Short-legged cats - types of breeds and care features

April 3035583domestic cats munchkin

The Munchkin cat breed is one of the most unusual. Munchkins are short-legged cats. Because of their short legs, Munchkin cats are often called dachshunds. In this article you will find a description and photo of the Munchkin breed, learn the character of these cats, and also find information about the features of care and maintenance of Munchkin cats.

History of the breed

The origin story begins in England in 1930, when the first 4 generations of kittens were born. However, during World War II the new breed was lost.

The next mention of a Munchkin cat appeared in 1983. In the state of Louisiana, American resident Sandra found and began caring for the last representative of the munchkins at that time.

Sandra's cat, named Brambleclaw, gave a new beginning to the emergence of a species that was little known at that time. Soon the cats that had been forgotten became some of the most popular members of the family.

The species received official recognition in 1985 in the USA, where munchkins were introduced and registered as a revived breed.

In 1991, the Munchkin breed was officially announced in the Tica show.

The breed, called the Munchkin, got its name in honor of the small people of the same name from Frank Baum's book "The Land of Oz."

Description of munchkins

The description of the munchkin always begins with the limbs; at first glance, their paws are the same size. Although it often happens that the front legs are shorter than the hind legs.

The forelimbs consist of segments that are the same size. The paws of munchkins are 2 times smaller in length than the usual size, and sometimes even 3 times.

The Munchkin breed has distinctive features/Yandex Collections

Standard animals have an elongated body, somewhat wide. The chest is round, the back is inclined upward towards the tail, the hips are strong. The shoulder blades may be angular. The body of the animal is small but muscular.

The Munchkin's head is similar to a wedge, but with rounded sides. In an adult, the head is proportional to the body. The munchkin cat has high cheekbones.

The flat forehead seems to blend smoothly into the nose. No other characteristics of the muzzle are observed. The neck of cats is muscular, strong, dense, large, and smaller in cats.

The ears near the head are wide, set high and wide. The ears are rounded at the tips. They come in large and medium sizes. Animals with semi-long hair have tassels on their ears. Munchkin Scottish kilts can be with erect or recumbent ears.

Almond-shaped beautiful eyes can also be large or medium. The eyes are located at an angle relative to the ears. They are set wide apart, making the face sweet and open.

The color of an animal's eyes does not depend on its color; green, yellow, and blue are found. The coat can be of different colors as the breeds are crossed. There are bright red, bicolor, tricolor, noble gray, golden, spotted, and tabby cats.

The rarest and most valuable specimens are marbled and chocolate in color. There are cats that have no hair at all after crossing with sphinxes.

The tail is of medium thickness and is proportional to the body. When the cat moves, the tail is always in a vertical position. Animal fur can be long, semi-long, or short.

The feel may vary depending on the variety. There are only positive reviews about the munchkin breed, partly because the cats are hypoallergenic and do not cause allergic reactions in people.

Description of the breed

The Munchkin is a breed of cat with short legs, pronounced Munchkin cat in English. The main characteristics of the individuals are squat, with very short straight legs and a long body, which distinguishes them from ordinary cats.

Representatives of the species have a wedge-shaped head, which is directly proportional to the body. In males, the head is more developed, which shows their superiority over females.

In addition to the structure of the head, the peculiarity of cats is the heaviness of the body. Males of the Munchkin cat breed differ from females in weight by 1-2 kilograms, reaching up to 4 kg, in contrast to the opposite sex, which has up to 3.5 kg. These pets can live up to 13 years, and in rare cases, up to 20.

Long-haired representatives have shiny fur with developed undercoat, which is present most of all on the legs, neck and tail. Shorthairs have a “plush” coat.

Official breeds of short-legged cats

Not all breeds of short-legged cats are officially recognized. There are 6 main species, the rest have names and distinctive features, but are not registered.


Hairless cats: history of the breed and maintenance features

Cats of this breed are the progenitors of all species with short legs. They are characterized by the presence of the following symptoms:

  • short stature;
  • rounded chest;
  • the head is wide, the muzzle is small, the forehead is flat, the nose is medium in size;
  • the ears are triangular in shape and arranged vertically;
  • the eyes are large, the color depends on the general color of the cat;
  • the tail is small and rises up when walking;
  • weight ranges from 2 to 4 kg, females are smaller than males.

Munchkins are very kind and active animals with a calm character. They are attached to the owner, socially adapted and communicate well with the whole family. Munchkins also quickly make friends with other pets; they are not jealous or vindictive.

Interesting! These cats are most often used for breeding as carriers of the gene for short legs.


Minskin cats were obtained by crossing Munchkins and Canadian Sphynx cats. From some he received small paws, from others he received almost complete absence of hair. After some time, a couple more species were added to the selection - Devon Rex and Burmese. Minskins are characterized by the presence of small hair on their paws and ears, which is why cats are often called hobbits.

The weight of pets does not exceed 3 kilograms. These babies are friendly and love their owners very much. They also treat other family members kindly and get used to them easily.

Important! Animals do not tolerate loneliness well; it is not recommended to allow them to be alone for a long time.


Short-legged cats of the Minuet breed are distinguished by thick and beautiful hair. Fluffy beauties were obtained as a result of the combination of munchkins and Persian cats. The breed was originally named "Napoleon" in honor of Napoleon Bonaparte. Officially recognized in 2005. However, in 2015, this type of cat received a new name - minuet.

Pets are small in size, have short legs and long hair. From Persian cats the animals received a flat muzzle and round eyes.

Fluffies have a wonderful disposition, they are affectionate and gentle. They are quite strongly attached to their owner, but easily accept other family members. These cats are not aggressive at all, communicate well with children and are able to endure all their games.

Due to their body structure, cats with short legs sit like meerkats.


The Munchkin and Dachshund breeds have the same genetic anomaly, which is well expressed in the structure of the body, expressed in direct proportion to the tail and body and the length of the paws.

Cats with short legs also differ:

  • medium nose with a slightly noticeable deflection;
  • strong neck;
  • slightly visible forearms at the base of the forelimbs;
  • a shaggy fluffy tail with a rounded tip - the difference between the long-haired individuals of this species;
  • the eyes are shaped like a large walnut.

The eye color of these cats is rich, even in color and can easily differ from the color of the animal.

Munchkin fold

Representatives of this breed differ in ear set from the existing standard, but cannot be recognized as a separate species. This is due to the presence of a risk of gene mutation and, as a result, health problems.

The Fold Munchkin or, as breeders call it, Folmax, is similar in appearance to the Scottish Fold cat due to genetic abnormalities in the skeleton and ear structure.

Interesting! The long-haired, fluffy Munchkin with very short legs, despite genetic abnormalities, has become popular among experienced breeders seeking to obtain a variety of options when crossing this species with other individuals of the family.

Character of short-legged cats

Castration of a cat: features of preparation for the procedure and further care

Small cats have a friendly and cheerful character. These are cheerful and intelligent creatures that will give their owner a lot of positive emotions. Despite their short legs, cats are quite mobile and easily climb up. A distinctive feature of such pets is their curiosity. Due to the structure of their body, they have to stand on their hind legs to look around.

All animals of the family are very affectionate and attached to the owner. However, they are quite silent and will never scream to attract attention to themselves. They easily get used to a new place and tolerate travel well.

Short-legged cats love to make hiding places, so you should be careful about the things around you. Otherwise, the pet will hide them in its secret place.

Character traits

The short-legged Munchkin cat has a friendly disposition and always finds a common language with other pets: the cat’s dogs will not see her as a rival.

The pet respects its owners and easily adapts to the mood. Strangers also quickly establish contact with the kitten after seeing its feline charm and kindness.

Walking around the room, they stomp their feet like hedgehogs, which also lifts the mood. The cheerful, playful, easy-going nature of the munchkin will not leave anyone indifferent.

These cats are curious and friendly, love to play and easily tolerate the “squeezing” of children, do not show aggression towards other pets, but can catch smaller animals: birds and rodents.

The presented description of the breed shows that understated Munchkin cats can easily make friends not only with an adult owner, but also with a child.

Munchkin cat character

The munchkin cat has a wonderful character. They are very peaceful, intelligent, affectionate and sociable. The friendly and patient nature of the Munchkin cat makes them one of the best cat pets. The Munchkin cat breed is very inquisitive; these cats get along well even with children. The nature of the Munchkin cat is very calm, but if necessary, they can quite stand up for themselves.

Munchkins' short legs do not prevent them from running and jumping quickly. These are very funny, nimble and curious creatures. Munchkin cats are energetic, agile and fast. Munchkins run quite fast and stomp their short legs very funny. Munchkins cannot jump high, but they are very active, so they will always find an alternative option to climb higher.

Munchkin cats are amazing creatures that are full of warmth and tenderness towards people. Munchkins adapt very easily and quickly to the regime of their owners. These cats love to take part in family gatherings, household conversations and always sense a person’s mood. Munchkins treat guests with friendliness and interest. The munchkin cat's docile nature allows it to get along well with other animals in the house. These cats can walk on a leash and love to travel.

There is one small flaw in the munchkin cat's character. They love to take possession of various small things. If a munchkin lives in your house and some little thing is missing, look for it in your pet’s favorite secret corners. As for Munchkin kittens, you often have to look for them yourself. Kids are very curious and often find themselves in difficult situations, climbing into hard-to-reach places. This is especially true for various hills, which, having climbed, they cannot get down themselves.


The short-legged Munchkin needs only a healthy and proper diet. It is advisable to include in his diet:

  • meat - most of the diet should be from this product;
  • vegetables, fish, eggs and cereals should be given 1-2 times a week.

All products must be selected carefully and ensure that the prepared food is low-fat. Due to the fact that your pet loves to eat, it is necessary to follow a feeding schedule, taking into account how active it is and in what physical shape. If the cat is fat, you need to slow down the pace of feeding and ask a specialist for advice on proper care of the animal.

Munchkin maintenance and care

The content of Munchkin is quite simple. Munchkins are clean and tidy cats, quite easy to care for and do not have serious health problems. The only weak point of this breed is the back. Munchkins are genetically predisposed to a disease such as back lordosis, a weakening of the spinal muscles. This disease causes problems with the heart and lungs. This disease occurs in other cats, but munchkins are more likely than other breeds to suffer from it. Therefore, you should definitely visit your veterinarian regularly.

Keeping a munchkin requires a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals. These short-legged cats can be fed both homemade food and premium dry food. Munchkins are unpretentious when it comes to food. The main thing is that the food is varied and healthy. Ready-made food will cover all the needs for essential vitamins and provide adequate nutrition for the munchkin.

When feeding natural products, the basis of the diet should be lean meat. In addition, it is necessary to give fermented milk products, cereals and vegetables. A couple of times a week you can add fish and eggs. In percentage terms, the optimal diet is as follows: meat – 60%; vegetables – 30%; cereals – 10%. Munchkins are prone to gaining excess weight, which leads to health problems, so do not overfeed your pet.

Caring for munchkins is quite simple and does not require much effort. You will need to purchase various toys, a tray, bowls and install a scratching post. Don't forget to arrange a corner in the house for your pet where he can relax and be alone. If you have a large house, you can place a basket or a couple of boxes in different parts of the house.

Munchkin care includes a set of standard procedures, such as: cleaning ears and teeth, combing, trimming claws, etc. The coat needs to be brushed at least once a week; long-haired munchkins will need to be brushed more often. To do this, you should purchase special combs. The munchkin should be bathed only with specialized shampoos and no more than 3-4 times a year.

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Representatives of this breed are in good health, but despite their excellent physical condition, they are plagued by back problems: lordosis, a disease expressed in the deflection of the spine due to weak muscles.

In addition to changing the position of the spine, this disease affects the heart and lungs - death is possible. To keep your cat healthy, you need to take it to the veterinarian and get the necessary vaccinations to prevent diseases.

It is possible to crossbreed only long-haired and short-haired representatives of the species in order to exclude deaths during the birth of kittens, as well as the transmission of life-threatening diseases.

Kitten in the house

In order for a munchkin kitten to appear in a family, you need to think about where you can buy a pet. When choosing a place of purchase, you should pay attention to nurseries and what breeders of this breed will offer, since Munchkin kittens in such places of sale will already be litter box trained and with the necessary vaccinations.

If you are not satisfied with the prices of breeders or kennels, you can use other places, such as exhibitions or online advertisements, but remember that there is a risk of buying a false munchkin.

A munchkin costs from 3 to 20 thousand rubles. The cost mainly depends on the color and age of the individual.

Summarizing all of the above, we point out that when the choice of pets is made, it must be conscious and made with maximum responsibility.

Features of choosing kittens

Cats with short legs have gained popularity and become desirable for many people. However, you also need to purchase them carefully.

How to choose a nursery to buy or buy secondhand

It is better to purchase a real kitten from a specialized nursery, and not from someone else. Unfortunately, there are quite a few such establishments in Russia, so it is better to look for an animal in other countries. You need to make sure that the institution and the future pet have all the documents.

Buying it secondhand is fraught with the risk of receiving a sick baby who is passed off as healthy, but elite and purebred.

How much do these breeds most often cost?

The cost of short-legged kittens varies from 5 thousand rubles*. Only animals with any deviations from breed standards are sold cheaper. Approximate prices for kittens:

  • Napoleon - from 30 to 80 thousand rubles;
  • munchkin - from 5 to 30 thousand rubles;
  • kinkalow – from 500 to 1000 euros;
  • Skukum – from 800 to 3500 euros.

What parameters of a kitten to pay attention to when choosing

When purchasing, you should pay attention to the baby’s condition, his activity, and absence of diseases. It is recommended to ask the owners for documents and all certificates. A cat child should be cheerful, playful, eat well, have clean eyes, nose, and skin.

Short-legged cats are cute and friendly. This beautiful and kind animal will bring a lot of joy to its owner, and its unusual appearance will not affect its health and development in any way.

*Prices are current as of September 2022.

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