Sheba is a top-class food, but not without its drawbacks


The Sheba line is produced by Mars. It markets not only food for domestic cats and dogs (Pedigree, Cesar, Royal Canin, Chappi, Kitekat, Whiskas, Perfect Fit), but also food and drinks for people. The feed came to Russia in 1991. Representative offices are located in major cities of the country: Krasnodar, Samara, Novosibirsk).

The official website is completely Russified, but the information on it is extremely scarce. For example, there is no accurate information: where the ingredients for making feed come from, the compositions are not written down.


In most cases, dry food can cause an allergic reaction in an animal, expressed by baldness, itching, and gastrointestinal disorders. However, do not confuse individual intolerance to any ingredient in food with an allergy.

Until now, a general picture of the allergic reaction of cats to food has not been identified. Initially, it is recommended to exclude from the animal’s diet those foods that it has recently eaten. If positive changes do not appear, then there is a possibility that the antigen is not food at all, but, for example, dust or synthetic bedding. Sheba cat food has positive reviews from veterinarians and pet owners in this regard. Although the product line of this brand does not contain special food for animals with a sensitive gastrointestinal tract. All foods are free of flavors and dyes.

Feed class

The manufacturer classifies its product as a premium class (and a corresponding mark is made on the packaging - the word premium is placed), but if you study the issue, it turns out that this is not so.

It is worth noting that there is little difference between economy and premium feed. Economy feed contains grains (wheat, corn), which are poorly digestible and often cause allergies; leftover meat production instead of quality meat; and the composition itself is extremely poor in composition. This kind of food brings little benefit: it also contains harmful chemical components, artificial preservatives, dyes and flavor enhancers.

Premium food also contains grains and dyes, but there is much more meat and offal, natural preservatives are used, and more vitamins and minerals. Buyers can easily find out the recipe, and the package shows what ingredients are added and in what quantities.

Since buyers are not presented with the recipe for Sheba feed, the percentage of components is also not indicated - these feeds belong to the economy feed class.

Reviews from veterinarians

As a veterinary specialist, I recommend Sheba Pleasure food in pouches. This cat food contains moderate amounts of protein, fat, minimal carbohydrates and a high concentration of dietary fiber. Suitable for pets who are prohibited from eating dry kibble for health reasons (deposition of salts and minerals in the kidneys, tartar), and for cats who drink little water.

Sheba Pleasure food contains all the necessary macro- and microelements that help strengthen the cat’s body. I recommend giving it to adult cats, older kittens closer to a year old, as well as cats with any diseases.


There are 5 series of Sheba cat food available:

Sheba Pleasure (“Pleasure”) with several flavors: chicken with turkey and salmon; tuna with salmon; rabbit with beef or lamb; with duck and chicken; veal with tongue; shrimp with trout. Ingredients: meat and offal (the percentage of meat is indicated approximately), taurine, vitamins, minerals. Moisture: 82 g, vitamins E and A, fiber, fats, ash, proteins. The pieces are pressed and filled with liquid sauce. Packaged in sachets (50 and 85 g) and jars (85 g).

Sheba Delicatesso (“Delicacy”): can be bought in the form of pate (pate with slices) and fricassee. Options: chicken with veal; poultry meat; salmon; turkey with Bechamel sauce; duck with rabbit and vegetables; beef. Packaging: polymer jars with foil lids. Ingredients: rabbit (at least 4%), duck (at least 4%), offal and meat, vegetables, cereals, minerals and vitamins. Protein - 8.5%, fat - 5.5 g, fiber - 0.3%.

Sheba Naturalle (“Naturel”) with the following flavors: beef with lamb; turkey with chicken or duck; sea ​​fish. Sorting: 80 g per bag. Energy value: 55 kcal per 100 g. Ingredients: fish products and fish (tuna - 4%, navaga - 4%), animal products, meat and offal, taurine, vitamins (A, E), minerals. Fiber - 0.3%, protein - 6%.

Sheba Mini (“Mini”) includes 4 options: with beef, with salmon, duck and chicken. One bag contains 50 g of food. Components: meat and offal (including chicken meat - at least 4%), cereals, vitamins, minerals.

Sheba Appetito (“Appetito”) is available in the following variations: veal with tongue; turkey with chicken; salmon with tuna; rabbit with beef. in a pack - 28 g (75 kcal). Added vitamins A and E. Fiber - 3 g, protein - 11 g, fat - 3 g.

As treats for cats, we offer:

  • assorted duck and chicken;
  • sautéed chicken breasts;
  • tuna with selected shrimps (cocktail);
  • beef and chicken tagliatta;
  • tuna in sauce.


Sheba cat food contains the following components:

  • meat and meat ingredients (beef, chicken, rabbit, turkey);
  • fish and fish ingredients (salmon, navaga, tuna, shrimp);
  • tapioca (the root of the cassava plant - fiber to improve animal digestion);
  • taurine (stimulates the digestive tract, sharpens vision, supports the heart and immunity);
  • omega fatty acids (improves metabolic processes);
  • vegetable fats (give hair shine, relieve inflammation);
  • vitamins E and A (have a regenerating and anti-inflammatory effect);
  • cereals.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Sheba food is easy to find in pet stores, supermarkets and small shops with stands of essential goods for our little brothers. This saves time as there is no need to order products online.
  • They are inexpensive and accessible to all segments of the population.
  • The assortment is wide and you can always choose something to suit your animal’s taste: canned food or spiders.
  • Sheba contains no allergenic or stomach-difficult components such as grains (wheat) and soybeans, dyes or chemicals.
  • The packaging is convenient, dense, and attractive in appearance. One pack is for one meal.
  • There are no medicated foods or dry options on sale.
  • The composition indicates the approximate content of components, the list of minerals and vitamins is not specified at all.
  • The phrase “meat and by-products” may hide waste from meat production: secondary products of livestock slaughter, for example.
  • Veterinarians advise giving these canned foods not as the main food, but only as a supplement.
  • Not suitable for very small kittens (less than a month old). It is also not allowed to feed castrated and sterilized individuals, sick and elderly cats.

Get to know interesting cat breeds with the help of our encyclopedia: Turkish Angora, Persian Chinchilla, Javanese.

Advantages and disadvantages of Sheba food

The advantages of Sheba include the following qualities:

  • the food does not contain soy or cereals;
  • food is produced in a wide range of flavors;
  • You can purchase such a product in any supermarket;
  • low price.

But there are also several negative qualities:

  • according to most veterinarians, Sheba is not a complete food (although the packages indicate the opposite);
  • the composition is not indicated in detail (perhaps some undesirable components are simply not indicated);
  • Specialized lines and variations of dry food are not produced.

Previously, when I had very little experience in raising cats, I tried to contact a veterinarian with every question. And then I began to notice that veterinarians themselves do not always know well the features of the composition of the product they recommend. Nowadays, I consult on nutrition issues very rarely, only if I can’t find the answer to my question on the Internet.

Meat ingredients in “Sheba” range from 4 to 14%, but what exactly the components are contained (fillets, fish heads, bird feathers or liver) is not indicated

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