Fracture of a cat's hind paw: what to do if there are signs of injury and how to treat it

Thanks to the unique structure of the hearing aid, cats are able to land deftly on all four paws. However, sometimes troubles happen to them in the form of fractures of the limbs, tail, jaw, and damage to the articular ligaments.

We will learn how to determine that a cat has broken its paw, what to do first, and how to help the animal at home.

Causes of the disease

A fracture is a violation of the anatomical integrity of the bone and adjacent tissues. It can be acquired or congenital and occur under the influence of external force or pathology, respectively.

If we talk about congenital pathologies of the bone structure, they are diagnosed in only 1-2% of the total number of visits to veterinary clinics with fractures. The reasons for the birth of kittens with fractures of the limbs are intense labor of the uterus, osteoporosis, rickets, osteomalacia in the expectant mother.

Veterinarians distinguish two types of acquired bone injuries based on the cause of their occurrence: pathological and traumatic. The first group includes fractures that occurred as a result of osteosarcoma, osteomalacia, etc.

Traumatic fractures occur not only due to various injuries received as a result of falling from a height, being run over by a car, or fighting with an opponent, but also due to unprofessional obstetric care.

Unlike a fracture, a dislocation is a violation of the anatomical location and a change in the physiological functions of the joint. The bone remains intact. Dislocations are also divided into two categories: acquired and congenital. The causes of dislocations are similar to fractures.

Not a single animal is insured against acquired dislocations and fractures. Breeds such as Persians, Maine Coons, and Himalayan cats are predisposed to congenital joint pathologies.

Prevention measures

The largest number of fractures are caused by injury, so it is better to limit the time the cat spends in the fresh air. This will minimize the risk of injury from cars and eliminate the possibility of encountering other animals. It is worth paying attention to the behavior and habits of your pet when he comes back from a walk.

The cat broke his paw

The most common injury among domestic cats is a broken paw, most often the hind paw. Fluffy pets often go for walks unattended, sleep under cars, walk on window sills or climb tall trees. All of the above can cause a fracture.

All owners love their animals and become confused and scared, not knowing what to do in a given situation. The main thing is to gather your thoughts and, in case of such injuries, urgently call a specialist. The veterinarian will provide first aid and save the pet.

Main symptoms

In case of fractures and dislocations, the animal exhibits general clinical signs: pain, impaired motor function (lameness), swelling of the damaged area.

There are three types of fractures: closed, open, and displaced. Serious damage also includes cracks.

Signs of an open fracture in a cat:

  • violation of the integrity of the skin;
  • the bone is broken, its ends are displaced and protrude;
  • tissue rupture in the fracture area;
  • bleeding;
  • strong pain.

With open wounds, the risks of tissue necrosis and infection are very high.

A closed fracture without displacement is characterized by the following symptoms: the broken bone is in its usual position, the skin and tissues swell, turn blue, and turn red. In a displaced fracture, the bone diverges in different directions, and the soft tissue is partially damaged. There is a danger of internal bleeding.

A crack can easily be confused with a bruise. The bone remains intact, its edges do not diverge and are held in place by the undamaged area. The cat may move carefully, but it may be in pain.

A simple dislocation is recognized by the following signs:

  • skin and tissue remain intact;
  • lameness;
  • inability to lean on the surface;
  • pain when touching the injured limb;
  • The dislocated part of the body is asymmetrical.

A complex dislocation, accompanied by rupture of ligaments and tendons, is characterized by the appearance of hematomas in the injured area.

Urgent Care

A fracture is always very painful.
In such a situation, the cat may become aggressive, regardless of how calm it usually is. Secondly, such a serious injury as a fracture can cause shock and other not so obvious problems. Some of them may not appear for several days. Therefore, any home treatment can only stabilize the injury until your pet can be seen by a veterinarian.

Any areas that are bleeding or where bones are protruding should be covered with sterile gauze or a clean cloth if possible. Bones should be at maximum rest. Wrap your cat in a thick towel or place her on a hard surface to take to the veterinarian.

Diagnostics in a veterinary clinic

The fact that the pet has been injured is immediately obvious, but a visit to the veterinary clinic is still necessary. After examining your pet and conducting a series of diagnostic tests, the veterinarian will determine the extent of the damage and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Necessary diagnostic methods include general and biochemical blood tests, x-rays in two projections, and cardiac echocardiography. In some cases, an abdominal ultrasound is required.

Video "Trauma"

The video will show what doctors do if a cat breaks its hind limb.

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Home care

If you have witnessed a cat being hit by a car or falling from a great height and you suspect a fracture, you should put a splint on the injured paw. This procedure will immobilize the broken limb. A flat board can be used as a tire, or, in the absence of one, thick cardboard folded several times.

The splint must be applied in such a way as to be able to fix two joints close to the fracture, below and above. The structure should be wrapped with a bandage in several layers. After this, you need to take the victim to a veterinary clinic.

For open fractures, the wound is closed with sterile gauze, and a splint is applied on top.

If you are sure that the cat has a dislocation, then under no circumstances try to set the damaged limb yourself! With your inexperienced actions and ignorance of cat anatomy, you can cause irreparable harm to your pet. Apply an ice pack to the affected limb, apply a tight bandage, and take your pet to a veterinarian.

To alleviate the cat’s condition and relieve it from traumatic shock, many owners inject the animal with an anesthetic. However, veterinarians do not recommend doing this at home. Without feeling pain, a cat can cause even more harm to itself.

In addition, analgesics distort the symptoms of injury. Finally, sedation will be required during the X-ray examination, and pre-administration of pain medication may negatively affect the health of the pet.

The animal should be transported to the veterinary clinic lying down in the back seat of the car. The pet should be placed on a horizontal surface - plywood, board, car panel - and secured in the area of ​​the shoulder blades and pelvis with a rope or belt.

The owner’s task is to provide the pet with the most comfortable living conditions during treatment of fractures. A cat's mobility can negatively affect its well-being, so freedom of movement should be limited. The ideal option would be to place the animal in a cage for 2-3 weeks.

This design should be quite free, but at the same time not allowing the pet to move a lot. You need to put a tray and bowls of food and water in the cage.

Damage detection

How can you tell if your cat has broken its leg? You can easily find out about the presence of a fracture. If an animal is unable to step on a limb while walking on three legs, then it most likely has an injury.

The presence of a pelvic fracture in pets can be determined if they are unable to stand up on their own. Abnormal mobility of the bones will also indicate an injury. It should also be noted that the area where the fracture occurred will swell over time. There will be a change in the anatomical shape.

The video shows what a cat looks like in a plaster cast.

How to treat fractures and dislocations

Simple fractures are treated with conservative methods. These include pain relief and elimination of pain shock. To restore damaged bone, immobilization using splints and splints is used. For pain relief, drugs such as Traumeel and Butomidor are used. Splints and braces are removed only after the veterinarian gives permission to do so.

For complex types of fractures, surgery cannot be avoided. Osteosynthesis involves removing small bone fragments and realigning large ones. Surgical intervention using fixing metal structures should be carried out immediately after diagnosing a fracture.

Pins, plates and spokes made from a special alloy with titanium remain in the animal’s body for life.

After surgery, as well as in cases of open fractures, antibiotic therapy is indicated.

The regeneration process will be helped to accelerate by drugs that improve fusion, vitamin therapy, and physiotherapy.

If a cat has been diagnosed with a dislocation, treatment includes pain relief and realignment of the damaged limb, followed by the application of a fixing bandage. In severe cases, surgical intervention is indicated.

As for the prognosis for fractures and dislocations, in most cases it is favorable. The only exceptions are spinal fractures with damage to the spinal cord structure. If the fracture causes rupture of large vessels of the limb or peripheral nerves, then for the cat this ends in the loss of the limb.

Dislocations should not be underestimated: if the damage is not treated, it can subsequently lead to complex muscle deformations and destruction of articular surfaces. As a result, the cat will limp for the rest of its life.

What are the consequences?

After a fracture, complications may occur, such as:

Tetanus bacillus can be introduced into an animal's wound when it receives an open type of injury.

  • Muscular atrophy. Occurs in combination with spinal injury, when the neurons of the spinal cord are affected. The hind legs hardly function, and the cat drags them, sensitivity decreases.
  • Secondary infection. Open injuries are dangerous because staphylococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and tetanus bacteria enter the wound, which can be fatal.
  • Arthrosis. The cartilage is destroyed and the legs look crooked, they hurt, and the cat cannot position them normally when moving.

Rehabilitation period

How long the recovery phase will last depends on the severity of the fracture, the general condition and age of the cat. In young individuals, it usually lasts three weeks, with a maximum of 30 days. In an old cat, the healing process is longer - 35-40 days.

To monitor proper fusion of the bone structure, your pet should be taken to a veterinary surgeon for a monthly check-up.

To restore the motor function of the damaged limb, elasticity and muscle tone, manual massage should be performed, the technique of which will be introduced by a veterinarian. Daily massage procedures stimulate blood circulation, healing of surrounding tissues and accelerate the process of bone fusion.

A cat's diet should be balanced, nutritious and easily digestible. The animal needs foods enriched with phosphorus and calcium. However, we must remember that an excess of these components often leads to the formation of stones in the gall bladder and kidneys.

Vitamin and mineral supplements will also help speed up your pet's recovery, but they can only be given after consultation with a specialist. The veterinarian prescribes vitamins taking into account the needs of the animal.

Conservative method

Non-surgical therapy begins with an anesthetic. Afterwards, if necessary, the dislocation is reduced and a splint, a plaster cast, and a collar are applied to fix the damaged paw. Much depends on the cat’s behavior, since with aggressive behavior it will not be possible to complete the required steps properly.

Subsequent steps include prescribing medications to the animal to help restore bone tissue and relieve inflammation.

Note! The newest hospitals use effective physical therapy, which allows you to count on a speedy recovery and improved health.

Cat wounds

Most often, cats have bitten, lacerated “battle wounds” received in fights with other cats or dogs. The most obvious sign of such wounds is damage to the skin, which requires appropriate treatment. First of all, the wound must be washed with a disinfectant. A regular solution of furatsilin is suitable for this. If you don’t have a ready-made solution, you can prepare it yourself by dissolving two tablets in a glass of warm boiled water. The surface of the wound is treated with this solution. If possible, remove fur from the area around the injury to prevent hair from sticking to the wound.

When the owner is unable to immediately deliver the injured cat to a veterinarian, she should be given an antibiotic. If the owner does not have a special veterinary antibiotic at hand, it can be replaced with a human drug, for example, Augmentin (amoxiclav). The antibiotic is given in a dosage of 12-15 mg per 1 kg of animal body weight twice a day. That is, an “average” cat that weighs 3 kg should receive about 50 mg of antibiotic at one time. And, of course, the animal needs to be shown to a veterinarian as soon as possible.

If the cat received a cut wound and started bleeding, then you need to do the following: take a clean, or better yet, sterile napkin, apply it to the surface of the wound and bandage it with moderate force. The pressing effect will reduce bleeding. If a large artery is damaged, it will most likely have to be sutured. Bleeding from small vessels can stop on its own, but treatment of such a wound still requires the supervision of a specialist.

Eye injuries are also common in cats and, unfortunately, in this case, the owner can do practically nothing himself. The damaged eye should be carefully washed with furatsilin solution and immediately consult a doctor.

Cats also have so-called abscesses. They usually develop as complications if the wound has not been washed with an antiseptic. Pathogenic microorganisms enter it and begin to develop, causing a cavity with pus to appear under the skin - an abscess itself. Externally, an abscess manifests itself as swelling, a “bump” on the skin and painful sensations when touched, since the cavity compresses the nerve endings. Sometimes the abscess opens spontaneously and pus is released from the wound. However, even in this case, it is better not to hope for the animal’s independent recovery. An abscess requires mandatory intervention by a veterinarian, because antibiotics alone cannot suppress a purulent focus. It is necessary to open and wash this cavity, install drainage in it and maintain it until the pathogenic process stops.

Transportation to the clinic

Fracture of two paws at once

At this stage, all possible assistance from the owner has been provided. All that remains is to call a veterinarian or take the victim to the clinic. When transporting, the animal must be kept in a lying position on a hard surface.

Only a doctor can determine the degree of complexity of a fracture or bruise, its type and treatment methods by palpation or, if necessary, using an x-ray.

For minor fractures, conservative treatment is used, i.e. splints, splints and bandaging . In more complex cases and always with hip fractures, surgical intervention and the use of metal structures such as pins, plates, and cerclage .

After visiting the doctor, the owner must strictly follow the recommendations given by the doctor. After surgery, you will need to inject antibiotics to avoid infection or rejection of the foreign body. After a certain time, you need to show up on time to remove the bandage or pin.

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