How to transport a kitten on a plane, train or other form of transport?

Cats are homebodies and do not like to travel. But almost every owner sometimes has to transport their pets. Traveling to the vet, visiting friends on vacation, or moving to a new home can all be stressful for an animal. Even a small kitten quickly gets used to the house. Any new environment seems unusual and dangerous to him. He suddenly finds himself among many new smells, sounds, unfamiliar people and animals. Being calm while traveling doesn't mean everything is fine. The pet cannot run away or defend itself, as instinct dictates. Most likely, your pet is frozen in fear.

Even on short trips, it is advisable to ensure that the cat feels confident. This is necessary during a long journey. Otherwise, prolonged stress will lead to exhaustion of the cat’s body, the development of neuroses and serious diseases.

Proper preparation for travel will make life easier for the pet and its owners.

How to give a cat something to drink on the road?

Be sure to take a drinking bowl and clean still water with you. The pet needs to be watered

during stops. The hotter it is inside the car, the more liquid the cat should drink.

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What happens to a cat during a sudden trip?

If your pet is not used to traveling in a car or public transport, an unexpected trip will put him in a state of stress. There are often situations when cats “run along the ceiling” all the way, growling at their beloved owners. In addition to excitement, the animal may not control its physical urges and nausea.

As a rule, transportation is carried out using a special bag in which the animal is placed. In such a carrier the cat can calm down; its bedding, diaper, food and water can be placed there. If there is no such carrier, you will have to twist around to ensure a smooth ride and maximum comfort for the animal.

What vaccinations may be needed

Mandatory vaccination against rabies. It protects your pet from a deadly disease. In addition, without it it is impossible to enter the plane with the animal or cross the border of any country. It is mandatory to get vaccinated no later than 30 days before departure. During this period, antibodies are formed. In some countries, an antibody test result will be additionally required.

Viral rhinotracheitis, panleukopenia and calcivirus are fatal to cats. Sometimes the infection even gets into the apartment - on the owners’ shoes. When traveling, the risk of infection increases. It is advisable to protect your pet by getting vaccinated. In some countries, these vaccinations are required for entry.

After vaccination you will have to undergo quarantine: from 15 to 31 days. According to the requirements of the European Union - 21 days.

For the list of vaccinations required for entry, check the rules of the country you are going to. This will help avoid unpleasant surprises at the border.

On a note


In severe, advanced cases, when it is necessary to transport a very nervous animal, a combination of drugs is also possible. For example, start using Feliway at home a week before your trip, and additionally use Fospasim an hour before departure and on the road. The French drugs Feliway and Adaptil () stand apart from traditional sedatives. They are produced in two versions: a spray and a diffuser like a fumigator, which is plugged into an outlet. Both drugs are certified in Russia. Their action is based on imitation of natural calming pheromones for the animal, a synthetic analogue of which is released when the diffuser is turned on or the spray is used. Their advantages (especially the diffuser) include ease of use, inconspicuousness for people, the ability to cover several animals at once if they live in the same room, as well as remote influence: there is no need to give or inject anything to the pet. Disadvantages include the high price, the need for prolonged exposure, and the fact that not all animals are susceptible to their effects. In addition, cats need their own drug (Feliway), dogs need their own (Adaptil), but for other species such drugs simply do not exist. In addition, if the living space is large, then several diffusers may be needed at once. And if an animal leaves the “controlled zone” in which the diffuser operates, then it immediately finds itself outside its field of action.

Elena Kvasova, practicing veterinarian

How to transport a cat without a carrier

If you have to travel in a personal car and the cat has already traveled in it more than once, you can let it go in the cabin. The animal will take its usual place and calmly reach its destination. It is recommended to use a special harness to be able to fasten the animal into the seat belt slot. This will protect the owner from losing the pet at a bus stop or in another situation when the animal might run away out of fear or curiosity.

Important: you need to choose a special harness with a leash for cats. Such an accessory intended for small dogs is not suitable. In addition, it is advisable that the animal is already accustomed to wearing it.

If a cat needs to be transported without a carrier by taxi or public transport, then it will have to be secured. Transportation rules require that in any transport the cat must be transported in a carrier, basket or other container. The carrier should stand on the owner's hands or on the floor. In a taxi, it is permissible to place it on the seat, but with the driver’s permission.

How to replace a carrier

Thus, transporting a cat is only possible with the use of a device that can limit its movements. You can replace the carrier:

  • sports bag. Typically, these bags are made of nylon and may have mesh inserts that will allow the animal to breathe freely. Do not fasten the zipper in such a way that the cat's head is pressed. This will lead to additional excitement and at the first opportunity the animal will run away. The bag should have a thick bottom. If it is not there, you should put some cardboard. Just like in a baby carrier, you can put toys, bedding, and a diaper in a sports bag;
  • basket with a lid. It can be plastic or natural. The main condition is the presence of perforations in the walls of the basket. The basket lid should be tightly fixed;
  • box. The cardboard box must be thick with a hard bottom. It is necessary to exclude the possibility of escaping from it.
  • blanket, scarf, fabric. You can transport a cat without a carrier if you wrap it in a large piece of soft cloth. You need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to hold the animal tightly the whole way and make sure that it does not escape.

When transporting a cat without a carrier, it is recommended to always use a leash with a harness or collar. They will help keep your pet in any situation. After all, an excited animal can cause inconvenience not only to neighbors on transport, but also to the staff of the veterinary clinic (if you are planning a trip to a specialist). The leash, as well as the carrier, are designed specifically for the safety of your pet. They do not allow him to roam freely around the car interior and disturb the driver. They also prevent a frightened animal from running away and getting lost, getting hit by a car or getting into other troubles. However, it is worth remembering that when transporting a street or wild cat, you most likely cannot do without a carrier. And transporting cats by rail and air without a container is completely prohibited. Therefore, it is worth transporting a cat without a carrier in exceptional cases.

Travel registration

Nowadays, tickets are purchased in two ways, which determine the specifics of further actions:

Order a ticket via the Internet. As a rule, on the websites of railway companies, when purchasing a ticket, you can select all the additional functions, which include transporting a pet, which will increase the cost of the ticket.

Upon arrival at the station, you just need to show your passport and present the ticket printed from the website; When ordering a ticket through the website, pay attention to the carriages marked with the letter Z - these are the ones you need

Purchasing a ticket through the station ticket office. When purchasing a ticket directly, you inform the cashier about the presence of the animal and discuss the package of necessary documents and the final cost of the ticket, after which you redeem it.

It is advisable to notify Russian Railways employees of your intention to transport the animal in advance (two to three days before the day of departure). You can do this by calling the toll-free number 8-800-222-07-66.

The simplest procedure for transporting a cat applies to all trains

Please note that commuter trains do not require containers. It is enough to pay an additional fee for the animal, and entry into the carriage is open.

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