Devon Rex cat: description of the breed, reviews from owners

Unusual cats with wavy hair, huge ears and soulful eyes - all this is the Devon Rex breed. She is quite old - more than 50 years old, but in the CIS countries these four-legged animals are just beginning to gain popularity among breeders and owners.

History of the breed

The Devon Rex is a relatively new breed of cat, bred in Great Britain in the 60s of the twentieth century. According to the official history, unusual animals, similar to fairy-tale creatures, were found near an abandoned tin mine in the English county of Devonshire - hence the name of the breed. One of them, a male, allegedly ran away, and the second turned out to be a cat, which soon gave birth to offspring.

One of her kittens, with unusual wavy hair, became the first officially registered representative of the new breed. He received the nickname Kirlee. All Devon Rexes existing today are his direct descendants, since closely related matings were used to consolidate the characteristics of the breed.

It would take years for the new breed to be recognized. Thus, the American Cat Fanciers Organization (CFA) did this only in 1979. In our country there are still not very many of these animals.

Features of the build of representatives of the breed

These animals look very unusual. Felinologists joke that the appearance of cats was directly influenced by gnomes, elves and trolls. Be that as it may, the Devon Rex cat breed, a photo of which can be seen in the article, really has a fabulous, “alien” appearance.

The most pronounced distinctive feature of the Devon Rex is its disproportionately large ears. Wide and low-set, they crown a rather large head in comparison with the size of the body. The ears are quite wide at the base.

Their eyes are large, almond-shaped, and widely set. The short mustache is heavily curled.

The general build of Devon Rex cats is also peculiar. They have a massive chest, a muscular, dense body, but a relatively graceful, well-proportioned neck, high paws with small oval pads, and a long tail. Thanks to this combination, representatives of the Devon Rex breed (photos and descriptions confirm this) are almost impossible to confuse with other cats.

Rational approach - protection against errors

All conscientious Devon Rex breeders unanimously urge future owners not to believe everything that is written about these cats, to separate myths from reality using the simplest logical analysis. Otherwise, it’s easy to fall into such ridiculous misconceptions, as summarized by one of the forum participants:

– Buyers often come who have heard enough stories about Devon cats that are not afraid to swim, are hypoallergenic, do not shed, and do not need to trim their claws. Cats don’t yell or mark, and they never even sneeze, much less get sick! They just don’t wear slippers for their owners and don’t poop roses. Rave!

In fact, there is nothing to add to this, except for calling on buyers not to be too trusting, so as not to become the culprits of broken cats' destinies. After all, no matter how trite it sounds, we are responsible for those we have tamed.


How else is the Devon Rex cat breed different in appearance? The description of the breed indicates that, according to its standard, animals must have curly hair. However, these are not the curls that are characteristic of another English breed, the Cornish Rex, which is also relatively young. Devon Rex curls are denser and larger. This is due to the fact that Cornish Rexes do not have guard hairs - their more delicate undercoat curls into curls resembling astrakhan fur. The Devon Rex retains its coat, fur and undercoat, and they all lie in curls. Thus, these two breeds are not related, despite the external similarity of their coats. Different genes are responsible for its waviness. It is more noticeable in places where the fur is longer (body and tail). The hair on the head, neck and ears is very short, but some Devon Rex dogs have tufts at the ends of their ears.


Photos of Devon Rex cats demonstrate the variety of their colors. Any one is acceptable, there are many of them: tortoiseshell, beige, golden, silver, white, chocolate, blue, cream... However, solid-color Devon Rex cats (photo below) are not the most common representatives of the breed. A common occurrence is the so-called ticking, when the animal’s hairs have stripes with dark and light pigmentation. This is how the agouti gene works, as a result of which pigment synthesis stops as the animal’s fur grows, and then resumes. As a result, the hair is darker colored at the tip and at the base, and in the middle there will be a stripe with lighter pigment, yellow or orange. In most cases, such hairs form a peculiar pattern - tabby. There are several types of tabby: 1. Brindle (striped). 2. Classic (large spots). 3. Ticked (evenly distributed ticked hairs, as if “freckled”). 4. Spotted tabby (coloring like a leopard or jaguar).

This is not a complete description of possible color options, but only brief information.

Character of cats

It can be described as follows. These animals are quite affectionate with people, but can be intolerant towards their fellows. They, like any other representatives of the fauna world, can be friends with their relatives, be at enmity, or treat them tolerantly and calmly.

These cats tend to have a good memory, remember their names easily, are playful, and are easy to train. If you want to teach your pet a few tricks, your idea will be crowned with success. He can even fetch items on your command!

It should also be noted that the character of the Devon Rex cat breed is sociability. Animals follow their owner everywhere and seize the opportunity to climb onto his lap as soon as he sits down. They become very attached to their owner, and if you do not have time for daily communication and play with your pet, it is better not to get such an animal. It cannot stand detachment.

Available descriptions of the breed and character of the Devon Rex indicate that the animals love to “conquer peaks” by traveling through cabinets and shelves. They can choose a place under the ceiling, regardless of its size, even a small corner in which they will hardly fit. They love to climb onto their owner's shoulders.

Devon Rex - reviews

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Indeed, a very unusual breed. I hope my review will help someone find their friend and forget about quiet evenings and loneliness forever.

The background was as follows. After our last cat and family friend, it seemed that we would never get another animal. The child (me) grew up and it seemed that the need for a pet was no longer necessary. I had my own life and my own interests, my dad spent more and more time fishing. At some point, I realized that it was time to distract my mother from me with something, because her increased attention had become difficult to bear (don’t think, I love my mother very much, but it was really annoying that if I went somewhere in the evening, she would start call and ask when I’ll be back, otherwise she can’t sleep if I’m not at home). It was difficult to survive this exacerbation. That's when the idea to adopt a kitten came up. Mom herself chose the Devon - believe me, the kittens really look like angels or elves, so the choice was made and in November 2012, Eraser settled with us. Legolas, in full (dad came up with the name after watching The Lord of the Ring the day before).

There are a lot of articles on the Internet about the character of this breed. The Devonian is said to be a combination of cat, dog and monkey. Quite possibly. Well, from the outside it looks like a cat. Sometimes he behaves like a dog (if he wants to play, he follows you around the apartment and carries sticks, bones, balls and his other toys). Well, from the monkey - curiosity, the desire to climb somewhere and a strong tail (he, of course, does not weigh anything on them, but sometimes it seems that he sticks with it when he sits on his shoulder). The breed is smart. At least the previous animals did not turn on the TV when they were bored (often you come home and the TV is on), did not poke the phone buttons (likes to poke the base so that the answering machine would turn on, and once he got through to someone), did not turn on \turn off the light. Our cat, unfortunately, is very shy. Perhaps this is our fault (insidious laughter behind the scenes), or perhaps this is how the breed manifests itself. For example, he is afraid of a bag on the floor, shoes. In general, most often Elastanishka behaves like a capricious child, very skillfully urged by his mother, who always carries him in her arms and blows away specks of dust. In general, he really loves hugs. But most often he hugs his mother. Me - only when we move to my mother during her vacation - he climbs onto a chair, rises on his hind legs and reaches out to you - they say, carry me, slave)) In general, it’s interesting with him, his facial expressions are very rich. Now he makes a face, now he smiles playfully, now he looks offended, now he gets angry.

People are not used to such animals. Almost all his acquaintances at first grin and call him a bald freak, however, upon getting to know him better, they get used to his unusual face and fall in love.

What else to say. He is a great alarm clock. Every morning he wakes me up with my mother’s alarm clock (and I don’t care that I have to get up later), even on weekends (and I don’t care, he doesn’t distinguish between the days of the week). If you don’t pay attention to him, he will definitely reach out, bite your fingers (especially if he brought a toy and you didn’t notice it), call you, poke your face in your face. And also, if you feel bad or something hurts, he will definitely apply it to the sore spot.

It’s impossible to describe everything, but it’s really interesting to work with him. Sometimes it seems to me that my mother, who is left alone in the summer (because dad goes to his fishing bay, and I no longer live with my parents), has a second child.

One of the disadvantages of the breed is its absolute lack of independence. This is not a street cat (yes, yes, our previous Siamese chased all the yard dogs and could live for a week alone in the country, eating mice and lizards, regularly bringing home hunting trophies in the form of birds and rats, and once brought a hare from the forest (the spruce was taken away)) . Our entire idea of ​​the street is admiring glances from the window. The need for communication, games and affection. You can’t expose him, you need to talk to him and spend time. His intolerance to cold.

The breed is considered hypoallergenic (which was a plus, since there are many allergy sufferers in the family and among friends), but my sister has watery eyes and a stuffy nose (from, by the way, the Cornish Rex too, but more on that another time).

In general, this is not an ordinary heat spreader; there is a lot of hassle with it, but if you need to keep a person busy or teach a child to be responsible, this is it.


I just came here to delete my review. The day before yesterday our pet passed away, but I looked at the comms - someone, looking at me, decided to get such a cat for themselves. So I'll limit myself to a warning. In my city there was only 1 male sire of this breed, he was both the father and grandfather of our Eraser. It’s better to check the pedigree of your kittens - you don’t need to have such family ties. Kidney cancer. Three months of incessant mother's hysteria. No one's heart can stand it here. Veterinarians loudly said that this is a genetic predisposition.


For a very long time I was looking for a breed of cat that does not scream, does not tear up furniture and wallpaper. He doesn't shit anywhere. FOUND!!!!! It's Devon Rex!!!! There are very few reviews on the Internet, if you are interested, ask questions, I will answer.

I bought my beauty from a nursery, the parents are 100% champions. The girl they turned out to be very beautiful is my cat.

Well, that’s a huge minus of this breed. She is already 7 months old, there hasn’t been a single day when her heart-rending screams haven’t driven me crazy... She constantly wants to eat, I feed her the richest premium food + I also give meat, etc., but no, she’s NOT ENOUGH!! !! He doesn’t let you eat in peace at the table, he steals everything, before you even have time to turn away, your meat is gone... I read that this breed is very quiet and barely screams. WOW quiet..... She doesn't walk around, no. Completely neutered. She communicates only with me, no one can pick her up anymore, she immediately runs away. He constantly sleeps in the kitchen and rarely comes to see us, the family. We specially drag them into the hall and force them to play. I ADDED after a while, she began to sleep with me in the bedroom, in the living room, if I was alone.

And now, of course, the advantages. CRAZY BLUE EYES, simply mesmerizing. She is very affectionate, constantly rubs herself, purrs like a tractor. She doesn’t scratch at all, although I have a 4-year-old child who doesn’t give her a pass, the cat only tolerates it and sometimes meows. He doesn't pick at anything, just his scratching post. The wool doesn't fly, just a little bit, it doesn't even bother me. In general, I never thought that there are cats that fall asleep while trimming their claws, this is a miracle of miracles. I’m sooo happy with the cat, it’s just her screaming and constant demand for food that drives me crazy.

DO NOT give your cats chicken that they say is okay to feed. Chicken is stuffed with antibiotics, and our children and animals eat it. The cat itches terribly from it, despite the fact that the breed does not complain about its health. I wrote a review of the food that I feed my girl, if anyone is interested, read, and here is also about the second mega-food, which I had to switch to because... for the increase in exchange rates even more satisfied!!!

I am updating my review six months later. My cat never stopped bawling. And this happens when she asks for food, wants to go to the toilet, wants to play, wants to sleep, wants to go for a walk, just wants to yell, just wants something, wants to piss me off, when she is looking for me, when she is looking for my child, in short ALWAYS. But I love her madly and cannot imagine my life without this bald man. I highly recommend it, an insanely smart creature with the habits of a monkey)))



Great cat friend


Did not find

My son really wanted a four-legged friend. The dog was abandoned immediately - there was no one to walk two or three times a day. We decided on a cat. It took a long time to choose a breed, and finally the choice was made - Devon Rex. The kitten was litter box trained and ate dry food, which immediately reduced adaptation problems. Now the “baby” is already four years old and we haven’t regretted the purchase for a minute. The only negative is that he moves more often on the upper surfaces of the apartment, but this does not bother us. The breed is very affectionate and playful. He plays more like dog games - brings a ball, candy wrappers. Our cat doesn’t like strangers and is afraid, but he is also very curious. It was never possible to predict what would win: fear or curiosity. The breed is prone to dental diseases, so you need to carefully monitor the oral cavity and give vitamins in a timely manner. Such cats and cats are considered less allergenic than their counterparts with long hair. This also influenced the choice of our pet. And during the entire time he lived with us, he never scratched anyone - good nature is a distinctive feature of the breed. The cat is more like a dog in habits, only the love of riding on the neck as a collar reminds us that we still have a cat. The appearance is quite exotic - reminiscent of an elf from fairy tales - large ears and huge blue (in ours) eyes.



Smart, smart, no coat problems, playful


Passion for food

I really love animals. For me, life without an animal is generally a very boring and useless activity to some extent. In this review I want to talk about such a wonderful breed of cats as the Devon Rex. The breed with which I fell in love completely and irrevocably, and which knows how to make every person who comes into your home fall in love with itself. I live with my parents, and last fall the question arose about buying a four-legged friend for our small friendly family. But the choice was not easy to make. My brother has asthma, and he himself is an active child. We needed an active cat, whose fur would not fly in clumps around the house and would be more or less non-allergenic (after all, as we know, there are no breeds that are absolutely non-allergenic). And the choice fell on the Devonian. Of course, the parents did not appreciate this breed of cat at first - thin, big-eared and big-eyed, with short curly hair - what kind of cat is this!? But I, having heard enough stories about their loyalty and intelligence, stood my ground. Our struggle lasted about a month, and I won. And, gathering her strength, she went to pick up her little elf, who was in another city about seven hours away by minibus. First meeting. As I remember now, it was cold, damp, and at the store where I agreed to meet the breeder who would give me the kitten, there was a man standing with a small bald tailed lump in his bosom. Everything happened quickly, I gave the money and now my little one and I were already heading home by train. What struck me most was the fact that the kitten, who saw me for the first time, calmly settled on my lap and instantly fell asleep, and I fell asleep with him. I woke up only in the morning, when we were already approaching the station. The kitten behaved like a DOG. He examined the train with curiosity, tried to jump off his knees and go for a walk around the area. First days at home. Jeremy was very shy and was a quiet, meek cat. Yes, even though he looked like a rat, still very clumsy and timid, everyone immediately fell in love with him. And after two weeks I was completely comfortable, and then the fun began. The true character of the Devon Rex was revealed. Playful, incredibly smart and cunning, nimble and charismatic. But then we encountered the first difficulties. Food. Yes, food, because he ate for four. And in between, I wandered around the tables, trash cans and stoves in search of another portion. Not only did not everything suit his delicate stomach, we simply could not leave anything on the kitchen table or on the stove - everything was eaten (from meat to chocolate). And this, it seems to me, is the only disadvantage of this breed. He knew the toilet perfectly and never walked past it. Jeremy himself is a very clean pussy. Now he is over a year old and does not mark AT ALL. He always slept with me. He brought me balls, played hide and seek and tag with all the family members. And what are his attempts to open the door worth... He was smart enough to cling to the door handle with his paws so that the door would open (and no one had ever taught him this!). But still, his irresistible passion for food and constant theft from the table did their job. And the cat was forced to move in with our friends, since his behavior was in no way compatible with our lifestyle and our small apartment, around which he rushed around with an incredible roar. Now I understand that he is better and calmer there, but I really miss him. I visit him often, Jeremy has matured and is covered with thick dense waves, and his coat has become even more velvety; With age, his nimble character calmed down slightly. This breed is perfect for active people who are ready to put up with the animal’s endless bouts of hunger, which, it seemed to me, are stronger than any other instincts. It seems to me that you can fight this too (close access to the kitchen). After all, even despite this drawback, this cat will become a full-fledged member of the family and will bring a lot of joy and love.



no fur, very affectionate


sometimes they like to talk they like to eat

Cats of this breed are cool! Smart and quick-witted, very affectionate and gentle. There is practically no wool from them in the house! As for allergies, allergies can be to saliva, wool, food and litter, do not believe when some breeders tell you that they do not cause allergies))



Unusual appearance, friendly, loves to play with children.


Has a whimsical appetite for food.

This miracle has been living in our family for two years now. Before this there were different breeds of cats, but this one is radically different. She is very similar in character to a dog, very playful, and cannot stand being alone. A favorite of the whole family and especially children. He plays with children like an animator, he loves interactive games, getting something, cutting it out, playing hide and seek. In general, I recommend it to everyone, especially those who have children. Of the minuses, I can only say that they are picky about their diet, you need to choose what suits them, they have a weak stomach.



playful, affectionate, very kind, beautiful


“a pain in the butt”, not a moment of peace,

Do you want to dramatically change your life? Don't have a minute of free time? Get a Devon Rex! We never had cats, only dogs. Therefore, I wanted a pet that would love you, sit in your arms, purr... yes, we were not mistaken in choosing a cat! Devon Rexes are very affectionate, loving people, and cannot imagine life without them. But... this is not a pillow cat! Get ready for the fact that now you will never have order, all things will be turned upside down. We adopted our kitten Alpha at 2 months old, which we regretted. It is better to pick up at 3-4 months, with all vaccinations! Unfortunately, our cat was still too small, not vaccinated, he immediately started having problems with stool, we spent a long time being treated by a veterinarian, and spent a lot of money. Don't repeat our mistakes! These cats have practically no fur, but our pet gets dirty quickly, we have to wash it every week, he doesn’t like it at all. We also clean his eyes and ears every day. That's all for care. Devons also often freeze; ours was constantly on the radiator in winter. So you need to monitor the temperature in the house. But our Alpha is very smart. I got used to the tray right away, there wasn’t a single mistake. Thank God it doesn't bite the wires. Wallpaper scratches when played. It climbs everywhere!!! Wherever he goes, it’s some kind of nightmare! He eats a lot. You can’t leave anything in the kitchen; it will find and chew everything. In general, the diet of cats of this breed needs to be controlled; kittens tend to overeat. Girls are very playful! Most of all our tomboy likes to run after a ball made of crumpled paper. You throw a ball - he grabs it with his teeth and carries it to you like a dog. He gets tired of mice. They say that Devon Rex cannot live without people. In fact, when I'm at home with the kitten all day, we get tired of each other. But when I come home from work, he immediately purrs and goes for a hug. So rest is needed, you can leave the cat alone quietly, he will most likely sleep or occupy himself. In the mornings, our cat always purrs gently, climbs in to hug, and sleeps only with us in our arms. Loves people very much! When guests come, he doesn’t hide anywhere, he sits in someone else’s arms. I’ve seen cats that don’t approach strangers at all, you can’t pick them up, they’re on their own. This is definitely not about the Devon breed! But they need attention, they will constantly fawn on you, demand to play with them, sit on your lap, on your shoulders, in your arms... So you definitely won’t get bored! He really is a cat-dog mixed with a monkey. Is it difficult with our cat? YES! Do we regret our choice? NO! We fell in love with our purr, and this love is mutual forever)))



Sweet, smart, friendly, affectionate, sociable.


Requires a lot of care and money.

My friend has had a cat of this breed for about three years. According to her passport, this cat’s name is Milena, but they call her Milasha. I don’t remember the correct name of the color, but she’s white. This breed is worth a lot. Maintenance also costs a lot. She is very cute, unusual fur, it is not long, it feels very nice to stroke her fur. They feed this cat with premium food, as it contains all the necessary vitamins. They give her vaccinations and go to exhibitions with her. They even took her with them to a photo shoot (I’ll insert a photo from the photo shoot) It’s a very interesting breed, I recommend it to everyone, but you don’t need to get one if you don’t have the money to care for her!


Oh, now the fans of this breed will throw rotten tomatoes at me. Cats have always lived in my house, cats, I love them. But I moved in with my fiance and his parents, in connection with their departure, gave us their Demon Rex for 2 weeks! I'll break it down into its pros and cons. Pros:

- toilet trained

- do not cause allergies

-if there is a child in the house, then this breed is an ideal companion

- not aggressive and quickly forget insults


- they quickly forget grievances. Yes! If you hit them a little on the butt or scolded them, then after 2 minutes they will do the same dirty trick again.

-You need to keep them on a diet. There are many cases when they can only be fed with specialized dry food, otherwise problems begin. Hence they have a constant desire to steal something from the table and eat, finally (!), other food, and not boring dry food.

- hyperactive. Megahyperactive.

Their activity killed me. When you come home tired from work, the cat starts climbing on the tables, on weekend mornings I woke up with everything flying from the shelves and stands, you can’t eat in peace, because the cat constantly climbs into the plate with his muzzle. All moralizing and attempts to drive away fail, although the cat is young, in 2 minutes he will again do what he wants. For 2 weeks, everything happened... falling from cabinets, falling into the toilet...

My joy knew no bounds when I gave it back. For me, ordinary breeds that eat, sleep, cuddle and occasionally play are better.

Pregnancy and childbirth. Kittens

Animals reach sexual maturity at 7-8 months. As the description of the breed and reviews of Devon Rex testify, cats usually produce no more than 3-4 kittens. Pregnancy among representatives of the breed lasts 65-66 days. Childbirth is usually easy and occurs without complications.

Babies acquire their characteristic appearance by the age of one month. Wool takes longer to form, up to a year, and sometimes more. Children's curls straighten starting from 2 months, while adult hair begins to grow from 6-7 months, and it is difficult to judge from kittens between these age periods what it will be like later. Typically, individuals that have a beautiful, thick coat at birth will look the same as an adult.

Features of feeding and diet

Devon Rex should be fed only with professional food - you should not buy economy-class food, this will harm the pet. Also, you shouldn’t think about eating “from the table”, since choosing a good diet is quite difficult.

If you still decide to prepare food for your pet yourself, then the diet must include: meat, lean fish, cereals, vegetables, dairy products (with a reduced percentage of fat).

You should remove from the diet: chocolate, fruits, milk, liver, spicy and spicy foods, legumes, potatoes, baked goods.

It is better to give meat and minced meat not boiled, but scalded, in pieces of 100-150 grams. Occasionally it is worth pampering your pet with lightly salted cheese or eggs.

Before creating a diet, you should consult with a veterinarian and, based on your pet’s health, create an individual menu or choose the most suitable food.


In general, Devon Rexes (breed description, owner reviews confirm this) are distinguished by good health, but there are some nuances. Thus, for Devon Rex kittens, incompatibility in blood type with their mother can be deadly. In this case, it is not the pregnancy period that poses the danger, but the feeding of kittens by a cat. In animals, maternal antibodies, unlike in humans, do not penetrate the placental barrier, but are found in abundance in colostrum. When a cat feeds colostrum to kittens that are incompatible with her by blood, the most susceptible ones may die. Some develop jaundice and urine becomes dark in color, while some individuals cope with this condition quite easily, only losing the tip of the tail at the age of 1-2 weeks, which falls off by itself. There may be no visible consequences of the conflict at all. The different susceptibility of kittens to antibodies contained in maternal colostrum still has no explanation.

Compatibility testing, which is common, for example, in the USA, is quite expensive, so to avoid doing it, many breeders simply practice artificial feeding of kittens in the first two days. After this time, the concentration of dangerous antibodies will decrease, and the mother will be able to feed her babies herself.

Progressive myopathy is also a hereditary disease. It is manifested by muscle weakness, cramps and spasms. More often it begins with the neck muscles and gradually spreads further. Its cause lies in a hereditary metabolic disorder in muscle tissue.

Today it is rare, because for it to manifest it is necessary that both parents be carriers of the corresponding genes. Breeders have learned to track individuals who have a genetic predisposition to myopathy and do not allow them to breed.

Another dangerous disease is hypertrophic cardiopathy, which is also inherited. Devon Rexes rank 7th on the list of breeds susceptible to this disease. It causes heart failure and can cause sudden death of the animal. It appears at any age, so it is necessary to keep the situation under control, especially if your pet had ancestors suffering from cardiopathy. Regular visits to the veterinarian, heart ultrasound and blood tests are required in this case.

The Devon Rex cat breed (photo can be seen above), like many others, is prone to hip dysplasia. Lameness, pain when moving, up to the inability to move, are its main symptoms. In addition, the structural features of the Devon Rex musculoskeletal system determined their predisposition to kneecap dislocation, which occurs in some lines. It usually appears in kittens older than four months and gets worse with age. As a result of the pain experienced, the animal begins to limp and avoids stepping on the affected limb. The gait takes on a jumping character. More often, females suffer from hereditary luxation of the patella.

Representatives of this breed often have insufficiently thick hair, so they are susceptible to colds. Owners should remember this and avoid creating drafts in the room, especially in winter.

Tips for choosing a kitten.

Buying a kitten secondhand means putting yourself at risk, especially if the price is too low. A good cattery should have 7-8 years of experience and a large database of kittens sold. Particular attention should be paid to the price: the lower it is, the less conscientious the breeder was towards his pupils. Often these Devon Rex kittens have diseases that appear at a later age, as well as a poor pedigree.

Next, you need to decide on the class of pet you need. If you want a pet, then a pet class is suitable. If for exhibitions, you need the most expensive show class. And if you want to start breeding this breed, then the choice will fall on the breeding class.

If you have your sights set on a show-class kitten, then you should know a few points in which the animal will not be able to receive a high rating or will be disqualified. Animals with too coarse fur, disproportionate ears and head, or a short tail may receive a low score. Disqualification also awaits pets with a crooked tail, bald spots, strabismus, polydactyly and too long hair.

It is worth noting that when purchasing a pet, no one will guarantee a successful exhibition career. The main thing you need is to pay attention to the condition of the animal, and also ask to see its parents.

Be sure to pay attention to the conditions in which the animals are kept. The area must be clean and tidy. Observe the kitten itself - its behavior can say a lot. Since Devon Rexes are quite active animals, the future pet should not be lethargic and bored. It should not have a painful appearance or external defects.

Once you have decided on a kitten, ask to see the breeder's veterinary passport. The animal must have all vaccinations according to age; it is not necessary to have a brand. If the cattery takes care of its kittens, they will already be litter box and scratching post trained by the time you take them home. The age of purchase of a kitten must be at least 3 months.


It is necessary to take very careful care of the unusual coat of the Devon Rex. Descriptions of the breed and its care often contain information about the mandatory regular washing of animals using shampoo. However, such advice can hardly be considered reasonable. Devons have a rather short and sparse coat, and their skin produces a sufficient amount of natural fatty lubricant. Therefore, in order to keep it neat, regular light stroking of the pet with your hand is enough. Many people use a rubber brush for this purpose. Washing is justified only when the fur is very greasy and dirty, and the animal looks untidy.

Daily care consists of wiping the eyes and ears, bare, hairless areas (if any), paws and subsequent stroking (scratching). It is better to carry out all hygiene procedures after breakfast.

What should representatives of the breed, Devon Rex cats, eat? What to feed them - ready-made food or home-cooked food? According to reviews from experienced breeders, kittens and adult animals, like people, have their own food preferences. This must be taken into account when planning your diet. You should buy only holistic-class food (Farmina N&D, Acana, Grandorf, etc.), or at least super-premium class (Royal Canin).

When choosing a feeding scheme using ready-made food, you must proceed from the daily intake indicated on the packaging for a certain age. For holistic foods it is usually less. You can combine canned cat food with dry food (3 times a week). Animals eating dry food should always have fresh water in their bowl.

When feeding naturally, most of the diet should be lean beef, previously frozen and then scalded with boiling water. In addition, your pets can be given boiled chicken or turkey breast, chicken hearts and navels (not liver!). Sea fish is allowed once a week. Dairy products cannot be combined with meat products; they must be given at different times.

If you decide to use both dry and natural food, then the time between feedings should be at least 3 hours, or better yet, a day. Reviews from experienced breeders indicate that it makes sense to organize separate “natural” days without mixing different types of food. This will help avoid digestive problems.

Kittens are usually fed three times a day, adult animals - twice. For neutered pets, you should buy special food.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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