Is Dracaena poisonous to cats or not, which indoor plants are dangerous for them: photos and names

Not all indoor plants are safe for animals. Many are deadly poisonous, and some cause severe toxic poisoning. Exotic, resembling a palm tree or a dense bush, dracaenas are precisely such plants: not lethal, but detrimental to the health of pets.

Dracaena is one of the most popular indoor plants. But all its varieties are toxic to representatives of the cat family. And if it so happens that dracaena and cats in the house are in the same room, you need to pay attention to this and take measures for the safety of the animals.

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Which flowers are not toxic to cats?

Safe potted flowers

are ferns, or rather the arrogant nephrolepis, with which you can decorate your home.
This beautiful plant will look great hanging from the ceiling, but it can also stand in a pot. The plant is non-toxic to cats
, is easy to grow, and is effective at purifying the air.

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Why is dracaena dangerous?

No scientific evidence of the danger of dracaena when maintaining a home has been found. There is no poisonous juice in it, all parts of the plant are absolutely harmless. A cat that has chewed dracaena leaves is in no danger at all; however, there will be no benefit either.

Dracaena is completely safe for cats

In addition to its excellent decorative qualities, this culture purifies indoor air, absorbing toxins and various harmful impurities, and also disinfects it, destroying pathogenic microorganisms that can cause intestinal disorders and pulmonary diseases.

It is best to place dracaena in the bedroom or living room

According to some reports, the active substances released by dracaena into the air strengthen the musculoskeletal system and promote the rapid healing of skin wounds.

Video: what are the benefits of dracaena

Garden and wild plants

These plants or their parts are dangerous both in a flower bed and when cut. Therefore, if you brought them home in a common bouquet, please make sure that your pets do not have the opportunity to get to them.

Cowl wrestler

It is classified as poisonous. It is deadly not only for animals, but also for humans. It contains aconitine, a toxic alkaloid, which received its name precisely in honor of the genus Aconite, to which the capillary fighter belongs. The poison is contained in all parts of this plant, even in the pollen.


Some varieties of cloves can be harmful to your pets. This is especially true for Sweet William (one of the varieties of Turkish Carnation), as well as Dianthus plants with pink flowers. All parts of these plants can be toxic to dogs and cats.

Chrysanthemum and dendrathema

Experts recommend protecting our little brothers from all plants of the Chrysanthemum spp and Dendranthema spp genera. By the way, both genera belong to the Asteraceae family. The most famous plants are garden chrysanthemum, Korean chrysanthemum and Indian chrysanthemum. Any part of the plants listed can seriously harm your pets.

Asparagus Sprenger

The second name is Ethiopian asparagus. It originally grew in some areas of Africa as an invasive weed, and as an ornamental plant it became famous in Europe thanks to Carl Ludwig Sprenger, for which it is also called Sprenger's fern. Despite its presentable appearance, this plant can be dangerous for both cats and dogs.

Castor bean

Castor beans, from which castor oil is obtained, can bring not only benefits, but also harm. All parts of the plant contain the protein ricin and the alkaloid ricinin, which are poisonous to humans and animals. But the seeds pose the greatest danger: if they enter the gastrointestinal tract, they cause severe poisoning and can lead to death after 5-7 days.

Lily of the valley

Delicate little white bells look completely harmless. However, this May plant contains cardiac glycosides, which interfere with the functioning of the heart. Lily of the valley is so toxic that even drinking the water in which a bouquet of these flowers was standing can be fatal. But the most poison is contained in berries that ripen in the second half of summer.


A beautiful flower that is so familiar to our gardens can cause significant harm to dogs, but even more to cats. Toxins found in lily shoots can cause serious kidney problems in pets. Some of them will receive a lethal dose of poison if they simply taste a leaf or flower petal on their teeth, lick pollen from their paws, or drink water from a vase in which a cut lily stood.

  • Types and groups of garden lilies - description and photo

    The classification of lilies will help you decide on the choice of type and variety.

Arum, or arum

The bright orange-red fruits, flowers and large leaves contain alkaloids when fresh, but when dried they lose their toxic properties. If you eat a large amount of arum berries, you may experience irritation and itching of the mouth, indigestion, and difficulty breathing.


In landscape design, oleander is used in regions with a subtropical climate, and in the middle zone it is more often cultivated as a houseplant. Oleander juice contains cardiac glycosides (oleandrin, cornerin, etc.). When they enter the stomach of people and animals, they cause severe colic, vomiting, diarrhea, and then lead to disruption of the heart (even stopping) and the functioning of the central nervous system.


In ancient times, this coniferous tree was considered a symbol of death. Wood, needles, shoots and bright fruits of yew contain alkaloids (taxin, ephedrine) and the glycoside taxicanthin, which cause dermatitis, tremors, convulsions, acute heart failure and diseases of the nervous system. Moreover, the plant is dangerous for both people and all animals.

Podophyllum, or nogolist

This shade-loving forest plant contains poisons (in particular, podophyllin and the alkaloid barberine), has a choleretic effect and has a depressant effect on the central nervous system. If it comes into contact with the skin, it causes burning, inflammation, and sometimes tissue necrosis. Nogolist is not very toxic to humans, and if dogs and cats eat the fruits of this plant, they cannot avoid vomiting and diarrhea.

Rue fragrant, or fragrant

This shrub exudes a strong aroma. Its shoots and roots contain beneficial essential oil and vitamin C, but also contain alkaloids and the flavonoid glycoside rutin. These dangerous substances cause inflammation and burns of the oral cavity, swelling of the tongue, difficulty breathing, bradycardia, and gastrointestinal disorders.

Belladonna or belladonna

In Rus', this plant was widely known as rabies. And this is not without reason. Belladonna shoots contain atropine, which causes strong agitation, leading to rage. The plant also contains other alkaloids that cause dryness and burning in the mouth, difficulty swallowing, and rapid heartbeat. In case of severe poisoning, the pupils dilate, do not react to light, spots flash before the eyes and hallucinations occur.

Foxglove, or digitalis

Common in our gardens, foxgloves purpurea and woolly contain complex glycosides (mainly in the leaves) that have a strong effect on the heart. In large doses, digitalis can cause a heart attack.

Dicentra, or diliter

The juice of Dicentra splendidum, capolata and canada, when it gets on the mucous membranes, can cause disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, and large doses of alkaloids contained in the plant lead to severe disorders of the nervous system. Dicentra rhizomes contain particularly dangerous poisonous alkaloids. After rain, the root system of the plant is often exposed, and then pets can be seriously harmed if they eat even a small root.


Boxwood is valued for its thick, beautiful crown, shiny foliage and ability to tolerate pruning well. It is a good material for creating attractive hedges and borders. However, all parts of the plant (especially the leaves) are poisonous. Boxwood contains about 70 alkaloids (the most dangerous of them is cyclobuxin D). Thus, the lethal dose of this poison for dogs is 0.1 mg per 1 kg of animal body weight.

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    If boxwood does not take root on your site, do not be discouraged. It can be replaced with other plants.

Colchicum autumnale, or Colchicum

This low, bulbous plant, which bears lilac-pink flowers in the first half of autumn, is very poisonous. Seeds and corms are especially toxic. They contain alkaloids (colchicine, colchamine, colchicerine, speciosamine), which affect the intestines, kidneys, heart and central nervous system. 6 g of colchicum seeds is a lethal dose of alkaloids for an adult. And for a pet, an even smaller amount is enough.

Some people think that animals instinctively know what is good for them and what can harm them, and therefore they will not eat poisonous plants. But this doesn't always happen. Curiosity can get the better of you and your furry friend will get seriously hurt. Don’t risk your pet’s health and grow only safe flowers and shrubs in your dacha.

How to prevent a cat from “attacking” your home flowers?

The cat eats sprouted oats
To prevent your pet from encroaching on the flowers, you must:

  • Buy or grow wheat, oats or barley for him yourself.
  • Analyze the animal's diet. If he lacks vitamins, give him a vitamin-mineral complex agreed upon with the veterinarian.

Placing flower pots in out of reach places, such as on high shelves or on walls in planters, and covering the windowsill where the plants are located with blackout curtains will also help solve this problem. You can protect plants from attacks by your pet using available means. Details on how to do this:

What you need to make a homemade repellerPreparation of repellentApplication
FoilNot requiredCover the area under the flower pot with foil. Cats cannot stand rustling sounds. Having stepped on the foil, the pet is unlikely to make another attempt to approach the plant.
Citrus fruits (lemon, orange or tangerine)Remove the peel from the fruitPlace fruit peels near the flower, the smell of which cats cannot stand.
GarlicPeel a few garlic clovesCover the pot with parts of the fragrant vegetable.
OnionCut the vegetable in half
Vinegar, essential lemon, orange or eucalyptus oilDampen a rag with the productPlace a rag near the flower that emits an unpleasant odor for your pet. You can also coat the outer surface with oil or vinegar.
Double-sided tape, paperPlace tape on a sheet of paper, removing the top partPlace a sticky trap near the pot. Having glued its paws to the paper, the animal is unlikely to dare to experience unpleasant sensations again.
Special repellent sprays for catsNot requiredSpray the product on the outer surface of the flower pot.
Several containers with low sidesFill containers with waterPlace water traps around the plant. Having jumped onto the windowsill and landed in the water, the pet will begin to avoid the pot.

Having noticed that your pet is showing interest in a poisonous plant, you can:

  • sprinkle water on it;
  • clap your hands sharply (the cat will get scared and run away);
  • lightly hit the cat on the back.

How to keep your animal safe?

The ideal option is not to have spathiphyllum in the house if you have a cat. But there are other methods to save both the furry pet and the plant.

  • Place flowers in a place that is difficult for your pet to reach. This can be a balcony (if the climate allows), and they can also be hung on the ceiling or wall, without any objects nearby, so that the cat does not jump on them.
  • Spray the leaves with something very unpleasant-smelling (or put a pepper patch nearby) so that the animal does not even have the desire to approach the pot.
  • Provide your pet with enough vitamins. He won’t just nibble on flowers, but since he started, he doesn’t have enough vitamins. This can be corrected by purchasing small bunches of herbs or oats, as well as walking (if this is the case in the summer). You can also buy vitamins.

If you decide to start growing spathiphyllum, which is often called “women’s happiness,” you may find our experts’ materials on plant varieties, planting and care rules, flowering and reproduction characteristics, as well as diseases and pests useful.

Signs and superstitions surrounding dracaena

Good signs about the dragon tree include the following:

  • dracaena is considered a tree of love, which brings peace, prosperity and mutual understanding to the home;
  • the plant successfully absorbs negative energy;
  • the dragon's tail promotes material well-being by bringing money into the house;
  • the flower improves mood, removes apathy and prolonged depression, has a sedative effect and gives strength;
  • Dracaena brought as a gift to a lonely person allows him to hope for finding a partner in the near future.

It is very good to receive Dracaena as a gift, since it is considered a symbol of happiness and prosperity in the family.

The flowering of dracaena is considered a special sign of fate and foreshadows large financial gains or career growth.

Dracaena rarely blooms and therefore this is considered a very good sign.

One of my friends, who is a fan of Feng Shui, always gives the newlyweds dracaena for their wedding as a symbol of the guardian of the hearth. The more magnificent the foliage on the tree in the future, the stronger the mutual love of the spouses.

The more well-groomed the tree and the more lush its foliage, the stronger the love of the spouses

There are also unfavorable superstitions:

  • a plant that has died for no apparent or explicable reason warns of a serious illness of one of the spouses, his death or leaving the family;
  • Drying and diseased leaves indicate impending financial losses, dismissal or imminent separation from a loved one.

If dracaena suddenly dies, then this is a very alarming and bad sign.

Video: signs and superstitions about dracaena

Why do cats eat plants?

By eating them, cats make up for the lack of microelements and vitamins in the body. Yard cats eat oats, sedge, and quinoa. Indoor cats, who eat exclusively meat and cat food, also want variety by trying houseplants and flowers in vases. Another reason is that in the wild, the cat's diet mainly consists of birds and rodents, which the cat consumes along with feathers, bones, and fur. The animal's gastrointestinal tract cannot digest them, which is why the cat regurgitates undigested food. To facilitate the process, cats eat grass so that blades of grass irritate the stomach, causing a gag reflex. The cats also lick themselves, swallowing clumps of their own fur, and the grass cleanses their stomach. Sometimes cats do not eat plants at all, but such cases are not frequent.

Prevention of intoxication in cats

There are many reasons that can cause poisoning in a cat, and it is impossible to predict everything. And yet the risks of severe consequences can be minimized.

If your cat eats industrial food, then when purchasing, be sure to check the expiration date of the food. This is especially true for large packages, since after the store the food will be stored at home for a long time. Many stores have sales with big discounts on food that is nearing its expiration date. You should not participate in such events, so as not to treat food poisoning in your cat later. If storage and transportation conditions are violated, there is a high probability that the food is already spoiled, even if the expiration date has not yet expired. If natural food is prepared for the cat, all products must be fresh.

Walking on your own is quite a dangerous activity in itself. Animals face various troubles on the street, and poisoning is not the worst of them. If, after all, the cat walks on its own (and it is very difficult to limit its walking in a private house), at least try to feed it well at home. When the pet is full, it will not eat in the trash, and will begin to catch rats for the sake of satisfying hunting instincts, and not for food.

The owner must organize the safe storage of all potentially dangerous products: detergents, laundry detergents, medications. You need to hide a variety of poisons and fertilizers, alcohol, vinegar, repair materials - glue, solvent, paint, etc. Under lock and key. Mercury thermometers pose a great danger, not only for animals, but also for people.

It is almost impossible to track what kind of grass your four-legged friend is chewing on the street, but at home it is more than possible to prevent trouble. Check your plants for toxicity to cats. This list includes very common plants: dracaena, dieffenbachia, foxglove, spathiphyllum, various types of ficus, ivy, alocasia, philodendron and others. If these representatives of the flora grow on your windowsills, then they need to be eliminated or placed in inaccessible places. A pot on the wall is good for this.

It is better to have in your stash the number of an experienced veterinarian or a 24-hour veterinary clinic. If a cat is severely poisoned, the symptoms and treatment are well known to the veterinarian, he will be able to give recommendations regarding first aid and the need to visit the veterinary clinic. Although medications are necessary, they should not be given without the advice of a specialist - many medications are toxic to cats and can worsen the condition. The dose of the drug is calculated for the weight of a person, but an overdose may occur in a small animal.

Whether it will be possible to save the mustachioed friend depends entirely on the poison and the source of the poisoning, the timeliness of assistance and the attentiveness of the owners, who may notice the not yet obvious signs and quickly consult a doctor.

The article is for informational purposes only. Contact your veterinarian!

Spathiphyllum (also called female happiness) is a beautiful indoor plant that can not only become an excellent decoration for your home, but also perfectly purify the air from harmful particles.

But when growing this flower you need to be very careful, because if you care for it incorrectly, it can cause great harm.

This article will discuss the benefits and harms of spathiphyllum, whether it is poisonous to people, cats and dogs or not, and how to properly care for it.

What to do if a cat ate dracaena?

Sometimes it may seem that the cat is gnawing on the owner’s favorite dracaena out of spite. However, veterinarians believe that an animal's need to nibble on plants may be instinct or a need to make up for nutritional deficiencies in its diet. Additionally, the texture of many of the leaves helps cats remove hairballs licked off while grooming. It is hardly worth relying on the pet's prudence, instincts or instincts to warn him against eating dangerous plants. It would be more correct for the owner, as a more intelligent creature, to protect his four-legged friend from danger.

If, according to the owner’s suspicion, the cat has already been poisoned by dracaena, it is necessary to carefully monitor the animal, contact a veterinarian and remove flowerpots from the cat’s access. The first symptoms of poisoning do not appear immediately: it can take from several hours to two days. Most often, cat poisoning with dracaena begins to appear 6-12 hours after it was noticed that the cat had eaten dracaena leaves.

Depending on the individual characteristics of each animal’s body, the clinical signs (symptoms) and consequences of cat poisoning with saponin from dracaena leaves can be different:

  • gastrointestinal manifestations: vomiting, diarrhea, increased salivation;
  • neurological manifestations: tremor, loss of coordination, depression;
  • respiratory symptoms: cough, difficulty breathing.

In some cases, glycosides can act on more than one body system. Therefore, the combination of symptoms may differ in each individual case. Most poisoning occurs in an acute form. However, chronic toxicity can also occur and can be even more difficult to recognize and treat.

After the pet is isolated from the dangerous plant, a call to the veterinarian is made and a consultation is received, the cat must be monitored and not allowed to escape from the house or hide. Monitor until any symptoms appear within the next 24 hours. To do this, it will be very convenient to place your pet in an isolated room and periodically monitor its well-being. The room must have access to drinking water and a tray. Drinking plenty of fluids will speed up the removal of toxins from the body.

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To quickly remove parts of a swallowed plant from the gastrointestinal tract, you can pour 5-10 ml of petroleum jelly into the cat’s mouth using a syringe without a needle and provide free access to the toilet. Another option is to give a sorbent, for example, Enterosgel, which will partially absorb toxic substances and remove them from the body. But this method is good only in the first couple of hours after eating the plant.

It is not recommended to try to induce vomiting in a cat or give veterinary drugs without the participation of a veterinarian. If any signs of poisoning appear, symptomatic treatment should be carried out under the guidance of a veterinarian. It is for this reason that contacting a veterinarian is mandatory. And monitoring the cat for 24 hours in isolation will make it possible to assess the symptoms and apply adequate therapy.

Every owner should understand that the consequences for cats from eating plants containing saponin can be completely unpredictable: from the complete absence of intoxication to a severe and even pre-comatose state.

First aid

If any symptoms of illness appear in your pet, it must be immediately shown to a doctor. Only a veterinarian can make an accurate diagnosis and take all necessary measures.

If the animal exhibits all the symptoms of poisoning, first aid should be provided at home:

  1. It is necessary to give the cat a sorbent that will reduce the impact of toxins on the body (activated carbon, polysorb, adsorbent).
  2. You need to assemble a carrier. A diaper should be placed at the bottom in case the animal vomits or has diarrhea. You should take a towel and blanket with you in case your cat gets chills.
  3. If the animal does not have the strength to move and the vomiting does not stop, the cat should be placed on its side so that it does not suffocate from the vomit.
  4. You need to immediately see which plant caused the poisoning. This information will be useful to your veterinarian.
  5. It may be necessary to perform a gastric lavage with saline solution. But this option should only be used if it is not possible to urgently take the animal to a doctor. It is better if the veterinarian monitors the procedure at least by telephone.

Choosing a landing site

There is an opinion that girlish grapes spoil buildings. It all depends on the owner: timely pruning will protect the foundation from damage. The main thing is that the vines do not grow chaotically. There were cases when the plant pulled slate off roofs with its weight. To avoid this, do not allow the grapes to get close to the slate or tiles. It must be carefully cut out near antennas and ventilation openings, especially those protected by grilles. It is also “contraindicated” for plastered walls. But the concrete, wooden and brick walls, next to which the girl’s grapes grew, remain clean, without dampness and mold

It is only important to rake and remove fallen leaves in a timely manner so that they do not become a source of constant dampness.

Maiden grapes can also be grown in a flowerpot

This plant also loves drainpipes and posts and gives them an aesthetic appearance.

"Maiden's Tears" is a plant that creates a beautiful view and cool shade with a minimum of effort. It is worthy of the attention of any gardener.

15 Houseplants That Are Beautiful and Safe for Pets

Have you ever wanted to get a houseplant that will delight you with its beautiful appearance? If you have pets, this could be a problem. Not all houseplants are safe to grow, but below you'll find a list of 15 great options.

Of course, eating the leaves of any plant can cause stomach upset, so don't let your dog or cat eat even the plants listed below.

Allergy to flower - female happiness

As a rule, spathiphyllum can cause allergies only during the flowering process, because it is the flowers that cause allergies, since they have a very strong smell. In both children and adults, allergy symptoms manifest themselves in the same way:

  • fear of light;
  • sweating;
  • convulsions;
  • labored breathing;
  • weakness;
  • skin rashes.

Treatment is prescribed by the doctor after the patient has completed all tests. The following drugs are usually prescribed for treatment:

  1. Anti-inflammatory drugs such as:
    • Lomuzol;
    • Cromoghlin;

  2. Cromosol;
  3. Allergokrom.
  4. To prevent allergies, it is recommended to take these medications a month before flowering and throughout the flowering period.

  5. Topical steroids are prescribed when other medications do not help. The dosage for children should be no more than half the dosage for adults.
  6. H1-histamine receptor antagonists. 2nd-3rd generation antagonists are suitable for treating children, as they do not cause side effects. You can use drugs such as:
  7. Claritin;
  8. Telfast and Ebastine.

If medications do not help, then it would be best to get rid of the spathiphyllum or give the flower to friends.

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