Do cats fart: the structure of internal organs, features of the stomach, choice of food and explanations from the veterinarian

People pass gas from time to time, and this is considered normal. Gas formation occurs in the intestines of animals, as in humans. What are the features of this process? Is it typical for cats? Can they fart? How often do you pass gas and what should it normally smell like? What can cause increased gas formation in a kitten or adult animal? Is it dangerous? What to do if your pet constantly farts?

Do they fart or not?

Owners often have a question: “Can cats fart?” Cats fart, and this is a completely normal process of life. However, this happens very rarely. If your cat farts too often, you should pay attention to your pet's health.

During the digestion of food, gases are formed in the cat's intestines. Gases can also form in the stomach due to the action of carbohydrates. Unlike dogs, cats can form a sufficient amount of carbohydrates themselves. Therefore, their increased content in food can cause increased gas formation in the cat’s stomach.

The difference between a caracal and a serval and a puma

In color, the caracal resembles a puma - the same uniform red or reddish coat color with lighter fur below. In terms of physique, the caracal is very similar to the African golden cat, but it has darker fur and no ear tufts.

Besides the African golden cat, the other close relative of the caracal is the serval. The serval differs from the caracal in its spotted color, larger ears without tufts, and much longer limbs and tail.

Why does a cat fart?

A phenomenon that is perceived from people with hostility, misunderstanding, and sometimes with concern for their health, is perceived with affection from cute pets. When a cat farts, we even want to laugh. But why does a cat fart? Perhaps there is no reason to laugh, but is this a warning to us, the owners, that the animal is not in good health? Or is the problem not so serious that you need to worry about it? Let's look at the reasons why a cat farts. And we will understand how to act and what the cat needs.

Big splash Floppa Russian cat - pictures photos instagram template

Since May 2022, the meme has become more popular on sites such as YouTube, Reddit, Instagram and iFunny. On June 4, the r/bigfloppa subreddit was created, collecting thematic memes and fanart.

Danger of flatulence

Bloating, excessive formation and accumulation of gases can cause flatulence. If a cat hiccups, farts, or belches, we can conclude that there is a malfunction in the digestive system. Due to flatulence, a cat may begin to vomit, diarrhea, cramps, and the abdominal wall may be deformed, which is very dangerous for the animal’s body.

If a cat with such problems continues to eat food, this leads to its incomplete digestion. Food gets stuck in the intestines and begins to rot. The result of this may be intoxication of the animal's body. If your cat's farts smell rotten, this is an important reason to immediately contact a veterinarian.


In fact, a domesticated caracal is no different from an ordinary cat. Well, maybe it weighs 15-20 kilograms. But their character is very similar. It largely depends on the habits of the owners and their attitude. With plenty of feeding, proper care and affectionate treatment, the caracal becomes a very friendly, loyal and calm pet.

As a rule, people who accuse them of cruelty and unsociability are themselves to blame - they scare away the beast with shouts, threats, beatings, or make other serious mistakes.

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If everything is done correctly, the caracal will become a curious and playful pet; it will be happy to play with domestic cats and dogs, not to mention children. True, you still need to be careful here - this is a serious predator with sharp claws and long fangs. A playful or angry animal may well accidentally cause pain to people or other animals. However, like any cat, only taking into account the difference in size.

And, of course, you need to immediately outline the boundaries of what is permitted. Feed in a certain place, do not allow the kitten to play with the owners’ things, and do not let the kitten sleep in the bed. It’s unlikely that anyone will want to share a bed with a twenty-kilogram cat in six months or a year.

When to go to the vet

If your cat farts frequently and there is an unpleasant odor from the gases, then this is a good reason to visit the veterinary clinic. Self-medication in this case will do more harm than good. Without diagnostics and tests, it is difficult to determine the source of dysfunction and select medications.

Veterinarians advise not to ignore flatulence in pets: it is better to be safe than to carry out long-term therapy for a sick pet. If a cat farts once, then this is a normal reaction of her body; with prolonged gas formation, professional help is needed.

Where does he live?

Most of the caracal population lives in Africa. Predators are widespread south of the Sahara, but are practically absent in the north. In Asia, the animal lives on the Arabian Peninsula (Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Yemen), the Middle East (Israel, Turkey, Libya, Syria), Central Asia (Iran, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Pakistan), and northwest India.

The caracal prefers to live in arid areas with low precipitation and natural shelters - stones, thickets, grass. The predator lives in forests and bushes, savanna and prairies, inhabits deserts, semi-deserts and swampy lowlands. Caracals are perfectly adapted for steppe arid terrain with a minimal amount of greenery.

In Ethiopia, the cat is often seen along the roads, and the animal is hit by cars. In Abu Dhabi in 2022, caracals were spotted for the first time since 1984. In Uzbekistan, the animal lives only in the Ustyurt and Kyzylkum deserts. In India, the predator is found only in the Sariska and Ranthambore national parks in the Rajasthan province in northern India.

The structure of the digestive system

The digestive system of cats consists of the oral cavity, pharynx, stomach, small and large intestines. The pancreas, duodenum and gallbladder also take part in the digestion process.

An adult cat has 30 teeth in its mouth. The tongue is covered with small, rough papillae, thanks to which the cat can lap up all sorts of liquids. Thanks to saliva, the digestion process begins in the oral cavity. Next, the cat pushes food into the esophagus, which can stretch if necessary.

The food then enters the stomach, where it is digested with the help of gastric juice. From the stomach, food enters the small intestine, where it is finally digested with the help of a pancreatic enzyme.

The processed compressed waste is excreted through the large intestine. It also serves to form beneficial microorganisms and bacteria.

History of the breed

The desert lynx is easy to tame. Thus, the ancient Turks and Kazakhs from the poor classes took a tamed caracal with them to hunt, using it to catch hares, antelopes, and birds. Over time, the fashion for such hunting fell away. Thus, the need to tame the desert lynx also disappeared.

Until the 80s of the last century, representatives of the Caracal cat breed were found only in the wild and zoos. At the Moscow Zoo, an ordinary cat once wandered into the enclosure of a desert lynx, and then gave birth to a kitten of an unusually beautiful color. In addition, small tassels hung from the ears of the newborn purr.

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The news of an accidental interspecific crossing, which was crowned with success, quickly spread throughout felinological circles. Breeders began to breed another breed of cats.

Meanwhile, over time, the popularity of Caracal cats - beautiful animals that are not difficult to tame - has sharply increased among exotic lovers.

A cross between caracals and domestic cats has been officially registered as the caraquet breed.

Features of the stomach

A cat's stomach is single-chamber. The inside is lined with a mucous membrane that produces gastric juice. There are two openings from the stomach: one opens into the esophagus, and the other opens into the small intestine.

The cat's stomach serves to store food and control the rate at which food enters the intestines and secretes enzymes necessary for the digestion process. Mixing and grinding of food occurs in it. With muscle movements, it directs food into the small intestine.

When food enters the stomach, its bottom relaxes to reduce intragastric pressure. The smell and taste of food causes the secretion of gastric juice. Digested food is sent to the intestines, and its undigested part remains in the stomach. The more caloric a food is, the slower it is digested.

How do gases form in the intestines of animals, does this happen in cats?

Gas is a byproduct of digestion. They are formed in the intestines of every animal and are the result of the vital activity of bacteria in the intestines. During the digestion of food, microorganisms secrete enzymes that convert the substances absorbed from it into vitamins and other components necessary for the body.

In the process of breaking down food by anaerobic bacteria, a certain amount of gases is formed, which are partially absorbed by them and partially remain in the intestines. If the animal’s body functions without failures, a small amount is absorbed into the bloodstream, while most leaves the body through the rectum.

These substances consist of:

  • oxygen;
  • nitrogen;
  • carbon dioxide;
  • hydrogen;
  • a small amount of methane.

The components of intestinal gases are odorless. It appears due to substances containing sulfur, which are secreted by bacteria that live in the large intestine. Cats, like any other animal, produce gases in their bodies.

What does it eat?

Caracals are carnivorous carnivores, feeding mainly on small mammals, rodents and birds. In South Africa, the caracal's diet consists of the following animals:

  • cape grisbok
  • bush duiker
  • bush rat
  • cape hyrax
  • hares
  • birds
  • sheep
  • goats

Mammals typically make up about 80% of an animal's diet. From time to time, predators also eat snakes, lizards and insects. In western India, caracals eat mainly rodents. On occasion, the caracal also hunts larger antelopes - kudu, impala, springbok, Cape bushbuck, mountain swamp goat.

The caracal is a fast and powerful predator, so it even hunts prey that is 2-3 times its size. Powerful hind legs allow the animal to jump to a height of 3 meters and catch birds in flight. The caracal has excellent coordination, and is able to turn while jumping and change the direction of its body in the air. Excellent at climbing trees.

The predator's favorite method of hunting is to sneak up to the prey at a distance of 5-6 meters, then overtake the prey in several jumps. The caracal kills small animals with a bite to the back of the head; large antelopes are usually strangled by clinging to the neck. After a successful hunt, the predator eats the prey immediately, less often drags the victim into a tree or drags it to a secluded place. The caracal hides the remains of large prey for later, so that it can return and finish eating in the future. On occasion it feeds on carrion, but quite rarely.

Possible causes of flatulence

If you are wondering “do cats fart”, then you are probably interested in the reason for this phenomenon. The reason for the increased formation of gases in the stomach can be a sudden transition of the animal to another food. It is worth remembering that if an animal eats one type of dry food, then abruptly switching it to another can be very harmful to the body. New food should be introduced into the diet gradually so that the body gets used to it.

Another reason may be swallowing air while eating. This is due to the fact that the cat's bowl is too low or high, which is why the animal is forced to take an uncomfortable position while eating. Rapid absorption of food can also lead to swallowing air: this is typical for kittens and young individuals.

The increased content of carbohydrates in food is one of the main reasons for the formation of gases in the stomach. Flatulence is also possible as a result of an allergic reaction to some food component. Very allergenic are cheap foods that contain a large number of various chemical additives that cause addiction in the animal.

Increased gas formation can be caused by inflammatory processes in the stomach and intestines. Congenital pathologies or injuries received during life can disrupt the functioning of the digestive system.

A common cause of flatulence in street animals is viral infection. Another reason for increased gas formation can be dysbacteriosis. A change in the number of microorganisms in the stomach can occur after an animal takes antibiotics or due to inflammatory processes in the body.

Population and protection of the species

The caracal has been listed as a species of least concern on the Red Book since 2002. Since the animal lives in 50 countries, the status of the population in different regions varies greatly. In North Africa, the predator has now been practically exterminated. In Pakistan, Jordan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, the population is on the verge of complete extinction. A stable population has survived only in southern and central Africa.

Today, caracal hunting is prohibited in the following countries:

  • Afghanistan
  • Algeria
  • Egypt
  • Tunisia
  • Israel
  • India
  • Iran
  • Pakistan
  • Syria
  • Tajikistan
  • Türkiye
  • Turkmenistan
  • Morocco
  • Kazakhstan
  • Libya
  • Jordan

What causes increased gas formation?

The following reasons will tell you why a cat farts and why the intestines do not function normally:

  • Individual intolerance. Allergies are associated with a negative reaction of the body to certain foods. Most often these are gluten, milk sugar, and artificial ingredients in dry and liquid food. A striking example is budget food. Cheap formulations add elements that cause addiction in the animal, which then farts, suffers from gas and colic.
  • Constipation. If a pet cannot empty its intestines or fart, this will inevitably lead to gas formation and other processes that cause discomfort to the cat.
  • Limitation of intestinal functions. The pathology of the inability of the intestines to process food is most often a congenital problem. Other factors include injury or previous stomach illnesses. An accurate diagnosis can only be made with long-term observation by a doctor.
  • Dysbacteriosis. For normal functioning, the stomach and intestines will need positive microorganisms. Their deficiency leads to decreased immunity and problems with flatulence, when the animal farts constantly. Bacteria are destroyed due to active use of antibiotics or through toxicity.
  • Viral infection. If a cat goes outside and does this more than once a day, catching the virus is easier than ever. The most common is parvovirus, found in every second street reveler, for whom farting becomes the norm.
  • Inflammatory process. Diarrhea, vomiting, and bad breath will help identify the presence of inflammation. Flatulence in such diseases is a side effect, signaling that it is time for your pet to see a veterinarian.

In addition to diseases, you should also know about the natural reasons why a cat farts a lot.

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Firstly, this is an increased amount of carbohydrates in the body. According to regulations, food for adults should not contain more than 15% carbohydrate particles. Moreover, it is better if these are so-called fast carbohydrates, the digestion and processing of which will not cause problems in the intestines and will not lead to farting.

Secondly, we must not forget about the rules for organizing a place to eat for a cat. When the bowl is too low or high, the cat is forced into an awkward position. This leads to air entering the stomach and natural gas formation, farting. If an animal farts and constantly faces such problems, there is a high risk of critical disruption of digestive processes.

Those who skimp on pet food face this problem more often. The cat farts very often, which is a consequence of exposure to artificial ingredients and flavoring additives that negatively affect the stomach, intestines and the body as a whole. Branded formulations are prepared from natural meat and include the entire vitamin complex aimed at strengthening the immune system.

According to doctors' studies, the main reason that a furry animal farts is swallowing air. Diseases and poor quality of feed take second place. But flatulence is always an individual indicator, although in a healthy cat gases pass out within two hours after eating and in most cases unnoticed by others.

A cat may also swallow air due to its own clumsiness. This is a common problem for kittens who want to eat constantly and try to empty the bowl as quickly as possible. Young cats fart more often. A plastic ball will help moderate the ardor. In this case, the kitten will have to select food and move the ball with its nose, which will significantly slow down its eating.

What does a caracal look like?

The caracal is a medium-sized wild cat. It is distinguished by an elongated muscular body, strong build, short muzzle, long powerful legs, and ears with black tassels. The height of the animal at the withers reaches 40-50 cm. The body length of males is on average 78-108 cm, plus a tail 21-34 cm long. Females are inferior in size to males: body length with head varies from 71 to 102 cm, with a tail 18 cm long. -31 cm. Males weigh from 7.2 to 19 kg, females are slightly smaller - from 7 to 15.9 kg.

On the ears of the caracal, recognizable black tassels up to 4.5 cm long are visible. With age, when the animal ages, the tassels may drop down. The animal has a narrow eye shape. Lowering the upper eyelid slightly helps protect the eyes from bright sunlight. On the muzzle there are black stripes from the corners of the eyes along the nose to the mouth, 3 dark stripes also cross the forehead and there are small specks of white fur near the eyes and mouth of the animal.

The caracal has no spots on its skin, the color is uniform and varies from red to reddish. The fur on the belly and back of the limbs is noticeably lighter. Very rarely, but there are black caracals - melanistic animals. The short and dense coat becomes coarser in summer and softer in winter due to the longer and denser undercoat in winter. In winter, the coat is longer - the length of the guard hair is about 3 cm in winter, and shortens to 2 cm in summer.

What to do if a cat farts?

First of all, it is necessary to properly arrange the place for eating. The animal should have a relaxed posture while eating: do not pull its head too low or high, do not throw it to the side.

It is worth taking care of proper nutrition for your pet. Cheap food can be addictive in cats, and they also contain strong allergens. Problems can also arise when feeding an animal with natural food, because under no circumstances should you simply feed a cat fish or cutlets from the table. Natural food must be properly balanced.

If the above measures do not change the situation, and the cat still farts often, you should take him to the veterinarian. Don’t forget that timely measures can save your pet’s life.

Where can I buy a kitten and how much does it cost?

Those who decide to have caracal kittens inevitably have the question of where to buy them and what their cost is. The official breeding and sale of these cats is carried out by specialized nurseries. They come in home and aviary types. You should not buy caracals for keeping at home. Firstly, keeping these animals at home without the necessary documents is prohibited, otherwise they are subject to confiscation. Secondly, a kitten acquired in this way may turn out to be sick.

It is recommended to buy kittens after they are 5–6 months old. Before buying a baby, you need to carefully examine and observe its behavior. Healthy individuals are active and have a smooth coat. On average, kittens of this breed cost about 650 thousand rubles.

Clinical picture

Of course, when a cat constantly passes gas, the diagnosis is quite simple. But it’s still worth remembering that there are other clinical signs that directly indicate flatulence:

  • Vomit.
  • Diarrhea or constipation.
  • Rumbling in the stomach, also known as borborygmy. Occurs when intestinal gas bubbles begin to “roll” in the intestines.
  • Copious release of gases through the anus. Sometimes the smell is so strong that it is impossible to be in the same room with the animal.
  • Muscle spasms causing severe pain. It is impossible to touch the stomach of a sick cat, since the animal reacts to such attempts very inadequately and aggressively.

In addition, the stomach of a sick pet noticeably swells and feels like a drum . The muscles become very tense. The cat cannot lie or sit quietly, constantly fidgets, and sometimes howls in pain. A pet in this state refuses food, and thirst may persist.

Description and origin of the species

The name "caracal" was proposed by the French naturalist Georges Buffon in 1761, and comes from the Turkish "kara-kulak", which literally translates to "cat with black ears". The Greeks and Romans called the caracal a lynx, but today the name "lynx" belongs to a different genus. However, the animal is still often called a lynx.

The first scientific description of the species was made by the German naturalist Johann von Schreber in 1776 from the skin of an animal from the Cape of Good Hope. The animal received the scientific name Felis caracal. In 1846, British zoologist John Edward Gray separated the predator into a separate genus, Caracal, and changed the scientific name of the species to Caracal caracal. The animal belongs to the Feline family and the subfamily Small cats (Felinae).

Genetically, the caracal's closest relative is the African golden cat, another member of the Caracal genus. Their common ancestor separated from the common genetic line with the serval about 2 million years ago.

Veterinarian advice

Veterinarians have concluded that the most common reason cats fart is swallowing air when eating. The second most important reason is poor quality feed. Economy-segment food is now widely available on the market, and many owners feed it to their pets, thereby causing severe harm to the body. Low-quality food is especially harmful for kittens: the animal’s body is not yet formed and it is very important that it receives all the necessary nutrients and vitamins.

It is worth noting that various diseases are also a common cause of flatulence, which only a veterinarian can identify. You shouldn’t leave things to chance if you have doubts about your pet’s well-being.

At the appointment, the veterinarian must do an external examination and palpate the abdomen. The animal's blood should be taken for tests. An x-ray or ultrasound may also be needed. It is these actions that can help determine the cause of flatulence and take the necessary measures in time.

Natural enemies

Caracals avoid larger cats - lions, cheetahs, leopards, and also stay away from packs of hyenas and wild dogs. Thanks to their red color, caracals are perfectly camouflaged in steppe and desert areas, simply lying down on the ground. The animal is distinguished by its agility, which helps it escape from pursuit.

The predator's main competitors for prey are foxes, wolves, leopards, and hyenas. Leopards are especially dangerous for caracals in the wild. These predators not only take prey from the animal, but also actively hunt the caracal itself. The caracal has little chance against a leopard.

Humans pose a greater threat to the animal.

  • reductions in habitat and food supply are reducing populations worldwide;
  • in Africa, farmers actively shoot predators to protect small livestock;
  • in Uzbekistan, caracals are killed by shepherds to save sheep and goats;
  • in Turkey, Iran and Ethiopia, the animal often gets run over on the highway;
  • in the Arabian Peninsula, animals are often hunted for their skins.

Causes, symptoms and diagnosis

Having noticed that flatulence constantly bothers your cat, you should not go to extremes, come up with terrible diagnoses, and even less self-medicate. Let’s immediately say that flatulence can occur for hundreds of reasons; we will give the most common ones. So, increased gas production can be associated with a number of ailments or abnormalities in the body’s functioning:

  • Constipation - a cat cannot empty its intestines in a timely manner for some reason.
  • Allergies or individual intolerances – cats may be intolerant to certain substances, such as milk sugar or gluten. Against the background of immunity, a four-legged animal can happily consume harmful foods, and then suffer from gases.
  • The inability of the intestines to properly digest food can be due to a number of reasons, from paresis and insufficient peristalsis to metabolic disorders. Such a problem can only be identified by long-term monitoring of the condition of the cat.
  • Dysbacteriosis is a condition caused by an insufficient number of beneficial bacteria in the intestines of an animal. Friendly microorganisms may be destroyed by antibiotic treatment or replaced by other microorganisms.
  • Intestinal inflammation is infectious or bacterial - typical signs: diarrhea, vomiting, frequent belching, bad breath.
  • Intestinal viruses, such as parvovirus.
  • New growths in the intestines, including benign ones.
  • Other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

In addition to illness, flatulence can be associated with aspects of care. After analyzing the points below, you will understand why a cat farts:

  • A diet high in carbohydrates - the cat’s menu should contain fast carbohydrates, but according to generally accepted rules, no more than 13-20% of the total food (for adult cats).
  • Incorrect body position while eating food or water - when the bowl is low and uncomfortable and the cat has to take an unnatural position while eating, this leads to swallowing air. A similar situation occurs if the bowl slides on the floor while eating. A small amount of swallowed air is released in the form of belching. If a cat constantly swallows air, this leads to poor digestion and the development of severe flatulence.

The volume of accumulated gases is a very individual indicator. In some cats, flatulence is almost unnoticeable (gases pass for up to 2 hours), while for others it brings noticeable inconvenience: vomiting, diarrhea, severe gurgling in the intestines and, as a result, cramps. It has been established that the main factor in the development of flatulence is swallowing air, followed by swallowing food too quickly.

The problem of swallowing air can be solved relatively easily - purchase a non-slip mat or stand for the bowl. It is more difficult to fight flatulence if it is caused by the fermentation process. If you suspect that the cause of gas accumulation is insufficient quality care, you will find instructions for action in the next section.

If everything is fine with your diet and you are sure of it, you need to go to the clinic and conduct a series of examinations:

  • Examination of the cat and palpation of the peritoneum.
  • Complete blood test, including kidney and liver parameters.
  • Urine and stool analysis.
  • Ultrasound and, if necessary, X-ray examination of the abdominal cavity with contrast.

Before contacting the clinic, we recommend that you take a detailed history of the animal. Try to write down in detail everything related to the daily routine, diet, activity and characteristics of caring for your pet. Long-haired cats may suffer from hair clumping in the stomach, if you did not give your ward any preventive medications, this should be indicated in the anamnesis.

Bloating in a cat due to flatulence

So that you have no doubt that your cat really has flatulence and not some other disease, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the characteristic symptoms of this disorder. So, the cat behaves restlessly, meows pitifully and tries to attract your attention, or, on the contrary, hides in a dark corner and sits there, showing no signs of life.

Caracal and lynx

The caracal is often confused with the lynx. Outwardly, these animals are similar, both have a strong muscular body and pointed ears with tassels. The caracal is slightly smaller in size than the lynx, plus there is a difference in color - the lynx has grayish fur with dark spots, while the caracal has a uniform color without spots or stripes.

How to choose the right food?

A very common cause of flatulence is improperly selected food. Do not forget that a cat is not a person, and therefore you should not feed it from your table. The cat's food must be properly balanced and contain the required amount of vitamins and minerals. Premium species can boast of a good composition.

Cheap economy-class food most often does not contain normal meat, but includes by-products (production waste). In addition, they contain additives that are addictive.

If you decide to feed your cat natural food, you need to consult a veterinarian to create a properly balanced diet. It is worth remembering that a cat's diet should contain 35% protein, 35% carbohydrates and 30% fat. Cat food must contain meat and meat by-products, grains and vegetables. All this should be boiled and minced through a meat grinder into a homogeneous mass. You should use fish carefully, because its excess in the diet can cause urolithiasis, especially in sterilized animals.

Thus, the answer to the question “do cats fart” is clear: yes, they fart. And this is a completely normal process. However, do not forget that if a cat farts frequently, this is a good reason to consult a doctor.

Features of keeping a wild cat at home

Representatives of this breed require the same care as other pets. In order for a pet to be healthy and cheerful, it needs to be properly fed, raised, carry out certain hygiene procedures, and carry out preventive veterinary examinations in a timely manner. In order to prevent serious health problems for the caracal, it is first recommended to find out what diseases this animal is susceptible to.

What to feed your pet?

It is recommended to feed the caracal natural food. Meat should predominate in his diet. Occasionally, a cat can be pampered with premium dry food designed for feeding Maine Coons or representatives of the Norwegian breed. The bowl should contain exactly as much food as your pet can eat at one time. It is not allowed to leave uneaten food. It is advisable to give the animal live rats and mice.

Until the cat reaches 3 years of age, the diet should contain vitamin complexes and calcium supplements. Food should be at room temperature. It should be prepared immediately before feeding. Every 10 days, the pet should be given fasting days, which involve complete abstinence from food for 24 hours. Kittens and cats expecting offspring are freed from fasting. Information on how to properly feed such a pet at home is presented in the table:

Pet ageDaily feeding frequency, timesProducts
  • raw lean meat with bones and cartilage (beef, chicken, turkey);
  • raw sea fish (no more than once a week);
  • raw chicken eggs;
  • vegetables (zucchini, cabbage, pumpkin);
  • fermented milk products.
  • food from the human table;
  • sweets;
  • spicy, salty, pickled, smoked dishes;
  • pork.

How to raise a cat?

These animals do not need special training. They are easy to train and quickly adapt to the rules in their new home. Toilet training will not cause any difficulties. A smart cat will guess what purpose this device serves.

Caracal requires a strict, but fair and affectionate attitude. He does not tolerate raising his voice or physical humiliation. Indecent behavior of a pet must be stopped quickly. You should not allow a kitten to climb onto the dining table or damage household shoes and furniture. It is recommended to remove fragile and valuable objects, as well as poisonous indoor plants, from the animal’s field of view.

These cats love walks. They need to be walked on a harness away from dog walking areas. It is prohibited for a pet to be left without a leash outside an enclosed space.

If there are no plans to breed these animals, it is recommended to sterilize them. A sexually mature individual, whether male or female, actively marks its territory. In this case, the animal’s behavior becomes unpredictable, even aggressive.

What to pay attention to in terms of health?

Representatives of this breed have good health and strong immunity. With proper nutrition, they can easily tolerate diseases such as plague, influenza, and other diseases of a viral and bacterial nature. When keeping a caracal at home, you need to take into account that feeding pork can lead to dire consequences, namely the development of Aujeszky's syndrome, which manifests itself in the form of nervous system dysfunction and skin itching.

To maintain your pet's health at the proper level, it is recommended to regularly vaccinate and deworm it. Proper care, information about which is provided in the table below, also helps strengthen the animal’s body’s defenses.

Hygiene proceduresMultiplicity of executionNote
the washing upOnly in case of contaminationFor bathing, you need to use hypoallergenic cat shampoo.
CombingWeeklyBrush the cat with a rubber brush. During molting, this should be done daily.
Nail trimmingAs it growsTo sharpen your claws yourself, it is recommended to purchase a scratching post. It is better to remove claws on the front paws using a laser.
Eye cleansingAs it gets dirtyCleaning is carried out with a cotton pad soaked in warm boiled water.
Ear cleaning

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Scientists have discovered farting fish

If it seems strange that serious scientists in Scotland are publishing a study on herring farts, what about the fact that they were practically outdone by Swedish scientists who discovered the same phenomenon? This is what great minds do. Bob Batty of the Scottish Association of Ocean Sciences was quite surprised when, together with two researchers from Canada - Ben Wilson and Larry Dill - he made this discovery.

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Thanks to him, they received the “Ig Nobel Prize” (a humorous imitation of the Nobel Prize) for incredible things in biology. The Ig Nobel laureates' tour of the UK begins today, and Betty and Wilson will take part in it. Dr Batty, who works at an ocean science center near Oban, and his colleagues were studying whether herring could recognize the sounds made by predators, as whales and dolphins can do.

Using infrared lighting, video cameras and underwater microphones, they studied the herring's behavior throughout the day. “We heard these rattling sounds, which only happened at night, whenever we saw tiny gas bubbles appearing near the tail of the fish,” says Batty. “We also found that the fish released more bubbles the more they were near them. other fish.

In other words, they like to fart in company,” says Wilson. As Betty explains, after analyzing the gas bubbles using chromatography, they determined that it was air that the herring had captured from the surface - this had nothing to do with intestinal bloating. He believes that for herrings, farting is a way of nocturnal communication and a way to maintain the integrity of the school.

During the daytime, they exchange visual information, for example, by reflecting light from mirrored scales. Herring and its relatives release bubbles of gas when they are attacked, but the activity discovered by Dr. Batty and his colleagues serves a slightly different purpose. To the average person, this discovery seems to add little to scientific knowledge, but it is not useless.

As Dr. Batty points out, in sonar surveys, oceanographers who are trying to determine the number and size of fish detect air bubbles, so information about when and how much air is released is of interest to them. Why did the farting herring interest the Swedes? Swedish navy sailors heard strange noises of unknown origin and feared they might be coming from a Russian submarine, so they asked scientists to investigate.

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As a result, another scientific work appeared, confirming that the herring of the Baltic Sea is no better, it also behaves indecently.

Big Shlepa Floppa Russian cat - caracal breed

The meme did not gain significant traction outside of ironic meme pages until April 2022. Between February and April 2022, tongue-in-cheek Instagram pages such as tfosing, big_sahnr, pantothepizza, dogie.official and others posted "floppa" memes, using the word to refer to the caracal, as well as other medium and small cats such as bobcats and servals. On March 24, tfosing (esoteric.irony) posted an edit with several clips of Gregory's Caracal and a pet serval with the caption "HOW SOFT IT IS" (shown below). The post received more than 260 likes in three months. On March 25, on Instagram, user hambubrger reposted the meme, gaining more than 2,700 likes in the same period. On April 6, 2022, the iFunny account ShitpostSanctuary posted the meme with 75 smiles.

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Posted by Tfosing (@tfosing)

Gosha's owners know about their pet's viral success. They actively publish new content with cats. And they have already adopted a new meme nickname. For example, they sell merch and accessories in the Big Floppa Store online store.

Much is also known about Gosha himself. He was born in the nursery on December 21, 2022. Caracals are wild animals, but recently they can be kept indoors. At the age of 4 months, Bolshoy Shlyopa moved to the house of Muscovites: Andrey and Elena Bondarev.

Rare breeds of cats don't often end up in memes. But everyone knows: if you see a Pallas’s cat, pet the cat!

Before April 16, 2022, an unknown user posted an ironic demotivational meme with the caption "Big Floppa Flop fo no hoe" (shown below). On April 16, Twitter user @pawpawchan48 made the earliest known repost of the meme, receiving 55 retweets and 420 likes in two months. On April 19, Twitter user @Xenodizzy reposted the meme, receiving over 240 likes and 38 retweets. On April 24, Redditor LlamaKnight11 posted an image of Gregory Caracal titled "Big Floppa" to /r/aww, receiving over 150 upvotes.

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