Devon Rex cats: information and characteristics

Arrival at a new home

It is best to plan the arrival of your little Devon Rex closer to the weekend so that the kitten can be supervised for as long as possible. Upon arrival, do not take the kitten out of the carrier yourself, he must do it himself, move a little away from the road, get used to the new smells and sounds, and calm down. After all, the road is a lot of stress for the baby. Some kittens get used to it quite quickly and immediately begin to explore the new territory, while others may not leave the carrier for a long time. It is better to immediately limit the kitten’s territory to one room, placing bowls of food, water and a tray in the most visible place. The kitten will find everything on its own and do its business.

After a few days, when the baby has already become comfortable in one room, you can begin to give him access to other rooms, under constant supervision, of course. You need to make sure that the kitten remembers where the tray is and that it is there that he needs to relieve himself. Then you can move the tray to another place that is more convenient for you, showing this new place to the kitten (he will remember). Our kittens begin to go to the litter box from the first month of life; they already understand perfectly well why there is a tray in the playpen and know what to do with it. So there shouldn't be any mistakes. And if this happens, it means you did not follow the recommendations - at first the filler should be the same as in the breeder’s house, and only after a month or two, if there is such a desire, you can gradually change it to another.

The first time in a new home, the kitten may meow in confusion. Here it is important to remember and understand that the baby grew up in another house where everything was familiar and there was a mother cat and many brothers and sisters nearby, but now he is in a strange, unfamiliar place, he is all alone. But don’t worry, as a rule, babies quickly adapt to new living conditions. Play with the kitten more, try to entertain him. In games you will get to know each other faster and it will be easier for the kitten to get used to the new home. Do not cuddle the kitten, do not immediately pick it up, do not raise your voice, you are still strangers to him, he does not know you yet, so his reaction may be negative. Give your baby time.

Basic care items needed for a kitten:

  1. cat litter tray and litter
  2. bowls
  3. claw sharpening post
  4. food (preferably the one the kitten ate at the breeder’s house)
  5. transport carrier
  6. toys
  7. bench seat
  8. special scissors for cutting nails

A little history

The appearance of these cats is nothing less than a miracle of nature. England is considered their homeland. It was there, in 1960, in the county of Devonshire, that a cat with such an unusual appearance was discovered. At that time, he lived next to an abandoned mine and, as it turned out, not alone, but in the company of the exact same cat. The brave guy could not be accustomed to human hands, but his girlfriend gave in under the pressure of kind voices and feeding.

Mystical England is the homeland of the Devon Rex.

After some time, the domesticated beauty gave birth to a Kirli kitten, exactly repeating all the features of the exterior of his mother and her gentleman. It was Kirley who later became the founder of the breed that interests us.

Almost within a few years, the new breed was recognized in Europe and gained wild popularity, because this miracle created by nature could not but cause a storm of positive emotions and affection. But these cats conquered America for the next two decades, only after which they were recognized as an official breed. Further, the worldwide popularity of the Devon Rex grew rapidly.

The cat, once encountered near a mine, was the first representative of this breed known to man.

What to feed a kitten?

Dry food

Today, in our nursery, cats eat dry cat food Farmina N&D Low Grain for cats with lamb and blueberries (Natural & Delicious Low Ancestral Grain series), this is a complete food for cats. Remember that dry food should always be freely available to the kitten. Many kittens have an increased appetite and literally do not leave the bowl, which greatly worries their new owners. This behavior of a kitten is quite normal, because a cat up to a year is considered a kitten and it is at this time that the body actively grows and develops. So there is no need to limit the baby’s nutrition, the main thing you need to worry about is that the baby receives the highest quality super-premium food, this applies to both dry food and wet (canned) food. As your cat gets older, you will need to make sure that your cat does not overeat or gain too much weight, so you may need to give out food in portions based on weight.

Canned food

The best canned food is Animonda Carny, Ontario, Berkley, Almo natural, Leonardo. You can give canned food every day.

Natural nutrition

If you want to transfer your kitten to feeding natural food, then it should include raw beef, which must first be kept in the freezer (to destroy the eggs of worms), chopped turkey and chicken without skin and bones - the bird does not need to be frozen and can be fed raw. You can give chicken heads (they are very beneficial for the cat’s health), you can give necks, chopped stomachs and hearts

ABSOLUTELY NOT allowed: salty, sweet, smoked, fried, pork, products containing starch and soy (sausage, potatoes), river food. With caution: rice porridge (fixes), liver (raw can cause diarrhea, boiled - constipation), egg yolk (like liver), white - not.

Tray and filler

Of course, it’s better to use the same litter as in the breeder’s house, so that your baby will immediately get used to it, smelling a familiar smell, and then, after some time (NOT IMMEDIATELY!) you can replace it with any other litter you like, for example, regular silica gel filler. Now in our nursery we use:

1. CAT STEP Tofu is a clumping soy fiber cat litter. This filler is made in Japan and CAN be washed down the drain, which is very convenient! It does not spread on the paws, does not smell itself and holds the smell perfectly.

2. “ECO-Premium” - Wood clumping filler is made from coniferous trees. Perfectly absorbs moisture, neutralizes (not masks). It clumps into a dense lump, which you just need to throw away and you don’t have to change the entire contents of the tray. DISPOSAL INTO THE TOILET (if it gets into a large amount of water, it breaks down into flakes (biodegradable). 3. N1 NATUReL filler Green tea - an analogue of "ECO-Premium". Wood clumping filler. Composed of high-mountain Himalayan cedar wood fibers with the addition of green leaves Ceylon tea. 100% biodegradable product. Super economical and easy to use, DISPOSABLE IN THE TOILET (if it gets into a large amount of water, it breaks down into flakes (biodegradable).

4. Dr Elsey's - Bentonite clumping litter. No dust. Hypoallergenic, 100% natural ingredients. Absorbs unpleasant odors. Forms hard lumps that are easy to clean. Leaves no traces.

5. Ordinary wood (coniferous) filler of local production. But still, it’s better to clarify which filler your kitten preferred at the breeder’s house, this is important! For the first time in a new home, the kitten should have the litter in its tray that it is accustomed to. Our cats use different types of litter boxes, both open and closed. And of course, the most convenient of them are house-shaped trays (closed). Nowadays there is a large selection of designs for trays and tray-houses, you can choose them to suit any interior. In the “ARTICLES” section you can read about what types of trays there are.

How much does a kitten of this breed cost?

The price of this breed, compared to other prices today, is considered average. So, this indicator will vary between values ​​of 15-30 thousand rubles. The fact is that the final cost of your pet will be influenced by many factors, for example:

  • the presence of his pedigree and documents;
  • the ability of a given kitten to reproduce;
  • gender of the kitten;
  • status of the kitten's parents' bloodline;
  • the age of the animal at which you purchase it;
  • belonging to the “breed defect” category, etc.

It is best to purchase kittens from trusted breeders, since in this case you do not overpay, but buy a health guarantee for your pet

So, provided that your animal has a pedigree and if it is represented entirely by champions, you can be sure that the price of the pet will be the highest. The fact is that such purity of blood guarantees you that you become the owner of the best representative of the breed, and all its corresponding external features and nuances of character will correspond to international standards. However, a cat with documents but lower status parents will not be much cheaper, because he will still be guaranteed to be healthy and good-looking.

Another nuance is the kitten’s ability to procreate. Many breeders sell animals, especially females, either at an inflated price while retaining the reproductive appendages that are responsible for the conception of the litter, or sell kittens at a reduced price, but at the same time spay or neuter them before giving them to new owners. This measure is completely justified, because you can become a competitor for them by obtaining an individual that is capable of procreation, therefore, they should receive some benefit by raising the price.

Not all kittens have the ability to reproduce

The older the animal, the lower its price. As you understand, the main demand among people always arises for kittens, since they are cute and do not yet have a formed perception of various things. It turns out that you can mold them into what you want, while you have to fight with a grown-up kitten.

Kittens from the “breed defect” category will also cost less. A breed defect is an animal that has some external deviation, for example, an incorrectly positioned ear. This circumstance may not affect his health in any way, but he is no longer suitable for breeding, and therefore will cost much less.

The younger the kitten, the easier it is to accustom it to the peculiarities of the owner’s perception of pets.

You should choose a kitten only from professional breeders, since only they can guarantee:

  • fair deal;
  • healthy kittens;
  • accompanying documents;
  • support, etc.

Carefully study the reviews and all the options in your city, and only then go buy a kitten home.

These magical creatures can become yours, and you will understand what friendship is between an animal and a person. Adversity cannot destroy her

Nail trimming scissors

You will need small scissors to trim your nails weekly. If you do not want your pet to accidentally scratch something, it is better to trim its nails at least once a week. You need to accustom your kitten to this procedure from childhood, and you need to do this confidently, gently and calmly so that your anxiety is not transmitted to the kitten. Speaking in a gentle voice, take the kitten’s paw and press the pad of the finger closer to the claw so that it appears at its full length. You will see blood vessels visible through the claw - you must not touch them, otherwise, in addition to bleeding, you will also get dissatisfaction with your pet and subsequently fear of this procedure. The claw should be trimmed a few millimeters from the blood vessels. If you do touch a blood vessel, treat the area with a disinfectant liquid. It is important to praise the cat after trimming its claws.

How to trim claws:

Health status

Animals are in good health. However, they may experience dental problems. Therefore, pets need proper nutrition and daily mouth care.

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy may occur. There is also a hereditary predisposition to myopathy and hypotrichosis.

The animal is unable to control itself when it comes to food. If you do not monitor his diet, obesity may occur. Because of this, it will begin to hurt a lot.


The Devon Rex is an example of a life of pleasure. Devons love to eat, sleep and of course play passionately, especially in good company and with cool toys. Toys allow the kitten to develop mentally, keep fit and satisfy the hunting instinct that lives in even the most peaceful and affectionate cat. While the kitten is small, you need to play with it as often as possible, these can be wigglers, rustling tunnels made of fabric, mice and balls. To prevent the cat from getting bored with the toy, it is recommended to remove it for a while and replace it with a new one. After a couple of weeks, the cat will forget about the boring fun and will play with interest with the “new product” hiding in the closet. Under no circumstances should you play with a kitten with your hands. Hands are for affection only, your pet should love your hands and turn on his purring motor as soon as you touch him.


Devonians are considered one of the rare and expensive breeds; the price for a purebred animal varies from 40,000 rubles and above. The price is affected by the class and color of the kitten.

If an animal has a rare color and curly hair, its price increases significantly. A kitten from a random mating and without a pedigree can be bought from 20,000 rubles, but in this case the owner is not insured against hereditary defects and diseases of the animal.

The Devon Rex is a wonderful companion and devoted friend. It will brighten up gray everyday life, give a good mood to children and adults and become an exotic and bright decoration for the home.

Complex for games

For Devon Rexes, it is necessary to have a play complex in the house, because it is better for your pet to perform active games and acrobatic tricks in a specially equipped place than on your furniture and sofas. We use complexes in the nursery (St. Petersburg) - the guys make strong and high-quality things. Trixie has some good complexes, and although the quality does not always correspond to the price, these complexes are within walking distance and are sold in every pet store.

Choosing a kitten

A kitten should be purchased only from well-known nurseries that professionally breed this particular breed. Before purchasing, the future owner should study the characteristics of Devonians, consult with breeders and visit cat shows.

The baby must be at least 12 weeks old, pedigree, healthy, active, mentally stable and vaccinated according to age.


Do not forget to vaccinate annually with the same vaccine that is indicated in the veterinary passport of your Devon Rex. That is, the vaccination must be done 1 year after the date of the last vaccination with the same vaccine that is indicated in your cat’s veterinary passport. Vaccinations are done by a veterinarian after a preventive examination to ensure that the cat is clinically healthy. All vaccination records are entered in a special vaccination log, as well as the animal’s veterinary passport, which is issued starting from the first vaccination.


Deworming should be carried out once every six months, preferably with different drugs, i.e. in the spring they gave Milbemax, in the fall Kanikvantel, next time Drontal and so on, alternating. This is due to the fact that there is no medicine that would have a uniquely wide spectrum of action and would kill all parasites at once. All anthelmintic drugs contain certain active substances and act on different types of parasites.


Don't forget about safety measures!

To avoid accidents, the kitten should not have free access to: threads, buttons, needles, beads, chemicals, plastic bags, poisonous flowers and other life-threatening things. There MUST be mosquito nets on the windows! It is desirable that the mosquito net be of the “Anti-Kot” type, which is stronger and stronger than the usual one. Windows with vertical opening are very dangerous. A cat can get stuck in them. Doors. Devons love to be with people and accompany their owner everywhere, therefore, you should be careful with doors so as not to pinch the baby. No matter how funny it may be, don’t forget to close the toilet lid! The toilet lid must be closed. It is easy for an adult cat to free itself from the snow-white captivity of the toilet bowels, but if a small kitten has settled in your house, perhaps, having fallen into the toilet, it will not be able to get out. Be careful! Houseplants. Many of us have indoor plants in our homes. Cats are very interested in some indoor plants; they can often sniff them, gnaw them, touch them with their paws, and some flowers may be damaged. And if there is a cat in the house, it is important to know which plants can be poisonous to it and which do not pose a threat. The dangers of some houseplants are questionable, but it is better to know that some of these plants can cause poisoning in a cat if she tries them, while others simply have a smell that repels cats. You can find out which plants you should be wary of and which are harmless here. If you have any suspicions about the kitten's health, contact your breeder, and he will definitely tell you something. Don’t listen to your mother’s friend, neighbor Baba Masha and other kind aunts, because you have YOUR BREEDER who will always help with advice, share the experience accumulated over the years, tell you what to do and what to do. Do not self-medicate, after all, there are competent doctors, the main thing is to find a competent doctor and do it on time. Remember that every animal adapts to its owner. If you love your baby and take care of him, then he will love you too. Love your little girl, and he will love you back a hundredfold!

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Features of the breed standard

Despite the fact that the Devon Rex has a number of distinctive features, if you are not particularly knowledgeable about cats and see it for the first time, you may well confuse it with its closest relative - the Cornish Rex, which was also born on the territory of the magical country - the mother legends about elves, trolls, mermaids and other magical creatures.

Cornish Rex

However, the similarity between representatives of these two breeds is extremely superficial, therefore, in order to learn how to figure out who is in front of you, Devon or Cornish, let’s turn to the description of the breed standard of these animals. The breed standard is a set of exterior features of these cats:

  • their color;
  • physical data;
  • other nuances that make it possible to distinguish one or another variety from another, included directly in the international register of cat breeds.

Look how different these cats can be


The head of representatives of this breed is small in size, and it can be called cheekbones, since this part of the muzzle in these animals is really very prominent. Besides:

  • the nose of these cats seems to be looking up;
  • the eyes are large in size, for which these cats are even called aliens, their shade necessarily corresponds to the color of the fur and can be golden, yellow, green, except, perhaps, for those cats who, with the classic Siamese color, have sky-blue eyes;
  • The ears of these cats are larger than their heads, even too large, they are set high relative to each other, their tips are often crowned with cheerful woolen tassels;
  • The eyebrows and whiskers of these cats have a slightly curved, as if curled, shape, while their thickness is quite large and their length is average.

Devon Rex - a little elf from old English fairy tales

As you can see, there is something to compare the Devon Rex with fairy-tale creatures, because they really look like the heroes of legends and fairy tales - elves, aliens, etc. By the way, the British are very proud of this feature, who attach great importance to folklore, which is popular all over the world to this day.


The body of these cats is stocky; they cannot be called tall and thin. At the same time, the body is of medium size, although they still have an elegant skeleton, both in girls and boys. The chest of this breed is very developed, the legs are high, and the front legs will be several millimeters shorter than the hind legs.

Devon Rexes have long legs

Pay attention to an interesting fact: these cats have one more difference, which at first glance may not be noticed by you, but does exist. Thus, representatives of this breed are awarded with very developed fine motor skills of their paws, in other words, they can move their fingers individually, and sometimes these movements turn into a funny sight, which is very pleasant and fun to watch.

The tail of these cats has a good length, from the attachment point to the end it is thin and slightly rounded towards the end.

These cats cannot be called massive. So, the maximum indicators and weights for them will be as follows:

  • an adult male can gain a maximum of 4.5 kilograms;
  • female individuals will weigh from 2.5 kilograms to 3.5 kg.

This difference in weight between females and males is explained by the fact that, in fact, weight is a secondary sexual characteristic, and this is completely normal.

The body sizes of these cats are average


The coat of these cats is incredibly pleasant to the touch, as it:

  • very soft;
  • has a pronounced wavy structure;
  • guard hairs are not visible to the human eye.

The hair of these cats has uneven length. So, it will be longest at:

  • cats' faces;
  • their back;
  • On the sides;
  • on the thigh part of the body.

If your cat is not overgrown with hair at all, then it, of course, can be a Devon Rex, but that representative of it will belong to the so-called defect of the breed, because normally the hair of these cats should cover all parts of their body.

The fur of these individuals is not long, but has an unusual structure.

The colors of these cats, like their appearance, are also unusual and magical. Today, almost all types of possible colors for the Devon Rex are recognized as official. We are talking about the following color groups:

  • uniform coat color, for example, chocolate, fawn, white, red, black, blue, gray;
  • two-color palette, represented by white and any second shade;
  • tabby colors (with a standard pattern on the cat’s body and face), in which silver tones can be mixed, for example, red-black, blue-lilac, etc.;
  • all other colors that come to your mind, for example, mink color, seal point and similar variations.

In other words, as far as coat colors are concerned, it is impossible to distinguish the Devon Rex breed here, since it does not exist. Marble, spots, pure chocolate are all legal Devon Rex colors. By the way, the breed has also gained worldwide popularity for this feature, since cats of the same appearance, in fact, can offer you countless color variations.

Devon Rexes come in many colors

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