Food for removing hair from the stomach - how to help your cat deal with its fur coat

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Cats are famous for their cleanliness; they carefully groom themselves, regularly licking their fur. This procedure is not only part of hygiene, but also an element of self-soothing, so it is not at all surprising that pets can spend a lot of time doing this activity. But licking also has an unpleasant side - the fur enters the digestive tract, where it accumulates and is periodically released through vomiting. A caring owner has the opportunity to help his pet effectively get rid of swallowed lumps.

  • 2 Basic rules for preventing hair accumulation
  • 3 Food for hair removal

    3.1 Review of food for hair removal

    3.1.1 Table: comparison of dry cat food with hair removal effect

  • 3.1.2 Photo gallery: preventative food for cats with hair removal effect
  • 4 Video: if a cat vomits hair, can you give paste or special food?
  • 5 Reviews from cat owners
  • How to understand that a cat has problems with hair in the digestive tract

    Many people believe that the problem of hairballs in the digestive tract is exclusively a feature of long-haired breeds such as Maine Coon, Persian and Burmese cats, but this applies to all representatives who generally have a furry coat (including Abyssinian and British cats ). The thing is that on the tongue of cats there are numerous hooks, turned towards the throat, which are necessary for the predator to eat its prey. When licking, the fur also clings to the tongue and the cat cannot help but swallow it. To prevent the animal from having problems with digestion, a natural mechanism has been thought out - part of what gets inside comes out with feces, and the pet periodically simply regurgitates the retained accumulations in the form of dense cylindrical “sausages” of hair.

    When licking, the fur clings to the hooks on the tongue and enters the esophagus.

    Normally, hair regurgitation should occur 1–4 times a month. However, the lumps can also pose a serious threat to the cat - they can bunch up into dense, large bodies (bezoars) and completely block the lumen of the stomach or intestines. The risk of such a complication is higher in pets with a complicated vomiting mechanism, as well as in those with long hair, in particular large Maine Coons. The problem is most acute during periods of shedding - coat change, which usually occurs in spring and autumn. At such a time, too many hairs enter the pet’s body, which can make it difficult for them to come out. Therefore, owners are recommended to regularly prevent hair accumulation.

    You can understand that a cat needs help and that a lot of excess has already accumulated in its digestive tract by the following symptoms:

    • regurgitation has become too frequent;
    • there are mucus impurities in the waste masses;
    • stool is hard and contains individual hairs;
    • the stomach is swollen;
    • vomiting partially undigested food;
    • decreased appetite;
    • depressed state;
    • noticeable deterioration in the condition of the coat (greasy, dull appearance).

    Why is it important to remove hair?

    Cats spend about a third of their lives licking. Since the structure of their oral apparatus does not allow them to spit out dead guard hairs or undercoat, animals have to swallow it all. Normally, the resulting lumps - trichobezoars - leave the body along with feces, and sometimes hair is removed by regurgitation. However, it happens that the formations become so large that they are unable to pass through either the intestines or the esophagus. This phenomenon is dangerous and can provoke in the animal:

    • exhaustion due to a false feeling of satiety;
    • inflammatory processes;
    • intestinal obstruction and gastrointestinal dysfunction;
    • ingrowth of hairs into the mucous tissues of the oral cavity.

    Long-haired cats occupy an honorable place in the risk group, although large trichobezoars can also cause problems for animals with short hair. This often happens when the pet begins to actively shed. In addition, impaired hair removal is typical for old individuals, as well as those suffering from obesity and weakened by diseases.

    When the body is unable to cope with hair accumulations on its own, symptoms begin to appear that you need to pay attention to:

    • nausea, frequent but unsuccessful attempts to burp a lump;
    • constipation or diarrhea;
    • nervous excitement, anxiety;
    • loss of appetite;
    • the presence of mucus and undigested food in the stool.

    Any of the above signs is a sufficient reason to contact a veterinarian, since the problem has serious consequences and in some cases requires surgical intervention.

    Basic Rules for Preventing Hair Buildup

    To prevent fur from accumulating in your pet’s body and causing problems, you must follow a number of rules regarding food management:

    • feeding should be balanced - this will avoid increased hair loss;
    • when feeding natural food, do not forget about the sources of fiber - the cat’s diet must contain vegetables and herbs, in particular beets, lettuce, parsley, pumpkin, zucchini, carrots, etc.;
    • the cat must have constant and unlimited access to clean water - a lack of fluid has a bad effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and makes it difficult to defecate in general, not to mention the productive output of fur;

      The cat should receive clean water in unlimited quantities.

    • cats on a dry diet should receive food constantly or periodically to facilitate the process of moving hair through the gastrointestinal tract;
    • It is necessary to provide the animal with access to fresh grass. It is not necessary to let the cat outside; it will be enough to grow a small garden bed for it right in a pot on the windowsill.

    Our family has had a furry pet for 16 years now—the Persian extreme cat Katrina. We know firsthand about the problem of fur - in its best years, the pet looked like a huge ball of fur with a tail. Out of ignorance, at first they weren’t worried about shedding hair, but when episodes of regurgitation became very frequent (almost daily), they went to the doctor. On the advice of the veterinarian, we planted grass on the windowsill for Katrina and bought a special paste.

    In addition to nutrition, caring for the coat itself is of great importance. Be sure to comb your pet regularly to help remove lost hairs, and special attention should be paid to this procedure during shedding. For example, Persians sometimes have to be thoroughly combed 2-3 times a day in the off-season.

    Russian analogues of fortified complexes for cats

    Russian analogues of vitamin complexes are not as popular among owners of furry animals, although domestic preparations have one advantage - a relatively low landing page. Experts advise adding Russian-made medications to the diet. The indicator is presented in three names.

    1. Doctor Zoo "Health of skin and coat." The product is produced in the form of tablets, the content of which is saturated with a variety of microelements, approximately manganese, magnesium and copper, various vitamins and amino acids.
    2. Vitamin-rottisite complex "Radostin", produced by the Agrovetzashchita enterprise. The product range of this drug has a wide range. On the windows of veterinary pharmacies you can see various types of the drug, developed in accordance with the age characteristics of furry animals. Rubbing the drug "Radostin" is endowed with useful vitamins, ascorbic acid, selenium and zinc, lactulose, iron and calcium.
    3. Farmavit Neo has been manufactured by Farmaks for six years. Release form: tablets. The product is enriched with biotin and taurine, calcium and phosphorus, riboflavin. The product protects the animal from vitamin deficiency, regulates metabolic and cellular processes. Veterinarians recommend adding it to the diet of pregnant cats to preserve the fetus. For kittens, in order to improve development and growth, strengthen the immune system, the fortified association “Farmavit Neo” is not only desirable, but also vital. The drug will also help with hair loss.

    Hair removal food

    Foods for hair removal are usually presented in the form of dry diets and act due to the increased content of indigestible dietary fiber - it is they that allow you to cleanse the intestines, similar to what happens in wild cats, who prefer to chew grass. That is, the accumulated fur does not continue to accumulate, but comes out with feces. Also among the ingredients of such feeds you can find:

    • Fructooligosaccharides are sugars that are broken down only in the rectum. They pass through the digestive tract and, like fiber, help remove accumulated hair, and when broken down, they work as prebiotics, improving the functioning of the digestive tract as a whole;
    • components with enveloping properties (flax seeds, plantain seeds, etc.) - necessary to facilitate the evacuation of intestinal contents;
    • vitamin and mineral complexes for wool health. This is necessary to strengthen the cat’s coat and minimize the amount of hair loss.

    The content of natural dietary fiber in cat food allows them to prevent hair accumulation

    It is important to understand that all hair removal foods are exclusively preventative products that can be found in lines for cats with special needs (with excessive hair loss, long-haired cats, who do not go outside, etc.). Such products are positioned as complete nutritional products, simply with an additional function, so it is recommended to alternate them with regular food - the food is replaced with a composition for removing fur during the period of active shedding or once a month in the absence of regular regurgitation until the problem disappears.

    The question of whether it is possible to constantly feed a diet with a similar function depends on the animal. Considering that food of this kind is produced as a complete diet, they can theoretically be used on an ongoing basis, but it is better to consult a doctor. But when switching from a regular diet to a specialized diet and back, you should choose food from one manufacturer - they will have a similar composition, which will not create discomfort for the animal during a sudden change in diet.

    However, store-bought diets are not medical nutrition; if a cat has already developed alarming symptoms and is experiencing a deterioration in health, it must be shown to a veterinarian, who will determine the scale of the problem and further treatment. It is recommended to use food for all breeds only as part of prevention against the background of general well-being.

    Frequent vomiting is not always a sign of hair accumulation; it can also be a symptom of other dangerous conditions. And even if the source of the ailment is wool, then at the stage of a bezoar that creates an obstruction, there is no question of any conservative treatment; urgent surgical intervention is required.

    Review of food for hair removal

    The range of most popular cat food manufacturers includes separate items for hair removal. They are usually easy to recognize by their name, which often includes the word “hairball.”

    Table: comparison of dry cat food with hair removal effect

    Name of foodGroup of animalsProteins/fat, %Fiber content (dietary fiber),%Additional components to improve hair removalFeed classCalorie content per 1 kgCost 1 kg
    Cat Chow Hairball ControllFor adult cats from 1 to 7 years of age with reduced activity levels32/115,5Beet pulp, dried parsleyPremium3330 kcal250 rubles
    Josera CateluxFor adult long-haired cats32/205,3Beet pulp, psyllium seed peelSuper premium3889 kcal400 rubles
    "4 Paws Club" Hairball ControlFor adult cats32/214,5Beet fiberPremium3990 kcal250 rubles
    Royal Canin Hairball CareFor adult cats34/226,9Fructooligosaccharides, psyllium shells and seeds, beet pulpSuper premium3756 kcal600 rubles
    1st Choice Cat Adult Healthy Skin & CoatFor adult inactive cats30/206Beet pulp, pea fiber, flax seedsSuper premium4380 kcal600 rubles

    Photo gallery: preventative food for cats with hair removal effect

    Cat Chow Hairball Controll - premium food for adult cats with a hair removal effect Josera Catelux food is not positioned as a hair removal food, but additionally has such an effect due to the content of beet pulp, peel and plantain seeds "Club 4 Paws" Hairball Control - inexpensive premium food that helps remove hair from the digestive tract Royal Canin Hairball Care - super premium food containing 6.9% fiber to facilitate hair removal and oligosaccharides to normalize intestinal function 1st Choice Cat Adult Healthy Skin & Coat - food with beet pulp , pea fibers and flax seeds, belonging to the super-premium class

    Based on the data in the table, the higher the class of food, the more components it contains that would ensure the effective movement of wool through the digestive tract. When choosing a specific product, you should definitely pay attention to the percentage of fiber in the composition - the value determines the amount of dietary fiber. According to the comparison table, the leaders are super-premium food 1st Choice and Royal Canin. For comparison, Royal Canin FIT 32, intended for adult cats from 1 to 7 years old, contains 4.6% fiber, and preventive Hairball Care contains as much as 6.9%.

    Using dry food for hair removal is a solution only for those pets who are already on a commercial diet. This method of prevention is not suitable for cats on a natural diet; you need to use special malt pastes with a similar effect (Gimpet Malt-Soft Extra, Beaphar Malt Paste, etc.).

    Dry and wet food

    Under no circumstances choose the most popular and advertised foods, and do not listen to salespeople. If you want a healthy cat whose fur will be beautiful, you need to pay close attention to the cat's nutrition; the cat should become your child. First, study the information written on the packaging or jar. In order for the animal's fur to always be healthy, the pet's diet must contain meat, rice, and a variety of vitamins. The food should not contain preservatives or various chemicals.

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