Why won't a cat come near her when she's in heat?

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09.09.2021 owner reviews

Sometimes the cat won't let the cat near. This can cause problems, especially if the underlying cause is a health problem that requires treatment. Unfortunately, no matter how much you want a pair of cats to mate, if one of them refuses, you won't be able to force them to mate, but you can become a better breeder if you understand why this happens.

  • The cat refuses to let the cat near
  • First time mating
  • Not ready to mate
  • The cat is not in heat
  • She's pregnant
  • Lack of maturity
  • Medical conditions
  • Using ultraviolet light to encourage reproduction
  • Using light to facilitate reproduction

First time mating

If the female is new to this process, she may feel anxious and nervous about the cat approaching her. This can be made worse if other environmental factors increase stress, such as being forced to mate in an area other than her familiar home, disruptive sounds or smells, or too much activity and people in the area. You can help your cat:

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  • Reduce any possible stressors in her environment.
  • Mate at her home, where she is comfortable.
  • Use an experienced cat.
  • Allow her to spend time with the cat when she is not in heat so that she gets used to his presence. Make sure she has room to get away from him and introduce her slowly, as you would with any cat.
  • If you cannot allow her to spend time with the male, as in situations where the male lives with another breeder, you can ask the breeder to give him a blanket or bed with his scent on it and let her get used to it a little.


Experienced breeders who have been breeding animals for many years are able to intuitively understand the behavior of their pet. To calm the cat before mating, you need to pay more attention to her and stroke her tummy.

To calm a cat before mating, you need to stroke her tummy.

Even if the mating didn’t work out the first time, don’t despair. Having found a new cat, you can try to do this again.

Not ready to mate

Some cats may simply not be ready to let a male cat in, even if they are in heat. This can happen to a cat that has just recently started estrus and mating, or to experienced females. According to small animal veterinarian Sarah Ochoa, DVM, it's possible that "the cat is keeping the cat away because she doesn't like him. Cats can be very picky, and if they don't like their partner, they won't allow them to breed with them." It is also possible that she is not feeling well that day, either for temporary reasons, such as an upset stomach, or due to an underlying illness. Never force your cat to mate in these situations and contact your veterinarian if you suspect she is sick.

Signs of puberty

Oddly enough, cats may hiss at each other because they are not yet physically ready to mate. It is important for the owner to determine the moment of puberty. Moreover, the dates indicated in books or the Internet determine the age for reproduction on average. An error is quite possible, based on the individual characteristics of the pet.

It is the external signs that the owner who plans to start mating should pay attention to. Especially if this is his first experience. Let's pay attention to the signs that indicate the cat's puberty:

  1. Changes in taste preferences or loss of appetite.
  2. Raising the pelvis or tail when walking. The cat can crawl with its genitals and hind legs on the floor, meowing invitingly.
  3. A whitish fluid is secreted from the genitals and they become swollen.
  4. The cat behaves restlessly and meows constantly. The peak of activity occurs at night.

As for cats, they reach sexual maturity at 8-10 months. And many are right that in the spring the desire only intensifies.

A cat's first heat occurs after 7-9 months. Then repeats after 2-3 weeks. Much depends on the breed and individual characteristics, but by the age of one year, most cats are completely ready to mate.

ATTENTION! Even if all the signs are present and estrus has begun, the cat may not allow the cat to come near her. The female is very demanding and picky in terms of choosing a father for future offspring.

Lack of maturity

Some cat breeds take longer to reach maturity than others. In these cases, the cat may appear young enough to breed compared to the "average" cat, but may not be physically and socially ready. Examples of breeds that take longer to mature include the American Shorthair, Manx, Persian and Ragdoll.

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How to increase the chances of a successful mating?

To increase the chances of success, it is very important to choose the right time for mating.

3–5 days after the start of estrus, the cat behaves docilely.

The most optimal are 3–5 days from the beginning of estrus.

During this period, the cat behaves more docile than ever, not aggressively and in most cases is ready to accept any partner.

And a little about secrets.

The story of one of our readers, Irina Volodina:

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Having a cute cat of an expensive breed and wanting to get offspring from her, many owners are sometimes surprised: why does their pet not let the cat near her during heat? It would seem that all suitable conditions for mating have been created, but the cat categorically refuses to accept the advances of the gentleman.

Video about a cat who won't let the cat near her

Having a cute cat of an expensive breed and wanting to get offspring from her, many owners are sometimes surprised: why does their pet not let the cat near her during heat? It would seem that all suitable conditions for mating have been created, but the cat categorically refuses to accept the advances of the gentleman.

  • 1 Sexual maturity of a cat 1.1 Reasons for aggressive behavior of a cat during estrus
  • 2 How to create all the conditions for mating
      2.1 Fragile and dangerous items out
  • 3 How to increase the chances of a successful mating?
  • 4 Conclusions
  • 5 Video about a cat that won’t let the cat near her
  • How to tame a domestic cat

    Before you take any action, it is worth understanding why the cat behaves in a certain way. The reasons may vary. If an animal behaves antisocially, this may just be part of its character, and you will have to come to terms with the fact that your four-legged friend will not ask you to play with it and will not come to rub against your face in search of affection.

    When an animal has been stressed and has had a bad experience with people, it will have to work hard to replace the bad experience with a new good one.

    If the pet does not go into your arms, but does not refuse contact with you, you can try to tame it and offer new forms of communication that will be pleasant for both you and it.

    It is worth noting that if you take on the task of re-educating a kitten, the process will be easier: children are inquisitive and quickly adapt to new conditions (in about 2 weeks). When it comes to an adult cat, you should be prepared for the process to take a month or more: a lot depends on the character of the pet and your patience.

    Five ways to connect with your cat

    To make the task easier, I offer you five ways to help improve your relationship with your pet.

    Create a comfortable space

    Create a comfortable relaxation area where you can gain strength and feel safe. This place should be away from drafts and dampness, inaccessible to small children and dogs, and preferably located on a hill, because cats like to assess the situation by having an overview.

    The feeding area must also be protected from encroachment by other individuals. Don't skip meal times and talk to your pet while doing so. Let him understand that man is not an enemy because you feed him. You may need to temporarily place the bowls and litter box in the same room to make your pet feel more secure.

    The basic need for safety and comfort must be satisfied.

    Stay within your pet's field of vision

    The cat will understand that it is safe to live next to a person if it sees that you are not encroaching on its territory. To do this, try staying in the same room for 10-15 minutes continuously, minding your own business. And so several times a day.

    Talk to the animal from time to time and call it by name. This procedure is especially useful if trust has been lost. This is how we restored our relationship with the cat after her long stay in the hospital, because the once affectionate pet refused to communicate with us. She needed time to get used to the house and us again.

    Don't violate personal boundaries

    The most important rule: do not try to pet a cat or pick it up if it doesn't want to. The best way to accustom her to hands is to show that these hands feed her and do not bring danger.

    Leave your pet alone, offer toys, and leave some food and clean water freely available.

    Don't make noise, make sudden movements, or play loud music.

    The animal will independently explore the room or even the house when it is ready. Don't stop him from doing this. If you have several four-legged friends in your home, read my article on how to make friends with cats.

    Prove that it is safe and interesting to be with you

    As your cat becomes more interested in your home, she will become more interested in you and become accustomed to your scent. If you see that the pet is not against contact (does not hide or make threatening sounds), offer contact yourself. For example, sit down next to him and extend your hand to him. The animal may want to sniff you or even rub against you.

    If there is no reaction, try placing a treat in your palm and offer it. This is a good way to prove that the owner’s hand brings only positive emotions.

    Another option for bonding is to invite your pet to play together. Don't insist on playing if he doesn't want to, and don't get upset if he doesn't make contact. This means he needs more time. Continue to take care of him and regularly offer to get closer.

    Offer rapprochement

    If an animal sniffs your hand and comes close to you, try petting it lightly. When your pet wants to lie down next to you, hug him or place your palm on him.

    Not all cats like to lie under a blanket or on a pillow, but many like comfortable places. To teach the cat to sleep with me, I put a small pillow on the bed, on which she spent the whole night. If the cat wanted, she came to me and lay down next to me. I really appreciated these moments, and little by little we became closer.

    When does a cat start begging for the first time and how to understand it?

    The cat is a mystical creature. People have long believed that these unique animals are capable of not only giving their owner warmth and love, but also protecting them from any negativity. When purchasing a fluffy cat, you need to remember that, as she grows up, she will begin to go for walks. Always affectionate and calm, one fine day she will begin to behave very strangely: meow loudly, calling for the cat. But after some time, the “cat concert” will pass, and the pet’s behavior will again be normal. This article will tell you at what age a cat begins to ask a cat, how to understand it and what to do.

    When does a cat start asking for a cat?

    Many owners are interested in the question of what time cats start walking and how long this period lasts. Naturally, all animals are individual and each one experiences this moment at a different time. As a rule, the furry creature begins to ask the cat at about 6 months. But no later than 10 months.

    Representatives of the cat family reach sexual maturity at 7-9 months. True, in some breeds this happens earlier. During puberty, the pet acquires the ability to produce mature eggs. But this does not mean that from the first heat the animal is ready to conceive. It is necessary for the animal to grow a little more and get stronger.

    How to recognize that your pet is asking for a cat?

    It is clear at what age cats begin to walk. But how to recognize this period? It's actually very simple. The owner will not be able to confuse this with anything else. The greatest sexual activity of cats is observed in the first months of the year: from February to April. But in October-November, the cat shows less pronounced readiness to mate. You can understand that a cat is asking for a cat based on certain signs.

    Often, representatives of the cat family have a decrease in appetite during this period.


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