How to match a cat with a cat for the first time: features and useful tips

The bringing together of two felines of the opposite sex is called mating. It is carried out to reproduce offspring from animals. However, before arranging mating, the owner must take into account many of the nuances of this event. First of all, you should wait for the cat and cat to mature both physically and sexually. Also, before mating a cat with a cat for the first time, it is necessary to create an appropriate environment for the animals and make sure that they are completely healthy. Veterinarians recommend breeding cats and female cats no earlier than one and a half years old.

Puberty and physical maturity of animals

Many inexperienced owners confuse these two concepts. As a result, they breed a cat with a cat too early, which provokes a difficult birth and the appearance of a weak litter. Mating of animals should occur only after they reach puberty. In cats and cats it occurs at different times.

In this case, the cat comes into heat much earlier than puberty. It usually begins at six months, and in some cases it may appear earlier. This physiological process does not mean that it is necessary to immediately take the cat to mating. Therefore, when a cat wants a cat for the first time, there is no need to immediately take her to mating. The pet’s body is not yet formed at this age, and therefore the cat will not be able to give birth to healthy offspring.

Her own life will also be at risk, since childbirth occurs normally only in fully developed animals. Therefore, you can contact your veterinarian for advice when your cat asks for a cat for the first time. This specialist will tell you best what to do in such a situation. He may prescribe special herbal drops for cats. They will calm the animal and relieve signs of estrus without side effects on the body.

Mating cats - features and stages

It is impossible to predict in advance how the first acquaintance between a female and a male will go. Animals may immediately like each other, or they may show unmotivated aggression.

In order for pets to become friends faster, mating should be carried out in a separate, closed room.

Moreover, in a prepared area there is a greater chance that they will find a common language.

First, a container with a cat is brought into the room; she needs to be left alone for some time so that she becomes familiar with the new conditions. Only after the cat has studied everything and calmed down can the male be brought into the room. An indicator that mating will take place with the expected result is normal, typical behavior of animals. If a cat immediately began to show aggression towards each other, it is unlikely that their acquaintance will lead to anything.

If the cat likes the male, a short period of flirting begins. The animals exchange greetings, after which the cat, after petting the cat several times, allows him to come closer to her. If the female does not like the partner chosen by the owners, she will begin to behave aggressively: she will hiss and growl, and may even bite a cat who tries to come closer to her. Owners must monitor how animals behave. If aggressive behavior occurs, pets should be immediately separated and isolated.

Act of intimacy

As soon as the seals have gotten used to each other, got acquainted and exchanged greetings, after a short sexual foreplay, the female allows the male to approach her, making it clear that she is ready for sexual intercourse by standing in a specific position - with an emphasis on her hind legs, raising her pelvis and tail high . The cat approaches the female from behind, digs her teeth into her nape, and hugs her from the sides with her front paws.

The actual process of intercourse lasts very quickly, with instant ejaculation. At the same time, the cat will purr, and the female will scream heart-rendingly (this scream has its own good reasons). After sexual intercourse, the cats separate in a rather specific manner - the cat with a sharp movement jumps away from the female, who in turn hits him with her paw.

After sexual intercourse, the cat’s behavior changes dramatically – it behaves specifically and aggressively. Aggression is explained by the fact that the cat’s penis is rough, and the female experiences unpleasant, painful sensations during intercourse due to the fact that the vaginal mucosa is highly irritated.

Severe pain during sexual intercourse in a cat is also caused by the fact that the scales on the penis dig into the uterus, which is why the cat screams heart-rendingly after the act. But this irritation is necessary in order to stimulate ovulation in the cat, which begins within 24 hours after mating.

If a cat mates for the first time, there is a high chance that ovulation will not occur immediately. After the first sexual intercourse, several more intercourses must occur for the cat to become pregnant, so the animal must be left with the male for several days. Animals can experience up to 10 acts per day.

The owner should not be far from his pets during the mating period. As a result of the rather aggressive and specific behavior of the female, unforeseen situations may arise, so the presence of a person is necessary to come to the rescue in time.

Age for first mating

When thinking about how to mate a cat with a male cat for the first time, it is very important to remember that the best period for the first mating in cats is considered to be the time after three or four heats. As for males, they should be kept untied for up to one and a half to two years. Despite the recommendations for such a late mating in cats, they still need to be neutered much earlier - at seven or eight months. If you breed a cat with a very young cat, this can lead to a deterioration in its further development, as well as the appearance of dysfunctional offspring.

Mating of males - what owners need to know

The male's reproductive system is completely ready to bring him together with a female by 8-10 months of his life. In different breeds, the state of readiness for mating can be shifted closer to one and a half years of the animal’s life. During this period, it is permissible to start mating for the first time. Males are ready all year round so that they can be mated with a female.

Features in behavior indicating the onset of puberty in a cat in order to bring him together with a cat:

  • activity and aggressiveness, increasing in the evening and at night;
  • frequent secretion of a special secretion with a pungent and strong odor;
  • postures and actions indicating a desire to mate.

Experienced breeders recommend choosing an older and more experienced partner for the first mating, then a positive result will be achieved much faster and easier. Before a male reaches eight months, it is not recommended to castrate or breed a cat for the first time; this can have a detrimental effect on his health and further sexual activity.

Signs of puberty

If the owner is not sure of the exact age of his pet, it is necessary to determine puberty by external signs and behavior. Readiness for mating can be manifested by the following changes:

  • Cats become more aggressive for no apparent reason. While cats, on the contrary, are very affectionate, gentle and tame.
  • Cats develop the habit of marking the surrounding territory. These can be the most inappropriate places, both in the apartment and on the street. At the same time, the urine acquires a strong and pungent odor.
  • Animals are constantly active and are rarely in a relaxed state. This is especially evident when the cat asks for the cat for the first time.
  • Cats make unusual sounds, begin to scream and howl. When in motion, they do not stand straight, but arch their backs and strongly raise their tail upwards.
  • Cats constantly roll on the floor, trample their paws and rub their faces against surrounding objects.

Let's check your health

Before mating, partners are checked for diseases; it is advisable to give a drug against worms a couple of weeks before the wedding. Be sure to get the necessary vaccinations no later than a month before mating.

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Before the meeting, newlyweds should trim their nails so that they do not injure each other. To avoid injury, it is also not advisable to mate virgins - one of the animals must already be experienced.

Features of the first mating

The first heat of an animal, when the cat begins to ask for a cat for the first time, is not a signal for immediate mating with the cat, but owners who are planning offspring should begin from this time preparations for further mating. It is also impossible to delay this procedure, so as not to provoke the development of negative consequences. Pets must either be sterilized on time or be mated according to all rules. If you delay it, it will cause a disruption in the physiological cycle, contribute to the exhaustion of the body, or lead to various diseases of the reproductive system.

Based on the above, we must conclude that the first mating must be carried out far from after the first heat, even if it came too late. The first mating between male and female cats should be done at approximately one to two years of age. Animals must be completely healthy.

What happens when cats from the same litter mate?

If cats from the same litter mate, there is every chance that their kittens will be born healthy, without obvious genetic problems.

With luck, the litter will have all the desired physical and personality characteristics without any major defects. Inbreeding can be a huge risk, and there is usually no way to know if health problems will arise until the litter is born.

Similar physical traits

Cats born through inbreeding often inherit certain characteristics that are specific to their breed. This may include certain physical traits that are considered attractive.

This could be the size of the paws, the absence or presence of more hair, or the shape of the skull. For cat breeders, this allows them to get better prices when selling cats.

Similar character traits

An inbred cat inherits more than just physical characteristics. It is likely that there will also be character traits. This is why breeders so often mate cats from the same litter - they can shape the temperament with which the litter is born.

Breeding siblings can result in calm temperaments or playful behavior if the parent cats share the same personality traits. The likelihood of this is high since they are relatives. This may be attractive to owners who are looking for a specific type of cat to suit their lifestyle.

Mating with caution

If inbreeding is allowed to occur too often, serious health problems tend to occur every now and then in some of the more thoroughbred cat breeds.

According to the journal Scientific Reports, 64.9% of Persian cats studied had at least one disease. Since Persians are one of the most inbred breeds, this high statistic makes you wonder, “Is it safe to mate cats from the same litter?”

Preparation for mating

Before you think about breeding a cat and a cat, you need to make sure that both animals are healthy, as well as conduct a series of medical examinations and receive appropriate vaccinations. Without them, not a single owner will agree to breed. Therefore, you need to go through the following procedures:

  • Before mating a cat with a cat for the first time, you need to get all the necessary vaccinations against the most common viruses and infections. The veterinarian will tell you which of them the animal needs. He will also draw up a vaccination schedule, since each of them should be done at a certain time interval. All vaccinations must be included in the cat's passport.
  • Conduct a medical examination of the animal. It is very important to find out that your pets do not have any diseases.
  • Treat the animal against parasites, both external and internal. Even if the pet is absolutely clean, this must be done as a preventive measure a week before mating.
  • Animal owners are required to provide each other with documents confirming the breed of animals (if any).
  • Before bringing a cat and a cat together, you need to trim their claws so that unforeseen injuries do not occur during the meeting.

Also obligatory and the most important point in preparing for mating is the cat’s heat. Without it, mating a cat with a cat for the first time is impossible.

Behavior of a cat during estrus

Unlike dogs, in which estrus is signaled by bloody vaginal discharge, cats do not have this symptom. But the behavior of cats changes so dramatically and becomes specific that the owner can easily determine that the pet has entered the active sexual phase:

  1. Becomes more affectionate, following on the heels of the owner. If the owner is a man, he begs for attention and tenderness from him.
  2. Spends most of its time in motion, rubbing against furniture and the legs of its owners.
  3. Takes a specific pose - raises its tail, leans on its hind legs, lifting its pelvis up as much as possible. In this position he can move around the room, backing away.
  4. Either he stops eating anything altogether, or his appetite decreases significantly.
  5. He asks to use the litter box more often, as the urge to urinate becomes more frequent.
  6. It meows more and more often, gradually the usual meowing is replaced by extremely unpleasant, heart-rending screams, which are very difficult for the owners to endure.

Estrus lasts for 5-6 days and repeats every 15-20 days. The presence of the above-described signs is the standard course of estrus in cats, but it also happens that the stage of sexual activity occurs without pronounced signs, this is the so-called latent estrus. The owners will only be glad that their pet lacks open sexual activity, but for breeders this feature of the female can be a real problem.

Animal Meeting

In order for it to go as smoothly as possible, you do not need to wash your cat with shampoo before mating. This will remove the animal's natural odor, which affects their sexuality in front of the opposite sex. Also, cat owners bear a huge responsibility for the success of mating. The male must be more prepared than the cat. Therefore, before mating a cat with a cat for the first time, you need to find an untied cat. If both animals mate with each other for the first time, it may cause them psychological trauma.

Cat genitals

• The ovaries are a paired, bean-shaped organ located in the lumbar region of the cat. The ovaries are connected to the uterus by the fallopian tubes, where eggs mature. The ovaries consist of follicles - sacs containing eggs and fluid. When the follicle matures, it bursts and the egg with follicular fluid enters the fallopian tube (ovulation occurs). And in place of the follicle, a corpus luteum is formed, suppressing the development of other follicles. In cats, multiple follicles burst at the same time, resulting in multiple pregnancies.

• Fallopian tube (oviduct) is a narrow, convoluted tube that connects the ovary to the uterus. Fertilization occurs in the fallopian tube, after which the egg moves to the uterus.

• The uterus is a hollow, membranous organ in which the fetus develops. In cats, the uterus is bicornuate, that is, it has the shape of the Latin letter Y. Each horn (3 mm in diameter and 10 mm in length) is connected to its fallopian tube, and closer to the vagina the horns merge, forming the body of the uterus (2 cm in length). The body of the uterus gradually narrows, in turn forming the cervix, which opens into the vagina. Fruit ripening occurs in the horns of the uterus. The uterus is located in the pelvic and abdominal cavity.

• The vagina is a tubular organ designed for copulation and located between the cervix and the urogenital opening.

• Vulva – a set of external genitourinary organs (vestibule of the vagina + external opening of the urethra). Located below the anus and separated from it by a small perineum).

• The vaginal vestibule is the common part of the genitourinary tract located behind the urethral opening.

• The labia are folds of skin that protect the vestibule of the vagina.

• The genital fissure is the entrance to the vagina.

• The clitoris is a sexual organ, a rudiment of the penis in females, representing an erogenous zone. In cats, it is located in the genital cleft, and its stimulation ensures ovulation.

The genital organs of cats are similar to the genital organs of other mammals, but they have a number of features characteristic exclusively of felines.

>What features does a cat’s penis and other elements of the reproductive system have? Cat genitals

Place of mating

Mating a male cat for the first time should only take place on the territory of the male. This is necessary so that the cat feels as confident as possible. Therefore, after arriving in a new environment, the cat needs to be given time to adapt to someone else's home. Before leaving animals alone, you should make sure that the cat is familiar with the cat and the new smells of the surrounding area. If a lady shows herself too aggressively, you need to isolate her in a secluded place. An aviary, cage or carrier is perfect for this. There is no need to kick her out of it. When the cat is ready for introductions, she will go out without outside help. This may take one or two hours or the whole day.

Useful video

Watch this video on how to prepare a cat for mating:

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Carrying out the first mating

Before mating a cat with a male for the first time, you should remember that mating takes place on the third or fifth day of estrus. This time is the most favorable for fertilization of the egg. Although a lot depends on the breed of cat. For some, ovulation occurs much later - on the ninth or tenth day. Since the female is being brought into a new environment, it is necessary to minimize the stress of the animal. To do this, the owner must take the following set of things from the house:

  • bowls for water and food;
  • a tray with the usual filler;
  • plastic carrier with a napkin at the bottom.

A responsible owner should know everything about how to mix a cat with a cat for the first time. This knowledge will help him not only find healthy kittens, but also make the process of mating animals as comfortable as possible from a psychological point of view. You cannot force mating or immediately pit cats against each other. The animals themselves will express their readiness for the process. In case of successful mating, fertilization will occur the next day. However, both pets should be kept in the same room for two to three days.

Symptoms of inbreeding in cats

Inbreeding occurs when closely related cats mate. This includes brother and sister, father and daughter, mother and son, and half-siblings.

Cat breeders often use inbreeding to predict what their kittens, especially purebred ones, will look like. Inbreeding helps breeders keep track of their cats' prestigious bloodlines while correcting their bad traits. They may also promise certain characteristics to buyers who are looking for something specific in a cat.

However, inbreeding is not without problems. Not only is this considered ethically and morally wrong, but cats born from inbreeding can develop a variety of health problems.

Genetic defects

Inbreeding increases the risk of genetic defects. Although they are more common in purebred cats, all inbred cats are vulnerable. Hereditary diseases occur due to abnormal genes that are passed on from generation to generation. These may be obvious at birth, while others may not appear until later in life.

The limited gene pool caused by constant inbreeding means that harmful genes become widespread, causing disease and weakness in the breed.

As a natural by-product, buyers are generally reluctant to purchase a cat with obvious health problems that would make the animal unsellable. Breeders often decide to euthanize an animal because it does not meet the requirements.


Cats that breed regularly with cats from the same bloodline eventually begin to produce litters with more dangerous health problems.

Classic symptoms of overbreeding include small litters of only 1-2 kittens. These kittens may be born with a number of abnormalities, including an improperly positioned jaw, crooked nose, bulging eyes, and dental and oral defects.

Other adverse problems may also arise. These include low fertility in females, immunodeficiency leading to high mortality, and cancers in newborn cats.

Useful tips for pet owners

When breeding purebred cats, every animal owner must be aware of the full degree of responsibility for the future offspring. Your cat or cat should eat well. Therefore, it is necessary to feed your pet only the most natural and high-quality food. This could be meat, vegetables, sea fish or premium ready-made food.

The animal must also be taken regularly for medical examinations. Even if nothing bothers the cat, this does not mean that she does not have chronic or congenital diseases that can be transmitted to kittens. Therefore, at least twice a year you need to check your pet or pet with a doctor.

Owners of cats should understand that they should not tire the animal with too frequent mating. Although a healthy sexually mature cat is in constant readiness to impregnate a cat, frequent mating can cause a deterioration in the quality of sperm, which will affect the condition of the offspring. Therefore, you need to bring the cat at least with breaks of one week.

Before taking a cat for mating, you should not give the animal any sedatives. When trying to reduce your cat's stress level, you may accidentally stop the cat's heat and ruin the entire procedure. Of course, any trip will be a shock for a pet. But it is better to calm your pet with a gentle voice, rather than with drugs. It would be a good idea to take with you your cat’s favorite toys, which will remind her of home with their smell. Then the pet will feel more confident and will not resist mating.

Is it possible to breed half-breed cats?

Inbreeding between half-siblings is as common, if not more common, than inbreeding between full siblings. In the world of cat breeding, purposefully mating half-siblings is known as "line breeding."

Line breeding involves mating between second-degree relatives (including half-siblings). This process reduces the risk of inherited diseases compared to mating first-degree relatives. However, it does not completely prevent the risk. Any form of inbreeding can cause health problems.

Inbreeding of cats that are not too closely related is preferred by professional breeding organizations to full-blooded mating. As described in the GCCF Breeding Policy, half-sibling breeding produces kittens that match breed integrity, physical and genetic characteristics.

Why doesn't pregnancy occur?

Unfortunately, it also happens that even after several meetings, fertilization of the female does not occur. The reason may be the cat's infertility, but if he has previously mated successfully, then it is necessary to examine the cat. What might be the results?

  • The cat is either obese or malnourished;
  • Obvious problems with the reproductive system;
  • Stress that becomes chronic;
  • Any viral diseases are possible;
  • Deficiency of minerals and vitamins in the diet:
  • Failure in the body's hormonal system;
  • The mating was simply carried out at the wrong time.

General information

The structure of the penis in animals is quite diverse, but it always starts from the anterior wall. In turtles, crocodiles and some birds, the penis is unpaired and is a groove-like thickening of the ventral wall of the cloaca. Under the groove there is a fibrous body and an accumulation of cavernous tissue, when it swells, the groove turns into a tube. At the end of the tube there is an organ separate from the wall of the cloaca, which is blown out like a head. The tubes of reptiles fused in the middle form the penis of oviparous animals, which in a calm state hides in a pocket of the abdominal wall. In viviparous women, due to reduction of the posterior part of the cloaca, the penis is placed externally. In marsupials, rodents and insectivores, its apex is turned backwards. The penis of elephants, hyraxes, rhinoceroses and tapirs is oriented similarly in a calm state, but during an erection in these animals it turns forward. The position of the penis with the apex forward in placentals is caused by the development of the perineum. Gradually, a number of animals developed cavernous bodies of the penis. Marsupials, cetaceans, predators, pinnipeds, rodents, bats, prosimians and some monkeys have an unpaired bone in the terminal part of the penis - the baculum. Also, in accordance with the two vaginas of females, the penis of marsupials is often forked, with each half having its own branch of the genitourinary canal.

Cat genitals

• The scrotum is a cavity of the sac-like protrusion of the abdominal wall, which ensures the maintenance of the temperature necessary for the maturation of sperm (several tenths of a degree lower than in the abdominal cavity). In cats, the muscles of the scrotum can pull it towards the groin if it is too cold outside. The scrotum is located between the penis and the anus. • The spermatic cord is a fold of the peritoneum that contains blood vessels, nerves leading to the testis, as well as lymphatic vessels and the vas deferens emerging from it.

• The testes are paired, egg-shaped organs located in the scrotum. The diameter of each testis in cats is 1-1.5 cm. In the tubules of the testes, sperm are produced by a special epithelium.

• The epididymis is a narrow, repeatedly coiled duct adjacent to the testis. Sperm from the testicular canals enter the epididymis, where they acquire the ability to “swim” and fertilize.

• The vas deferens (vas deferens) is a duct that connects the duct of the epididymis to the urethra.

• The urethra is a tube of mucous and muscular membranes that ends in an opening on the head of the penis through which sperm is expelled.

• The prostate gland is an exocrine gland located at the junction of the urethra and the vas deferens. Through the ducts of the prostate gland, its secretion enters the urethra, which activates the activity of sperm.

• Bulbourethral glands are paired exocrine glands that secrete a secretion - pre-ejaculate, which lubricates and cleans the urethra for better passage of sperm. They are located at the base of the penis and open into ducts into the urethra.

• The penis is the external genital organ designed to introduce sperm into the cat's genitals. The penis of an uncastrated cat is covered with skin and short hair, as well as short keratinized spines (there are from 100 to 200 of them). The length of the cat's penis is 1 cm, the width is 0.5 cm at the base.

• Prepuce – the foreskin, a fold of skin that covers the head of the penis when at rest.

...but cats are still intelligent in their own way

© Let dogs interact much more actively with people, do not assume that cats can only eat, sleep and force you to regularly change the litter in the cat litter. Domestic cats, like their relatives living in the wild, have all the necessary skills to, for example, outsmart prey or deceive an enemy.
In 2010, Wildlife Conservation Society staff managed to film the hunt of the long-tailed margay cat, which lives in the Amazon forests. Wanting to get one of the small tamarin monkeys for dinner, the cat quite accurately imitated the cries of these animals, and when some of the tamarins got closer, she set up an ambush. Only the warning cry of the leader saved one of the monkeys from reprisal, but it can be assumed that in the end the patient margay finally achieved her goal, or went off to look for other, less capricious prey.

Contractual relationship

This point comes first for owners involved in breeding and selling pedigree animals. It's better to draw up an agreement. The breeders have a sample; the document must include all the mating conditions and the resolution of possible disagreements, which almost always happen.

The contract states:

  • Timing of vaccinations for both parents.
  • Length of stay of a female in someone else's house.
  • Pedigree regalia and achievements of future parents.
  • The responsibility of the cat owner to the cat owner, in other words, the groom's side is obliged to return the bride safe and sound.
  • Terms of payment for the transaction (cash reward, choice of a kitten or an alternative option for the birth of one baby).
  • Conditions for the distribution of kittens to new owners after they reach two months of age.
  • Conflict resolution in the event of failure to conceive, the birth of a non-viable offspring, or its death before the age of two months due to some congenital pathology. All possible scenarios are discussed and recorded. This issue can be resolved in different ways: re-knitting for free, return of monetary reward, etc.

In all controversial situations, the owner of a cat may request an additional examination of someone else’s pet in order to prove the “innocence” of his ward in a failed pregnancy or the death of the entire offspring. But it is better to carry out such a check in advance and, in case of doubt, not to enter into a relationship.

A document is a document, but before mating, any of the parties to the contract has the right, and simply the obligation, to collect as much information as possible about the future partner:

  • external examination of the applicant for visible defects: poor coat, emaciated appearance, incorrect bite, coloring, etc.;
  • study of documents: veterinary passport, pedigree, club card, etc.;
  • examination and assessment of previous offspring, if any;
  • additional examination by a veterinary specialist who will or will not identify hidden pathology.

All received data must be included in the contract, which will protect you from litigation in the future.


  1. Patricia L.R. Brennan. Evolution: One Penis After All // Current Biology. - 2022. - January 11 (vol. 26, issue 3). - C. R22–R40.
  2. 1 2 3 MORPHOLOGY OF FARM ANIMALS: Species characteristics of the penis
  3. 1 2 3 4 5 6 “Veterinary stories”: Male genitals
  4. Geoffrey Miller. The Mating Mind: How Sexual Choice Shaped the Evolution of Human Nature. Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, 2011, p. 231.
  5. ZOO Life: Male genitals (inaccessible link). Retrieved July 3, 2012. Archived March 24, 2012.
  6. Reproductive system of dolphins
  7. Sexual organs of male birds - All about animal husbandry
  8. Organs of blood and lymph circulation
  9. Scientists: Ducks fight the battle of the sexes with the help of penises and vaginas - Artemovsk information and entertainment portal (inaccessible link). Retrieved May 18, 2010. Archived April 14, 2014.
  10. Hemipenes. Archived January 24, 2013.
  11. Holmes MM, Putz O, Crews D, Wade J (April 2005). “Normally occurring intersexuality and testosterone induced plasticity in the copulatory system of adult leopard geckos.” Horm Behav. 47 (4): 439–45. DOI:10.1016/j.yhbeh.2004.11.020. PMID 15777809. Uses deprecated |month= parameter (help)
  12. Melissa Kaplan. Hemipenes (English). Herp Care Collection (27 January 2012). Retrieved October 22, 2012. Archived October 23, 2012.
  13. Wolf-Eberhard Engelmann, Fritz Jürgen Obst. Snakes: Biology, Behavior and Relationship to Man. - Taylor & Francis, 1984. - P. 67-73. — 221 p.

> See also

  • Gynosoma
  • urinary system
  • Reproduction
  • Human penis
  • Phallological Museum

Advice for owners of expectant mothers and fathers

Rules for keeping males before mating

Before getting a breeding kitten, a future reproducer, answer the following questions:

  • Do you need exhibitions and why?
  • are you ready to visit them and attract the attention of potential brides;
  • Do you have conditions for adopting a cat?
  • how will you attract owners of the opposite sex and advertise the groom;
  • Can you monitor the health and proper nutrition of the reproducer?

If most of the answers are negative, then it is better to immediately castrate the cat and close the topic of breeding once and for all.

If the answer is yes, you will have to adhere to the rules:

  • Do not associate with cats of dubious reputation: those that give birth to sick kittens, defective coloration, suffer from sexually transmitted infections or are involved in inbreeding. All the trouble will fall on the groom, even if he had nothing to do with it.
  • Do not overwork the cat: there should be a break of at least a week between matings; periodically they are allowed to rest for a longer period of time. Long downtime is also not welcome. In both cases, the quality of sperm deteriorates, and therefore the quality of the offspring.
  • Periodically check and improve the health of the male.
  • A few days before planting, introduce B vitamins into the diet, which have a positive effect on sexual function.

What should you take with you?

Simply taking your pet to mating is not enough; you need to take care in advance to ensure that the cat’s “wedding” is successful. Remember that the female will end up in someone else's territory, where she should feel more or less comfortable. In order for the cat to calm down at least a little, do not forget to take with you her rug, on which she is used to sleeping; the familiar smell will have a beneficial effect on her nervous system. It would also be a good idea to take her favorite food, a comb and, if possible, a tray. You can also grab your favorite toy, which the “bride” can distract herself with. As for the male, he will need a rubber bedding so that his paws do not slip during mating.

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