Why cats eat paper - 8 possible reasons for the dangerous habit

Cats love to chew on many things, but cardboard seems to be their favorite. Cardboard boxes are not only comfortable to sit in, they are also pleasant to chew on. Sometimes they chew wires, leather, carpets, and much, much more, but there is nothing nicer than cardboard. Many cat owners make their bed in a box, and then complain that it ends up being chewed. I did some research and found out why cats love this activity so much.

There can be many reasons, but the main ones include teething, predatory behavior, attempts to mark territory, and even nutritional deficiencies and compulsive disorder.

Cats love to chew on many things, such as cardboard boxes, book covers, slippers, wooden spoons, etc. When a kitten is teething or has sore gums, he will usually chew on something to relieve the discomfort. Among other things, cardboard is pleasant to the touch and can be torn into pieces.

On the other hand, many owners make houses for cats in boxes, and this makes chewing them even more convenient. Felines also love a warm and cozy environment, and often climb into boxes without invitation. Wild cats often chew bones, so it’s understandable where domestic cats have such a passion. Plus it can be a way to clean your teeth.


It is unlikely that a cat can freeze in a city apartment, unless it is a hairless breed (Sphynx, Rex).
But according to cats, there is no such thing as too much heat. They can bask in the sun's rays and hug the battery for hours. Sometimes a cat's fur gets so hot from the radiator that it scares its owners. But the pet feels blissful, as if the warmth allows him to recharge his internal batteries. A cardboard box is a great way to accumulate heat inside and keep warm. Corrugated cardboard is a good thermal insulator. And for lack of anything better, any container of a suitable size prevents body heat from evaporating, warming the fluffy frog.

Experimenting with boxes and bags - is this normal?

Whiskered pets are true explorers. They are interested in everything - from your slipper to devices that are incomprehensible to them, for example, household appliances that make questionable sounds. Cats can be attracted to even such seemingly ordinary things as a cardboard box or a standard plastic bag with which you go to the store.

What do people do when they see their beloved pet not wanting to get out of the box or furiously tearing the bag? It is clear that they begin to think about the worst. For example, that the animal is sick. You might think that he has stomach problems or that his body lacks some substances. Some particularly impressionable owners begin to panic, believing that the cause of this behavior is rabies.

Cats easily use boxes for shelter and manage to chew them

In fact, not a single cat is immune from diseases, including serious ones. But in this case, it is unlikely that they will be interested in boxes with packages. An animal with rabies will choose to attack living creatures, including the owner

So everything is much simpler here and, importantly, safer

Who are cats? That's right, these are predators. Despite the fact that these are domesticated animals, instincts still do not disappear anywhere, they just sleep. That is why the cat always strives to occupy a secluded, secluded place. And the box or package, in her opinion, is exactly what is needed.

And if a cat chews these things, it means that he is simply training his jaws and teeth. Again - because he is a predator. If he does not do this, he will lose his hunting abilities, and this is already very bad for the animal.

What else do cats chew?

Excessive chewing is not advisable for cat owners. This can be dangerous for the cat, and they may taste valuable objects on their teeth. Causes may include illness, boredom or teething. Here are some items that cats chew besides cardboard boxes.

Wires: It's dangerous, not cute. Cats may try to chew plugged-in power cords while you're away. This could expose the conductor and electrocute your kitty or one of you. To prevent this from happening, try to give your cat more toys. Remember to turn off all electrical devices before leaving the house. You can also try covering the wire with a gasket or spraying it with a repellent-scented spray.

Plants: Cats sometimes attack house plants, so it's best to avoid keeping toxic or poisonous flowers in your home. The advice for weaning is the same: spray a liquid with a repellent odor.

Fabric: Cats chew clothes, shoes, leather goods and even balls of wool. To discourage this behavior, buy chewable stuffed animals or something like furry mice. Instead of spraying your clothes, keep them away.

Reasons why pets climb into boxes and chew them

Even more than bags, pets are attracted to cardboard boxes. They can almost live in them, or constantly gnaw on them. All this also has a completely logical explanation.

They need personal space

Cats are solitary animals. Proud, unapproachable, reluctant to make contact. Even when living in a person's home, they are constantly looking for a place that would be purely theirs. A cardboard box for some household appliances or even shoes is an excellent option for such singles.

A cardboard box for some household appliances or even shoes is an excellent option for cats

If you notice that your cat is extremely reluctant to leave its makeshift home in order to settle down where you have made a place for it, you do not need to wean it from this habit. Firstly, it is as difficult as teaching an animal not to be afraid of water. Secondly, a cardboard box can also be a great home. Just lay something here for her or put a pillow - and that’s it, the new home is ready.


A cat's love for a cardboard house may be dictated by existing habits. For example, the design of the box itself, as well as its smell, may be familiar to the animal. It is likely that your pet was born in a similar box and, along with its mother’s milk, absorbed the now so understandable smell of cardboard.

A cat's love for a cardboard house may be dictated by existing habits.

If this is so, then it will be noticeable in the behavior of the fluffy. He will sniff the box for a long time and, climbing into it, curl up into a ball. For the same reason, an animal can chew cardboard - simply because it really likes its aroma.

Reliable shelter

As with bags, the cat can feel protected here. Naturally, from the outside it seems, at least, funny, but for the animal there is nothing funny about it. The desire to hide is especially noticeable if it wants to climb into a small box, which, roughly speaking, is not quite suitable in size. The tighter the space, the more protected the pet feels.

Only in this place can the cat completely relax.

As in the case of bags, here the cat can feel protected

How to keep your cat from chewing cardboard?

If your cat has a compulsive urge to chew on cardboard boxes, there are several ways you can try to prevent it.

The most obvious thing is to keep boxes away: put them on a shelf where you can’t get into them, or don’t store them at home at all. Or you can not let your pet into the room where such things are located.

Spray the boxes with unpleasant-tasting repellents. Apple spray or cayenne mixture will work; they will leave an unpleasant aftertaste on the item. This will certainly discourage you from tasting the thing.

You may develop a negative reaction to boxes. Every time the cat approaches her, spray him with a spray bottle, and repeat this for several days. Over time, this will consolidate the desired effect.

Why let your cat chew cardboard boxes when you can play with it? If chewing occurs out of boredom, turn off the TV and play with your pet. You can distract him with other safe toys or play with a laser pointer.

Give your cat something edible, such as a chicken wing, instead of toys. Just make sure it’s raw so that the bone doesn’t crack.

Change your cat's diet. Feed her often, but in small portions. During breaks, spend time doing physical activity.

If this habit is related to health, consult a veterinarian, sometimes it requires immediate medical attention.

Useful tips

If your pet has a passion for cardboard boxes, you shouldn’t take away her favorite pastime. When leaving for work, the owner can leave a cardboard box for his pet right in the center of the room

The animal will definitely pay attention to such an object and will be able to have a wonderful time in the absence of a person. A calm cat will fall asleep inside the box, and an active pet will have fun games with the cardboard structure

If a person has imagination and a little free time, he can independently build a large house for a cat from several cardboard boxes with several rooms and passages between them. To ensure that the animal likes the owner’s idea, you can place soft fabric bedding-beds inside the house, as well as put your pet’s favorite toys (balls, balls, mice, etc.). A multi-level (two- or three-story) structure will be of even greater interest to the cat. But to make it you will need not only cardboard, but also more durable materials - wood blocks, fiberboard sheets, etc.


In case of illness

A sick or wounded animal is not able to run away, hunt or offer serious resistance, therefore, in the natural environment, sick animals try to sit out in a shelter until the condition stabilizes.

The sensitive instincts of domestic cats force them to repeat the behavioral stereotype of their wild ancestors and hide away from prying eyes. You can suspect something is wrong if a pet hiding in a dark place:

  • does not respond to calls;
  • refuses not only the usual food, but also treats;
  • becomes apathetic and indifferent to toys and fun;
  • turns out to be unusually hot to the touch;
  • constantly rubs sour eyes and nose with its paws;
  • continuously licks any part of the body;
  • unable to empty the bladder, or the urine has a strong odor and blood;
  • experiences a frequent urge to vomit and/or defecate, and the feces are liquid with an admixture of undigested food residues, mucus and blood.

Cats experience temporary illnesses, but ignoring obvious signs of poor health is unforgivable carelessness. To dispel all doubts and take emergency measures in case of serious trouble, a depressed animal must be shown to a veterinarian without delay.


Cats are solitary animals by nature, but living with humans forces them to exist in society. Every day they experience mild stress from the need to communicate with the owner and his family, his dog or even other cats. Cats are sensitive to stress, any noise, changes in their daily routine make them nervous, and there’s nothing to say about moving or a visit to the veterinary clinic!

The box is an enclosed space, and being inside helps the cat relax and feel safe. If there is no cardboard box, cats hide on a shelf of a closet with clothes, inside the drum of a washing machine, in a carrier or a special cat house. Not only do they not suffer from claustrophobia, but they also welcome secluded corners in every possible way.

This may seem strange, because in nature cats do not live in burrows. However, it has been proven that wild cats make their lair in the hollows of old trees, badger holes or in piles of windfall. For a domestic cat, a box is its safe cave.

When the size of the box does not allow you to get comfortable, the cat looks very funny. How could she be comfortable in such an awkward position, in cramped conditions? It turns out that it can. Even an uncomfortable box is better than nothing, because it is an effective anti-stress for a cat.

Cats and boxes

Scientists say the boxes are cats' connection to wildlife. Also, according to research by the National Research Council, it has been found that cats are comfortable in rooms with a temperature of 30-36 degrees Celsius. This is not surprising since cats are believed to have come from the desert. For the same reason, they are able to get by with a small amount of liquid. Cats are very heat-loving pets and love to lie on radiators and sunny window sills, and boxes do a good job of thermal insulation.

Habit from childhood

Boxes are remembered by cats from a very early age. The mother cat feeds her kittens there, they sleep and play, and this habit remains throughout the cat's life. It becomes for them a protective home from stress and danger, for quiet sleep and playful pastime.

The sheathing itself or the arrangement of the cardboard house does not interest cats; they do not need anything extra inside it. They like the box they chose. Cats have a good memory, so they often climb into a cardboard house and begin to purr and move their paws. They remembered perfectly how they kneaded the mother cat’s tummy while playing or feeding.

Hide and seek games

All cats and kittens are very playful at any age. They like to sit in a quiet place, where they won’t be noticed, and track down balls, strings, and bows. The box is also a game object for them, in which it is very convenient to hide and then attack everything that moves.

Cats are very happy when new boxes appear in the house, and if there are several animals in the house, then there is twice as much entertainment. The pet will refuse any toys if there are at least some boxes in the house. With their help, he entertains himself by tumbling, jumping and jumping, gnawing pieces of cardboard, playing with it. A cat can chew holes in a box and then watch with curiosity what is happening around it. They are able to entertain themselves for a long time, and watching the pranks is a real pleasure for the owner.

Very often, cardboard structures serve as scratching posts for pets. They love to tear off the paper and watch this process, then a hole is formed, into which they look very curiously, thereby tearing the box even more and playing in it. In this way, they rip off unnecessary covers from their claws and relieve accumulated stress. Cats love rustling and unusual sounds, which they themselves reproduce. Also, cardboard structures will help to wean the cat from sharpening its claws in the wrong places.

Personal territory

A personal cardboard house is a great joy for purrs:

  • There the cat rests, sleeps, watches those around him, and can hide if something worries or frightens him. This is a refuge from guests whom the animal does not know or does not want to be friendly to; from small noisy children who constantly squeeze animals. Domestic cats love peace and quiet.
  • When a cat has the opportunity to hide somewhere, it helps to avoid unnecessary stress. If the house does not have a specific house or bed for the animal, but there are boxes, the pet will choose a shelter to his liking and taste, in which it will be convenient for him to hide and play. If the cardboard house still has a tasty smell, then the cat will be able to chew it lightly and make additional exits to play when he is in a good mood.
  • In the cardboard house he is comfortable, warm, and there is his smell. It would not be surprising if the cat spends most of his time there, and not in the arms of the owner. If a cat has been in a cardboard shelter at least once, he will constantly come there.

Feeling safe

For a cat, a cardboard house is his personal space, which should not be broken into. With frequent visits to the box, the cat becomes more and more accustomed to it and other places besides it are no longer interesting to him.

The protective instinct is ingrained in animals from childhood, so it is very important for them to have a place in the house where they can hide. Protection and peace of mind is an important factor in a pet’s life, which worries them greatly

Having their own shelter, pets can easily make contact with a person than those who do not have their own house and the ability to hide when they do not want to communicate. The same behavior can be observed when the cat is in its bed. Having their favorite place, cats feel liberated, protected and happy.

Main reasons for seeking shelter

There are many explanations for why a cat hides in dark places. In some cases, the shelter is not always truly dark, but simply cool or, conversely, warm. There may be several favorite places for a pet, often they are well known to the owner. It is advisable not to disturb the animal at such a moment, because sometimes he needs to be alone with himself.

Why does a cat try to be invisible? Let's list some common reasons:

  • character trait;
  • the presence of another, older cat in the house;
  • the need to calm down after suffering stress;
  • anticipation of the appearance of offspring;
  • desire to play;
  • desire for security.

Timid by nature

By nature, some cats are sociable, while others prefer loneliness. Those who belong to the second category instinctively try to be “in the shadows” more often, which guarantees safety. Such a kitten will not sleep on a wide sofa with its tummy up, with its paws spread to the sides. Also, he will not once again catch someone’s eye. You can force him to come out of hiding with gentle words, a favorite treat, or a bright, entertaining toy.

Trying to get peace and comfort, even sociable cats hide. They may find a place for themselves in the linen closet or on the cool wooden floor under the bed. It all depends on whether the pet is cold or hot.

Away from the Boss

The presence of another cat or an older cat in the house causes the younger cat to hide more often. The owner can create a maze of boxes especially for him, through which he can easily get to a bowl of food or tray. The boxes must have multiple entrances and exits so that you can escape in time, avoiding a dangerous or unwanted collision with your opponent.


What to do if your cat constantly hides in a dark place. We need to keep an eye on her. If her health is fine, her fur is shiny, and her nose is wet, then the pet’s behavior is due to other reasons.

Relief from stress

After getting into an unpleasant situation or being offended, even the most sociable cat hides in order to survive the stress and regain equanimity. Cats get used to their home and don’t really like change.

If a kitten is taken to another family, the naturally cautious animal will need time to adapt. In the first days, the pet will react sensitively to any sounds or movements, and if it senses danger, it will definitely hide

Tamed domestic cats get used to it faster than those adopted from a shelter or from the street. It is not so easy to regain the trust of an animal that has lost its former home. It will take patience, a calm atmosphere and a kind attitude.

Interesting situation

Pregnant cats begin to hide in dark places, which means kittens will be born soon. To prevent your cat from hiding and throwing your things out of your nightstands and closets in search of a suitable place to place her offspring, prepare a box with soft bedding for her. Place it in a convenient place so that the cat and babies will not be disturbed.

Let's play hide and seek or go hunting

If your kitten hides under the sofa during the day and hits its owner by the legs, then in this way he is simply playing hunter. For him, a dark place is an ambush from which he stalks his prey. Some cats won't mind running around and playing chase, hide and seek, or cat and mouse. They can realize their natural hunting instinct at home only through play.


Search for safety

According to some cats, the owner's bed is considered the safest and most reliable place. Under the blanket it is warm and cozy, there is a familiar smell, which is a guarantee of protection and peace. Not every owner can be with their pet all the time. In the morning he goes to work and returns only in the evening. A cat can crawl under the blanket for the whole day, wanting to constantly feel the presence of its owner, patiently waiting for his return and a delicious dinner.

Rusting sounds

Sound is very important to a cat.

Any plastic bag rustles, and this attracts the animal's attention. Firstly, because there are not many unusual sounds in the life of a domestic cat.

Secondly, because in nature prey often rustles. Mice and other rodents scratch in their burrows and rustle in the grass as they run through it. Cats automatically respond to sound. If it rustles, it means you have to catch it. And then either eat or play.

Boxes, unlike soft beds, also make a similar sound - and from the cat’s point of view, this is an extra plus in their favor. This reminds us of nature, where everything makes some sounds - the grass on which the cat is trying to lie down, and the branch along which it is walking, and many other things.

Admit it, you, too, would not resist something pleasant and rustling. Millions of people cannot stop eating the soft and rustling film with pimples. Cats have their own analogue.

The main thing is not to let your cat play with a small bag that smells like something tasty to her. There is a high probability that she will start licking him and even eating him. And a swallowed bag or film is one of the worst things that can happen to a cat’s stomach, right after needles and other sharp objects.

Cats love music too

These animals have a very developed sound, in the sense that they can pick up very high frequencies, unlike humans. Therefore, cats perceive surrounding sounds a little differently than we do. In other words, we can say that they have a truly musical ear.

When a pet hears unusual acoustic signals, it becomes interested in them. Cardboard and polyethylene may well be sources of such sounds. They will also intensify if they are inside a bag or box at this time. After all, cats mostly chew such things when they sit inside them, and not outside - here is your answer why this is so.

In general, there is nothing so seditious about the fact that your cat chews cardboard boxes or plastic bags and prefers to sit in them. True, such toys can potentially be dangerous. Be sure to ensure that your pet under no circumstances eats paper and, especially, polyethylene. These things are not digested in the stomach. Accordingly, the cat faces serious digestive problems.

The cat gnawed a cardboard box like a shredder, maybe it’s missing some vitamins?

Author of the publication

White noise

Achievement received 10/17/2018

Magic of packages

Every cat owner notices that not only boxes attract the pet, but also other places for rest that are quite strange, to the human eye, for example, bags or packages.

A paper “house” with a window made from a grocery bag is very interesting to an animal

Cats often lay on top of plastic bags and grocery bags or climb inside.

Like boxes, bags are a fun toy that rustles and rustles attractively, moves under the paws, and thanks to static, also sticks to the animal’s fur. In addition, some bags smell of something delicious that was once inside.

Sometimes pets get their heads into the handles of the bag, and they need to be freed from such a “cloak” before they begin to choke themselves, trying to get out

Large, small and even miniature boxes and bags can not only become a cat's favorite toy, but also help her cope with stress and other unpleasant moments in life. If your furry pets are left alone at home, then there is nothing better than leaving them a cardboard or cellophane “miracle” when going to work: these entertainers will definitely find a way to deal with it.


After all, boxes and bags are a huge source of new experiences for a cat. Especially if they have not been in the house for a long time, but were just brought from the street.

The box that just contained a brand new TV contains a huge amount of odors. This is the smell of the TV, and the smell of the store, and the smell of people who touched this box. Cellophane also brought a lot of smells with the new thing. We need to investigate everything urgently! And cardboard and bags hold odors perfectly.

Plus, boxes are a wonderful variety in seating areas. Even in the largest house, a cat has time to quickly explore all corners and lie on all surfaces. The cat has not yet laid on the new thing, and it seems to her that this urgently needs to be fixed. There should be no place in the house left without the cat's attention.

Street cats are less likely to climb into a box or bag out of curiosity; they constantly have a lot of impressions and many different stimuli. But for a domestic cat, which is always in a familiar environment, the appearance of a new object is a real holiday.

Finally, getting into a box or bag is a kind of quest. You need to make an effort to deftly and gracefully jump over the cardboard wall and find yourself inside the box. “Look how I can!” - the cat says to the household and to itself. She has overcome some obstacle (of which there are not many in the life of a domestic cat) and is now sitting in a box, incredibly pleased with herself.

Interesting research

Scientists from a university in Utrecht (Netherlands) studied the benefits of such boxes for two groups of newly arrived cats. What was the essence of the study? One group of animals had the opportunity to hide in their own boxes, while the other did not. What was the outcome? Not surprisingly, those pets who were able to hide in boxes experienced significantly less stress (after all, they were able to relax better), felt more comfortable in their surroundings and were more interested in interacting with people than cats who did not have boxes.

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Pets often look for a secluded place: in their understanding, a box is exactly the object in which they can retire. It is noteworthy: the tighter the box, the more desirable it becomes for cats.

Why do cats climb into boxes?

It is difficult to understand a cat's psyche, moods and desires. It is difficult to study them, as well as to understand the results of experiments conducted on them. However, research has revealed the following - murks strive for secluded places, looking for comfort and safety.

Research is good, but as know-it-all cat owners, we are no less curious and also want to know why cats like to sit in boxes and bags, considering all the possible options. Let's start with the simplest versions.

Ambush game

When a cat hides, we perceive it as just another prank. The little predator doesn’t think so; he is now catching his prey. You can’t escape instinctual needs, and our cat’s distant ancestors got their food from ambush. Why is the box not a shelter for a surprise attack? So the pet lurks, preparing to pounce. If you want to check, walk past the shelter and with a high degree of probability a lightning attack will be made on your leg.

Ear for music

I think many people have noticed that cats love rustling objects. You know why cats and cats like boxes - right, because of their wonderful rustling sound.

You can often notice that a pet, having taken a fancy to a bag or cardboard shelter, begins to dig and bite corners there. By the way, cats love to chew on boxes for the same reason. And if you do this inside, the sound is also amplified due to the echo.

Hide and seek from society

The cat is not a strategist in the field of resolving conflict situations. It is easier for her to avoid meeting a possible enemy. That's why cats climb into boxes not to solve problems, but to hide from them. But even in a great mood, Murka also does not shy away from cardboard fun.

Personal space

If you are wondering why cats love boxes, then it will not hurt to know that for a pet, having personal space is just as important a factor as for a person. Having taken a fancy to a cardboard shelter or even a package, the pussy “settles in” in its place, a personal room, saturated only with its aromas. So, if you notice that your pet’s interest in the box is more than idle, arrange a home for him. A warm pillow along with a favorite toy will take your cat to the skies.

The smell of cardboard is a habit

Cats are often housed in boxes after lambing. In this case, the smell of cardboard is one of the first, and therefore familiar, aromas that the kitten remembers. In addition, the smell of childhood reminds a purring mother. In addition, the boxes are made of paper, which, in turn, is made of wood - a natural material that reminds your pet of wild roots. This is especially true for cats that are never outside.

Feeling of security

It may sound ridiculous, but cats' love of solitude and boxes is often based on this factor. Conduct an experiment, place several boxes of different sizes in front of your pet, and he will definitely climb into the one that is ideal for him in size. But even if there is nothing suitable for the dimensions of the mustache, he will make every effort to fit there at least partially.

It is believed that cats completely relax in boxes. Instincts tell the pet that a dense environment is protection, similar to natural shelters, such as a hollow in a tree.

Why do cats like to sit in boxes and people like to look at it? But this is a whole lot of fun not only for the fluffy one, but for all family members. The performance can be made even more colorful if you use your imagination. Cut several different holes in the box or build a cat house out of cardboard and see how enthusiastically your pet will begin to master the new structure.

Reason for changing registration

There are pets who are overly concerned about their children. They move away a little from giving birth and begin to constantly drag their offspring, finding new habitats every day.

1. The mother is not satisfied with the place chosen by the owners. It may be too hot (the box is under the radiator) or, conversely, very cold; insufficiently protected; too crowded (for example, this is the kitchen, where there are always a lot of people). Also, an area of ​​the house that is too bright may not suit the mother cat. In the latter case, she will drag her offspring into the closet, where it is darker.

2. Inexperience of the mother. We are talking about first-born cats. They still don’t understand why their babies squeak. Not knowing what to do, such mothers begin to drag their kittens to other places.

3. Eclampsia. This is the most serious and dangerous reason for such actions by a new mother. The disease can occur within a month after birth. Its causes are a deficiency or excess of calcium in the body, metabolic disorders or poor nutrition during pregnancy. Eclampsia in females is manifested by nervousness, which turns into aggressiveness, and heavy breathing.

A mother with this disease will constantly move her babies to other places. She can bite them

If you suspect eclampsia, it is important to immediately seek help from a cat doctor, otherwise the cat may even die

4. Breed specificity. Representatives of some breeds have a well-developed protective instinct. It manifests itself precisely in excessive guardianship over the offspring, in attempts to drag them into dark places inaccessible to the owners. This is what Singaporeans and Bengal cats do. In this way, they seem to throw predators off the scent and protect the cubs.

If a mother constantly drags her very young kittens around, then such actions can have serious consequences for them. For example, jumping from a height, jumping over the high side of a box, a mother can drop her baby.

By holding a child tightly by the withers, a cat can injure him. That is why it is strictly forbidden to forcibly snatch kittens from their mother’s mouth. It also happens that a cat drags each cub to different places and forgets where exactly she hid it. This way the baby can die, especially if he is still blind.

The mother is not happy with the place chosen by the owners. It may be too hot (the box is under the radiator) or, conversely, very cold; insufficiently protected; too crowded (for example, this is the kitchen, where there are always a lot of people). Also, an area of ​​the house that is too bright may not suit the mother cat. In the latter case, she will drag her offspring into the closet, where it is darker. Inexperience of the mother. We are talking about first-born cats. They still don’t understand why their babies squeak. Not knowing what to do, such mothers begin to drag their kittens to other places. Eclampsia. This is the most serious and dangerous reason for such actions by a new mother. The disease can occur within a month after birth. Its causes are a deficiency or excess of calcium in the body, metabolic disorders or poor nutrition during pregnancy. Eclampsia in females is manifested by nervousness, which turns into aggressiveness, and heavy breathing. A mother with this disease will constantly move her babies to other places. She can bite them

If you suspect eclampsia, it is important to immediately seek help from a cat doctor, otherwise the cat may even die. Breed specificity. Representatives of some breeds have a well-developed protective instinct.

It manifests itself precisely in excessive guardianship over the offspring, in attempts to drag them into dark places inaccessible to the owners. This is what Singaporeans and Bengal cats do. In this way, they seem to throw predators off the scent and protect the cubs.

If a mother constantly drags her very young kittens around, then such actions can have serious consequences for them. For example, jumping from a height, jumping over the high side of a box, a mother can drop her baby. By holding a child tightly by the withers, a cat can injure him. That is why it is strictly forbidden to forcibly snatch kittens from their mother’s mouth. It also happens that a cat drags each cub to different places and forgets where exactly she hid it. This way the baby can die, especially if he is still blind.

How to play using boxes

An attentive owner can take care of his pet. It's easy to make a simple toy that will still bring a lot of joy to your cat.

  1. Take several boxes of different sizes and cut holes in them of such a diameter that the cat can freely crawl into them.
  2. Connect the boxes together horizontally and vertically using double-sided tape, leaving the passages clear so that the animal can get from box to box, from floor to floor.
  3. Give the cat the opportunity to roam around the boxes.

A more complex option consists of plywood boxes, which are installed on supports covered with jute ropes. Such apartment buildings can be purchased at pet stores or built independently.

Game object

Cats are extremely sensitive to rustling sounds, since their main prey in nature are small rodents. There is no better way to prank a well-fed pet than to offer him something rustling. Cardboard makes appropriate sounds even if you simply scratch your finger across it. Any toy automatically becomes more attractive if it is in a box.

In addition, cardboard has a very suitable consistency from a cat's point of view. It’s nice to scratch it with your claws - it’s not without reason that many pet supply manufacturers already produce cardboard scratching posts. Some cats enjoy biting and chewing the edges of boxes and chewing real holes in them.

The fascination of the spectacle and precautions

For cats living in confined spaces of apartments, this is the most fun and variety in a routine, measured existence. Watching such games is a pleasure, causing sincere laughter and tenderness among the owners.

If a person is away from home for a long time and cannot provide his pet with regular active games, when leaving for work, you can leave a box on the floor, the cat will be actively busy all day

However, precautions should be taken when “communicating” your pet with a bag or box:

  1. If you leave your pet alone with an interesting item, preference should be given to boxes, since your pet may get confused in the bag.
  2. The items left behind should not contain polystyrene foam, receipts or other foreign objects that the animal might “test” out of curiosity.
  3. When leaving your pet alone with the bag, it is recommended to remove sharp and shaky objects from the room. After all, when running with a bag, a cat can get hurt on sharp corners.
  4. The box must be intact, or the owner himself can make slits in it for the cat to climb into.
  5. “Toys” should not stand at a height - a closet, a windowsill. A cat that gets into them can play with them, lose its balance and fall to the floor with the box, injuring itself.
  6. Labyrinth. Inventive owners can connect several boxes together to form a tunnel with slots. The animal will be delighted with such a gift - a whole complex of attractions.

Some cats don’t just hide in a box, but sit there for hours, diligently digging for something in the corner with their paws. This is a sign that the animal has decided to make a separate home for itself, isolating itself from society. Owners in such a situation are recommended to help the pet organize a separate home by laying a pillow in it and placing a favorite toy.

If a cat climbs into a bag left on the floor by the owner, or tries to squeeze its carcass into a much smaller box, you don’t need to scold it and drive it away, but rather turn on the camera and enjoy unprecedented fun.

Cats love boxes and bags. So why?

Theory one: a box as a shelter for a cat

Those cats that live in the wild have enemies larger than themselves. These include, for example, wolves, foxes and dogs, in a word, large and medium-sized canines. Naturally, cats had to learn to disguise their presence, becoming almost invisible in a vulnerable situation. To do this, they use the most unimaginable shelters. Cats have retained this passion for finding shelters to this day, continuing to show it even at home, where no foxes threaten them. In addition, paper and cardboard retain heat well. Agree, this is a pretty good explanation of why cats love to sit in boxes.

You can hide well in a box.

Theory two: the cat’s curiosity is to blame

Cat and curiosity are practically synonymous, and these animals simply love to explore everything new that comes their way. If they encounter an unfamiliar object, they will walk around it in circles, slowly approaching it. And so on until the cat comes close to the object and has the opportunity to sniff it properly. If nothing suspicious is found in the smell, they will climb onto or into it (depending on the design of the object). It is possible that something interesting will even be found inside the item that you can play with, for example, with a piece of rustling packaging. Perhaps cats like to sit in boxes precisely because they are interesting.

A version has also been expressed that jumping into any container is something like a cat’s “national” sport

And it doesn’t matter what it will be: an empty pan, an open suitcase prepared for putting things in it, a closet shelf or a box

Cats are very interested in sitting in boxes and bags.

Theory three: the box as a hunting ambush

In natural habitats (as well as in domestic ones), when a cat tracks its prey, it tends to hide behind the stems of grass and presses low to the ground. In this regard, the box is almost an ideal place for an ambush. And, probably, every owner who thinks about why cats love boxes has been attacked by their pet from such an ambush at least once in their life. Why not answer the question?

Sometimes it seems that the smaller the box, the more the cat wants to get into it.

Theory four: boxes and bags as a musical instrument for a cat

The rustle that a box or bag makes when in contact with an animal’s claws gives cats indescribable pleasure and this is another reason why cats love boxes. In addition to the delight of “playing” on the box with their claws, cats also enjoy chewing cardboard. It is also possible that they like the feel of the texture of cardboard on their gums and teeth. In addition, cardboard gives the cat the opportunity to sharpen its claws on it, thus marking the boundaries and important points of its possessions. The enjoyment of rustling sounds is also the reason why cats love bags.

Of course, these are just possible explanations for why cats love boxes, but you will agree that they are quite consistent with the cat behavior and tendencies that these animals demonstrate in the wild. It cannot be ruled out that not just one of the above reasons is true, but all of them, and it is possible that others will be added to their list.

Paper bags are great as a shelter and a crunchy toy at the same time.

The possibilities of a paper bag as a cat toy are very great, and cats know it.

Reasons why cats are partial to cardboard boxes or bags

Every owner of a mustachioed purr knows that if you leave a shopping bag on the floor, your pet will immediately be found in it. There are many versions of why animals revere enclosed spaces in the form of bags or boxes, and they are all quite logical and justified:

  1. Smell. The cat knows absolutely all the smells in the house, so the appearance of a new object arouses genuine interest in it and the need to immediately thoroughly examine it. And if something aromatic and tasty was brought in this package, the cat’s interest is quite understandable.
  2. The spirit of competition. A bag is an amazing item for a cat. It moves under the influence of air or if you touch it, and even makes rustling, attractive sounds. Add to this electrical static, due to which the bag sticks to the fur - what is not an insidious opponent attacking the cat? For many cats, bagging is a fun, active game where the winner must end up inside a foreign object.
  3. Static – when a cat gets into the bag, static electricity affects its fur, causing a very pleasant sensation in the animal.
  4. Anti-stress relief. Psychologists advise people to relieve emotional stress by beating a pillow, putting all their negative emotions into the force of the blows. For cats, the bag is similar to a whipping pillow. “Fighting” with the package, the kitty gets very angry, all the negative emotions come out of it, therefore, climbing inside the “defeated enemy”, the cat calms down and relaxes.
  5. Shelter. The cat, although a predator by nature, is small. Its genetic memory reveals memories of being hunted by large predators, so it is a natural instinct to seek cover, and a box or bag is an excellent place to hide.
  6. Memories. There is an opinion that cats love to sit in cramped boxes and bags because they experience the same sensations in them when they were kittens, and their mother warmed them with her fur. Another reason is the smell of cardboard. When a cat has lambed, she and her kittens are usually given a place in a box, the smell of which is the first thing that newborn babies remember for the rest of their lives.
  7. Comfortable temperature. The simplest explanation is why pussies love to sit in bags and boxes - it’s warmer there. Purrs love warmth, and accordingly, in such shelters they feel most cozy and comfortable.
  8. Mustache and rest. A cat's whiskers are not just an antenna for perceiving the outside world, but a separate organ that is constantly at work, monitoring the slightest vibrations in the air and odors. When the animal sits in a box, in conditions of limited space, it does not need to be constantly alert, and it simply rests.
  9. Associations - the bag is used to carry food, and pets often watch how their owner takes out their favorite treat from a rustling object. And if it ends up on the floor, why not examine it to see if there’s something tasty hidden there?
  10. Wild roots. Before cats were domesticated by humans, they lived in forests, among many pleasant-smelling trees on which they sharpened their claws. Cardboard for boxes is made of wood, and it is its smell that is captured by the animal’s incredibly keen sense of smell. This is another reason why purrs love to be inside cardboard objects.

Surprising but true! An unusual explanation for the phenomenon of cats’ love for boxes and paper bags in 2022 was proposed by Fardin Mark-Antony, a physicist. He said that a cat is a liquid, which means it can be in three states of aggregation - solid, liquid and gas. And since gas and liquid are consistencies that fill any volume, the cat climbs into the box to fill it with itself.

Also watch the video why cats love boxes:

The principle “If it fits, I sits” (“If I fit, I’ll climb”)

Attentive observers will note that in addition to boxes, many cats choose other strange places to rest. Some curl up in the sink. Others prefer shoes, bowls, bags, coffee mugs and other small, confined spaces.

This brings us to another answer to why your cat likes very small boxes (and other seemingly awkward places): it's cold.

According to a 2006 study by the National Research Center, the thermoneutral zone for a domestic cat is 30 - 36 degrees Celsius. This is the temperature range in which the cat is comfortable and does not need to generate additional heat to stay warm or expend metabolic energy to cool down. This range is 10 degrees higher than ours. That's why it's not uncommon to see a cat stretched out on the hot pavement in the middle of a hot summer day, enjoying the sun's rays.

This also explains why many cats like to curl up in tiny cardboard boxes and other strange places. Corrugated cardboard is an excellent insulator and helps your cat retain body heat.

The same study found that the temperature of most cats' living areas is approximately 22 degrees Celsius, which is 14 degrees less than their thermoneutral temperature.

So, the answer has been found: boxes are heat-insulating, stress-relieving zones; places where cats can hide, relax, sleep, and sometimes ambush the huge, unpredictable monkeys they have to live with.


We cannot explain every special behavior of cats. But this is not necessary: ​​it is part of their charm, and observing their behavior in such situations brings us great pleasure. We humans are never sure if our cats really love us or just want free food and shelter.

So why do our four-legged friends, when they see some objects, completely forget about everything else? Whether it's a regular bag from the grocery store or a cardboard box from your friendly mailman, cats are quick to pounce on these things, making them their new toy, home, or even snack. What is the explanation for this habit? Let's find out.

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