Sheba food - review of the entire line of Sheba cat food (description of composition and price + tips on choosing feeding dosage)

What will you learn from the article?
  1. General information about Sheba food for cats Types of Sheba cat food (Sheba)
  • Reviews of Sheba cat food
      What is the price?
  • What does a cat need to be happy? A warm corner, a loving owner and something delicious. We just want to talk about the latter and find out reviews from veterinarians and buyers. Sheba ready-made cat food is something that your pet may be interested in. And for you - a little information about this canned food.

    Feed overview

    The Sheba brand is manufactured in Thailand and has proven itself in sales. The company produces only Sheba wet food and its range is little expanded.

    The products of this company are produced in cans and pouch bags. Both options contain a volume of food designed for one serving. This is very convenient, so the food will not stagnate, and the pet will always receive fresh food.

    Sheba is offered in three food lines:

    • “Pleasure” - contains meat products of any animal, fish, poultry that are steamed: The food of this line is produced in sealed bags;
    • “Classic” - meat fillet from fish and poultry. “Dishes” with a high meat content are packaged in cans;
    • "Fusion" - two types of meat pieces for picky-eating cats.

    Sheba does not produce food for special purposes or with a medicinal effect. So when choosing food for your purr, it is better to read reviews about Sheba food from veterinarians.

    The food in pouch bags is varied, the “Pleasure” line can replace a full meal, and also contains a vitamin and mineral complex. At the same time, the content of meat ingredients is minimal, but enough to satisfy the cat’s daily needs.

    Canned products “Fusion” and “Classic” contain a large amount of meat (about 50% of the total volume), the disadvantage is that they are not cheap Sheba food compared to spiders.

    Manufacturers recommend feeding your pet Sheba food only as an addition to the main diet. In addition, in order to replace a full meal with this delicacy, you will need five packages per day, which is very expensive for the budget.

    The contents of the packages look like meat cut into pieces, but they contain additives that, according to manufacturers, are of natural origin and useful for cats to improve the functioning of the digestive system.

    You can visually see the types of packaging by looking at the photo of Sheba cat food.

    Price and where to buy

    You can buy this food in many pet stores, both in several pieces and in bulk. For example:

    1. "Old Farm" (link):
        Sheba Naturale wet food 0.08 kg x 24 pcs - 767 RUR;
    2. Wet food Sheba Pleasure 0.09 kg x 24 pcs - 652 RUR;
    3. Canned food Sheba Delicatesso 85 g x 22 pcs - 925 rub.
    4. "ZooPassage" (link):
        Wet food Sheba Pleasure 85 g - from 31 rubles;
    5. Wet food Sheba Naturale 80 g - from 31 rubles;
    6. Canned Sheba 80 g - from 96 rub.

    Prices shown are current as of the end of October 2022 and may change over time. For the exact cost, see the pet store websites using the links above.

    Sheba food composition

    Naturally, the main ingredient is meat, which is a distinctive feature of Sheba food among its analogues in economy class. Manufacturers assure that fish, poultry and other types of meat are used in production only fresh, freezing is excluded.

    In addition to meat products, Sheba food includes:

    • Tapioca. Cassava roots ground into flour is a natural product containing starch. It quickly saturates the animal due to its high fiber content, which normalizes digestive processes in cats;
    • Taurine. This substance is often used when preparing dietary foods; it helps improve heart function, sharpens vision and increases the efficiency of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • Vegetable fats. They add shine to your pet’s fur;
    • Omega acids. Serve to normalize metabolic processes;
    • Vitamins E. These supplements improve regenerative processes and act as antioxidants.

    According to veterinarians' recommendations, a cat's diet should contain a sufficient amount of animal proteins. Sheba food meets these recommendations and does not contain plant proteins or soy.


    Elena, Vladimir: “I decided to pamper my Gertrude with a new food and bought Sheba. In the evening I put it in a bowl and went for a walk with my friends. When I returned home I found neither the bowl nor Gertrude. It turns out that this pug licked the entire bowl and then dragged it around the apartment in his teeth, inhaling the aroma. I found a bowl under the cabinet. I liked the food so much that I even doubt that they added something like that.”

    Aleftina, Novosibirsk: “We bought a dog for our Arnold on the advice of a veterinarian, we had urolithiasis and we couldn’t eat dry food. Our Arnold is red and fluffy, he liked the food, the bowl always remains empty. The coat does not shed, it is smooth, there is no particular shine, our boy is always in a good mood, I think the food suits us.”

    Anatoly, Moscow: “Our Milord ate Sheba for several months, but as indicated, this food should not be given constantly. I tried to replace it with another one, but he doesn’t want it, give him Sheba. I'm confused, should I give up Sheba completely or just stick with it? "

    Stolyarov E.A. veterinarian: “Sheba food is suitable for feeding cats of all breeds; the optimal amount of moisture contained in it, in comparison with dry food, reduces the risk of developing urolithiasis. Sheba canned food can be recommended for overweight cats, as it does not contain additives such as soy and grains. The optimal combination of ingredients in this food allows you to solve the problem of constipation in cats over 7 years old.”

    Yarygina A.S. Veterinarian: “Many cat breeders prefer to feed their pets food from their table, which is not entirely safe for their health. Canned food, such as Sheba, is intended for dietary nutrition of adult cats; it contains the optimal amount of nutrients for normal digestion and improvement of metabolic processes in the animal.”

    Fatkullin E.R. veterinarian, director of the Medvet clinic: “Sheba cat food does not contain harmful preservatives such as bisphenol A, which helps avoid the development of hyperthyroidism. The content of meat or fish in this food is optimal for a cat’s diet.”

    Advantages of Sheba food

    Based on reviews from owners and specialists of veterinary clinics, it turns out that Sheba food fully falls under the premium class category. Since it contains only natural products, which is rare in the animal feed market.

    The benefits of this diet include:

    • Contains only natural meat products;
    • Only fresh ingredients are used in production, freezing is excluded;
    • The presence of nutrients (taurine, omega acids, fiber, vitamins);
    • Special packaging and formulation features contribute to long-term storage of the product without losing its beneficial properties;
    • Large selection of flavors;
    • No dyes or harmful substances;
    • Suitable for cats of any breed from one month of age;
    • The packages contain enough food for one meal.

    It is worth considering that Sheba food should not be combined with plenty of drinking, otherwise the load on your pet’s kidneys will increase.

    Advantages and disadvantages of food

    How many cats there are, so many opinions about the preference of one food or another. Sheba appeals to the majority of tailed gourmets, but their owners have divided opinions about the product. And indeed, the lines of these foods have both their significant advantages and significant disadvantages.

    Does your cat like Sheba?

    Table: pros and cons of Sheba food

    • high quality;
    • adequate price;
    • large assortment and good distribution;
    • fresh, not frozen ingredients;
    • does not contain grains or legumes;
    • high-quality fiber is present in sufficient quantities;
    • a minimum of synthetic flavors, dyes and other ingredients that can cause allergies;
    • convenient disposable packaging
    • You can feed only adult cats, not earlier than one year of age;
    • no dry food;
    • there are no separate offers for kittens and medicinal food;
    • according to some reviews, it does not correspond to the premium class;
    • imbalance of composition;
    • the composition is low in carbohydrates;
    • Formula contains animal by-products


    There are no medicinal foods in the Sheba line, so it is not advisable to feed them to sick, sterilized cats. It is recommended to be given as a treat to keep your pet's fur in excellent condition, especially for breeds with long hair.

    The composition, rich in meat products, has a beneficial effect on the vitality of large breeds of cats. Manufacturers assure that Sheba can be given to cats of any breed.

    This food is not cheap, as it belongs to the premium class. But for a caring owner, price is not a significant criterion for choosing food for your pet; the most important thing is that the food is healthy.

    You can determine whether food is suitable for your pet based on the following criteria:

    • Many people give the right of choice to the cat herself, then monitor how her body tolerates certain food, while paying attention to the characteristics of her stool.
    • You need to monitor the animal’s behavior after eating food; if it is in a playful and active mood and not aggressive, then this means that everything is fine.
    • You can determine the health status of your pet by the smell from its mouth; if it has an unpleasant tint, then the food being consumed is not suitable for the cat.
    • Based on the condition of the fur, you can also determine whether this food is suitable for your pet; if the fur is shiny, does not tangle or shed, then the appropriate food has been chosen.

    “Sheba” is a food that has gained great popularity among cat owners; it belongs to the premium class category. The food is produced only in wet form, packaged in cans and sealed bags.

    Intended for animals older than one month and without health problems. It is advisable not to make it a complete meal, but only as a treat in addition to the main diet.


    Happiness from a cat’s point of view lies in the care of its owner, a cozy house , a soft sofa and, of course, delicious food .

    Judging by the reviews of cat owners, many meowing friends like the taste of Sheba food, their digestion is not disturbed, and their fur does not shed.

    I've eaten, now play!

    Reviews from veterinarians indicate that the nutritional value of Sheba is optimal for healthy cats.

    This food contains crude protein, fiber and vitamins - these are the substances necessary for proper digestion and metabolism.

    The composition of canned food is much richer in food in pouches, it looks and smells appetizing, cats eat it with pleasure.

    Despite the fact that Sheba food is not cheap, you can sometimes pamper your cat with this treat.

    Sheba cat food: Reviews from veterinarians and a detailed review

    What is Sheba cat food: reviews from veterinarians, its composition, varieties, health benefits, advantages and disadvantages.

    Photo of Sheba food

    What do veterinarians say?

    Sheba food has quite controversial reviews from cat owners, but veterinarians mostly speak positively about these products. And this is a rather important fact, since it is the specialist who is able to make the correct conclusion.

    Recently, veterinarians, before voicing their thoughts regarding this or that food, began to practice introducing it into the diet of their animals. And laboratory studies conducted on the basis of analyzes of these pets are a fundamental factor for a truthful conclusion. Sheba food was subjected to the same procedure and the results regarding the health of the pets who consumed it were positive.

    In addition, veterinarians pay special attention to the taurine content in this product, which helps the food to be absorbed and relieves the animal of any digestive problems. This process is also facilitated by natural ingredients: meat and vegetables. As a result, no dense substances are formed upon exit, and the stool is timely.

    The vegetable fats that make up this food have also been noted by many veterinarians. According to experts, it is thanks to these fats that cats’ fur becomes shiny and their skin becomes healthy!

    What's good in the composition?

    This is a varied and complete food, containing up to 30% meat. In addition, each serving contains minerals and vitamins that cats and kittens need in different seasons of the year.

    Composition using the example of the “beef and lamb” flavor:

    • beef min. 20 %;
    • lamb min. 5 %;
    • offal;
    • taurine;
    • vitamins;
    • minerals.

    Juicy beef and lamb pieces together create a unique taste that will be favorably appreciated by purebred and ordinary cats. One bag of food weighs 85 g. The pouch contains 11% protein, 3% fat, 2% ash. The moisture content of one serving is 82%.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    One of the advantages is the content of a sufficient amount of liquid (82 grams in one pack) in the Sheba line. Dry food contains only 10% water, while a cat's natural daily fluid intake should be 78%. And this is important because cats do not have a feeling of strong thirst. Lack of fluid in an animal can cause chronic dehydration. Those cats that eat dry food receive 1/2 less water.

    Advantages of Sheba food:

    • Convenient packaging.
    • Good premium composition.
    • No flavors or dyes.
    • Availability of vitamins and taurine.
    • Nutritional value: 75 kcal per standard 100 grams.


    • Lack of special treatment series.
    • The price is above average.
    • Lack of classification of food according to the age of the animal.
    • The entire range is designed for cats over 1 year old.

    All the disadvantages of commercial nutrition of this line are reduced to zero after the slogan stated by the manufacturer, that Sheba canned food is not intended as a main food, but as a delicacy.

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