Review of “Perfect Fit” cat food lines, advantages and disadvantages

The happiness of any owner is a healthy cat full of vital energy. Numerous manufacturers of ready-made food are fighting for the right to fill your pet's bowl with their product. It's difficult not to get lost in the variety of menus and choose the best value for money. Meet the popular cat food - Perfect Fit.

Composition "Perfect Fit"

The food fully corresponds to the price group of “middle peasants”. It is far from premium class, but the diet is quite complete and balanced. However, all important components are approaching the acceptable minimum values. Includes:

  • poultry meal (20% chicken);
  • corn and other cereals;
  • vegetable protein;
  • good quality offal;
  • vegetable oil
  • animal fat;
  • dried beets;
  • minimum of flavorings and flavoring additives;
  • vitamin and mineral supplements;
  • yeast.

Let's look at the beneficial composition of Perfect Fit food for cats using the example of a diet for adults.

Squirrels41 g
Fats14.5 g
Ash8.5 g
Cellulose1.7 g
Moisture6 g
Calcium1.4 g
Phosphorus1 g
Energy value393 kcal / 1645 kJ
Vitamin A690 IU
Vitamin D50 IU
Vitamin E33 mg
Taurine1,800 mg
Zinc sulfate monohydrate394 mg
Ferrous sulfate monohydrate136 mg
Manganese sulfate monohydrate39 mg
Copper sulfate pentahydrate33 mg
Calcium iodate monohydrate26 mg

Large amounts of corn and cereals are not beneficial to the body. Regular use of the product does not lead to urolithiasis and other serious problems. But for daily nutrition it is necessary to add vitamin and mineral complexes in parallel.

general information

Perfect Fit ready-made food for domestic cats is created by the American company Mars. The manufacturer produces several lines in Russia, Hungary and Germany. Among them there is both dry and wet food.

The brand's products are popular among owners of furry and not so four-legged animals, as they contain healthy ingredients. The cost of food is considered not very high compared to premium products, only slightly falling short of its quality.

Types of feed

Perfect Fit ready-made food is available in two types:

  1. Dry – in the form of granules.
  2. Wet - pieces in a jelly-like mass. For convenience, it is packaged in foil bags (pouches).

Dry granules are higher in calories and nutritional value. When using it, your pet should always have clean water in a bowl. A wet diet does not cause the same need for fluid.

There is no fundamental difference between the two types of product. But veterinarians agree that they should not be combined. However, breeders successfully alternate diets.

There is a misconception that dry food causes urolithiasis. But this applies only to a quality product. In this regard, fish causes more damage to the body if fed in unlimited quantities. It contains a lot of phosphorus and magnesium, which affects the formation of stones.

Some restrictions

What should owners who want to transfer their pets to Perfect Fit take into account? The food grade indicates that its quality is quite acceptable, but it is only suitable for healthy cats. If your pet is prone to allergic reactions, has a sensitive digestive tract, or has chronic diseases, then you need to think about choosing a special series of medicinal foods. Of course, it is not always possible to determine on your own how healthy your pet is, so seek advice from a veterinarian.

Feed line

The Perfect Fit brand offers 8 lines of finished product:

  1. Junior – a series for kittens and teenagers up to six months. A young body requires an increased dose of vitamins and mineral supplements for intensive development. The diet contains an increased dose of vitamin C, E and some microelements for brain and vision development. The size of the granules has been reduced to make it easier for small teeth and delicate gums. Also available wet in pouches.
  2. Active – for active pets. An increased dose of protein, vitamins A and B helps keep muscles toned and in physical shape.
  3. Indoor – suitable for couch potatoes or those whose owners do not let them go outside. The diet will prevent the development of obesity and maintain proper metabolism. The composition contains an extract of the evergreen Yucca, which protects against the bad smell of feces. Fiber helps cleanse the esophagus of hair.
  4. Sensitive – for cats with allergies and gastrointestinal problems. Contains natural plant ingredients, excludes soy protein and wheat waste. Recommended for diet for liver and kidney diseases. The wet diet contains prebiotics to support the natural intestinal microflora.
  5. Adult – for adult cats. A balanced combination of nutrients, vitamins, minerals, fatty acids have a positive effect on the condition of the animal’s skin, coat and body as a whole.
  6. Senior – will be needed for elderly individuals over 7 years old. Taurine, which is part of the menu, supports cardiac activity. Omega-3 acids and glucosamine are responsible for joint health.
  7. Hair & Beauty – designed for furry pets. Soy is excluded, the volume of meat products, vitamin A and taurine is increased. Added chicory and cellulose. The coat becomes shiny and silky.
  8. Sterile – recommended for sterilized and neutered cats. The content of iron and B vitamins keeps the body active. Prebiotics will take care of intestinal function, and the nutrient profile will maintain weight balance.

Perfect Fit cat food - reviews

On pet owner forums there are many discussions of inexpensive food, including the Perfect Fit brand. Below we have collected some feedback from these discussions.

Reviews from veterinarians

There are reviews online from cat owners who note that they bought Perfect Fit on the recommendation of a veterinarian. However, we did not find any opinions about this food written by veterinarians themselves.

Customer Reviews

Ksenia writes:

My cat is 7 years old; throughout his life he has eaten a lot of different economy and premium foods. I've been eating Perfect Fit for the last year; I chose it for two reasons. First, he came up. Secondly, you can buy it at the nearest supermarket (there are simply no specialized stores with pet products in our area).

The food comes in a convenient packaging with a reusable zipper and seals tightly. The granules are made in the shape of triangles, chocolate color. It doesn't taste like chicken, but the cat likes it and eats it with pleasure. He goes to the toilet like clockwork, and the smell from the exit is weaker than when we tried Kitikat.

In general, Perfect Fit wave food is good for its price. Throughout the entire feeding period, the cat was active, had a shiny coat, and was only sick with a tick (which he picked up somewhere on the street). I recommend it to anyone looking for affordable cat food.

Asya writes:

Our domestic cat eats Brit Premium food, but we love all animals and therefore feed the cats living in our yard. We buy cheaper food for them, and once again we took Perfect Fit. The advertising for this food is excellent, on the back of the package it is described how healthy it is and the feeding standards are indicated, and on the front there is a ginger cat.

The entire food is called Perfect Fit in-home, it contains chicken and is intended for adult cats living in the house. I took this one because it was on sale and was cheaper than other flavors. The bag is equipped with a zip-lock fastener, easy to open and close tightly. This is where the advantages of the food end.

The granules are triangular with a stinky odor and taste very salty (I always try new food). There is too much salt in the composition; in such quantities it cannot be useful. It also contains cellulose, a useless component that is only needed to induce a feeling of satiety. The feed contains only 21% poultry, the rest is grains.

I gave it to our cat to try and only ate it when mixed with the main food. Stray cats also did not eat very willingly, although they are hungry and in theory should eat everything that is offered. Results: economy class food, appropriate composition, cannot be called good, with ballast components. Even outdoor cats didn’t like it, so I don’t recommend it, especially for pets.

Ulyana writes:

For several years we have been feeding our cat Perfect Fit for sterilized cats (he is neutered). Apart from this food, he doesn’t eat anything else, only sometimes he begs for treats from the table.

The cat eats the food with pleasure and never leaves it in his toe. Vigorous, the coat is silky and shiny, the eyes do not run. The general state of health is excellent, looking at the cat you cannot say that he eats inexpensive food.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • Use of natural ingredients.
  • Diets are developed taking into account the age and weight of pets.
  • Acceptable price.
  • Wide use. Available in almost every pet supply store.

Disadvantages of feed include the lack of instructions on the preservatives and antioxidants used, and the presence of by-products of unknown origin. Unfortunately, the manufacturer can currently only offer customers a narrow line of dry food for dogs. There are no wet food or canned food, but in the future this may change if the company expands its range.

Cost and reviews

To compare with other brands available on the market, we need to know not only the composition, but also the cost. The price of Perfect Fit also changes depending on your weight. We will not list the cost of the entire line; we will focus only on the most popular options. If you have a small kitten and you are just learning its taste preferences, then the best option would be kitten food with chicken, weighing 190 g. The cost of such a package is 86 rubles.

The next option is a pack weighing 0.65 kg. This is the most popular version of Perfect Fit food. Price - 245 rubles. Ideal for an adult cat who leads an active lifestyle, but is too fussy about food to stick to the same flavored food for a long time. A package weighing 1.9 kg will cost you 650 rubles. Finally, the most economical packs weighing 3 kg can be purchased for 1000 rubles.

For older cats

Animals that have lived with us for many years become integral members of the family. In order for them to stay with them as long as possible, you need to choose optimal and gentle nutrition for them. “Perfect” for cats over eight years of age is perfectly balanced and helps fight the signs of aging.

The food contains a combination of natural antioxidants that cleanse and rejuvenate cells. Special ingredients (lutein and taurine) are essential for heart health. But the most important thing is the balance of minerals; it is optimal in order to maintain normal PH of urine, and therefore maintain the health of the urinary system. This is very important for castrated cats, since in them the process of formation of kidney stones occurs at a fairly high rate.

Is it worth purchasing?

Most domestic cats, incl. purebred, does not refuse natural food. You can easily accustom a pet to it, but not everyone is ready to study the habits and preferences of a pet for a long time. In addition, advertisements that beautifully describe the benefits of canned food also have an influence.

Each pet owner must decide for himself whether it is worth spending money on Perfect products or on natural fish, meat, and chicken.

The manufacturer uses dehydrated poultry meat and offal, the origin of which is unknown, so the quality of the protein is difficult to determine. The flavoring component in the diet is hydrolyzed animal origin, but the manufacturer also does not say what raw materials it is obtained from. Perhaps the animal will immediately refuse the herbal composition of Perfect Fit, and then it will be necessary to select a premium food that contains meat ingredients, and not salt, corn, and beets that are dangerous to the health of the animals.

For domestic cats

This “Perfect Fit” option was developed especially for sofa beds. Feedback from owners says that all cats readily switch to this food, their playfulness and mood noticeably increase, and their fur begins to shine beautifully. This composition is designed specifically to maintain the vitality and well-being of the cat.

It contains chicken protein (at least 24%), animal fat and corn, rice and soy protein. The food is enriched with dried beets and yeast, calendula flower extract, vitamins and minerals. This line also includes salmon food, which contains 14% poultry and fishmeal each, as well as lamb. Cats' taste preferences vary from person to person, but salmon food is often the favorite option.

( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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