh air, provide toys, not overfeed, and pay enough attention.

Labrador Retriever

A popular breed of family dogs that has gained fame as an excellent nanny for small children. Labradors are intelligent, loyal, obedient medium-sized dogs. Adapted to living in a city apartment, subject to regular physical activity on the street.

Weight 25–34 kg. Height (height at withers) 53–61 cm. Life expectancy 12–13 years.

Labs are well trained. Strong, active dogs enjoy playing with a ball and sticks, running and frolicking. They are patient with children's affections and get along with cats. After all, their character is extremely peaceful.

The care is normal. Requires physical activity in the fresh air. Do not overfeed: Labradors are prone to obesity.

If you have no experience keeping large dogs, you should seek help from a dog handler. Take at least a few lessons or a full course. This is necessary for the proper education of the dog.

Golden Retriever (Golden Retriever)

Very similar to a Labrador. A wonderful companion with a peaceful character. The breed is great for families with children. He gets along well in a city apartment provided he gets enough exercise. Externally, a Golden can be distinguished from a Labrador by its longer coat.

Weight 25–41 kg. Height (height at withers) 51–61. Life expectancy is 12–13 years.

Goldens are smart. But they need education. They are trained well.

A very sociable breed. Needs communication with owners, attention and affection. Patient, balanced dogs who do not like to bark in vain. They get along with children and cats with proper guidance from their owners. Have a beneficial effect on the psyche of children.

Do not allow children to sit on top of the dog: this can damage the spine or cause a arch in the back.

Beautiful fur requires care. The main problem is shedding. Combing will help reduce the amount of cleaning. In addition, goldens should not be overfed due to their tendency to become obese.

Bernese Mountain Dog (Bernese Shepherd)

An affectionate dog with a very impressive appearance, a kind of peace-loving good-natured person. A great friend for the whole family.

Weight 36–50 kg. Height (height at withers) 58–70 cm. Life expectancy 8–10 years.

Despite its large size, the Mountain Dog lives well in apartment conditions. The main thing is to provide the dog with sufficient physical activity in the fresh air.

The dog has a very calm character. He is friends with everyone: adults, children, other animals, even cats. This makes him a great family dog.

Mountain Dogs are highly trainable. True, they can sometimes show stubbornness, which must be overcome in order to raise an obedient and controllable dog.

From the very beginning, stop the puppy’s attempts to jump on you good-naturedly. After all, when he grows up, a 50 kg dog will fall on you, and this is no longer so touching.

The coat is very beautiful, but sheds, which will require regular care and house cleaning.

You can place your dog on the glazed balcony. You will need a kennel to keep your pet from freezing in the cold. Plus, you need to make sure that in the summer heat the dog’s place does not overheat.

Collie (Scottish Sheepdog)

Large shepherd dog, beautiful, kind, emotional. The collie's peaceful nature allows it to get along well with people and other animals.

Since the late 90s there have been two varieties: longhair and shorthair.

Weight 19–34 kg. Height (height at withers) 51–61 cm. Life expectancy 12–13 years.

The dog is playful and active. But there is no need to be afraid of disorder in the apartment: provided long and active walks outside, the collie behaves calmly at home.

The breed is not for lovers of silence. The dog is very talkative, loves to communicate with his voice and sometimes loudly.

Collie is very peaceful. The pet will not become a guard. But the dog, who grew up and raised with children and cats, communicates very well with them.

The puppy must be taught basic commands from childhood. Collies are intelligent and very trainable. But only in a friendly atmosphere.

It should be taken into account that the collie’s psyche is vulnerable. In a family where people communicate in raised voices, the dog will become nervous and incomprehensible due to stress.

Luxurious wool requires care all year round. It requires frequent brushing. But you should wash it only 2-3 times a year. You also need to pay special attention to eye hygiene.

What should you do if you really like a collie, but it’s scary to have such a big dog in your apartment? Pay attention to the Sheltie. This is almost a copy of a collie, only almost 2 times smaller in size.

Sheltie (Shetland Sheepdog)

A herding breed that today is an excellent companion for city dwellers. Energetic, beautiful dogs, affectionate and kind friends for the whole family.

Weight 5–11 kg. Height (height at withers) 33–39.5 cm. Life expectancy 12–14 years.

The Sheltie has a peaceful disposition. Treats children well. Gets along easily with other animals and cats. At the same time, it has excellent watchdog qualities.

She is sociable, so she doesn’t like to sit alone for a long time. The dog is delicate, sensitive, and perfectly understands the mood of its owners. He chooses his favorite from the family, but at the same time communicates well with everyone.

Loves to play, run, bark. Needs walking and playing outdoors.

The breed is very smart and well trained. Successfully masters agility and can become a participant in a dog show. But the psyche is delicate and requires delicate handling.

The fur will have to be brushed regularly. Ear and eye hygiene will require attention.


Character - Nordic... No, clearly not Nordic. You will not find a kinder soul, there is no kinder dog in the whole world. Are you afraid that you won't make friends with your cat? Well, if only the cat himself bullies the dog. And the lapdogs themselves have a gentle and soft character, which is why they are considered one of the best family breeds.

Small dogs with snow-white fur enjoy every day; they are born optimists and faithful companions. Since ancient times, dogs of this breed have been considered good rat catchers. Can you imagine what will happen if, together with a cat, they start hunting small rodents?

Difficult rocks

Aboriginal dog breeds are considered difficult to train and live in an apartment with children and a cat. They require a special approach and training. Otherwise, pets can be dangerous for children and even adults.

What breeds are considered native? Let's list the popular ones:

  • likes;
  • husky;
  • Ridgebacks;
  • Spitz;
  • Akita Inu;
  • Shiba Inu;
  • Basenji.

These dogs have an independent character and tend to make independent decisions. You need to understand the characteristics of these breeds very well in order to raise a manageable pet. It is not recommended for beginners who have no experience with dogs to get them.


Have you tried to seriously look at this cute face? How long did you last without smiling? But pugs are loved not only for their charming appearance.

Dogs have a friendly disposition and don’t mind sharing their favorite bed with someone else. Does the owner have his own bed? Well, then he’ll move and make room for the cat. However, not for free. Pugs are prone to obesity, and owners have to make sure that the pet does not overeat. But there is a rich treat - a cat's bowl. He doesn't mind sharing, does he?

How to reconcile a cat and a dog

The easiest situation is when the kitten and puppy grow up together. Then, with the right guidance from the owners, pets can become good friends.

But the dog can also get along with an adult cat. Unnecessary conflicts between animals can be avoided if each animal is allocated its own territory.

The cat should have an elevated place where he can retreat from the annoying pestering of a puppy or in the event of a conflict with an adult dog. There the cat will be able to retire in time, relax and, perhaps, even have a snack. This is especially important when the owners are not at home.

As you can see, if you want to have a dog in an apartment with children and a cat, then this is quite possible. Which breed is better? One of the family ones from our list will do. This is the safest and easiest option.

But! Without proper training, any dog ​​can harm a child. It is not only the breed that is important here, but the opportunity to devote time and effort to raising a dog. With the proper approach and attention, dogs of many breeds have a chance to become a good friend for children, adults and even cats.


1. Top 10 Friendliest Dogs 2. Golden Retriever 3. Bichon Frize 4. Labrador Retriever 5. Papillon 6. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 7. Maltese 8. Pug 9. Basset Hound 10. Newfoundland 11. German boxer

“They live like a cat and a dog,” - who is not familiar with this expression? But many tailed people are offended to hear this, because cats and dogs in the same house are not uncommon, and they get along quite well together and are not even jealous of the owner. Are all breeds this friendly towards members of other species? And who to choose if there are both animals and small children in the house?


Excellent working hunting dogs, dachshunds have taken an honorable place in the hearts and homes of people: they are smart, loyal, spontaneous and energetic, have an amazing, spectacular appearance and are always ready to protect their owner and his home from threats.

Dachshund. Photo: Kit Dachshunds are quite unpretentious, the difficulty of grooming depends on the type of their coat: short, hard or long.


An elephant and a pug, a big dog and a domestic cat. The big plush dog's favorite pastime is making friends. The breed was bred to guard livestock, and that’s what it got used to – guarding. For example, domestic cats. And you never know - cats, they love to walk by themselves, to go wherever they please. And here such a great friend will not offend anyone.

Looking at this dog, it seems that he is woven from patience and kindness. Aggression is absolutely not typical for this breed. But it is characterized by absolute devotion - and not only to the owner, but to all family members. Including the cat. But the dog is not so simple - he will not obey if he has his own opinion about it - but does he need it? And if there is a need to stand up for someone, the dog will not bite; he will simply knock him down: “Don’t touch my master and my cat!”



Of the dogs of this type, the smartest and kindest, and also the most odorless , are Papillons. They became popular during the time of Henry III. And gradually they earned the status of lap dogs of kings and queens.

They won the hearts of royalty not only with their pretty appearance, but also with their devotion and high intelligence.

Golden retriever

These dogs are very beautiful and affectionate towards their owners and other pets, with whom they get along well. They are trusting and friendly.


This breed can be described as brave, even-tempered, energetic four-legged friends. A number of owners say that these dogs even have a sense of humor and expressive facial expressions.

Of the obvious disadvantages of this breed: very loud barking . Therefore, it would be better to visit quiet places with her, for example, walk with her in nature. She is easy to train. Possible drawback: She doesn't like strangers.


In addition to being strong, active and very stylish, poodles are well socialized. They are very easy to teach new skills and even some of them imitate their owners.


Many dog ​​breeders say that the Basenji is a cat in the body of a dog, because dogs of this breed love cleanliness, but hate water, love to watch others from high places and are very curious!

It is of average height 40 - 43 cm and weighs up to 12 kg. They communicate well with children. Short hair does not require complicated care: it is enough to comb the animal once a week and bathe it every month.

These little nimble dogs need a lot of physical exercise and warm clothes for the winter, plus this dog is difficult to “manage” due to its proud and stubborn disposition, so beginners should not buy it.

Due to the structure of the throat, Basenjis cannot bark, but they can communicate in other ways: howl, squeal, grumble and even meow!


These Scottish Shepherds have no aggression at all. But they closely monitor their “flock” (even if they are people). Collies try to avoid conflicts, but always protect their pack. He gets along very well with children - he considers them his pack.

There are also kind and affectionate breeds that are problematic to keep in the main part of the apartments. This Newfoundland . They require a large space, so both they and the owners will only be comfortable in a private house or large apartment. It is better not to have them in small apartments.

Saint Bernards

Great good-natured people, ideal helpers for shepherds, good watchmen who help rescue people in trouble during an avalanche. Saint Bernards become members of the family, adoring or tolerating small children. Truly phlegmatic, these dogs are not able to react aggressively to all cats, especially those that are under the same roof with them.

Keep the situation under control

The four-legged animals are still learning from each other and setting boundaries for mutual interaction. Until the relationship between them becomes stable, they will require monitoring and preventive action on your part.

Over the next few weeks:

  • Avoid escalating aggression and, if conflict occurs, separate animals before a fight occurs. You must always be one step ahead...
  • Don't try to force animals to communicate. An old resident will react to such actions with rejection, and newcomers with fear and protection.
  • Do not punish one animal in the presence of another, so as not to build a barrier between them and not strengthen the hierarchy.
  • It is advisable to play with your pets using toys.
  • It is better to take young pets at the same time.

3. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

These dogs are very attached to their owner. They cannot stand loneliness, so a cat will become the best friend for a spaniel. Their weight reaches 8 kilograms. If the unexpected happens, the cat will always be able to stand up for itself. These dogs are easy to train, it is not for nothing that there are many guide dogs among them. The Royal Spaniel will be especially warm towards animals that are smaller in size. He will take care of the cat, try to protect it. But in these relationships, the main one will always be the cat. The spaniel will gladly obey her.

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