When can a cat be mated with a cat and how to do it

Veterinarians note readiness for mating already at the age of 6-8 months, both for males and females. However, sexual maturity does not always depend on age; it is important to monitor the animal. Sometimes puberty can occur earlier or later by 1-3 months.

Feline fertility is known - 3-4 pregnancies per year. The term for one is only 60-65 days. Each individual can bring 3-8 kittens.

How to understand that a cat is ready for mating

The owner of the cat will definitely not miss the onset of puberty of the pet. The following signs will eloquently indicate this:

  • displays of aggression instead of playfulness;
  • annoying meowing and inviting cries;
  • unpleasant smell from the cat’s “marks”.

All these signs will begin to appear when the cat reaches the age of 8-10 months. Mating is allowed only when sexual maturity is fully achieved, and this is the age of 1.3-1.5 years. Moreover, it is absolutely not necessary to wait for spring - males, unlike cats, are ready to mate in any season, it’s just that this desire is strongest in spring. Early matings are harmful due to the exhaustion of the animal’s fragile body. Such a cat will quickly become “unsuitable” for reproducing kittens.

What is puberty?

Puberty in a cat occurs earlier than physiological maturity.
This is the stage of development of the reproductive system when a cat has the opportunity to become pregnant, and a cat can fertilize a female. Do not confuse physiological maturity and sexual maturity - the second occurs long before the full growth and development of the body is completed.

In females, sexual maturity occurs at six months of age, but there are cases of the onset of estrus at 4 months. It is logical that the first sexual heat is not a reason to untie the cat. Early pregnancy:

  • inhibits growth and development;
  • leads to the birth of a weak offspring;
  • the period of gestation and childbirth itself is difficult;
  • the pet may remain infertile.

One thing is obvious: if the cat is leaking, then it’s time to look for a manufacturer for the future, or better yet two or three, if the main candidate is busy at hour X.

Selection of a partner

You can find a partner for a cat either by posting an advertisement - they used to be placed in newspapers, now they appear on social networks and on message boards on the Internet. If the cat is a club cat, then the solution to the problem is to visit the club, where they will help you choose a cat suitable for mating. Remember that you need to start looking for a partner in advance. Naturally, she must have all her vaccinations.

Felinologists recommend breeding a cat for the first time with an experienced cat. But if a suitable “bride” is not found, then you can take an inexperienced one, relying on the strong instinct of procreation.

Rules for mating males

  • Cat owners must fully control the mating process and monitor their pets.
  • You cannot mate two virgins - one of the animals must be experienced in sexual matters in order to avoid psychological and even physical trauma for both.
  • The owner of the breeder is fully responsible for the safety of the cat brought to the groom; he must introduce them, give the bride the opportunity to hide if necessary, so that she can get used to the new environment.
  • Again, the inseminator must be well-groomed and healthy.

Features of mating purebred cats

Owners of purebred cats should approach the choice of a partner for mating responsibly - this determines what the offspring will be like. To prevent kittens from inheriting breed defects, you need to choose an ideal mother for them. A “pure” pedigree in a cat will guarantee the absence of physical and genetic abnormalities in the offspring. For successful mating, it is good if both parents have outstanding sires in the family. Specific rules for breeding animals are established by the clubs themselves.

When breeding purebred animals, their blood types must be taken into account so that the kittens do not develop hemolysis, a deadly disease. Therefore, carefully study the compatibility of animals according to this factor. For example, if a cat has group B, then he can be bred with any cat, and if he is A, then mating with a cat with group B is excluded, etc. Don't know your blood type? Then it is worth taking the appropriate test from a veterinarian in advance.

If your cat participates in exhibitions, then take into account their schedule. It is better to breed an animal after an exhibition so that the appearance of the pet does not let us down, since matings directly affect the exterior (coat quality, etc.).

How to determine pregnancy

Note that if a cat, after being at home, continues to behave as if in estrus, this does not mean that pregnancy has not occurred.

The first signs of pregnancy are visible after about 3 weeks:

  • redness and swelling of the nipples;
  • rounding of the sides.

Depending on the number of kittens, the time until birth can be from 55 to 68 days. The more kittens, the sooner the cat can be freed from the burden.

Note that indicators of pregnancy can also appear in the presence of a false version. In this case, it is better to show the animal to a veterinarian.

Also read the article on how to find out if your cat is pregnant and how long pregnancy lasts in cats.

What needs to be done the day before?

About a month before the mating date, the cat needs to be shown to the veterinarian, and the cat’s owner will do the same. All existing infectious diseases must be cured, all vaccinations done (at least two weeks before mating!), and deworming carried out. Completely healthy animals are bred, and such an inspection is especially important if you are breeding a pet for the first time. And on the eve of mating, trim the cat’s claws to avoid injuring the partner.

Mating takes place on the territory of the cat's owner - the cat will be brought with things (tray, bowls for water and food, carrying) in order to quickly adapt to an unfamiliar place. Therefore, you will need to prepare a room in advance where the animals can get to know each other and eventually do their job. Be patient - mating may take several days, during which the cat owner is responsible for the safety of the “bride” and takes care of her. During mating, you will need to control the process.


When the main day has arrived, the main thing is not to rush and not to rush the animals. A little control on the part of one of the owners does not help, but remember that pets do not need an instructor and an assistant, they know perfectly well what to do.

It is best to leave the animals in a separate large room with food and water. To ensure that none of the pets are afraid, try to keep the room quiet - turn off the TV or tape recorder.

Remember, when cats are not in their territory, they experience enormous stress.

Do not try to force the cat to be with the cat - there is no need to bring animals closer to each other, or force them to be placed next to each other. This will only lead to the fact that it may not be possible to get pets at all. Don’t be surprised if in the first hours of meeting the bride punches the groom and gives him a real thrashing.

Make sure your pet doesn't cause serious injury.

Once everyone has calmed down a bit, the cat's owner can leave. The cat owner reports further results. How do you know if the cats have been brought together?

This is evidenced by the following signs:

  • the cat intensively licks the genitals;
  • pets behave peacefully, sit and lie calmly nearby;
  • the cat loses interest in the cat and begins to mind its own business.

Can a neutered cat mate with a female cat?

Some owners are surprised to discover that their pet, even after castration, shows interest in the opposite sex, and sometimes even tries to mate with a cat. How can this be if the operation was carried out specifically to make the male indifferent to the females? In fact, it is not uncommon for a neutered cat to mate with a female cat, but only if he already has such experience. That is, if the pet has already known the “taste of love” before the operation, and now does it, rather, out of habit. But, of course, he will have no more offspring.

If the male was castrated before his first mating, then mating with the female is impossible. If only because the cat simply does not know what it is and why it is needed. It also happens that a beloved pet continues to stubbornly ask for a cat after surgery. Don’t be surprised or panic, the cat’s testosterone levels have not dropped yet. Just be a little patient and it will pass soon. This condition will not last long; it is a kind of side effect of the operation.

Useful tips for pet owners

When breeding purebred cats, every animal owner must be aware of the full degree of responsibility for the future offspring. Your cat or cat should eat well. Therefore, it is necessary to feed your pet only the most natural and high-quality food. This could be meat, vegetables, sea fish or premium ready-made food.

The animal must also be taken regularly for medical examinations. Even if nothing bothers the cat, this does not mean that she does not have chronic or congenital diseases that can be transmitted to kittens. Therefore, at least twice a year you need to check your pet or pet with a doctor.

Owners of cats should understand that they should not tire the animal with too frequent mating. Although a healthy sexually mature cat is in constant readiness to impregnate a cat, frequent mating can cause a deterioration in the quality of sperm, which will affect the condition of the offspring. Therefore, you need to bring the cat at least with breaks of one week.

Before taking a cat for mating, you should not give the animal any sedatives. When trying to reduce your cat's stress level, you may accidentally stop the cat's heat and ruin the entire procedure. Of course, any trip will be a shock for a pet. But it is better to calm your pet with a gentle voice, rather than with drugs. It would be a good idea to take with you your cat’s favorite toys, which will remind her of home with their smell. Then the pet will feel more confident and will not resist mating.

Features of the first mating

The first heat of an animal, when the cat begins to ask for a cat for the first time, is not a signal for immediate mating with the cat, but owners who are planning offspring should begin from this time preparations for further mating. It is also impossible to delay this procedure, so as not to provoke the development of negative consequences. Pets must either be sterilized on time or be mated according to all rules. If you delay it, it will cause a disruption in the physiological cycle, contribute to the exhaustion of the body, or lead to various diseases of the reproductive system.

Based on the above, we must conclude that the first mating must be carried out far from after the first heat, even if it came too late. The first mating between male and female cats should be done at approximately one to two years of age. Animals must be completely healthy.

What is a cat owner responsible for?

The owner of a Scottish Fold cat must maintain control over the mating process of animals and help them as necessary. When someone else's cat appears on the cat's territory, and in addition to being in heat, problems often arise. They can be provoked by the behavior of an alarmed animal, and the inexperienced actions of the owner often lead to psychological and physical trauma to the pets. To avoid such situations, the following rules must be followed:

  1. You cannot remove a cat from the transport block immediately upon arrival on someone else’s territory.
  2. It is not advisable to breed animals that have not had mating experience up to this point.
  3. You should also not offer it to your cat from the first minutes of meeting animals. The cat needs time to sniff and find a safe place.
  4. If a cat shows aggression or cowardice, it is necessary to place the animals in enclosures so that they have the opportunity to get to know each other without causing harm to each other.
  5. Wait until the cat is ready to mate.

Second phase

You should not immediately try to pick up the cat, as this will most likely result in injuries - bites and scratches.

First, the cat is accustomed to your hand by placing it palm down on the floor; you can place the cat’s favorite toy nearby. You need to wait until the cat comes up and rubs itself on your arm or leg. In this way, she wants to make sure that the object present is not dangerous. If a person initiates contact, the animal may respond with an attack.

If the cat attacks, pick him up early

If the pet has given the go-ahead, the palm is slowly raised to eye level and held in this position for a while. Then they begin slow stroking. You need to stop before the cat gets tired of close contact with a person.

You should not drive away a cat if it climbs onto your lap, even when there is no time for tenderness. Then it will be more difficult to achieve such trusting behavior.

Rules for keeping expectant mothers

Requirements are similar to those of males. The owner is obliged:

  • provide the animal with adequate nutrition;
  • introduce vitamins and microelements, calcium and folic acid are especially important;
  • maintain a normal weight for your pet (obese or malnourished animals are unlikely to become pregnant);
  • do not overload the body with frequent pregnancies: twice a year is enough;
  • monitor exercise: active physical activity will make the cat stronger, and pregnancy and childbirth itself will be easier;
  • do not forget about education: only a well-bred mother can instill in kittens the basics of good behavior.

In addition, even before mating, the cat should be assessed by experts who will highlight its advantages, identify disadvantages, check the compatibility of two lines and, based on this data, help find a good sire. If you ignore the rule and do not receive a “ticket to breed,” then the kittens born are unlikely to be recognized as purebred.

In principle, that's all. If you have questions, ask in the comments. Read about what to do after mating and what problems there may be afterwards in the next issue.

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